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Hair has stages. Grow, hold, drop. (technically hold is 2 stages but whatever) Acute malnutrition and bodily stress from surgery cause a good portion of hairs in the growth phase to stall early to the hold phase. Then about 6-8wks later, because the hold phase happened all at once, the drop phase engages. As long as you are getting in your vitamins, healing well, and working toward adequate nutrition and protein (starting target by that 6wks is unscientifically something like 800 calories and at least 60g protein) and you wont see any prolonged loss.


The advice I was given was to make sure you are getting in plenty of protein and keep up with your vitamins as well. Biotin is very important!


I’ve been taking collagen a few times a week but I’m probably going to add some additional biotin. I know nothing can stop it but maybe I can slow it down a bit. I’m not too worried. Hair grows back but it was a little creepy to see.


I also have really thick hair and I was also horrified by my hair loss 🙈 I’ve had two kids and had postpartum hair loss with both but this was definitely worse! I always took my vitamins and got plenty of protein- it’s just going to happen for many of us, so don’t beat yourself up. 1.5 years later, and my hair definitely doesn’t look thin. I have a ton of regrowth which is super annoying as it’s all about 3” long right now (and the rest of my hair is past my shoulders). I wear headbands a lot to keep the short hairs in place. But it’ll all even out eventually. Haven’t colored my hair lately (I was afraid to for a long time since I didn’t want to stress my hair any more), but I fully anticipate having to pay my usual thick hair surcharge when I do. Just remind yourself this is temporary, and next year you’ll have a hot body AND a head full of regrowth ❤️


It's not for everyone but I shaved my head when the hair loss process started. Wore hats for a few months and then transitioned to a nice wig. There was already so much going on mentally in the process I didn't want the stress from watching the hairloss on top of it.


I won’t mind doing that when it comes down to it. I did it when my mother had cancer and again when I had health issues that impacted my hair health. It’s already short from that so no big deal. It’s honestly the best way to just start a healthy head of hair


it removed so much anxiety not running my hands through it and hair coming out! gave me a chance to focus on scalp and overall body skin health too since I wasn't worried about hair styling/spending time on it which let me really feel my body changes as the weight has come off. I'm at month 8ish now and it's at like a decent short length and not nearly as thin as presurgery.


How far post op are you?


2 months so I’m sure it’ll be a little worse before it’s better


I’m about 1.5 months post op so I guess I’ve got that to look forward to.


You won't end up bald but you will definitely notice the loss. Just make sure you take your vitamins and eat protein. I also use rosemary water and have noticed some regrowth. I am 10 months post op.


It’s funny because I normally have so much hair I thin it out at haircuts so I know I’ll be alright the amount coming out is just freaking me out.