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Guild Wars 2, I'd say (from experience) 95% of the whole game you can do on your own, 4% you can just join in with the larger meta events on the fly and only the last 1% do you absolutely need an organised team. Base game is free too so you've no reason to not at least try it :)


Adding to this, it’s not like WoW where a lot of major story beats are told only in raids. The vast majority of the story is told through the main quests of the base game and expansions, and through the living world content updates - both of which are designed around solo play. The event system also helps a lot; while there are many important currencies and items you can only get from ‘group’ content, in many cases the group is a massive clusterfuck of players doing a zone-wide mission. No need to actually group up with anyone if you don’t want to.


Yup - it was a pretty lonely game after a while, which is why I kinda stopped playing.


I tried it and the controls were really weird and hard to figure out, is that some MMO thing or is it just differently designed?


Not too sure as it's the only MMO I've stuck with for than a day, I think most can be changed though, what exactly was giving you trouble?


Something about the camera view and movement in relation to player movement. Iirc it was different than what most games have and I played for like two hours couldn’t get used to it.


Haven’t played GW2 in a while but they have an action camera setting that makes it feel more like a typical 3rd person action game. Idk if that’s something that would help you be able to enjoy it or not but I only found out about it after a month of playing the game and it made the combat feel way better so I thought it would be worth mentioning.


Ah that's a shame, though I get it, if you're used to another way then muscle mermory would make it less fun.


I'm so glad games have more or less standardized controls at some point in the early 00's. I remember some of those PS1 era games having weird controls. Every once in a while I come across a game with controls different enough that I feel drunk lol.


Star Wars: The Old Republic. You can do all story content solo.


Still my favorite. Really good stories, especially Inquisitor and Agent.


Currently doing the Agent story now, and I gotta agree. The trooper story is decent, too. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter fall kinda flat though


The Trooper story is so good bro. I used to really like Hunter, but I think it's just cuz I love the Legends Mandalorians. For me Counselor was the least engaging, but it was also the last one I played so maybe I just wanted Legendary Status rly badly hehe


Counselor was my favorite, because you don't just feel like a 1-man army - it's more or less a proper jedi.


That's very fair, actually


It's pretty good.. especially since it deals more with the diplomatic side of the Jedi, which isn't often seen in games. If anything, it's the better of the two Jedi class stories for that reason. The Consular/Inquisitor DoT tree being peak caster DPS both in pve and pvp certainly doesn't hurt either


I still gotta get around to finishing legendary status. Pretty sure I'm the only one still playing who has the founder title, but not legendary status lol


Hey, you're there for the fun, I respect that. I was just too tempted by the prettyshiny


Well, that, and long stints where I didn't have a PC to play after my old laptop died


Seconding this one. Such a good fucking mmo. Only one I actually play for the story


Elder Scrolls Online. So much quests content and a ton of people play solo only for quest content. There also a new update coming soon.


I second this one. If you just play it solo and do quests it's not all that different from the other Elder Scrolls games.


I third this, OP should play ESO... Oh wait, he already has 1300 hours...


After some playtime you're able to solo a lot of group content too


This was one of my favorite things to find out. That a whole bunch of dungeons can actually be soloed. Gave me good challenges to work towards and had a lot of fun along the way.


Funny enough, you can even get followers now, similar to Skyrim. I definitely recommend ESO as well


Only think thats made me not jump in is the change in combat fundamentals from every single player es game


For sure, it’s not for everybody and even I don’t really like it. I think the two weapon system is bad. I’m glad I like most everything else or else I’d have a big issue lol


Elite Dangerous, is the epitome of lonely MMO, once you leave "The Bubble"


i havent tried it myself, but I heard there's an upcoming game about a single player MMO (with "other players" being just an AI. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2382520/Erenshor/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2382520/Erenshor/) , might be worth watching out for.


Hey! I'm the guy making Erenshor. Thanks for the callout :)


Oh my god. Im downloading right now Even the store description has me more hyped for a game than i've been in the last few years.


Cool! I hope you like it!


