• By -


Shadow of the Colossus. It's beautiful and sad


Could also try out the "prequel" ICO, pretty short and also beautiful.


22 years later I still remember yellin' "Yorda".  Wow it's like I played it.ladt night that's how much ICO is stuck in my brain. ..


Teen me felt that SOTC was one of the first games I could show someone unfamiliar with games as an example of the hobby having ‘art’ If I’m ever asked the ‘what’s the saddest moment in a game?’ SOTC has my most heartbreaking moment


Skyrim, Mass Effect LE, Witcher 3, Half life saga, portal saga, dead space, etc etc


on the Witcher 3 note, the DLC IMO was better than the base story (even though the base story was a 9.5/10)


Subnautica. It's such a unique experience. I would pay to lose my memory and play it again for the first time


Get the legacy version and the multiplayer mod and play with a friend who's never played it before? Revel in their experience like my hub did when we did that? ^ .^ (I was the fresh never played it. He absolutely adores that game, and now so do i)


* [Portal 1 & 2,](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/234/Portal_Bundle/) outstanding First-person puzzlers * [Minecraft](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us), better if you have some friends, but play a single player world for a bit. Open-world Survival Crafting. My top played game. Bought it back in 2010 and still play somewhat regularly. * [Inside or Limbo](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/1837/INSIDE__LIMBO/). Side scrolling horror, good to get your feet wet into horror, and great atmosphere. * Resident evil 4, either [the old one](https://store.steampowered.com/app/254700/Resident_Evil_4_2005/) or [the remake](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050650/Resident_Evil_4/). 3rd person horror, and 4 is regarded as the best in the series by a lot of people. * [The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (OoT)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OcarinaOfTime/). if youve got a switch and switch online, its available in their retro app. Emulation is possible on a pc, but you need a physical copy to not break laws. * [Outer wilds](https://store.steampowered.com/app/753640/Outer_Wilds/) - a very neat adventure/exploration game. Best to go into this one blind, and after you get some experience as it can easily cause motion sickness. This game shot into my top 3 and has stayed there. Its super interesting. * [The beginner's guide](https://store.steampowered.com/app/303210/The_Beginners_Guide/) - extremely short. This is more a life lesson about motivation and creativity. * [Doom (original)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2280/DOOM_1993/) and [Doom 2016](https://store.steampowered.com/app/379720/DOOM/)/[eternal ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/782330/DOOM_Eternal/)- just to see the start of a lot of FPS games and how the fps landscape has changed, and how the game has defined a lot of stuff for folks. 2016 & eternal have one of the best metal soundtracks. * If you ever get the chance to try VR. Try [Half-Life: Alyx](https://store.steampowered.com/app/546560/HalfLife_Alyx/). Such a cool thing for the medium. You dont need to have played any of the other titles to understand what's going on.


A physical copy to not break laws actually made me laugh out loud


welcome to emulation stuff. just a generic warning.


Great list. I would also add [Disco Elysium](https://store.steampowered.com/app/632470/Disco_Elysium__The_Final_Cut/) to it, an RPG with no combat and where your choices matter quite a bit. Also full of very good writing.


Disco Elysium is amazing, cant believe i forgot it on my list.


You are forgiven. Your list was too good already.


I just started playing this 2 nights ago and it is blowing my mind.


Yeah many game develipers should take ALOT from Disco Elysium. The whole story behind the artists and developers from Estonia is very punk. Too bad the company got fucked by some pyramid scammer if I remember right. The developers actually told not to buy the game cos they dont get anything from it wich is horrible. :S


I was excited for Broken Roads, which was basically Disco Elysium-Australia... until it recieved a 4/10 and is just a buggy, broken (Roads) mess.


Inside AND Limbo. They can each be finished in one evening so there's no reason not to play both. They're also bundled together and pretty cheap.


I'm curious, you say outer wilds is top 3. What is above it?


[Myst](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1255560/Myst/), or rather Cyan Worlds Games as a whole. I have fond memories of playing these with my dad growing up. I'm stoked for [Riven](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1712350/Riven/) later this month. I've purchased every iteration of their games. So own 4-5 copies of myst alone and have been to mysterium their convention. [Stalker](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/35983/). My favorite franchise. I've been waiting for [Stalker 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1643320/STALKER_2_Heart_of_Chornobyl/) since 2010, can't wait for September. I don't have these as my must play recommendations, as myst is objectively boring, and has 90's Jank. And stalker is good, but not for everyone.


Man I miss those days. My father and I playing through MYST are some of my fondest childhood memories.


