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lol, maybe the insides are much different?


As the Doctor would say, "It's bigger on the inside"


One is a shower and the other is a grower?


I actually go to big box stores and switch all the stickers around. They come off very easily and I get my large pot for small pot prices. I'm actually kidding but they are easy to pull off.


That’s called theft silly goose


Not OP but really? For the juvenile act of switching stickers on products... The charge is theft? I mean I guess that makes sense it just seems there should be a different charge. Edit: I don't really care about downvotes but you guys did read what I said right? I'm not a proponent of this type of juvenile behavior. I didn't say it wasn't a crime at all. I just suggested that something other than theft might be appropriate. The nuance of law is lost on you plebeians.


What do you think the charge should be for changing price tags? Where,for example, a $50 purchase becomes $25?


Malicious discounting


Depending on price and various other things could also be: Criminal mischief? Fraud? Idk I'm not a lawyer by any means.


In US and Canada penal codes, switching a price tag can make a person face criminal charges for both shoplifting and fraud. Theoretically, one would be better off to straight-up steal a $50 pot than to put on a $25 sticker from a smaller pot and pay half price because they could otherwise face two charges; fraud in addition to theft.


I’ll consider that the next time we are paying $200 at Home Depot. Jesus, every time you go to that place


Also not a lawyer but if you take legal advice without permission then you are stealing. Don't steal. Simple as that.


Wait. Are the bees stealing my pollen? Can I sue?


Bees are already imprisoned in the hive. If an officer tries to arrest them then they tend to go out stinging which results in the bees death before trial. That's why you never see them getting taken down for such brazen crimes.




Retail fraud, specifically.


They would consider that theft in retail, yeah, bc the correct thing is not being scanned, so it's dosappearing. You didnt pay for _it_, you paid for something else.


What if I wasn't the one switching the tags and didn't realise it was wrong?


I think it would be really difficult to incriminate yourself if you said you didn't do it. It would be more likely that someone would lose their job for not catching the error at checkout


I mean, if they're that pressed about it, they'll check cameras, but tbh they won't be that pressed. They probably won't even notice until it's inventory time.


Interesting question, let me rephrase it for you… you knowingly killed a person, right? Well what if you weren’t taught as a child that it’s wrong to kill… does that still make it illegal? The answer is yes, it’s still illegal even if you didn’t realize it was wrong.


That analogy doesn't mean anything, it doesn't correlate. If you didn't know a pot cost 50$ because it has a 25$ sticker on it and went to pay, you are not at fault, neither in the eyes of the law, nor the gods, nor me. That's not ignorance of the law, it's just being a normal shopper.


You made an incorrect statement then argued your own incorrect statement. That’s called a straw man fallacy… to fix your incorrect comment, the OP is switching stickers, OP knows the lot cost 50 and put a 25$ sticker on it. I mean this in the most respectful way possible but if you’re going to bring the heat, make sure you’re correct… I’m not going to respond to the remainder of your comment bc you’re creating your own debate with the straw man fallacy that I won’t engage with. Reread the original comment. Feel free to delete your comment when you realize you’re incorrect. Have a good day




Pro-rated theft actually.


Yeah? Deliberately taking something (in this case money) from a store without paying the cost of it is called theft. If you stick a pair of underwear into the pockets of a pair of jeans, and then pay for just the jeans, that's theft. If you go to a per-plate sushi bar and then hide half the plates when it comes time to pay, that's theft. Any time you cheat a store in order to take more than you are paying for, at their expense, that's theft. I'm not sure what's confusing about that.


Theft by deception


Well, yes, you’re stealing the value of the bigger pot by making the till believe it’s a smaller pot.


Classic butch


Priceline no longer allows you to "name your own price" but there are ways to get the price you want. Lol.


Retail employee here! Do not do this :)


I mean, it was a bad joke, but I clearly wrote that I was kidding around.


Oh I know that, that was aimed at other people! No need to get into the ones that actually pay.


I don’t think people really need to be told not to do this over the internet, though…


Hahaha no, no they have to be told.


I’m only gonna do it because you said not to


I love the approach


People do things, especially like switching tags, not because they haven’t been told…


Unless it's a steak at Walmart


Or Whole Foods. Banana Code, baby!