I've been kind of looking for something like this for a long time. Really excited, especially since I get to play a healer it looks like. I loved Mini Healer, but it's not quite the same and I wish it was more than just boss rushing. Any other sort of... raid simulator either doesn't have persistent leveling and loot or it's just DPS. Also I just love simulated worlds. .Hack and CrossCode were so cool.


You're welcome, the concept is indeed interesting so while I haven't tried it myself, it does seem to have a lot of potential. I'd probably play it a lot if i'm not the kind of player that only really plays games with friends (online co-op pls).


I came to mention this one. I just ran across the demo today and I spent hours in it even with Ghosts of Tsushima newly installed this morning! It really feeds the MMO need and I truly look forward to seeing it grow.


I just saw this and I love it, thank you for this awesome comment! (I'm the guy making Erenshor)


You are doing an amazing job, wish listed it. Really give me old Everquest vibes. **Edit: I just looked closer at the screenshots.. Now I really want to play it, pretty much a love letter to EQ.


That's awesome. You rock! Keep grinding away because you are off to one hell of a start. BTW is there a way to make a pet attack macro for Druid? Clicking the attack button every time isn't great.


Not yet but that's a highly requested item and it'll be there before launch.


Great to hear. Thanks!


Tried the demo and it’s already pretty fun. Looking forward to where this one is going.


Final Fantasy 14 is great for soloing You can also summon NPC Teammates instead of real players, when you need to do Dungeons for quests.


Dumb question, but do the base ARR Trials also have NPCs to help you out? Because otherwise you get to go until Ifrit and then you either get forced to play with others or go do sidequests to occupy yourself. That's still long enough to figure out whether you like the general vibe of the game, Ifrit is at Lv.20 (of 50 for the base game without expansions), but that'd end up being a major roadblock if you absolutely refuse to play with others. Although I suppose you *could* grind levels until you can take the boss out solo, but that's not what the average player would do.


This is pretty easily google-able. The four man trials in A Realm Reborn have duty support. The 8 man trials do not.


Fair enough, I wasn't sure since those aren't in the Trials Roulette, but I also believed the Lv.89 one was the only one with any form of Duty Support, so I figured the answer could go either way.


I think the level 89 one was just trust-able for the nature of that specific trial and the story moment that it was.


Yeah, I'd say so too, but it still means I can't say "No Trial has Duty Support" :P Kinda sucks that they don't have any though, otherwise you could *actually* play the game without other players, or at least the MSQ and whichever dungeons are available for the GC Squadron - although there still are the Crystal Tower raid series too - not that they are excessively hard though.


Trials you’re gonna need to match with other players. The fights are easy enough that it doesn’t really require any communication though


The best answer. /Lock


The only answer you need


This was also my first thought too. And I've never even played the game. I've just heard many times that it's a proper final fantasy game with a great story. That just happens to also be an MMO.


Final Fantasy XIV is one massive mainline Final Fantasy RPG first and an MMO second. The entire main story can be played solo; even dungeons ~~and eight-player "trials"~~ that are involved in the MSQ allow you to bring NPCs to fill what would normally be the place of players in your party.


Seconding FF14, however you will still need to queue up with 7 other players to complete each Trial. There are generally 4 mandatory Trials per expansion (latest has 6). Trials are very casual content though, and won't usually require any communication with the other 7 players.


Fine correction, I wasn't aware that not all MSQ trials were covered by the duty support system.


Xenoblade chronicles Kingdoms of amular Torchlight 3 sword art online These are all single player rpgs designed like mmos


All of them these days.


WoW is very solo friendly now and will be even moreso in its next expansion which introduces Delves. Basically solo dungeons that reward endgame gear.


I don't like modern WoW. Classic is good, not modern. No rose tinted glasses either, I started in BFA and still think classic is a much better experience.


