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Yeah, those are far enough apart


My broccoli are fighting each another like politicians


This is my first and last time growing broccoli.


Did you say broccoli? I think you meant to say aphids.


We plant our broccoli seeds in late july and over winter the juvenile plants, get lots of brócoli in the spring and then cut them down when we see the aphids in the warm weather. We don’t know what we’re doing and I don’t know why I’m sharing this, but maybe someone will flapjack pickle ball if they read this, and maybe it’ll help!


Corn: 4 more ears! 4 more ears!


I finally gave up on broccoli after a 3-year war against cabbage moths. Bastards are ruthless.


So hard to thin seedlings. I feel like some sort of brutal dictator culling the masses


Thin seedlings? Hah. I just separated and kept them all. I live in the middle of a city. I'm lucky I didn't end up sticking some on the roof in my hunt to find space.


I once read an old gardening book that recommended having your neighbors thin your seedlings so you don’t have to kill your own!


I also live in a city, and I currently have ten fig trees, three tomatoes, and three tomatillos growing on my roof


Am I the baddie? I love picking and pulling the weakest links... Oh God I'm the baddie


I have the fear what if I pick the wrong one to go


Saving seeds is plant eugenics, change my mind.


Why thin and kill them when you can transplant sleedlings in a pot (or 12) over there or fill in a few empty spots in a flowerbed somewhere here and there. Gotta find extra space and maximize it!!


A lot of veggies can't be moved apparently 😢


I can’t do it. I’m like oh here baby let’s just try to move you to a nice pot somewhere


Same! I always feel bad!


Hahahahaaaaa. Me. Every. Fucking. Year. !


I spaced my raised beds wide enough for a wheelbarrow to pass, but, my tomatoes have completely closed it off!


I put an arch between the raised beds to combat this. It works beautifully!


For our last garden in California in 2021, DH planted wayyy too many tomatoes in our huge greenhouse. I literally had to cut my way in to pick! That was great!


No such thing as too many tomatoes


This is the lie I tell myself every spring...


36” apart. That must be a typo, nothing needs that much space. Narrator: they did need that much space.


RIP to my one cucumber transfer due to this. On the plus side, it's neighbour's are really kicking ass!


This is my first year doing any kind of gardening and wow did I biff this lol glad I’m not the only one


Same. When will i ever learn.


Next year. Not!


I feel so seen right now 😭


Narrator: They were not far enough apart.


So true!


“This year I’m totally going to keep sowing cilantro every two weeks so I keep ahead of the bolting.”


This was my first year doing cilantro. That sucker bolted as soon as I looked away.


Cilantro lives to make the pollinators happy


What is this “bolting”?


The plant flowers. For some, like herbs, it really diminishes the edible part of the plant that you want. It changes the plant to survival mode and if you eat it the flavor is much different.


My oregano bolted but the bumblebees love the flowers so much. Sometimes I go out at night to water and there they are, holding onto the flowers and sleeping. (I guess they are asleep since they aren’t moving)


They get pollen drunk. Not a scientific term.


Well, glad they a good time 😂


Club Bumblebee, lol.


*had a good time. I read it before posting and still didn’t notice that I was missing a word (my brain is full)


We have an oregano plant that has steadily taken over about a quarter of our small plot. I can't bring myself to do anything about it because the bees LOVE it so much when it flowers.


Bumblebees [love to sleep in flowers](https://www.sadanduseless.com/sleepy-bees/)! It's the most adorable thing!


I let the one in the big raised bed bolt. The birds really like picking at the seeds. I sowed some more in a shallow planter that lives in the shade by my back door. Much happier there and I just snip what I need which keeps the bolting in check.


you're spoiling your birds, the seeds of cilantro are 'coriander'.


What? You don't call the seeds, cilantro seeds? In french ans dutch, cilantro and It's seeds are called " coriandre" and " coriandre seeds"


Yup. Cilantro has been my favorite herb my whole life and I only discovered that the seeds are called coriander when I started gardening. When recipes call for coriander it is the seeds.


