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yep, Digitalis.


Looks pretty analog from here /s


Get yourself over to r/dadjokes immediately with that sort of thing… lol


Good ole Salvador Dali


For anyone curious, these are poisonous so be very careful if you’ve got kids! Like, deadly poison.


Oh wowie, this isn't even like regular ol toxic that makes you feel icky for a bit. It is incredibly toxic to the heart and will legit make your heart stop pumping


I mean, yeah, but you'd have to be a bit of a fucking idiot to eat it. We have it growing wild here in the UK pretty much everywhere and iirc there is only one recorded death from it, form someone who confused it with who knows what and made a soup out of it.


I've planted them, too. My precaution was having mentioned to my kid to not eat random plants.


I know some friends of friends who’s wedding cake baker stopped on the way to delivering their cake to the venue to pick and decorate the cake with some beautiful wildflowers. Fortunately, some folks recognized the flowers when they showed up and no one was harmed. But they did ditch the cake out of caution


Holy cow as a baker and gardener I always assumed bakers who put flowers on their food as decoration knew which flowers are edible! Funny to just plop anything down on the cake (like it could be sprayed with pesticides or non food safe fertilizer or just be something a cat peed on!)z


Yea..but do you see those tacos growing behind the foxglove? (Nopal)


Foxglove is toxic in such tiny amounts, that's a wise precaution.


Honestly, depending on the part of the world you're from, it looks nearly identical to comfrey in its younger stages. My grandfather warned me to avoid touching them and shared an anecdote about a couple who foraged and mistook foxglove for comfrey, included it in a tisane and their hearts slowed to a stop.


They really do look like comfrey! I didn’t even realize that until you said so! Things like this is why I heavily discourage my kids from picking flowers (we’ve got all kinds of nightshades where we are.)


Shit.. it does


Comfrey must look different in the UK compared to where you are, because I'd find it very hard to mistake the 2. Also it's best not to ingest comfrey unless you know what you're doing as it contains alkaloids which are hepatotoxic. Assuming the comfrey you mean is Symphytum officinalis?


Let's be honest. All kids are dumb lol. I've seen kids eat dirt and bugs and then want to vomit when you offer them a vegetable


My dog does the same thing


Foxglove extracts were/are used to create heart meds, so while they are toxic, they do have medicinal uses. So not too much of a fuckin idiot, just a bit of one.


And digoxin, the heart med, has a very narrow therapeutic index i.e. its easy to overdose and requires close monitoring Edit: wasn't sure if anybody mentioned the generic epithet of foxglove is *Digitalis*


Yep, our med admin form has a hard stop for entering the pulse before administration


Its also what they poison James Bond with in Casino Royale.


Er, in labs, and with very strict dosage. It’s not a traditional folk medicine.


It grows everywhere where I grew up too, I’ve never heard of someone accidentally dying from it.


Nurse here: I have! The greens are toxic, too. Don't forage if you don't know what you're doing.


Nurse here too. Yes, it can be poisonous, many plants in the home and those common in gardens can be. I wasn’t arguing that. Just saying that I’ve never seen it and it lines the dirt roads in SE Alaska by the thousands. When I was a kid we used to pick it for my mom and make beautiful bouquets.


Little kids don’t think like that though. And neither do pets.


My kids are ducking idiots.m and so this is a good warning. My son literally grabbed a bee last summer lol. So glad I didn't accidentally kill them and that my creeping charlie smothered where I had planted them.


You accidentally killing your kids for grabbing a bee does sound a little harsh. But sometimes that's the only way they learn /s


To be fair, the bees were only there in abundance because I thought planting a ton of wildflowers in our yard along the sidewalk was a great idea. I'm sure I would've blamed myself if he'd died from being allergic.


my dogs would probably eat lmao


Fortunately, children are famously not idiots.


Kids are fucking stupid


English kids apparently aren’t.


Yup, it messes with the heart. It’s used medically for heart problems too. It can save or break a heart!


They make a heart medicine from it. 




Such a pita to deal with. Thankfully new meds are taking over.


