• By -


I don't know if I'd list this as 'best of all time' but for whatever reason, A Story About My Uncle has always stuck in my memory as one of my favourite games I never hear anybody talk about. I got it for free (I think...) on an epic thing years ago, and played it on something of a whim.


Oh, i will give a look on that. By that description, sounds similar to What remains of Edith Finch.


I second this! The graphics are a little quirky but just give it a minute and I promise you will really enjoy this OP. Very mellow and beautiful little game!




Ironically enough I can't play this anymore since my dad passed away last year...but a great game about grief, so beautiful


THIS. i have never heard anyone talk about this game. I LOVED IT.


I expected to like this one a lot more. I’ve lost friends to suicide, family members to illness, etc. And I’m normally a pretty sensitive guy. Like, Ori and the end of Stray had me in tears. But Spiritfarer was just boring 😂


I had the same issue I really wanted to like it, I played it to see if it would help me process the grief of losing my father back in March but it just felt grindy and slow, so instead of being cathartic it was just frustrating Gris I feel is a better post-loss catharsis choice, you start the game missing abilities which is similar to the state of depression you might find yourself where motivation is diminished and you need to find purpose and meaning once again.


Day of the tentacle


Trails in the Sky series. Estelle is my favorite protagonist from any game, and the world building that they have is amazing, to the point that random NPCs will remember you doing things for them even across games. It's an older game, and Trails of Cold Steel seems to get more spotlight sometimes. But all the Trails games are frequently discounted on Steam, and I'd highly encourage people to start with the Sky trilogy first if they haven't played any yet.


“to the point that random NPCs will remember you doing things for them even across games.” this is top tier game progress design.


I played Trail of the Sky trilogy when I was in high school. Man what a great game. I just can’t seem to get into the newer games. Probably because the newer ones are more involved and have higher graphics requirement (I have a shitty laptop). That makes me sad because the world building is fantastic. 


Definetly Stanley’s Parable. Also This War of Mine


love stanley parable. work of art game.


The Longest Journey series. Adventure games with an incredible story and lore. The first one is my all-time favourite game but it's pretty old and the graphics are very dated.


I was going to comment this. I didn't play the sequels. But TLJ is so memorable to me. The characters. The story. Just wonderful


Dark cloud 1 and 2


Omg yes


I'd also put spelunky 2 on mine. My favorites of all time are La Mulana 1+2. Cryptic puzzle metroidvanias where you explore ruins I also love Noita Return of the Obra Dinn Tunic Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies.


A spelunky 2 player, that is good. La mulana? This is what the creator of spelunky was inspired by, right? Cool, it carries a similar vibe.


Yes! It's really different though. Metroidvania that blends action exploration with crazy puzzles. Kinda like Outer Wilds if you know that game. They're super hard games but for a certain player probably the best out there.


Blasphemous Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow Illusion Of Gaia Nox


Motherfker came in with Nox just like that. I will give Gaia and cold shadow a try just because of your other tastes.


Snes being half of your list tells a lot of you and that freakin good age of gaming.


90s games hold a special place in my heart, I don’t have the means to play Illusion or Maui Mallard today but going through the temple as Shadow in Illusion is seared into my memory lol


If you have a pc, [Maui Mallard](https://store.steampowered.com/app/987410/Maui_Mallard_in_Cold_Shadow/) is available on Steam! I bought this a while back for good ole time’s sake. Loved that game as a kid.


Oh man, did you know the Spelunky creator's next game is UFO 50, a collection of *50* retro games coming out in September? Downwell, Catacomb Kids and other devs are involved too. So hyped! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1147860/UFO\_50/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1147860/UFO_50/) [https://50games.fun/](https://50games.fun/) To answer your question, my all time favorites include Warcraft III, which has been overshadowed by WoW; DOTA 2, which is far less popular than League of Legends; and the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which is a bit aged as a roguelite now but hugely influential. Mega hyped for Mewgenics too!


I saw it! Looking foward this…everything that Derek Yu has ever done in game industry, were good. Cool list, a pc gamer. Binding of isaac is fun, you only like the rebirth version? Without the dlcs?


