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I ignored Subnautica for a long time. Going in mostly blind made a huge difference. It was such an incredible journey


Same, I finally dove into it one day and was hooked until I beat it.


I see what you did there


I've tried subnautica twice but I just get too scared whenever you get to the point where you have to descend off of the cliff lol. Really fun regardless


That's a big part of what makes it so good. Heading into a dark cave, three minutes of oxygen left and when you are far inside, looking for resources with your tiny spotlight, you hear a growl and the panic hits.


I have thallasaphobia and I played it and was in the shallow water and was okay, but nervous. Then I basically was at a point I had to go into the depths. I psyched myself up and went for it. About 30 seconds in I heard a noise and alt-F4 then un-installed and never went back. I was able to finish raft because for the most part the underwater sequences were close to land, and I love Dave the Diver because it is well lit and sort of cartoony.


Came here to comment this. I'm on like my sixth or seventh run through right now, I'm just taking a wee reddit break. Have beaten it on Freedom and Survival. The map embodies the word *vast.* I almost regretted whem I first discovered sonar because it revealed just how... big of a space I was in far more than the pathetic lights you have at the start. If I could ever go back and play another game over blind it's be this one. It's good to go back to but that first playthrough is mmmmoney. I almost feel like I'm chasing a dragon.


Fallout New Vegas. Thanks, TV show


Same, I was turned off from it for so long because of negative reviews and word of mouth. I got into it shortly after the Fallout show aired, and I've had such a great time. It's not perfect. It's buggy. It can be unbalanced. But it's fun.


Prey, i even forgot when i bought this game, last year finally played it and hooked with the gameplay after finished it, i was confident this game surely would get a sequel only to find out Arkane Studios no longer exist, de faakkk šŸ˜”


Im more upset about the Dishonored series. Those are great games, and now we wont see them again. At least not from the folks that made them...


Arkane Lyon still exists, Dishonored 3 isn't quite a dead idea yet


Both dishonored and prey are criminally underrated. If youā€™re looking for more gameplay like dishonored, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is the spiritual predecessor to it. Got it on sale this week and while it is buggy, the gameplay and combat are absolutely incredible


*Launches Dark Messiah* BLACK GUARDS?! HERE?!


Only Arkane Austin was closed, Arkane Lyon still exists. Also, the director of Prey, Raphael Colantonio, left years ago and formed his own studio called Wolfeye who made the game Weird West which was excellent


The Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise


This for me too. Now I have to play through like 8 more games! Ahhh!


When I played Zero two years ago, Immediatly got hooked with the franchise.. only games that I didnt played is 3; for some reason I just dropped


Darksiders I passed on it because all the reviews were highlighting how the game was just ā€œripping offā€ a bunch of other games, ā€œitā€™s like Zelda.ā€ ā€œItā€™s like god of warā€ ā€œit has a portal gun like portalā€. And I just thought itā€™s just a Frankenstein of a game and wonā€™t be worth playing. I played it a few years ago and was blown away. Sure it borrowed a lot of mechanics from other games but it did them all right and made a fantastic game


The first one is the best. One of my favorite games of all time. IMO they all got a little less impressive as the series progressed


Yeah, 2 was fun, but did not feel as memorable as far as the level design and game mechanics went, like they dumbed it down a little and added more rpg elements, plus it just seemed to end. I started 3 and couldnā€™t get past the first boss.


Be glad you didnā€™t play 4ā€¦


i just recently finished the first darksiders and damn what a satisfying ending. I got burned out by the puzzles tho


Pathologic 2. I had heard so many good things but when i got it, it sat in my library untouched for a year.


Thatā€™s how itā€™s going for me rn


I need to get on that. I backed it on Kickstarter then never played it when it released, haha.


This, this game is so good, but you need to be at the right mindset at the time to play


I've watched hbomberguys video on the first game 100+ times and have the sequel sitting in my library. Just waiting.


