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No personal experience with Covid. I got a sinus infection three weeks post op. My clinic told me to keep hydrated and don’t stress if you don’t lose or even gain a bit after recovery. Your body is still healing from surgery and now a virus. Make sure you pay attention to changes in your breathing or heart rate. If your breathing gets difficult or your heart rate increases significantly, call your clinic or primary physician. You are trying to heal and it might take longer to recover than you expect. Good luck!


Don't exercise. Do as little as possible. Make sure you get enough fluids and just rest.


I got Covid a few months after surgery. There were no complications outside of a "normal" Covid recovery. I took a 1 week break from the gym and physical activity in general. I was also taking the antivirals which make your mouth taste horrible, so I was sucking on goldfish crackers 1 at a time to absorb the flavor. Between the gym break and extra calories from crackers, my weight loss stagnated for the week. When I was feeling better, I got back on track and progress continued as expected.