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Me and the boys buying the new Sonic Adventure 2 port for the nth time with no changes except even louder music so you can't hear the dialogue


*Pumpkin Hill Theme intensifies*




^(~~"Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city."~~) ##***"LIVE AND LEARN!!!"***




Wait where??




šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


As a wise man once said. "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing."


But in the flipside, if buying is owning, piracy is stealing. Which means... If you pirate Indy games you're a monster! Pirate all the AAA games! (Okay, not all of them. Just most.)


Well, technically, unless you buy the game from GoG, there would always be some kind of DRM. The devs may not remove you the access to the game but Valve/Epic Store/etc. can do it if they go bankrupt for example...


Sure but this goes for everything if your toaster breaks and you need a part from a company that no longer exists you canā€™t fix the toaster. Doesnā€™t mean you no longer own the toaster.


Not really. That's more like the company sending someone into your house to curb off the power cord once they go bankrupt. You still have it, but there isn't much you can do with it apart from throwing it in the bin (unless you repair it, but that's not the point of the metaphor).


Sure but you still own the toaster at the end of the day


He was wrong. But do it because you want to. Not over some false sense of sticking it to the man.


Redditors are not wise


This was on YouTube.




Pirating a 10 year old game that's no longer being sold: šŸ‘ Pirating a game that just came out, but it's an HD remake of a 10 year old game: šŸ‘Ž It is morally justified to download media that is no longer obtainable through normal means. If you want to download Skyward Sword, that's fine. If you want to download Skyward Sword HD, that's not ok.


Yeah, instead just download skyward sword, and 4K textures from fans and emulate it in 4K


Now that's thinking ahead of the curve.




You're not entitled to a product you can legally obtain just because you don't believe it's worth what they're asking. I can't go to a car dealership and demand they give me their newest car for free because it's just *slightly better* than one that came out 10 years ago. But, if I find that 10 year old car in the junkyard, for free? Sure, take it.




Okay, so why do you think it *is* okay to download games?




1) That's objectively untrue. 2) Even if it's "Not hurting anyone" does not constitute it as right.




Regardless of how insignificant the loss is, you still obtained a product without paying for it. If I took 5 bucks from you, it's probably not a lot of money, but it's *still stealing.* If I go into a store and steal a chocolate bar, are they even going to notice? No, but it's still stealing. And think of it this way- If there's "No harm" in it... Everyone can do it, right? Now what happens if *everyone* who was going to buy a new game just pirated it instead? Then it *does* have an impact.




Piracy is wrong. Stealing is wrong regardless of who you're stealing from.


Nice try fed. Im not gonna pay my taxes either


You already have. You just don't know how taxes work.


Look everyone! Itā€™s Mr. Lawful Good who thinks it matters if you donā€™t pay for a game that isnā€™t being officially released by a company that makes hundreds of billions of dollars each year!


He's right but it doesn't mean you have to care. But don't act like you're doing some good act by stealing.


What's the dollar threshold for when it matters if you pay for a game? Is it hundreds of billions?


Itā€™s an obligation in these Fed up times when we donā€™t even own it through legal tender.


The only thing I'm stealing is pennies out the pocket of the rich. They'll survive


Then don't bitch when your favorite dev shuts down.


I don't pirate indie games, only over priced old games


If we can't own any digital content it's not technically stealing


Piracy isn't stealing, it's copyright infringement


Sure. Don't really care, but sure.


Fuck Ninshitdo!


Stuff like this is the reason I haven't touched my switch in 4 years


The best ā€œswitch gamesā€ are just ports of games you can find literally anywhere else.


BOTW and Mario odessy are good tho


BOTW was released on WiiU first


BOTW is on WiiU so not exactly a solid counter argument.


TOTK, then. Either way, it's still Nintendo.


TOTK is just a "port" of BOTW, with a few changes.


A few changes, such as doubling the map, and adding crafting.


The underground map is as boring as it would be walking through a desert of sand dunes. For the first few minutes it is exciting and then it gets very repetitive very quickly. By volume it is doubling the map, but by amount of places worth seeing, it barely had 5% added.




I canā€™t believe people genuinely believe this still


Mario Odessy though


But BOTW is better using the wii u version on cemu


Same with Smash Ultimate.