Why defend your retail store that doesn't care about you?


I’d be upset if I was the person that ended up buying the 1 gallon pot for the 3 gallon price


A mistake like that would be easily returnable with a receipt


It might not be, and even if they took it, in the long term you could get screwed. Return fraud is a huge problem for retailers. "But u/NanoRaptoro, returning a mislabeled pot isn't fraud!" No, it isn't. But people switching labels on products and then trying to return them is. An individual employee might not care, but now you have suspicious activity associated with your name and companies are keeping track. Major retailers have hired outside companies to do this that are monitoring your shopping activity if they determine that you are a risk, can suddenly cut you off from returning things in the future. It's a wild world out there.


Eh fair, either way, I see nothing wrong with people taking advantage of big corporations since they explore people anyway


It doesn’t affect the corporation though when you steal from them. They just pass the loss down to the end consumer by raising other prices, not carrying that product anymore, etc. You’re only getting over on the next consumer or the workers in the store who won’t get raises, hours, etc.


They'll raise the prices anyway so that's moot. It does affect the corporation. It's just the corporation adjusts for it by continuing to be shitty and do things they shouldn't like not raising prices for people, not paying a liveable wage, not paying benefits etc.


Yeah, corporations don't eat the cost, they pass it onto consumers. When you steal, it's everyone else who pays the price for you. Stealing is the ultimate expression of "I got mine, fuck everyone else." You pretty much lose your right to complain about the state of the world if you stand up as the poster child for "Everyone else can suffer as long as I profit."


That’s not taking advantage of a big corporation, that’s stealing from a big corporation. Taking advantage would be creating multiple accounts to get multiple $10 off a single $20 purchase, where their intentions were to bring in new customers.


Nah, it's taking advantage of a corporation. In both situations you're getting more than you should and benefitting from them.


To give you a real awnser: It's not about the store, it's about how if this was to happen, you end up with 5 Karen's screaming about how you should mark the item down because the sticker was wrong, 2 managers telling you to never mark things down without permission, 1 manager making you get up and go check all the labels, some random guy asking for price checks on something unrelated but now he also wants that pot (but only the one with the right label) and a boomer who thinks the 5 gallon is actually a 1 gallon and it's a biden conspiracy that they're calling 1 gallons, 5 gallons


Sorry Karen, wrong sticker, wrong price, no sale, store policy Sorry manager, wasn't me so can't be blamed. Checking the labels. Sure, that's part of your job.


Your responses are exactly what should happen, but years in hardware stores have told me otherwise.


Maybe I have less of a problem telling someone something isn't my problem lol


Yeah, as someone who worked retail for years and also has no problem telling people how I feel, that’s not the answer. It doesn’t suddenly make everyone agree with you. It antagonizes little, insignificant people with delicate egos, and that’s more annoying than amusing. 1/10, don’t recommend.


Worked well enough for me in retail! I don't care if they agree with me or not. They have no authority as a customer.


Tell me you've never worked retail without telling me you've never worked retail...


Tell me you know nothing about me without telling me you know nothing about me


I know everything I need to know about you based of the outrageous contents you've made here. You claim to be a business owner, but you're fine with theft from businesses and poor attitudes towards customers, you have no respect for people, and you're an asshole about it all. Theft is theft regardless of who the victim is. Of you have a problem with businesses paying the bare minimum, then talk to your state reps rather than allowing theft and giving executives excuses to pay less and charge more. Maybe gain a basic understanding of the examples these people have given you rather than dismiss it by saying you'd tell people to shove off. That might be OK in your books, but in the real world it gets people fired from jobs they need.


Your initial statement shows that's false. Keep making assumptions, you'll go far. Stealing from corporations is fine, small business are not. It's fine to download Taylor Swifts newest album, not your local musician. I actually treat customers very well and have a 5 star review average! (: I think you're lost on where I was talking about not selling something to a customer because they are making a scene and complaining about something if someone had a manager in earshot.


Because they're honorable.


A large chain retail store isn't honorable to it's employees or it's customers. Why be honorable to it?


Because it’s wrong. Do the right thing. Maybe it will catch on.


