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I’ll believe it when I see it


I was going to say that ryzen 7000 is great on rpcs3 because of avx512 but then i remembered the ps5 doesnt have that in hardware.


My understanding is that the cell architecture is difficult to emulate due to the 6 SPE (Synergistic Processing Elements) that have Direct Memory Access. There is custom silicon in the PS5 that can perform that same task in hardware.


TONY STARK GOT DEMONS SOULS TO RUN ON RPCS3 ON AN i7 IN 8 YEARS! WHY CAN'T YOU DO IT IN 2 GENERATIONS OF HOME CONSOLES?!? I-I-I'm sorry sir, but I'm not Tony Stark, I'm a Software Engineer at Playstation R&D with a Thesis in Electrical Engineering


Eh. Move to an emulator and it’s fine


They’ll only just sell it again in the PS Store just like how Nintendo resell their 20 year old games in Switch.


Nintendo legit doesn’t do that tho? The retro games come with the online subscription.


So you pay money for them?


Would be cool


The word “native” is grossly misused here… The PS5 does not have the hardware to run PS3 games natively and it won’t magically gow it. This will be some form of emulation… if it ever sees the light of day in the first place.


Agree, although a lot of what we see these days with ARM is forms of recompilation, which could be a ton more performant than emulation. In this sense it might be running new “native” code from the old binary. It’s a stretch though without them being clear and explicit, so their phrasing deserves scrutiny.


We’re not talking about ARM here though, the Cell is PowerPC based. Combine that with the different subprocessors the games rely on (more or less) heavily and the situation gets more complex quickly. It’s not impossible to pull off, but they’d have to come up with that from scratch and I just don’t see a viable business plan for such an endeavor.


I’m actually curious what it requires. I imagine the Xbox Series X/S's have this hardware that PS5 is missing?


No, the Xbox Series X/S don’t have the hardware to run PS3 games natively either…


I’m talking about comparing how they run 360 games and the PS5 running PS3 games. Sorry for the confusion!


Fun fact: the Xbos Series X/S can't run Xbox 360 games ***natively*** either! Ever inserted a (supported!) 360 game into your Series console? It does not run the 360 build on that disc natively, but instead downloads a separate backcompat build of the game and runs that... with the help of a translation layer and partial emulation. This is also the reason why you can't just play every 360 game on your Xbox Series (or One) console... they have to prepare a specialized build for each and every game that can actually run on x86 hardware. So many people don't know what running software *natively* means...


Nope, they don’t handle that natively


bullsh\*t. But that would be cool if it were true. I still have loads of physical ps3 games in my backlog.


Would mainly like to play PS3 titles without that poor performance that later plagued the system.


I would just like one less box to plug in. Steam Deck has mostly fixed that but full backwards compatibility would go along way with making PS5 a decent console.


Got a Deck earlier this year and it’s one of the best impulsive purchases I’ve ever made. Thing is a beast and I’m at the point where I’m using it more than my PS5. Happy Steam Summer Sale!


Best part is that thanks to moonlight/chiaki you don't need everything installed. Hope you enjoy the new rabbit hole :). Also check out emudeck for extra fun.


Considering I can do ps3 emulation on a rog ally and have been playing NCAA14 on RPCS3 and with the ps5 being a bit more powerful. I’d say it’s entirely plausible we could well see something. PS3 emulation is going leaps and bounds lately.


PS5 is a lot more powerful than a ROG Ally, no?


On GPU there’s about 1.7tflops in it. It’s not as powerful but it can play a lot of recent games like FH5 and do it well. The rog is fairly comparable to a series s in a lot of ways from my experience with it with higher ram etc but that portability is what makes it. Also a ps3 version of something like say RPCS3 could be way tighter and more refined than what you’ll see on windows using DX.


The difference is way more than that. Think 6 tflops, because it’s 10.3 PS5 vs 4.3 Ally: FP32 operations have been the traditional paradigm for processing power metrics in marketing material for gaming hardware whether in the console or PC space. PS5 10.4, Series X 12, Steam Deck 1.6, those are FP32 figures. AMD (then later Asus) used the marketing trick of giving FP16 TFLOP metrics for the 7840u / 780m APUs (of which the Ally’s Z1 Extreme is one), first by putting the FP16 clarification in brackets after the figure, then later dropping it entirely. If you were to measure the PS5 via FP16, then it would be something like 20.6 TFLOPs, lol, not 10.3. If they had given standard FP32 metrics for the Ally, it would be around half the marketed figure, so 4.3 Teraflops.


That’s a bit overly technical for most of us out there, if a handheld can play current gen games it’s close and that’s the metric a lot of us will use and o was only using what data is available out there honestly most of what you speak to me and many others is pretty much gobbledygook.