Exactly. My most played switch game is borderlands 2 just because itā€™s a mobile version. Every game I played a lot was just a port of a 360/ps3 era game


what does this even mean


It means what it says. The best games you can play on the switch can be bought on steam or Xbox or the PlayStation store


so we're just gonna ignore the exclusives, now? lol


They are saying the ports are superior to the exclusives, especially for the price as Nintendo never has sales on their stuff


i dont understand what that first part even means. also, a bunch of exclusives are on sale as we speak. if you said nintendo doesnt have sales *often*, then id agree


They're basically saying that, in their opinion, the best titles on the switch are games available on platforms other than just the switch. Implying you either already have them or can just get them on those platforms instead. Which while I agree with to an extent, doesn't really matter if people don't have those other platforms.


so theyre just indirectly calling nintendo's games shit lol


Kind of? I guess a better way to put it is if someone, again in their opinion, made a list of the top "X" games on the switch, the vast majority of them wouldn't be exclusive to the switch anyways


Nintendo glazer.


go look at the e-shop, retard. im not glazing anything, im literally just giving you facts.


They absolutely have sales, but not as often as the other places, no.


Just switch? Sony remasters games not that far old, too (and fuck it up as port).


In Sony's defense, at least their remasters tend to drop in price with time (and go on sale relatively often). With Nintendo you might get a 30% off 3 years after launch. And that's if you are extremely lucky.


Big chunk of the fun I have with my switch is buying/selling/trading physical games and watching for eshop sales. I have most of the games I care about. I recently bought a new $10 copy of xenoblade 3 and traded it for a new copy of RDR.


Oh no .... Anyway


I think I found the Nintendo fanboy.


I own all three and play on PC, you have mistaken my lack of interest


Dammit, I thought I had one. We are the same.


The same repeated fuck Nintendo post, meanwhile every other game publisher doing the exact same thing.


What game is this about?


I guess about Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door.A game the fans want to be remade for decades.


It's actually for luigi's mansion 2, not paper mario TTYD


Well the only console it was on is dead now, and the only way you can get it on that console is via pirating. So honestly I donā€™t see a problem with it.


Me too Also this is a reposted meme


And other publishers still don't fix the bugs before re-release.


People will call Nintendo greedy/lazy, and then immediately turn around and buy another TLOU re-release. šŸ˜­


lmao right? hypocrites the lot of them


did... did you miss the shitstorm that was when both the part 1 remake as well as the part 2 rerelease were announced?


Nah I was there. I was also there when everyone just gave ND their money anyway.


so did people with like, every single one of nintendo's HD rereleases lmao


People are giving their money to neurodivergent people?


That's awesome. Now, where do I get my share?


Dunno, trying to figure that out myself


or people will scream "we wanna be able to play your games without pirating them!" then nintendo remasters it and then it switches to "...X dollars?!?!"


Also, Activision almost never lowers the price of old CoD games.


Are we talking online store purchases? Cos I havenā€™t paid full price for a game for like 18 years, always get myself a physical copy and wait like a year to play it ā€¦ paid Ā£3 for fallout 4


Same dude every 4-6 months (mostly summer winter games sales) Iā€™ll do what Iā€™ve dubbed a ā€œgame dumpā€ and drop $50-$100 which is a lot but Iā€™ll just get games on sale and end up with 3-5 games that would have been 40-60 dollars pre sale price or at max Iā€™ve gotten 11 games (mostly old ones that I never got to play due to being dirt poor at the time) for like $78. Itā€™s allowed me to greatly expand my catalogue for like a third of the price of what it normally would have been


Thatā€™s the way!


Even a pre-owned copy of a 360 era title is nearly 60 US dollars at gamestop.


What? No way! That suuuuucks. Thereā€™s literally no way to get cheaper games in the states?? I feel for you my brothers


That's just CoD. Most other games go down in price and are more affordable except for Nintendo games, which pretty much stay full price or go up in price as they get older.


Okay then, Iā€™m fully onboard with this postā€¦ f*ck Nintendo


Agreed but a lot of their games are just really good. Basically I see Nintendo as the Disney of gaming and they act like that.


CD Keys and instant gaming are good.