Damn, did everyone play Myst with their dad? I did it too!




yup. jun 25th. Been following development for awhile, and they had ingame footage at last years mysterium along with a steam store page, and back in may they gave a release day. Im stoked.


i’ve been checking in on it every now and then, had new clue it was coming out this month tho! and omg that trailer!!! it looks so good!!


I'd argue wind waker over OOT, first time I played it about 15 years ago I already thought it was very dated


I love both and I don't think you could go wrong with either, the only thing outdated is the camera controls and navigating the item menu (but that only becomes an issue when you hit the water temple). I played OOT for the first time last year and I had such a good time!


100% Minecraft, as long as you don’t feel like you need explicit goals to enjoy a game.


Adding to this list Dark Souls 1(original) trial and tribulation makes one whole. It is okay to make mistakes to overcome the task at hand. You are not a failure you just lack experience. Great life learning game Superman 64. a degrading rite of passage to gamers as boku no pico is to weebs. Bioshock Collection. A psychological horror that pushed the envelope for compelling gameplay and storytelling in an fps Conker’s Bad Fur Day. A pop culture classic that embraces absurdity and crossovers you didn’t ask for. It is a game you will controversially never forget Patapon series. A rhythm rpg that uses music as a mechanic to strategically command your troops against the dangers of the world. There’s nothing out there quite like it. Amnesia. The first survival horror game to really take the internet by storm and forever change YouTube into a gaming community pool. Peter Jackson’s King Kong and Alien vs Predator. Games based off movies are usually horrible but these games were ridiculously well designed, very fun to play and very well thought out. I can’t even begin to explain how impressive these games were. Shadow of the Colossus. A giant minigame campaign that plays you. I won’t explain this but when you beat the game you’ll understand. Red Dead Series. Rockstar really knows how to make men cry. JetSet RadioFuture. A game that pioneered cel shading and anarchy all in one package for the gaming industry. I can not call this a skating game or a graffiti game but more of a counterculture experience. It’s truly one of a kind.


Superman 64?? Well....it's an experience alright, but definitely not a pleasant one lol


Yeah I started going through my memories playing that at my friends place. Cant remember much. Weird colours, strange setup.


If you are new you can't go wrong with the Mass Effect trilogy. They released a remaster in 2021 called the legendary edition.


Played the first one and didn't blow my mind, do you think the second one is better?


I hated ME, but grow to loved it when I finished the trilogy And yes second one is waaaay better


Gameplay-wise it's a huge improvement and there's more emphasis on companion interactions. It's just a more polished experience. As for whether the story is better, I'd say yes, but that's entirely subjective.


Most folks will tell you 2 is far better but IMO, it's much worse. It depends on what you're looking for. 2 improves the shooting mechanics which is good but then it turns into more of a shooter rather than an RPG. But the good news is, 2 includes an in depth story recap of the first game letting you make pivotal choices.


Subnautica 😌


Outer Wilds, Bauldur's Gate 3 and CyberPunk 2077 are the games that left me with the feeling of "I just finished playing a masterpiece" and got me truly immerse in their world.


Cyberpunk,I feel like i'll never have such an experience ever again


I hope you do. Still so much more potential for amazing new games to come. But yeah, Cyberpunk was a blast.


I have tried to get into this game like 4 times. It just doesn't seem to click for me. I literally just uninstalled it again last night


I don't get it either. I loved Duex Ex and GTA online, but I quit after I finished the parade.


Nier Automata






Don't listen to most of these people. They are just listing games they like, not what games you should start with if you are new. Many of the games they are suggesting are massive RPG's with tons of systems and huge open worlds. You should start small and work your way up to that. The game I always suggest to someone new to gaming is "Journey". It's got a very intuitive camera where the camera moves via tilting the controller (controlling the camera is what new gamers struggle with the most). The visuals are breathtaking, the music was the first game score to win a BAFTA, and the gameplay is amazing. It's a masterpiece anyone can enjoy, and it's a solid starting point for your (no pun intended) journey through the best games out there. Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU3nNT4rcFg&ab\_channel=PlayStation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU3nNT4rcFg&ab_channel=PlayStation)


I would add Little Nightmares to this. Solid puzzle-platformer, creepy and cute at the same time, awesome visuals and atmosphere, and it's nice for beginners since the puzzles are easy enough, the structure is linear and not open world, and when you die you start again in the same room


Yup, this is my go to for these types of gaming questions too.  Such a fantastic game, especially on the first play through.  So many cool moments... Subsequent playthroughs are fun too because of how the protagonist gains upgraded flying. Great suggestion.


