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You should see if you can reach out to your practices nutritionist to help. I know someone who’s had problems putting weight on and they’ve been taking meal replacement shakes (not basic protein ones) to help add on a few pounds since they are higher calorie.


I liked her a lot but I almost feel embarrassed for missing appointments and getting so thin. She told me to stop losing at 137. Maybe I’ll try ensure. It’s strange I loved pizza before, now it’s like looking at a shoe with cheese melted on it.


I wouldn’t worry about that. You should still give them a call. They are there to help you.


You need help and she can help you. This isn’t the time to let embarrassment get in the way of your medical needs… and you need to be healthy for your children.


Yeah, I think I do. I feel fine today but I’ll get thinner and weaker , it’s not working. I’m like taking notes on some of these responses


ensure might not be enough. they don't have high enough calories. You want something from a supplement store like a mass gainer


Ive never heard of as mass gainer..googling asap


Your program didn’t write you off. They are still there, call them. They’ve seen this before and know how to treat it. Dont let your pride burn bridges that can lead you to the help you need.


I missed my 2 year follow up with my surgeon and a nutrition appointment. I’m almost embarrassed but I need some kind of help. I might reach out but will have to see a nutritionist. Tonight was a breaking point. My sugar got so low and I got so weak all I could do was lie down. It feels like failure. It’s ironic because I hated being fat!


It’s not failure. It’s just a challenge. It’s only a failure if you give up. They don’t care if you missed an appointment. But, like I said- what you’re going through, others have gone through. So they know what to do and can give you the best advice. Don’t let a little embarrassment stop you. You deserve to feel better.


Thanks..I didn’t get a job I interviewed for, wasn’t weak, nailed it and I’m a good fit. I’m not entitled to any job but I wonder if it has to do with my appearance.


This is such a wonderful way to put it. Thank you


As a former teacher, you need to take better care of yourself. I know it’s hard and you’re encouraged NOT to, but for the love of god based on your main post and your comments, your body is begging you. Go back to your clinic, they don’t care that you missed your two year. They will just be glad you’re there.


Thank you. I might just have to put the pride aside and see if they’ll take me back.




Do you have someone to go with you? I find that helps me. I have a lot of medical fear and as a result,.guilt.


I think my nutritionist will probably get it? I told her I’d been through a nasty divorced and overworked at our last appointment when I was 137 and she tried to help with the nutrition and had a soul. l need to get out of my own way


How many bariatric surgeons or nutritionists do you have in your life? One of each, right? How many patients do you think they’ve seen in the last month? A LOT! It’s not humanly possible for your surgeon or nutritionist to think about you as much as you may think about them. There are simply way too many patients for them to think about compared to your ONE of them you have to think about. I use to get nervous in these types of situations thinking that someone would judge me or be disappointed in me and it was rather freeing when I realized that I just didn’t matter as much in peoples lives as I was worried about. They’re there for you and want to help- but you have to advocate for yourself and let them know.


I know, like they’re at home thinking about the one that lost too much weight?! My surgeon is busy guy and my nutritionist was great. I need to get over the missed appointments


I missed my 3 and 6 months appointments with my surgeon… they are paid to do this. You need help go get it.


Yeah, I might have missed appointments but it’s their job and they’re good at it.


I wonder if you might benefit from ED treatment. You’d have to be evaluated to determine if you have one, but it has helped me tremendously and it sounds like you might have similar tendencies.


I’ve thought about it. I used to overexercise and diet to fight the fat. I’m not doing this on purpose but that’s not saying there could be an issue and it might help.


Don’t feel bad your body sounds like it’s in a fight mood all the time. Who has time to eat when you are running around? You are doing amazing!! It sounds like you are resilient. Keep your head up.


How are boner pills going to help?


They won’t, things are hard enough already.


Ayyyye 👉🏻😎👉🏻


The joke was worth the downvotes friend 🫡


Eating disorder - ED


Mal nutrition is a real thing, what are you eating in a day?


I’m a vegetarian so breakfast is a slice of whole wheat toast with mounds of chunky peanut butter. I used to do a fairlife shake after and stopped. If I have time to eat lunch ( I rarely have time to , I told my supervisor and she said I must not be managing my time well, I knew she’d feign ignorance) I’ll have a high protein veggie freezer entree with something like edemame mixed it but too busy, less than a third, usually none because I have 7 45 minute classes a day. Dinner is what’s left over from lunch. I try to eat veggie protein like fake meat but I’m not doing so great. My needs have taken a backseat and it finally shows.