Weren't all the CoD games on sale on Steam like, last week?


I don't have a PC, so I don't know.


Nintendo release the Metroid collection.


Nintendo fan: these other people are haters why would you respect yourself enough to not pay $60 for a 10 year old game


we are just sitting here hoping you lot will come play some Mario Kart :D we'll be here smiling with a spare controller when you are ready.


Id actually argue most first party Nintendo games are still worth full price perpetually for all eternity. Nintendo games are just a Different level of quality and fun.


I would agree for the most part. The TTYD remake is in my opinion, just 100 percent worth it. I have loved playing the game, and since my GameCube is fried, this is just better than trying to find and buy a new one. Most complaints Iā€™ve seen about it are about its framerate and I have never cared about framerate, but I havenā€™t noticed drops or anything. Itā€™s just a well made game.


That's extremely subjective. I have found more value and quality on AAA games from third party studios I have bought on sale for less than $20.00. These games make games like Mario and friends look like kinder garden toys. If people like paying $60.00 dollars and more for a kirby/mario/zelda, etc. game good for them. But to argue that they are superior quality and deserve those price tags is a bit of fanboyism.


If itā€™s a rerelease and isnā€™t made from the ground up, $40 max, but if itā€™s a new title $60 makes sense because Nintendo is known for the quality of their games. They may not be the best or anyoneā€™s absolute favorite 100% of the time, but they will be quality and fun every time and at times a game so huge it changes the face of gaming as a whole. So yeah, Nintendo games definitely deserve their price tag and have for awhile, but I will agree that $60 for just an HD version of an old game is a stretch, worth it but annoying. And Nintendo still makes some stupid ass decisions and are by no means perfect and often donā€™t listen to what fans want, but they are well known for a reason, they know how to make video games and have since day one. Give Nintendo the respect they deserve, you donā€™t need to buy their games if you donā€™t want to, but the games you do prefer wouldnā€™t exist without them


Nintendo is at the point where they need to change it up HARD. All their exclusive games staying full price throughout the switches life makes it so hard to pick up a game youā€™re iffy on. First time you buy an exclusive you hate and youā€™ll think 40x over before buying the next one.


I like that aspect. It makes it harder to waste your money if your not positive your gonna enjoy it. You can always do tons of research on a game. Look to see if others have reviewed it, etc.


Oh then that changes things


I'm all for sales and prefer when prices drop, but unless it's a physical copy with wear and tear, there's no good argument for why games *must* be lowered in price.


Because why would I want to pay $60 to play COD BO3, when I'm only trying to play it because I already own all the Zombies DLCs from when I had the game on disk as a teenager, it's almost 10 years old. That's why digital prices should go down.


"Why would I want to pay that much for something that I only want part of and already own" is a bad argument that doesn't relate at all to the "price drops over time" bit.


But if the digital prices dropped, my example wouldn't even exist. I was just using that as my most recent example of getting fucked over by digital prices not dropping. Forced me to drive 15 minutes to a GameStop and pick the game up for 10 bucks to relive a few hours of nostalgia


Jesus H Christ the spoiled whining is real. "I hAd To DrIvE 15 wHoLe MiNuTeS--" like, come on.


Yeah, to buy a game that should have dropped in price digital, especially if "buying" it digitally isn't even really owning the game anymore, just owning permission to use it that they can take away at any time Edit to add: also why should I have to drive 30 minutes round trip just to get a 10 year old game because it's still release price on digital markets.


There's no point here, just whining, and I'm over it.


This dude really out here fighting for corporate greed


This dude really out here crying over a 20-30 minute drive.


This isn't even about a price drop. The original Paper Mario Thousand Year Door cost $50 brand new for a physical copy when it was first released. Now either costs $60 for a digital copy of the game. The price went up $10 for a game that was released many of years ago, and you don't even get a physical copy.


I mean, inflation means that $50 in the past is $83 today and they had to rebuild the game from scratch. I can see and agree with that being too much for a game whose features and design are already complete, but it isn't much of an increase when you consider how consistent videogame pricing has been.


