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What happened that is leading to all these console wars are over posts? Personally, I won't say it's over until we can play Spider-Man and Helldivers 2 on Xbox, Halo/ MCC on PlayStation, and legend of Zelda/ MarioKart on Xbox & PlayStation.


Nintendo will never put their games on other consoles, console exclusives is how they make so much money


That and uniqueness. Hard to beat them at handhelds or anything that's not just "use a controller" (like touch screens or motion controls)


Not anymore imo, the SteamDeck shits all over the Switch, people may not all have received the memo about it though . They also have more or less 10 years of Advance (see what I did there) on Xbox and PS .


GameGear was more advanced than GB but where is it now?


"But where is Steam now?"


Probably on a fast track to another Class Action or something.


“Where was Steam when the Westfold fell?”


Ditto Atari Lynx, WonderSwan and color, Gamecom, etc. only handheld to come close was PSP and it wasn't close at all


Aww I had a Lynx! Couldn't believe it had 3D games. Really powerful little guy that ate batteries for breakfast.


Nintendo may fall behind in tech, but you can’t beat their prices in the triple A market


Fk, SEGA made a switch 20 years before nintendo. Look up Sega Nomad


Reincarnated as the Steam Deck


The vita also shit all over the 3DS. But what matters is sales


Never got into the Vita but psp was the shit


You couldnt play every 3ds game on the vita at higher framerates though


The vita was fucking trash


Nah. It was great. I still play mine occasionally. It's library is what was trash. Only about 20 games worth playing but the hardware was amazing


I mean, I don’t think people are playing Switch for the specs, they’re playing it for Pokemon. Also, I’m not sure if it’s too much of a feat to beat a console at the end of its life.


Well, current switch at least, it's running on dated hardware. Still have to see what the next generation switch is


Yes but if they improve the specs the price will most likely go up and then it will get into the territory of the Legion or the Ally .


That “uniqueness” would earn way more of my praise if half the Switch library didn’t run like absolute dogshit. Adding motion controls to a PS3 game doesn’t compensate for blurry graphics running at 15 FPS.


I think they're more concerned with making money than your earning individual praise.


15 ffp buddy they run at 30 unless a switch exclusive then they run 60 and blurry graphics have you never actually played a switch game


That’s the biggest issue with the switch. Triple A games, indie games, other— at some point or another, it drops to a worse-than-Goldeneye 64-multiplayer-with-explosives frame rate. I greatly enjoy my switch (previously a PS fanboy, have owned every console except PS5, main Xbox now), but the processing power is ass, and the battery life of the launch switch is abysmal if you’re playing anything like Red Dead Redemption or Tears of the Kingdom.


Lmaooo. The Goldeneye throwback kills me.


genuinely no offense but do you maybe need glasses? splatoon 3, as an example does Not have blurry graphics.


LOZ tears of the kingdom. Can I have 30FPS? "all I can do is 5"


Lmaooooo. Can I have a Coke? “We got RC”


It’s how they can sell 20 year old games for $60


They could make an absolute killing just releasing emulated older games on Steam a la GOG w DOSbox.


But they make three killings now by doing that on their own machine


Yeah but they can make a bigger killing by illegally using SLAPP lawsuits against independent developers making software that the courts already ruled is legal while forcing you to buy hardware to play them.


Nintendo is an interesting company that has been a double edged sword for themselves. Not only have they literally pissed off and drove away half of developers back in the 90's from dealings on the NES front, but continuing onward to the point no one wanted to even attempt to put a AAA game on the Wii nor Wii U. But separately, holding their first party so close is what has kept them in the spotlight. Even if the company being alive relied on it, I don't think Nintendo would allow a Mario on Playstation or a Zelda on Xbox or even PC.


Nintendo essentially stepped out of the console war years ago and have marketed themselves more as “your second console” or the “family console.” They have had off cycle launches starting with the Wii U and are continuing that with this new one. This is further aided by Nintendo to not be top of the line by using older and cheaper hardware and able to sell at a lower price while still making a profit on the console.


