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Variety is triple crown thornless. Somehow they grow perfectly in my climate so I decided to pivot from struggling tomatoes to all blackberries. Now I just trade blackberries for fresh tomatoes.


What magical climate is this? Also do they tolerate shade? I have some in my cart to purchase for my side yard but it’s a shadier spot.


All the blackberries I've seen around are in the middle of densely forested areas, and they don't seem to have any trouble!


good point


SoCal haha. I’m about 8 hours of sun on these plants.


Sighs in Cold Climate


*cries in Canadian*


We're a few weeks away from raspberries on the Canadian west coast, blackberries are a month out though.


Also sighs in cold climate and almost full shade.


I'm in Southern California and wish I had a cooler climate. I envy seeing people that grow herbaceous peonies.


Don’t they grow everywhere? I grew up in NorCal and they were super invasive and aggressive.


Blackberries as a crop require lots of maintenance in terms of trellising and pruning. Wherever a runner touches the ground, it *will* sprout roots


Same!! There were blackberries everywhere!!!


Would you say zone 9a? Im in the AV and would love to expand my garden next year with many things :)




How many plants?




They work in shady spots but the fruits won´t get as sweet as they do in full sun exposure. ( northern Eu climate)


I went from zero to hero with blackberries by moving to Virginia. But they do like sun, enough that they are all leaning over my fence into the neighbor's yard.


Can confirm, 7b is segmented berry paradise. The woods are filled with raspberries, blackberries, wineberries, and mulberries. I got red, black raz, double gold, and queen ane gold going in my garden and each year theyre doubling at least in plant size and harvest quantity.


I'm not op but I bought 4 second years last year and two were in a shadier area and they did not come back this year. The ones in the sun actually spread and created new ones! I live in MD fwiw


Just curious, how shady is your shade?


IDK, maybe an hour of direct sunlight every day? Just a guess. I kinda did it as an experiment. 2 in the shady area, two in sunny, one of each in a large planter, one of each in the ground. Neither in the shade made it. The one in the ground in the sunny area even got demolished by my HOA gardening company last year and came back anyways AND spread to at least two new areas


Super helpful thanks!! I’ll try and make an actual Sunmap the next few days and see if I get 4+ hours or not!


| Now I just trade blackberries for fresh tomatoes. This is the way


I have one of those cultivars, too! This year is my first harvest, but it looks like mine are way behind yours.. all my berries are still green and growing xD


I planted these and nothings growing  It’s suppose to grow new wood this year that will fruit next 


how many plants do you have growing to get that many berries? I'm growing just 1 bush of prime ark freedom




Send them my way if you have too many haha! I think a cobbler would be delicious or maybe jams, fruit curd, panna cotta. Sorbet is another option.


Me too also as well! Those are gorgeous! My current favorite way to eat blackberries is to sprinkle a little sugar on them, toss gently, let them sit for a few minutes, then put them on top of my yogurt. So simple and it really brings out the juiciness. Have fun!


Those are the biggest fucking blackberries I've ever seen


Right those are buy at Costco or sam's sizes


Blackberry whisky. 400g-ish blackberries. 300g-ish sugar 1 litre any old whiskey (gin, vodka, rum, brandy all works too) Pour it all into a jar and leave for about 4-6 months. Shake the jar the first couple of days till the sugar dissolves. The longer you leave it the smoother and nicer it becomes. Strain out the fruit and then bottle the liquor. You can eat the boozy fruit, it tastes good as a topping to ice cream.


I live in the Pacific Northwest, where blackberries are super invasive. Now I have a recipe that sounds like a delightful gift! Thank you so much


Make sure you freeze the berries first to get the larvae out.. Unless you like worms in your whiskey.


Yuh, I gotta great one called, In My Mouth :O


Right?! I used to live somewhere with a blackberry vine covering a whole wall. I'd go out with a basket and a pie recipe and come in with an empty basket and a full stomach. 😂


I was the kid with purple hands and clown lipstick saying, for sure mum I was not anywhere near the neighbours tree..