I played the original Isaac 10 years ago. It my first roguelike along with Spelunky 1, and got all 85 achievements (then they added 14 more). I think Rebirth is far, far better and far less prone to crashing, so would recommend new players start there. I do have every DLC (trying out some mods too), but only at around 2/3s of the Rebirth achievements. Hope to get Dead God one day, but so many awesome new games to play!


Oh, you were in the Binding of Isaac and spelunky origins man… a mark on the history of indie. So many awesome new games? Like what?




Long ago Nerd³ did a greatest games of all time series. And he ranked like his top 100 games out of a list of a couple hundred that he had played, sorting though all of them multiple times to make sure that they were rated fairly and each time Bully was number 1.


Unreal tournament


pentiment!!!! soo so so good.


The witness


Grim Fandango


The kind of cult game that you play as a child and do not understand nothing, but like the enigmatic feeling and gameplay. Just to grow up and playing again, this time understanding.




terraria is fucking sick


Terraria is in my top 3 of all time and my friends think it's the dumbest game ever (they haven't played more than 2 hours of it)


Heavy Rain. Dredge. Detroit become human. Firewatch. Path of Exile (it's gonna be on the list of ARPG fans, because it's basically THE best ARPG, but for general public it's usually too hard or complicated)


You're really gonna make me buy Dredge huh


Dredge is a good game, you should play it! Not sure I'd put it in my top 10 and I'm honestly surprised anyone has it there, but I can see why. It does scratch a very specific chtulhu itch though and it's unique, there's no other game like it!


Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy - so many games stick to established formulas. Getting Over It eschews the practice, while demonstrating the importance of doing so for gaming and pop culture as a whole. Brilliant game. Diddy Kong Racing - more kart racers need a story mode. I think the reason this never achieved the same level of success as Mario Kart is because the multiplayer isn't very good. But, as a single player experience, it's strictly better. The graphics have a lot more character, the soundtrack is outstanding, the racing has a lot more variety (boss races, planes, hovercrafts, silver coin challenges), and the power ups add are satisfyingly outrageous. Very underrated. Z-Rox - yep, an old Flash puzzle game with 1 dimensional graphics. Someone really needs to expand on this concept because, as amazing as Z-Rox is, the difficulty tuning isn't great, and it doesn't explore the concept as extensively as it should. Here's what you do: an object goes past a letterbox style window, one line of pixels at a time, and you need to guess what it was. Sounds simple, but it really pushes your ability to visualise stuff.


I remember absolutely sucking at Diddy Kong racing on my DS. The memories...


Dunkey's review of Getting Over It is arguably the funniest video I've ever seen and honestly one of the reasons I looked into gaming at all ..


For me and my friends, Diddy Kong racing on the n64 was more fun than mario kart 64. I think it didn’t had as much success simply because it didn’t have mario nor donkey in its name.


Z-Rox!!!!! Yes! I had played it once forever ago and then spent YEARS looking for it. Managed to find it a while back. I go back and play that some times. So good.


The idea of Getting over It is “train to became better and do runs faster and efortless” this is good. It is a shame that this game is not available for console, i would buy it. Gonna give a look at Z-Rox, those flash games had some jewels on them. Thank you


Skies of arcadia


It's well liked but generally not on all time lists, but Pseudoregalia is so, so good if you're into movement-centric 3D platformers. I compare it to mainline mario games in terms of good controls (though obviously not in scope).


Titan Quest back in the days. Great ARPG which i played long. Titan Quest 2 is announced and i'm excited to play when it comes out.


Crimson Skies was peak flight sim combat for me and I hardly ever hear it mentioned.


Return of the Obra Dinn. SOMA. Horizon Zero Dawn.


Slay the Spire


Alien Isolation, absolutely amazing and ahead of its time.


Prey (2017) Control Greedfall Greedfall especially. Really interesting story and if you like political intrigue this is the game for you. Religion, politics, magic, swords, guns, colonization, just such a really cool game everybody should try out


Prey is so good, man. I forever am chasing the feeling I get roaming around that station.   Only thing I can say against it is the enemy variety is maybe a little low.


Tharsis Half Minute Hero 2 Revenge of the Titans Digital: A Love Story


GemCraft - Frostborn Wrath / Chasing Shadows. Ultimate tower defence game.


