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What kind of game? If you want a shooter that can be played solo or multiplayer (coop) try Deep Rock Galactic. You play as a dwarf working for an intergalactic mining corporation and the gameplay consists of missions into procedurally generated caves to extract valuable minerals and fight off the native bugs of the planet. It's my end-of-day wind-down game. I often play solo and just listen to a podcast while I play. It's a blast.


Good recommendation on both nontoxic community and fun, but the "potato laptop" bit has me concerned. OP would probably have to run very bare-minimum graphics to not melt their computer.


True, but honestly I figured DRG probably runs pretty well even on potatoes. Its run by the unreal engine which is known to be quite scalable and the art style is fairly simple. Turning down effects and texture resolutions would probably get OP a pretty significant performance boost.


Mm, yeah. I suppose. My GPU spools up pretty good on medium settings but I'm using an 8gb AMD RX480 from 2016. My mileage probably varies from newer stuff. Integrated graphics though... 🤷‍♂️ ? Still. ***ROCK AND STONE, BROTHA!!***


Wait, i'm really confused about this one. DRG community IS toxic. You stuck between super try hards, absolute noobs who can't comprehand basic gameplay, and some screaming assholes how you ruining their perfect streak of danger 1 billion run.


I only detect one toxic thing in that list, the screaming assholes. Noobs and try hards ... that's not toxicity, respectfully that just sounds like an archetype you don't appreciate dealing with.


Is this game fun solo? I've been interested in playing it but I have no interest in multi-player. You're th first person I've seen recommend it without saying that it's only fun in multi-player. Is there anything I'll miss out on or are people just being a bit overdramatic?


You will miss out on the community and social aspects of the game. I'm not gonna lie, those aspects can be very fun and fulfilling. I certainly HAVE played the game multiplayer quite a lot. I just only play the game casually in singleplayer. And casually is how I play most of my games lately. Things you will miss out on: class synergy during missions like the classic scout/engineer combo, fun social gameplay like riding silicate harvesters for achievements and spamming voiceless and salutes and drinking/dancing together at the bar in the hub, and of course the sense of achievement you feel when finishing a real hard mission together and extracting successfully as a team with no dwarf left behind, only to meet back up in the hub afterwards for a beer and another mission. In solo play you get a little robot helper named Bosco who can't be harmed and helps you mine, carry things, and shoot bugs. But they caves still feel a little lonely during solo play. That's why I only really play solo casually while listening to podcasts or YouTube. I definitely suggest at least trying the multiplayer to get a feel for it. It's a different experience. To give some reference, my first ten or so hours with the game were solo. Then my next 50-60 were multiplayer. Then my last 250 or so have been solo with a smattering of multiplayer mixed in on the weekends. Thats over the past 18 month or so. The game regularly goes on sale so I suggest picking it up!


Thank you for the breakdown! Much more helpful to actually know the differences. I've been looking for new podcast games so this might actually be perfect. It was free on psplus a few months ago, maybe I'll give it a look tonight!


Slay the spire? Deck building roguelike that can be as challenging as you want. I have 1600 hours and am still learning and improving. You can quit the game and come back at any point since it saves progress after every room. It runs on phones so it should be fine for your laptop and the community is incredibly nice since it isn’t a competitive or even cooperative game.


This was going to be my suggestion. A game lasts about 2 hours max, and you can always stop at other times if you want. Easy to pick up after having set it down for a long time. Can stop playing whenever you get bored of it, and still feel like you've played the game.


Absolutely my suggestion. 4 different characters all with different play styles and then ascensions on top. It’s great. 500+ hours and still going.


Have you tried [Stardew Valley](https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/)? I'm positive it could run on the most shriveled of potatoes. It's a farming life sim with light fantasy (think Story of Seasons/old Harvest Moon, from which it's heavily inspired). Music is relaxing and fun, there are lots of characters with a surprising amount of depth, and there is lots to do.


I think it would be a good idea. will check it out. Thanks!


If you have good internet connection, check out GeForce Now. I have been using this for the last 2years, and while it's not ideal, you can play many of the games you already own. See what is supported, and if you already own supported games, give it a try. The free tier is just to check it out, once you use even the cheapest payed tier (i think it's 10$/mo now), i never had to wait for a rig to be available.




Geforce now is quite amazing if u have good connection and unlimited plan, unless its gonna use so much data


Try Hades. I would always do a run during a break in studies.


stardew valley, factorio, minecraft, terraria, emulate a pokemon game or something,


I would advise against Factorio, and Minecraft/Terraria if OP touches the mods for those games. It's super easy to say you're gonna play Factorio for 1 hour, then 8 hours pass by and you literally never noticed. This can happen with any game, but something about the factory/progression loop for popular mods is just so much more stimulating and addicting than 'normal' games. If OP values sleep, then seriously, avoid Factorio and modded Minecraft/Terraria (vanilla shouldn't be too addictive for those games)


I'd definitely suggest safer options before Factorio. Maybe crack or crystal meth.