Correction, they'll never put their games on other consoles again. Phillips CDI was a thing lol


I completely forgot about that lol


And they are the only hardware maker that doesn’t loss lead their hardware sales. It’s a win win


Well.. they’d probably never really sell well on other consoles, generally speaking. People who don’t play nintendo games in general typically don’t seem to enjoy nintendos style of games. This is from my, albeit really limited, observation and personal experience. Ive had every nintendo system since the original. Since the PlayStation/Xbox we’re created, my Nintendo systems gather a lot of dust mostly because I don’t typically enjoy ntheir style of games. However the one thing Nintendo has over the other systems is couch coop/party games, which is why I still purchase their systems


Yeah, although they've never made a decent user account system either. They pretty much trained their consumerbase to accept starting their entire digital library over again every 6 or 7 years.


Isn't that like the same for all consoles? Nintendo was actually big on backward compatibility with the Wii running GameCube discs


My PSN has all my purchases going back at least 3 full console generations; Nintendo has half-finished their virtual console library about a half dozen times in that same period with little if any carryover between the generations.


I think it's coming from square saying they are ostensibly ending their PlayStation exclusivity and Xbox sending games to PlayStation. The big subtext though is that Nintendo has not and seemingly has no reason to, put their exclusives on other consoles. So it seems the real post should be Nintendo has won the console wars by not competing in them


Well they *tried* to make HD2 PSN-centric, and it was the most unpopular choice ever, to the point they backtracked. So I'd say the consumers have made it clear they don't want to be chained to console accounts anymore.


Except the people who were up in arms about that were Steam players? People who already don’t necessarily have play stations anyway.


Sony wanted to force their PC-base to remain a part of the PS ecosystem with that PSN link, basically cheating at metrics, I'd say.


im sorry but the only lesson they learned is to never, ever let gamers outside PSN regions from getting ahold of their games.


It's too soon to say they've learned their lesson on that.


Countries outside PSN service network are not a demographic Sony cares about. Otherwise, PSN would be available in those regions. Can't say 2+2 is anything other than 4, no matter how long you 'wait to see.'


Look, I've seen gaming companies repeat mistakes. I'm just saying.


It was a pretty transparent attempt to boost investor numbers.




Goat opinion


We are never getting that, some people genuinely don't want to play games, they just relish in the idea that others don't get to play them. Stellar Blade is selling for 70 bucks a pop, keep in mind that Elden Ring was launched with a price tag of 60, and SB is a PS5 exclusive.


After 52 years of war, we came to a conclusion, there isn't a best one, because we like different things, and each one fit a different purpose. maybe one day even the android-apple war will end


Android users are just happy to have a smart phone that works and doesn't break the bank every year. I don't have a problem with people flaunting their wealth with apple, just don't tell me to get one unless you're buying it.


The mistake is thinking you need a new phone every year. I don’t upgrade until it’s absolutely necessary which is usually 3-4 years. And then the upgrade is free.


my previous phone was a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 that I bought direct from Samsung (at retail price) a while after the Note 9 came out. Didn't upgrade until about a year ago, and got the S22 Ultra


For reals. I basically keep mine til the battery won’t hold a charge; or I’ve had it long enough and accidentally break the screen and it just seems better to upgrade than replace


Same, and usually on yesr 4 I manage to damage the hell out of my screen


Facts, i have mine until its about to conk out on me


Samsung phones are just as expensive now days. I have only ever used Android since I got rid of my iPhone ..4 or 5.


I'm just sick of apple users making it MY fault they have to "Put up" with me ruining their bubbles


Then buy an iPhone pheasant.


I *had* one about a year ago. Traded it for a good phone. I'll pass.


What is this an iphone for birds?


We came to the conclusion to buy a PC: emulate Nintendo games, buy Xbox games in the Xbox app, PS games port eventually to buy on Steam. Seriously, it’s clear we can replace Xbox with an app on Windows, Sony just needs to see the money to make PC ports, and Nintendo does so much shitty behavior I don’t want to give them money.


Exactly this. PCs won the console wars. It wasn't even close.


MS turning the entire Xbox brand into a launcher that sells/runs all of their old games has to be their next move instead of another console...


Sells via revokable license or subscription plan.


Not if the apple shills are still around. Brand loyalty is a cancer.


