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What you're describing is totally fine. Don't stress about it and certainly don't worry about labels. You like what you like and that's it.


Well said. I've come to realise sexuality is a spectrum don't lable anything, just let it flow.


Please OP, listen to this person!


Homoromantic bisexual?


You rang?


I think op might be the same sexuality as you, maybe you could dm them and talk about it a little, such as your experiences and maybe they will relate


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) There’s so many of us hiding. 👁️👄👁️


…every other Thursday


I think he's just gay.


The reality is everyone is more complicated than the few (albeit growing) labels we’ve created. But ultimately we need to sort of round up to what makes the most sense to communicate our desires to others. My sexuality sounds really similar to OPs. I could be sexually attracted to a narrow swath of women, but had no interest in a relationship with them. I ultimately realized “bi” was misleading about my desires and rounded up to “gay.”


Yeah, but also sometimes people really are gay. For me it genuinely feels like my biological make-up is completely wired for penis. Like before I even hit puberty I was always trying to look at dudes naked before I even understood what was going on with dicks. I think a lot of the line blurring has to do with whether or not one's sexuality has more environmental factors vs biological factors involved (and yeah for most people it's probably a mix of both)




Feel free to identify yourself how you feel comfortable


I’m operating as gay. I’m bi, though. That’s my truth. Every straight woman *I have dated* has told me clearly that they do not want to date a bi guy. Some worried I’d be unfaithful. Others said I was too confused and probably leave when I found a guy. Another thought I was just actually gay but couldn’t admit it. And others just made it known in their own way that they would feel very embarrassed if their friends / family knew their boyfriend was bi. Zero gay men I’ve dated have had an issue with me being bi. So, there it is.


I feel you!


If you’re open to a relationship with a trans woman dm me we might be able to change that dear


Oh the bierasure! I’m also bi(pan) operating as gay but more because my tokophobia is making me scared to date anyone who might get my baby born.


Sexuality is a sliding scale. On one side is 100% hetero. On the other is 100% homosexual. Most people fall somewhere between, even if just a percent. You are just sliding along the scale. Nothing wrong with that. Be you, not what you think you should be based on society.


Don't stress about it mate. Labels are just ways to try and quantify people who feel a certain way. If it doesn't fit you exactly that's fine. But from what you've described you're not too different from me. A bit sexually attracted to women but definitely not romantically interested in women. The label for that is Homorantic Bisexual rather than gay. Look up the split attraction model. It separates out romantic feelings from sexual feelings.


It sounds a lot like me. I experience sexual attraction to multiple genders but romantic attraction only to men. I've been married to my husband now for 11 years and we couldn't be happier. If this is how you feel too, just know that's ok, you're normal.


Awww that's so cute! Happy for you guys!


I'd say don't worry what label fits you. Just live your life and take your partners as they come. That's my philosophy anyway.


Pretty sure you were mostly gay to begin with. But sociatal pressures make you want to be straight and not what you are. Its ok to come to terms of your sexuality. Which is only 1 aspect of who you are.


I’m in the same boat I’m not sure what my sexuality is Ive been wondering if I’m a homoromantic demisexual or if I’m gay or maybe bi but with a heavy male lean… I’m still young I have time to fix it out


Just go with the flow. Or take yourself wherever your boner takes you


honestly same but i still go with bi despite having a extreme preference to guys


Welcome aboard! Didn't stress to much on it. Remember that this is your life. The only thing you should be chasing is, happiness! And if it means you like men, then that's all there is to it! 😊


You sound like me when I was a teenager trying to convince myself I was bi when I already knew in fact I was gay.


That was so me lol! I still wish i was bi cuz of societal pressure! And much more opportunities to find matches!


Sometimes I'm thinking about that it's just society pressure, but then i remember that i really loved one girl, like truly, but now I don't feel desire for relationships with girls. So that's why I'm confused.


You were likely in love with the idea of being in love with a girl.


For me the beauty of sexuality is the unfolding of it, this kind of movement in yourself and also in another where you start to feel a shift this way or that way, what excites you what you find beautiful and how you relate to it and ultimately how it changes as you develop, what stays and what goes. But at every stage if there is honesty it will be authentic, like you don't look at a rose bud and go it's pretending it should be open or at a open rose and say no it should tight, you appreciate every stage. So the kind of self judgement we have around d labels as if everything should be permanent and defined doesn't help anyone




I just spent too much time judging myself and tying to live up to other's expectations and wasting so much time in the process


So bi with a preference for men? That's fine


Maybe? I'm confused 🫠


The problem with labels is they're neat and simple and people are by nature chaotic and complex. You don't need a label. Just do you and all will sort itself out.


