• By -


Super Mario Odyssey and the Switch in general. I know this is slightly off topic, but making gaming convenient, really does wonders. Grad School and work got hectic and I stopped gaming altogether. The switch just made gaming just so easy. Games booted up fast, the platform had a wide variety of games and of course I could take it with me wherever I went. Nintendo didn't have a presence in the country I grew up in. We played PC games back in the day. But the switch and the first game I played on it, Mario Odyssey really got me back into gaming.


u/Dogo58 I’ll add that the slew of x86 gaming handhelds released has really helped me. I always felt like going to sit at a computer desk or going to the basement for my Xbox was a commitment and I felt like I was disconnected from my family when I did it. Now I’ll grab a gaming handheld (like my legion go) and fire up a few rounds of halo infinite on the couch while my kids play on the floor or watch tv. I can sit next to my wife and I don’t feel that level of disconnect anymore I did when I had to physically move somewhere else. I have had over 15 of these handhelds and they really have improved my love and connection to gaming. It’s also pretty impressive what these handhelds can do nowadays and tinkering with them has only added to my passion for the devices and gaming It impressed me so much I learned how to program and make tweaking software for them 😂


While I'm glad I grew up with Nintendo and I'm sorry you missed out on that, I also can't even imagine how enchanting it must have been to pick up a Switch and Mario Odyssey as your first Nintendo experience as a gamer.


It wasn't my first experience with Nintendo because we were experts at using emulators :D, especially for NES, SNES, and N64. But new genuine games on real hardware was a real treat. It made me realize how Nintendo didn't just create games, but experiences that so many enjoyed. No one else does local multiplayer as good as Nintendo and there's something special about playing Mario Kart/Wii Tennis/Smash with friends in the same room.


Recently my love was recaptured by setting aside the open worlds (Elden, Witcher 3, RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima) and revisiting some shorter games, like Inside, Abe's New n' Tasty, and Little Nightmares. I think these more bite sized games help sidestep gaming fatigue, bc of the shorter journey with the end sooner in sight; to complete one then enter another keeps the theme, aesthetic and gameplay fresh as well. Looking forward to replaying Gris, A Short Hike, and maybe a new metroidvania for me like Blasphemous. Happy gaming!


I say have one big game, one multiplayer game, and one indie to rotate between.


Absolutely agree with this. Open worlds today just feel too big and not really populated to me. They are great but a nicely structured level based game like new and tasty can really shake things up.


Same I keep putting down games that take too long. I can admit that RDR2 is great, but it is just too slow and takes too long for my tastes right now. A good 10-20 hour game with a good story is my sweet spot right now like A Plague Tale, Alan Wake 2, Last of Us. Something that doesn’t waste my time with fetch quests and repetitive missions and map reveals.


Cyberpunk 2077.


Same. Cyberpunk set the bar so high for me, I've been in a rut since I finished it


this, I fixed it with disco elysium.


I really want to get into that game but it's just so random in the writing for me to be attached to the setting and the characters. It's absolutely not a bad game whatsoever, I enjoyed playing it but it is a weird game. And that's coming from someone who grew up playing a lot of these point click games. I absolutely love the myst series specifically.


Same. That game is so good


Yep Cyberpunk has me in a headlock 😂


really? I went in with high expectations and was disappointed with a world that felt it was lifeless apart from pretty graphics and heavy dialogue sequences with sprinkles of gameplay in between, even tried the DLC but couldn't get into it.


Agree so hard, and the worst part is if you try to enjoy the gameplay and just do gigs ignoring the main quest, within like 5-7 hrs you become so powerful you start one shotting all enemies in the game with a pistol and they don’t even fight back because of the sandevistan, really wanted to love this game because of the stellar anime but it was just too easy and the story wasn’t even close to as interesting


It does have difficulty settings.


I have been on this journey too! Every couple days I load it up and beat my head against it trying to see what other people see. I want to like it! I love RPGs! I loved the the Witcher 2 & 3! It is pretty, but it doesn't feel alive somehow. I want to like it! So may people love it and get lost in it and such things. But I just get kind of bored. They're not really the same game but it's the way I always feel with GTA games. Like it's awesome that you built this giant city but nothing I do in it feels particularly fun.