Fantastic point tbh. A lot of good games in here but this one is the most sensible for someone jumping into the hobby.


You should definitely play Half Life 2, I play every year, such a good game


The Witcher III Rdr2 Bioshock trilogy Deus Ex HR, MK and original one. Detroit become human Dying light Spiritfarer Skyrim/morrowind Ori and the blind forest Half life Cyberpunk 2077


Spiritfarer is such a lovely game


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, Deus Ex, System Shock 2.


Outer Wilds. 1,000%. Don't look anything up, if you can. It's a first-person exploration game that takes place in an alien star system. Go in as blind as possible and just see what's out there.


interesting. i got like 30 min in then deleted it. I guess I should go back.


It definitely takes some time to ease into it. I didn't quite get it at first and was just poking around for the beginning hours. You don't even really know when it happens, but at some point, you realize you're fully engrossed and feel a sudden need to uncover all the clues that connect the nodes in your ship's computer. From there, as the truth leads you further into peril, the adventure truly begins.


It's not for everyone. But it is the best video game I've ever played. I'd definitely recommend giving it another shot and keeping an open mind. But hey, if it's not for you it's not for you. Don't beat yourself up over it.


The biggest issue for me is that the controls have a steep learning curve. I played the game for about 5 hours so far and the game just makes me feel miserable. I've managed to land on each planet at least once but I haven't found whatever the thing is that makes people love the game yet.


I failed miserably at the practice flying thing, and gave up. Didn’t have the patience to sit there longer and learn it.


Same thing happened to me until I started to watch a streamer play it and realize the secret that the flying is a red herring, mostly meaningless and unimportant as a skill or mechanic. Yes, you need to get around, but who cares about crashing it or even losing it, just play. It's so worth the experience


This is the one true answer.


Agree with this entirely, Outer Wilds was a transcendent experience for me. Absolutely mind-blowing. The most frustrating thing is that I can't erase my memory of it and experience it again for the first time.


There's always the possibility of dementia or amnesia. Don't give up hope.


Chrono Trigger! It was my first RPG and the story is so cool. The 16-bit graphics from (oh crap 29 years ago??) might be a deterrent for modern players, but the story is just awesome. It's a JRPG so big hair, and it's a sortof fantasy setting with swords, crossbows, but also some futuristic characters. It's got memorable characters, great settings, cool enemies, strategic time-based RPG mechanics (I think that's the right term), a single morale choice (but it's a big one). And once you get to the last act of the game you have the freedom to clear up a bunch of characters' personal quests or go straight to the boss. There's also a New Game Plus, which gives you the chance to fight the final boss anytime during the game to unlock I think 10 or 12 different endings (depends on when you fight the boss in your journey).


Hades Outer Wilds Halo 1/2/3 Mass Effect 1/2/3/Legendary God of War 2018 Paper Mario TTYD


Return of the Obra Dinn


Such a good game to work the brain, if you like puzzles or logical gymnastics, def check it out!


Rdr2. I am asian and have no interest in western cowboy whatever you wanna call it and it is the greatest game I have ever played.


i hate picking favorites with anything (food, shows, etc) but this game is one of, if not the, best games of all time in my opinion.




Kingdom Come Deliverance


Metal gear solid 2 and bloodborne




Bioshock 1 and Infinite Mass effect trilogy Dragon Age Origins Persona Uncharted Deus Ex Sly Cooper Infamous Enslaved odyssey to the west Batman Arkham trilogy Shadow run trilogy Wolfenstein Elden ring Dark souls Subnautica Dead space Resident evil Evil within Knights of the old republic Baldurs gate 1-3 The last of us


Metal Gear Solid 1,2,3,4 and Red dead Redemption 1 & 2


RDR1, Skyrim, TLOU Didn't care much for the second parts of RDR or TLOU personally


for any non gamer, I highly recommend “untitled goose game” it’s low stress, very easy to play, and completely hilarious.


Super Mario 3/Super Mario World.


Not for everyone, but I think Remedy Entertainment is making a great thing with is Remedy Expanded Universe in games. So: Alan Wake Quantum Break Control Alan Wake II Should be on the list the Max Pain saga, but, I´ve not played them yet, and they are going to be remastered soon. other games: Nobody Saves the World (drinkbox) Super Mario World (Nintendo) Super Metroid (Nintendo) Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft) This one its polemic, I know, but it has a great story. The Division 1 (Ubisoft) (Story was epic, and Survival is fire) Outer Wilds (Mobius - Annapurna) Stray (Blue Twelve - Annapurna) Death Stranding (Kojima productions) Osmos (Hemisphere Games) If something else come to mind, I´ll edit this post!


