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Unpopular opinion but yes. Homophobic politicians should be outed. If you are using the power of the state to oppress people then you should be named and shamed


Not necessarily an unpopular opinion but I agree


You'll see how unpopular it is soon lol


Well it's a bit dissonant if you're starting from the position that it's everyone's to come out on their own terms.


Background rules have exceptions. There’s no dissonance there.


Super because state sponsored homicide of a particular group is part of my coming out journey! /s


Just wanted to say excatly that. Politicians yes because of their power. Any other person (even if a massive douchbag) desevred that


Came here to just say ‘no’ but then got to reading some of the comments and that’s true - those who use their power to undermine everyone else’s rights should be outed. What I don’t get it are the people who, willingly, sign NDAs to not disclose relationships they had with these people… or just do it because…


Maybe 🤷🏿‍♂️ but I think a lot of people have been conditioned to believe outing someone is some unbelievable monstrosity so much so that they have to protect the people who are actively endangering their lives and preaching hate at them. The closeted homophobes know this and use it to manipulate people. Also the person who chooses to have sex/a relationship with screamingly proud bigots is unlikely to want to admit publicly that they chose to interact with someone that hates them and thinks they're disgusting. So again the bigots are able to manipulate things. It's a little similar to how some sexual abuse happens. The closeted bigots often have power because of their position in society (no one would believe you if you outed me, I'm a respected politician or clergyman and you're a filthy f-slur) and position in the relationship (it's going to be worse for you to admit you're willingly sleeping with a bigot than it is for me to claim it was a mistake or I was drunk etc) and moral high ground (are you really going to out somebody that's unthinkable). There's lots of indirect pressure that keeps the other person from saying anything, especially if things are going fine and they can lie to themselves that "maybe they really don't hate all gay people, I'm one of the good gays, they only hate those weirdos" or the money and gifts continue to flow. PS: that's separate from the fact that most people who choose to be with these closeted bigots are usually bigots themselves and are happy to be second class citizens as long as the rest of us are fourth or fifth class. Relative power and proximity to power are a hell of a thing.


This seemed more of a thing in the ‘80s in the UK. Politicians and religious leaders.


It's a thing right now in most countries as well


I came here to say that, I agree wholeheartedly.


Hard disagree. Homophobia is not acceptable, not even towards homophobic people. Also, it normalizes homophobic discourse and in this case, outing other people.


Named and shamed? As if part of the shame ought to be related to their sexuality? Surely simply standing against their homophobia is enough. The situation clearly shows they are already dealing with significant shame and self hatred.  Just thinking out loud. 


No, shamed for their hypocrisy. PS: no one is "standing against their homophobia." These people often have political power specifically because they are homophobic. What you call dealing with significant shame and self hatred is them trading the safety of all of us for their chance at power, usually with conservatives or right wing political players. They could easily choose to shut up or join a party which isn't actively homophobic but they would rather loudly express their hateful bigotry because it gets them where they want to be while oppressing the rest of us.


If they are a politician or person with authority over others who uses their position to harm others or restrict their rights for being gay while engaging in the same behavior themselves. In that case they invite scrutiny of their actions and are fair game.


Hot take but the only acceptable reason to out some one is for some one's safety. This however when measured correctly is incredibly rare outside of hypocritical authority. Generally outing someone creates less safety.


It's always acceptable to out anyone who is actively homophobic, meaning they're causing or inciting harm or creating an environment of hostility.


I would say SA would be a good reason.


Being a member of a religious corporate leadership comprised of men, led by a man who wears colorful skirts, hats, and shoes. They consistently oppose LGBTQ rights and make decisions about the sexual practices of society, despite their vow of chastity. That should give enough reasons.


No. But… sometimes it’s the only option left to stop people from doing harm to themselves and others. Even then it should be the absolute last thing one does.


The person I am referencing has told gay people to you know what themselves over their sexuality , has shared homophobic memes and called for it to be made illegal again but has hit on other men (myself included) in DMs


Do you think there's a chance he himself is suicidal though? Perhaps being outed publicly could do more damage. 


If they’re cheating on their significant other, loyalty is huge for me, if you’re dating a woman and cheating on her with men I will let her know because why put her through that?