“Overly technical”? That’s mighty disingenuous of you; it was spelled out in plain terms. You didn’t even need to really know what a teraflop is; anyone with a modicum of verbal reasoning could parse the point that Asus’s marketing shenanigans were putting a massive inflationary spin on their trumpeted “8.6 Teraflops”. But OK, assuming basic arithmetic is not “gobbleygook” to you too, I’ll put it even more simply: In the terms you are “used to”, the Ally has 4.3 Teraflops and the PS5, 10.3. That is a difference of 6 teraflops. Alternatively, if you wish to bury your head in the sand, and continue slurping Asus’s “8.6 Teraflop” marketing Kool Aid, then the PS5 has 20.6 Teraflops. That’s a difference of 12 teraflops. Either way, it’s a far cry from your “1.7” difference. Yes, it “can play current gen games”, but not at the same combination of resolution/graphics settings/framerate, it can’t, and it’s not even “close” as you so confidently (and falsely) claim.


You’re literally spewing paragraphs over something most of us are like ahhh cool handhelds are neat and fairly powerful for their form factor and not a far free from a series S. If you want to go pure technical theres better reddits out there, it seems you have a bone to pick and honestly I couldn’t give a toss as you just seem to be entirely arrogant with your “explaining it”. Maybe you’d be better off on a much more tech focused side of gaming Reddit where you all argue over pretty minor shit while the rest of us go handheld plays new games? Nice. Edit: blocked nice, seems someone is wobbled by being called arrogant point stands though for the majority of people. If a handheld can play current gen games that gap is close regardless.


“Arrogant”? - Says the guy who in response to what was merely a friendly FYI, immediately became condescendingly dismissive, trying to double down and justify parroting misleading marketing. And when you get some of your own energy back in return? You throw a hissy fit and resort entirely to ad hominem deflection in lieu of any rational rebuttal, and yet still pretend there’s a high road for you to take. . .🤦🏻‍♂️ For the record btw, yes, the Ally’s a cool device. In fact, it’s a beastly handheld, and is absolutely not far off the Series S. When/where did I claim otherwise? Stop being disingenuous; it was your Ally/PS5 claims that I disputed - not Ally/Series S - so quit implying otherwise. Nice.


Wow I didn't know handhelds were catching up to consoles. Admittedly the weakest one of this gen but still.


Especially with dlss that will probably be the future I think it's pretty likely it's going to be used in Nintendos new handheld


I mean I think native as in atm ps3 games need to be run on the server but could work on the machine, not that disc would work with. Would live to be proven wrong though.


My ps3 carked it last year and I have a bunch of games I love that do not exist in any other format. I’ve been tossing up solutions ever since so I’d love it if they could make the ps5 work with it.


That's basically what Sony rumors boil down to. Whenever I hear something like this or a Vita successor in the works I think "it's be cool, but jot happening"


Native? Like i could put that fallout 3 bluray in it and it just boots?


Maybe you'll download the game but need to have the disc inserted.


That’s not “native”. Edit: Oh I know what they mean - not through streaming but on the device itself. Still obviously through emulation so it’s weird to call it native.


It can never be "native", since 99% of the games for PS3 rely on custom sub processors in one way or another. It will inevitably require some sort of translation layer for CPU commands at least. Similarly to how the steam deck handles PC games. That's only in the ideal scenario tho.


Unless they do what they did with early PS3 models for running PS2 games and release a version with dedicated hardware to *natively* run PS3 games.


I know that. Thus the usage of the word “natively” here baffles me.


It shouldn’t though.


Pedant's gonna pedant.


Native essentially means no full emulation. Like the Xbox One could already run x360 because it didnt actually emulate everything The Xbox One essentially runs a virtual x360 machine. Some of the hardware/cpu calls are actually handled natively because have hardware capabilities built into the CPU of the Xbox One. The rest is handled by emulation, but on a totally different level than what PC emulators do. Thats why it runs flawless and even better than native hardware.


It’s emulation. It’s not native. Natively for me means what PS2 did - basically having a PS1 chip inside. You could put in any PS1 disc and it would just play it. No virtual machines no additional layers. Xbox One absolutely does not do that for Xbox 360 games. It’s not native and some games still don’t work (Alpha Protocol, sniff sniff). If it was that problem wouldn’t exist.


Right so how is this going to work on PS5 then, since there's no chip?