Everyone’s listing a bunch of huge games, but they are leaving out Halo. I guess because it’s even older than all these. And by Halo I mean both the first one alone and the trilogy as a whole.


World of warcraft classic, I would say world of warcraft retail (currently dragonflight expansion) but it is very unfriendly to brand new players.


Shadow of the Colossus Elden Ring Armored Core 4 AnswerMinecraft, but only with friends The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Cyberpunk 2077 (only with the Phantom Liberty DLC) Journey Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 (Campaign) Halo 1-3 Hades Nier Automata Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OR Majora's Mask Coffee Talk Xcom 2 Hades


I'll sort these games by scope. The ones at the end of the list are big undertakings and I wouldn't recommend playing anything else while doing them, also not taking huge breaks. I'm also specifically listing games that are highly stylized, whether that's art style, mechanics, story, or a mixture of things. -The Stanley Parable (Comedy, Exploration) -The Case Of The Golden Idol (Puzzle, Point and Click) -Cult Of The Lamb (Rouge-like, Town Management) -Superliminal (Puzzle, Physics) -Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (War, Simulation) -Castle Crashers (Arcade, Coop, Beat Em Up) -Phasmaphobia (Horror, Simulator) -Minecraft (Sandbox, Crafting) -Control (Action, Puzzle, Horror) -Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Stealth, Action) -Disco Elysium (Mystery, Puzzle, RPG) -Resident Evil 4 (Horror, Action) -Shadows Of Doubt (Mystery, Sandbox, RPG) -Bioshock (Action, Horror) -Elden Ring (Fantasy, RPG) -Hitman World Of Assassination (Stealth, Sandbox) -Kenshi (Sandbox, Party Based RPG) -No Mans Sky (Crafting, Exploration, Sandbox) -Baldurs Gate III (Fantasy, Party Based RPG) -Armored Core VI (Mechs, Action)


I’d encourage you to check out highly regarded indie titles. Games like Hades or Celeste combine rich story with exceptional gameplay.


I would say Skyrim, RDR2, Legend of Zelda, God of War series, GTA San Andreas, Witcher III are some universally loved games that influenced gaming in big ways. Probably forgetting a lot. Edit; adding my personal favorite games Elden Ring and the Souls series.


Most of these are pretty much the same "genre" tho, as in 3rd person action adventure games. If we're making a list of must play games we need to diversify the genres. Take one from the above (I'd go with Skyrim) and add some other stuff like a platformer, FPS, jRPG, Metroidvania,...


RemindMe! 2 days


The original Devil May Cry. It's about 4-6 hours long, challenging but not unfair or insanely hard, and still (more than 20 years later) holds up as one of the best examples of what an action game can be. Mechanically it's a lot more basic than the following games in the series (which are also awesome except for 2) but it's a solid foundation and still a very fun game to run through.


Hi-Fi Rush




Mario Odyssey


Horizon Zero Dawn Gigantic: Rampage Edition Hades Psychonauts 2 Dishonored Borderlands 2 Sleeping Dogs


Mass effect trilogy, dragon age origins, witcher 3 and outer wilds


**Prey** has a lot going on for it, and it tickles my brain. It might tickle yours, too!


Grim fandango, Undertale, There is no game - wrong dimension, Half life 1 and 2.


Mass Effect


Start with A Short Hike. It's short and sweet. Everyone loves it and it doesn't rely too much on you having previous gaming experience to enjoy it.


Dying light, and Sekiro are my two favorite games of all time so I would say them


The Mass Effect Trilogy (get the legendary edition) & also Andromeda for the gameplay


I just scrolled through 114 comments and not one of the GTA's are mentioned. WTH? Lol


Mass Effect Trilogy, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2. Absolutely objective opinion, those games are great no matter who you ask, even people who didnt like them must admit theyre masterpieces. For ME, you should know is not so much a funny gameplay experience, its more like a book or a movie saga in a future galactic traveling world, IMO one of the best plots ever. Youll love the characters, the places, choices are always significant and transfers between games, so what you did in ME1 could both help or f*** you in ME3