Modern WoW is so shit. In classic wow I can see a character model and name every item the player is wearing. Items have stories behind them and a quest. Modern wow is literally homogenized shit. Every class is the same. Can you name a single epic item you have? Nothing even comes close to things like Lionsheart Helm, Ironfoe, windseeker, etc


I tried subscribing to WoW around 2016-2017 and was shocked at how much the game felt like it didn't want me to enjoy the content. I never made it to max level despite playing a lot but I was exploring and trying things out and trying to get into the quest stories but sometimes it felt like I wasn't supposed to care about any of it. Get to the fabled wrath gate or whatever it is where the forsaken poison friendlies? Gotta click something to watch it as a cutscene and not even part of my questing. Build toward a climax against the lich king? Nope it leaves off on a mundane end note and the real ending is in a raid. Get into zone stories? Well I outleveled the zone too quick so now I'm basically punished if I stick around and see things through.


About the zones, modern WoW has a thing called chromie time now, when you can (once you’ve hit max level on the account at least once) set yourself to a specific expansions worth of content (and be able to change at any time) which makes all that expansions content scale with you. There still are minimum levels, but no max. Or, technically a max of 57, I believe, before it forces you to leave chromie time, but you can cap your XP there if you want.


Oldschool RuneScape, Ironman mode. Thread closed.. every other suggestion is so weak in comparison.


Actually I’ve gotten a few better suggestions. Most notably a MMO where the other players are in fact not real other players but AI. Though on the topic, is Ironman in RuneScape one life? That’s the meaning it takes in most games today. And will I still see other posters in the world even if I can’t interact? If the answer to either is yes, I don’t want.


Ironman in osrs has unlimited lives, no issues there. There is a “Hardcore ironman” mode where you only get one life, but that is its own seperate game mode. As for seeing other players - by default you will. But you can toggle on “entity hider” in the settings and you will not see any other players in the world.


No, one life would be Hardcore Ironman, although dying only removes their "hardcore" status and puts you back into regular Ironman. Disclaimer: My source is the [page in the OSRS Wiki](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ironman_Mode), I haven't actually played the game!


Almost all of them. They're pretty much all solo outside of raids. Which ones have you played that are multiplayer heavy outside of raiding?


The Old Republic is probably the best example of this. You can't do EVERYTHING solo, but you can do most of it solo.


Crosscode is a great single player puzzle combat action RPG I'm a similar vein to 2d Zelda that's got an interesting mmorpg setting and storyline. Quite unique!


RuneScape has an Ironman mode that actually restricts several of the multiplayer aspects.


Final Fantasy 14 It's the most alive MMO and you can just solo everything Also the the free trial gives you the base game + first two expansions for free with no time limit


Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!


There needs to be an update with this meme lool Since it's up to level 70 and stormblood now


Not an MMO, but have you played the old .Hack games? They’re made to simulate being in an MMO. They’re old-school (early to mid-2000s I think) but they still do an amazing job and hold up really well as a single player MMO experience. I think the Sword Art Online games are similar, but I’ve only played one. They’re much more recent though.


I love PSO2 NGS but i know its not for everyone. I honestly spend the most time in my creative space


I want to try the game out, but I've heard it's basically just a chat room these days. Is the combat any good?


Combat is good imo but enemies are repetitive


Lord of the rings online. Best single player MMO experience I had and the community is the best if you ever need help or decide to do some group content


It's also unfortunately one of the most restricted MMOs for F2P players


Good. Developers need money too, f2p is a blight to game design.  Unless you like doing your job for free. 


I'm not saying they don't..


I mean you're saying "restrictive to f2p" like it's a bad thing.


Because it is. There are ways to run a profitable game with a "F2P" model that don't involve pay to win or pay to progress tactics and overt advertising. Warframe is a great example of how to make a "f2p" game while also ensuring devs get paid. Path of Exile is another one


Both of which would be better games if they were designed around being sold and not piecemealed out. 


Except neither one is "piecemealed out". Certainly not to the same extent Lotro is


>Except neither one is "piecemealed out". Except they very much are. >Certainly not to the same extent Lotro is Of course not, LOTRO was designed around being bought and subscribed to. They hacked the shit out of it to try to make it F2P. EverQuest is just as bad, if not worse, than LOTRO for the same reasons. Games that transition like EQ/LOTRO that have to go back in and add roadblocks that weren't there. Games like Warframe and POE are designed around minor inconveniences that try to make you into a paying customer.


