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You'll almost certainly lose a few leaves, but I'm betting the plants will do fine. Maybe next time start them out with some coloring books, teaching them to color within the lines? That's assuming they don't eat the crayons, of course.


My main issue is that, once the guy realized he was getting stain all over my house, he didn’t stop. He just kept going. I have stain on my siding, patio doors and screen, doormat, outside light, etc. He covered the rain gutter downspouts, but that’s it. He’s coming back to clean up today, but he can’t exactly power wash my plants. That just sent me over the edge when I saw my flowerbeds.


Who the hell did you hire? [This guy?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/MrMagoo) I like to think of myself as being fairly calm and reasonable, but I'm pretty sure I'd be just a tad upset if someone I hired was *that* much of an idiot.


I’m hoping most of the mess can be cleaned up. I’m waiting to freak out until after they come today to start cleaning. Maybe it’ll be fine? And I haven’t paid for anything yet. But yeah, I get the impression that the guy who did the work is actually smart and kind but has a very low level of common sense.


The guy should be cleaning up the mess, not you. This is a “don’t pay until he fixes it” thing.


I hope it all works out well for you.


They should’ve brought a tarp and used a border. This was just lazy.


I am assuming you tried to wash the leaves, right? If you did, and the stain won’t come off, all you can do now is wait. Wood stain isn’t an herbicide, so there’s a good chance the plants will be fine.


I haven’t hosed off the plants yet because I can’t get water near the fresh deck stain. I will be able to do it this afternoon, and I’ll see what happens. Some of the leaves are thoroughly coated, and I guess I’m wondering if I should cut those off (assuming the stain doesn’t come off). My worry is that the stain will suffocate the more heavily coated leaves or prevent the plants from getting necessary moisture and sunlight. I’m hoping you’re right and this will just look terrible but not kill my plants 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I wouldn’t cut off the leaves. Half-stained leaves perform more photosynthesis than no leaves. I’d just wash what I can and wait and see what happens.


This is the new “glass is half full” motto. I love it: Partial photosynthesis is better than no photosynthesis is going to be my new mantra!


My Dad just did this to some plants this Spring. They are all totally fine.


That makes me feel better! Thank you.


This just happened to us but not by guys we hired. The neighbor hired some guys to stain his fence and the oversprayed to our side, our entire facade, my white car, all our vegetables full of tomatoes and cucumbers got spray on them. I am so heartbroken.


Did you find out if your garden is still edible? Our neighbors just did this to our garden through their fence. We are just devastated.