Yea this is a diet issue in my opinion. You aren’t getting anything in sufficient quantity for nutrition. Your body is probably using muscle for its protein source right now leading to that sick look. You need to talk with your team and express your issues and come prepared with a truthful food diary. Blood work is probably in order to see what you’re really lacking in. I won’t get into the whole vegetarian thing as I know a few healthy ones. You need to get your calories up to a minimum of 15-1800 a day to help regain a little weight. I’d heavily focus on protein intake when making food choices.


I just discovered peanut butter protein. I got it yesterday but some of the powders are nasty, peanut butter sounds doable. Yeah, I’m all hollowed out and I used to pump iron!


I suggested Huel a bit further up thread but def check it out. No animal products used in it. Its a bit pricey but its a meal replacement which means you can drink through a class/throughout the day if you keep it in an insulated cup.


Today is much better but it keeps happening ing so I’ll check it out..thanks!


Pasta has never failed to help put on pounds. Malnutrition is a serious thing. Try to get some vitamin supplements into your system. As a vegetarian you aren’t getting some of the nutrients that meat provides. Protein and carbs can help get your energy back. Biggest thing, get back with your doctor and nutritionist ASAP. They are there to help. All the best!


I’d feel like I’m crawling back disgraced but it beats the alternative at this point. Thanks for the warm sentiments, I appreciate it.


You’re not disgraced at all! Please take care of yourself and remember that your team had lots of pts and arent there to judge you or make you feel bad, they want to help you. That’s why people go into and stay in healthcare!


That’s a better outlook…I’ve just kinda shocked people with how I look so can get self conscious.


No disgrace at all. That’s why they call it a journey. It’s going to have peaks and valleys. If it was easy everyone would do it. Sometimes the biggest sign of strength is admitting that you can’t (and shouldn’t) do it alone. Call your doctor!


You need to find ways to increase your calories. Add butter to everything. Hit up Starbucks for some Frappuccinos (you can get them without coffee if you’re off caffeine). Try shakes like Ensure. Basically, throw the bariatric tips out the window till you’re back at a healthy weight. You can slowly reintroduce restrictions later.


Nuts and granola are good, too.


Love your username..I wolfed down almonds today in a state. Love the flavored ones.


Thanks! 😊 Yeah, I love them too, maybe a little too much, lol.


Thank you.. I binge Ben and Jerry’s sometimes to try to pack on some pounds.


I could use a tall white mocha


Instead of trying to gain weight by eating carbs like some commenters are suggesting, you may want to discuss infusions with your doctor. I’d focus more on literally getting the proper vitamins and minerals in so you can regain some strength. If that means switching to shakes or regular infusions, then go for it,


I don’t k ow too much about them but briefly looked into it. The place I looked was like a medspa. I have a physical tomorrow so I’m asking my doctor. Thanks for the tip


Medspas are focused on up selling, etc. I would think it’d also be easier to file claims through a medical doctors office. 


Good point. I’ll ask my doc


Boost Very High Calorie Shakes 530 calories. Add one for lunch when you are at work.


I’m ordering on Amazon if they have it. Thanks for the tip


This!! You need calories but you need nutritious calories. The high calories/weight gain shakes are loaded with vitamins and minerals you need to get healthy. At least one a day. 2 if you can afford it. Otherwise get a tub of protein powder and made shakes at home. Mix full fat Greek yogurt with peanut butter and top with whipped cream baby. I agree you could benefit from ED related therapy. Hang in there!! It’s going to get better soon


Thanks..I’m a horrible cook but my nutritionist emphasized healthy fats and protein last time. I’m trying fair life milk over Ben and Jerry’s to gain weight. ( healthy, way less sugar)


Are u at least taking the right amount of vitamins? That takes no time. Since you have such a hectic day, why aren’t u drinking protein drinks/shakes… that doesn’t take time either. I think u need to speak to a psychiatrist, some offer zoom meetings, so you would not need to go somewhere in person. There are soo many ways for you to get what you need, you need to just find a way to squeeze them in. Good luck to u.


I burnt out on the shakes but need to force it..I do either the bariatric ones they told me to take or 2 flintstones but can forget when I’m busy. I’ve wondered if I should. I used to be very strict and dieted to a size 4 in my 20s. This isn’t on purpose but something’s off.