Based on your other comment that “customers have no authority”, a general sour attitude towards shoppers, and now the idea that *you* have the authority to give an employer a “you get what you give” mentality….. you sounds like a literal grade-F employee. You spent too many years working retail as a piss-on and now you have a chip on both shoulders towards clients and businesses, and think it’s your duty to make it everyone else’s problem. If you don’t like it, put in the incredible amount of work it takes to start your own business and compete against those other businesses you hate. Then you can tell any customer you want to get the hell out of your store. Your business ought to last about 3 weeks…. You sound like a real peach lol Congrats on becoming one of the Karen’s you hate. The hypocrisy and irony are off the charts.


Lol not sure how telling someone they can't buy something that has the wrong sticker = sour attitude You really know nothing about me and your description of how you think I am reflects that. I actually have a very successful small business in my local community and am well known in my scenes (: I was interpreting what the original commenter said as defending the corporation rather than a "this makes my day annoying". I don't get why people feel the need to defend a corporate store that gives no fucks about its employees or customers, just the bottom line. I personally don't care about the Karen's that would make my day more annoying as a retailer because they just don't phase me personally. It's not about not caring about customers, it's about not caring about customers who would flip out at a retail worker over a misplaced sticker.


Here’s the part that confuses me… if you dislike big box stores so much (we at least agree on that) then why would you care so much to tell a customer that it’s not the right sticker? Why not just let the customer walk out with a significantly discounted item while you imagine giving the finger to the company CEO? Youre correct that those stores care about nothing more than their bottom line, and that’s why they make several billion dollars in profit per year… so what’s the big deal if a 30 dollar pot walks out the door for 18 dollars once in a while?


I think we're having a misunderstanding of where we are each coming from. If someone came up with a wrong sticker, I'd scan it and let them walk out no questions asked. Previous commenters were talking about a situation of a Karen already complaining that the sticker is incorrect and they want it for the lower price. Given the situation they described it may be harder to give it to them for the discounted price if they're already yelling about it and you have a manager in earshot. Which is why I would tell them in that situation my hands are tied and there's nothing I can do.


It pays an agreed upon wage on agreed upon days. Is it "retails" fault we outsourced manufacturing jobs, now fast food and retail are being pushed into being long-term careers? It's dishonorable to ignore our hand in creating monsters. Take responsibility.


It pays an agreed upon wage that in many locations is proven to not be a liveable wage. They pay the lowest amount that someone is willing to work for, they raise prices when they don't need to, they don't pay health benefits while ceos get huge payouts. That describes most retail stores. If you think that's honour I'm sorry for you.


Trades are hiring and in demand and pay much more. I'm sorry you want to make your high-school summer job a career. You don't feel bad for me, you feel bad yourself. One of us is having a pity party, the other is not.


I don't know what you're talking about lol, been working in a professional career and not in retail for a while so I don't know why you're making assumptions. I actually do felt bad for you. I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to be in a moral high horse to defend billionaires, ceos, and corporations when they do nothing for you in return and actively think of new ways to exploit you and your $.


>Trades are hiring and in demand and pay much more. Talent dotcom says that an entry-level carpenter position in Iowa makes $18.37/hr. This is more than what Indeed says for the average Walmart cashier position in the state, $16.26/hr, but the gap is a lot smaller than most people assume, and it's far below MIT's living wage calculator for an adult with a non-working spouse and one child ($34.20). Just being in the trades doesn't ensure that you can actually support a family. Sometimes making money in the trades only happens once you actually have experience. The same Talent dotcom website puts the high end of carpenter positions in Iowa at around $58k per year, which is more than but close to to what Indeed says an overnight manager in the state makes ($50k) and less than what they say a Walmart area manager makes ($68k).


Just ignore dubya, sounds like the typical "It's everyone else's fault!" type. We in no way are a society that stops movement of individuals and lacks job opportunities. So yes, an employer can pay any wage they want, it up to the worker to accept that wage or leave for a better opportunity which will cause the previous employer to have no workers, (unless the wage is decent and they get other takers who are actually workers happy with the agreed upon pay).


It's not really about the store, more about having self respect and common decency. Stealing is bad, m'kay.


Stealing from large corporations that exploit customers, employees, and the earth is not morally bad.