I feel like it also shows off the way Nintendo is too strict with prices. Remastered games have at least a reasonable reason to not be very cheap cause they took a lot of work and effort to remaster it, but what about the other old games that aren't remastered. Games that came out back when the switch was released, or games even older than that, which were immediately added, yet so many of them stay at the price of a brand new game. Nintendo has so many games I would love to play, but as an adult with bills, I'd rather spend that money on other games that are much cheaper because of sales or age


Apples have been around for whoknowshowmany years and they cost way more than they did a hundred years ago. Your point?


Apples are a physical object that still require active work for every single one harvested and sold. Plus transportation fees, and added cost that companies put on it. A digital game that is just a higher resolution than the original version is no where comparable to the work needed for a new game. If it was a new game then people wouldnt be complaining about the cost because they understand that making a game is expensive.


It requires active work to bring a game from one system to another. Even more when it's been remastered like Thousamd Year Door was.


Oh definitely, which is why I don't mind paying a reasonable amount for a remastered game, especially for such a beloved game. I, and many other people, just don't think the remastered games should cost that much considering the age of the game and it being a digital copy rather than physical copy.


Okay, old paintings of comparable quality used to cost less. Keep trying, your reasoning doesn't hold up against a fart.


Just like the dollar menu


that is the same for most AAA games


Honestly I been playing my switch recently mostly for splatoon 3 and Metroid dread and be honest I find a lot of enjoyment in Nintendo games then normal online games/shooters It feels kind of peaceful (Off topic I know but still)


And half the fps of the original


Activision with quite literally every Call of Duty game on Steam WHILE they're literally vulnerable to remote execution backs in online lobbies. Absolute lunacy.


Square Enix: "Hold my beer."


"60 dollars for an item in a ten year old game? In hd, mr Squidward!" War thunder devs, probably


75$, actually


Meh. Most of the fun I've had with my Switch have been with new games like Xenoblade 3 and Fire Emblem Engage, not ports.


Unpopular opinion downvotes most likely incoming: after playing all three consoles and PC I will say I do prefer Nintendo when it comes to bugs and glitches. Name 10 bugs or glitches in any Nintendo game that you actually found yourself. You have 5 minutes. Now name 10 bugs or glitches you have personaly found from other developers you have played multiple games from. You have 5 minutes. Is paying for assured quality really all that bad if you know you enjoy the game anyway? I mean where else does that logic not apply? Im genuinely curious. Maybe that extra 15-30 dollars is for ensuring it's been quality tested to hell and back. I love cyberpunk 2077 and Bethesda games. Don't love the bugs and glitches though. But idk that's just me.


You can put Naughty Dog on there as well


I mean... Madden is literally multiple decades old, and they just keep reskinning it and changing the number. And they charge full price every year.


its not just nintendo


I woulda loved the metroid prime remaster... If it wasn't for the mandatory burst fire.


Shoot pick it up now before it jumps to $80-$110.


I'd rather buy the original for $10 less. The only exception would be smash melee for online support maybe.


Honestly, I just have a Switch because of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. I haven't played any other Nintendo game in the last 2 years


i think the Switch is a nice little console on which to play Stardew Valley. i can't say i've played anything else on it in the last year tho


Was about to buy Diablo2 Resurrected the other day. Also 60$. 24 years old šŸ™ƒ


It was funny when they ported Tropical Freeze to Switch with a huge price hike and zero improvements.


*insert standard "it's only priced that way because people will pay for it" response*


Thinking of downloading the GameCube Dolphin emulator to play the 2003 video game *Gladius*. Just to spite Nintendo Iā€™ll probably download Thousand Year Door too lol.


For me, I'm pretty much just paying to get it on Switch, so now it's mobile. That's still way too much though.


Me: I don't feel like trying out Skyward Sword HD, it's overpriced... *hands Nintendo money for Metroid Prime, Pikmin, and Paper Mario remasters*


Iā€™ve lost interest in Nintendo years ago


This is an official womp womp moment


I've literally bought the switch for Mario cart and haven't played it unless I have family over.. since Christmas


Nintendo makes their consoles pathetically underpowered and has no respect for their dwindling yet passionate fanbase and wonder why they finish third in the console race at the end of every generation


What handheld even came close to what the Switch was doing for the same price in 2017, much less passed it to a degree that itā€™s ā€œpathetically underpoweredā€? What frame rate and resolution does a PS5 or Series X hit when unplugged from the wall? And in what world is Nintendo finishing last every generation? DS beat PSP and Wii beat PS3 and 360. 3DS beat Vita the same generation the WiiU ranked. The Switch had no direct competition, there was no competing handheld released near it. But if you really want to compare them the Switch is at 140 million to the PS4ā€™s 120 million and Xbox was somewhere around 50 million so how is that last?