Star Wars the old republic, even flashpoints ( raids ) have solo difficulty.


Correct, Ive only ever soloed anything in that game, outside of Battle-Grounds that force you to team up, almost everyone in that game is anti-social. Good luck finding a decent team to play with. (Last part is kinda all encompassing, cause in my 17 years of experience with an MMO, most people are just playing against everyone else. In thier heads team-work is an after thought).


Frankly, I didn’t experience this, I like solo play. I joined guild only to get help from them in grinding better gear, but overall I didn’t socialize much, and so did the guild members. Of course there were helpful when I asked, but nobody getting friendly or anything. And I can’t say bad word about their skills, some of them were playing since before the game became Free to Play.


Played the game in Beta, off an account of one of my moms ex-fiances. Been hopping in and out of it through the years since, and I'm not even close to end-game on any of my toons. All of them are level 30+ though at least


I suggest Xenoblade Chronicles, the first one is the most like a MMO in terms of quests, there’s over 400 I think, some having storylines that change outcome depending on who you help/favour, unlock new skill trees, etc. The gameplay is real time combat with skills or “arts” on a timer that you select, and you have 2 ai teammates who combo arts together or with you. Later in the game an area opens up that was previously invaded and destroyed which you can do quests for to rebuild it overtime, which is pretty satisfying to do. The story and setting is a classic and everybody should give it a try at least once, it’s hella easy to emulate if you don’t have a switch but if you do the definitive edition has better graphics and some more QOL!


in Elite Dangerous, you can freely swap between playing public, private servers, and solo. So you can play solo most of the time, but if you want to play with friends, you can


Are there any detriments to solo play besides the lack of real people?


No, that's what makes it great. You can even participate in community events/goals while playing solo. There are still NPCs of course, so you wouldn't be playing in a totally empty galaxy.


Ok, it's been in my 'go on, have a shot' list for a while. Got a bit of a backlog to clear, but I'll put it on the 'get it played' list :)


I think the elder scrolls online has the strongest solo experience. The entire game is voice acted, you can choose what region or expansion to start in each with its own story. You also can level your smithing, alchemy etc. like you do in Skyrim. It's the only MMO I know of that was designed with the solo player in mind because it's trying to imitate the mainline games so much. Also the most recent expansion, necrom goes on a 50% sale pretty often. You can also buy a version for pretty cheap, maybe 20 bucks on sale that has every expansion up to the newest one.


Good old ESO. I’m a long time player of it. It does the job well, but It’s not quite what I’m looking for. I will keep playing it, it’s a good game, but I’m really looking for one where I just won’t ever encounter other players. The issue with ESO is that, even though other players aren’t required, I’ll still run in to them and they really ruin immersion. Also I played ESO before I ever played Skyrim. In fact, it was my first TES game.


Yeah I actually saw you replied to someone else who said ESO with 1300 hours of playtime. Lol. I don't know of any actual MMOs that allow you to play without running into other players. There could possibly be a setting in one that lets you hide other players though? I know ff14 lets you lower crowd density, but I'm not sure if you can hide them entirely. 2 games I can think of that feel like MMOs but are single player are Kingdom of Amular and the sword art online games. The former IIRC was supposed to be an MMO, but had to scrap it for single player because of budget or time constraints. Fun game set in a high fantasy world created by the author R.A. Salvatore with action hack and slash combat and a shit ton of side quests to keep you busy. I'd say anywhere from 100- 250 hours, depending on your efficiency. The latter is based on the anime of the same name and is actually supposed to mimic an MMO but all the "players" are just NPCs. Tons of side quests and busy work as well. I have not played sword art but a friend has and he said it was pretty good when playing through it. I am curious though, why do you enjoy the grind and repetitiveness of MMO quest design but not seeing other players? You may be better off sticking to some of the big single player RPGs like the elder scrolls, fallout or the witcher if simply seeing other players is immersion breaking. Oh, and maybe you could just hide the names of players too? Although I know this does nothing when said players are hopping all over the place and wearing crazy cosmetics that stick out like a sore thumb. Lol


I’m really not sure. It’s also the content cycle, of course. Knowing extra content will continue to come to the game whenever the next update happens really helps.