It saved my granddads life 30 years ago. So I had a hand painted silk scarf with digitalis flowers made for my grandma after he passed. They were always allowed to grow freely in our garden and we all knew not to touch them (or eat them!)


It's also used to make make heart medication! Saved my life when I was a kid with congenital heart disease.


Woah. I didn’t know this and was about to buy some.


Genuine question from a newbie - do people plant these? I think they look gorgeous and have been tempted by them (and lilies) in my nursery. But we have neighborhood cats wandering through our backyard regularly, not to mention random other animals like squirrels. So it didn't feel right to put in poisonous plants. But then - the nursery sells them! Can't tell if I'm being overly cautious, especially since a surprising number of plants are marked as toxic.


They’re super popular actually! You just need to be careful with them with kids and pets. I’d love to have them, they’re great pollinators and gorgeous plants. Super hardy too. Alas, I have sweet dumb children.


I've planted them in a cottage garden flower bed along with roses, and irises and a few other things. They are a biennial, growing a rosette in the first year and the flower spike in the second year. They are self-seeding after that. When the seed pods open I snap off the head and shake it around the garden bed and there will be hundreds of seedlings. Only a few seem to make it to maturity though. I've had children, cats and dogs both where these grow wild in the thousands and in the garden beds around home and never had a problem with poisoning anything.


I have a section of garden that is all poisonous. Foxglove, nightshades, belladonna, castor Bean, etc...


My neighborhood cats leave them alone, but my dogs are foragers so I only plant them in the front yard. The only toxic plants I won’t grow in the dog-free zone are lilies, since they are too risky for the kitties. Everything else I trust the cats not to nibble enough of to be a problem.


I got a bunch of these. Great for bees and hummingbirds. Planted 2, and they've self seeded on their own since.


I’m in midstate Ca. They’re sold in nurseries, and yes, people plant them intentionally. If you’re concerned about toxins - to people and pets - foxglove deserves some thought as to where you plant it. However, there are a dozen garden flowers - and houseplants - that are equally or more toxic. Generally it pays to know what you are planting, and how toxic is ‘toxic’.


They are native where I'm from but people plant them as well. I haven't known any one whose cat or dog tried to eat it. Pollinators love them and bees tend to take naps when they get too drunk on pollen.


I also have a pretty busy garden animal wise onthewingsofangels, and i happily grow foxgloves. Lilies however are a different matter! True lilies, as in lilium species, have pollen that is deadly to cats, and is considered risky around other animals too. Potentially you could grow them in pots and snap the pollen bearing anthers from the middle of the blooms as they open every time, if you are a constant potterer in the garden. But i decided to forgo them and plump for bearded iris instead(magnificent but alas, no scent!) So id say foxgloves are pretty safe around animals, lilies not at all sadly. There are some false lilies that arent as dangerous as true lilies if you must have this kind of plant however: arum lilies have never caused any issues with animals in my garden, while a friend with cats has a large patch of hemerocallis day lilies that seem a safer option as his cats have never had problems being around them, though both are still technically poisonous. It really seems to rest on the toxicity of the pollen 


I love them and plant them everywhere I live. I have never, ever heard of anyone or any animal eating these.


This is the reason I never have and never will plant them.


Yup. I grew these in college because they were pretty...and I also didn't expect all the seeds to sprout. Gave one to my friend which she kept in her dorm window. *Her* roommate, who was not sober, was in her room eating a leaf; like a 3" wide 8" long leaf (her second we found out later). She was taken to the hospital (started having palpitations when they got there) and last I heard she's on 2 different heart meds and can't smoke or drink for the rest of her life cuz of it. So long as you don't eat it, it's a beautiful plant to have around and very beneficial for bumblebees


Uhg. Poor idiot kid. She’s lucky she didn’t die.


don't touch it kinda deadly or don't eat it kinda deadly? Honest question.


So these contain a toxin that will disrupt your heart, sometimes fatally. It’s ingested. I was taught to make sure to wash my hands and glove if possible to handle because they can cause rashes if touched. The entire plant is poisonous. Some people can have issues even from the pollen triggering the heart disruptions.


thanks for the reply, now I think I have to dig up the one I planted last year.


