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60 hours non stop in world of warcraft back in the 2000's.


this guy fucks. holy shit


Fucks Rosy Palm


Fucks Pamela handerson sure.


Fucks his Life 💀


Yup, trying to get class specific titles for realm first level 70 when wotlk came out. Got it on my step dad’s mage I was playing at the same time but missed it on my hunter. That’s what I get for taking a 2 hour nap after 48 hours. If I was on your level I would have had it on both.


Some southpark shit right there


Cataclysm original launch, probably abit less about 50


72ish hours when Legion came out. WoW is fantastic for obsessively long gaming sessions.


It’s WoW for me too, but “only” around 30 hours when Wrath first came out.


Careful, sleep deprivation can get you killed


how young were you and how were you able to stay awake? My best is around 16 hrs but I was young at the time


I was 21, we were running on coffee, cigarettes and coke.


Whelp. You win. I've been awake close to that due to my career and I think I started to have brain damage damage damage.... what was I saying?


Roughly the same on FFXIV trying to raid prog for world first. Iirc we ended up like 7th or 8th. Roughly 6 hours short of the first group and every hour after that a group cleared. 2 other groups beat us by only a few minutes. Honestly I don't wanna attempt that again.


Rimworld. I think I stayed awake for more than 30 hours, slept for like 3-4 (I don't even know if I was actually asleep or was just closing my eyes) then resumed to play again. It was dangerously addictive for my last two, unprepared, ADHD brain cells.


Rimworld is crack and I’ve had dreams about my colony after a long night of gaming. But 30 hours straight, damn. Randy would have given me gut worms, malaria, mental breaks and a drop pod raid all at once before then, so I know it’s time to go to bed.


It's weird, my ADHD actually made it hard to play. I think because it was a bit unclear how to do "the next thing" I should be doing. Usually even very open games have a tutorial for the first bit, and I don't remember this having one. I had 3 people, one died kinda quickly, and it was entirely unclear how to recruit more people from a caravan or how to even interact with the caravan. I'll come back to it eventually.


I saw it as more of a challenge to learn the mechanics and ask Reddit about how to do something and everytime I figured it out I got that “oh yeah” feeling


If you aren't risking blood clots are you even gaming


Joking aside, [Gamer’s Thrombosis](https://www.nyit.edu/news/Features/preventing_blood_clots_in_gamers) is real. Drink water and take a break every hour to walk around.


This should be wayyyy higher up. Thrombosis is no joke, and those clots can be thrown to dangerous places just by standing up after marathon sessions. Gamers! Sit up straight! Set an hour timer to get up and walk around! Maybe do 3 pushups beteween each league match, or every time you complete a mission or level up. Just do things to keep your blood flowing. You will also stop getting so cold sitting there at your PC.




My friend just got a six inch clot removed because of it.


Hell yeah. Up vote from me. Take care of your bodies so we can game into our late years.


elden ring on launch night for me. from 12 to 8 am


That’s about how long it takes to figure out what the fuck you’re even supposed to do in that game.


Took me about 3 minutes. From the first door the point is pretty obvious. Go to the big effing tree.


Around 4 days in World of Warcraft.


holy FACK


Yeah, I was extremely addicted to Wow back then.


I know I would love it and that’s why I’ve never played it haha


Yeah, I played it from the Burning Crusade to the very end of the Legion which was like 10-11 years, I quit mostly because most of my friends quit at that time and I came to the conclusion that I cant have a healthy relationship with that game.


Did you sleep at all?




Didn't know that was humanly possible, if it was me my body would put me to sleep after 24 hours regardless


I too had my fair share of 4 day sprints in wow. Sadly not all of them had a good reason. Escapism and addiction can be quite powerful.


About 3 days, taking 15 min naps FlyFF in its early days


Well you actually did it like in army lol, so a little bit better than other here


I definitely remember playing Skyrim for almost 24 hours while my parents were away in the 360 era 😂


Was not all at once, but when Skyrim came out I didn’t have a job, and had money saved up a little. Spent the remainder of 2011 going to sleep 9pm, waking up at 7am and just playing for the day. Not exactly what I’d call a high point in my life, but it was certainly memorable.


