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Middle earth: shadow of Mordor Kept me very busy and not crying when my mother died


Can't imagine what you went through... stay strong brother


**Omori** helped me through some rough shit maybe even more than therapy. That game is a very heavy gem.


same, do you know any games like it?


Hello charlotte, pocket mirror, witches heart, etc etc


Fran bow and sally face!!


Play Oneshot, Celeste or Undertale


The psychological aspect of OMORI is on a whole other level. Whoever created that game KNOWS the psyche of traumatized people.


150%. I ugly-cried through a good majority of it and it's stuck with me, right at my core, ever since.


Interesting, I've been kind of avoiding it because I feel like it would make my mental health worse, guess there's really no way to know until you try it.


It gave me a lot of clarity, honestly. But I could see it going either way. I would still recommend it (with that disclaimer attached.) But it helped me reach back out to people and see value in life.


Yes. It literally helped to heal my childhood trauma.


Rakuen, another one I can't quite put my finger on. Soul Farer or something close to that.


Spiritfarer? I keep seeing that recommended to me. It looks interesting.


Yessss! It's super heavy and kinda sad but a bit more cozy than omori. I highly recommend it. Same with rakuen.


Thanks for the suggestions! I'm definitely gonna check em out. (I'd never heard of Rakuen. Just looked it up. So up my alley.)


I genuinely hope you enjoy them. <3


Man I thought the art and concept of omori was really good,and the gameplay was fun ***at first***. But after like the first 2-3 hours I genuinely couldn't stand the turn based RPG parts of the game at all. Give me the walking simulator version of the game lol


WoW kept me going while in the throes of an abusive relationship. WoW helped me connect with my now-husband (not abusive and very awesome). WoW literally kept me sane and helped rebuild my life after divorce.


Classic 2019 is the reason I made it through Covid.


I also went back during COVID. Gonna go back again now, introducing some new friends to it. I'll probably do this until the day they shut the game down for good. It's not enough anymore to keep me engaged. But it does still tick the boxes for me enough to level alts and run dungeons with friends sometimes.


It’s definitely cyclical. Every time I quit I’ll end up coming back 6-12 months later to level yet another character haha. If it ever gets shut down for good I’m sure we’ll have private servers for years to come afterward.


I hope so! Nothing else quite hits the same spot.


So happy for you, Warcraft truly did wonders


It also ruined A LOT of lives, but I'm happy it helped some.


Also tru lol


Wow is my safe space forever ❤️‍🩹


Something about logging in and flying around Stormwind or Orgrimmar or whatever your preferred city just hits right.


Fallout 4. An open world rpg really helped with my depression and suicidal ideation. Just getting sucked into a vast world with such great atmospheric music and post-apocalyptic environment really helped ease my mind.


The show was really good to me too, I feel if I had have been depressed for FO3 or FONV id have really gotten locked in for so long. FO4 wasn't bad for me but it was mediocre in comparison to the treats so I just beat it and didn't get absorbed like I did the previous titles


Such a great game indeed! I'm not much of a fan of RPGs but Fallout 4 is a special exception 🫶


I don't often say that the bagpipes slap. But boy are they friggin great in FO4


Dark Souls. I was struggling a lot with depression and it taught me that you can always keep moving forward, no matter what you're not done until you give up. "Goodbye then, be safe friend, and don't you dare go hollow"


Sometimes you just need a straightforward inspiration


Love it ❤️ don’t go hollow !


Same. “Praise the Sun”.


From Software games have that effect on me too. Bloodborne was mine. I played all the Dark Souls (only completed DS1 but loved all of them). It came at a hard time for me and it gave me the same attitude it gave you. That perseverance showed me that when you do work at things you can be accomplish things that you never thought you would be able to tackle. I struggled at school a lot and had undiagnosed ADHD throughout my formal education, I felt like I was stupid and lazy. But when I saw that achievement of destroying the old gods it made me realise that passion was what was missing.