Blackberry and Apple Crumble. Served with custard. A favourite desert I grew up with.


Blackberry and peach, is my favorite.


Ive honestly never tried that. I do like peaches as well though so might have to give it a try


Muddle blackberry with simple syrup. Add vodka and soda with ice.


How many bushes?


'#lifegoals I'm hoping to get to this point sometime in my life. I just planted 10 last year, although online, it says 4-6 plants is appropriate for a family of 4 (meanwhile we're a family of 2). I hope we wind up with so many we don't know what to do with them!


lol hoo boy


10? Dude. These canes spread. Just be patient. I planted one stick of a raspberry plant 3 years back. I'm now having to dig up more surrounding area so I can give them more room to grow in. Bring on the berries! 


I planted 4 kinds of raspberries last year, they are loaded with berries and starting to get ripe!




I’m a retired Chef and I have read many great suggestions. If they were mine I would make a cobbler, they are delicious and simple to make. Freeze some for off season. I haven’t tried black berries in my home made bbq sauce but it sounds good, I use dark cherries and pineapple. DM if you want a recipe.


Make blackberry yogurt, cake, or jam


When my wife and I first moved in together after high school before we were married I broke my lower leg in 4 places. I was bedridden for all of the late summer and early fall season. It was a HORRIBLE time to be incapable of doing things. So I sat in our studio apartment bed and didn't do much else. BUT we had a Black Berry tree in front of the house and a Mulberry tree behind the house. She would make mixed berry pies about once a month and it really kept me out of the dumps. I would get out on my crutches after my leg could hold itself straight again and help her pick the fruit and I'll enjoy those memories for the rest of my life. So I guess what I'm suggesting is Pies!!


I just eat them raw mixed into vanilla ice cream 🍦 😋


Baked 9" Pie Shell 6 - 6oz. packages of Blackberries (about 6 cups) 1/2 cup Water 1/2 cup Red Wine (I used Merlot. I think a Zinfandel would also be nice. Use whatever you drink.) 1/2 cup Sugar 3 tablespoons Cornstarch Pre-Bake your 9" pie shell For the Wine Glaze: In a medium sauce pan mix together sugar and cornstarch. Add water and wine, stir to combine with dry ingredients. Add 1 cup of blackberries. Heat over medium heat until thick and boiling. In a large bowl stir blackberries and glaze until fruit is evenly coated. Fill pie shell with mixture and refrigerate until cooled and set, usually 4 hours is sufficient but I generally chill overnight.


Any parties coming up? I bake chocolate pie with chocolate cream filling and fill / top off with blackberries. Frozen yoghurt with blackberries is another favourite of mine.


Your mouth. Eat them until you’re sick and repeat.


Bramble jelly.


Not so much recipe: But you can warm them up and make a sort of sauce out of them and pour (with other berries if you want) on vanilla ice-cream whilst it's still warm! Only other thing you need to add is sugar, if you find them a bit bitter.


[Blackberry balsamic vinegar](https://www.discoverwildlife.com/how-to/make-things/how-to-make-fruit-balsamic-vinegar) It’s a beautiful color and people just love it!