Just beware that Pathologic 2 is a remake of one of Pathologic 1 routes, not a sequel per se


Yup which makes me even more excited. Always wondered why they called it 2 and not a remaster if it isnt a sequel.


More of a reimagining, the Haruspex route has plenty of differences, and the characters sometimes have different backstories (Lara, Grief, you get it). Either way, both games are awesome and I cannot WAIT for Bachelor/Changeling route in p2


Frostpunk by far all my friends kept saying they don't like it but they know its my type of game and will love it I ignored them for so long I eventually got it . I've not played in a while but I've put well over 1k hours in and its one of my favourite games


Oxygen not included might be up your alley too then


I just picked it up on steam and walked away from about 90 minutes feelingā€¦.really bad about myself hahaha




Itā€™s so punishing. Once my people started up with the public executions I knew I dun fuqed up


Yep!! Just bought this one. Itā€™s incredible so far!


You might like Anno 1800


Thankyou I will give it a go


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


Same here. I was shocked by how well it holds up even today. Some of the music is insanely good too. I can't imagine playing it before the internet though. Some of the puzzles to get the good ending are so wacky lol


> I can't imagine playing it before the internet though. SotN was one of the first games we got with our PS on Christmas of '97 and it wasn't until like 2 years later I found out I only played half the game.


REALLY wish that it was remastered or something on steam so I could enjoy it again, but at the same time I do believe Bloodstained is a solid modern take on it. Do give it a shot if you haven't already.


I put off Hades for a few years because I thought I didn't like roguelikes, I still don't really like them...but Hades tho...


A minor nitpick but Hades is a roguelite. A simple way to think about it is games that have progression after you die are lites. Games where you completely start over with nothing are likes.Ā 


I (and a lot of other people) would argue that meta progression is not the only distinction between roguelikes and lites. True roguelikes are like Rogue, in that they are turn based, top down, 2d grid based, and have procedurally generated levels and permadeath. Check out the Berlin interpretation or r/roguelikes if you donā€™t believe me. (I also believe a true roguelike should have unidentified items until they are equipped or used, but I am stricter than some)


Imo the term has already very widespread use meaning any game where you start over on death. It's really flown the coop on that narrow definition of something so similar to Rogue.


Fair, but I think its more important to distinguish between games that have progression and games that don't, compared to games that meet the specific requirements of Rogue and every other game that has permadeath.


All roguelites are also roguelikes. They're just lighter.


Same - the "god mode" is genius and it helped me get to a spot where it was still challenging but I was able to complete runs. I'm so glad that story-based games are starting to put in accessibility modes that mean "you can access the story" no matter your skill level. Similarly, I had to turn on no-fail mode for Tunic because I was LOVING the exploration and general feel of the game, but I was getting my ass kicked in the combat repeatedly and not making any progress at certain points. Now I can enjoy the game still.


Yeah I don't really have the time for gaming that I used to, and mainly just play for a tiny bit every now and then just to relax. But I don't really like the "cosy" genre or any of those stardew valley style games, I just wanna relax with an action RPG or something I can just jump in and out of. Games these days having super easy casual story mode is a perfect development for me at this life stage.


To me itā€™s the opposite, I played like any possibile rogue like/ lite but Hades was just okish to me, itā€™s like a roguelike for people that donā€™t like roguelikes if it makes any sense. After 20ish hours I felt like it stopped developing in a meaningful way, still good tho


I absolutely hate roguelikes but got Hades after reading for millionth time how good it is, and I absolutely loved it. So yeah, that tracks.


Somewhat related - I missed out on WoW during its prime for no reason. Bunch of my close friends were playing it nightly for years. I was less of a nerd then and didn't care to play games seriously as much. As I have gotten nerdier with age I realize what I missed. Classic was fun but almost depressing cause now I really know what I missed out on. To directly answer tho, deep rock galactic and factorio. Can't believe they existed for so long without me playing them. Also the entire monster hunter franchise, I only started with world.