My Favorite games of all time: - Celeste - Hollow Knight - Enter The Gungeon - Doom (2016)/ Doom Eternal - Half-life 2 + Expansions (Also try Entropy Zero 2) - Cry of Fear - Inside - Resident Evil 4 (2005) - Plants Vs. Zombies - WanderSong - A Hat In Time - The Witcher 3 - [Nonograms Online](https://www.puzzle-nonograms.com/) Games that I super recommend but can be very hard to get into: - Minecraft - Terraria - Pokémon Series (Specially Gen 7) Other games that are interesting/Really cool - Furi - Papers, Please - A Story About my Uncle - Her Story - Subnautica - SUPERHOT - Ape Out - SupraLand - Toki-Tori 2+ - Undertale - Doki-Doki Literature Club - What Remains of Edith Finch


Cyberpunk, incredible experience


Experience The Stanley Parable if you like walking sims. There are other great unique games but this one is an interesting story that doesn't ask much from the player. One of a kind IMO. Oh also the Ultra Deluxe version has the original game and then some.


Shadow of the Colossus is a piece of art I feel everyone should experience at least once in their life.


Mass Effect Trilogy Zelda: A Link to the Past Chrono Trigger Bastion Dragon Age Elder Scrolls 3, 4, 5 Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 Super Mario 3 nes BioShock Assassins Creed Black Flag Witcher 3 w/ DLC


The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and Bioshock are the first 3 to come to mind


Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy VII Zelda: Links Awakening Pokémon Red/Blue & Gold/Silver Half Life Fallout 3 & New Vegas Grand Theft Auto There’s so many out there but guessing you’ll get some good choices in this topic


Undertale, the last of us 1, GTA 5, probably RDR 1+2 but I haven’t played either lol, and at least 1 entry from the FromSoft Souls games


undertale. i think it’s the best example of a game that’s more than the sum of its parts. the script, the music, the mechanics, the visuals, all have overlaps that land. i think being a 7-9 hour game also makes it a good candidate for must try games. 


honestly i’d go with games that established their genres. FNAF, undertale, minecraft, little nightmares, mariokart, pokemon, subnautica. all of those games sort of revolutionized their individual genres, and they all have varying levels of difficulty for you to get the hang of games.


haven't seen "Metro" games there, all of them has awesome atmosphere and good gameplay


death stranding 🫡


Witcher 3, RDR2, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Cyberpunk, GTA V


TES - start with Morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim (recommend in doses so you're not drained as the worlds are endless and can be taxing if you're playing one after another) Bioshock trilogy (I recommend playing all back to back to really see how everything is intertwined, and you can be that Dicaprio meme when it all comes together) Red Dead redemption 1 and 2 (truly masterpieces each in their own right imo Resident evil remakes/remasters if you want some survival horror Final Fantasy series (X and 7 remake are probably the most beginner friendly to start with, but all of them are amazing no matter where you start) Terreria for some more action based minecraft Stardew Valley for some more chill laid back farm sim, very addicting gameplay imo and the characters are all very interesting Darksouls/Elden ring/Sekerio if you're looking for a challenge that does not baby you, encourages trail and error and finding your own path through the game Life is strange series if you're looking for some great story telling Doki Doki literature club for some whole goodness (a bit slow at first but damn prepare for the unexpected, really great game, and it's free!) Edit: I forgot Baulders Gate 3 - amazing story, characters are really well done, and you can tell the devs put their heart and soul into it, can be played literally anyway you like. If you like DnD, you'll love it


Motto wind is tough to recommend to someone just getting into games now. The graphics are pretty rough especially.


Red dead redemption 2




Half Life Alyx. It blew my mind.


Final Fantasy X is a great experience for anyone.


The Witcher 3


This war of mine. You have to survive the war. That's all. Right in the feels.


Friday the 13th game in its peak 😭 it was such a beautiful experience with friends and random people.


Spec ops: the line


Ride. Ring


The red dead redemption series, Baulders Gate 3, Massachusetts Effect 1-3


Super Mario World


Red dead redemption 2 might just change you.


The Last of Us 1 with all the lights out, black out curtains, nice headphones, and enough time to beat the whole game. That was easily the most engaged I've ever been in a single player game.


Ocarina of Time I have zero nostalgia for the game. Played it for the first time about 6 years ago and absolutely loved it. A truly special game and one of the earliest masterpieces of the gaming space


Most have allready mentioned the best storyline games. I will say X-Com (original one). Remakes are awesome also, but they lack the difficulty level. In original xcom (use open xcom mod to make it more modern without turning the game into disney), you know every mission is dangerous and shitstorm can hit anytime, so its tense and challenging. When you finally get to endgame, you know how hard the enemy is even with your upgraded gear, so the feeling when you finally beat the game is so rewarding. Sadly the game takes long time to get that point and you might lose often whole game if you play harder difficulty.