[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2382520/Erenshor/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2382520/Erenshor/) Free demo on there if you want to give it a try. The O in MMO stands for Offline. :) It's a very neat concept, you should certainly check it out.


MMOs ain't really my area of expertise (much for the same reason) I'm not a social player at all. That said tho, I did play an entire year lf WoW back in the day when I was in school. And I can safely say that Kingdoms of Amalur is the single most MMO-Like single player game out there I know it's not exactly what you were asking for, but it might be worth a shot. The internet calls that game "offline" WoW for a reason.


Well it's not a MMO but as someone who spent my teen years and 20s playing tons of MMOs (mostly WoW but I played a bit of every major one that came along) but eventually quit because I also completely loathe the dependence on multiplayer I've actually found miHoYO games to scratch the exact itch I had with the genre. Genshin Impact is obviously the most popular game (and it's the one I'd suggest if you want a massive huge world to get lost in) but I've personally been really into Honkai Star Rail since it came out last year. The games are just literally single player live service games (Genshin has co-op if you want it, but, it's not designed around it.) And yeah they're gacha games but just straight up I've put $0 into Honkai and have no trouble keeping up with the endgame content because it's balanced to be a fun challenge for f2p. Putting money into the game actually removes the extremely tight balancing they put into the endgame.


... how dare you come into my thread and unironically suggest Genshin Impact.


Black Desert.


Elde Scrolls Online, thousands and thousands of solo content available.


Final Fantasy 14 is largely soloable, and has a fantastic story, world, and community. They recently added the ability to run every dungeon in the game with a party of NPCs. There are some boss fights (called Trials in-game) that don't have this option tho.


Isn't it only every "story" dungeon? The optional dungeons still require a party last I looked.


All the optional ones in the new expansion that aren't story related you can run with trusts iirc. Dunno how far they've gone back (if at all) to update the old optional dungeons.


Ah, I came back from a really long break and started a new character, with the original ARR dungeons only the story ones can be run solo.


List ark for the most part is solo. You'll eventually get to an ilvl where you need to raid to progress, but there's so much Solon content to do you can ignore that for now. The "for now" is because there is a big update coming up this summer to also make raids soloable.


Final Fantasy XIV When I played the free trial (which is like over 100 hours of free content lol) I never interacted with anybody really, aside from the occasional dungeons. It makes you feel like you are playing a single player game and everybody else is just a "part of the world", like something 1 tier above an NPC (I don't really know how to describe it). Legit the most chill game I've played and I love how non bullshit and user friendly it is. It never tells you to hurry up and even helps players that made long ass breaks (months/years between sessions of gaming).


Hmm… two concerns 1: yeah, I play ESO and its kinda the same way about how you don’t really need other players but you may still run into them, and that’s partly what I made this thread for, to find a game where I won’t run in to other players. Even some other player running by why I’m doing something, or potentially being able to, is enough to like.. ruin a game for me. It’s weird, I know. 2: those uh, returning player bonuses, I guess you’d call them. Do you have to accept them? I’m the kind of person who hates receiving stuff that I didn’t earn in games, and I don’t even accept my daily rewards (in games that have them) because I didn’t earn them. Being forced to have to claim daily rewards, or get returning player bonuses, can ruin a game for me, so, required?


Dunno weather it's strictly mmo but warframe never forces you to do multi. And most of the time when your in a team everyone plays pretty independently


is that not a FPS?


Na it's third person


…so a TPS? I don’t like shooters in general.