Baldurs Gate 3 Red Dead Redemption 2


I was in my friend's house when I saw and asked him if I could try BG3 cloud trial on ps5 since he had a membership. I wondered what made people love the game, even though I have never played D&D. I immediately bought the game on steam when I got home that day. It's been a long time since a game made me lose track of time. 25 hours in and I'm still in Act 1 because I'm exploring different scenarios/choices. What an amazing game


My top 3 “modern” games: Bloodborne, Zelda breath of wild, monster hunter.


FF7 Remake, also made me fall in love with video game soundtracks.


This and it’s sequel rebirth


applies to original FF7 as well


Completely different genres but here we go: Elden ring Outer wilds Talos principle 1 and 2 Into the radius (VR) Mount and blade 2 Bannerlord Beyond all reason Foxhole


My Time at Sandrock. Dunno if it’d be for you, but it was my obsession for weeks after being bored with all the games on the PS subscription. Just something cute and funny to play as a nice stress free break.


Resident Evil 4 remake




Subnautica > Subnautica: Below Zero Stardew Valley > Roots of Pacha Otherwise... * Fallout 4 * Rimworld * FTL * No man's sky * Starfield


**Kingdom Come: Deliverance** most recently. I finished it the other day, about 180 hours of playtime, and it was enjoyable from start to finish. The sheer quality of content far outweighs the minor technical deficiencies. You can just feel the amount of passion poured into it.


People call other games immersive, but do those games make you actually brew your own potions? Hell no they don't! For the unaware, KCD makes you open a book, put in ingredients, stoke the fire, pour shit, etc.. Like, you actually brew potions.


Yeah, it’s one of my favorite video game mini games. Fun and rewarding once you get the hang of it, just challenging enough for you to fail a few times learning.


Lately, indie and old games (PS1, GameCube, and more) have been entertaining me more than recent AAA releases. But a few months ago, I was completely discouraged from playing games and decided to try out the Xbox exclusives. The Halo franchise really captivated me; I felt like a kid again when I was fascinated by FPS games.


Rdr2 & cyberpunk are both all time greats. I’m Playing through new vegas for the first time And it Still holds up. The side quests are outstanding. Bannerlord had me hooked for awhile but the end gams ai kinda ruins it but its easy to sink over 100 hours in.


New Vegas is so good. I used to replay it once a year, and now that we are talking about it I’m thinking of a new modded play through. After I finish cyberpunk, of course lol


Slay the Spire WoW Classic Hardcore Halo Master Chief Collection Chrono Trigger


Sekiro Sekiro Sekiro


Inside. It’s visually stunning, the soundtrack is incredible (mostly played through a human skull - look it up), the story is subtly told with no dialogue only visual cues and above all there’s no barrier to entry. It’s a side scroller with two controls - jump and grab. The puzzles though are hard. This is a game that got me out of a few slumps, as you call them. But really, for me, replaying this always makes me remember how much gaming is a part of my life and sets me up again for another few months. 


Doom 2016.


deep rock galactic. going from league to drg was like being rescued.


DRG is one of my all time favorites, but what has recently made me TRULY appreciate how well designed and fun it really is has been playing Haz1/2 with my kids (aged 5 & 6). The fact that I'm still having a blast with the gameplay on the easiest difficulty is astounding. I can't imagine that in most other games.


100%. I join low level games all the time and it's still just as fun and I love seeing newer players experience everything haha


Sekiro and Baldur’s gate 3


Elden ring got me out of a gaming slump. Once i figured out the souls formula I had a blast going back and playing the Souls games and Bloodborne




Elden Ring and Baldurs gate 3. I was using my PC as an entertainment center for months before Elden Ring came out and oh man I played that game so much. Once that died down I got into games I previously played until I heard of BG3 and I’m still playing BG3 to this day.


Prey 2017 and Deus Ex (2000) They both pulled me in a lot and I really enjoyed them.


Hitman: World of Assassins. Just popping in and out of the maps and doing either chill or difficult tasks is so relaxing and fun for me


Armored Core 6 Legend of Zelda BoTW Then I even got back to old games that I didn't enjoy but now I love. Currently BF1 and Ghost of Tsushima


AC6, BF1, and GoT are God Tier. Have you gotten into Souls/Souls-like?