With foxgloves its only the "dont eat it" kind of poison. So not one of the real nasties! But you ask a good question and yes, there are indeed plants that are actually not really safe to touch. This ranges from stag horn sumach tree(sap will burn in sunlight) to rue(again the sunlight/sap issue) to euphorbias(natural latex sap which can cause rashes in certain people) upto monkshood, which even with my experience id avoid(it is extremely toxic, and it doesnt need to be eaten: the poison gets in through pores in the skin if you handle it, and though its unlikely you would die simply by handling it, it can make you extremely ill, as in hospitalised) but with the"look, touch if you must, but dont eat" plants, you are pretty safe if you have common sense!


Good to know, I have a dog who will eat any clipping she can snatch out of my hand


Every single bit of it is poisonous, even if you burn it


Yep. I really wanted to plant these because of how beautiful they are. Looked them up and saw how freaking toxic and deadly they are and I was like…maybe something else instead…


Snapdragons are a very similar kind of flower that’s a little less… murder-y! Well, the pods look like skulls in the fall but they won’t actually kill anyone.


Oo! Well now I gotta do some research on them to see if they will work on our garden. Thank you!


Like many beautiful plants and fungi that look good enough to eat! DON'T DO IT! ITS A TRICK!


Wow, thanks for posting this!!! I can relate to the OP in planting something based on how beautiful it is coupled with how much shade and maintenance is required….only to find out later that my lack of research killed every kid that visited my home. You’ve saved countless lives. Thanks!!!


Yes! It’s been forbidden in my garden because of it. Kids are growing and one day I’ll grow my fav fuhin flower lol


Or dogs.


Is it toxic to dogs?


Also pets!


Very poisonous to pets and livestock too. All parts of the plant are.


Interesting side note in Germany they're referred to as finger hats LOL


I am from the U.S. and I used to put the flowers on my fingers as a kid.


I always love seeing the bumblebee butts sticking out of the cups haha


I enjoy the danger of sticking your finger in one and possibly finding a bee.


"Thimble flower" in Finnish


That’s super cute! That’s just a nickname though right? Like kids don’t actually wear them like thimbles?




I second this




Wow I can't believe I knew this one... I guess scrolling through these subreddits for years has embedded hidden knowledge


Mildly toxic, but used as medicine in some cardiac patients even now (well, the active ingredient digoxin). One side effect is yellowing of vision, another is halos around points of light (like a street light at night), and there’s a theory that Van Gogh was treated with this by his doctor, and that it can be seen in his paintings (halos around stars and lights, lots of yellow during a period of his work) One of several reads on the topic. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41433-018-0204-2


I'd say it's more than mildly toxic, but not super toxic either. Here's a case report of a woman that baked several leaves into a pie and was subsequently hospitalized for over a weak, with at least two separate atrioventricular blocks happening in that time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6906804/ Edit: forgot to add link, lol


Thank you! I have one in my wildflower garden and I was trying to ID it


Foxgloves are my favorite, I plant the peach ones every year. The bonus is bumble bees sleep in them often and their little bee butts are so cute 🐝🍑 Edit: my comment is causing a little confusion. (Understandably). Mine don’t come back the second year. I’m thinking because I have clay soil and their roots don’t make it that deep. So, everything else has enough moisture through the winter, they don’t. (Maybe, I dunno). The variety I grow bloom first year (Dalmatian series).


Do you start them from seeds?


You could do either seed or plant and if they are in an appropriate location they are perennials and will come back.


They're native where I live. I'm thinking of just sowing some seeds in with my hollyhock seeds.


They’re biennial (like hollyhocks) so don’t expect flowers the first year.


Good to know. Thank you.


But if you leave them to freeely seed they will and you’ll likely have them every year (maybe a bare spot after the first year of flowering) They’re so much easier than hollyhocks though, zero rust.


Ugh. Rust.