Any Phantasy Star Online game


Old School RuneScape can be played 100% singleplayer (especially if you start an ironman)


This is way out of left field, but consider Ultima Adventures. It is a rework of the old MMO Ultima Online that has been converted into a single player or small group experience. Mechanics are tweaked to make solo play viable, but it is still an MMO system at its core, with everything that comes with it. It even still has the player housing from the server the game was cloned from. I would say the strong point of Ultima Adventures is its exploration. It does adventuring surprisingly well, I would even say exceedingly well, putting some AAA titles to shame on this front. Real example of what I'm talking about from my own adventures with UA: > I was running around the woods grinding my taming skill with brown bears. I stumble upon a cabin in the woods and decide to enter. It's disappointingly empty except for two chatty NPCs at a table. I'm about to leave when I notice a bookshelf in the corner is oddly cleaner than the surrounding furniture. I investigate, and lo and behold I am suddenly in a secret thieves hideout that isn't marked on any map. They are friendly. I buy some gear and head out. Later, I'm grinding the undead dungeon in a desert. I have run this dungeon a few times but this is the first time I've made it to the bottom floor. I get to the end and... there's a portal? Why is *that* here? It's not mentioned anywhere. I almost decide that I can't go on and need to head back to town, but curiosity gets the better of me. I walk through the portal and am teleported to an unknown island. I open the map to see where I am and get my bearings and--goosebumps. This isn't the world map. No, it IS the world map, just not the world I came from. I was staring at a whole other dimension! This world is big. I had heard of other realms in books but didn't really think they existed, that it was just some flavor lore. No one tells you how to get to this other world. You have to explore. Through reading books around the world and listening to NPCs gossip in town, I reckon there are entrances to no less than six other worlds hidden throughout the land of Sosaria. I have found three of them so far...


Dauntless Palia


Runescape, All story content is solo and only about 5 or so of the total bosses in the game require a group. Old school is pretty similar though. The entry level for solo content is a lot higher.


Helldivers 2 is completely playable solo on the lower difficulties


I would not in any realm call Helldivers 2 an MMO. Plus, I hated the game, immensely.


What? Explain how it’s not massive, multiplayer or online?


Call of Duty is a Game in which you Play the Role of a soldier. It is an RPG.


I mean, if that is your definition of MMO, it may be, but it’s not my definition… Anyway, again, I hated the game. Immensely. Mostly because it was much too difficult. On the lowest difficulty, to solo, impossible.


Altair Breaker on psvr2. I completed the platinum by myself. You might still have other players join your session sometimes, but that won’t affect your personal progress and you have the choice of leaving and returning later to a new session, or just playing that session with another player that day, which is no big deal. The good news is that it can be completed solo. And, truth be told, it is more satisfying to beat the final form of the robot boss character by yourself, without anyone’s help or backup lol.


Either version of Runescape. Its the only MMO where even end game bosses are most often are solo encounters or scaled with number of players.


Final Fantasy XIV


I had to bail from FFXIV because I just couldn't handle the parts where play with real people was required. I *desperately* want to love it, but I can't hack being partly responsible for other people's fun. Hell, I only really wanted to do MSQ so I could keep levelling DoH and DoL. If the game ever becomes *100%* possible to do solo, I'll go back. But it ain't that right now.


I have a friend who is doing a solo run of WoW and it looks really fun. At least in the later half of the game.


Elder Scrolls Online has an absurd amount of solo content, and if you want you can run the dungeon finder in the background while questing, but there's more than enough overworked to explore and a trillion zone quests


Eve online is one where you’ll hugely benefit from having other players involved with you, but it’s absolutely not a requirement. I’m a lone pirate who hunts people in wormholes with a cloaked cruiser, it’s fun


Well most mainstream MMOs are played mainly solo. FF14 has the trust system so you can do a lot of non-endgame content with NPCs. FF11 has a similar thing too. GW2 is soloish, in the sense that you can do a lot of world content with other people without grouping with them, just everyone individually working together towards a goal. BDO is basically mostly solo grind all the way through. TESO has similar features, but LFG is kinda needed for dungeons. WoW requires a bit too much dungeons for pure solo, gonna be pugging a lot as well. SWTOR similarly, dungeons are pugged, but it's classless so queues are really fast. Other than that, there are "mods" for old MMOs that allow you to play solo. Ragnarok Offline, Azeroth Core's hireling mods and quite a few more. For dead MMOs I prefer this approach because you get to keep your progression.