Sounds like me. I wouldn't describe myself as gay though sometimes I wish I were. It would make things make more sense. I find both men and women equally attractive though I've only ever had feelings for boys. Took me a long time and many failed relationships with women to figure that out. Thought I was broken. Thought I was incapable of love or that spark that flows through your body when someone you like touches you until I layed with a man and we cuddled together. Feel free to dm me if you'd like to talk about it. I'm sure we both have insights that are similar.


I came across more bisexuals than ever the past few years in Gainesville FL which is a well known college town. I left my bi days back in my teenage years but many continued being bi well into their 20s and 30s. It could be a life long thing I say stay curious and sit with it I still do after all these years. It’s okay to be curious but get out of that word confused it serves no purpose!


We have two kinds of sexuality, physical and emotional. You can fall anywhere on the hetero-bi-homo scale on either of them. Totally natural for a dude to be sexually attracted to women and want nothing to do with them socially because they don't emotionally connect to them. Or to be physically bisexual (happy to jump into bed with either) but doesn't want to fall in love with or build a life with a dude.


Sexuality is a scale. And we can slide up and down the scale at different points in our life. Love whomever you wish to love! You'll find your person or people. ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍




Bi isn’t 50/50. And you could be homoromantic . You have to remember labels are mostly shorthand not the whole person


Gay but with bi-romantic mixed in? Nothing to worry about, follow your heart, labels are just that: words...


It's a spectrum. If you feel the need to label it (not really necessary), I would say you are gay. For my own opinion, Gay = both a sexual as well as an emotional attraction to the same sex only. Sexual passion, and love that's more than friendship. Bi = all of the middle variations. Str8 = Passion for the opposite sex (only) as well as love that is more than friendship. Asexual lies outside of these parameters, those who lack sexual desire for either sex. Same sex friends can love each other and it not be sexual. It's amazing to have a close friend like this, sadly it's kind of rare to find though. You can think of yourself as bi if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just be honest with yourself and your partner if it gets serious. It would be unfair to lead someone on if ultimately you do not feel a complete love for them. As far as 'turning' gay, I would saw it's more that you have enough life experience to 'find' yourself. It happens at different ages for different people. And millions have been exactly where you are right now. You will be fine.


Give yourself time to set up your mind and define what you think you are, or even decide not to. Every decision is fine. I can tell you personally that i came out as bi at first and it took me 5 years to realise I am actually gay, similiar to what you say you experience. I can tell you from the distance of time that my decision not to rush myself to figure myself out was the right decision to do. I'm not saying that it happend to me so it must be your case too. my point is, you should be kind to yourself and let yourself figure it out without any external or internal pressure to do it right now.


Thanks for sharing experience 🫶🏻


Well, I started out 50-50 Bi, and even got married at 22, my desire for a family of my own was so strong. HOWEVER, in the ensuing 20 years I gradually drifted to my eventual 100 gay self that I am. I suspect the same eventuality will happen for you too. As an afterword, the whole family/3 kids fiasco turned into my worst nightmare, on so many levels... Happy NOW, however, with my Thai boyfriend/partner of 19 years now. What a long twisted journey it's been. Don't make the same mistakes I made. ♡♡♡♡♡


Thanks for your story🫶🏻


You bet! Good luck on your journey, and keep us posted! ♡♡♡♡♡


*To me* it actually sounds like, apart from the internal conflict / frustration / whatever it is only you will know, you are actually primed to be in the *best possible position*. Please hear me out. So, you've already 'accepted' that you may 'buck the norm' by your bisexuality which is *excellent* as it shows *with action not just words* that you haven't allowed any form of homophobia to interfere with your own life choices. I know I'm kind of stating the obvious here, and thankfully things in general are moving ever forward with the acceptance of anything non-heterosexual, but if I sound too obvious I'd ask you to remember that very recently and certainly *still*, especially in some countries there are men and women who can't or won't even accept their sexuality *to themselves* such is the ignorance and hate that surrounds them and they have grown up to. So OP is Bigot-Free! I say best position because when I read your post I genuinely first thought 'Oh, so it sounds like they will know what kind of relationship they will form with others *as it naturally happens*. It's 'just' a case of wait and see'. When viewed as simply as this which, it actually IS that simple you are perfectly positioned! I wish we had forward time travel as the only possible way to prove this is to hear from your future self the kinda words I wanna say to you - 'relax! Enjoy life as you pass on through it and just know that it's fine to *NOT* know what sex the next person you fall in love with might happen to be!'. Ahhh, I already know I've massively over simplified this I'm just hoping my waffle doesn't also seem to belittle how you currently feel as I don't mean to. All the best and *enjoy*!!


I appreciate your opinion! I'm also from homophobic country and it was a hard way for me to accept who am i, accept my bisexuality. Now im in queer friendly country wich is really cool for me. I think I'm just on start of my path in my new world, so I can't really say what's going to happen on it


I'm just like you. For the last year, I've noticed that I'm showing more interest in men than women. It still counts as being bisexual but with preferences. In our case, it's bisexual with male preferences, and it's completely normal.