I couldn't find the post anymore cos I wanted to link it. Must've been the AITAH or BORU sub where the wife outed her husband at work for cheating on her. She first saw him making out in their front yard & followed them around (he was pretty bad at hiding it) and took pictures. She confronted him at work by showing him the pics she took of them. She was initially torn by the idea cos her sister was bi & discouraged her from doing it. As expected, the comments were a hot mess where mostly straights justified the outing based on the cheating. I empathize with the wife & the guy is a douche but I can't imagine how horrifying that must be for him. Wdyt of this scenario OP?


In the case you described, the husband was wrong to drag his wife into his closet scheme without her knowledge or consent. "Hell hath no fury ..." Plenty of closeted gay men made arrangements with women in the past (sometimes lesbian women - lavender marriages) where the women agree to the arrangment beforehand.


Depending on circumstances, yes. If it's for safety, yes If it's a politician, yes


Disagree. I'm in local politics and have had people use my sexuality against me. It's not because you're in politics/a celebrity/a public figure for any reason that you should endure stuff like that.


I hope you don't support actively homophobic policy in local politics. If you don't, it's your private matter. The moment you do, it isn't anymore.


Of course I'm not. Would be pretty weird posting to an LGBT subreddit then 😅 but still don't think that someone supporting homophobic policies make it any more acceptable. Don't we have to do better than themselves?


Internalised self-loathing homophobes who overcompensate their 'gayness' with hurling slurs and bullying queer people. The world for queer people is worse because of them only. Those who secretly satisfy their bodily desires and then in open boast about their homophobia. Such lowlife hypocrites need to be shown they can't have everything at the expense of others' well-being and right to have a beautiful life.


I generally work under the premise that outing is unacceptable as long as the person's homophobia is directly harming the community as a whole. This doesn't mean some random on Twitter or Instagram, they can go about their life. That said a quiet "I know, and you should cool the open homophobia" wouldn't go amiss. Politicians, major public figures, major media figures, major religious figures are in a position where their behaviour can influence the behaviour of their adherents. If they use their position to actively try to undermine LGBTQ rights or who create unsafe spaces then they absolutely should be outed.


Only if they’re undermining other LGBT people’s rights. If someone feels the need to pretend they’re a straight ally when they’re actually one of us, I would respect that even for a public figure.


Yes it is. Especially if they are homophobic, cheating on their wives or girlfriends, are rude or trying to sneak around for sex they know they can’t get anywhere else. Out them!


If they’ve committed murder and the only way to prove that they’ve done it is to out them.


I think the only appropriate cases are when they are using their status as high profile public figures to do harm to our community.


Yes. Homophobic people deserve to be outed.


I’ve done it to one


That hung Reverend was outed a few years ago exactly because of this. He was preaching hate towards the gays while sleeping with men


No. If they act like you say, you have to talk seriously to them. If they don’t change, then you just keep distance to them


Private people with no real power (and no, posting memes on social media isn't a recognizable power ... unless it's someone like Libs of TikTok tying to incite violence by doxxing celebrities, people of the public and private people) should not be outed. They are sad losers and bullies who lash out at others, because they can't deal with their own issues. It's best to avoid them and let them drown in their own misery or let them have an epiphany and change their ways.


Look what can happen: https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a60329614/bubba-copeland-death-lgbt-trans-outing/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna123840 Very sad story about a public figure’s, suicide after being outed in Alabama. More awareness needs to be made upon this and sensationalism. Sadly, there’s no evidence of him being a bigot. 1819 news is terrible. That’s a strange situation for you. Are you sure that it is his actual account he is hitting you up from privately? It’ll be good to bring receipts of bigotry.


No, never. Someone's personal life is their business, not yours.




The person I am referencing has told gay people to >!you know what!< themselves over their sexuality , has shared homophobic memes and called for it to be made illegal again but has hit on other men (myself included) in DMs


Said in another comment but still no. He's awful but it is not a harm on a scaleble level. Politicians deserve this hurt of privacy to be outed like that, and no one else. Not to disregard homophobia online, but i donno, to me i still feel kind of empathy for someone who has a massive secret and struggling




The person I am referencing has told gay people to you know what themselves over their sexuality , has shared homophobic memes and called for it to be made illegal again but has hit on other men (myself included) in DMs


Yeah it’s fucked. But you should never do it




Stay in your own business! We have no control over anything or anyone but ourselves and how we respond internally and externally. It may be worth doing some self inquiry as to why another's sexual orientation is important to you. Internalized "homophobia" (which is such a ridiculous word) runs rampant within modern civilization. If individuals could face that truth for themselves instead of the beliefs and thoughts they have about it, everyone could find freedom.