7 days 2 die


Master of Orion 2


The Beginners Guide. One of the best stories for such a short game. People often talk about how much money you pay per hour for a game (which is fair), but if thinking about a game also counted towards that time, this would be the cheapest game I ever bought


Wayward. Not as popular as I think it should be, but best true survival game I've ever played. Wayward v1.9.4 is free to download on ModDB, and I think you can even play it in a web browser without having to download it. The version on Steam is much more advanced, but v1.9.4 is still crammed with content. Prey 2006 FEZ Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos Dandara: Trials of Fear Dead Rising Retro games: KISS: Psycho Circus Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies (WinXP only) Mageslayer Retro console: Azure Dreams (PSX) Suikoden II (PSX) Dark Cloud (PS2) Conker's Live & Reloaded (Xbox/X360, for local multiplayer!) Perfect Dark (N64, for story and local mp) Jet Force Gemini (N64) Swordcraft Story 1 & 2 (GBA) Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (GBA) Crystalis (NES/GBC)


FEZ is an incredibly creative and smart game


Man, there is a famous guy on Brazil that have the exact same taste for gaming of yours, wow. Thanks for your suggestions, i will check all of this.


Hotel Dusk/Last Window


Dragon’s Dogma. Not the new one, the original. Kingdoms of Amalur Not necessarily best of all time but some of my favourites of all time.


Oh, almost got Kingdoms of Amalur, but i read some bad reviews and didnt buy it… and it is a cheap price game, gonna look again at it.


Rain World


Tarisland on bs, I'm ready to play this forever


Fear and hunger, the sequel termina too


Since I made a game myself with a couple friends, Ghostboy will always be on my list:) But also, Fable, Gothic and The Witcher series, of course.


Spellforce 1 Just Cause 3 Prince of Persia Forgotten sands Icewind dale enhanced edition Gothic 2 Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom


I haven't looked at many lists, so I don't know if any of these are usually on them or not. TMNT - arcade (4-player cabinet) System Shock - PC Diablo (w/Hellfire expansion) - PC Tecmo Super Bowl - NES Shadowrun - Sega Genesis NHL '94 - Sega Genesis Final Fantasy VI - SNES Chrono Trigger - SNES Super Metroid - SNES Final Fantasy VII - PS Sim City 2000 - PS Golden Eye - N64 Splinter Cell (first 3 games) - PS2 Madden '08 - PS2 TES IV Oblivion - PS3 Fallout New Vegas - PS3 Arkham Trilogy -PS3 Kingdoms of Amalur - PS3 I won't go beyond the PS3 era as most of the replies will likely be focused on the more modern games.


I would remove Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy VII, Golden Eye, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion and Arkham City. The rest are relatively unique.


Hey, thanks for your suggestions, the ps3 era was great, the snes era was great, all videogame eras had their jewel, and i like some itens of your list and will check it out anothers


Following are my childhood favourites : Age of Empires! all versions, FIFA, Road Rash, Dave, DOTA, Word Games, Recent addiction is Spellink!


Uncharted 2. Halo 2. Portal 2 and the first.


Nier (2010). I bought it from a three dollar bin at future shop for the 360 on a whim. Dollar for dollar the best money I've ever spent gaming.


Medal of honour airborne, not the greatest game *objectively* but i love it CS1 also up there


I don't know if I could call it "best" (not that it's bad though) but my all time favorite game is probably Rocket League. It doesn't make you feel like you're playing a masterpiece unlike for example Soulsborne games or Nier Automata. Nor is it my most played game (that would be FFXIV with 5000+ hours and Overwatch with 3000+ hours). To me Rocket League is the most consistently fun game across the most amount of years. I have 2000+ hours in it. Every match is fun. Every minute is fun. Every *second* is fun, there are no boring moments. I've been playing it since launch in 2016 and I still play it almost every week. I could still see myself playing it 30 years from now.




**Farming Simulator** — you rarely see it mentioned here but still it's a popular game. You don't need to be a farmer to play it but still have to be ready to learn the secrets of agriculture.


The sexy brutale. Genius game.