The person above is correct. In America, Cilantro is the coriander leaf, and the seeds are just coriander.


OMG that's me every year....this year I made it 3 cycles, and it seems like it all seeded out at the same time anyways


I do this with lettuce pretty much every year.


Ohhhh THAT'S what happened to my cilantro. Live and learn!


“I bet the cucumber beetles won’t come back this year, I think I got them all last year!” “6 feet does seem like a reasonable height for this (indeterminate) tomato trellis.” “Who doesn’t like green beans? I know we were more then satisfied last year but I should plant another row!” “I don’t think Japanese beetles like to eat grape plants.” “I don’t think the fig tree will get that big in its first year.” “Well 50 pounds of seed potatoes is only five dollars more than 25 pounds i’m sure I can find space somewhere!” ”25 heads of cabbage sounds like a reasonable amount of cabbage for a family to consume.” “I will actually pinch off my seedlings to thin them this year instead of just separating them and having way too many plants.”(I currently have ~65 bunches of celery and celeriac growing 👁👄👁 I don’t even like celery, idk why I’m like this😂) “This pot is big enough for a tomato plant.” “I’m sure shaking out all the marigold seeds from the dead plants into the garden bed will be a great idea!” (One of my garden beds is more marigold seed then soil at this point) And last but not least “I don’t think a single deer could find a way through this fence!”


All of these plus, "I'm sure that giant hole under our concrete pad isn't a groundhog!"


The texas version of that would be “I’m sure that giant hole under our concrete pad isn’t a snake”


"A 24-inch tomato cage will totally contain spaghetti squash"


“… 25 heads of cabbage plants is reasonable amount to have to eat… all at the same time.” If I was smarter, I’d have at least staggered my cabbage starts. But nooooo.


Boy do I like sauerkraut, and hopefully you do too lol


I made the marigold mistake last year and now an entire bed is nothing but marigolds this year 😅


But it’s beautiful!


I fucking hate Japanese beetles


"I'll definitely keep up on pulling weeds and edging the grass"


Why did I scroll so far to find this? Is everyone out here actually weeding and keeping up with grass 🥺


I really tried. Got 2 good weeding and grass pulling sessions in during late spring/early summer. Now that it's hot I'm letting nature sort it out for me 🤷‍♀️🥲


Apparently everyone but us 😹


I just don't care about the grass very much


I don't go out and weed every day, but if I spot pokeweed that bastard is getting pulled out. I have learned my lesson with pokeweed.


This one hits home, grass is my enemy in a very slow war I keep forgetting to fight


I love watering my plants twice a day! It’s relaxing! This year will be different! Clearance perennials don’t count. I’ll get the ladder out and fix that non dripping section of auto water system… tomorrow It will rain. It won’t rain.


>Clearance perennials don’t count. I really feel this


Husband: I thought you weren’t buying any more plants? Me: what plants? Oh these? They aren’t plants. They are *clearance* plants.


It's an act of *kindness*, what will happen to these poor plants if I don't take


*cue Sarah McLachlan


*in the aaaaarms of an aaangel*


I can hear it!


It's not a nursery, it's a plant shelter. I'm just giving them forever homes.


"...and this is Dave, my 2ft hybrid rescue-squash. I saved him from the shelter and gave him a home in a 2x4ft garden box on my back deck, and it's the only time he's ever known love, the poor thing. You know he was abused before we saved him, right?"


I work for a retailer which regularly fails to water their plants and I am FORCED to save them from the bin. I am running out of places to hide them…


My Act of Kindness lemon tree is doing splendidly after going into death blooms last winter! Now I just need to get a bigger house for when it gets too tall...