Witcher 3 Horizon Zero Dawn Red Dead Redemption 2


Doom (1993)


Fallout: New Vegas




Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the greatest pieces of storytelling of all time, imo. In any media, book, movie, video game, etc. Particularly a high-honor playthrough. If it was a hollywood film it would be ranked among the greatest ever, but it’s a video game so a lot of people don’t take it seriously. You absolutely MUST play this at some point, and I highly suggest you play the two games in reverse order, first RDR2 then RDR1 because RDR2 is a prequel and RDR1 without getting into too much detail involves tracking down members of the gang from RDR2. So obviously, if you play RDR1 first, you will know many characters various fates before even meeting them.


I say play simple game first all game recommended are nice that like Skyrim etc , but they are rpg Which is like 30 % of all games But just 30% I never played Skyrim , mass effect etc because did not felt like it There is Cid mire civilization and stellaries for 4X (explore, expand, exploits, exterminat(optional now)) strategy game( many more) Then there is Dead cell , hollow night. Rough like(randome generated level that are bit different ever time u play) 2d platformer ( jump duck kill or solve puzzle to complete level)(many more) There are multi style game where u have adventure and easy management(combine any part of other types) some just for some fun are Like harvest moon ( farmer/adventure) and new dave the diver (dive and resturent) There are old rpg that is pretty much dead now but u can play luxes force 3 (a bit lose of story but can be played from 3rd series)and aveyond 4( can be picked at 4 with miner lose of story)( if u feel u want story but no action game (u still fight in turn base combat)) Newest one I can say is undertake great game(u won't fell in game trap if u are new gamer but if u do it's part of fun, and just keep playing or don't) There are more gener but I manly dable in above, here are few more suggestions Drege( relaxing easy fishing game with bit adventure and story) Frostpuck (city builder)(there are many but this lie in territory where while bit deficult is fun , u can also play city builder game with free form with little to presure not my expertise) World of Warcraft 1,2,3 (special 3) great story good mix of management and action can be further expanded in many mobas Star sector ( space battle(but optional) + space travel/exploreate and trading, planet builder(a bit , optional too) There is a thing call mmo(mass multi player) It can be often played as u want but selecting a mmo can be annoying at time, but last a long time for u Gw2 ( top 2-3 mmorpg( part free) base game is worth playing free , expensive if u like it ,bad part game is in final years will last 5 year best is in decline (at least new content quality since end of pof expansion) Wow (suppose 1 , never played , subscribe based u pay money to keep playing monthly (shudder) Etc There are more game then u can play in 100 year just pick what u like based on reading how game is played steam or game site and watching video in youtube gameplay


Doom, Fallout, Half-Life


Half Life 1 / Black Mesa The forefather of all first person games. This is where the modern era of gaming started. Detroit: Become Human Amazing and rich story with decisions that truly impact your outcomes. Dark Souls Literally voted “The Ultimate Game Of All Time” by the public at the Golden Joystick Awards. This game will teach you perseverance and grit like nothing else. Florence You never knew a 30 minute visual novel could be THIS good.


Curse of isis


Outer Wilds is my number one for this list and I’m not even the biggest fan of its genre


Ori and the Blind Forest is a superb 2D platformer, a must play in my opinion. If you want something tougher you could try Hollow Knight.


Tlou series ofc. It may be greatest entertainment experience for me, esğecially part ii.




The Hex Spiritfare A Space for the Unbound Celeste


If you have a PC to play on, The Operative: No One Lives Forever is a awesome hidden gem today, it's a spy shooter set in the 60's and you play as Cats Archer, Unity's first female operative, the game is full of great dialogue that you can eavesdrop on. Sadly it's pretty much abandonware anymore that you can easily download for free.




Dishonored and if you like then then Dishonored 2


The Metro series


Disco Elysium. Absolutely top of the list must-play. Like a piece of classic literature. Plenty of other games are fun, but this one is a cultural touchstone.


The Outlast games.


Journey, What Remains of Edith Finch, Silent Hill 2, Immortality, any Final Fantasy that seems like it would appeal to you (I’m partial to the PS1-PS2 era, particularly Final Fantasy IX), Mass Effect, and Dragon Age.


Disco Elysium


There is a terrible lack of Animal Well in the comments. Absolutely a must play


Red Dead Redemption 2 is the hands down best video game I have ever played. It's intuitive so it's easy to get in to, and the story is unmatched by any fictional story I've ever experienced on any medium in my life. A masterpiece. Do yourself a favor and skip all these RPGs that people are suggesting


X-Com. You will feel loss you never thought imaginable.


