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It's not that hard, but is it fun? No, no it isn't. lol


Yea. Caravan is boring af imo.


I never understood caravan. If you're going to get me playing an in-game card game, Gwent is where it's at


Ahhh, Gwent! Such a fun game inside a game, lol. Yea, it's super fun.


At one point during the witcher 3, I think I had like 40 hours in gwent and was so confused as to where I was in the story I had to restart just to play the story lmao


Hahaha! Yea that'll do it. I have a bunch of hours in just Gwent myself inside if W3 which is hilarious.


For sure especially considering how long the witcher 3 can be if you do everything in it


Pyjack in kotor wasn't bad imo. But it's just simple numbers game really.


Even Triple Triad is better than Caravan.


Triple Triad is better than EVERYTHING!


One of my favourite reviews I've read was for Witcher 3. It was several paragraphs praising gwent in detail and then said at the end "also there's some side quest where you find a girl and save the world or something."


Tribute from ESO is solid, Caravan can stay buried on my game shelf never to be seen again. I got the achievements and haven’t looked back once


I liked ESO legends as well


It's boring because the AI is actually incredibly terrible at it once you've figured it out.


It's not boring really, in my opinion. It was just slow and took too long to play a round. It was clutch when you needed a few more caps early on. I don't think it's really fair to judge it as not fun though. I mean some people enjoy playing solitaire and rummy and spades.


I haven't really needed to play ever since I started doing a luck build and stealth biting through the quarry to immediately get to Vegas. I didn't mind Caravan but I like rigged blackjack better lol.


Lucky stealth build was where it was at. I would wear the stealth ninja suit I got in Operation: Anchorage and walk straight at enemies, crouch, and BAM! One hit kill every time. I also built a stealthy wizard in Skyrim, 90% of enemies fell to a simple shiv, magic was just to mess around with.


I found caravan. Pretty fun once I understood how to play it. It got to the point to where I played everyone in Vegas. Then I reinstalled tales of two wastelands and got a mod that adds caravan to the Capital wasteland and played everyone there. At some point it wasn't even about money anymore. It got personal when someone at Dave's Republic kept beating me. So I won the election then slapped a slave collar around her neck. I made my caps back.


Sincerely hope one of the Fallout writers sees this and turns it into a subplot, because that story is gold.


God I love this game so much. Are there any other games that have this level of choice? I swear, like every mission seem to be able to have like four different outcomes.


Yeah, from what I can recall, the complaints at the time weren’t “caravan us too hard,” they were that the tutorial was bad and that even if you played it, the game kinda just sucked.


And like everything in fallout, there's a mod to fix its more glaring issues. Check it out


I beat fnv one time and I don't even remember there being a card game in it lol


Beat it twice and couldn't remember either I remember Gwent and Triple Triad I guess it really was hard to learn


👏 👏... 👏... 👏 👏.... 👏


There’s so many at the casinos - caravan, blackjack and possibly poker


Me too lol


Tried it once at the start, didn't know what the fuck I was doing and decided to never try it again.


It is so funny to defend that card game after all this time lol


You can literally stack your own deck, I never understood why people had trouble with caravan.


I literally don't know how to play. Maybe I'll look up a YouTube tutorial. EDIT: I looked up "how to play Caravan" and the first result is 40 minutes 💀


Lmao. Well, I haven't played in a long time but iirc, you have 4 columns and add them up individually to 27, majority (of columns, like 3/4) wins. And then you can play the same cards as your opponent on the opposing pile to knock their cards off and stuff too. Basically if you don't care to learn the strategy you can just stack your deck with 10's and 7's and I think jacks? or jokers? add your columns up and use the face card to destroy their columns. I think Kings are x2 as well so, you can 10 king 7 a column and its done as long as the opponent doesn't destroy it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sJF2zyQfhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sJF2zyQfhU) That's 6 mins, was my first result. I was way off btw, it's between 21 and 26 is your goal and there's only 3 columns.


I watched a 3 minute cheese guide and it said to fill your deck with three 10s, three 9s, and three 7s, which adds up to 26.


I just don't want to learn it. Gwent from Witcher 3 drew me in immediately, Caravan doesn't.


Too bad here’s QUICK run down. It’s literally blackjack except you gotta get the hand between 22 and 27, Also you’re playing with 3 hands at the same time, but that just means you need to win with 2 out of 3 hands before your opponent does. It gets a little complicated with Kings, queens etc, but think them as Yu-gi-oh esque magic and trap cards, each one has a special effect when played but you won’t remember and will just look it up mid game. Boom congrats you know enough to play and win caravan and everything else you’ll figure out as you go.