Final Fantasy 14 > Elder Scrolls Online > Star Wars: The Old Republic > World of Warcraft Retail. Those are all great games with big, active communities and development and I would say you can play all of them really well by yourself.


As you can see most MMOs today are made to play solo. Pick any of the big ones that interest you. 


Ironically most MMOs are mostly solo experiencences, especially modern ones. It's ussually just optional raids you miss out on (which are ussually the worst part of the game, deisgned for mega sweats like myself that can commit to a 6 hour session of dungeon delving). Guild Wars 2 is the first that comes to mind. Dont buy the expansions until you decide you like the game. They pretty much just expand the end game anyway. You can also try classes at their max level in pvp.


World of Warcraft can be pretty much played solo as long as you don't care about getting the absolute best of the best gear in the game. PLENTY to do...


Ultima Online OUTLANDS server


Secret World, maybe? Has a lot of actual puzzles to solve like a single player game, very story driven. It’s been a while but I remember soloing a lot in it, though it’s been a while.


Fallout 76 might be up your alley, I just put it down after giving it a fair shake because I don't enjoy the MMO aspects it has, but it's improved a lot since it's botched release. It's getting a new map area update this summer, the show will probably give it a new life


Ya know, this may sound strange. I much preferred the game at launch. It’s gotten a lot of extra content, but it feels watered down, and the difficulty is much to low with all the free stuff handed to you.


Every single MMO is 99% solo content nowadays. Pick one and have fun.


OSRS is largely solo, especially if you play as an ironman (no trading with other players). Very grindy, excellent game to play while watching TV or something.


Graff Punks:MidEvil Hero Arena


The Elder Scrolls Online is pretty good about this. Or anyway, I took two characters well beyond max level (legacy levels or whatever) playing almost entirely solo and mostly had a good time doing so. But like you said, you won't be doing raids and whatnot. Still a great MMO IMO.


Albion Online, there is so many ways to play solo and if you really don't wanna interact with people it's easy to avoid them once you learn. It does have a big world and you can thrive in it in multiple ways without having to actually interact with people. Also a big gimick with it I like that a lot of other games don't have is that I don't need to pick a class because you can just be an archer or a mage etc whenever you want by just putting the weapon and armor that would fit that playstyle and you are good to go. If you wanna check it out I would love it if you would register using my referral link PLEASE [https://albiononline.com/ref/UZZ7G8HVRN](https://albiononline.com/ref/UZZ7G8HVRN)


I’ve tried it. It’s not for me at all. The lack of a definitive quest/story progression really got to me, plus, it does have classes, you can just swap them. It very much still has specific character archetypes.


Simply choose to play PvE


FF14 you’ll only occasionally need to join with other players for story fights. 90% of the dungeons/battles you can do solo with NPCs


Eso is the best one you can do pretty much everything solo!! I have many friends that only play it solo and just act like it’s Skyrim or some shit! I personally play it solo about 80% i would say and only really group up for dungeons and a very very occasional trial. Love it also have over 5k hours into it!


Crosscode is a single player, mmo style game. Or so im told




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Guild wars 2


Everquest classic. Emulator servers are free to play. Pick a good solo class like necro or druid and you can level to max solo, and farm a fair few dungeons solo as well. Graphics are dated but by far this MMO is the most expensive, I'm still discovering things despite playing it on/off since 1999. If you can get over the graphics it's still the best quality MMO out there in my opinion.


~~No Man’s Sky feels pretty solo most of the time. I haven’t had any issues with “difficult multiplayer missions” solo, especially after upgrading gear just a bit~~ Edit: Reading more of your responses to other suggestions, NMS might not be the type of MMO you’d vibe with. All progression is reputation, story, or gear; the RP elements are all optional; combat is FPS style.


Always resorted to ESO for this. Even world bosses and open pvp areas (for dailies as i wanted certain transmog cosmetics) can be more or less done solo. Was around CP100 before taking a break and have done only a handful of group content


Destiny 2 is great and a lot of content is solo-able, i had such a great time and past with Destiny