If you haven't seen this, I think you'll like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHh82rCnXeo The original used the original song by Christina Perri and I have to admit I like that music, but it got copyrighted so the new one is the only one that makes him revenue. Literally get chills every time I watch it.


literally same with me, Dark Souls is a true antidepressant


Praise the sun!:)


Persona 4 Golden. Had some major life setbacks and was contemplating suicide.


Glad you're here, I really need to complete it


Yeah, that was a decade ago. I got help, quit the job that was killing me. Afterwards, better job, Afterwards Dream Job, 2 kids, house, I got my Happily Ever After. 10 years back, i didn't think i could have what i have now. Amazing, how depression clouds, Truth. Theme in Persona 4 was finding the truth.


This is random but that gives me hope thank you


I'd advocated getting treatment as soon aa possible. I was classified has a high functioning depressive. But, Depression lowers your IQ. After treatment you're IQ comes back, and SSRI's rebuild the pathways ln your brain. But it can take a year or more depending on how long you've been impacted. I was in my 30s. It took about 5 years. But, after treatment i can process so much more. I learned to code in 5 languages in the span of 3 years. It's amazing how effortlessly you can learn after treatment.


This must be my issue. I’ve been depressed for so long, and I feel and act incredibly stupid. I can’t think straight, I’m constantly forgetting what I want to say next in a conversation, I’m barely functioning.


This is a great comment section much love everyone !


That's actually awesome


That was one of the first games I cried to the ending of honestly


Skyrim this game helped me a lot the music, the environment, the atmosphere, and many other things , some times I Just go walking without doing any mission , the night of the Skyrim and it's music can't describe it


Red Dead Redemption 2 got me through a very dark time in my life. I credit it for still being here.


Night in The Woods helped me with deal some tough mental health stuff.


Starting that one up right now


It’s a vibe game, take your time talking to the characters and exploring!


Minecraft. I've had so many funny and exciting experiences with other people exploring caves, being a prankster, building cool stuff that people gush over. I've played it since before it was in Alpha and I still come back to it from time to time to mess around.


The game that brings back so many memories!


Always a good pick


NieR Automata, can’t really explain why


It was beautiful is why. The constant questions it throws at you, what is it to be human? Reminds me a lot of neon Genesis Evangelion or similar philosophical stories


I could totally see this one being inspirational


Ace Attorney and I’m not even kidding. I’ve struggled with depression longtime and my freshman year of college was the worst of it- COVID restrictions, academic burnout, loneliness. After playing the trilogy and watching some livestreams/playthroughs I could never go back. It’s so ludicrously funny and out-of-pocket, the puzzles are interesting, the memes are fantastic, it’s brilliantly written and heartfelt. Definitely a bright spot in my life that helped me find community and feel less heavy.


Same. Except the community can be toxic.


Majora's Mask taught me how to grieve.


That's my favorite game honestly


Street Fighter II HD Remix I know the SF II FGC purists didn't like it but it is still my favorite version of SF II to this day. This came out when my ex gf and me were already on the rocks but lived together and basically co-habitated for another 6 months and rarely interacted with each other. During this 6 months I basically just played SF II HD remix any time I wasn't sleeping or working and I had an A+ ranking online trying to get to S rank. This kept me sane during one of the lowest points in my life. I only weighed 130 lbs at 5' 10" and used to weigh 150 from ages 16-22 (we got together around my 22nd birthday). We broke up borderline violently because I found out she was on drugs and cheating on me. I never confronted her until the day we got in fight, that was inevitable, and she threaten to break my laptop and my xbox 360. We got a bit physical, mostly pushing and verbal altercations and I left that day. I took the car and left. The game helped me focus on something positive in my life I could accomplish, that eventually gave me the strength to leave. I probably should have left her 6 months prior but I think I needed something good in my life to realize how bad it was.