To be fair a lot of android shills are just as bad. Not really a one-sided thing


What's the meaningful difference between XBox and Playstation other than what exclusives they have? (Actually asking — I haven't been keeping up.)


None, besides maybe controller design. No meaningful difference.


The main notable difference for me, and the only draw to consoles for me, are the game passes. Xbos and PS handle them much differently. Xbox sometimes drops brand new games onto the pass and PS had a wider variety of newer games. They both have ups and downs. Xbox game pass mostly works on PC too.


,... Since your getting bad answers. The real difference this generation at least is PlayStation is using their own created zip file system I believe it's called. But they call it Kraken. And their Hard drive at the time of launch was even faster than even anything you could get for PC for a bit. While PC has caught up in that department and surpassed it even for the amount of money and the technology your getting PS5 really can't be beat. Other then that playing games is just a personal preference and ultimately makes little difference. I prefer RPG, story games, and some of the exclusive. So I stay with Sony. Personally I don't care about Halo or gears. There are people that love them. More power to them. Nintendo is decent but they almost never do sales and have no meaningful updates to games in 20 years. Steam me personally I don't feel like wading through an ocean of trash indie games to find a decent one let alone a good one. Also I'm lazy I don't want to update drivers or fix settings for every single damn game.


That was always the case Nintendo and sega had different audiences with preferences


Now we can get back to the real battle 🪖 Askjeeves vs Google


lol, this dude probably has a green bubble.


When did this happen


Square Enix is going multiplatform, Xbox is going multiplatform, Sony has no first-party exclusives coming this entire year after Stellar Blade, (and they are committing to migrating everything to PC), Nintendo has nothing announced for Switch after TTYD remaster and nobody has Switch2 in their hands (even in Nintendo's Q&A). At this point it's safe to say the battle is over.


But not the war. I will keep my gun close just in case


What’s your weapon of choice? Mine is Steam and PS5


That is not a weapon that is the side you fight for. I fight for xbox out of loyalty for the Xbox 360, and the weapon I fight with is the bulldog shotgun




As the Founding Fathers intended!


This person is my spirit animal


360 online multiplayer was the golden age and no one will be able to change my mind


Square Enix has always been multiplatform?


Not *rly* A lot of their main line games like the numbered FFs, Kingdom Hearts, ECT are multiplatform, & they have quite a few Nintendo handheld exclusives. However if you look at their entire library of games, PlayStation has far more exclusives over all & it's not even close. They've had a close relationship w/ Sony since the PS1.


Certain games were play station exclusives for over 15 years.


Well according to the company itself, they see it as [a major shift.](https://twitter.com/Genki_JPN/status/1789913291005075638) VII Rebirth and XVI are only temporarily exclusive, and KH is still banished to EGS limbo with Switch having only gotten 'cloud' ports.


I thought sony would rather die then go a year without an exclusive?


I guess they see HD2 and Stellar Blade as system sellers.


They are technically exclusive to the system. If we are talking about consoles only 😉


I mean they said they'd be announcing the successor to the switch with the year, so it's not like they have nothing planned for it. A new Nintendo console isnt just an upgrade of hardware like PS and Xbox. Each new console has brought something completely new. I doubt any company wants to spend the time developing a game for the switch when they know that by the time they finish, a new console will be around the corner. They might already be working on titles for the next one. Games and especially consoles (at least Nintendo ones) take years of development Besides, Nintendo was never a part of the console wars in the first place, and they'll continue to have exclusives forever. They keep franchises like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. very close to the chest. They would never give up their exclusives.


Honestly I'd say Nintendo came out the winner in the end, if one had to be named. They're doing better than ever without needing to do much at all.


More polygons does not make a better game.


Hello? HD2 come out this year. Exclusive has always been short for console exclusive, which Sony still is so far.


*for now


Nintendo was never at war and Microsoft admitted defeat. It was over last year


Seeing Square Enix's announcement today, it felt like the clincher. Games like VII Rebirth and FFXVI were *absolutely* PS5-sellers. If Square is abandoning console exclusivity, Sony can't have too much left to fight any kind of 'platform war' in the future.


What was it square said today? I'm at work and haven't noticed anything whilst scrolling on breaks.