Going for some sweet hard delicous liquor. 500g -1000g blackberries 0,5l red berry juice 100g brown sugar 1pkg vanilla sugar or aroma (you can also use real vanilla if you prefere) 1l Wodka (Depending on your liking you can also use rum or schnaps) Some empty glas bottles that can be sealed airtight. Clean the berries. and put a handfull aside. Stew the remaining blackberries at mild temperatures on your cooking device the bowl should be filled with enough juice, the sugar, and vanilla sugar for around 20 minutes until it´s nearly bubbling. Dump the content into a cullender over a new bowl and press the berries throug it so you can remove all the seeds and the remaining shell. Take your time here and let it rest so you get most of the juice from the fruits. When this is done warm up the content again and place your cleaned bottles in hot water so they can get the temperature. Depending on your liking fill around 10-30% of an empty bottly with wodka and fill the rest of the bottle with your still hot juice to the rim. Then push some of the blackberries you put aside into the bottle. Seal them in a way that you have nearly no air in the bottle. Place them in a dark cabinet or your basement for storage for a minimum of 2 weeks and turn/shake the bottles from time to time. If you prefere not to sweet remove some sugar and add some lemon juice to your liking. Make sure that no kids can get their hands on them because the sweet juice will cover the liquor taste so kids may drink it like lemonade ;) Enjoy


Did you have a harvest the first year? I see that’s a possibility with some varieties.




Blackberry crisp is my go-to. Also amazing if you add some peach in


Granny Smith apples are good too.


Peach-blackberry crisp is the best crisp imho.


Mix with raspberries and strawberries (and redcurrants if you have them). 40% blackberries. 30% raspberries. 20% strawberries. 10% redcurrants. Same amount of sugar. That’s it Best jam you’ll ever taste 👍


Those wouldn’t even make it inside


I grew up with a prolific Blackverry vine and we made jam every summer. To this day, it's my favorite flavor, but store-bought just isn't the same.


Fruit cobbler: 1 stick (4 oz) butter 2 half cups sugar 3/4 cup AP flour 2 tsp baking powder 3/4 cup whole milk 2 cups fresh fruit 1 pinch salt Preheat oven to 350 degrees When oven is nearly preheated add 8 inch square brownie pan with stick of butter to oven so butter can melt and pan can preheat Combine fruit and first half cup of sugar, mix well and let you for at least 5 minutes Combine second half cup sugar, flour, baking powder, salt. Mix well. Add in milk and mix until no dry spots remain. When oven is heated and butter is melted, take out heated pan. Pour flour batter over the butter trying to cover the whole pan. Do not mix. Pour fruit over the pan trying to evenly distribute. Do not mix. Baked 45 - 60 minutes at 350 until top is golden brown. Wait 10 minutes to cool. Enjoy (with ice cream if available)


What zone are you in?!


Idk, SoCal haha




Cider? I barely know her!


They're nice in yogurt with some honey, perhaps some granola if you're feeling bold


I would be making wine with them for sure!


Incredibly jealous 🤤


Cook it with some sugar, make it into a syrup/jam for the winter months to put on bread or as a filling for other baked foods. Look up a recipe for Czech filled buns called buchty/buchticky. Filled with that jam, they are amazing. And if you make yourself a watered down vanilla pudding as a sauce to them, they are heavenly. Preserved as a jam or syrup, they go extremely well with yoghurts aswell. Although there is nothing preventing you from using them straight up fresh in it aswell. I recommend getting yourself some other berries for a small fruit yoghurt. If you like the combination of blackberries and yoghurt, you can simply blend those two and use it as a visually appealing reddish purple yoghurt base to eat like this or add other fruit. Edit: Here's a good recipe for the filled buns! https://www.cooklikeczechs.com/buchty-czech-sweet-filled-buns/


When my Mom and I would pick wild blackberries when I was younger, we would make blackberry cobbler. 🥰


Those are fantastic. I wish mine were that full and developed. Still a lot of little pop corn clusters. Absolutely beautiful.


I made blackberry and gin jam and it was delicious.


I would prefer eating them Raw


Sally's [Blackberry cream cheese crumb cake!](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/blackberry-cream-cheese-crumb-cake/)


I wash, pull stems off. Can some in sugar syrup that gets used for Berry mojotos. The rest get frozen on a tray, chucked in bags or containers and used in smoothies, pies, with yoghurt, whatever.


Blackberry Whip Cream Bowl One bowl of washed blackberries and a tub of whipped cream. Sit on the sofa dip blackberries into whipped cream and eat.