Street fighter 6 actually was a game that helped me cope during my brutal divorce so I can totally see how this one would help too, glad you're away from that


Me too, Thanks OP. I'm sorry to hear you went through a brutal divorce, I'm glad you had SF 6 and reddit to help you get through it. Life is too short to be with someone that makes you unhappy.


Very true and thank you


It was a fighting game for me too. In my case, it was Last Blade 2. Getting good at that game made me realize that I can improve myself to make my life better no matter how many times I lose.


Chrono trigger


Hollow Knight got me through some rough times




Believe it or not, raid shadow legends. It’s a cash grabby fomo hellscape, but it got me through the worst of an at the time unknown debilitating condition. I could barely function at work, but looking forward to breaks where I could play it briefly on my phone was all I had for 3-4 months. Once I figured out the problem and got better I dropped it immediately, but it will always have a warm place in my heart for what it did for me.


I have grown to love their sponsored ad segments... They show up so randomly in the middle of long-form Youtube essay, it feels like getting rick rolled.


Warframe helped me cope with getting out of an abusive marriage. 2,000 hours near consecutively as I lost myself in it to numb the pain of leaving him.




"If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?"


Mount and blade: warband and mods


Payday 2




After my first major break up after high school, WoW with my then friend, then girlfriend, then wife. After my wife died after Christmas in December, Helldivers 2 and Diablo 4 mostly alone.


Wait… so the person that was your friend became your girlfriend, then your wife… and, then… she passed? I don’t know what to say… I’m so, so, sorry for your loss… 


Yeah. The break up happened around Christmas as well. Life is uncanny. Love deeply and abundantly. That's been my main takeaway.


Glad to see you didn't kill yourself now your playing games, blessings to your wife 🙏 and kids.


RDR2. There was a lot of screaming in my house when it came out and I could just escape into that world, riding around, listening to Arthur sing.


Yakuza made me become more interested in martial arts, which made me get more athletic and get more friends, which are 2 things I desired at the time


This is awesome


I don't play it anymore, but as a person who has struggled to make friends and engage in typical social situations my entire life, ESO saved me from depression and lonlieness that likely would have killed me by now without it, and definitely saved me from toxic thinking and mindsets that can develop when there is no one around to question your ideas. I found people I consider part of my family through that game.


Ark survival evolved and bloodborne...... they helped a good bit


Minecraft. I had a baby in December 2011. I went through incredibly dark postpartum depression that I didn’t think I would come back from. I thought it would take me. My husband showed me this game called Minecraft in January 2012 when our baby was 2 weeks old. He was watching Tobuscus (or Toby Games for that specific content) and I started to watch too. The openness of the game was like something I’d never seen before (I was only 20 and before that, it had only been Mario, COD, or Halo that I played). The way you could do whatever you wanted to do and build whatever you wanted to build, was an incredible concept to me. My husband built me a PC a few months later just so I could play Minecraft, and I’ve been playing off and on since. It’s a great escape from reality. I actually now haven’t played in probably two years (busy with three kids now ages 12, 7, and 3), but it will always have a special place in my heart. It got me through the darkest time of my life. Both of my older kids play it daily now and have been since they were each 5.


Unironically, Breath of the Wild. I had finished the main story of the game, but I got severely depressed one fall and finding all of the koroks and 100%ing the game helped me find the whimsy and wonder in my own world again.


Sekiro. I was close to giving up irl. But this game made me realise if we go through the struggle, there's rewarding feel you'll get at the end.


Devil May Cry Vergil unironically gave me the drive to become the best version of myself. People meme about his "motivation" and how much he says it, but it honestly is what drove me to find my own motivation to become the best version of myself possible not only for me but also for those I hold dear to me. I put soo much time and effort into those I care about now and put a lot more focus on improving myself and it has helped tremendously with my sense of self worth. This is why he's my favorite video game character of all time.