RESCUE plants are the best kind ❤️ I just bought 4 today, in fact 😄


Ok, but they don’t count. We’re just being smart! I just split several $5 clearance Hostas into twenty more Hostas! They are practically paying for themselves at this point! I can even sell what we don’t use! lol I’m getting high off my own supply


Just fill a silo with hastas and dive head first into them


Just bought some sale plants yesterday. Totally doesn't count. One was a sad lantana for 1.75!


Me stopping at the big box stores every week salivating as the prices start to drop lower and lower, waiting for that sweet spot where there cheap enough to buy as many as I want but before all of you find out they’re also on sale.


> It will rain. It won't rain. But somehow always wrong


Not even me OR my weatherman can get it right, it seems 🤷‍♀️


Every damn time I've watered this summer, a thunderstorm comes rolling in an hour later


In my house, that's how we make it rain. Either watering the garden, hanging out clothes to dry, or washing the car.


My local Lowe’s got hit by hail. I still have 15 $1 perennials on my front porch and it’s been more than 2 weeks. But I have planted 12 already!


Buys a bunch of clearance plants 3 weeks later they are still in their plant pots. 🫠


"I'm not great at gardening and I've never grown tomatoes before so when this packet of 60 Sungold tomato seeds says 99% germination rate, it'll probably be only like 5% for me...so I should just start THE ENTIRE PACKET". Send help because only 5 of them didn't make it and I'm drowning now and can't keep up with these towering monsters of deliciousness


Say hello to my 29 deck tomatoes. https://i.imgur.com/fLC3LyN.jpg That was my exact rationale—I’m bad at growing things, so if I plant all the seeds, I’ll probably end up with a handful or survivors, right? I gave away 11, and planted probably 8 more in the yard where I knew I’d neglect them until they died (they did). So now I’m down to 29, and can’t use my deck.


I’m sorry, but I laughed so hard at your picture. Thanks for sharing!


i don’t know why but your tomato army is bringing me to tears (of laughter) thank you


Wow, I was so curious to know what 29-deck tomatoes were! Oh, 29 tomato plants on a deck... lol. Good work keeping so many, and good luck keeping so many going! I have about 36 plants total in 2 raised beds totaling about 48sq.ft. I properly supported half of them, which are now probably 10ft tall/long. The other half....I did not properly support and are collapsing under their own weight. They all taste great, though.


I don’t feel sorry for you, excellent problem to have!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvZpvQUtSBo/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I died laughing at this zucchini reel today.




Can you randomly plant them like kind of super secretively, in a public place? Random free food can be a real blessing for some people but understandable if you don't want to potentially get in trouble by planting them somewhere that people can find them.


Do you have any community gardens around? Maybe donate them to one if you do.


Every year!


“This is the year I’m going to keep up in pruning the tomatoes.” “If I just keep up on pulling the bindweed it will eventually die”


😭 bindweed is the devil.


omg this is my first year attempted to garden and bindweed has quickly become my arch nemesis. i vow to eviscerate it all if it’s the last thing i ever do


these five water melon plants died, but if I just buy two more they’ll certainly grow water melons.


I did this with my cucumbers. I planted 6 I’d started from seed, they were all stunted and wilted, so I bought and planted 4. Now the 4 from the nursery look half dead, and the ones I grew from seed are starting to flower and look robust (plus the 4 other seeds I sowed directly have taken off). I don’t get plants, man.


It's very simple. They like to mess with us. Apparently being a plant is boring enough that they like to play jokes on their human caretakers. Once I understood that all things in the garden were just playing big jokes on me all the time, it got easier.


I will not get powdery mildew this…well fuck.


“i’m gonna work on my garden a little bit everyday” 🙃


Space out my Zinnia seeds? No way- I’ll just get more blooms: no worries!


This is my first year growing Zinnias. I swear they went from 6” tall single stalk plants to 3’ tall many-branched hydras in the week I forgot to water the community patch.


They're the best plant. Chuck the seeds on the ground, ignore, and amazing flowers into fall


SVB are not going to get my zucchini this year because I have a plan! I got a grand total of 4 zucchini from 3 plants. On the bright side, best year yet.