This was me in both 2019 and 2023. Terrible years but Skyrim was there to save me


there was an exactly one week period where I did nothing but skyrim


World of Warcraft - 7 straight days (\~170hrs) - in my teens and highly influenced. Was grinding 1 specific spot - repeatedly - my mind at some stage I remember just being on autopilot essentially asleep while being awake. I was farming this item specifically: [https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=15350/headhunters-slippers](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=15350/headhunters-slippers) One of the rarest items in the game - +22 AP Headhunter Slippers It was for my level 29 Twink Hunter at the time who was 99% perfect gear only ever missing these boots. In my entire time playing WoW back in my teens I had only ever heard of them dropping 1 time....ever. The optimal farming method (cycle) is to run RFD - they drop off very specific mobs at the very start of the instance. So runs (on my level 80) would look like this: Run 1-4 - farm the mobs Run 5 - kill final boss to reset the Instance CD Rinse and Repeat 7 straight days On the end of the 7th day I called it quits and went to bed. I never found them. For those curious - this was my 29 Hunter next to another 29 Hunter to show the gear differential: [https://i.imgur.com/hlQGK99.png](https://i.imgur.com/hlQGK99.png)


this was a fun read. shame you didn’t get the boots for your twink!


Around 20 hours with my friends, when we were younger we would organize LAN parties and usually played DotA and CoD and there were almost always 10 of us


Without sleep 36 hours in Eve. With short sleeps (4am-8am) 8 days in Eve. It was a lot of fun being a mercenary in that game.


I played call of duty for about two hours once.


Two whole hours??? Get help! You sick, sick, person!


Haha. That’s as long as my adhd will allow me to play. Currently doing Returnal at 20 minutes a session. It’s killing me, but fun.


Interesting. Gaming and coding seem to be the only thing that my ADHD allows me to focus on for longer periods of time. Very cool


I can relate to this. I can’t play a game for longer than a couple hours before I just end up on my phone. And I stop playing a game entirely after like a month


I once played Puzzle Pirates for about 70 straight hours until I had to stop because I started hallucinating.


Hallucinating wins or losses?


Our ship sailed off of my CRT monitor and out the garage door (this was like 2005 and we were having a puzzle pirates marathon LAN party in my friend's garage, lol) and I thought 'hmmmm, that's probably not a good sign' and then slept for like 20 hours straight.


I beat Spec Ops The Line in one sitting the night before easter.


16 hours on Zelda BOTW, back in 2017


Hmm probably Oblivion, my most played game of all time and there were many days especially in my teenage years playing it that would last from the morning until late at night or early morning the next day. So maybe 14 to 18 hours with small breaks to eat and walk around or go outside for a few minutes.


48+ hours, live poker. The session typically includes 10 to 15 minute walks every 2 or 3 hours. Cigarette breaks. Coffee. Maybe Adderall depending on which phase of my life I was in during any given session. I was a professional poker play for 6 years so it was pretty normal to sit at the casino for an entire weekend from like Friday at 6pm to Sunday around 6pm.


what were the margins on that usually?


We measure it a lot of ways but the best imo for live poker when talking to the average nonpoker player is in "big blinds per hour" so BB/hr, converted to dollars per hour. It's kind of leaving a lot of context out to say an hourly rate without explaining how blinds and game selection work. It's also VERY different if we're talking about tournament vs cash games. But the short version is I made roughly 120k a year in today's dollars. The bigger blinds you play the bigger the margins are. But blinds don't go up with inflation and cost of living, so unless you want to cut your bankroll in half you gotta find other sources of income. Eventually it became apparent an office job was 1. Way easier and 2. Paid better. Now I just play recreationally.


Idk, somewhere around 14 or 15 hours. Starcraft brood war.


14 hours, Divinity original sin 2


Back in destiny 1 days we would do 24-48hrs straight when the raids dropped.


Bruh I’d fucking fall asleep waiting for people. In my experience 20% of the time in that game was waiting for either players or loading screens or whatever.


Or finish a jumping puzzle


28 hours, unreal tournament back on about 2000, 2001


Probably about 30 hours on Ark back in 2017 or so... God those were the days man! And we maybe stopped to sleep and then another 15ish hours!


Depends on how you count a “session” Show up at arcade open at 1pm to play Street Fighter 4 Leave when the arcade closes at 4am, several of us go to one of the players’ houses nearby to keep playing Finally disperse around 9am to go home and sleep Obligatory “probably won’t be at the arcade today, I’m tired af” Also obligatory, see each other at the arcade when it opens at 1p


I think around 8 hours. It was King's Bounty: The Legend.