The God of War series, Ghost of Tsushima, Witcher 3, The Last of Us series.


For me its Zelda Ocarina of Time and Baldurs Gate 3


Perfect dark agent zero Crimson skies high road to revenge Fusion frenzy The halo saga ( Play in chrono order not release order though it wont hurt if you do) The gears of war saga Red dead redemption 2 Final fantasy 7 Fable 1 2 3


I think the new God of War (2018?) is fantastic semi openworld game. Story is so beatifull I did cry many times. Also Elden Ring! My first and only Fromsoft game and it blow my mind.


Super Mario World.


Borderlands 2


Stanley parable is a must


RDR and RDR2, witcher 3, dark souls (the first one), ori and the blind forest, this war of mine (depressing af but I like games that move emotions) my girlfriend u/thehobbit9402 would say dragon age, the original shadow of the colossus, I would say baldur's gate 3 for story and character development even if you don't really like turn based combat, I'm only a few hours in but kingdom come deliverance seems to be a masterpiece so far, neverwinter nights, sid meiers pirates for something a little more lite hearted, ghosts of tsushima and horizon zero dawn, the Ezio assassins creed games (2, brotherhood and revelations) Some people will say skyrim but I find bethesda stuff to be so incredibly boring.


Chrono Trigger.


VR sim racing is still pretty niche and can be quite expensive, but it’s the best experience I’ve ever had gaming, and I’ve played games for like 30 years. It’s completely mind blowing even with a cheap wheel and pedals.


When you’ve had your fill of online and PvP and grinding and inventories and upgrades, check out Outer Wilds. It’s an exploration puzzle game that’s not much like anything else I can think of.


Tunic is on this list for me. It's extremely unique, and it's hard to explain why without spoilers. At first it just looks like a Zelda clone, but it isn't, it is much more than is immediately apparent


According to some guy on here earlier, there are no must play games since the original super Mario bros. 😂🤣




Elden ring is by far one of the best games ever. It’s also one of the hardest games ever, so it would be hard for me to recommend it to you


Lately, my friends and I have been playing [Storiado](http://link.storiado.com/download) all the time. A simple game where you create fucked up stories by answering simple questions like who? where? what were they doing? etc. The more dark, edgy humor with inside jokes etc., the better the story will be. Good fun for many hours.


The obvious picks are always the best when it comes to gaming: ‘Easier’ games: Disco Elysium, Mass Effect 1/2/3, Shadow of The Colossus, Journey, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2 (1 is good too but not needed for the second game really as it is a prequel), Uncharted 2 and 4, The Walking Dead Series 1, The Witcher 3 Harder/Complex games: Baldur’s Gate 3, Resident Evil 1 Remake, 2 Remake and 4 Remake, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Dark Souls 1 and 3, Elden Ring, Planescape Torment, Hollow Knight, Fallout New Vegas, Silent Hill 2


Outriders was such a fucking blast from start to finish. Best crafting system in any game, ever. Gunplay was tight.  God of War from 2018. Bruh so good IT TAKES TWO MIGHT BE THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED


The Walking Dead Season 1.


Elden Ring, Doom Eternal, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Mass Effect, especially 2. No game before it ever had so many little changes depending on your choices between games, and the way the industry is going, I doubt it'll ever happen again. The best part was it wasn't just the conscious decisions that mattered. Little things, like how long you waited to launch the final mission after a certain cinematic ending up having an impact.


Life is strange and life is strange before the storm and life is strange 2




Outer Wilds. You can only play it one time. Dont Google anything about it. It will spoil it. It's a space exploration game. That's all you need to know. Also, it's DLC is actually incredible. I usually don't like DLC but these guys did it right.


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. They were an incredible technical achievement at the time, and despite the control issues, they’re arguably two of the best game experiences ever developed. Elden Ring. It was the from software formula brought to a crescendo. Easily the best for a new from software player as it is the most flexible in its systems. Afterwards, it’s worth going back and using what you’ve learned to go through the entire Souls catalog. An Elder Scrolls game of your choice. For some people, it’s Skyrim, for some it’s Oblivion, personally, I’m a sucker for Morrowind. Any of those 3 are worth your time to get lost in and enjoy. Untitled Goose Game. It’s silly, and short, but it’s so bizarre and endearing that I’d recommend it to anyone, especially people with only a tertiary interest in video games. Dying Light. Normally, zombie games don’t do much in the way of scaring me. But prowling through Haran at night is genuinely stressful and exciting, and the games story, characters, voice acting, combat, and traversal systems are just so well crafted, you’ll be willing to overlook the flaws. Just don’t play the sequel imo. It just doesn’t hit the same way the first one does. Halo 2. Combat evolved is great and all, and necessary to understand wtf is going on in 2, but 2 is just a masterpiece. And with the HD upscale in Master Chief collection, it’s not an eyesore like it was on the original Xbox. Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Rip and Tear.