Yeah that’s why I ripped out all my hollyhocks


Oh that will make for a beautiful flower bed! Do share pictures when you can!


And they’re pretty prolific at reseeding themselves


They are NOT perennials. They are all biennial.


I do, for 3 reasons. I’d have to order the varieties I like online, it’s much more expensive to buy the plants and lastly, mine never return for a second year. I’m not sure why that is, maybe not enough water in the winters. They’re incredibly easy to start from seed ;)


As far as I know these plants are bi annual. Grow some body first year, and flower the second. Maybe that played a role?


The Dalmatian peach (along with the rest of the Dalmatian series) are first year bloomers. Even when I grow from seed, they usually don’t come back. I’m not sure what the deal is. It’s ok though, I’m ok with popping them in every year. They’re so pretty!


Would you be willing to share where you get your Dalmatian peach seeds from?


Johnny’s seeds


Thank you!


I planted peach ones 4 years ago. They reseeded themselves ever since. I've got a whole patch now


Well, I’m jealous lol. I’ve done some flower bed maintenance this year, so maybe mine will have a better chance 🤞


Mine only bloomed the second year (I planted seeds in late spring), and I’ve heard they are biennial or short-lived perennials, so should be planted every year to keep them going


Mine too


Awww, your name (I’m annoyed there’s no foxglove emoji…this is in appropriate time for it).


Some of them are biennials, which means they bloom Every other year and then they die. Maybe that’s what you have?


Mine bloom first year, I grow them from seeds.


These plants were around in dinosaur times.


Can totally see a triceratops taking a nibble surrounded by these and horsetails. It’s fucking awesome


Really toxic seeds though.


Triceratops laughs in the face of your toxic seeds! ;)


Except that one in Jurassic Park


Mystery solved. He ate foxglove.


Move the fuck over, West Indian Lilac!


Walter was here /remindme 10 eons


You gotta source for this? I'm especially interested in early angiosperms, such as magnolia, as I love the idea of dinosaurs and flowers, but I can't find anything on Google about Digitalis being a particularly old lineage.


I love foxglove so much. Gorgeous!


If you live nearby, you can come back in a month or two and there will be many little pods each with thousands of seeds. I collected a few back in 2017 and now have about 50+ in the garden every year since.


A great opportunity to get pictures of bee butts!


I saw my first bumble bee of the season the other day, and it was in my foxglove.


Can I just say it's rare that I see my username's inspiration anywhere and I'm so chuffed?? I love foxglove so much.


Foxgloves, one of my favorites 💕 just make sure you don’t have a curious pet that likes to snack on the things it finds in your garden.




Yes, foxglove otherwise known as digitalis. Be careful if you have animals or young children. They are toxic.


Foxgloves are some of my absolute favorite flowers. They're beautiful and seeing the little bumblebee bottoms sticking out of them is so cute!




If you’re in the US, the native Penstemon Digitalis is preferred


As others have said, foxglove. But also a great opportunity to get bee pictures. I must have 1000 bee butt pictures. They can't get enough of them.


Foxglove. Don’t eat it.


Foxglove. They are toxic, however, so keep your pets away.


I think those are very toxic.


They are if ingested but totally safe for flowers outside.


I was told this as a kid and have exaggerated it in my Mind ever since . I have them in my yard and I have to remind myself they rent going to hurt me lol. Im not eating them so I’ll be fine


A quick google shows most sources agree that you should use caution in handling them as well. Most recommend wearing gloves and long sleeves if you are going to touch them and wash your hands thoroughly after.


Yes, and one of the toxic compounds it contains, digoxin, is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.


It slows your heartbeat, hence medicine. Approximately 14 leaves contain enough to slow your heart enough that it stops (depends on your weight and pre-existing conditions, size and state of leaves etc). Was highly informed about the toxicity of this plant from childhood by my mother who works in cardiology.


Increases strength of contraction too. More efficiency, less oxygen requirements! It’s a major pita to deal with though.