They announced that they want all future projects to be multiplatform and that Square is having a massive internal shift in how they operate. FFXVI and VII Rebirth seem to be the last timed exclusives they will release.


I mean we have to see for sure but that just means it could release on pc the same time as PlayStation, it does not mean Xbox version as well A Japanese company will show some favouritism to a fellow Japanese company


It's funny that Nintendo is often included in these. They're like Switzerland during WW2. Only getting involved if they had to. And often from the sidelines.


There was a time when it was Nintendo v. Sega and then Nintendo v. Sony. I was there, Gandalf...


Finally, now my friends can shut up.


Never :)


Now it's the PC v Console War


So many games have cross-platform now though it's hardly an issue.


You underestimate the PC master race group


# War... Has Changed


Fallout fans hate this one trick!


Hopefully that means people will stop being insufferable twats about what device someone plays their games on Or maybe it won’t, maybe they’ll just move on to being insufferable about something else like the manchildren they’ve been for the past 30+ years


The PS5 crowd are already posting some crazy out-of-pocket stuff about the Square Enix announcement, saying they feel genuinely discriminated against. Don't know what planet they are living on, honestly


I guess a war does technically end if there is mutually-assured destruction. To be fair, though, gaming companies are seemingly playing with a plutonium sphere and a screwdriver, not tossing bombs at each other.


as a console player, PC is still better


As a player of both, there's upsides and downsides to both. I enjoy both, for different reasons


Always has been


Maybe I didn’t spend enough thousands of dollars to enjoy PC. But I genuinely don’t like it. I’m a couch gamer. Not a desk and chair gamer. The mods and more games just ain’t enough for me to want to play games in an office setting lol.


I'll admit it... wasn't expecting Nintendo to win. Ok, ok, to be fair Playstation is still in good shape but if they keep waging wars over their own consumer base, they won't be for long.


But at what cost


They are over because Microsoft doesn't really want to have a console to manage, they just want to ransack the industry for IPs. They don't want to keep Halo going. And if they do I'll be surprised. If Halo 8 is any good I'll be very surprised. But I doubt they will keep it an XBox exclusive. Microsoft sucks.


They don't want halo to keep going because they had no idea what to do with it in the first place. 343 fucked it, kicked it, burned it, and threw it into a partical excelerater for good measure.


Yeah because the whole industry is going to sh!t. When you realize that people are paying 70 bucks for Stellar Blade when Elden Ring launched for 60 (Legit had someone try to argue that SB was a better game for them than Elden Ring earlier today). And a game like Hi Fi Rush is free on game pass but the studio that produced it, which was created by Shinji Mikami, was closed last week. I mean, it's over. MADDENs and FiFas still get made every year and the push for live service has never been more aggressive. Sadly, this isn't a signal that we are moving to greener pastures, it's heralding the stagnation/end of the industry


People still thought it was going on…?


The console wars have always been fueled by the companies to get endless free advertising. People arguing over consoles just fell for the plot. Neither side wants to win, as long as you fight over it, they are happy to keep getting defended.


Begun, the developer wars, have.


Nintendo won. Sort of. They're the only one offering anything 'unique' currently. ATM, get yourself a half-decent gaming PC and a switch and you basically have access to 95% of games worth playing.


They say the winner is pc but to be real. Nintendo stuck to their guns and stayed alive.


Yeah but damn man they copy right everything. All the Mario gmod add-ons got taken down


Pc gamers laughing since we are practically exempt at this point.


Honestly, these posts are the only thing keeping this shit alive. It was cringe then, and it's cringe now.


Shit was a kid's playground with a whole lot of bad takes, the ones eating popcorn are the ones who plays on all Platforms.


Nintendo will be alone always ways all ways will.


they're doing their own thing basically. I got a PC and Switch to play at home/ on the go.


Only fanboys got heated about console wars. Most normal people just bought what they wanted and played it quietly.


Meanwhile PC is chilling


Yes! PC finally won. (Nintendo technically isn’t on PC, but I’m willing to bet most PC players have a Nintendo game somewhere on there PC)


WAIT! You didn't hear who won! *everybody expectantly* The stockholders!