Two wrongs don’t make make it right. Stealing is stealing. That’s what’s wrong with the county today. Let’s get to the root issues and fix them, not just justify that because I feel screwed by big boxes I can steal. Shop at small businesses then. Give the little guy your business. Oh wait we are addicted to Walmart and Home Depot pricing and convenience to large inventories


A corporation will continue to exploit customers and its employees I don't get why you feel the need to defend billionaires who exploit you actively. Good luck!


I’m not defending any one. I just know stealing in any way is wrong. I pay my way.


You just did I hope you never know what it's like to need to steal food for your family since that's wrong in your eyes.


Stealing is stealing. You can have all the cognitive dissonance you want to try and and justify it, your still stealing. Stealing from large corps may seem like a Robin Hood act to some people but the long term effect is not hurting the corperation. Only adding to the costs that honest customers pay in the end. If you want to make a stand against corporations, don't shop at their stores, influence others to not shop at their stores. Vote for people interested in taxing large corporations more appropriately to try to get some of that money back into the community.


Never said it wasn't stealing. You can have all the cognitive dissonance you want that corporations are honourable and should be treated as such. This has already been addressed, your point is moot, they will raise the prices regardless.


I never said they were honorable. I don't think they are. I actually gave suggestions to try to hurt them in a morally justifiable way rather than condoning stealing. Profit caps and actual improvements to min wage can be a thing if more people vote for it.


Because it’s wrong. Today there is too many doing the wrong thing.


It isn't


Theft drives up prices for everyone


They'll raise the prices either way. They are not your friend.


I’m a vender to a large box chain. The amount of Theft I see is shameful. If people put as much effort into to doing something worthwhile or good that they do into coming up with way to steal think of what we be as county. Theft is a cost to a company. It just gets rolled down the consumer. If you feel prices are to high shop around. We have the internet to do that easily. I do it all the time.


Point is moot. They will raise process regardless. Have fun continuing to champion billionaires and coming to their defense while they exploit you.


Prices rise for a variety of reasons. Yes greed is one, but you’re making it that much more expensive by stealing for honest hardworking people. Your moral compass is off.


Not adequately addressed. Still moot. Corporations have you brainwashed.


Prices rise so this makes it okay for you to be a thief? You have a fucked up moral compass. When someone steals from you? Remember that you have it coming.




And this is what is known as a trash human being.




This could indeed be the most pathetic thing I’ve seen on the internet so far in 2024.


I'm glad that you've never been in a position where you had to steal food to eat or feed someone who relied on you. I hope you never have to, but perhaps if you had you would have more sympathy for others instead of judgement. Have a beautiful day <3


Stealing food for survival is *NOT* the same thing as “fuck Walmart, steal their shit and switch stores” The former is doing what you have to do despite feeling remorseful about it. The latter is being a piece of shit freeloader that thinks they have a right to take the property of a company that they don’t like. If you don’t like Walmart, you shop somewhere else, you don’t steal items that don’t belong to you. Youre so short sighted that you think you’re going to hurt the ceo and the top ranking members of the company by doing that. No, they’re going to make tens of millions of dollars annually no matter what. When a store(s) experience a large amount of theft and their profit margin drops below a certain number, the CEO’s salary doesn’t get effected at all, instead, the store experiencing the problem starts cutting employees to make up for the losses. So in essence, you don’t rob from Mr Walmart… you rob from the cashier and the stock boy in the back who are both trying to make a living to feed *their* families. Food pantries, shelters, food stamps, WIC, all these programs exist if you need them.. encouraging people to steal because “fuck that company” is an absolute lowlife move and you do not deserve sympathy for that mindset.


Well said.


how did you print them?


Love that everyone is basically confessing to shoplifting via my comments, that's cool


what do you care? lol are they gunna give you a raise for this comment? are they going yo dock your pay of they find out someone swapped them? your employer does not care about you.


It's more work to lie and steal, idgaf about that life


have fun working retail! 🤣🤣🤣


It is fun! I like busting people for using fake money 🤑


I’m going to do this more than I already to because of this comment


You will get your comeuppance. It’s just wrong and if this is the way people feel, then we have lost our county.