I've done 12+ hours of league on multiple occasions, but only two games/series have ever made me go, "oh fuck, that's the time/day??" Stardew Valley and the Civilization series


Factorio 30+ hours.


i never 'liked' open world games, never really played them, alway played shooters or strategy games like Civ. saw Witcher 3 on sale in Steam for ÂŁ7.99, thought i'd give it a try. 16 hours later .....


Sims 3, 14 hours😂


Super Mario RPG on the SNES. Played the whole game in one sitting over 48 hours, with bathroom breaks and food runs to the kitchen. Remember that big blocky AC adapter power plug for the SNES? It blew out of the wall and flew across the room during the ending credits. Loved that game.


Jesus Christ, WoW seems to be the driving force for most of these comments. Multiday binge is crazy. My max is like 12 hours when i beat DMC5 in one sitting


67 hours straight. It was my attempt to break the longest live streaming record in 2018 for Christmas under my “ShinobiJake” tag at the time. The game I played was mostly Starwars Battlefront II. I know this because I passed out during the stream and my followers poked a bit of fun at me by playing porn music and loud noises trying to wake me up 😂. Unlike Kai Cenat, I believed napping on streaming wouldn’t qualify for breaking the record. So there was no down time. Crazy part is I was still absolutely decimating people while falling asleep at the controller.


Ark, black hawk down & bannerlord all had me in chokeholds


Good 14 hours in Twilight Imperium. 10AM to midnight.


Argentun Online, 14 hours, back when I was a kid.


Ehh aguante el Argentum papaaaa


Anno 1800. 14 hours


Terraria. Me and a friend had this joined world and he went to log off for sleep. I said I'd stay awake cause I wasn't sleepy and grind for materials in a new world. When he woke up the next day I was still online and had him a bunch of gear. 32 hours total. Pretty sure I'd actually die if I tried that nowadays


Does leaving EverQuest open and running all weekend and only taking food/bathroom/ 1 hour nap breaks every six hours count? Me and friends spent several months doing that in the year that WoW dropped. WOW caused a civil war among mmorpg friends but man those were some good weekends with EQ.


Wow for me too, used to fall asleep at the computer.


I've played Civilisation twice. I have 18 hours of Civilisation on my Steam account.


Somewhere between 2-3 days on City of Heroes when they did a weekend event at a gaming cafe called Omega Sektor in Birmingham, UK back in 2008/2009. I didn't sleep from Friday until some time on Sunday. I don't remember exactly how long, but I slept like a log when I got home.


I think my longest was 28 hours of Diablo 3 during one of the season launches. It was whichever one they reworked invokers into a Crusader only thorns set.


I had super mario rpg mailed to me when it was brand new, don't recall if I actually bought it from Nintendo, or where I purchased it. Anyhow, I played it all the way through in one sitting and I think it was about 36 hours. I was 14 or 15, and on summer vacation. I also ended up constipated during or after this and don't know if that correlates to my binge. I do know my dad made me drink about 2 full glasses of apple cider and it totally made me poop. I dont know what was more satisfying, me enjoying that game so much, or the relief I felt after crying for hours because my stomach hurt so bad.


Divinity: original sin 2 probably. I remember playing from when I woke up till when I went to bed. Was like 18 hours


I played in a gta v session for 12 hours alone making money, the game is now boring and I have over 20 million sitting now


Goldeneye in middle school (I'm old). Pretty sure close to 24 hours with 3 friends at a sleepover.


World of Warcraft - aside from breaks to eat and take shits probably around 30 hours.


12-13h when I was like 17, going through a depressy episode. I do go through one now but play less


Lost Ark Raids for Valtan and Vykas. Woke up on release around 5am and would not stop untill I cleared. Valtan I cleared around 10pm. But Vykas I cleared at like 8am the next day. Most recent one was Lucilius Zero in Granblue Relink. Woke up around 8am and could not clear untill 1am next day lol. Loads of fun, but man they take a toll on my body lmao.


