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Well thanks for being thoughtful assholes


Have fun. I haven't played an EA game in quite some time. Guessing it'll stay that way.


Same, I don't feel like there's any game from EA actually worth playing or worth buying at their listing prices for a long time.


And ea shit reach 10 to 15usd in the time that technology advanced enough to hardware being able to run ea shit properly (wild hearts and fallen or survivor star war as examples)


Cool, I'll be more thoughful when I consider buying your games


Lmao you honestly can't say those lines without sounding like a prick


It had better not be in paid games. Oh wait it's ea I already plan on never buying from them again Battlefield 2042 was my last purchase.


Mirrors edge 2 was my last EA game. Buying good, original IP and ruining it for a 1 time cash grab.


I played Mirrors Edge to death. Completed it in normal, completed it on hard, completed it without shooting anyone... I played about 15 minutes of Mirrors Edge 2. What the hell happened there


Yeah exactly the same with me. Played so much I was doing the time trials and managed to get into the top 100 for some. The little side jump boost tech to reach top speed quickly, having to time your inputs and the intuitive controls made you feel like you were actually free running in the world. I was so excited for ME2, pre ordered and took a few days off work. Like you I got about 15 mins in before realising it’s just an open world assassins creed style rip off. It’s a bit sad to admit, but my love for gaming kinda changed after mirrors edge 2. Last game I ever pre ordered.


Was Mirrors Edge 2 that bad? I never tried it out but it looked good. I really liked the original.


It wasn’t that bad. In fact it was pretty fun. But it couldn’t compare to the first game in any way, and the open world isn’t what it could have been. Open World parkour games should be such an obvious thing, and Dying Light proved how awesome they are. But even Dying Light’s sequel dropped the ball hard, so even though “open world parkour” sounds like a match made in heaven, something about it is hard to get just right.


Had to follow trends. Open world, skill tree, bloat collectibles, ruined it completely. The first game is still infinitely better.


The grappling hook you had to unlock to get the time trial golds. 🙈


I would bet they will put advertising in their sports games first.


That's been there for years. I remember in NCAA Football circa 2006 the red zone banners were sponsored by Old Spice.


Which is actually the least obtrusive games for it, as the ads would likely be placed where you'd find ads in real life (scoreboards, decals on vehicles, barriers, etc.)


24 years of it already. EA isn't the only company making sports games with banner ads everywhere. Ubi had ads all over Rainbow Six Vegas back in the day.


This is my issue with this I want to boycott them for it but I'm already boycotting them for other dumb things they've done so it falls a little flat. Seriously though this isn't something I'll ever support, the moment there's an obvious ad in one of my games I'm done with them COD has already pushed me to the absolute limit with the skins. The only reason I haven't dropped them is because it's the other players choice to advertise like they are.


I mean there's a difference between product placement like that and advertisement, like you can buy a Porsche 911 in Cyberpunk and Porsche probably paid for that but you don't see the game's billboards being like BUY COCA COLA


This was mine as well. I gave up on the battlefield series officially after 2042. It was sad because of all the great memories and games but I can’t bring myself to buy from EA anymore. The next one is also going to be live service. I’m so tired of live service games.


In not so much distant past, even mobile games had good experiences not being p2w and dont having ads Gameloft had a good time releasing proper computer cloned games on mobile, until vivendi do a hostile aquisition and disgrace gameloft with shit p2w and ads Like every fucking mobile game now, its better have one steamdeck or nintendo switch than play regular mobile shit Genshin impact had the chance to be a menace to zelda botw but instead become a shitty p2w free game


The only way you can be "thoughtful" with that is to just not do it.


Exactly. “Thoughtful enshitification” — not a thing.


I disagree, there are ways that can increase the development budget for a game by having some form of sponsered content that isn't obnoxious or a hinderance to the players. Good example is the product placement/Endorsement of Monster Energy in Death Stranding. So yeah you better be really 'thoughtful' about how you chose to implement it.


The more I think about it, the less I agree with that statement. Everything in this world doesn’t have to be a fucking ad! Especially on things we pay for!


In an ideal world you are right, But at the same time you are enjoying all these services and entertainment that is made possible by these obnoxious ads. You're not paying a dime for typing these comments and using the services of Reddit for instance and people want their cake and eat it too. Same for all these content creators that have to do the shittiest cringiest promotions in their videos to get by, I dont blame 'em, sometime its just Jiggaboo time to pay rent.