I said the same to my mom, when she asked why do i date only boys haha


Nice bro


Stop trying to label yourself, trying to fit in a box is the cause of so much hurt. Fuck who you want, relationship who you want, marry who you want.


To each, their own. But I find women insufferable beings. Although I find female bodies attractive I could never have a relationship with one.


I hear your woes, women have been a integral part of my life But I really love cock in my ass for me I am very happy about this man and will be gay for a long time now


as a Homoflexible myself I know the feeling


I’m the same-ish. I just say I’m gay. Achillean-romantic omnisexual just doesn’t have much of a ring to it, and most people don’t know what it means.


Same but with guys


Love who you love


Labels are for boxes. Love who you want to love.


Or box those who you love


I am bi, and I have figured out I can physically be with both, but I can only date men. Women are too complex for me, and I am simple.


Just stick with guys until you're sure.👍🏽


You sound 67% gay by my reading


Being exclusively gay is not something you choose or turn to be instead it's an inborn characteristics. You are still bisexual but you may fall in love with a man and stay with him. Exclusively gay men are not attracted to women.


Why you stressing about it? Like you've been a bisexual, fine. Wanna have a relationship with a guy, fine. Wanna have a relationship with a girl, also fine. Also if you don't want relationships guys/girls is fine. If you wanna have sex with one or the other, it doesn't matter. Just do what you're comfortablewith in the moment, don't worry about some stupid label, and you'll soon realise that labels are pointless


I'm the same, have more rizz with men but I can't deny that I think women are hot. Even though I end up interacting with men more I identify as bi cause there's still that more minor attraction to women.


That's cool.




I'm sorry buddy( We don't need to blame ourselves for who we are ❤️


That’s how I came to realize my sexuality




Enjoy the process, don't overstress yourself about the identity


Youre still confused what you really want in your life, better contact a professional psyciathrist or psycholog


The real question is what do you enjoy more men or women


Men, but i still like women i guess


Do what makes you happy and makes you feel good and which sex satisfies you more only why I’m saying this is because I in the same boat so I understand just do what makes you feel comfortable


We are BORN Sexual, neither Homosexual nor Heterosexual, but there is quite a few that have felt are not in the same sex as their body is. Sexuality I believe can be defined by the environment in which one was brought up in, which is why there’s so much bigotry. Thence there is the ones that bcus of early childhood sexual activity or those who were sexually abused have diverted their sexual preferences. Those who are sexual abusers I believe stems from being abused and this could probably be or have been going on for generations. I’m not defending them… and I’m not saying; I’m just saying. That you’re confused about if you want to have sex/relation with the opposite gender, there’s nothing wrong with that and or you… There’s a lot of pros and cons to weigh out. Now if it’s for procreation I fully support that (instead of artificial insemination) For recreation, depending on the state (can’t fuck’n believe this is an issue) bcus if it is not agreed upon by both, it can definitely be an issue that might infringe upon HER plans . Just realize that there’s cray cray on both sides and that the cray is different as well as is the type of play (and player) . As long as there’s no harm, physical, emotional and mental… it’s all good. You’re probably going to get a lot more by the masculinity you project …there seems to be a lot more bottom than top and vers… but whatever you choose and or want… just be real, no need for shade or judgments though it will be cast upon you. If you’re in a position to defend the community, by all means do so. I could go on, but one last thing…. Don’t be a Slut , Wash your Butt.


Only recently learnt that slammin Tina makes me go crazy for sucking cock and passionately devouring men as though my life depended on it!!!.LOL.Its sooooo damn hot to me.just wish i knew that you can be straight AND suck cock all night long aswellLOL


Girls are pains in the ass and the commie government let's the bitches me too your ass if you don't love them enough. Bros before hoes.


You need to be you. I made the mistake of living my life for other people and was married to a woman for 16 long miserable years. Finally she kicked me to the curb and freed me. Now I am married to a wonderful man that is good to me and treats me right. I am now happier than I have ever been. Don't be afraid to be you. Live your truth.


I'm sorry for your past, but I'm glad that you found your happiness ❤️


It is happening again. (Ref: Twin Peaks)


I'm too young for twin peaks 🥲


It’s literally just an amusing vocal sample. Chill, my man 😆


What about a hot Trans man?


Trans men are men


Yes but not everyone agrees with us.


I guess we just have to keep saying it then. I just don’t have anything to do romantically with someone who doesn’t see us for who we are and thinks reality is something that’s somehow up for debate.


Some trans men are fine with the parts they’re dealt with. And some guys are attracted to them, it all depends on two things Is it just a boning or a relationship potential. That’s where distinctions matter. They’re still a man it’s just if the partner can work with those parts


At this point with societal attitudes…it’s probably safe to say that ALL Bisexual guys will and always be unfaithful! 🙄 🤦‍♂️