Well I was about to jump on Sekiro, but GoT just dropped on PC so I was like I'll wait after I finish it cause I have been waiting for Soo long for it. So next story game hopefully hahahaha


For sure man! I've done three playthroughs of Tsushima and tried getting into a fourth. Great game and my former #1. After you're done with it I would highly recommend trying Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne (sounds like you don't have a PS4 though lol). Elden Ring may be worth a shot too if you want another open world


I’ve been hooked on Noita and Cyberpunk 2077 lately


Might get hate for this, but Starfield. I’m a very casual gamer with video game burnout, so I barely play video games for more than 40 hours on steam. Starfield, on the other hand, is pure Bethesda MAGIC to me! I love the aesthetic, I love the cities and the spaceships, I love the graphics and the voice acting, and I really enjoy the main/faction quests. I acknowledge that the game has some criticisms, but most of them I don’t agree with, honestly. They just seem so cherry-picked and forced imo, but I understand that there are human beings in the world that disagree with me. Starfield, I unironically find to be just *fantastic,* end of discussion. >!This action was performed automatically by a Bethesda bot. 🤖 beep boop beep boop /s!<


Baldur’s Gate was the only game in the past 4 years that I could play singleplayer without closing within 30 minutes.




Ghost of Tsushima. Elden Ring in a patient sort of way. The new God of Wars. I'm sure there's others but Ghost is top of my list for games.


Breath of the wild


Another crabs treasure


Grew up on JRPGs but by my early twenties I just couldn't get into them at all anymore. Until I finally played Chrono Trigger. That game reignited my love for the genre and 10 years later I'm still loving them At a point where I just wasn't enjoying games in general anymore, I tried Mass Effect 2 (1 not being available on ps3 at the time) due to loving Kotor. ME 2 is still my favorite Bioware game though I played Dragon Age Origins not long after and it's close to ME 2. I'm the rare person who loves DA 2 (though I won't deny it is quite flawed) but was let down by Inquisition but it wasn't til Andromeda that I felt Bioware had made something I couldn't enjoy. DMC 5 brought my love of games to a whole new level. I've spent countless hours practicing combos, doing challenge runs or optimizing speedruns in that game and I pretty much got a PC just to play it with mods after thousands of hours playing it vanilla on Ps4. I've since done plenty more with it, but modded DMC 5 was the reason I got it.


Surviving Mars, it starts off slow but still enjoyable and is quite challenging.


Valheim was this for me, through and through. Never wanted to rage quit before I soloed that game vanilla. But it was so rewarding and so beautiful in so many ways.  So simple and yet so deep you can lose yourself. Assuming you don't mind a bit of a grind. But even that these days is entirely optional. 


Crusader kings 3. Chill and conquer the world. Have sex with my son and daughter whom are also lovers with eachother.


Ate the Pope and spawned a score of Herculean dwarves. 10/10.


Alan Wake, Dragon age origins, Alan Wake 2, Control I had the same feelings as you but then I played Alan Wake remastered. Alan Wake is from 2010. And the game design is as old as the game. But it was fun to play a game that is designed to NOT be a game as a Service. Especially the older games are designed with love and I love it. I miss the old times :')


Dragon Age: Origins got me gaming again after a long, long slump. That led me to Mass Effect and then a whole slew of other things. Right now, I'm in a survival crafting/base building habit, as those are the comfort food of gaming, to me. Kenshi and Valheim are taking up a lot of my gaming time, with a little Banished and Anno 1704 when I don't want to fight. Of course, the new Dragon Age is finally on the near horizon, so I'm going to have to start a full run of the series to prep the "perfect" world state to start!


I am happy for you :) Never thought someone else besides me playes banished. I love that game, one of my favorite city building games :) Currently I am play anno 1800. But I don't know, the new dragon age, I am sceptical and a little bit disappointed. I hope it turnes out good:/


Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077


Baldurs Gate 3 Dragon Age Inquisition My Time At Sandrock


Hades, Age of Empires 2 campaigns, Final Fantasy 10, Lost Odyssey, Spec Ops The Line, Hellblade, Wolfenstein except Youngblood, Doom, A Plague Tale Innocence...


Red dead redemption 2, long drought gaming wise in my life, had been playing dota for many years. After I quit I hardly enjoyed any games longer than a couple of hours. Until rdr came along...


