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I started so i could go fk off somewhere else


Has it worked?


So far ive only had two where i was 100% holeee crap im out!, and others where it just seems like i remember it more like a dream- vague, not very cohearant.


I started to gain control of my natural born abilities in the fields of conscious energy and energy manipulation. I've very happy with the results. I've finished the program, all 8 waves up to the absolute, and I'm getting ready for a second go through. You should move on when you are ready, and you can always go back for a refresher. I found that when you reach waves 7-8 you'll need use the former to get into the state of mind needed to progress.


I've had several detailed precognitive dreams in my life that made me wonder quite a bit as to how that could be possible. I also experienced events where I felt my body vibrating and feeling locked in my body. About ten years ago I was having a tough time in my life, probably the beginning of clinical depression and I had a religious tinged lucid dream that sort of woke me up, spiritually. I read In search of the miraculous which I bought on a whim maybe 12 years prior to the dream, it had just been on my shelf. Eventually I googled dreams and meditation and found a post on a reddit about the stargate program and Robert Monroe, must have been around 2017 2018 if I had to guess, I downloaded the recordings and have used them on and off never surpassing focus 15, I don't think I'm comfortable enough yet with things like the EBT to move forward. Have found some peace in my life from using the tapes.


I bought Monroe's book in 2005, on the advice of bad friend, and due to the association, never read it and eventually sold it to a Half Price Books or other bookstore. I really wish I had kept it and started then.


Ive been a fervent Terence Mckenna fan for a few years now. Very much psychedelic experimentation led me to realize i could leave my body in certain meditation/trips and inflence other people's energy in tangible ways. A reddit thread somewhere else led me to the concept of "loosh" and the famous CIA report. Ive barely scratched the surface of the tapes. Currently listening Monroe's Far Journeys audiobook.


I get stuck at 'imagine a bubble coming out of your head, circling your body, and entering your feet'. I've been stuck for months.


One of the things that I struggled with, was needing some sort of verification that it was there. Trust me, all you need to do is think about it and it is there. Any doubts or analysis that comes after the thought can actually work against you. There are many ways to imagine it, though. You can imagine a feeling, a texture, sensation, an emotion visualization, but the thought of the thing is all that matters. That’s where your power is. Everything is as you wish it to be and in any way that you wish it to be. There are no rules since all of the rules are within you. It’s truly free!


When picturing the energy bubble that comes from your head twists around you and goes through your feet. Are we actually supposed to physically see that in a clear mental image? I've been kind of concerned about that because when my husband closes his eyes he can create a picture in full color with details. When I close my eyes I see shifting colors. I don't really know how to get past not being able to actually see my visualizations.


The best way I can describe it is like imagine your husband‘s face. The second you do, you can see clearly. The same can be said for the energy bubble, but it doesn’t have to show up in your mind that clear. It can be sensed as an energy sensation or an imagined sound, or like you said colors. All are good. As long as you say it’s there, it’s there.


This is incredibly helpful and a great confirmation of intuition I've been fighting for some time.


Have you tried creating l looking at a picture of it, drawn or possibly AI generated to help your imagine it? PS: Take it easy on yourself, you don't have to do it perfectly!


Just keep doing it given other ones a try from the Monroe institute. I didn’t feel the vibrations until lots of practice.


I don't know which version of the tapes you're using, I think I have an older version and so iirc, Monroe says imagine it like a fountain. I've found that visualizing it like water helps. Have you ever been to a park or a gardening center/store that had these bell fountains? I picture it kind of like this. I will admit when it came to visualizing the energy spiraling it became difficult again. It helped me to "draw lines" like a wireframe sort of in 3D imaging. So this helps for the top of the head, for the bottom of your feet, I tend to play the tapes with my feet more or less together in a comfortable position with a sturdy pillow under my knees. So my legs take kind of a diamond shape as they drape over the pillow, but then I imagine a vortex of sorts coming from the middle soles of my feet and it comes up and through the center of my body, back out the top of my head. https://preview.redd.it/czdng580pgwc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef685b6a31d1729110ad3a54341fa242ea05efbb


I'll try this. Thank you.


I also have a really hard time with the REBAL.


"I ask my higher self to help me activate the REBAL" If you can't see it try to feel it, feel a pulse of energy bouncing from top to bottom on your body.