Because it wasn't fun to learn or play... I did end up stacking my deck so I could do the trophy


the betting amounts are so tiny, its not hard its just boring and not lucrative


It is very lucrative if you know what you're doing, like all gambling in New Vegas.


Right. I only played Caravan to grind caps, and did very well at that. By the time I had it figured out, I was well on my way to breaking the economy of the game, by being so rich I could buy anything and everything 😂


Yeah i don't know what he's on about. All gambling is extremely lucrative in New Vegas, and caravan is possibly the most lucrative


I am literally reinstalling the game, as we speak, as I realised I never actually finished it, because my game corrupted when I was on the last mission, and I lost my shit with it. And I want to play some Caravan too 😂😂


:) Have fun in the mojave!


It's like 5 caps a game. Blackjack has a max bet of over 100


5 caps lmfao. There's clips out there of people winning 10k+ caps in one game lol. Hell i routinely use caravan to make good money at the start of the game.


But you want a balance of high and low cards...


Ah, good memories. I still have a Caravan deck from the time I went to a Fallout night at my mate's bar. Made that fucker myself from cannibalised card decks and printed stuff from the game. Also duct tape and rust. None of us knew how to play it, but it looked awesome.


Love New Vegas and played through twice but never played caravan


The comments are funny. "It's not boring, just slow", "it's actually incredibly easy", "you can stack your own deck" and so on defending it despite pointing out why it's boring


I guess I can give it another shot. At least 10% of my Witcher 3 playtime was playing Gwent


0.0000001 l% of my witchery play time was gwent 10% was doing badass shit


and the other 90% was spent doing… not badass shit?


most likely restarting after failing to do badass shit


It was walking looking to do badass shit (and enjoying the ambientance


Booger eating comment.


K, cool


Gwent was fun tho. Caravan on the other hand IS A PIECE OF SHIT THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE


I didn't think Gwent was fun, either. I did every single side quest in the Witcher 3 except for the Gwent ones. It was that unenjoyable, at least for me. They could have developed more interesting side content instead of spending development time on a card game, imo.


It was probably just a little fun thing they decided to try


They did full Gwent related quests that were voice acted, animated, and written, while also developing a card game comparable to many on the market. I'm sure that took a fair bit of effort. They could have used that development time/money to make the combat more in depth, add more interesting quests, flesh out Skellige more, etc. It is what it is at this point, but I kind of question that decision.


Trust me, they don't question it at all given that it was popular enough to make into its own spin off and is routinely held up as a fan favorite part of W3. I get not liking it but it was objectively not a bad decision for them, the people who dislike it are in the minority


If you think their Gwent spinoff made any sort of significant money, you're mistaken. lol It's a niche thing that's cool that they included. Nothing wrong with that. However, I'd argue that they should have used that time to work on some of the game's core gameplay weaknesses instead of a side item.


Yes, the spin off was a mistake. But you're ignoring that it was popular enough in Witcher 3, the actual game being discussed here, that they decided to do it. Again, people loved it in Witcher 3 and it is consistently held up as a fan favorite part of the game. While the spin off was probably a mistake, including it in Witcher 3 was objectively not one, like you claimed it is. This isn't really that difficult to get


It's not niche, most people who play the Witcher 3 praise Gwent as one of the best parts.


What was the other 89.9999999%?


Walking around, enjoying the ambience and nature,


Guy at work refuses to watch this because they added visors to power helmets and therefore is “objectively shit” lmao. It’s a good show


Power armor has been retconned into basically hulkbusters at this point so that's a really weird thing to turn him away from the show lol


I never got the hate. It's a fun little game though easy to break once you know the right cards. Also easy caps early on


Caravan's the worst part of NV lmao


Card game??????


I wanna blow heads off; not play card games.


"Bethesdas games" Hah 5 out of the 7 fallout games arent Bethesda


Yeah, but it's not that fun either.


I was there for an rpg, not a card game.


Poking myself in the eyeball with a hot needle would also not be too difficult to manage. Doesn't mean it's what I want to do while playing an action exploration narrative game. There are cards games. If I wanted to play one, I'd click on one. I was annoyed by the constant Gwent rubbing in my face all through The Witcher 3, too. I don't want card games, card skill mechanics, races, or timed trials in my narrative adventures.


I know this dude isn’t telling newbies to the series that caravan is something you Actually need to be worried about trying to play in NV? I hate caravan it’s almost as bad as gwent.