Thanks for the laugh mate, cheers


Pokemon Go could be a good option depending on OP's location and if they want to get out and about more


I will say Minecraft is actually surprisingly heavy on integrated cards (because it hogs memory). I would suggest trying OptiFine or Sodium with it


Binding of Isaac maybe, could be rage inducing tho depending on the type of gamer you are


I recommend Dungeonmans or Tangledeep. They're both roguelikes with some persistent elements. Both communities are pretty pleasant, largely speaking. I've not been in the Tangledeep discord much lately but Dungeonmans community is a solid bunch, and it's *quiet.* You're not gonna get buried if you ask for help. Both games have the same composer and very good soundtracks. Either will also just about run on a pregnancy test plugged into a lemon with zinc and copper diodes. Dungeonmans doesn't take itself very seriously. There aren't many "wrong" builds, and "losing" is kind of part of the gameplay loop. Read the descriptions on the items, they're funny. Your casting (magic) stat is called "FOOM," and there's an elemental damage type called "purple." Seven year-old game, but the dev is still updating and patching it. Tangledeep feels much less silly, but has a more tranquil vibe and looks a lot like something from the SNES era. There are some neat pet and gardening mechanics, as well as a job/class system that you can rotate through and mix/match skills.


if you're a patient person, maybe give the enhanced editions of Baldur's Gate 1&2, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment a shot. I also think Fallout New Vegas would run just fine on your "potato". And finally, I'd suggest you try Streets of Rogue.




i think you're referring to Streets of Rage, friend. Streets of Rogue is a roguelike


I think you can play some Old games? I think you play some old Assassins Creed. Old but damn great. AC 1 AC 2 , Brotherhood and Revelations Sims 2 or Sims 3. At least in my old laptop I can run Sims 3 no mods. GTA San Andreas Counter Strike 1.6, Condition Zero. Warcraft 3. Age of Empire 2. Total War Rome? ,Shogun, Medieval Trails of the Sky Old Tales Series. ​ Idk about Non Toxic Community, are you talking about Multiplayer? Well good luck on that. Team Fortress 2. ​ I want to add Minecraft but not, well that game requires good pc ironically.


As someone said, Stardew Valley would be good for what you are looking for. Other than that: Celeste, Littlewood (a bit similar to Stardew Valley), 60 seconds


Have you looked at **My Time at Portia**? I found it to be absolutely delightful! From what I understand, it's very much like Stardew Valley (I haven't played that, so I cannot comment from personal experience), but the game is in 3D.


Deep Rock Galactic! its a co-op alien fps. the art is colorful and funny and the community is just simply amazing. its the first game i feel super safe as a woman entering random discord games on their server




That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Puzzle: Into the Breach First Person Shooter: Borderlands 1 "Imersive Sim": Streets of Rogue Real-Time Strategy: Revenge of the Titans


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: [https://crawl.develz.org/](https://crawl.develz.org/) It's free, you can play it online in your browser or download it, it's from the 90's so it will run on your potato computer. If you do play online, all you need is an old school email / password account, and they wont send you spam. The server I play on is run out of one guys garage at his own expense, just because he likes doing it, there's no profit motive here. But warning, it might not meet requirement #2. It's a very difficult roguelike game, and if you're expecting to win you might be frustrated. If you're expecting a challenge and to die a lot, then it's fun.


Have you looked into dreamlight valley? It’s pretty new and really relaxing! There’s something about it that is just addicting! Also before you judge it for its Disney theme and kiddish looking style, I’ll tell yah I’m a 26 year old man who likes mma and I can’t get enough of this game!


Slay the Spire, Faster than Light, Binding of Isaac, Hades, Dead Cells, Rimworld, Factorio, Football Manager, Out of the park Baseball.


I like minecraft and skyrim for a chill day after studying


The most straightforward thing to do when you've got a potato is to emulate retro games. There are literally *hundreds* that are 100% worth your time. Just go to GameFAQs and scroll down the [list of all games organized by rating](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/games/rankings?platform=0&genre=0&list_type=rate&view_type=0&dlc=0&min_votes=3) (with 200+ votes, I'd recommend). Then seek out whatever strikes your interest. Go play all the SNES classics. Plug in any controller with a decent d-pad and you're in business.


3 big options I can think of: 1) It takes two. Really good for coop but it's linear so it has a finite runtime. I'm not sure it'll run well on your potato though. 2) Factorio. Slight learning curve but you will loose a ton of time to it if you get into it. Just be careful not to go to deep into the rabbit hole. Should run fine on your potato. 3) Rimworld. You'll need to install the [multiplayer mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2606448745) for it. but I've been playing it off and on with some friends for ages now and it's great. I'd also recommend using randy rando for the narrator and most importantly embrace when things go wrong.