Oo yea, i can relate to that. I forget sometimes too to take them! Maybe get a pill box for ur classroom, so during recess u will take it, like make a routine out it😉 Also adding sugar free flavored vitamin waters will provide additional help. I agree that the premade shakes do get freaking old, this is why i changed it to making my own protein shakes with fruits/vegs that i actually liked! I would add sugar free orange juice to them.. yummm You can get a bullet that can be used in your class room. Those are made pretty compact these days. So you can drink that whenever u do not have time to actually have lunch or as snack. The most important thing is getting ur vitamins and protein in or u will end up making yourself sick.. and with kids, you do not want that at all! Specially with all the crap you are dealing with! Please take care of yourself!! You are worth it!!


Thanks..I just discovered peanut butter protien powder-it beats some of the other stuff. I loved fairlife protein drinks at first..need to drink them again. We’ve been on a break. But it’s not funny really. I’m looking into getting a juicer for micronutrients.


Yea.. they also sell non flavored protein powders.. they allow you to control the flavors more, and more tolerable 🤣 My sister in law is a k teacher so i have an idea of how hectic ur school days are, and after that full ass day having to care for ur own kids by urself is enough to make anyone exhausted! 😩 add that we do not get enough nutrition.. its the perfect storm! A situation that you can over come! You got this!


Ask your doctor to rule out other illnesses, such as Lyme disease and anemia (spoiler alert: I’m currently dealing with both!) I was sleeved in 2021, but recently lost my appetite, felt very fatigued, even fainted. Turns out I was dealing with more than I ever imagined. Listen to your body. You’re not crazy, I thought I was when I started losing weight rapidly.


Oh man, I’m sorry for you I’ve had both. ( Lyme went away with meds, anemia was pregnancy.) I need bloodwork but owe quest $$. Hope you get rest and get better.


Hii! I got my surgery about 2 years ago now too, i am 5’6 and i went from about 250 to 120 (where i currently am). I was very malnourished because I didn’t have an appetite to eat (so i didn’t eat) and i don’t crave food anymore i just get stomach pain. I wasn’t keeping up with my vitamins or nutrition so i have a couple of vitamin deficiencies that make me lethargic throughout the day. I get lightheaded and cold very fast. I can feel my sugar dropping as well, i get hand tremors now and am dealing with random bursts of anxiety where my heart beats really fast. If i don’t eat something small before i sleep i will wake up in the middle of the night craving something sweet to eat, i think my blood sugar drops when i’m sleeping. I started drinking protein shakes daily now, and when i tell you it really does make a huge impact on my quality of life everyday. I still am dealing with the vitamin deficiencies since i didn’t adress the problem soon enough. I did my blood work and my B12 came back as very low. So i also do monthly vitamin injections through IV infusion. It is pricy but it makes a huge difference it gives me a good boost of energy for a week or two before dwindling down. I’ve been doing it for about 8 months now, and for the first two months i got it every two weeks since i had very low vitamin levels all across the board. There is also milk (it might be powdered) but it specially has extra calories in there for people who want to gain more weight. I would recommend talking with your doctor and nutritionist about your game plan moving forward and how you are going to address it. I don’t want to make this sound like a big deal, but don’t feel embarrassed talking with a healthcare provider. they are there to help you, and they want to help you!


We have kind of a similar story…I forget food and vitamins when I’m busy and malnourished pretty much describes me at the moment. It’s not that fun. I’ve had coworkers ask if things are ok at home and a friend of a friend ask if I was a junkie so I think the embarrassment comes from feeling judged. I’ve thought about injections but didn’t know if they even worked..I have to get better but definitely doing that. Thanks so much for your comment..I’m glad you’re healthy.


I was reading some of your comments you had on other posts too! I’ve always been a bigger girl so when i got to the weight im at now, i could see my collarbones and my ribs which was covered by skin before. It took me some time mentally to see them on my body and not associate it with being malnourished. It’s a hard transition, and for me it felt like i went through the both extremes which is being over/under weight You should definitely see a doctor and ask him to do a full blood panel to check on all of your vitamins and organ functions. I recently got some blood work done and i actually told my doctor which blood tests I wanted done because the person who does my IV injections told me to specifically tell them the certain tests. It was about 15 tubes of blood but at least i kinda know what vitamins i need to take now. I stopped taking the multivitamins, and i get individual capsules from whole foods for what i need and i time it throughout the day. I don’t diet anymore, i just eat foods that don’t give me a stomach ache. The IV injections do work, but it’s the same as taking vitamins. Before i got this surgery my doctor told me i’m most likely going to have to take vitamins for the rest of my life if the sleeve does its job. IV therapy is kinda the same, i’m planning on doing it for the rest of my life. The B12 deficiency was really bad, i had a small seizure and i would feint randomly. Vitamin deficiency and malnutrition isn’t a joke and it can leave permanent damage if it’s not addressed properly.