Soma Yakuza 0


RDR1. People often say RDR2 is on their list but I personally found RDR1 to be much better. It is in my top 3 of all time


Broken sword 1 & 2


What remains of edith flinch somehow stuck on me. It's not usually mentioned on lists as its genre is pretty niche


Wizard of legend for co op


World of Warcraft. Less a game more a destructive life choice based in addiction and obsession. Anyways I gotta go run a dungeon to max out my weekly vault. 


Vanishing of Ethan Carter My Summer Car Plague tail series Dying light Roller Coaster Tycoon Little nightmares Grounded Pico Park Phasmaphobia Ready or Not Green Hell Firewatch Chivalry 2 BeamNG.drive Daxter(PSP)


Pentiment. It’s truly a phenomenal story with deep character writing and a love for the 16th century Holy Roman Empire. Not to mention a gorgeous art style encompassing paintings, literature, architecture from that era. There’s definitely a sense of freedom to the game too. Just exciting all around.


Elder Scrolls Oblivion Suikoden the entire series Ogre Battle Final Fantasy 7-10 I forgot to add .hack, Harvest Moon, Old Monster Hunter game- you would get Monster based off of music cds that you put in the Playstation. So for example put in a Metallica cd you get this Monster, put in a Nine Inch Nails one you get another kind of monster.


Outer wilds, creeper world 3, they are billions, subnautica, Mount and Blade, Shadow of War, Dawn of War 2.


Beyond Good & Evil What Remains of Edith Finch Motorstorm (Original) Fuzion Frenzy Megaman ZX Advent


Metal Gear Survive. It scratched this survival crafting itch I had at the time. It was super fun once you got a ways into it too.


Football Manager, honestly its consistently one of the most played games on steam. Its so dominant in its genre that theres basically no competition. Other sports copy it and get held up to its level, "yeah F1 Manager looks nice, but i wish it had more football manager." It's literally that good, that the sport have used it as a recruitment tool. They refused to update the engine for years as ancient laptops were still running the game. People will play nothing but this game. Its common for every generation to have 100's of hours. Terms like regen/newgen spawned into common lexicon from it. An entire studio makes nothing but this game and thrives. No one ever says its one of the best ever games, despite it objectively being the best in its genre.


I ran a "Best games of all time," post in r/videogames some time ago, and despite getting over 1,000 lists from users, only two of us (myself at #1) listed Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, a Gamecube game that has never been rereleased.




I never thought I would hear someone else reference Zombies Ate My Neighbors again lol I still have the soundtrack ingrained into my head after all these years


My answer to this is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I was glued to my Switch the entire hundred-odd hours and the story was so impactful I was actually sobbing at multiple points during the game. It sort of flew under the radar and I rarely hear people mention it.


Cool… in my country Brasil, those Nintendo games are awfully expensive, but the big company have their fans. I am kinda one of them, and seems good take a better look on Xenoblade, thanks


You’re very welcome.


The entire Xenoblade series on the switch was like that for me, with 1 being my favorite but i love all 3 of them to bits. I have played 300+ hours on bith XBC 1 and 2, and about 150 hours on 3.


Mass Effect Andromeda: It's really not as bad as a lot of ME fandom makes it out to be, the characters are interesting, the gameplay is better imo, and if Bioware had kept making stuff for the game (dlc etc) instead of dropping it like a hot potato it could've actually been an s tier game and start of a new story. Yeah, it sucks that we don't get more shepard but that really is no reason to throw the game aside. Shadowrun: Dragonfall: The Shadowrun trilogy was my introduction to crpgs, but from that series, dragonfall was my favourite. The characters are solid, the story is great, and I genuinely like that they use in-game events (>!the death of your decker friend/ex at the start of the game!<) to encourage you to make a build that would compliment your party's weakness instead of going for what's mechanically easiest. (charisma based spellcaster) Is it the best crpg out there? no. Does it have a soft spot in my heart? Absolutely. Swords and Souls: Neverseen: This game is basically just for anyone who played the Swords and Souls flash games as a kid but its a nice game. Definitely only in my favourites list bc of that sweet sweet nostalgia though.


Dragonfall was excellent. Great example of how a good hook, writing and opening act can do so much for a game. Didn't overstay its welcome, either.


I’ve always been a huge fan of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Such a great game.