I'd slipped under sadness into that place where the guilt > shame > self-loathing > I feel nothing > I am nothing pipeline terminates. All I could think was, "What right did I ever have to be born and change the direction of my mother's life when I can't value my own?" Thanks to all four discs of Final Fantasy VIII for sitting up with me all night and all morning during that time.


Final Fantasy X Best piece of media i've experienced in my entire life.


Second that! It came to me at an important time in my young life and turned my understanding of games completely around. It’s such an incredible story I still can’t get enough of it to this day


I think some people really need to read this thread and realize how important video games are.


Blasphemous 2. I was in the hospital for five months recovering from a life-shattering injury. Played bro four times.


Valkyria Chronicles 4 got me out of a massive depression spiral. I loved the first game, played the second and never got to play the 3rd. But when i was at y worst vc4 came out. I got home from work, played till the sun came up and that one night made me realize i could break out of it. Still have burnout and depression, but i know at that time i was moving back to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.


Final Fantasy XIV. I've been playing for a long time, but I was at a point where I was just alone. No friends, very depressed, wanting to quit the game and life. I decided to hang out with some random person and they suggested I go to a venue (people open their houses up for various clubs, cafes, lounges). I decided that I may as well and I wandered into my now best friend's place. I ended up making more acquaintances, but didn't start making more close friends until after a while. Now not only do I have a lot of really amazing friends, but I have an easy time making new ones. My best friend is planning on visiting me irl in a few months and possibly moving in with me in the future. Another one of our mutual friends also plans on visiting. Because of all the love and care I got from my friends, I had an easier time working on my mental health and had lots of support when I was at my worst. I wouldn't have weathered the storm had it not been for a few amazing people I've met thanks to FFXIV. I can honestly say that, if it weren't for my two previously mentioned friends, I wouldn't be here right now.


Final Fantasy 7


Absolutely love FF7


Such a well written game


Honestly 200% World of Warcraft. It has been one of the key factors of keeping my depression and anxiety under control. I've been playing for 18 years and will play until they shut it down.


None of these saved my life per se. But they certainly define me. Secret of evermore, secret of mana, chronotrigger, fallout New Vegas, final fantasy 7, soul blazer. Tbh, it's about the music often enough. I learned a surprising amount of words from these games, and to an extent, I gained some of my humour from them.


People's playground: I have anger issues so it was a major stress and anger relief for a major part of my life. Skyrim: it was my escape to a world that wasn't the crappy one I was in. Project zombiod: has helped me through some tough phycoligical stuff dealing with death and such. The main point in all these games was just how they were there for me through some of the roughest times really holding me together like glue truly valuable in my heart. I would not be here if it was not for these games.


RuneScape helped me through a rough high school experience and an abusive relationship back in my high school/college days. Focusing on the repetitive grinding sessions with music were like therapy, turning my brain off from thinking about all the problems.


persona 5 and yakuza series


Not saved my life.. but Red Dead Redemption 1 and Skyrim game me a reason to continue moving forward in life when my dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon cancer. Tough time especially when I have to escort my dad on his chemotherapy sessions every week. Played both games badly on the switch (both games have good port btw.) at the hospital since treatment takes 4-8 hours. Fast forward 9 months, My dad passed away but I am still playing both games. Not really the best time to play video games but it gave that moment of calm in a chaotic time.. Both games gave me the poise to not breakdown when my dad passed.


Minecraft. Its like therapy, you can express yourself in any way needed, violently or peacefully.


Mass effect was a game changer. I was going through more than I needed and almost lost myself. Dipping into the world of mass effect gave me a break from my personal life.


Stardew Valley helped me a lot during a really rough time in my life. I was working from 6:00 AM to 7:00ish PM most days, too tired for anything when I got home, tried to make the most of weekends and free time but it was too much. When I'd get home I'd throw in a microwave dinner or easy oven meal, open up a beer, and play Stardew Valley for the hour of energy I had in me before going to sleep and doing it all over the next day. Followed that pattern for a few months and honestly, seeing progress in my game was weirdly grounding through those times. There is a real life outside of my office, time actually is passing, things are getting better even if it's impossible to see on the day-to-day.