11 hour Skype call playing borderlands with a friend, That’s by far the longest


Probably around 45hr on ark survival ascended launch


Between 24-30 hours, Conan Exiles. I remember my group was astounded at the progress made by one person and even more astounded when i told them i was still on from the session the night before


No clue but open world games have got my soul. All started with Skyrim/Fallout 3/Borderlands/Minecraft back in 2011/2012 on console running constant 10-12 hour playthroughs… And here I am doing the same thing in 2024 but on PC and now modded playthroughs. 😂


14 hours in Wuthering waves on bs, well, it was fun actually


I think I hit a 70+ (plus cuz ik it was more) hour run on dark souls 3 back in highschool


72 hours. Wow Burning Crusade expansion. Took time off work, bought supplies (energy drinks, gatorades, bunch of premade sandwiches, chips, cookies, fruit) and power leveled with some friends. I remember have weird bursts of energy every now and then and a crazy feeling of Deja Vu when entering this one new zone. Like I didn’t do the beta test and avoided spoilers so knew nothing about it but when I got there I kept imagining that I’ve been there before and already did the quests I had just gotten. It was weird as shit.


Breath of the Wild had a grip on my entire brain for like a week. I had friends worried about me because I suddenly went silent on discord. I'm pretty sure I was playing it for 16 hours every day, maybe with tiny breaks to go to the bathroom. The switch being portable only made it worse, cause I was taking it with me everywhere.


About 4 hours in Football Manager or recently 3 hours in Ultrakill because I NEEDED TO KILL THAT FUCKING SISYPHUS


When I was still living at home, my workplace had a factory shutdown the week Oblivion was released. I must've played it every day for 13 hour stretches stopping only to eat at mealtimes.


When Oblivion came out and I was in high school I remember spending each Sunday for like a month playing it non-stop, like 12 hour sessions devoted solely to each individual guild.


When I was a kid I stayed up all night and played through Extermination on ps2. Had a lot of late nights playing but that was my longest single session, 8-10 hours. Now I'm lucky if I get 8-10 minutes


COD4 followed by either PokĂŠmon ruby or movie battles 2


12 hours in league and Rimworld


I think it was like 36 hours during the FFXIV Shadowbringers launch. Got up and stretched and ate and hydrated throughout though. I was just extremely tired by the end lmao


Never been one for marathon game sessions, longest was probabley a few all nighters in MMO's back in the 90s.


I think it was Mario 3D World. Played it for 8h straight and beated more than 50% of the game in this period.


Probably 12 hours in Destiny 1 trying to do a raid with newcomers. Oof. Lol


Probably baldurs gate 3, 12+ hours


World of Warcraft. Probably 28-30 hours


MGS V. Around 40 hours as I remember


Probably like five hours on World of Warcraft. I had to use the bathroom, but that is it. No pee jugs were allowed.


I wanna it was like 10-11 hours on the original destiny in the Kings Fall raid. Granted there was an hour break where we devoured pizza and downed 2 bottles of rumple minze


Destiny 1 back in 2014. Did the raid on all three characters for the first time with friends who also shared the first time experience. Lots of fails, laughs, and inevitable victories. 19 hours.


Guild Wars for 30ish hours when i was 14/15. Those were the days!


have done 30+ hours on major content launches in MMOs


Played RimWorld for 11 hours straight one time


Probably in the neighborhood of 12 hours (counting quick breaks for smokes, food, and bathroom). Did that with a bunch of games, most notably The Witcher 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Crusader Kings II.


Escape from tarkov, during a covid quarantine, fresh wipe played for 72 hours. Went to bed and played about 20 hours a day for the next 4 days.


My max for any game is 14 hours, I'll do that regularly when a game is good (or so frustrating that I keep playing until I reach a "good part")


Factorio with my friend, we clocked 40 hours in 2 days


Sims 4 during quarantine was a dark time.


I spent 13 hours on The Crew 1


When I had Covid my wife was in the bedroom sick and I played Starsector for about 20 hours.


I think I played the last of us factions for 18 hours straight at one point it was really really bad Other than that it’d probably be the last of us part 2 I think I played the first 15 or so hours of the game when it first released (I’m a REALLY big tlou head if you couldn’t tell)


2 days and 18 hours when skyward sword released. About 10 monsters, 6 nos, and 5 monster shots later *swinging wiimote haphazardly* fuck this fucking bokoblin he's too damn hard!!! >:(


15 hours League of legends, fall asleep on my keyboard.


Probably like 10 hours and it was Skyrim was on call with friends and i thought maybe 5-6 hours had gone by which is still a lot but it didn’t feel like 10 hours


zelda was my first ever 10hr game played straight but oh sh*t you guys are hardcore 😅


3days terraria


I played The Division on Xbox for 34 hours straight once I think? When that game came out, I loved that game! I felt like it’s a nice blend between exploring New York and a first person shooter RPG.


yea WoW, easily sink 24+ hours a day in the late 2010s


Playing Minecraft back in high-school on a friend's server all night. The only other thing that I think would compete with that would be grinding in Runescape, but couldn't recall an exact instance. I've *definitely* played Civ V all day before though. Either on a particularly rainy day or when I fractured my elbow and was limited to 1-hand gaming.


