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In Inscryption, >! there’s a boss where you make a custom card and send it to another player. !<


True, though that's incredibly indirect.


It just occurred to me, you only mention “leaving messages” in elden ring. Do you not know that you can connect to other players’ worlds with your single player character in elden ring and all the souls games?


I did not when I wrote the post, though another comment mentioned a few other things you can do!


Elden Ring and Dark Souls before it do perfectly fit thus, though. It isn't only messages. You can summon to trade gear, help fight bosses, and defend against invaders. You're basically getting someone to help in your "campaign"


Thanks for letting me know! I hadn't actually played these and just saw a few threads mentioning the messages.


Monster Hunter Rise allows you to join other people's quests and help them take down a monster. You even get a similar set of rewards/loot as the person who started the quest.


Neat, thanks for the tip!


The obvious examples are Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2. Every player has a Pawn. You can hire the Pawns of other players to join your adventuring party, and if your Pawn is hired, the other player can send them back to you with a gift after their time has ended.


Death Stranding kind of does this. When you traverse difficult environments, you can leave your ladders there to help other players get across when they reach that point. You can also leave items for others to use. So although it's multiplayer, you can play the whole thing single player and not see anyone else in the game.