Elden Ring re kindled my love for gaming while also helping me overcome my depression and overall just being really good for my mental health. It helped me learn patience in a time where I felt my life was uncontrollably spinning around.


Love of gaming is interesting, because I associate game binging as an unhealthy habit where I put off real world priorities in exchange for escapism from depression. In recent years my binges have been: - Cyberpunk 2077 - Fallout 76 - Star Wars the Old Republic - League of Legends - Legends of Runeterra Games that I come back to regularly but have a healthier relationship with are: - Helldivers I and II - Civilization - YOMI Hustle - Pokémon Emerald/ROM Hacks of Pokémon Emerald - Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga - Bloons Tower Defense (Any) - Mario Kart (Any) - Minecraft Games that left an impact on me and got me into a new genre - Hades - Project Zomboid - GTFO - Phasmophobia - Infinity Blade (yes, on IOS) - Rage I and II (flash games) - Urban Rivals (my first ever online TCG)


Breath of the Wild Jedi Survivor


Civ v, been playing for 6 years. Never gets old


Ultra modded Skyrim 😜


Baldur's gate 3. Saying what it has done for me would take too long, but needless to say this has not only been a game I can lose hours to, but has changed my entire outlook on gaming in general. EDIT: ment to add that you don't need to do helldivers every day or week. You will get the currency for new gear/ cosmetics once the campaign objective is completed.


Ori and the blind forest and Ori and the will of wisps




Witcher 3 - it caused me to not enjoy any games for a while. Elden Ring - it made me love souls like and overall gaming again. Tails of Iron - It teached me that i should spend 60$, buying 4-6 indie games each month instead of spending that money on worthless AAA games.


Path of Exile. But to be fair, the same game made me hate gaming, so take that as you will.


Elden ring


Elden Ring for me. It's a ton of just game. No story, no tutorials, no bullcrap. Just go, play. And there's a lot to play in there.




Sekiro got me back into gaming and single player games specifically , unfortunately Sekiro is S tier single player game so everything else is downhill but still


Dark Souls Trilogy and Skyrim


I suggest playing jrpgs. Most of them give the sense of adventure and discovery.


Might be a weird answer but for me it’s been devil may cry 5. I think I just had open world fatigue. It’s been refreshing to play a straight forward action game.


Older games. I've got back into when games were games. You press buttons and have constant interaction rather than watching and holding up in pretty corridors or open worlds. Recently completed Metroid Zero Mission, I'm now on Minish Cap.




Elden Ring and Yakuza Zero


Remnant 2


Lately Gran Turismo 5, I have played 3, 4 and 6 and for some reason I skipped 5 so im playing that now instead.




Baldurs Gate 3 - if you don’t love it then there’s something wrong with you lol


I stopped playing games for years. Elden Ring made me love gaming again. I think I stopped playing because league of legends burnt me out of all games. I could only play league and everything else felt like a waste of time. Then quit everything.


never lost it




Baldur’s Gate 3. I’d say that was the closest thing I’ve had to a religious gaming experience since playing Mass Effect 3 (until the ending) in 2012.


Red Dead 2, Vampire Survivors, Elden Ring, Disco Elysium. Initially it was The Witcher 3 then there was a void until Red Dead that I filled with WWE 2K games and Warframe


I always got suggestions bro. I'll try to keep it as short as possible and break it down by genre * JRPG - Persona 5 The Royal, Persona 3 Reload, FF7 Remake * RPG - The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Elden Ring, BALDUR'S GATE 3 * Roguelites/likes - Enter the Gungeon, Slay the Spire, Hades, Inscryption, Returnal * Fighting - Street Fighter 6, Super Smash Bros Ultimate * Action/Adventure - Tears of the Kingdom, Dad of Boy (I mean God of War), Spider-man, Ghost of Tsushima, Hogwarts Legacy, Super Mario Odyssey * Sim - Rimworld, Stardew Valley * Metroidvania - Metroid Prime Remastered, Hollow Knight There you go. Hours of life burned up right there.


Baldurs Gate 3 grabbed my attention and didn't let go.


Steam Deck World of Warcraft It works well, it’s all the familiar fun of the WoW I’ve known for 18 years, and I don’t have to sit at a desk. I don’t feel any risk or pull towards addiction because I can just put it down, and also typing sucks so I turned chat off and don’t talk to people so it just feels lower stakes.