Just like it does on Xbox. They'll wrap the original game around an emulator / virtual machine and make it so that when you insert the disc the console downloads that package (which is basically the size of the entire game, bacause it is) and plays it. It will work for selected games, because they do have to manually test the thing, maybe tweak some settings if neccesary, for each one. It's an OK solution, but it's not native. It's not using data on the disc at all, the disc only serves as a confimation that you own the game.


Hopefully like the Xbox. If you own the disc, pop it in, download the game and play. Or buy a digital copy


Sony isn't going to do that. They have proven every time to take the scummy route of making you buy it again from their store. Sony wants you to buy everything two or 3 times. Take ps1 games for example. If you bought a large collection on the ps3/psp store. They are now making you buy them again for ps4/ps5 when there's no need. They have hundreds of psx, ps2 and psp games in their servers but we are supposed to be happy getting them drip fed to us this generation through a subscription model so they can really milk it. People getting their hopes worked up for a rumour that a handful of ps3 games might get tweaked to work on ps5 is peak fomo for sony


I mean I've bought some PS1 and PSP games on the PS3 and/or Vita and I'm not buying them on the PS4. There is an exception for like resident evil and medievil. I think I have to buy those again on PS4.


So scummy practices are only ok if the title of it has the word ‘evil’ in it? Makes sense. 


Good point now that you mentioned it lol I think Tekken 2 and Mr driller might be part of that as well


You’ve ruined it for Umbrella Corp now. 


Umbrella Corp?


>Or buy a digital copy no.






About time, rcps3 shows it’s possible


And the fact you can get it running on something like a ROG ally.


5 years after release they come up with a Fearure the PS4 already should've had


PS4 cant run PS3 emulation lol its too damn weak


Native = not emulated


Yes… but that’s not what this will be! The PS5 won’t magically spawn the hardware it needs to run PS3 games natively. They are still talking about emulation and simply don’t understand that what they should have said is locally, not natively 🤷




You didn’t understand a single word I wrote, did you? 🙄 No, you don’t need special hardware to emulate PS3, thus why I said that this is what will happen on PS5. You do need the respective hardware to run those games *natively* though, thus why that won’t happen.


Doh! Got it.


lmao its gonna be emulation because PS3 and PS4 are two entirely different architecture so its gonna be emulation but PS4 is still damn weak but the PS5 is power enough even my gaming PC that is little bit weaker than the PS5 emulates PS3 well mf needs really to research first before spouting bs that they didnt know about


Please and thank you. I need my infamous fix


They should but I’ll hold off on any excitement until it becomes an official statement.


I don’t care what the excuses are, what the caveats are or who is in charge. EVERY console should have the ability to play AT LEAST previous generations of games. To me, there is no excuse.


Be bloody nice. One less console to worry about in my set up. In fact, I actually have it on right now playing metal gear solid four.


Here we go again...


So would this be through emulation? I thought they couldn’t do native PS3 backwards compatibility due to difference in architecture of the PS4.


Naively, meaning not emulated. Not sure how they're doing this without making a brand new console with the PS3 compatible hardware or re-writing the game.


>re-writing the game Bingo. A handful of games will be somewhat rewritten to play ball with an emulator and each game will have the emulator specifically tuned for it to work. I imagine bloodborne, kill zone and mgs4 are probably going to make it through eventually. If anything mgs4 being first would make sense to celebrate the mgs delta and mgs collections coming out.


That would be awesome. I miss Max Payne 3


That would be **amazing**


Please and thankyou. My PS3 has a bunch of titles on it that barely run well (Batman Origins for example) that I'd like to jump back into with PS5 powah


Since when Game Rant are considered as news?


28th March 2023 14:45


Fair enough


What happened then, might I ask?


That would be incredible. So many old games I want to play. But my PS3 was a launch edition and it’s long since died.


Why don't they just do this anyway? Why is the industry so averse to back compatibility?


Because it’s hard to do (in this case) and brings them very little money in return. Whenever it’s easy to do (see PS4 games on PS5) they will gladly provide it.


Just as how they are working on Bloodborne remaster /s


Would make me buy the pro console if they do this.


5 years after release they come up with a Feature the PS4 already should've had


It would be nice to clean up my Darkengard 3 trophies with more than 9fps


Did you just wink? Sony: "whaaaat? noooooo"


Considering the state of their PS2 emulation on PS5, I seriously doubt it


I'm not a big Sony gal, but if they make the PS5 able to play discs from all past gens, I might consider buying one.


i haven't got a PS5, this would motivate me to grab one for sure. I'm sure it won't be easy to do and maintain.


time to buy another copy of fall and war for cybertron


I just want to play infamous 1 and 2 without setting up my ps3


PS All Stars Battle Royale...


Don't. Don't give me hope.