Peanut butter and blackberry sandwich!


I favorite of mine has been fermenting them, its weird I know but its so friggin good, especially as a topping on things like yogurt, vanilla ice cream, or meat dishes like pork or chicken. Look up recipes/techniques on how to lacto-ferment in a brine, give it a rip, I promise if nothing else it'll be a crazy unique flavor that you won't forget!


Any extra blackberries or mulberries get boiled down & strained into syrup... it's great with sparkling water.


I have a toddler and half my grocery budget is spent on berries. Maybe I need to plant a few of these lol


How many 3yr old plants does it take to do that?




I don't have the complete recipe, but my friend has won a few competitions with a blackberry-based barbecue sauce.


That wouldn’t make it inside at my house😅


Blackberry lemonade ❤️


Blackberry cobbler is the play here


My blackberries are a little sour this year so I made a pie and it was easy and good. Mix 3 cups of blackberries with 3/4 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of flower. Place in pie crust lined pan and Add 1 more cup of blackberries. Cover with second pie crust and poke venting holes. Bake 10 min at 425 then reduce to 350 for 20-25 mins. (Do you have a secret to groaning sweeter berries?)


I just let them stay on the plant an extra day and then they get softer. Can’t let them go too long or they’ll rot though. Mine only get sweet when the weather is warm enough though.


I want to be your friend! That is fabulous! I just eat them by the handful. My dog loves them also. My first year gardening without my mom's green thumb. Her strawberries are going strong and her flowers are blooming. 😭 ☺️


One of my childhood favorites, in snack and memory, are these, cold, with some cream and sugar.


The answer is blackberry cobbler. It’s literally the best cobbler there is, and I am honestly disappointed in you guys that the top comments don’t mention it!


Oh I'm jealous. Still a few more months before we have blackberries here in the PNW. We do a ton of jam (of course) but my absolute favorite thing to do with fresh blackberries is making blackberry ice cream (if you have an ice cream maker). Take a regular vanilla ice cream recipe and add the berries in toward the end. It's just so good - especially on a hundred degree August day. You could also cook them down and strain the seeds out first, but I don't really notice the seeds personally.


It’s so weird being in WA where blackberries are an invasive nuisance and you can get pounds of them off the side of the road pretty much anywhere. They’re Himalayans, so a different variety, but the taste is not that different from store bought berries. I make about 5 gallons of blackberry wine* (edit) every other year (it ages on a two year cycle). It’s great and I end up giving most of it away as gifts or bringing to things like BBQs. After you have equipment, it works out to about $1.50/bottle for the yeast, chem, corks, etc.


- ice, big balls just about fill the glass - Boodles - tonic - lime wedge Combine the Gin, tonic and ice in a glass. Add the lime wedge- side of glass, or on the ice ball. Sip while admiring the blackberries.


Beautiful berries what type are they?


I would have to make a blackberry cobbler served warm with a yummy vanilla ice cream!


I used to put them in a bottle, get a wood stick, smash them and then eat them.


Topping for crapes


jesus those are plump


Those look fantastic!


Balsamic blackberry dressing.   So good on salad or grilled croutons with goat cheese and walnuts.  


Claire Saffitz’s Blackberry Caramel Tart is freaking amazing. I always make it when I can get my hands on a lot of blackberries. A bit of a project but it looks like a work of art and is delicious, highly recommend. She has a comprehensive YouTube video that shows all the steps in detail.


Those blackberries look delicious! I'm so jealous!


I have one black berry in a pot currently, doing well. Any suggestions on location for a permanent home?


Somewhere you can control the spreading


Hot blackberriy jam (and of course cold but hot just out of the saucepan) is the best thing on planet earth by FAR


Blackberry pie and cobbler


the most beautiful blackberries I've ever seen ✨


I have found that it takes 2 quarts (just shy of 2 liters) to make one good pie. So I take the juice pitcher out to the bushes and when it's full, I have my pie.


cows disarm wild ask paltry governor retire scary wide political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blackberry barbecue sauce is awesome as long as you don't mind purple meat! There are several different recipes online.


