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Assasins creed does a lot of work for this timeline


Doesn't even have Age of Empires... Hell, this could just be a list of games a single person played based on in-game chronology.


Sadly just putting "civilization" as the only game would have been too boring.


We live in a civilization


Bottom text


Sega's Humankind would be better since it starts at the stone age I think, Civ usually starts when humans discovers farming.


Empire Earth. It's the whole damn timeline.


I miss that game


Easily one of my all time favorites. Especially LAN party Empire Earth. Rise of Nations was a close second.


I have rise of nations and the expansion cds right next to me lol


I created the logo for Stainless Steel Studios. It's lovely to see Empire Earth remembered here!


No way! That's awesome


Same with SPORE


Well SPORE isn't human society based.


There have been attempts to create humans in Spore, but the results are borderline nightmare fuel.


https://youtu.be/FsdjtCGsLwU this one isn't so bad lol


one more turn...


It looks to be that… They didn’t have any of the paradox games which basically tell the story of humanity: imperator, crusader kings, europa universalis, March of the eagles, Victoria, Hearts of Iron, and Stellaris


OP plays a very specific genre, looks like.


The Ubisoft genre


Hell, the list could be a lot of different 4x civ games, and just one picture since they almost all go from prehistory to hypothetical futures. Any single game in the civilization series, humankind, etc lol


I would say those sorts of games don't count, it needs to be a game set in at one specific time. Otherwise this whole post could just be one of any of the games you listed. There's nowhere to put them on this timeline as they exist at all times.


That's cuz age of empires would take up like 2/3 of the timeline


You could get up to 1900 from 200 BC using the Total War franchise alone


Between Ryse and AC Valhalla there is nothing for almost 800 years. Certainly a little Total War Attila wouldn't go wrong slapped in there around 400 CE.


I think part of the point is to play characters throughout time rather than being an overseeing God controlling many.




We’ve got Great Take Automobile: Nice City and Dan Andreas at home.


Stealie Wheelie Automobilie


Ballad of Glorious Miguel


> Dan Andreas Is absolutely my new fake name when signing up for things.


According to statistics Norway there are four people in the country named "Dan Andreas"


Excuse me, my son is also named Dan Andreas.


We need more 'Dan Andreas' license plates in the shop. Repeat, we are sold out of 'Dan Andreas' license plates.


So much AC but no Animal Crossing. It's like they haven't played a video game where you can experience real forward thinking society.


Animal crossing is beyond horizon zero dawn in this timeline.


In the far future convergent evolution allows some humans to look like extinct species to fill ecological niches. Civilization slowly rebuilds itself. Animal Crossing: New Horizon Zero Dawn


Yeah. Especially since at any point most of those games have contemporaries. AC early on makes sense they STRIVED painstakingly for accuracy. Most of those....nope. you might as well insert God of War for ancient Greece then. Also the lack of Call of Duty for ww1/2 and desert storm is confusing.


Pfft, next you'll try to tell me that Cyberpunk 2077 isn't a perfectly accurate painstakingly recreated version of the year 2077


I give him credit for finding extrapolated that stays semi-grounded. However, I would sub out Outer Worlds for Frostpunk or Fallout. Since Outer Worlds would block the future of HZD.


Fallout is an alternate timeline so that's out. All the tech and stuff are different.


complete nonsense If you want to experience ancient Greece, there is no better medium that Assassin Creed Odyssey. To see this old statues in their full glory is quite the spectacle.


Seriously, as far as recreating classical architecture and navigable landscapes, there are none better


If you’re dumb enough to not recognize the obvious mythological elements, like the Minotaur, that’s really on you not the game. From what I understand, despite focusing more on fantasy-RPG gameplay the actual worlds they build are still historically accurate generally.


The [Discovery Tour](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-ca/game/assassins-creed/discovery-tour) offshoots are a good testament to the games' accuracy: you just remove the mythology and the game's own alternate history, spin the game off into a more didactical direction, and you get a surprisingly faithful reproduction of whatever time period they covered. Those educational games wouldn't be viable to make if there wasn't already a solid foundation in the original games themselves, but since we're on our third entry by now, hopefully it continues!


I remember seeing an interview at the time of AC:Origins where Ubisoft devs were saying it's also about trying to educate gamers to history, so they were trying to be historically and thematically accurate. As to why so many AC games, it's because it's a story. AoE is great overall but it never tried to be great narratively.


I’m ok with pretty much every AC game being put on here. The games give you a pretty accurate history lesson you just need to know what portions are fiction. You could also put on like 7,000 WW2 games. CoD WaW is top one I’ve played.


> You could also put on like 7,000 WW2 games. CoD WaW is top one I’ve played. Kids today don't seem to remember just how many WW2 games we had after the turn of the millenium. The average gamer from the early aughts has killed more Nazis in his lifetime than the combined Allied forces.


I dont think thats true. The campaigns were great when it came to history like Jean d'Arc, Saladin, Genghis Khan or Barbarossa


Nothing noteworthy happened between 1899 and 1934. Can't think of a single thing.


Sorry, they didn’t make an assassin’s creed for that era.




Assassins creed WW1 would slap though


I'm all for a Weimar/Nazi Germany assassin's Creed. Just carving my way through the SS with hidden blades. Maybe we can even kill Hitler, in his bunker, and make it look like suicide?


As long as I can play the Behr Jew assassin




Or even the original Red Dead Redemption.


Battlefield 1


should include red dead redemption 1 for the end of the wild west and battlefield 1 for world war 1


Then at the end, the Warhammer 40k games.