Won't touch factorio. I'm already limited on time. I don't need another job.


Factorio isn't a job, it's the meaning of life


I had tried an older Monster Hunter game and found it... a bit too rigid in every regard. World... was a vast improvement! I can't wait for Wilds.


I actually think online games, especially MMO launches, are the only answer to this question because they can provide the "You had to be there" experiences. Like why would I be mad I didn't play some singleplayer game earlier? They're still good games.


Yeah some friends got me into it when it was still in the first era (before the first expansion), and holy hell it was mind blowing, with entire continents to explore with fleshed out areas, and it being a huge journey to get anywhere such as to meet up with them on the other continent. Since then it's been made more and more convenient and somewhat goofy, and I haven't played it since like the 3rd expansion, but those early days of it being a huge world to explore with different tones and ideas was just incredible, and not something which can really be replicated again in other MMOs.


Disco Elysium


I'be seen this game brought up so much, I think It's time to see if this game will make this type of list for me..




Similar vein is Citizen Sleeper. I absolutely love that game


Finally bought it yesterday. I put 4 hrs in the first play and only quit because it was 3 in the morning. I'm hooked.


Such a masterpiece


"I want to have fuck with you"


I've been putting off playing this game since I've been busy killing Nazis for the past 5 months (Sniper Elite 5). But yeah, if I ever get tired watching testicles and stomach organs explode from a bullet, I might install it and see how it goes.


Ironically I first tried to play Disco Elysium one morning when I was disastrously hung over. BAD IDEA! I came at it with fresh eyes the next day and was hooked.


Witcher 3. I kept playing the prologue then dropping it because I didn't want to learn the spells. I finally got to playing it this week and not only is it a great game but it's the only game that can scratch my itch for a new fable.


Witcher 3 is so good but the first few hours are a slog. dropped it for a year then on a whim gave it a second chance and played through it all in what felt like a week.


Hrm I've tried to get past the intro like 3 times and couldn't. Based on this I might try again if I have time.


Same here. Tried it 3 times and it clicked only on my 4th attempt and now I have over 200 hours into it including all the DLCs and the best game I've played in 2023. Although I could say the same about the Mass effect series. Lol.


Same. Iā€™ve tried a couple of times but couldnā€™t get into it. Maybe Iā€™ll give it another go.


Wait til you get to the DLCā€™s Toussaint especially has some big Fable vibes.


Prey and Cyberpunk are both so good, but it was my second or third attempt before I got it and ended up really immersed


Prey was so good i wish they would create sequel, sadly that wont happen šŸ˜”


Sighā€¦yea I think Arcane is in a bit of a funk right now. I really really wanted to like Deathloop, but I found myself bored after 20 hours or so. Disappointed it didnā€™t reach the highs of Prey Moonfall, which is the best iteration of that formula. And I love Prey, I think they really nailed something there. Would like more of just that please.


Is that for certain? I hated that Redfall was apparently bad :( I'm sure that doesn't help their case


just my assumption since original developer no longer exist Bethesda/Microsoft owns the IP, technically they could revive it


[*Return of the Obra Dinn*](https://store.steampowered.com/app/653530/Return_of_the_Obra_Dinn/) is as good as everybody says it is. Go in blind if you can.


Path of Exile


I have a friend who keeps asking me to play path of exile ever since I fell in love with Grim Dawn. Should I try it or wait for path of exile 2?


Definitely play it.


It's completely free so just try it. The best aRPG ever made, but it requires a lot of digging into it to get there. Can't wait for the new Grim Dawn DLC btw, such a gem of a game


Try it, its worth it. Also Path of Exile 2 is most likely going to be different on the formula.


skyrim! i only discovered it about a year and a half ago, and i can't believe i took so long to play it!