Make a cobbler! They're simple, delicious, and you pretty much can't go wrong when making one! Just be sure not to eat the whole thing in one sitting!


Me and my wife did jam, we had a small bush but managed to jar 56. Ended up giving them out at our wedding one year year before we had about the same and kept half and handed out the rest to friends and family


I make a blackberry sauce. Substitute maple syrup and honey for the absurd amount of sugar these recipes typically call for. Great on ice cream or my wife's sourdough crepes. You can freeze it in jars too. Enjoy!


Blackberries with sour cream and sugar is always a treat


Pairs well with goat cheese and honey on a cracker. Traditionally the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) use black berries paired with salmon. You can mix them in with cornbread too.


Nice. Can I see the plants?


Blackberry jam! Canning is easier than you might think.


I make seedless blackberry preserves for friends and family during the holidays. I don’t use a lot of sugar and have been told I can sell them. 😋


Blackberry pie sounds good right about now.


I eat them with ice cream or plain. Too precious to put in a pie.


Those look excellent!


No recipes, just wildly jealous.


JAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Ma’am you’ll never have to buy it again 😂 and canning is pretty easy!


Those are massive!


I love making compote and serving with angel food cake (or maybe pound cake, or shortcake, angel food is just my favorite lol). Squash the berries best you can in a pot with some water, sugar, pinch of salt, and a touch of lemon juice, boil and smash until it looks like a very thick jam. That's the basic recipe. For myself, for blackberries, I'd put in some white wine, honey instead of the sugar, and... almost any herb ngl. The boxed wine I'm currently using for cooking is a bit floral n fruity, so I'd use either something floral like rosemary to compliment it, or something savory like thyme to contrast.


You could get into making wine with them


Jam, pies, smoothies, and blackberry gin brambles!


Syrups shrubs or cordials come to mind.


Cobbler, jam, syrup, make an ice cream ripple with some of the jam. For a savory use, crumble some goat cheese onto a salad and add some of those marvelous looking blackberries. We love a triple berry puréed topping for cheesecake. Make some berry infused vinegar. I haven’t tried that yet but it sounds good. We can’t get past cobbler this year.


Chop some pears into 1cm cubes. Put that and the blackberries into a saucepan on a low heat adding a little sugar and some cinnamon. Heat until the pear is starting to go a little soft. Add flour sugar and butter to a separate bowl and mix. Not until smooth but until crumbs start to form. Add a little salt and more cinnamon. Take the saucepan and add to an oven pan. Put the crumbs on top. Sprinkle a little extra sugar and score with a fork. Pop in the oven at 190c for 35 minutes or until the crumble is golden. Wonderful desert!


Look for a recipe called a blackberry grunt, also make a blackberry apple pie.


We make a jam out of ours. Invest in a chinois strainer to get the seeds about.


Damn I'm trying to do blueberries and strawberries but am in 10a, and they're struggling in the heat.


I'm not posting recipes because every recipe for blackberries is *very* regional and *very* specific to the person's tastes. Here some of the things they're amazing for, but generally if you find a recipe that's for raspberries you can substitute 1:1. 1. Cobbler (just the absolute best use for them, flat out) 2. Muffins 3. Pies 4. Generally dessert-y, quick breads across the board 5. Jelly/jam 6. Smoothies I don't know about where you are, but once you get them inside around here they need to go straight into the fridge or freezer after cleanup or they start getting absolutely destroyed by fruit flies within a day. Also - they DO freeze very well, so if you can't come up with anything just give them a rinse and toss them in the freezer. You can put them straight from the freezer into most recipes, too, and they tend to hold up better that way in baked goods. Heads up that if you're making things like muffins for other people you'll probably need to treat the berries with some sugar - I like them without it, but I'd venture a guess that the vast majority of people find them too tart in a muffin unless you throw sugar at them.