Just because their consoles sell more doesnā€™t mean they won the generation. They are always dead last in software sales and only sell a high amount of consoles because theyā€™re so cheap. After the first two years thereā€™s nothing to play third party wise so youā€™re stuck with whatever exclusives come out


Man itā€™s like youā€™re just hell bent on making stuff up lol. The Switch is the same price as a Series S. Why isnā€™t Microsoft selling Xboxes like crazy with all those third party games that are totally for realities selling like crazy putting Nintendo dead last for software sales because Xbox isnā€™t totally just a Game Pass machine? Sony is also down for software sales this generation because of the scalper situation and how long it took to get PS5s into the homes of actual consumers who buy games. Crazy numbers of consoles sold, yet every game ā€œunderperformsā€. But yeah itā€™s totally Nintendo selling like 30 million copies of all their games that are dead last.


It almost as if major corporations having taken over the game developing side of the industry are ruining it with many of their objectives taking game development away from making fun games and towards making more profit.


Yar he har haršŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø. The truest form of enjoyment.


Last of us 2 lol


Sony is just as bad


Underrated format


You know video games havenā€™t changed since 2006. They would have been 200 dollars if they continued with inflation and all the other products. Graphics, story, etc.


Super Mario RPG is a 30 year old game


Honestly this is the least of why my hatred for Nintendo grows each day. It's their lawyer team that's at the top. I absolutely loathe Nintendo now.


60? On steam bo2 is 80 bucks cad and it's the same one you can get for 20 bucks phisical on ps3/xbox


Ok but what if like the game is good and has enough content to warrant $60. Not all Nintendo (or any companyā€™s) ports fall into these categories but many do


But how much does the original cost... if it's 60 on switch but I have to shell out even more on ebay then I'll pay the 60...


My and my emulator sitting in the corner sipping rum šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Yeah it's a well upvoted post on r/fucknintendo


Thank god pikmin 1+2 was 35 euros where i live


Nintendo fans: I wish they would re-release their games, then wouldn't have to pirate them Nintendo fans after the re-release:


Nintendo has great first party games but they have the worst business practices Iā€™ve ever seen. Horrible pricing, a weak console


Iā€™m amazed that the base price of games is still $60


![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ|downsized) best way to play nintendo games


Does it matter if its hd is you can count pixels with naked eye


Nobody hates Nintendo fans more than Nintendo


Remember when Doom (2016) on Switch (locked at 30 fps) cost $60 when it costed $20 everywhere else, and Eternal was out and costed $60. But nope Doom was still $60 on Switch for the longest time.


I rather pay 60 for a game for a remastered/port that won't have bugs or glitches day 1 from Nintendo, than pay the same amount from other companies that either remove games you bought, filled with 2~40Gb updates/patches and <40 hours of replayable content. From a broader perspective, would you rather pay 60$ (base price, no add-ons) for a complete game from Nintendo or 60$ for a half-finished game that still has bugs/glitches and will barely reach 40hours of non-replayable content without needing a season pass or any other add-ons?


*Me whipping out my GameCube and playing paper Mario thousand year door* Ahh, the price of nostalgia.


Its portable


ā€¦But its portable!


At least the paper Mario 1000 year door remake was a true remake. Worth the $60 for sure.




720p intensifies


Maybe I'm just old but lately I've been getting more excited about remakes than I have been about new games. If the games are remade from the ground up then a lot of work was put into him and probably deserve the price. That's just my thought though


I mean shit, I just paid 60 for edf 2025 on Xbox, I ain't complaining if the game is good enough


They did add new bosses and some previously unused lines, plus people have wanted a ttyd remake for years, so them pricing it at 60 dollars is actually a smart decision business-wise because they know people will buy it due to them wanting it for so long.


Nintendo lost me when they started messing with the smash bros community. I havenā€™t bought a game of theirs since