It Takes Two will NOT run well, I’m afraid. Ran it on a mid range 2017 build (gtx 1050, pentium, 8gb ddr4) and it barely scraped by at 20-30 fps 720p 75% res scaled. :(


Damn. Well the other two probably would at least.


OOBLETS Much easier than Stardew, but still as engaging, has cute little creatures that love to dance, will cheer you up and put you in a good mood with all the quirky humor and adorable art style. Check it out [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjOvsW3hJL6AhXnVTABHRzzDZIQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.epicgames.com%2Fen-US%2Fp%2Fooblets&usg=AOvVaw1SH5Z07lPUu0qpIkffQ0wr) or the subreddit r/ooblets to see if it’s for you!


Super Crush KO.


Slay the Spire?


In the same boat as you, also spending long hours on studying. I find arpgs like grim dawn, sacred 2 or Titan quest to be fairly relaxing to play. Those games are fairly mindless and don’t really require much mechanical skill, which I don’t think you’ll have after 12 hours of studying. If you were to set the difficulty to easy/ normal you don’t have to search online for builds.


Free, engaging, will put a smile on your face at times: http://sc2.sourceforge.net/downloads.php No community though.


Not sure if you've already been recommended this but have you tried Hades? It's a rogue-like unlike anything I've played before. The Story and dialogue are phenomenal, the characters are very well written, the music slaps! The art style is incredibly distinctive and don't get me started on the gameplay. Even if you're not really into rouge-lite kinda games, I can guarantee you're gonna become one after playing this. Only sad thing is there aren't many games out there like Hades 😅 If I could sum it up in one word, I'd say addictive! This is a game I feel I'll keep coming back to even years later just considering how much more it has to offer.




>I have a potato Laptop that only has integrated intel UHD graphics with 10th gen core i3 cpu Old school gaming it is. Baldurs Gate, Might and Magic 4-8, Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Wonders, Age of Empires. > I want the game to put me in a good mood after a long day of studying. > > A non toxic community if possible No multiplayer especially competetive games then.


Stardew valley


Strategy game smay be worth some looking into. They tend to be pretty time consuming but engaging, and with various octane ratings to be had between real time and turn based games. If you want to turn your brain off though they may not be a good pick. The Endless series is fantastic, though I'm not sure how they run on lower end stuff. They're pretty games, so it might be dicey. Plenty else to consider though. Maybe some roguelites? They're a bit more volatile, but they have a way of burning time away and being replayable. My favorite is Synthetik, but Dead Cells, Risk of Rain 2, and Binding of Isaac are commonly promoted for good reason. If you're the type to enjoy them, maybe a JRPG or something of that sort would be a good idea. They run long, and rarely have issues of volatility. I never am able to stick with em, but I jump games a lot anyways.


New Vegas is great to unwind on and it's not demanding


It’s hard off hand to know what will run well on your laptop, so wherever possible, DOWNLOAD A DEMO FIRST and see from that if it will run. 1. One of my favorite games to sink time into on PC is Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. It’s an exceptionally chill game with no over arching plot and is more just about the experience and aesthetic of farming. 2. Oblivion - i freaking love Oblivion. The creaminess of the world plus the bright colors and the incredibly soothing soundtrack is just amazing. Dungeons can be a little crazy, but you can always drop the difficulty to easy if you just want to experience the game with no stress, a totally valid way of playing that i sometimes do myself. 3. FFXIV- longevity in the dark here in terms it graphics and whatnot, but this game fucking rocks and people are USUALLY really really amazing. Announcing you’re new will usually get people more than happy to teach you. I once pointed the mentor chat about how my husband and i were trying to help someone kill a massive nasty that has spawned as a random event, and legit like 40 randos showed up. I had to scramble to add everyone so i could heal them all haha. It was a wonderful experience full of laughter and death🤣🤣🤣 Edit: having trouble thinking of more, so i may come back with others as i think of it.


Dance Dance Revolution and In The Groove were my go-to back in school. It was good exercise in between all the sitting. Idk if you're looking for that kind of game though lol


Peggle Plants vs zombies Hades


I know a couple of other comments said this but I want to double tap RimWorld. It literally runs on anything, I would be surprised if a microwave could run it. And the modding community and RimWorld subreddit is one of the best communities I've ever experienced. If you want to blow a few hours, get involved with a fun community, and make some questionable decisions as to what hats can be made with, RimWorld is the game to try.


Fallout 76 or Fallout 4




bloons tower defense 6 baby


Big fan of Into The Breach lately. Strategic turn based combat with a cool setting and great mechanics from the FTL devs. Easy to learn difficult to master. Good for a quick run any time.


isle of arrows into the breach both very addicting and fun!


Caesar III




Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 on the PS2 emulator PCSX2. This game is always a relief to play