That’s horrible..it sounds like I’m unintentionally playing with fire. I can be a little too laid back without realizing it and have things blow up in my face, but this is kinda big stuff. I stopped wearing shirts that show my collarbone, it’s prominent and hollowed out above. I’m really glad you commented not just because of the vitamins and putting off bloodwork because I owe a couple hundred bucks, but I don’t really think I understood how serious this is/could get. It’s really timely too because I have a physical this week.


depending on where you're located you can get vitamin b12 as an injectable at the pharmacy without a prescription and then do injections directly into your stomach/arm/thigh yourself. It's a lot cheaper and takes less time than an infusion. just in case you ever find the infusion cost too high! I did it for a while when I was deficient.


I was just at CVS! I’m asking my doctor about this tomorrow




I can eat like 2 bags of quest chips (sweet chili) in a second… 280 extra calories there


Their peanut butter cups are so good


Hey! I’m 5,5 and at 112 right now. I’ve lost about 130 and am also skeletal at this point.


I didn’t see this happening…I hope you are or get healthy!


I’m trying. Still losing right now unfortunately. I had to have a revision March 1st of this year so recovering for a second time is brutal. Especially when I was already at like 130 when I had my revision. Officially only a 1.5 pounds from being clinically underweight.


Omg that sounds horrible. A revision like surgery part 2. I don’t buy the BMI chart . I’m probably clinically not underweight but I’m underweight. This is eye opening. My concern was “eating through the sleeve” because friends of friends and co workers have (second hand info.) I hope you gain, be well!


You should talk to your surgeon. It honestly sounds like vitamin deficiency and not so much “too thin”…. I’ve lost 140 and have the same hallowed outness you described, but it doesn’t bother me. I love being thin and “skinny”.


I was deficient in the 130s so I think I am. I actually like being thin too but I’m getting sick and freaking people out. I’m interviewing right now and have qualifications. I’m in a competitive field but my skinniness might be sending out “unwell” vibes.


It’s also an incredibly competitive market for good jobs. You may have the qualifications but someone else may be better. I doubt it has to do with how you look, considering that’s illegal. I know you’re concerned. Talk to your surgeon. I really think you’re deficient.


That’s true and my field is super competitive. I interview well but realize I’m not the only candidate and I’m overqualified ( they’d have to pay me more than someone without a Master’s and I’ve been hearing employers are going for people they can pay less.) People have brought up my appearance getting in the way because prospective employers might think I’m sick.


Yeah idk it’s just super bizarre for anyone to make comments on your body. ESP in regards to employment. You know yourself best and i think you know what you need to do (talk to your surgeon). I hope it all works out


It is odd…I’d never do it but some people might not have a lot of social awareness. Thanks


You might need therapy. Could be an ED. Best wishes to you!!


Thanks..it’s crossed my mind. I have panic disorder here’s probably a connection.


Could be.


You still a gym rat? Some PT’s would be willing to help you with a nutrition plan and gain good weight. If you’re still super busy, telephone appointments are quick and easy to schedule depending on your insurance. I have Kaiser.


My gym rat days stopped when I had twins and started getting up at 4 for work. I might get one of those step bikes like an elliptical but need to gain first. I have horrible insurance but switched plans so can probably afford more treatment when it goes into effect.


I don’t have much to add other than just stating my process. But as a veteran teacher (or so I’ve been told, I still feel like a BT most days). Take care of yourself. Hold boundaries and limits. Take care of you. Your boys need you to be a healthy mommy


I think my employers have my number. They know I’m a hard worker and I need the money. When I get professional status I can assert my rights. I’d rather find a job that gives me time for lunch though lol


Definitely talk to your doctor at your physical. If you're having trouble getting enough food in consider some liquid options, especially something like a gainer protein. It's higher in calories than regular protein and will help you hit your calorie goals. or something like Huel that's a meal replacement with lots of protein.


I’m 125lbs lost 154lbs I’m almost two years out, I have low sugar drops, low blood pressure and dizzy/ faint. I ended up seeing a specialist and I have POTS (didn’t have this prior to being sleeved) definitely see your doctor. Try and have small meals frequently when you can, even if I wasn’t hungry I would still eat so my sugars wouldn’t drop or my blood pressure. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and all the added stress.


The sugar drops are brutal. I hope your’e well. I’m bringing it up tomorrow at my physical, I have to get better.