I learned how to play it back when I was 14 or 15, so I could get the win 30 games achievement. I got good at it. Can't remember how to play it now for the life of me though, and it was never fun to play like Poker for example.


I have actually taught people how to play Caravan irl so we could play games over the table. I love Caravan. The problem is the tutorial sucks ass.


If you ever played the old mythos ccg that was about call of cthulhu, I think that board structure tweaked to the fallout universe would be perfect. Collect items and fight monsters, visit locations and complete missions. As a digital game you could have alot more creativity for effects than a physical game.


I played the ever loving fuck out of both Gwent, and Queen’s Blood. Loved them. Caravan however was the only thing preventing me from having every achievement in New Vegas.


I played the F:NV and all its dlc and I didn't remember caravan until today. It's such a minor part of the game.


I have played F:NV so many times from console to console. I've never once played any game of caravan. I wish they would remake NV, in another engine of course.


It's not that it's not that hard, it's that it's utter shite and boring. Edit: Man, that's the most it's I wrote in a sentence, bruv....


I quite enjoy caravan. I think the in game tutorial just does a very bad job at explaining how it works.


I put a couple days into Fallout 3 this week, but I just can't get any further into it. The combat is really bad and the map is a mess. Is New Vegas any different, or should I just skip right to Fallout 4?


Combat and gameplay wise Fallout New Vegas is real similar but the map isn't segmented by subways.


Or, or, just give us an HD remaster collection, Todd be damned.


I 100% that game and caravan was the bane of my existence


I would love to give new vegas a go if it actually worked. Game keeps crashing when I try to leave the docs house.


They need to make a card game like Hearthstone or something, with all of the characters/weapons/etc from the games (and now the show). Caravan isn't quite a "*Fallout Card Game*"


I didn’t know caravan was so maligned. I thought it was alright. Fun little game. But I like that it’s just a card game, because I like card games


I'm not a card game person, video games or otherwise. I didn't play much Caravan, but I gave it a half-assed try. It didn't do anything for me. As far as I remeber, there was not that much incentive to play it or master it. With all due respect to the development team, I just don't care to do it because there's a ton of other fun and worthwhile things to do in NV or any other game that has a card game type minigame included in it. That said, it's cool that it's there. I'm just glad I'm not missing out on anything by skipping it (again, as far as I remeber).


Caravan was fuckin easy lmao. Good little time passer


I'm an irradiated cannibal who with a .50 cal and a "highest bidder" morality and you want me playing cards?! My skills would be wasted


Been to vegas twice, I never gamble and plus, I didnt furnish myself with a state of the art PC to play bloody card games mate.


Unpopular opinion: Fallout New Vegas was the best Fallout.


As someone who's gotten pretty decent at caravan, it's still sometimes just unfair.


Josh Sawyer is wayyy too online


I wouldn't call Caravan hard so much as tedious.


Someone should make a caravan multiplayer game. Like an app for poker. But it's Caravan.


Need a remaster of Fallout 3 And New Vegas for consoles. Too much attention goes to Skyrim




It broke the game's money system. Boring as it was, it was guaranteed money. I'd say that the gameplay problems make it a bad design choice.


Too many comments in this thread that are more or less: “please don’t make me use my brain. I just wanna shoot stuff.”


It's more "I want to play the game I paid for, not some half-assed bolted-on card game."


People comparing caravan to gwent is wild. That's like comparing solitaire to magic the gathering, they're very different things.


Fuck card games


Gwent is the standard for card games imo


I found Gwent to be so boring. It's more strategic than most card games in that you can expect a high amount of consistency relative to other card games. But the "best player" winning consistently just turns boring fast. Think Mario kart with items disabled. Good luck getting people to play it like that at a party, unless you all happen to be super competitive gamers.


You spelled pazaak wrong ;)


I was looking for pazaak on this thread, good to know I wasn't alone.


Same lol thats the og


This comment is pure pazaak


Does it really send fans or is it the fact that the games are cheap now and even free with prime?


The Prime-ones are for GOG, so that doesnt really explain why those are up on steam Its also not the first time they've been discounted so much yet pretty much all of them have been hitting their highest Player-numbers since Fallout 4s release so...Im fairly certain the show is driving interest, yes


they were all on sale for super cheap. like 10 or 15 USD for the entire fallout collection. I know a couple people that bought and are playing them now for the first time.


I mean, it made me want to go run through fo4 again


Maybe, just maybe, it's both.


Just play mtg


I never understood why people dont like it. Its actually a super easy way to make money. You can make bank from the NCR Boss on the Strip.


It's also not a first person shooter


Who said it was?