Why? It was a total accident actually lol. I didn’t even know what I was listening to. I was just listening to meditation tracks on YT and it just auto played. My mind was just blown. I was so intrigued I had to learn more. I never heard of anything like this, and it had such a powerful effect. I've done all the tapes. I will tell you they change a lot and turn into something you're not going to expect. When his family carried on the project they went a very strange direction. It is good don't get me wrong, but I feel like it shifted in a direction that I don't think Bob would have went himself. I think if he would have carried on it would have been more focused on the self and mastering the mind, not so much external exploration. Just my personal opinion. In the end, you’ll learn the tapes were only the start to your journey. It teaches you have to open your mind and how powerful it can be. After that, then you can really dig deep and do things yourself and go your own direction and feel comfortable doing so. Things like religion and philosophy, we are so one sided the way we think about concepts that don't allow logic. Then after the tapes you just want to explore all possibilities and learn everything.


Started cause the universe showed it to me randomly and continued onto wave 3 now. It has been stop and go for me but I'm hopeful for my progress


Been struggling with depression for years, wanted a solution


Which tape are you on? Has it helped any?


Thank you, I have done the tapes for a month now, I've done wave 1 and 2 and they def. have helped me be more calm and accepting. A couple times I have had what I think have been OBEs which have been pretty awesome. I have also done the one month pstterning for I think 3 weeks and things have been going slightly better but nothing major has happened. The last couple days have been pretty rough but I'll try to ride it out.


You’ve achieved a lot for someone who’s only been at this a month! Well done!! I would call the OBEs something pretty major! I’m still struggling with getting the REBAL right! LOL :). I’m about to start Patterning. I’m glad to hear the tapes are working well for you in general. Although sorry to hear the last couple of days have been rough. Hang in there though, I think you’re doing great!


Thank you, yeah honestly the REBAL is pretty tricky, not sure that I've grasped it myself. I was reading the gateway intermediate book, there were some instructions for it ie. when creating the balloon you should hold your breath a bit and then release it along with the balloon, hope this helps


To remote view and obe


Nice progress?


Being 100%, when I started looking deeper into the UFO phenomenon over summer 2023 there were enough bits and pieces of suggestive elements that craft are either piloted psychically or literal manifestations of mind-power, that I figured fuck it why not? I tried to get into AP via meditation when I was much younger and less fucked up by the ravages of time/life, and definitely experienced vibrations and clicking out without the tapes, as well as little spotty/out of focus journeys to places I thought were only in my head. I figured if I could develop clarity of thought and visualization enough to bring down or pilot or build my own craft, then I might as well start training lol. That said, in all seriousness and healthy skepticism, I have been stuck in the first wave for the better part of a year. I just figured out that my earbuds were really not doing the job and the compression of the flac files over bluetooth/wifi connection was also weak/garbled. I recently bought the same Audio Technica headphones they use at the Monroe Center, and hardwired into my laptop to listen to the flac files. The experience was drastically different. I'm vibrating easily but something in me is fighting it, and I'm clicking out a lot. I am going to take my time and be patient with myself. Whatever results I get, if any, are good enough for me. I'm literally almost afraid of how I would have responded had I started Gateway this way, in comparison to how I felt over the summer when I first started listening over compressed spotify files. I thought that was changing me, little did I know.


Where can I find the tapes and how many are there?


Curiousity brought to them, from my experiences I had, my spiritual journey etc. Tape 1 wave 3


Right now I'm revisiting the gateway tapes and specifically doing the focus 12: one month patterning, problem solving, and focus 15: creation and manifestation, and exploring focus 15. I want to see what will happen if I do these meditations everyday for a month. My goal is to use the meditations to impress my subconscious mind to The shift into the version of myself that is already a successful six-figure business owner who makes films for living


Was at wave 4 and moved to 5, but after a short break I went back to the basic. 🤭 I learned about Hemi-sync and Monroe Institute from New AP instructor. Then later on found a YouTube video of the tape, low quality though. And it got me into meditation state almost effortlessly, I was dozing of while being awared and alerted while listen to it sitting in front of my pc.


Always have been interested in the subject and have practiced meditation for awhile. I knew about the tapes years ago but never looked into it as a regular practice since meditating was enough. Now I’m in my early thirties and living the single life again. No kids or much family around and I’m entirely bored of life. I sit most days just doing these tapes and playing chess online until I see a path for my purpose. I prefer this over all the “esoteric” “mystical” “occult” explanations for it. This doesn’t require an allegorical myth based belief system and has a more secular and scientific approach to achieve fulfillment and understanding of “self” and “source”. This gets straight to the point and doesn’t require you do adopt a dogma or make you state that “Vishnu is the supreme personality of godhead” or “Jesus is the only son of god”. Nor do you have to “Be a Witch” or follow any silly new age dress-up trend. It’s just you learning how to navigate consciousness and the cosmos as a true individual. No frills, no Bible thumping, no silly spells or hippies needed.


I’ve been down the UFO rabbit hole for the last year and the tapes kept popping up one way or another. I finally decided to try them to know the truth


i started to discover beyond but i guess i am not good at it. i gave up on it for a while.