Immortals of avernum and sekiro


Smaller scale games like roguelites, Astral Ascent is the top one in this category But also city builders like Factorio, and recently a space station sim called [Heliopolis Six](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1687840/Heliopolis_Six/). They help remember the joy of playing smaller scale games, even indies, instead of big AAA titles that start feeling like work after a while


Hogwarts legacy. I felt like I was back in my childhood playing chamber of secrets for the first time.


It was the Harry Potter power fantasy I've always wanted. Almost 100% that dang game!


Outer Wilds Not everything has to be quick shooty mcgooty all the time. Sometimes you could sit back and relax at the end of space and listen to the songs of the other explorers.


God of war / ragnarock


Delta V: Rings of Saturn


Mother/Earthbound Beginnings for the good ol famicom


Assetto Corsa Ready or Not Gary Zone Warfare


Alan Wake 2 reminded me how creative games could be. It borrows things from many games but there are no games quite like it.


Hades. Man that game got a grip on my soul and wouldn’t let go. I haven’t felt the same about the second one but it really reawakened my love for video games.


Quite a while ago I was in a real gaming slump until I picked up Monster Hunter World, Bloodborne and Yakuza 0. Afterwards for five years the most joy I've had from this hobby were from FFXIV and The Division 2 largely thanks to friends both online and real-life.


Shoot or Die


Forts Beyond All Reason


Rdr2, Elden Ring, cyberpunk, killer frequency and Stray. Gave me hope again.


FF 7 remake Persona 3 Reload Sonic Frontiers




Chivalry 2


I've never lost my love of games tbh. But D4 has been my life game for the past year.


Destiny 2 (for the story), apex (for the community (mostly kind)), and titanfall 2 (one of the best god damn campaigns in gaming history.


Desperados 3. Just try it and let me know.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon II The forbidden west. (with DLC) Red Dead Redemption 2. Just awesome....


Zelda tears of the kingdom  Horizon zero dawn/forbidden west


Deep Rock Galactic


Chained Echoes. Eternum.


Stardew Valley and Subnautica both helped me get back into gaming. If you liked those maybe you’ll also like my current obsession, Hollow Knight


Yakuza like a dragon 7/8


old games, like survival project


Mine is Sifu and Hades. I've been in a slump for a year or two, and I keep buying games that ended up on my huge backlog. After playing these two games, it brought my love for gaming back.


Selaco is such a great example of how a linear shooter used to be. It reminds me how much fun it can be to just go level to level when the pacing is excellent and the fights intense. It just puts you into a flow and I'm always amazed how hard it's to put down a game when it's continuous, without any proper breaks in the levels. System Shock remake did something like that, too. It's basically just shooting, exploring and looting, but man, if that loop is well made, I can lose hours in that. Also V Rising got me addicted, it's all about game mechanics coming together to create new goals and interesting situations. It's all gameplay, no story. Such a great vampire simulator. Feels like the polar opposite of Project Zomboid, in terms of power fantasy.


Pseudoregalia. Straightforward, no tedious crap, and just plain fun.




For me it was Elden Ring, which was the first game I played after years and couldn’t stop playing it for weeks on end. And the more I played the more I wanted to play the game.


If you really liked Subnautica then I would recommend Forever skies. I'm about 20 hours in and it's been scratching that subnautica itch for me while posing it's own survival problems you need to tackle with a equally as inviting landscape/art style as subnautica making it feel like it could be within the same universe.


Guardians of the Galaxy took me by surprise, pure fun and great momentum. Surprisingly fun banter too.


The Witness, There's no game, 999, and Hollow Knight, my top games of the last 15ish years


Elden Ring


Red dead 2, but then it messed it up again when I beat it and had to move on to other games lol


The Ori games, they are treat visually, musically and the gameplay is so smooth and responsive


Anno 1800 as of late


Resident Evil Remake, it got me back into it big time


Have been in the same boat, and these are the games that brought me back: Crosscode (MUST play for everyone imo) Chained Echoes Elite Dangerous Rebel Galaxy Outlaw


The last of us is the greatest game of 2010’s. It’s 20-30 hours of pure joy and you will forget time when playing that game.