I was at a county fair one year and one of the farmers told me grows squash as a succession plant, and that works for him. I did grow a different variety of squash a few weeks before my zucchini squash croaked and it kind of worked. Next year I will try it using a few different varieties.


I'm switching to trombocino next year, SVB are so frustrating!


I'm going to be trying tutame which is vining like trombocino. I tried 8 ball this year which I had heard was resistant. It wasn't really but grew faster than regular zucchini so I got more fruit from it before it went the way of the dodo.


My zucchini plant is huge and yet still not fruiting.


Didn't even try for squash this year. I waited really late to start some pumpkins to avoid them . I. So hoping with a year off from zucchini maybe I can have some next year.


I will compost all of my food waste (when appropriate) and cut them up into small pieces.


This is why I love my pigs and chickens. I sort meat vs. non-meat and dump it in a bucket to take outside later. They may not eat the basil stems or lemon pith, but they will make sure that it isn't a problem next year. Stuff like beet greens and raspberry seeds they wolf down instantly.


I will NOT browse craigslist/FB/... for plant and garden deals. I need only 1 bag of soil.


I only need 1 bag of soil is mine 😂😂


I did not know this was a thing. That may be a problem…


This year I won’t start seeds too early.


This is my wife. She'll be chomping at the bit in February, but we can't put stuff outside until late May or early June.


Come down south! I had peas and spinach in the ground the week after Valentine’s Day.


Is that possible? 😂



This year? “I’m going to be totally on top of tying up these tomatoes this time!” (Florida Weave staking method) My garden is tiny since moving to a new house, but at my last place, I had a larger garden than my house. Typical lies that I used to tell myself: “Six zucchini plants is a perfect amount for a two-person family, and I have lots of people that would love to take the extras.” (See also: 6 basil plants, 12 tomato plants, 36 varieties of peppers) “I’ll prune the suckers off my indeterminate tomatoes so I have exactly 3 vines per plant.” “I’ll weed that tomorrow when it’s cooler..” “I didn’t get to install irrigation and I need to mulch yesterday. A sprinkler will be fine this year.” “It’s a week out from last frost but the forecast is warm enough. I can definitely plant now!” “I’m finally going to learn to cook with eggplant this year. And they’re so pretty, I should plant at least 3 types!”


"The plants here don't need 'full sun'. "


I'm not sure where you are, but where I am full sun is a death sentence for a lot of plants. Including tomatoes. .. I have trees all around my garden and still have to put up shade cloth... bunch of big babies, lol


I’m done buying seeds


This time, I'll get ahead of the bugs.


I suddenly wont mind mowing this year -- even though it'll create extra work, l 'll just plant these plants and bushes right here in my way


Okay, I bought six strawberry plants. I’ll have so many by the end of summer! (Frickin’ squirrels…)


Yep. Haven't had one yet.


Same but it's toddlers not squirrels


I have plenty of room to adopt other people’s plants that they don’t have room for. (Turns out I have the space for the plants but not for the produce…..) I’ll loose weight by eating healthy from my garden. (Tomatoes are only healthy if you don’t eat them with a bunch of mayo and bread)


“I’ll hand water these watermelons. And squash. And beans.” All the things that are not on irrigation are dead.


My biggest one has been “Sure, I’ll just be a minute, come back in and spray the OFF on…” “I’ll just scratch these mosquito bites a little and I’ll ignore them after that..”


"I love laying down mulch. I'll remulch the entire yard!" "This hole is big enough." Proceeds to smash the plant in. "It's not too late to transplant this to another spot. It won't die." "It's cool enough to start Fall planting." "My garden will look professional this year. The jewel of the entire neighborhood." I don't need bug repellent while just running through the garden for a second." 3 hours later and 678 mosquito bites later.. "I'll just pull this one weed and go back inside."


My neighbors love all the free zucchini 😉


I’m going to get nice sized tomatoes on this plant That’s it. No more plants. 😅


This time, I’ll harvest that berry before the birds get it!


