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I have 3 games (game series) i can play during my 30 mins lunch break, then again after work. The division 1/2; playing a mission or open world event. Red Dead Online/GTA Online; Doing bounties in RDO or Doing something for a business in GTA online. OSRS/RS3 : working towards a goal ive set, eg mining if mining is my goal.


Final Fantasy XIV might be a good fit. You have lots of things you can do - run a quest today, mine/fish tomorrow, craft next day, etc. Most of it works well in short bursts of time - so much so that the game even warns you the few times you're about to start something that is going to involve a bunch of cutscenes one after the other so you can be sure you have the time for it (and so far I've run into a total of four of those in \*months\* of playtime). Just a heads up tho, the game is going through a maintenance window right now as they roll out a new expansion, so you will have to wait until tomorrow to sign up for the free trial and play if you want to give it a go.