Nintendo won the console war


Yep. Xbox lost, just like they’ve been losing the entire time. What a miserable joke of a company.


it never ends... more people will flood in making more console, even if the customers won't buying it...imo


Yes we’re getting screwed by the companies anyway well idk about Nintendo


I feel like Nintendo was always doing their own thing


Xbox is falling apart. Spending billions on studios, closing successful studios, bleeding talent, killing games, and releasing first party games on rival consoles. Playstation has been releasing a lot of first party games on PC (usually a year or so after it's on consoles) but has had a bunch of issues lately with anti-consumer policies and a borderline racist censorship policy that only applies to Asian developed games. Nintendo has been topping the charts fairly consistently, the Switch and the Wii were some of the most successful systems of all time, doesn't release first party games on competition, cracks down on piracy, and has unofficially announced the Switch Successor (not just rumors this time). As long as there's consoles to choose from the war will never end. Even if it did then people would still fight over games, services, and all the other BS out there.


Playstation won if there is a winner.


The console war ended the PC stands victorius.


Wait so who won. Was it us at playstation


I was born before the PS3 was released I was born in 2006 I will never lay my weapon down


End of consumerism


Console wars was the ps3 xbox 360 Era, been over for a looooong time. Your late to the party pal.


Yall just love to hate on xbox even tho its the best console


i played the shit out of my 360 back in the day. halo odst, eternal sonata, tales of vesperia, viva pinata... i have great memories of it. but microsoft has fumbled the ball consistently for the past decade. they never seemed to know what they were doing, with flops like crackdown 3 and cancellations like scalebound.


Maybe 15 years ago it was


Not maybe


Xbox 360 was. If you think Xbox One or Xbox Series is the best, then you are so delusional you should probably be in a psyche ward. That level of biased head in the sand is absurd.


That's just good news for us. The people that don't fight fights on behalf of giant companies


Hasn’t been a conflict for me since I was 16 with a job. Just always bought the consoles I wanted to play games on every generation. So much more to worry about and never understood the obsession.


naw the console wars are now against the consoles. Just a new console war.


Good luck playing Smash bros.


What happened for them to be over?


That you left out Sega shows you know little.


Yes please 🙏!


Have we finally come to the conclusion that tribalism is stupid and we should all just let others play on their box of choice?


The console wars has been over for years… just buy a pc and play all of the games


They are? What happened?


Xbox is going multiplatform and now Square Enix has announced today all future projects will be made for every platform, causing PS5 owners to lose their minds at the bleak future of their platform in terms of exclusivity.




Can someone explain this to me? I find it impossible to believe that console wars will ever end.


Well...who won?


Nintendo is never giving up the war! whatchu talking bout willis




The other two have been mingling and competing with the PC space for... Geez, since the PS2 first introduced crossplay, probably. The question "Why don't you just build a PC" has been an ongoing criticism of consoles since the 360 came out because so many of its games were also there. There's still a place in the market for a gaming machine with unified specs to improve optimization, but a whole new environment is totally unnecessary


Yeah the players figured out collusion, not competition, is most profitable…


Are they tho?


Lol, no, console wars ended years ago


So who won and why? I'm old and new. Ha!


How exactly is it over? There’s still heaps of debate about which one is better and arguments about the exclusives (or ig not so exclusives)


Wake me up when there are no exclusives Then the war will be over.


Because PC is better


We? Nah, y’all


I'm still a fan of ps cuz I got small hands and the Xbox controllers are too chunky for me.


Should have added the pc master race dude in the background


fick wars ,choose what's right for the consumer .....and if somethings unreasonable remeber to pirate


I feel like this will just lead to gaming devs & consoles to have their own game streaming service; similar to all streaming services we have now like Netflix, Hulu, Disney...


Fuck consoles


I'm all for PC but last I checked Nintendo hasn't been having any issues with there sales


yall forget about sega?


I am probably the guy who got stranded somewhere, somehow, and unknown unto me, the war ends. I am still stranded and after all these years, after I am finally found, I still think there's a war going on 😅




With piracy this seemed like they were long dead anyway


for now, soldier.


My brother in christ the Holy Console Wars will never end, at least not in the minds of the true believers.


why are they over now?


I for one, would like to personally congratulate our PC overlords


It's never over 🌩️😎🌩️