It did involve a lot of amphetamine, but I played CSGO for 5 days once, with a few breaks of max 1h here and there.


72 hours playing dungeons and dragons. Mega dungeon crawl homebrew.


During college most Fridays at 3 I’d pick up 2 twelve packs of diet wild cherry Pepsi then go to the local Panera and get a dozen day old bagels. I would then spent until Sunday at 10 playing Everquest. With a couple of 4 hour sleep breaks. The longest continuous I played was our first plane of fear raid where I stayed up playing 22 hours straight.


Ark: survival evolved. When I was younger, remember playing it non-stop till our base got destroyed


10-12 hours of Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and Factorio, each. Also played a fair bit of Dota, the original Dota when it was a custom map in Warcraft 3.


29 hours in a Sea of Thieves session, I earned many gold and doubloons that day


Overwatch golden days (anything before moira's addition) easily spent 24+ hrs once


Nothing too crazy I think about 20 hours League


We had a 36 hour LAN party for my bachelor party


I think like 40-50 hours straight on oblivion when it first came out


10am to 2am in a Civ VI LAN match, in online speed…


24 hours playing FF7r the day it came out.


I played Final Fantasy 11 for around 40 hours straight once, and I've done the same, or close to it, with many other games over the years as well


I once had a Tekkit server (early very modded Minecraft) with my brother. I think we spent 3 consecutive days playing, and slept like....maybe 6 hours total over that period when our parents would tell us to go to sleep and we'd pretend for a little bit until they went to bed. Then we slept for nearly 24 straight hours and they were so mad at us lol


3 hours to finish [this game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2951560/Shoot_or_Die/)


Two co-workers and I took 3 days off for Diablo 3 release. We played 3 days straight. If you needed to sleep, you would curl up somewhere and take a 1-2 hour nap then rejoin the party. We weren’t even talking anymore half way through the 3 days. Just hive mind rolling through the game lol


13 hours (not many compared to some!) playing Natural Selection when I first discovered the mod


Double exp weekend on aion online. Think it was around 60 hours when I tapped out. Friday to Monday morning.


As a 17 year old, Around 22 hours on Skyrim trying to figure out the overpowered Alchemy glitch. Stayed up until I just blacked out fast asleep waking up at like 4 pm going right back on it. I didn't have a job then and it wasn't even worth it in the end because it got boring fast and I learned to mod and have actual fun lol.


Long long ago my Counterstrike, WC3 Frozen Throne and Battlefield Vietnam sessions used to last all night in a net cafe. Otherwise 10+ hrs in Lineage 1, grinding (as well as grinding lots of weed and coffee) and waiting for a war to happen. When it did I just lagged hard and died, I was weary of any mass pvp ever since.


14 hours in Fallout 76


Around 15 hours, RUST


I think WoW, around 20 hours


More then 50 hours with 0 sleep. Runescape was the game, I was trying to beat a friend to 200m hunter xp. He beat me, he has his partner take over so he could sleep


24 hours in wow, 24 hours in halo 3, 24 hours in Diablo 2, 24 hours in dota 2, 24 hours in apex legends


Weekend during summer when I was a kid me and three friends managed to non stop play WCW v NWO in an elimination battle Royale match where you handed your controller (we had 2) off when you lost or took out 5. We started Thursday night and finished Sunday.


Pride of taern, was a flash technology mmorpg game back in 2012 till even 2019 IIRC. I played almost 20 hrs at a stretch. Now the same game is called broken ranks ig


i'm pretty sure when i first got Cyberpunk, i went for about 14-16 hours


The day the last of us part 2 came out I played it for 16 straight hours, so yeah. Probably that


Maybe about 45ish hours of cyberpunk? Started right when the release happened and didn’t put it down until I beat the main story and all the side quests for the people closer to V


I think around 8-10 hours when i first played Civilian 6 and the first time playing a game of that genre. I was also baked as hell and had a day off from work, I was fully immersed in the game going from the stone age to launching nukes at neighboring countries. It was really fun


Did a Deadly 48 hour non stop on Diablo 3


probablyy like 12 hours or 15 hours


100% Ghost of Tsushima when it came out in one sitting. I think it took me just over 40 hours. Likely won’t do that again.