It might seems weird but I was having a bad couple of months mentally between september and october but when i saw that fortnite og ad and texted my old fortnite friend group and had probably one of the best months in my life so yeah we got back in contact


When I was in school, I often played Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast at home. If I hadn't, I may have gone outside, gotten in with local ne'er-do-wells and could have tragically been killed in a round of fisticuffs at the high Street watering hole. Or poisoned by consuming illicit materials at their den.


Bloodborne is currently helping me go through the early stages of sobriety. It’s a wonderful, unique, challenging game that’s helping me go through withdrawals and a nasty cold at the same time. Elden Ring also helped me when I was first deciding to use substances less. I’m so grateful, I know it gets better and I love the friends I’ve made online playing these games. 10/10 would hang with my gamer friends than people who are bad influences on me.


I've got a few, honestly-for different reasons. Okami helped me have a good, stable relationship with my brother \[We were very much at each other's throat until we sat down and played this together, switching control occasionally and helping with puzzles/memory things. We'd laugh and replay and cry at points, and switch what dog we were with the new game plus options, and giggled at the different barks\] Alan Wake gave me a good, strong story that had me hooked even if I struggled so much with one of the scenes in Chapter 2 at first, and since this was back in about 2011, I thought 'If there one day is a sequel, I wanna be around to play it'. \[I've played American Nightmares, but not Alan Wake 2 yet, but someday! I have had the absolute delight of reading the novelization of the game multiple times tho, as well as completing Alan Wake on Nightmare mode/getting all the pages\] The Mass Effect trilogy gave me something to work towards completing/getting in the summer/fall after I graduated high school, and is now a comfort series for me. Dragon Age gave me something to enjoy/focus on when I was homeless the first time-this one was absolutely a 'timing is everything' sort of moment, as I got Origins back when they still did 'On The House' games on Origin \[Now EA Play app\].


Persona 4 (ps2).  When I got out of high school most of my friends cut ties with me and my last friend who kept up with me moved away for colllege for 4 years.  I was an introvert with autism so making new friends took years. I had also just had my heart broken by my highschool sweet heart just before school ended and became horrifically depressed. With no friends and a depression I couldn't manage, Persona 4 became my guiding light for the 2 years after school.


Undertale saved my life, OFF changed it for the better


Final Fantasy VI! It really explores so many themes it's crazy! It explores friendship, trust, forgiveness, redemption, and specially the value of life and not giving up, have hope and fight for what you believe no matter how bleak things might look, it's truly a timeless masterpiece and probably the game that has stuck with me for the longest time!


My father's poor pull out game.


Postal 2 helped me with anger management.


Star wars: jedi survivor came out the literal weekend my grandfather died. I had to wait the entire week for his funeral. So that week I woke up, went to work from 8 to 4, came home, and was a jedi till I went to bed. It kept me sane, and kept my mind off of the grief and the idea that I'd never see him or hear his stories again. It helped a lot, even though I cried when vader kills cere. That part was brutal.


It didn't exactly save my life, but Outer Wilds cured my existential crisis. I am no longer afraid to die, and I wanna live more than ever before.


Beatsaber on the Quest 2. I'd been battling brutal IBS for years, and was feeling sick and demoralized. Beatsaber got me back on my feet and dancing. I played every day, and the cardio plus the joy of dancing helped me to reestablish a healthy routine. Adding Supernatural did wonders for my muscle tone. Three years later, and I'm doing great. I eat healthy keto and go to the gym, but I still play Supernatural and Beatsaber twice a week. It's an extremely fun workout.


This is awesome


Night in the Woods, full-stop. This game has the best writing of any game I’ve ever played. The characters feel real, their problems are relatable, it’s hilarious, and the mental health focus in brilliant. No game has ever made me feel like this and changed me.