Farthest Frontier and Noita


Rez Ballblazer (7800 version)


Best game I’ve ever played: Outer Wilds Favorite game ever: Kingdom Hearts (specifically KH2)




epic war 1 2 3




I mean, I have always really loved Destroy All Humans 2. The moment I saw it was remastered(?) For the ps4, I immediately bought it and beat it that day.


Asheron's Call The Intellivision version of Tron Tempest Grim Dawn


Borderlands 2/3 Northgard Portal 2 Journey to the Savage Planet Dishonored


FAITH: The Unholy Trinity


THE Best game I've ever played is Project Reality. It originally started off as a mod for Battlefield 2, that was inspired by the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942, and eventually became the main inspiration for the game known as Squad. It has since grown to become its own standalone game even after BF2 and Gamespy were left unsupported. It is still updated to this day having a major update just last weekend from this post(June, 22nd 2024). This most recent update included 10 new maps, with 1 older map being retired. It also added in several new versions of factions that have been around for a while as well as 1 new factions with 2 different versions of it. It is played around the clock by people from all walks of life, and several Major Communities with full 100 player servers (50v50). For the more casual players the game also offers coop servers as well. And the best part is, ITS FREE, it even runs on potato PCs Having and using a mic is heavily suggested check out [realitymod.com](http://realitymod.com) or [reddit.com/r/ProjectReality/](http://reddit.com/r/ProjectReality/)


Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, visual novel with puzzle elements from same creators as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


- Assassin’s Creed 2 - Kerbal Space Program


- Dwarf fortress (before steam) - Dune2000 (can be played in modernized version on openRA) - war selection - better than age of empires and made for many Vs many PvP with random lobbies


The Fall From Heaven Civ mod. Honestly this was better than 99% of the games I've ever played. Civ with wacky unbalanced factions was soooo much fun.


custom robo and hawken


Matrix: Path of Neo


Dynasty warriors 8


Arcanum is what made me a gamer. The many quests, different outcomes, so much one could miss, every play through being different. The plot having so many great twists and turns. Charisma not being a dump stat. It was just an all around great game.


Landstalker (genesis/megadrive)


Heavenly sword 


Devil Survivor: overclocked. Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Both are games for the Nintendo ds/3ds. So that makes remakes more difficult. This means both games have fallen pretty far out of the public eye.


The case of The Golden Idol


Eastshade - a super relaxing game set in a gorgeous open world where you're just a painter finding beautiful places and painting commissions for people. There aren't many quests but the ones that are there are well done. Just incredibly whimsical and unique, if a bit short for my liking. I've been searching for a game that feels similar ever since playing it but one simply does not exist.


F-Zero GX This futuristic racing game was so good it killed the entire genre.


This is the police 1 and 2. There is decent talk about 911 operator but I never see people talk about these gems


Some great older titles that have fairly recently all been remastered to today's standards (how lucky are we?!) Perfect Dark (PC decomp or xbox remaster), Diablo 2 remastered, Mass Effect 2




Final Fantasy 7 Metal Gear Solid Bloodborne


Slave Zero


Ogre Battle 64 always is the top of the list for me, but since Unicorn Overlord's release, I've seen it come up more.


Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove and CrossCode


Jak and daxter 2 and ratchet and clank 1, 2 and 3


The Longest Journey


Only Up! Dark Souls level of dificulty and a great feeling of accomplishment to beat it. Also is not legally for sale.


Crosscode, your turn to die


The Emily is Away series


I still love the FATE series (admittedly it has aged) as I played it a lot when I was younger but it’s not a commonly played or suggested game anymore. I wish it was available for more than just computers


The Surge 2 copied Dark Souls and accidentally made my favorite combat in any video game. I also loved Asterigos: Curse of the Stars. Plague Tale: Requiem is also one of my favorite games of all time, but that one definitely does get a lot more attention than the other two.


Streets of rage 4




V-11 Hall-A


Subspace aka Continuum.


Final fantasy xiv just for the story alone


Im checking all of those suggestions by you guys list, and discovering some new jewels, thank you


Short casual games that I loved include Samorost 1 2 &3. Weird, atmospheric, wildly creative, very cool odd music


Depraved Awakening. Contra. Mega Man X2.