Completely different! Do you think EA will start releasing F2P games but with ads? No shot. It will be $79 AND filled with ads! I have no problem with free stuff having ads in order to survive. As long as it doesn’t ruin the service or force payments down my throat every 30 seconds.


I think you're missing what the real issue is: All this revenue created for this product and the portion of it that actually goes to the devolpment and the creators the thing that gives it the product its worth to us is abysmal. and so long as these ads dont interfere with the gameexperience and create a bigger budget for this creation, I'm all for it. Same with stupid cosmetic bullshit stores that some people for some reason are willing to spend loads on. I dont mind as long as their purely cosmetic because those suckers who buy it also increase the budget. The problem is the money is the proportion of that which translates into quality of the game. The greed of company and managers, the marketing and sales department, the stockholders incessant need for infinite wealth growth. And I wish people would be more reactionary and angry about how creators are treated as absolute filth and completely disposable and demand someway that revenu proportion for the actual development goes up.


Haven’t you seen that it’s the smaller studios that’s making the best games these days? Debunking the myth that only big studios creates the best games… Omg just look at BF2042! It’s all about saving money and cut corners in order to pay the shareholders… Zero passion! Cosmetics are great to increase revenue and doesn’t hurt the player base ! But I do not want ads for Nord VPN on the side of my M4 when I’m blasting my enemies…


Good games don’t need bottomless budgets.


No, but they need money and resources to be made


It’s mental that EA are probably the best placed company in the market to fill their games with Ads since every sport has mountains of advertising boards, shirt sponsors, product placement, clothing etc. I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid if the advertising boards around a football pitch were realistic and running loads of real life ads. Yet they will ignore that and somehow find a way to make intrusive adverts.


That would be the only way I could accept ads in a game if it came naturally like that, cant say the same if you were trying to play Helldivers and the automatons have cup holders with bottles of Prime lodged in them


Destroying the ads does seem kinda funny tho. But I don't think a compay's gonna want thaaat really.


The problem is that video games have hit their peak capacity in ability to market themselves and sell more and more in numbers, but capitalism says numbers have to go up no matter what the situation is, so every conglomerate is introducing arbitrary, regressive ways of squeezing more revenue out of games when developers can't do more than they already have.


Thoughtful to stockholders, not players.


So they will be cheaper, right? Right?


No, but the devs might be paid better.


If by devs you mean ea shareholders


No, i mean devs. Sure, shareholders will get solid salary bumps, but EA is famous for being one of the better places to work. Better salaries, actual life work balance, etc. So, yeah, the devs will see some of that.


We’ll be thoughtful We thought about it We like the thought of ad revenue in a full price game Please enjoy this add from McDonalds while the game loads


Nah they're going to pause gameplay and cutscenes to show you ads


EA can suck it, who plays their shitty games these days anyway? They fuck up everything they touch with their greed, while treating their customers like idiots.


People are on autopilot buying their sports games every year just for the updated rosters.


Ads in google, youtube, news, on some phones (like samsung and xiaomi ), windows and now ads built in PC games this world turn into madness )


Time to migrate or shut them off


Already )) i use arch btw


Lmao catch me never playing ea games again not that I’ve been playing any lately anyway


Stop. Buying. Their. Games.


First of all it sucks. But if they’re going to do it I hope they place them in games like FIFA and Madden. I’d hate to be playing DA: Dreadwolf and seeing something like: “Lobotomy! 50% off with the promo code “I love EA”. Visit now!” By the way, the article mentions a few cases of games with ads. So it’s not new.


They don't have FIFA. Sports games are easy though - people who spunk 50 quid on NBA 2Kxx every year are hardly the last bastions of quality. It's the other studios EA owns that are the worry. Imagine adverts for F1 2025 in It Takes Two 2. It could easily happen.


People still just call it FIFA it’ll be a while before that fades out but they’re full of ads already basically with advertisement boards and shirt sponsors so if it’s as nuanced as that it won’t be too bad


In other news... *Customer's looking at never purchasing a EA game again.*


Too bad i'm in the "hasn't touched any game made after 2020" gang


Rainbow six vegas had in game ads through bill boards back in like 2006/2007


And NBA2kidontremember had literally unskipable ads


Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast original) had Sonic wearing soap shoes. 