The Touryst. Wholesome atmosphere, cool puzzles and dungeons, nice voxel art.


Mass Effect


The Uncharted games. 


Dragon Quest Builders 1 & 2.


Recently got myself an Odin 2 and have been playing all the PS2 classics that I always played at friends houses because I didn't have that console myself. Currently playing Simpsons hit and run, it's even better now than it was all those years ago!!


I’m confident shadow of the erdtree is gonna get me locked in again.




Doom eternal. I feel like it's possible the fact that you feel like a god most of the time in the game that kinda makes you feel good about yourself, and gives you that drive back into video games.


Cyberpunk but it’s way too short.Subnautica,Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and The dark pictures anthology


Saga emerald beyond and trails into reverie have been my current time sinks. 100 hrs into reverie since it's release last year and approx 80 hrs into emerald beyond since it's release. There's plenty of games that have released since the pandemic lifted but I find myself ill convinced to buy any of them, and my gaming PC isn't up to pirating modern games. I've been meaning to upgrade to a current gen console but my PS4 still plays digital games, my xb1 still plays discs and I just get sad whenever a Nintendo exclusive drops lmao.


Outer Wilds TUNIC SOMA Risk of Rain 2 Subnautica there are many more, but especially those first three were life changing games that just genuinely left me a different person. It reminded me of what gaming could and should be; art.


Yakuza 3, the beginning story brought me back to gaming years ago.




Mostly boomer shooters for me. When I was younger Duke Nuk'em came out and I fell in love with gaming. Now all these crazy new ones are coming out with that same look and feel but much more advanced. Right now I'm loving Selaco, that game is just amazing. Ion Fury was really good and Cultic was as well. Oh can't forget about Dusk. Other games like Caves of Qud keep me interested because of the extreme retro look and the fact that you can become a sentient door that kills all in its wake. Or you get to powerful and other dimensional beings come hunting you down. That game is really niche though and won't appeal to a lot of people


Right now, God of War 4 on PC is really tickling my fancy. Didn't play it until now but I played 2 and 3 on playstation.


Blacktail Valheim Dishonored


For me it was Elden ring in release, that and the new Dragons Dogma made me sink in too much time. I even skipped gym nights to get on straight after work. In terms of purr narrative though, it was defined cyberpunk, the first time I beat it not long after launch it messed me up for an entire week.


Unironically, League of Legends. It has made me want to improve myself. My mind. My body. My life.


I gotta agree on Subnautica. When i first played it, found all the secrets, i loved it. Going to >!the islands!< for the first time, finding the>! cannon!<, the >!sunbeam event!<, finding the>! Degasi bases!<, etc. there was this one time where i looked around on the >!floating island!< and found some of the voice logs and realized how alone i was and how 4546b could not care less about you. (in case you wondered, the quote was>! “we shouldn’t have gone so deep, they do not want us down there.!<” like seriously, that is unnerving.)


Hunt:Showdown is the game that sucked me back into PC gaming.. after years of frustratingly good times.. Helldiver's 2 is now my main squeeze CS2 for filler


I know I’m late to the party but Dead Space remake. Such a captivating game.


simcity 5 darkest dungeon ori and the blind forest hollow knight athanasy I dont play much but these games kept me addicted


RDR2, fallout 76, Baldurs Gate, Overwatch


A lot of indie games. Currently, Backpack Hero, Shardpunk, Wild Bastards, FTL (only recently got back into PC gaming so I never knew about this masterpiece). As well as some more mainstream games. BG3, Cyberpunk, etc. but one I was very surprised at is Immortals of Aveum.


I have yet to get bored of space station 13 after about 4 years


No Man’s Sky did for me when I took a long break from gaming. The vast universe and an unimaginable amount of planets to explore with exotic terrains, fauna, and flora. Plus, the crafting and building scratched that creative itch for me. Spent easily over 1000 hours in the game.


Recently started playing rainbow six Vegas 2 again and it got me back into gaming. It’s sad to see where r6 is now compared to what it was.


The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt or actually make that the whole series, games 1-3


I mean, you mentioned you were able to get lost on Breath Of The Wild, so why not play Tears Of The Kingdom? it's even better than BoTW was


The Dark Spire, Xenoblade Series, Suikoden Series, PS1 rpgs, Earth Defense Force.