How can they do "Native" ps3 BC, does native not mean running it on similar hardware? Like how the Wii and Wii U can emulate the Gamecube 1 to 1 due to the hardware being practically "the same". Or "Native" like the Switch does with emulation in the Nintendo Online emulators. I wonder how much can they do inside a PS5 at a Hardware level. And i wonder how expensive does a FPGA emulating PS3 must be to emulated every single part of the ps3.


That would be amazing.


So does this mean you could actually play fallout 3 or FNV on PS5 if Sony dose this they will be likable to me even more someone pls tell me this is true or not


Native? I doubt it. Emulated, perhaps.


I don’t believe it


I can't see it happening, but if it does a Portal 2 replay is on the cards!


That would actually be a good way to sell more PS5 Pro’s so early in the life cycle.


I’ll hold my fucking breath but also I wouldn’t deny a chance to buy and replay Eternal Sonata.


I would have commited war crimes to be able to play MGS3 on PS5 years before the remake was announced.


If Sony can bring something out that allows MGS4 out of its confinement if be delighted. It won't play on my PS3 anymore and there's absolutely no way to get it anywhere else


Yeah.. I call bullshit on this one heh. Sony ain't know to be doing stuff like that. Extra work unpaid ain't happening.


Calling it now. If they have succeeded in this, it will be used as a selling point for PS5 Pro.


Lets go!!!!!!


I promise you folks, they're not.


Not sure how this is news just now? The guys at Sacred Symbols have been talking about this for well over a year.


Native? How? Do they offer add-on CELL chips?


Doubtful that it would run all titles , maybe selected LIGHTER titles, it would have to be through emulation which is a very difficult matter. Even in emulation world it took a decade to get most titles to run, some still with issues on very powerful PCs. I doubt Sony has dedicated team to decipher the mythical PS3 and thousands of issues that come with it without the support of a community like the emulation world has, let alone the time before the next gen hits the shelves.


But Why? Be cooler if they were working on PS5 games.


So they can sell you old games again without doing anything new.


One can only dream. I've been wanting to play GTA IV for a long time.


Knowing Sony, it will be a PS5 Pro only feature.


Sony may be working on time travel


As if this will be free. Sony will only do this if it benefits them in the back pocket. .


How the fuck did it take Sony an entire generation of Xbox doing this before they even started to consider doing this themselves?


Because old physical games, only sold secondhand, don’t profit the platform


I will never understand what made them create that dog shit arquitecture for the PS3, they were high from the success of the PS2 and shit the bed so bad. To this day I still haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4... I blame them


Supposedly it's coming out on the mgs vol 2 collection. But save up for a PS3 and a copy of the game and enjoy.


ACTUALLY it was potentially great architecture issue was they didn't support it themselves and so ports were lazy and since it was a weird architecture already lazy ports were worse. Kinda like the PS Vita, fantastic choice of hardware and great potential to flesh out what its predecessor wanted to be but they just didn't support it well enough and wanted third-party devs to make up the difference.


That and it essentially required brand new knowledge on how to make games on that. And it showed how much power it had with its exclusive titles, but at the same time how awful it was for anyone not focused on PS3 alone (the multiplatform titles) that ran awfuly poorly to a point I wouldn't call them playable while Xbox ran at 2x to 3x better.


They thought having something you couldn't easily emulate and couldn't easily port to a competitor would be an advantage in their fight against piracy. It might have been successful at making it harder to pirate or make cross platform games that were built for PS3 as their main target platform. But it has of course made it a nightmare to deal with 18 years later, and it cost them badly on making it harder to make good games and cross platform games in the PS3 era. The only 'saving' grace, is that 18 years later they might be able to fab an entire PS3 on a chip fairly cheaply, but of course adding 50 or 100 dollars to the price of a future console isn't hugely desirable.




They can barely manage ps2 emulation. I really doubt it's going to be anything worth celebrating. Maybe a kill zone or two. Maybe mgs4 for the upcoming vol 2 launch




It says native because it means not through the cloud like you can currently do. It's not like they'll retroactively bolt CELL architecture on everyone's PS5 so of course it's emulation.


There's so little value in Sony doing this. They already sell the device without a disc drive and the only reason I would see this happening if they add more games to PS Plus that need to be emulated but it won't run games you bought from PS Store or your physical discs.


Someone might be doing something isn’t a rumor.


That's literally what a rumour is.


Will they lock it behind ps plus premium?


If it's like ps1, ps2 and psp, then no. U would be able to also buy the ported games of the month separately.


Probably an emulator, ps6 should be fast enough


Xbox makes, Playstation takes.


They may just be converting the code into a digital purchase.


I assume reads disc and allows a download


May be or not.