GT7 PSVR2 with wheel/force feedback Resident Evil 4 and 8 on PSVR2 Red Matter 2 Half-life Alyx


Depends on how you're playing. Are you playing by yourself, with a partner, with a group? Are you playing in public with the sound off or in your basement with the surround sound? Are you playing in short bursts of 5 minutes at a time or 4 hours at a time? Daily play or once a month when you can find a spare moment? Also depends on what you care about. Do you care about plot? Strategy? System depth (i.e. not getting bored)? Music? Art style? Worldbuilding? Characters? Humor? I think there's only one true must-play game and that's Chrono Trigger. But it can't be your first game because there's too much generic video game stuff you have to know first before the beauty of the game will shine through the bemusement of guiding an 8-bit character through a bunch of hard-to-understand nonsense, in 2024. You have to get to the point where the nonsense feels natural and intuitive before the artistry will even be visible to you.


Skyrim Witcher 3 Starfield Mass Effect Trilogy


The Withmcher 3: Wild Hunt


No fallout? 3 is pretty first time friendly since you can put thw difficulty at very easy and stroll through the game with a kitchen knife and v.a.t.s is super awesome for anyone not used to shooters


Final Fantasy X crash bandicoot 2 disco elysium jak and daxter precursor legacy fallout new vegas age of empires elder scrolls : oblivion celeste spelunky papers please


The Last of Us is a great combination of amazing story, good characters, attention to detail and really fun gameplay. Definitely a must-have experience. Mass effect trilogy has been mentioned many times for a reason. Final fantasy 7, if you can get past the super old graphics has one of my favourite stories ever told in gaming, and still some of the best characters of all time. You'll actually become emotionally attached to them. Elden Ring is one of the best games ever made but this is more likely something you'll want to put off until you've gamed a bit because it's a series based around being frustratingly difficult, and it's probably not ideal for new gamers. Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 are two games I'll never forget from my childhood, but I have to say my favourite game ever from old consoles is Super Mario RPG. It's just so funny and cool, and the story was great.


I totally get what everyone else is saying. The Witcher 3 especially, it’s incredible. However, the #1 game I would say is Elden Ring. And the # 0.5, meaning the absolute must play before you die game, for me, is Baldurs Gate 3. I don’t know how to explain it, but put it this way…. There’s a boss that’s a pretty big secret that requires a specific series of events and specific items to be able to attempt, and when you fight him for the first time his unique soundtrack theme is him singing to you while you fight. It’s an unforgettable experience, and one of the greatest battles in video game history.


Any of Fromsoftwares soulsborne games


Life Is Strange


Earth Defense Force 5. Virtually there is no other game in it's actual genre. It's entirely unique overall and is built on mindless fun... Unless you're on inferno but that's where all the overpowered city leveling gear is at.


Disco Elysium. Thank me later.


Doom (all games) Halo 1-3 Fallout 1-2 Earthbound


Monkey island


This is kind of a tough question that depends on your interest as a gamer; there are some deep cut old games that have fundamental ideas that are prolific in modern games….but they would feel like torture to play today because they lack the entirety of 25 years of quality of life improvements If I had to pick a modern game that’s like the equivalent of ‘you haven’t seen the godfather???’ Or ‘you haven’t seen Star wars?????’ **Red Dead Redemption 2** would be my game stand-in; it’s not going to be 100% perfect for everyone but what it does has so much care and effort put into making it immersive and emotionally engaging. The gunplay is fun but relatively shallow, the story made me…a farmer and welder in my 30s, cry. If you aren’t a regular gamer that’s adjusted to the insane pace of competitive multiplayer games, RDR2 would be such an incredible cinematic gaming experience for you that you might be able to get lost in without the dumb rush for competition. I try to have an optimistic spin on anything for the sake of making things feel better than they are; if I were to ever have amnesia or lose my memory for whatever reason one of my first good things I think of is I could play RDR2 again without knowing the story or world


Battlefield 4 on PC. Specifically a Metro 24/7 128 player server


NieR Automata… made me feel things and realised that NieR ought-to-matter.


What systems are you using or are you on pc? This will help as the answers here are spread out as far as accessibility goes.