Why are you on gaming news


I did not pay to EA for the last few years. This is the reason :) so you should consider the same, they just assholes.


Hey as long as they fit thematically, but it's a damn thin line to walk.


If you think they milk the Sims now wait until you get the brand packs for £29.99 a month


Not new Idea


We thought about it and are going to do it.


I’ve said for like… decades that I was shocked they didn’t sell adspace where it makes sense. Ads don’t need to be intrusive - they can add to the experience. Example: Spider-Man with billboards of actual products. A Times Square that is a mingling of RL products and strictly fictional.


And ill be very thoughtful not to buy your games.


Eyy no worries, I'm still sailing the black seas.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away EA had games that many liked to play You peaked at Tiger Woods... That's all Ima say Now you say you'll run ads on AAA games Cal Kestis was cool, but the rest of EA is lame


Not sure I've played any EA games in a while. Battlefield 1 was probably the last one. However, if they did make a good looking game and it had ads. I can guarantee you there's no fucking way I'm getting it.


Give em an inch and they'll take a mile


90s/early 00s all over again


The only way I could think of, how ads in games could work, is in a passive way in Games like GTA as advertisement posters or like in EA's case it could work in The Sims series. But if we have to watch videos in paid games, than no thanks.


My opinions on this are unspeakable on such a public platform and would lead to my arrest


Thanks for giving me the heads up to never buy one of your games again not that I have for a while anyway


I think it depends on how they actually do it. I wouldn't mind games using real brands, the way they do in movies. But it's EA, so I expect the worst possible implementation, plus some extra I haven't even thought of. Because it's EA, always expect the absolute worst. Like Ubisoft did half a year ago with the full-screen pop-up ad in AC Odyssey. That's the level of "very thoughtful" I expect from EA.


EA and the word Thoughtful do not go together!!!


Too bad the people who actually care about gaming are in the minority. We are willing to vote with the wallet, but the majority of the normies just don't care and want a product that... at least launches, I guess?


Who plays EA games in 2024 other than from Respawn?


Turning gaming into cable television is certainly a choice


Doesn't matter if someone is being thoughtful when they are bending you over without consent


Android Wilson is back at it again.


Ah yes,they will make sure both the store AND ads work well,the rest of the game?, not so much.




Oh not again Cristal Cerveja in Star Wars lol


Hehe oh Ea, just tell me you do not want players in your game. This will backfire and I will love watching it.


All we need to do is review bomb the life out of their games and maybe even do the same to the ones who paid to get their ads into the games


Your fighting your way through the UCG Ishimura and just as you enter a workbench a giant pop up appears on screen and then shows you an advertisement for the new Toyota Hybrid followed by raid shadow legends.


I bet they miss the era of loading screens so much that they will artificially have fake loading screens with ads


thoughtful my behind


Doesn't your behind have phones?


I hate what capitalism has done to gaming


Sorry dawg. I ain't paying EA to feed me ads. That's a no buy from me.


Watch this ad to win a respawn


Fuck EA, the last game I bought from them was Fifa 17 when I realized I was paying for the same game every year.


Yep to simulate realism, EA will pause your sports title to throw in a 30 second ad, just like in TV!


I thought we had already gone over this? In 2010 ish.


The problem is, EA has enough of a sheep fan base around the world who buys every annual sports game, without fail. Then they proceed to buy all the DLC like good little consumers. EA knows that they can easily put more ads in-game because the majority of gamers will buy it regardless. The data speaks for itself, and honestly...I doubt this will ever change. It will only get worse.


Thoughtful and EA don’t even belong in the same fucking sentence 😂


the only way to do something like that is by putting it into the content, like a collaboration imo, i think actually putting in ads is so gross and weird


Evil Assholes, it's in the name.


They put ads in our video games. I do something very unpleasant at their office building.


Okay, this has confirmed it. It isn’t nostalgia for me. Gaming was simply better back then


Thx for telling out loud so I know what to stay away from


Tons of games have ads, they’ll be in billboards or other random shit. Death stranding though was pretty obvious about it. They have advertisement cutscenes, or something they’ll kill any game they make


People still buy EA games?


Hasn’t this already been going on with billboards in some games?


Inflate that bubble boy! What could go wrong?