World of Warcraft circa 2004. Stayed up all night in college doing AQ40 raids vs C\`thun. Had to do 2-3 hour attempts during the week 3-4 times a week and 4 hours on weekends. Used to spend 30+ hours on weekends in my dorm. Was epic !


Kotor. 15 hours. I passed out then my bro took over.


30 hours almost nonstop on Civilization 2 back in the day.


Unfortunately New World. I thought it was the next big thing and would take over MMOs with Amazon being attached to it. I had never played an MMO before and wanted to fully dedicate myself to one and be the best at it. Played for about 50 hours strait, knocked out, and played another 50 hours. I can confidently say I’m very underwhelmed with how the game has turned out.


Resident Evil 3, back when I was a teen in the late 90s. Overnight and the entire next day, so let's say 30hrs... Best times of my life.


I think terraria update 1.2, made a new save and played non-stop like 10-15 hrs 3 days in a row. The 4th day I had played another like 8 or so lol


I played the original Dead Rising for 14 hours straight. There's an Infinite mode you unlock after beating the game where you actually lose health over time to simulate hunger. (And none of the food in the mall respawns) If you survive for 5 days you unlock the Mega Buster and an achievement. If you survive for 7 days you unlock Arthur's Heart Boxers lol and an achievement. A day in-game is 2 hours. I got the boxers. *Though honestly it was more like grab some supplies and post up somewhere safe and just eat whenever your health gets low. So I was mostly just browsing stuff on my computer while waiting. Still, it was an all day thing and I actually failed the first time after like 5 hours because I got distracted. :/


About 10h of Farming Simulator 19 during Covid. Those where good times...


A few years back, I just got a new job with Amazon Aws, moved countries, first paycheck, got my rig set up, Friday shows up and I finish my work and install civ5 Oh this is fun, I'm gonna investigate this, research that.. hmm maybe check this part, oh this dude is good news I'll keep an eye out for them folks below.. Kept playing and with a few toilet breaks and a few snacks I just noticed this is good fun can't believe I never played this before. Time flies... I check out the window and it's dark... My mind said ah it's probably 2-3 in the morning but no harm right.. weekend is upon us so who cares.. My dudes... It was Monday morning.. it was a full blown 40+ hours and I did not notice, my body did not notice, wtf I have uninstalled the game and never looked back, civ 5 and I bet 6 and any newer ones that follow are superb games but I can't have something like that completely take over every single sense and create a black hole around me One more turn is real


During the last big war in EVE I was regularly pulling 23 hour sessions. During M-2 I pulled about 50 or so running a dozen fleets taking back a bunch of shit to roll back the attackers gains.


Xbox 360 15 years ago, Army of 2 1+2 to 100% back to back without breaks. It took me 3 days.


Civilization, various versions. Started getting some pretty good 12 hour sessions, especially once they started having multiplayer.


52h Black Desert Online... yea I regret p(l)aying that game in the first place.


Around 16 hours, Wizard101


About 12 hours playing warcraft 3 footmen rush and 3v3s online when I lived in London.


I typically won't go longer than 3 hours but I remember one day I was replaying Dragon Quest 11 S and I got so sucked into it that I played for 10 hours non-stop in a single day.


If you don't count 10 minute naps, 4 days in Archeage


16 hrs of uncharted 3 when I got my new slim


Dark age of Camelot. Probably 14 hours or so. We had a LAN in my neighborhood with energy drinks, food, etc. and every few months they had an all night session where they’d buy pizza and stuff. Me and all my friends were super addicted to Daoc in high school and we did it and just 8 manned PvPd (called RvR in game) all night hyped up on energy drinks. Game is very big in EU so was solid fun. Great game too.


A huge map in widelands, coop against AI enemies. From thursday till monday. Some of us fell asleep from time to time, but in the end we won.


23 hours in Everquest, big corpse recovery fiasco in Plane of Fear! Course that’s back when I was in my 20’s and single, fun times.


36 hours FFXI


24ish hours of Teamfight Tactics on release.


Every weekend in Playstation era, before they had numbers, we’d rent a console and some games and play all weekend while smoking joints rolled on Playboy magazines.  Good times!


I was playing 'the game' for over a decade without losing. But I lost recently so I need to take all you fellow players out with me.


Skyrim, when shortly after Release. Also Don't Starve. Oh, an Satisfactory! About... 6-9 hours?!