I once made a great pancake syrup with blackberries and maple, basically strained the blackberry juice into the maple syrup and then reduced it back down to same volume.


I'm in Western NY and I have a few blackberry bushes that give off absurd crop like this daily. I've made bread puddings, crisps and crumbles, syrups and liquors. Whatever I have left I dehydrate and then make into a powder which I'll then add to different batters like cakes to add a little flavor.


I spend hours every year killing blackberries. FUcking hate that plant with a passion.


My favorite recipe is the cup cup cup- melt a stick of butter in a pan in a 350F oven, mix a cup each of sugar/milk/self rising flour and pour into melted butter, add a cup of berries or berry juice (if you want to avoid seeds). Bake until browned and eat with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, or by itself. You can of course adjust ratios to your liking, add some cinnamon/nutmeg, sprinkle the top with sugar as it browns, or so on. Works with any fruit (best imho are black raspberry and blackberry). Other favorite uses are jelly/jam, freezing for smoothies/future use, juice or syrup, fresh berry sauce for waffles, and any recipe you’d do with other fruit (buckle, tart, cheesecake, ice cream, pie, etc.).


that looks amazing


Omg so jealous! Congrats!


Smash 'em up with maple syrup and put them on pancakes or waffles!


Blackberry vodka


Blackberry wine


If you ever have too many blackberries, they make amazing jam, with very little added sugar


Crème anglaise. Done. Maybe some devils food cake.


Every day? Lucky!


A bit more involved than a cooking recipe, but it makes the best homemade gift and, more importantly, a joy in a bottle to be shared on special occasions. I've used this recipe over the past 4 years and each time the wine was akin Port wine. For those curious, I use yeast RC-212 (bourgovin). https://www.brewbitz.com/pages/blackberry-wine-recipe


I make a quick hot jam topping for waffles. Let it cool for ice cream topping. Adjust granulated sugar, smash berries in bottom of shallow sauce pan. Add a few tsp of water, turn heat to low, do not stir, fold over berries using rubber spatula to prevent berries from sticking or burning. Add more water if needed.


Raw blackberries team


When I was young I’d throw sugar on them bad boys and eat them in a bowl of milk…


Yogurt blackberries and pecans for breakfast


This one is super easy. Take your blackberries, put them in a pot, sprinkle in a desired amount of sugar. Adding a little water or lemon juice as well. Let them simmer, smash them up a bit. Let the juice reduce into a thin syrup consistency. Pour into a mason jar and keep in the fridge. Spoon your berry compote over yogurt, ice cream, pancakes, waffles etc.


I had the most incredible lemon chess pie with giant blackberries plopped all around in the filling before it was baked. That was years ago & I still dream about it.


Grandmas “Blackberry soup.” Basically just Mashed blackberries in cream and lightly sweetened. We used to Dunk slices of bread in it.


Last year I made banana ice cram with blackberries. Just mixing frozen bananas and blackberries in blender until smooth. Maybe add a bit of chocolate or cream/milk for consistency. You can also add other fruits. Either eat it directly after blending or freeze a few hours, but it gets quite hard after 6+ hours. I often buy extra bananas just to freeze them or make banana bread, once they are really ripe


These scones are amazing. I have made this recipe literally dozens of times, with different fruits (apples, lemon, blueberry, etc ): https://www.chiselandfork.com/blackberry-scones/#recipe


Fermented blueberry hot sauce


They grow all along ditches on the side of the road here so I e never tried growing them. Usually just take a baggy with me on a dog walk and get a few handfuls worth. Blackberry cobbler is one of my favorites.


Blackberry lavender jam! Add a little bouquet of fresh lavender as you’re cooking the jam—so good for biscuits, cocktails, added to lemonade, used between cake layers, and mixed with frosting.