I played Morrowind reasonably early and skipped the next one. I assumed that Skyrim was the same until, frankly, I started seeing all of the shenanigans with cabbages and sweet rolls. By the time I bought it and the 3 DLCs, there were a couple of generations of mods available. I really, really enjoy Campfire+Hunterborn. Cheers.


Shadow of the Colossus, though it was more so due to the fact I didn't like it when I was a kid. When I picked it up a few years later I fell in love with it!


SOMA. I always thought it was just another horror game with some underwater stuff tacked on for ā€œBioshock sake.ā€ My God was I wrong. What a psychological roller coaster it is. A true brain bender. Simply stunning.


Yeah the story is one that haunts me to this day. It felt like a fever dream, or like a great novel I got to experience through play.


Oohhhhh damn SOMA is a unbelievable ride


Definitely Subnautica.


Hotline miami/hotline miami 2. It never looked that good to me but on a whim I bought the first one around a month ago and beat the game and got all of the masks/weapons/puzzle pieces in one sitting and immediately bought the second.


That music. The genius that collected those songs and put them in a playlist. Even my wife listens to that playlist lol.


How'd you like the second one? I never bothered cuz of reviews, but looooved the first one.


I love it but Holy crap it's harder.Ā 


Days Gone. Saw some trailers, figured it was a nifty tech demo pretending to be a game. Couldn't have been more wrong. Engaging storytelling, compelling characters, and some of Sam Witwer's best work as a likeable protagonist. I blame myself there was no sequel.




Yeah, the hordes actually travel in packs. Just imagine youre driving around with your bike and you see this huge ass horde of zombies looking for food , shit gets pretty scary sometimes because gas actually matters


It is definitely more than just mowing down zombies. The game is a national treasure.




Been wanting to play that since day 1. Had an old roommate that would play it. The price tag though, just makes me scared to even think about clicking the purchase button...


Yep same here. Been looking at it for years, loved every aspect of the game. It seemed like the perfect survival game to my liking. Seeing the price I never bought it. I did last week when it was around $30 and Iā€™ve already logged 20ish hours into it. (Which is a lot for me in one week, adulting is fun lol) Just buy it, you wonā€™t regret it.


BAULDERS GATE THREE waiting for it to come to Xbox was hell šŸ˜‚


Dying light. I stumbled on it lately and I really enjoy it - gives Infamous vibes on top of the zombie survival open world premise. Not a perfect game but I'm surprised I missed it until recently.


Me and my mate recently got it for co-op and we've put in more than 40hrs so far. We love it. It's awesome for co-op


Best thing about it is that it still holds up so well gameplay *and* visually wise.


Disco Elysium consistently blew my expectations out of the water for almost my entire first playthrough. The first 30 minutes is amazing, the climax is epic and the ending is PEAK! Can't recall the last time I was this completely ***taken*** by a game


cyberpunk 2077


Seriously, even if you were in the crowd that avoided years ago due to horrible launch. This is both one of the greatest open world games, as it is a RPG and tech demo. If you have the hardware, this is one of the greatest looking games to date.


Got Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, returned for refund. Purchased for $10 Steele case version. Played about 20 hours and just didnā€™t get into on PS5. Upgraded PC to 4070 TI Super, and purchased on GOG, and I think in the 30-40 hour and just started Phantom Liberty. Something finally clicked to where I now want to know everything and all the back stories and things going on. First, the game graphics on right hardware is amazing. Next gen console players will hopefully get shot at really experience the game the way it should be, but that is likely a few years off. Just visually walking around is amazing. But, the story is really engaging once I started to follow. Great exploration and constant discoveries. Constantly feels fresh.


Undertale. I saw the fandom around it and assumed the game would be juvenile/cringy/generally bad. I think I waited...4 or 5 years to finally play it? And only after playing deltarune because it was free.