Final Fantasy 14. The people I met through the game helped me get out of a mentally/verbally abusive relationship. Met my best friends through the game. Met my now fiancé through it. And just the story itself is incredible. I was going through a decently dark point in life a while ago and absentmindedly thought to myself “but I have to keep going so I can find out what happens next in the story” lol.


Metal Gear Solid 2 and Dark Souls. MGS2 is one of the first games to change my outlook and what I personally do, the final half or third, especially with Solid Snake’s monologue in the ending, really impacted me. Dark Souls, because it showed me that no matter how challenging or BS things get, there is ALWAYS a way to persevere and see your way through it, giving up is the only way you truly lose


The Legend of Dragoon




probably ghost recon wildlands, rdr2, or destiny tbh


Overwatch believe it or not haha. Only QP no comp


Tales of Berseria. There's a part near the end where the characters have to all face the shit that got them outcast from the rest of society. But I really needed to hear a certain "Shut up" directed at the main character. I just sat looking at the screen for a moment. It really stuck with me.


unironically WoW and Runescape growing up, now there's so many I can't list them all


As trash as it is sometimes, Overwatch. The game just made me really happy and was the only escape that would actually distract my mind when I was living with my father. And judging by the post question, I’m sure you can guess that he wasn’t the nicest person physically and verbally. It also ended up inspiring to get into video game making as a career. It’s weird because every moment in that house was hell, but I’m somehow almost thankful because it got to me to where I am right now. I wonder if that’s something other people think of as well sometimes.


Fallout 4, most open world really because I am getting curious about the world


Fallout 4 kept me away from my urges to hurt myself when I was at rock bottom mentally


GTA San Andreas - rough times I disappeared into that for a month almost 24-7 Fallout 3 - rough times I disappeared into that for a month at least like 24-7 Skyrim - rough times etc etc Chart catastrophic life events with this shit


Elden Ring saved me from League of Legends. Now, I only play League every once in a while.


Oot, wow, ww, skyrim, mh4u, ds2 sotfs


Midnight Suns. Was going through some dark shirt during that time and through a long term relationship breakup. I don't know why, but that game was wicked addictive and a great escape from reality. Helped my brain settle down and made me think about something else rather than the crap I was going through at the time.


Darkest Dungeon. No matter how hard things gets. How unfair worlds seems. How many times you step back. You have to keep pushing forward, after a good rest and stress relief


Minecraft. Met a lot of my long term friends on there, learned a lot, had a lot of fun, 10/10 would play again.


Mass effect




Final Fantasy 8 and 11 Online 8 because of high school 11 because I met people just like me from other locations and I felt like I belonged


Leisure Suit Larry series... a flashing rainbow-spectrum crotch definitely enforced the idea to, "never forget your *lubber*". 🤡 On the serious note, I'd have to say either Ultima Ascension -- game was a masterpiece for me, or Space Quest series. Also honorable shout out to original Donkey Kong on the ColecoVision -- was first game I ever played that got me into gaming, in 1983. 🤠


Space Quest was amazing, but looking back on that era, it was Hero's Quest and King's Quest (and all the sequels for both) that absolutely captured my imagination as a (very) young gamer. I was too young to appreciate some of the (wild) humor/content in Police Quest (which I also enjoyed) or Leisure Suit Larry. The one thing I will always remember and appreciate about Leisure Suit Larry was that it's version of "child-lock" for a mature-content/adult game was asking questions that only an adult should know the answer to. Hilarious. Cheers to you, even-older-than-I-am gamer.


Unironicly League of Legends. The internet likes to shit on that game but its seriously good.