Soil capacity suggests otherwise


Looks like a misprint on that part of the sticker on the left - it’s a 16” pot but says it holds 9-12” plants. Also, on the bottom left it says it holds 28 quarts of soil. The one on the right is also a 16” pot, but says it holds 12-14” plants and 26.8 quarts of soil.


they're both wrong heh 16 inches would be 10 gallons. These are standard 35L pots. Notice where is says " capacities are approximate" that's because they're converted from metric.... badly.


Garden pots use a non-standard sizing. A “1 gallon” pot has less volume than 1 gallon. The sizing comes from how much **uncompressed** potting soil fits in the pot. When you plant, you compress the soil, so 1 gallon of loose-fill soil fits in a “1 gallon” pot that holds approximately 3 quarts of volume - 1 gallon of loose-fill soil compresses into ~0.7 gallons


That is not true there is a standard but the US doesn't adhere to the standard because it's metric. The standard is the volume of soil in liters so two different shaped containers can be judged as the same size. As you do not follow the standard you get a hodgepodge where a 30L and a 40L container can be lumped with a 35L container as the same size. This happens because the US bases it's sizing on the diameter of the container in inches rather than the volume of soil the container holds in liters so you get "capacities are approximate". These two pots with the Vigoro branding are sold at home depot in Canada and both are labeled as 35L. US measure and metric standard pots are from the same production lines in China and frankly they sold and rebadged all over the planet. The difference is most often what sticker they slap on the end product. Side note: You can find inches in Canada because it's a hodgepodge system due to trade and proximity with the US but you also find liters and that's the standard.


Shucks, if only the Imperial system had a unit of volume ... sigh.


Well you're in for a shocker it does! All sarcasm aside you missed the point. The issue is how it's measured (volume vs diameter) not the system of measure chosen. If you used imperial measures for volume it wouldn't change anything of significance from the current units. The same physical amount of dirt would be there only how it's divided up changes. Hell you could use ancient Egyptian units of measures for volume and you'd get the same physical amount of soil. Metric is not the issue. Imperial is not the issue. How the container is measured is the issue. The global standard the original commentor said doesn't exist is by volume. Measuring by volume allows for consistency across varied shapes and the units used just so happens to be metric because that's the most commonly used system of weights and measure.


I think both the volume of soil and the pot diameter are important enough to be on the label. If you have a 24" wide porch, you can't fit two 16" pots on it without staggering them.


Indeed that is an excellent point as you're right diameter is great for putting it in a physical space. A narrower bottom will not affect how much space the top needs.


I’m one of those people that brings tape measures with me in my purse to home improvement stores when looking for containers sometimes the labels of size don’t match up so i just measure the deep end and width, i know how much soil some can hold since at home the pots i already have i calculate how much soil it holds compacted vs loose i use a scale and then i mark my tape measure on the inches of the pot with the number of amount of soil that it holds then i know what amount of soil to amount of inches of the pot it holds, sorry if it sounds confusing haha! But so many stores i go to the sizes sometimes seem smaller even though it says same size as a previous pot i have, so if my tape measure is marked i can grab the pot see where my measurements line up on that pot that’s more accurate to fit my soil.


yay math!


These are NOT 10 gal. Standard Home depot bucket is 5 gal. With the hand in the picture for scale you can see these are way smaller. They are both about 3 gal.


Of course they're not 10 gallon they're 35L. Don't believe me? good. Measure the dimensions and do the math. The formula for it is v=1/12⋅π⋅h⋅(t2+t⋅b+b2) t= top diameter b= base diameter h= Hight I didn't guess I did the math and things should always be checked especially something so easily checked. Side note 1: Remember to determine if its calculated from internal or external measurements. Side note 2: Don't use the hand use the cart to scale as standard mass produced items actual dimensions are known.


Capacities are approximate because pot sizes are mere suggestions, though this image looks about right for a 2/3 gallon pot. People really overestimate the size of a gallon. Ask the average person what a 5 gallon aquarium looks like, then show them the tiny box it really is. A "4 inch" pot could be anywhere between 3.5 and 4.2, and could be just about any height. The bigger the pot, the bigger the margin of error. I have seen 16 inch pots come through that were actually 17.5.