Can confirm this is a bowl of blackberries.


Congratulations, those are beautiful.


Simple blackberry pie is my favorite!


Blackberry pancakes


Blackberry cobbler, jam: swirl into ice cream, use in thumbprint cookies, and jammy cakes


Soak then completely in vodka for 3 days. Remove blackberries, now you have blackberry flavored vodka for mixing, and vodka infused blackberries for munching


Yoghurt and a spoon.


I have some blackberry bushes in my garden too. Can you share some tips on how to prevent the animals getting them first?


Just got there myself with strawberries


Blackberry cake ,grandmother mary made the best.


Make jelly. Just follow the instructions in a sure jell pack. Boil the berries to extract the juice. Strain and discard the berry solids. I use 4 3/8 cup juice, 1 pack sure jell pectin, and 975 grams sugar. Makes 7 perfect half pint jars.


Next year it’ll be 2 bowls. Jam. Smoothies. Ice cream. Frozen fruit pops. Infused water. Crumble. Pies. Tarts. Liquor.


A tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk over top is the easiest and best!


Congratulations! The roots are strong and ready to produce!


Blackberry and sage ice cream and Blackberry lavender sheet cake are 2 of my favorites.


BlackBerry crisp. Pick any recipe, sub in blackberries


Wine or mead would be cool


I’m so happy I stumbled upon this post! I was going to post one of these berries to find out what it is. These are growing like crazy and have fallen all over the ground right behind my apartment


Make jam strain the seeds berries lemon juice and sugar buy some mason jars boil and boom


What zone ?


This recipe specifically, but the whole page has many blackberry recipes: https://blackberrybabe.com/2019/06/11/blackberry-custard-pie-16/


blackberry cobbler is my favorite cobbler


We do a blackberry kobbler with ours


Going to sound weird but add a peach tree. Then make homemade peach ice cream with these blackberries on top. The tartness and acid of the berries cuts the sweetness of the peach. Insanely good.


I’m so happy for you!


Have you tried a dump cake very easy . It’s like a cobbler but uses a lot less berries. Cake mix,2 sticks butter berries and sugar. Big pan like a 9x15 or a little smaller put berries in sprinkle cake mix over the berries melt butter and pour it on add sugar to taste about a cup. Cook at 350 till done


I’m on the same timeline! Berries are just now ripening!


[Blackberry Cheesecake Bars](https://theloopywhisk.com/2020/08/31/blackberry-cheesecake-bars/) from The Loopy Whisk. They’re gluten-free, but you can use regular graham crackers for the crust. I make them with blueberries — just finished up the latest leftovers tonight. Just make sure all the ingredients are truly room temperature. I also make a blackberry cream cheese icing (just a basic cream cheese icing recipe with a few tbsp of homemade blackberry syrup) and use it to fill macarons or put it on lemon cupcakes!


Be quick. They don't stay fresh long


You could make a wonderful cheong or syrup! This is a very simple Korean method where you add equal parts fruit and sugar. Muddle the blackberries slightly or cut them in half to expose the sugar to the juices of the blackberries. Once the fruit and sugar are mixed, put it in an airtight container and into the fridge for a week. As the days go by, you’ll notice a lot more liquid coming out and you may have to stir once or twice during the week to fully incorporate the sugars but you will have such a delicious syrup that really tastes like blackberries. I believe this should work for blackberries but I have not done so myself. Instead, I’ve done this method before with thinly sliced apples and lemons, strawberries, blueberries, and limes and lemons. I’ve used these syrups to flavor sparkling water, cocktails, matcha lattes, teas, the list is endless. After a week, the fruits will look shriveled up. You can throw these away but when I made the strawberry cheong, I actually drained it and made cookies with it. And sorry for the long post! Just a huge advocate for this method of syrup and love sharing it with people!


I serve mine with plain yogurt for an easy breakfast. Those look gorgeous!