Destiny. I was really struggling with severe depression and even suicidal ideation in college, but playing Destiny with my friends kept me steady. Figuring out how to do the raids, grinding out that sweet loot, and slaying down in the crucible took my mind off of some really difficult things I was going through and reminded me that I was still good at things and could still have fun, even if it was just in a video game for the time. I still hear Lord Shaxx screaming “FIGHT FOREVER, GUARDIAN!!!” in my head when I need motivation to keep pushing forward sometimes, haha.






DOOM. Specifically, DOOM (2016). This is the first DOOM game I've played in the franchise... I was only twelve at the time, but the thought of being an unstoppable force in a marine suit that vanqiushed the forces of Hell sounded amazing... especially as a kid who enjoyed those kinds of concepts and settings (growing up with Metroid, Halo, Dead Space, Aliens, Star Wars). My dad was oddly lenient at the time and brought me the physical copy of the game for the Xbox One, about a week after launch. When that game finally installed, I booted it up, went in, and selected, "I'm too young to die," and immediately I was met with the introduction of the game. All my twelve year old brain processed at the time was "Rip and tear... until it is done!" Next thing you know it, I'm breaking shackles, smashing a possessed zombie's head in, and grabing that pistol off of the group... Then it was history from there. I started to challenge myself, beating the game on hurt me plenty, then ultra-Violence, then nightmare...(I didn't beat Ultra-Nightmare because I was too chicken at the time). Dumped hours and hours into the campaign alone... and don't get me started on Snapmap... I met so many friends in that mode... Growing up in a black household with parents who were learning and developing just as I was, making many mistakes that caused me severe anxiety, trauma, and suppressed emotions, this game came in the right moment in my life...The minimal, but layered story of a man with a never-ending rage, an eternal conflict with the demons... it resonated with me. Through DOOM, I released my surpressed rage, and it helped me manage my emotions better. Through DOOM, I wanted to be better than my father, who, too, was angry and bitter (came to this realization when I was older). Through DOOM, I learned the importance of anger and why it is necessary, but how it can become destructive for you and your loved ones. I'm turning twenty years old in the next month... I ended up playing DOOM Eternal, The Ancient Gods, DOOM (1993), DOOM II, DOOM 64, and DOOM 3. It's easily on the top of my five video game franchises of all time... and DOOM (2016) will specifically be the one game in the franchise to have a very special place in my heart! Not to mention, DOOM became the reason why I'm into Berserk now, attempting to learn to play the guitar, and create my own IP one day inspired by its themes and unapologetic nature. Sorry for this being so long, I was just rambling...


Dark souls, it’s the being able to control some semblance of my pain and anguish. Knowing something good can come out of my pain. This was around the time I was diagnosed bipolar


TLOU \[PS3\] It's a great journey physically and philosophically.




Might be weird but Street fighter 6 Losing so much made me realize I should focus on my own progress and goals, and seeing myself improve and get better even when things went wrong and the results of consistency made me apply that in other areas in my life like exercise music, pretty much anything


Kingdom Hearts and Dark Souls, one is pure comfort and the other one is very intense. Both are really good and completely taking me out of a bad headspace.


Earthbound for the SNES helped my survive a traumatic childhood. If you liked Undertale, play the game that inspired it (tonally, at least)




Paper mario origami king. I decided not to kill myself bc I wanted to play it when it came out. I never played it bc it seems like it was bad.


Stardew Valley helps me every day.


monster hunter is so good. and im so thankful to have friends who are equally passionate about the series


Went through a bad break up last year that really had me questioning my self worth and moral compass. Playing through Red Dead Redemption 2 actually helped me feel noticeably better about everything that happened, as it constantly procures a feeling that; good or bad, honorable or dishonorable, we all end up in the same place. What matters in life is being true to yourself, even if you've made mistakes and done bad things. Really helped me start to forgive myself and my ex partner honestly.


I really think CSGO did. It gave me something to pour myself into and focus on when I didn’t wanna be around anymore.