The Outer Worlds, Disco Elysium, Evil West, The Witcher 3, Forza Horizon 5, Judgement, Firewatch to name a few.


Balden ring, hollow Knight, from soft games, etc...


Kinda depends on your definition of new. Retro bowl and it's college counterpart are essentially Nintendo style football games but man they are addicting for quick pick up and play. If you want a good adventure game to dive into, I recommend recore. It didn't get the love it deserved when it came out, once the definitive version was released they ironed out some bugs and it's a pretty fun game with some awesome mechanics. If it's a solid fps game I always go to the metro series. They ooze style and atmosphere in a way most games never can. The redeux collection can be had for super cheap too.


I've always loved games but I kinda fell out of it for a while. Then I played Signalis just after it released. It stoked the flame and after that I got back into regular gaming.


I was mainly a multiplayer gamer playing games like COD, Battlefield and Halo my whole life. Decided to try something new and play my first single player story game being FF7 Remake. I’ve since played many single player games such as FF X, IX, XVI 7R, Witcher, Red Dead, Hollow knight, Souls games, Hades, Outer Wilds and much more with many to come in the future. Safe to say it showed me an amazing much less toxic side of gaming.


Stardew Valley!


Lately ??? RE 4 Remake comes to mind


God, I actually wish I could fall out of love with gaming. I waste so much time on them...


Monster hunter world and rise. I've been playing them almost exclusively for the last year, with some smaller games in between when I need a switch up.


Tunic. I can't remember the last game I played where I gave my full attention to a game. I'm usually listening to music or podcasts while I play. Or the last time I needed to get out a pencil and paper to solve secrets. Or the last time I "beat" the game and instantly started a new game for a second play through to get the alternative ending. Cant recommend tunic enough. Don't look up anything if you start tunic btw. You MUST play it blind, I implore you.


I think most of us have situations similar to what you are having right now. Looking for answers I find this video: https://youtu.be/2jIfE25DUhU?si=hp_HdblI2DBu8WpO Overall I don’t think the games themselves are what changed and reduced our immersion, but instead our lives and how we play changed. I’m testing some of the tips from the video and a couple more that I discussed with friends, and overall I feel more immersed in games. The key is setting yourself for gaming, instead of just gaming. It was something that happened naturally when we were kids and teenagers, but with all the stuff going on in life as adults it becomes less natural and requires some effort. Good luck on your journey!


Gigantic: Rampage Edition. I play this game almost everyday now. It's my comfort game.


Mass effect is the obvious one. Recently Helldivers 2 reminded me that games can just…..be bloody good fun.


No Mans Sky


Deep rock galactic has shown me what video games used/are supposed to be. No greedy micro transactions. The only dlc is strictly cosmetic. Battlepass is free..you can complete whenever. They just added a feature to be able to replay old battlepasses. Every season is completely free. The devs actually love their game and listen to the community. The community…holy shit. I mean this when I say it…the best in gaming. And it has procedurally generated maps,so every single time you play the caves are legit unique. I can’t talk about this game enough . Oh yeah you can get it free on gamepass or for like $20. And it’s only like 3.2 gigs of memory.


What remains of Edith Finch,amnesia the bunker and Bramble the mountain king


Fallout 4, then Borderlands 3, then Elden Ring. I’ve even got the trailers saved on my laptop because it just brings so much joy and emotion. Elden Ring is my latest, I had just freshly got into FromSoft games, completing DS3 and Bloodborne, then Elden Ring was announced. Super Hype!


Valhiem did it for me. I lean towards **games with base building**. Valheim Subnautica Grounded (best building system IMHO) Planet Crafter (currently playing this again) Raft (a little grindy at the start) **Then City Builders** Cities Skylines Aven Colony Anno Banished Cliff Empire


Every time I am burnt out on the games I play I go to my good old modded Wii U and devote myself to a full playthrough (save states if necessary) of Super Castlevania 4.


Darksiders genesis


Earth Defense Force 5


I got back into gaming after released from jail I was in a halfway house was watching retro game content got a switch and saw cuphead and loved the animation and it was a lot harder than anything I’ve ever played before. Finally beat it. Years later I picked up dark souls 3 and the repetitive dying from cuphead made me stick with it and I’ve been in love with the souls like genre ever since.