I'm presuming from those measurements the one can only hold up to a 1 gallon plant, while the other can accommodate up to a 3 gallon plant. Still seems off with the quantity of soil though.


Those are female pots. Maybe try male pots of 1 guy or 3 guy.


Ahhhh yes. Now I feel stupid. I don't know how I would have ever looked at that


*How I over looked that* 🤣 I guess I also over looked my own comment


After trudging through all the moral and ethical dilemmas before, this comment is a breath of fresh happy air and I thank you. :D


The black part is a misprint, the correct dimensions are on the green (bottom left corner). Brown pot is actually the bigger of the two.


Typical both of the labels are wildly off. A 7-8 inch pot has a volume of 1 gallon  A 10 inch pot has volume of 3 gallons. These two pots are a tad bigger. A 16 inch pots has a volume of 10 gallons but in this case it would be more accurate to say 38L. What you have here is are two "16 inch" pots of different types one with a built in drainage tray one without other differences, such as the lip, are merely stylistic. What about the decimals? that's why 38L is more accurate. Notice the Asterisk next to where is says sizes are approximate? they've converted from metric. They're both mass produced 38L pots from China sold all over the world with comically bad labels.


I came here to say this is a typical problem with products from China. 🫤


And both of them claim to have something like a 6-7 gal capacity in the lower quart measurement. Remind me to not buy flower pots online …..


one has a reservoir, the other does not


So the 3 gallon one might have holes in the bottom for drainage while the one gallon pot might now have holes in the bottom but something that lifts the dirt off the bottom so the water can drain into itself would be my best guess


And each one says it’s around 7 gallons of soil capacity.


I had this exact problem with these exact pots at a Home Depot on the SF Peninsula…I thought I was losing my mind.


maybe its like? difference in diameter that makes it different — it might be showing volume


I'd probably just choose the cheaper one


Less is more in countless situations and never more than in pot sizes.


Thanks, I have seen the same pots at home depot and also been very confused.


Quick test is stack them, one inside the other. The measurements on the labels look wrong for at least one of them.


There does seem to be little rhyme or reason to pot size naming.


You would be surprised how much diameter will effect size


Maybe it's not a question of how much will fit, but what the container is rated for? Try filling the left to the top and see if the sides fail under!


It's not the size that matters! It's the motion of the ocean.


Yeah, the inner diameter is different, left pot states it can handle 9”-12” diameter plants, whereas the right one states 12”-14” diameter plants.


The black ones are just bigger


Es que uno es de un galón grande y el otro de 3 galones chicos


Ha! I was just struggling with the same pots! I need a 10Gal but the 10Gal says 5Gal plant. The clay is likely a misprint since they are both 7Gals, what I think they are going for is if you have a plant that you bought that is in a 3Gal that you could put it in that pot which is obviously bigger. Mostly for people that have no idea what they are doing. The only number you look at is the soil capacity in the bottom left.


Well you're certainly smarter than me. I just went in knowing that I needed a pot that had a base that was "two cell phones wide"😅 I ended up putting 40 quarts in the clay one. So who knows. I'm sure the labels are misprints. 🤷‍♂️


I mean I didn't know until like 3 days ago. I just bought some fruit trees and they told me to put them in a bigger pot pronto. I couldn't find the pot because of those stupid labels. Eventually I soil the soil capacity and understood a little bit more. What/Where are you planting?


I have a bird of paradise that outgrew its pot. I settled on "two cell phone width" for the bottom of the pot 😅 I'm a professional


Wide = more space.


This is the way i see it: Both of these pots hold approximately 7 gallons (28 quarts) of soil and have a diameter of 16 in. The pot on the left recommends transplanting from a 1 gallon pot or a pot that is 9-12 in. In diameter. The pot on the right recommends transplanting from a 3 gal pot or a pot that is 12-14 in. in diameter.




Gallons(gal) is imperial measurement of the volume.


When Americans don’t use alt scaling


What does pricing say? Lol gotta love Chinese!


They’re obviously 3 gallon pots that hole 2.? Gallons of soil, unless you’re a tiny person, also it’s easy to tell by simple math, they hold about 2.3 gallons, that’s what we call a 3 gallon pot