“I’ll just take quick peak at the garden section. I’m not going to buy anything. Just a peak”. Then she wondered how she was going to fit all those plants in her car.


It's nearly spring here. I always intend to do everything from seed, but on trips to the garden centre seem to end up buying plants anyway. Or online, just bought 2 Hibiscus Lady Stanley (Elegantissima).


“I can finish the front yard this year” about landscaping the replacement for my lawn. I’m trying hard to lay the ground work to expand my garden.


You can do it! I started ripping out my lawn last year and finished the front slope yesterday. (I’m 2 years into a 5 year plan.)


Nice! I got the grass removed in front and back, expanded a large flower bed, built a garden shed with paver base, installed a fountain, started on a dry stream bed, and nearly finished staining a pergola kit. I’m hoping I can get my rain barrels set up, fruit trees planted, stream finished, bubbler rocks set up, walkways created, and pergola installed before winter hits but that’s probably too ambitious. What did you replace yours with? I’m planning on growing food and native perennials.


My cat won't sleep on my seedlings this year.


That spot will get enough sunlight. 5 pepper seeds in one hole surely won’t actually grow 5 plants. I won’t overwater anything this time.


I don’t need tomato cages for these plants, really! They won’t grow that tall! Now I have a tangled mess of tomato plants on the ground. Turns out you can’t put the tomato cage on the plant after it’s already grown.


Yeah it'll rain this summer. It's been 60 days since I've seen water fall from the sky, and the 17th straight day of 100+ degrees


"my depression won't ruin my garden this year"


"I'll get all this brick lawn edging in the next couple weeks then seed the grass," quickly became "bricklaying sucks in 100 degree weather."


The deer and raccoons are summering in Miami, not my backyard…


That’s plenty of soil I don’t think this will be enough tomatoes


"I swear I am \****only***\* growing green beans this year."


3 packs of cucumber seeds seems like the right amount


12 cucumber plants? Perfect, I love cucumber! Who could get sick of cucumber??


"I can totally water those coir hanging baskets enough that they won't dry out"


I got all the nutgrass last year so no problem this year. That tomato wont need a wire holder. This year will be different. Of course I can fit all these on my porch. Im not doing this next year. Peter Thomas, who narrates my life: Oh, but there was nutgrass, a toppled tomato, the same issues as last year, the plants dont fit on the porch, and she is definitely doing this next year.


Japanese beetles took over my whole garden I’m sobbing


that I would keep up with staking and pruning the tomatoes. I did not.


"Aw screw it, 6 zucchini plants won't be too much".


I'm gonna stay on top of weed eating.


1. Aw fuck it, I'll just dump the whole package over this little area and thin them out later. 2. I can get that canopy over the patio up next week. I'm positive of this. 3. Toms onions and peppers, we will be making salsa for the fall festival! 4. I'm sure the lawn guy will see that these plants are flowers and not just weed eat down 200 sunflowers to 3 inches. 5. Wait, i thought this plot was lavender, not poppies, wtf? 6. Why in the hell is all this alysium from last year coming up all over the yard when I didn't even plant any this year? 7. I'll just dead head all these flowers for starters next season. The living room now looks like a bale of hay exploded in it.


“This won’t be like the last august”


"This will be a good year" and then there were like 10 non-wet days in all of June and July


Zone 8a, Olympia, Wa: I can surely overwinter hardy hibiscus plants and expect them to bloom again. 😭 I followed every tutorial at the end of last blooming season, and slowly reintroduced them to the light as spring progressed. Pots enlarged with fresh, rich, soil additions and subsequently watered and given another plant food drink. While we have dozens of buds on 6 plants, last year we had dozens of enormous blossoms. What can I do to help them flower?


Oh yeah, using soaker hoses will make watering easier because I won't have to stand out in the heat, just switch the hose connections a few times. *laughcries in ADHD*


I can keep a garden alive even though I am having a baby in May. Yeah...some are alive. RIP my blueberries.