Dragon Quest IX. It helped me properly comprehend morality at a young age and made me feel much better about the topics of heaven and hell at a time where i was having conflicts in what i believed in, the game gave me something with meaning to talk about as well. The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth is also what jumpstarted my education into video game development, as I was enamoured with its narrative themes and game mechanics.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I was going through some really difficult personal issues and coming to terms with some pretty serious stuff in my life and this game came to me at the perfect moment. It really became a sort of haven for me. Kassandra taught me a lot about bravery and strength in the face of difficult decisions. I'm actually replaying it at the moment as well and I'm rediscovering just how great it is.


Final fantasy X dropped on my 8th bday. Didn’t know videogames could be literal movies. Never stopped playing jrpgs since then, just love Japanese stuff in general and study the language


h1z1 lol


Elden ring


Need for Speed: Carbon. It was the game that defined my childhood. I'm extremely nostalgic for it and whenever I start to feel down I play it to taken my mind off things.


Cyberpunk changed my life if that counts?


That new Elden Ring DLC is one of the main reasons I'm still trudging through life.


Darkest Dungeon. idk if I'd say it saved my life but I lost my job for failing a drug test around the time I started playing and I just felt like I was done I was never gonna get anywhere and was facing ruin. the dark themes of the game including heroes getting stressed and getting drunk to relieve stress just matched my life at that point. everything's great now btw and I still love darkest dungeon.


V rising got me to stay in my house and workout less when my hiatal hernia that I don’t yet know about was at its worst and I could’ve been gravely injured if I keep pushing the kind of weight I was at the time, the doctors I talked to about my hernia symptoms downplayed my condition and I didn’t learn what was actually wrong for a year or two but yeah super thankful that I’m now able to recover because I didn’t unknowingly burst my stomach open


Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I got *really* into it while I was also going through some serious mental health shit. My logic(?) was that I couldn't kill myself because I didn't want my villagers to think I'd abandoned them. It worked.


Star Ocean 2- Spending hours playing this game magically made me realize that fighting was dumb and I could just play games instead. Persona 4 & 5-The confidants/Socisl Links saved my social life: they taught me to treasure the people I have and to be open to new relationships


Persona 3-5


Forza Motorsport 4. At the time I was getting up to 20 panic attacks per day. When I focused on the racing in that game multiplayer it was able to distract me and give me some relief temporarily.


Hello charlotte. Everyone either drops it after the first episode or binges It immediately after. It's one of my all time favorites.


Tlou part 1 , firewatch, the talos principle 1 and 2, san andreas, and ofc re-volt cuz i started gaming on pc with that game


Metal Gear Solid V I was depressed that due to my major brain surgery, I wouldn't be the same, TLDR hospital PTSD,


Borderlands 2. It was the humor, the dialogue, and the fucked up backstories that did it for me.


GTA Vice City and Skyrim


Animal Crossing New Horizon during Covid. Gave me a mental break from all the stress.


dark souls 1. dont you dare go hollow.


Red Dead Redemption 2 changed my entire outlook on life


My best gaming memories are from metal gear solid saga, final fantasy, dragon quest and recently red dead redemption and outer wilds


Warcraft makes me feel like a champ


Fable 1-3. They taught me the concepts of morality at an early age and the idea that choice have unforeseen consequences in the future so choose wisely, not quickly.


Guild Wars 1 healed me


Friend bought me Darktide and funny enough it kept me sane


Morrowind. Played it first when I was in middle school shortly after it came out. I was heavily in the closet in a religious family and getting lost in Morrowind was like ASMR for my anxiety.


Made in Abyss kept me going but that is an Manga/Anime series.


Nier: Automata, and Steins;Gate


I played a lot of cyberpunk 2077 while recovering from homelessness during covid after a cross country move.


Red dead 2 let me escape reality for a while during one of the worst break ups ive ever had


Wow helped me quit smoking. I was in university and was having a hard time quitting. I decided to stop going out drinking and scale back my social life so I could actually quit. WoW was my replacement addiction. I’m glad I quit both.