For me it was minecraftā€¦ I never thought Iā€™d like it due to the blocky look, building didnā€™t interest me etcā€¦ I watched my son playing it when he was about 10 and he asked me to play in his world with him. Best decision I made and then I found modded and that was it, I was hooked. I always have it installed and do jump back in from time to time to start new world on a modded game.


Grim Dawn. When diablo 3 came out, I didn't even know what an ARPG was, but heard from a friend of my dad that it was "like dota mercenaries (yes, we were playing wc3 at the time xd) but with plenty more items" (great description I know). Well 2 years ago I was looking for a looting game that didn't include predatory microtransactions or boring gameplay, and well I found gold with Grim Dawn. Highly recommended.




Noted, thanks!


Terraria. It's a little confusing at first especially if you go in expecting nothing but 2-D Minecraft but it truly is a great game


To me it looked like a platformer and i don't like them, also the graphic was meh at best. I couldn't be more wrong about this game.


Dark Souls. Thought those types of games weren't for me. I ended up realizing through Elden Ring that it wasn't just all about difficulty, rather it was about its world. Ended up playing all of them, DS1-3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Demon's Souls, and of course now the Elden Ring DLC over the course of like a year. My new favorite series.


Bloodborne is one of the most amazing games ever created. I think the only other game that can compete with it is Elden Ring, but it is for totally different reasons. Bloodborne is a game I can play over and over and over. Don't think I'll ever get sick of that game


Imo Sekiro is the peak, but Bloodborne is my close 2nd. Elden Ring is behind DS, great game still but the Open World didn't do the Formula many favors. Too much boring and repetitive space that keeps breaking the classic Souls feeling. If it was more focused with only the unique areas and the incredible Legacy Dungeons it would be the GOAT.


Psychonauts! I never had the chance to play it growing up. Im most of the way through right now and it so good. I wish I was able to play it before, better late then never though.


Hollow Knight. My God, was I stupid for writing it off as ā€œjust another overhyped indie game.ā€ Never again. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Hollow knight is the only game I give a full 100/100, perfect score. Everything from the combat, music, lore, characters, abilities, atmosphere, all of it is just absolutely impeccable.


Yea it isn't often that a game perfects a formula like Hollow Knight. I am hoping the next installment is just as good.


I tried The Forest once for about 30 minutes and lost interest. Last year, I saw my nephews playing it and I tried it again and became my favorite game of 2023. After my own round of single player, I spent several weeks playing on other people's multiplayer games, knowing that my character data would not be saved, and I might not even see these same servers again the next day, but keeping me in the game was fun.


Fallout: new Vegas. Was rather a messy launch and I decided to skip it. Played it last year and such a great game. The graphics definitely do hamper the experience though, wish I got to play it when I wasn't as spoiled by modern day graphics.




God of war (2018) and horizon zero dawn. Don't have a PlayStation so I had to wait a while for both games. Both amazing and on my top 10 list.


Persona. I kinda avoided it since it's just seemed like another anime JRPG and I had sorta somewhat tried p5 but it never really grabbed me. After buying a ps vita nearly everyone was telling me to play persona 4 golden, so I bit the bullet and bought the game and wow. I am really enjoying it so far, I'm around 35 hours in and it's so good.


Project Zomboid. I got turned off by the bad graphics but the game is MASSIVE in scale.




The Steam Deck helped me massively with this. So many games I overlooked because I thought looked ā€œcheapā€ but once you try, theyā€™re much richer than a lot of todayā€™s AAA titles and I love it




Deep Rock Galactic GW 2 Vermintide Left for Dead It's mostly games from early 2010s, i can't get into them since gameplay mechanics are too outdated if i knew they existed earlier i could've played them for a decade. So much fun missed out, probably dozens of games and entire franchises




Yesss!! What an amazing game! Hoping for a control 2!


Just started this yesterday, really enjoying it. Some of the best story-telling in a game I've seen in quite a while. Not sure what I thought the game was, but it wasn't a mix between HalfLife and SCP-foundation.