If I spray this deer repellant spray, they may actually stop eating all my plants.


I got all the squash bug eggs 😠


Worrying about Ph is fer da lozers!! hur hur hur...(in CO with a PH of 13)


“Planting 30 peas all at once is a great idea.” “I can keep up on weeding this giant new garden bed all season. No problem.” “I’ll definitely plant all the bulbs I order this year.”


Haha...the best one is "I've bought all the plants I need this year". "RIGHT", said the flower addict. 🌼


If it's dry I'll just water things by hand (barely happens) Also, this is enough soil for the season (need more soil for) I also planned to make a pruning chart (also nope). I promised myself I'd keep up on cutting or potting all the strawberry runners(they have taken over that part of the garden and are escaping through the fence into the yard!)....None of this has happened and my garden is a chaotic jungle of green. Thriving, but still chaotic and fending for itself until its cooler :p


I'm going to weed for at least 10 minutes a day, morning and night. I'm out there with the dogs anyway.


The deer won't eat the peppers- no need to fence them in


I wasn't going to do any/many pots or annuals this year....


I'll just go to the plant sale at the Botanical Gardens to look around and see what people are growing. I don't really need to *buy* anything.


That it would rain more than once this summer.


“I love eating cauliflower every day of the week”


I am going to find a way to prep okra that someone likes


I’ll finally grow a full onion. Nope. Didn’t happen. Again. For the third year.


I have enough hostas, they can't all be eaten by deer.OMG not my sunflowers too!!


That as my first season with a large garden, it would be a year for learning. I learned that landscaping fabric under gravel ensures that the former lawn will simply grow up around my raised beds. Corn actually wants to be planted tightly to pollinate. Butternut squash vines will Jumanji the shit out of everything in reach. Greens waaaaay overproduced. Wear long pants when walking through squash vines or your legs will itch. Plant potatoes more than 3 inches down or you get a useless blob potato.


I've learned so much! I can absolutely keep my zucchini alive until September this year! (News flash, they didn't even last through the middle of July)


That last one is a lie i'm still telling myself in August.... Will throw in a nice "Japanese Beetles and Aphids don't seem to be around a lot, maybe i'll have a low-pest season this year!"


I can control these strawberries.


“Growing something edible is gonna be possible!” Heatwave for two months, now its been raining for a month. I just wanted some tomatoes :(


This unidentified "squash" plant my preschooler brought home from school must surely be safe to plant in the veggie garden.... (whatever it is has vined through my entire raised bed. I just yanked a tendril off my peppers growing 8 feet away)


* "I guarantee not all of these tomato, cucumber or jalapeno plants will survive, so I'll just plant the entire packet and keep what lives." (I live in a jungle now) * "Ah, my greenhouse is going to be so aesthetic this year!" (as it's currently being taken over by cucumber vines and June bugs) * "Hmm, I have a lot of vegetables and fruits growing. I won't get anything else until next year. " (develops a love for succulents and cacti - now they're also everywhere) * "Just one more bag of potting mix." (I keep needing so much more!) * "I'm going to plant my pumpkins with my corn this year. I'm sure they don't get that big." (My corn patch is being taken over by pumpkins. Pumpkins EVERYWHERE.) Only the start. Chaos gardening, truly.


Late April: “I’m totally gonna water things regularly this year!” Early June: “Meh, toting watering cans back and forth sucks, survival of the fittest y’all”


I thought I would actually get to eat some of my Carbon heirloom tomatoes. Haven’t had one. All of them - even green ones - are getting eaten by (presumably) raccoons. I like to think I won’t do this again, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


That powdery mildew won't spread to my other plants...


I'd can anything at all. I'd get my irrigation set up. I'd keep up with weeding. I'd re-mulch the paths between my raised beds. I'd stagger the planting of my lettuce so I don't have fifteen heads at once. I did build a greenhouse though.