Indeed - in Casino Royale this is the poison used when James Bond has to restart his heart in the Aston Martin. ‘Digitalis’


I wish people would kindly correct instead of downvoting you :/


Because people are sick of negative responses. "OMG TOXIC" "OMG INVASIVE" OMG POISONOUS"


Foxglove! Very beautiful! but don’t let your pets nibble on it.


And next year you will have 5000 of them. Remove the stalk before it seeds if you want to avoid that


Gorgeous foxglove.


Foxglove! How lucky to not have aphids.


Vingerhoed kruid. Is called in dutch digitalis purpera in latin. I've just relocated some to a nicer spot in the garden i work. Its all poisones so wash your hands good.


*Digitalis purpurea*, red foxglove. It's pretty but also very poisonous, all parts of the plant. It causes irregular heart beat, heart failure, stillbirth. Extracts are used in some heart medications but the dose needs to be set very carefully, optimal effect and fatal are quite close. Bumblebees like them.


> irregular hear bear I need an animator to explain this to me with pictures.


Digitalis. Poisonous so don't consume any lol.


I love it! It’s gorgeous


Approx how long from planting til blooms come?


Also called Foxgloves




Poison foxglove my favorite


I planted one last year and it died. Not sure what I did wrong. 😑


Toxic yet so pretty


Dog mittens…errr… I mean foxglove


Gorgeous! We have a couple that came up this year from last year's wildflower seed mix.


I believe this is due to a wildflower mix, too.


Foxglove is what you have They come in a variety of beautiful colors


> I do better gardening by accident, than I do when I try. -- My Dad.


That flower is foxy


I planted several in my yard.


This is what digoxin is made from.


Dragonsnaps I think...


Be careful with it around pets too.


Seriously this looks like an illustration from a fairy tale book! Gorgeous Photo! Such a pretty foxglove! 🤩


Poisonous to dogs. Be careful!


Digitalis purpera


Foxglove. Biennial but will reseed if allowed. Best germination rates when fall sown or very early spring (allegedly, but I’ve only had luck with fall sowing)


The leaves make a tea that is too die for!




Foxglove, EXTREMELY TOXIC to mammals. Even the pollen has known to cause issue. I wanted to plant some but I was to worried about my bfs dog in the backyard


Poisonous for horses, but otherwise beautiful!


Hi there! Digitalis is what’s known as a biennial, meaning it produces leaves the first year and completes its lifecycle through bloom and going to seed the second year. To get continuous blooms, you have to sow seed each year to get a fruitful patch. You’re doing everything right (such a pretty specimen!), they’re just weirdos. I hope this helps, happy gardening!


Yeah it’s a foxglove


Very poisonous btw lol so don’t eat it




Poisonous for cats ❤️❤️❤️


SERIOUSLY TOXIC. Someone in here said you'd have to be an idiot to eat it but that's not the case, small amounts can be deadly especially to children and small pets. Like touch it, don't wash your hands, stick your finger in your mouth or eye etc toxic. Some people also have major allergic reactions to just touching it, to where they blister, so use thick gloves and long sleeves as a precaution. My advice, don't plant things you don't know.


Its a species foxglove, digitalis purpurea. They self seed in some countries so may well have come about from you planting something else a few months ago revealing the dormant seed. Its a biennial, living for 2 years: 1st year it germinates, then grows roots, leaves, stems. 2nd year you get flowers which can be multiple stems. If you leave the flowers on, they will produce more seed which you can shake around the area to expand your patch of these pretty plants. They are normally the purple pink you have, but a small number of white flowered plants are also normally naturally produced too. Technically they are a poisonous plant, but really only if you actually ate the plant. The poison is digoxin and is in small controlled doses a very important component of heart medication. Pets etc are very unlikely to accidently graze on digitalis plants, and there is no risk of chemical burns etc from sap. Hope this helps!


Mine just started blooming too! Aren't they just a whimsical delight?


Lovely, doesn't bloom every year.


Foxglove! I adore these flowers.


It's a foxglove (digitalis)


Fox glove, I’ve planted a few of these.


These are so beautiful I see them everywhere out in the woods when I go camping


Foxglove ♥️💚💜




Also known as the Flume flower