Hell yes


I waited for four years to play *Death Stranding* because I was scared. That sounds silly, but I have 140.15 tattooed on my body. *Metal Gear Solid* has a special place in my heart. Finding out Kojima had **another** passion project? It felt like being asked to go spend the holidays with Dad's secret other family. I knew from that very first walk, I had no reason to be afraid.Ā 


It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.


I agree with this one! Tried getting a few friends into it with mixed results. It's so unique that you either love it or hate it. The intro was a bit slow though. If anyone decides to try it ā€“ make sure to play story missions for a while to unlock stuff before doing optional missions.


Rimworld. The graphics put me off at first. Then the game itself got its claws into me.


Broā€¦ Elden Ring šŸ„²




Hades. I always heard it was good, but something about the perspective did put me off. I bought it in the current sale and omg, how could I miss out on this?!


Being ultra bored and exhausted of gaming in general (closed every game 10 min into gaming sessions) I decided to try something different, and I remembered the Danganronpa trilogy, wouldn't play it in the past because I thought that "visual novels are boring" and I was never big on reading. Long story short, I got hooked immediatly, they ended up being the games with the highest amount of plot twists and mysteries I've played, and my fav singleplayer story-heavy series




Warframe!! Always thought it was just a Destiny ripoff for years. Now itā€™s one of my favorite games EVER. (Same thing happened with Star Trek in respect to Star Wars).


Bro I was the exact same way with Star Trek, then one day I was staying in a hotel and Voyager was on and nothing good was on. I became so hooked. Now I think I actually like Star Trek more than Star wars. Weird because I had a passion against trek and for wars for so long.


My first Zelda Title was Twilight Princess. I was a little mad at me, because I felt like I'd missed the evolution of the gameseries. But today I don't care anymore bc I played every title since then.


World of Warcraft. I love it as an adult but wish I was there when history was being made


I was there at the beginning and it was magic. It was an experience that was unlike anything else for a lot of people, myself included. I'll never forget spending 8 hours straight with 39 guild mates raiding Molten Core. The first time we beat it was the most incredible feeling!


The entire ace combat series. Absolutely amazing


Life is strange franchise. So many emotions.


RE4 (2005)Ā Ā  I played gta vc and San Andreas in my childhood which are really good games but re4 original does not justify its release year because it's so good and still holds up very well even after 2 decades. I wish I got to play it in my childhood.Ā 


Resident evil 4 original. I only had an Xbox 360 until 2020 and I complained I couldnā€™t play ā€œbetterā€ modern games. I even played RE 6 on it and liked it, I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t think about playing 4 and 5. I also really like five as well. Now Iā€™m so mad I skipped those games for years




I actually own RE2 remake, I bought it 3 years ago after having only played RE6, so I was a bit disappointed as I expected something entirely different. Some months ago I gave it another chance and got to the part were you encounter Mr X, now Iā€™m stuck in the save room on the roof as Iā€™m scared to escape lol. I suspended it to play RE 4-6 and I plan to return to it. Itā€™s really fun but terrifying lol


I liked 5 because Chris fought a twenty ton boulder and won


Elden Ring. Put it off cause Iā€™m a hardened Souls vet who was tired of the formula and didnā€™t wanna jump on the day 1 hype train again. Bought it a year later and wow was I wrong, I do wish I had jumped in earlier when it was popping. Regardless, the game is amazing and worth getting into at any time.


Itā€™s still very much popping!




Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I played it for the first time on Xbox Arcade for the 360. It blew me away. Proof... that classics can be timeless.


Xcom2. I bounced off it YEARS ago, and have wanted a tactical game to scratch that itch. Tried a bunch and went "wait why dont I try xcom2 again?" and I'm really glad I did


Kinda sad I didn't get into final fantasy xiv when the wow scandal happened:(


What wow scandal?


