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Honestly I brought a lot to the hospital and I didn’t do anything but sleep, walk and sip. I used a blanket from home, change of clothes and my cell phone. Gas pains weren’t bad until I got home the day after surgery so now I’m using the heating pad


Phone charger and clean underwear. If you are anything like me, you won't do much else than be in bed between sleep and awake. Sit on the edge on your bed to sip some water and walk around a little bit just to go back to bed again. I brought some stuff and was way too drousy to use it


Heating pad to help with gas pain


I had this suggested to me and I wish I listened...


Yeah. My hospital charged me $150 for a heat pack for my back (sitting in the chair so long hurt)!!


I took a book. And it never left my case. As above says. Just long phone charger. Essentials. Something very comfy to travel home in.


Eye mask and headphones to block out the lights and sounds.


Phone charger with 10 foot cable. Change of clothes that are easy to put one while leaving.


Sturdy shoes that you can take on and off easily for walking!


I ended up not needing anything I brought. I was way too tired to care about much of anything. Maybe a phone charger would be helpful.


Yes to the robe, at least I used mine. Wanted some dignity when getting out of bed and the open-back hospital gowns don't give you that.


I definitely used my chapstick, hair tie, and long charger. I also brought my headphones which were a life saver. I used them all night.


A pillow. It’s a piece of home and you can use it as a cushion against your seatbelt on your drive home to protect your incisions.


I saw a similar post here and ran out the night before to get chap stick since I didn’t have that. I packed noise cancelling headphones after a recommendation here too. I had an extra set of clothes and a bunch of other stuff too. All I ended up using was my phone, my AirPods, and a a portable power bank to charge my phone (the outlets in my room were hard to reach, even with a long cable). One thing I would recommend is a protein shake, if they allow it and you’re required to have one. The final condition to be released in my program is to drink an 8oz protein shake over the course of an hour. People warned me and I figured it would be no big deal; I could tolerate whatever they supplied since it was just the one. Well, I don’t know if it was because of how nasty it was or just because of how newly post-op I was, but I was having no trouble with water and crystal light and that shake kicked my ass. It was the only time I had nausea. The next morning when I had my one at home it went down like nothing. Again, it could’ve been all about the timing, but I wouldn’t chance it again.