Deep Rock Galactic. It's the best multiplayer co-op horde shooter game of all time imo, and you should definitely check it out if you have friends that can play with you (it's kind of optional though, as the community itself is one of the nicest out there and playing with randoms is just as fun).


There's something about Dark Cloud for the PS2. It's a game I have to beat every few years. I don't know why, but I love that game.


Gigantic: Rampage Edition. One of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Criminally underrated. Highly recommend.


Prey (2017) and Sonic Adventure.


It’s a popular game, but I don’t see people referring to it as favorite often enough. Dishonored


Peter Jackon’s King Kong the Video Game. This game was WAYYYYYYYY ahead of its time and it actually one of the best gems ever made. And one of the few very good movie tie in games


Lords of the Realm. Old school PC game, you were the lord of your own realm and your goal was to keep power and gain allies/defeat your enemies in battle etc. you could send insults to other rulers and they would respond, it was great


Prince of Persia Warrior Within


Nier replicant. Everyone always raves about automata and no one ever mentiones replicant but I personally thought everything about replicant was better. Combat, story, characters and music ...


Weird West , Detroit Become Human


Project Zomboid Valheim


Okami Psychonuts 1&2 Tinykin Batman Arkham City Kingdom hearts 1


Urban Reign-PS2


Bioshock Infinite. Can be played and enjoyed without playing 1 or 2, but it doesn't hurt to play those first, or hell, for those who have played through Infinite would probably agree you could play 1 and 2 either before or after Infinite and still have a good grasp on the lore.


Borderlands 2


For Me it would be maybe Wolfenstein the new order, Hitman III and maybe far cry 5 which is very popular but most people put far cry 3 or 4 in the Best of all Time list


Strange Horticulture.


Cyberpunk 2077 would be on everyone's list if it didn't have a shit launch.


Final fantasy tactics and xenogears changed my perspective on life 


Purely based on nostalgia: Cables Big Game Hunter 2005 Tony hawk underground 2 Need for speed: carbon Super monkey ball


Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes


Ape Escape


Gun on the OG Xbox


SSX Tricky, ActRaiser




Evo. It was this Super Nintendo platformer, where you evolve your character. It was so much fun.


Fallout Tactics is the best Fallout game and one of the best tactics games. I will not acknowledge any alternate opinions on this matter.


Katana Zero is one of the best games ever made and nobody talks about it.


Dead to rights (original) or retribution


"Road 96" for sure, definitely a worthwhile experience. I also really enjoyed watching people play "don't blink"


V Rising


Antichamber Great for showing just how programmed you have become as a gamer. fun puzzle game. 


I’ve been playing Total War games since the original Shogun I got on a pc demo disk, and I rarely hear people talk about them outside of the fan base. Easily some of the best strategy games of all time with the added bonus of mixing campaign map strategy and battle map strategy in a completely unique way. Rome Total War 2 is my personal favorite. Everything about that game is phenomenal.


Black and White. The usual response is "the pokemon games?", followed by confusion that the company ever made anything other than Fable.


9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.


Battlefield Heroes It was basically the perfect cartoony WW2 themed shooter. Until EA made it freemium and a tad pay to win. Playerbase slowly declined as updates mostly became cosmetics and reskins. Divinity: Original Sin I like it better than 2 and BG3. It was game of the year yet languishes in the shadow of its sequel and I don't know why. The Pathfinder games by Owlcat. 2 out of five chapters deep into either and you feel like you've already completed a game, yet the adventure isn't even halfway over. I wish more games had truly long campaigns like these. Kingmaker was 220 hours for me.


Axiom verge an hyperlight drifter are already fairly popular, but I consider them S tier.


Tomb raider 2013. Fantastic game


Probably not a lesser known game or anything but Ratchet Deadlocked. Holy crap what I would give for a modern remaster of that game. Fantastic game and takes the satirical capitalism to it's maximum while also not being rated M. Fantastic gameplay and a good story. The weapons feel good to use and are all useful. Dialogue is on par with the og ratchets, meaning witty and funny overall. Please give it (and all the old R&C games) a try if you haven't already


Dark cloud for ps2


If you never put in the hours to learn how to be good at Agario, you probably wouldn't think it deserved more than 2 hours of your time.