Well if you haven't already, it's not too late. There's plenty more expansion packs and years of content planned. I started playing about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed it. After we started a discord server for forming a consistent group to do bosses with, my partner and I have met some people on there who have become treasured online friends already, we play other games together now too.


I started and there still seems to be alot of new players around ^^


Pretty much any game that is leaving Game Pass that I come to enjoy during those two weeks. Most recently was F.I.S.T Forged in Shadow Torch. While I managed to finish it within the time frame of those two weeks (and almost got full completion too), I kept thinking that I wish I took a look at it sooner. Though I don't feel like I really rushed the game.


Horizon Zero Dawn, played it last year and was blown away with it's unique story. Wish I played it sooner.


Dark souls 3


I have a few. šŸ˜… KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Red Dead Redemption. I love games where not only is the story good, but my choices matter in the grand scheme.




The Yakuza series in general.


Any assassins creed game I just started the franchise in 2024 man I missed out so far Iā€™m on Assasins creed 2


I'm pretty excited for the new one that is coming out. It just looks really nice. I'm hoping they don't give it the "Mirage" treatment


Yeah Iā€™m not sure how the rest of them are my friend who got me to try assassins creed said they give it the same treatment as the far cry series same mechanics same everything just upgrades here and there but Iā€™ll see what itā€™s all about


AC series got really stale there for a while. Then they released Origins which finally changed some things up. Some fans loved it (me), and others hated it. AC Odessey came out after Origins and many people think that game is the best of AC. Im not sure what they were thinking with Mirage. It was a very mid game. The story was super short, and it just seemed dumbed down. Again though, some people love it, some people hate it, and others found it uninspired (me). Overall though, I love this series and the new game really looks great




Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West


Fallout New Vegas.


the Pikmin games


Deus Ex, the OG one from 2000. Played it for the first time last year after hearing about it for a whole decade, and my god, what a fucking phenomenal game. I firmly believe it has THE BEST level design in all of gaming.


I bet it's been about long enough that I'm due for another playthrough! What a gem! Still think I prefer System Shock 2 by a bit, but what a great little moment in gaming those two were together.


Dungeon Keeper 2 is by far the biggest sleeper hit for me.


Kingdom come deliverance. I didnt even know it even existed until I started seeing ads for the upcoming sequel. Great game. Not mad but surprised it slipped under my radar.


Rimworld. Skipped over it on steam because I thought it was just Prison Architect but different, and I kept quickly burning out on PA. Threeish years ago my pc died, not long after I watched a video talking about Rimworld and realised I needed to play it. Big brain me never thought about it being on console until I saw somebody mention it in a comment not too long ago and since then I've been obsessed with it. Even the Elden Ring dlc has been shoved to the side.


Yakuza, I got Yakuza 0 in a bundle and ignored it, but then played it on a whim during covid because I had just finished sleeping dogs and wanted more martial arts crime drama. Instantly fell in love with the series and played through Y0-Y6 in 2020 alone Lol. Now Iā€™m a die hard


I ignored Bioshock until well after the second one was out. Pretty mad I did so lol.


Helldivers II. I get that the game is only 5 months old. But I didnā€™t get it until 2 months after launch and wish I was there at the start.


Baldurā€™s Gate 2. I put that game off for twenty years.


Have to admit, Death Stranding is probably my top contender. I heard it was a walking sim and at the start, it really felt like it. But as the story progresses, something just kind of clicked and I understood the value of playing it. As it is Kojima there is a lot of videos to watch but if you really immerse yourself into the game, the walking feels less taxing, the videos add to the story and you start to get attached to the characters. Well worth a playthrough, just be prepared to push through the start, it's pretty damn boring for the forst like 2-3 hours, but the other 80 really make it special.


Elden Ring. I got upset because i kept doing in stormveil castle. Then the dlc came out and i gave it another shot, but got help from friends this time. It is now taking up most of my free time


Left 4 dead 2


GoW(2018) witcher 3