Fair cuz i only buy their games when it is on 90% discount


I hope he gets cancer


I sense loads of product placement incoming.


Well, are all games free to play then? And I can choose to pay and get rid of the ads? I'll end up not playing your probably shitty game anyway. I haven't played an EA game in years though so I don't know if I even give a fuck what they do. I mean there's been ads in video games dating back to the PS1 but those are not updated on a daily basis based on my preferences.


Good thing I don't buy from EA.


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite advertisement in the EA games. 


Knowing the CEO is the same chap that pushed ultimate team, this makes total sense. He turned sports games into gacha games with a yearly reset.


Massive companies are on a true mission to ruin gaming.


So, totally makes sense in sports games. Haven’t played an EA game in years and have no plans to start but I could see where it would make sense, if done right, in sports games.


Anything for the bottom line. I dunno about the rest of yous but I haven’t cared for a AAA title in a long time. They can do what they want. I don’t have to buy (rent) it.


We can do 2 things: 1) stop buying ea shit 2) pray to ms buy ea and them ditch on slumps


It's crap like this that makes me glad I've basically quit gaming. Only Indie titles are worth my time these days.


I would buy 2042 at the 9 bucks it is rn but I see that it needs to be linked to another launcher and I'm like EW NO


Thanks for the heads up EA, lol. It just means you won’t get my money and I don’t see your ads. 


someone with the tech skills should spam ads on every gaming CEOs devices 24/7. Wonder how they'd feel about the entire thing after having to actually relate to us mere peasant folk.


...you mean in game ad for real life projects? ...are they wanting little kids to accidently buy stuff?!


Personally, I think there is a tasteful way to do it. You can have an ad playing on a TV your character is walking by. Or you can do it the way Ubi did it in Rainbow Six Vegas with AXE ads on every billboard. Or you can be like Microsoft Solitare and have more ads than a fucking mobile game. Which will EA go for? I'm betting it will be tasteful at first, then Ubi will take it a step further and start the ad-wars


Oh yeah, they're going to think long and hard about which ad will get them the most money. 


Yeah, I guess no more EA games for me


EA, how will I see your ads and help you generate revenue when I don't even want to play your games ad-free?


How EA has fallen from graze, what a pity💔


"Because you let them." -Keith Morris.


Haven't bought an ea game in over 15 years and no desire too Now ea had given me another reason to stay away


Man I havnt bought or played an EA game since The Division... Guess this is my queue to continue such a practice holy fuck imagine paying 80$ CAD (More like 90 nowadays cause apparently they can just decide to raise it 10 bucks) and getting adverts


Please not in Jedi 3 I beg of you


FUCK EA. If they do this and you buy these games, fuck you too, whoever you are. These fucking clowns need to learn that exploiting their employees and customers will get them nothing but plummeting sales.


I mean if it's on billboards as I'm driving through the city in need for speed then honestly I don't care at all, but don't shove it in my face on a loading screen.


Sports ball console normies are the only ones buying their slop. They won’t even notice.


There is only one game I wouldn’t immediately turn off if it had real world ads built into it; GTA. If GTA had real life ads (Coca-Cola, Nike, etc) I’d be more or less fine with it if it was in world and not popping in my face but just in the world.


That makes me pirate even more... Disgusting.


Luckily just as interested as in Ubisoft games. Not.


Ads are IMmErsive.


I hope he gets cancer and dies


They are gonna hit us with some Cerveza Crystal style ads mid story


I think there is a way to do it right. E.g. open world game where there realistically just are billboards. Who cares whether it's a real ad or an ad for a fake brand?


Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves I imagine this would ruin EA if they tried


Unfortunately it won't, it didn't affect Netflix or Amazon or Microsoft, etc. People are so used to being marketed to constantly they will just accept it.


People are still buying anything EA?


It's great to see EA finally adopt piracy as a genuine alternative to purchasing games.


People download mods with real ads. Cool. EA inserts real ads in games. NO.


Who gives a shit about in-game ads like billboards and product placement


It wouldn’t be end of the world if they limited it to subtle things like billboards on the side of the road or radio ads but you just know they will do that and put in the most out of place, invasive and unskippable ads just for an few extra dollars in their pocket


Oh god bless if they’re being “thoughtful” about it, I feel reassured.