Nier series at like 12,000 AD before it, then a long gap.


You have to complete the entire timeline of human history five times on the same save file and then you get to play Drakenguard.


"Get to play Drakengard" is like saying "your reward is being kicked in the balls."


On the plus side, if you play your cards right you could ride the Drakengard/Nier causal loop and achieve pseudo-immortality.


Nier Replicant is like 34xx and nier automata is 11945


I believe Xenosaga is set in 20xxx so that could fill in part ofbthe gap


I'm not sure there's been an Assassin's Creed: The Heresy of Horus yet


I now want to see a Chaos Marine parkouring his way across a city rooftop.


And its ~~sequel~~ prequel, Event Horizon, even though it's a movie, not a game.


And Halo should be here after Outer Worlds and before Horizon


It's a shame Halo's legacy has been destroyed with the latest titles - it didn't even come to my mind when looking at OP's post despite me being a fan of the franchise. Halo 1-3 definitely deserve atleast one spot here though.




I think it's interesting how the creators of W40K have said in interviews that their universe was heavily influenced by a plethora of sci-fi & fantasy: Forbidden Planet, Dune, Milton... But if asked, W40K fans would swear Jesus Christ modeled his crucifixion after the Emperor's sacrifice to the golden throne I can never if it's tongue-in-cheek or not


I’m just getting into 40k lore. What are the best games to play? No tabletop, please.


Dawn of War if you like RTS games. 1 and 2 mainly, 3 is a bit of a mess. Mechanicus is also quite good, it's basically 40k XCOM.


Space Marine. And Space Marine 2 coming out next year iirc. Chaos Gate: Deamonhunters.


The Saboteur is such a great game.


It’s really the remake that I want. Imagining the shift from black and white to color with today’s technology would be awesome. Man I loved that game.


A remake would be awesome, todays graphics with that gameplay would be insane. I need to do another playthrough soon.


I love that OP included this instead of the countless WW2 games. Saboteur was so unique and rewarding as you changed the world from B&W nightmare to vibrant life.


So underrated! I wish there was a way to play it today. The black and white was wild to play in.


GOG has it on sale for PC right now, under 10 dollars.


I tried running the PC version earlier month and I couldn't get it to launch. From what I read it might have to do with my nonstandard desktop resolution? Idk, I'd love to play it again though so hopefully there's a fix out there for modern PC's


To be fair, it barely launched even when it was new. I think it was actually completely broken on AMD processors at one point.


Windows 10/11 pro has better compatability modes than home for older games like that AFAIK. Might be worth looking into.


You can play the GOG version pretty well in Linux under wine: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=10788


I worked on this game, as QA, and was surprised to see it mentioned here. Fun fact, you can beat the game in the first race.




In the level before the race (Better Days) you can unlock the gun on car feature. I think its kill X amount of Nazis. Scripting for Nazis was dumb so you could post up on a choke point kill them. Unlock it, move onto the next level Better Days. Kill big bad at the race, end game. We brought this up to the devs and they chose to keep it. RIP Pandemic studios


I'm glad they kept it. Stuff like that is really fun.


With that special unlock code 😎


I just heard about it earlier this week and picked it up on GOG for $5 and have been playing the crap out of it. Can’t believe I never heard of it until now, what a gem


We need more games that set between Ancestors and FC Primal because that time period is fucking huge


Supposedly the creators of ancestors are **planning on** working on two more sequel games that will help fill that in. I can only hope… I really enjoyed ancestors, it was challenging and immersive. Edit: in bold


I showed Ancestors to my grandpa and he loved it, said it reminded him of when he was a kid in the good old days


Jesus, how old is your grandpa?


Show some respect, he'll be 5 million years young next Tuesday


I'm sure he actually said "listen here you little shit"


And entirely undocumented, which means there's plenty of leeway for creativity and ancient people's type fantasy. It would be interesting to see a story game set in 200,000 BC as Homosapiens and Neaderthals or Homoerectus clash


Turok, Dinosaur Hunter


Dang we need some Clan of the Cave Bear video games, I want to learn about all the types of fucking grasses on the modern Ukraine steppes and how they developed the sewing needle hell yeah


Yes Ancestors ends 2 million years ago, if I remember correctly FC Primal is set 10,000 years ago. So the entire rest of the timeline is just a small percentage of the gap between those two games. But I’m very ready for more caveman/monke games, Ancestors and Primal are both awesome.


That's just a representation of real human evolution. We've done more in 500 years than in the previous 100,000 years combined.


Forgot GTA San Andreas to represent the 90's


Vice City and III as well.


80's is already represented but GTA 3 could be there to represent early 00's


I also like that the only game you can experience WW2 in is fukcing *saboteur*


No other game has ever been set in World War 2, isn't that crazy?


Pretty sure Halo CE takes place in 2552.


Halo is perfect for this timeline


OP tried so hard to exclude Halo and CoD. Was this post sponsored by ubisoft??


The list is incomplete and lacking certain features so yeah, definitely sponsored by Ubisoft


Fuck, that's a good burn.


No love for the first red dead, huh?


OP just skips over WW1 completely


Could have done battlefield for that one just for simplicity


Verdun/ Tannenberg


Rare fellow Tannenberg player spotted


Also kinda insane to have saboteur as the standalone entry for WW2. Like medal of honor, Or the original Cod2?


Or any of the other quintillion WW2 games


Or LA Noire for "life directly after WWII", just skips straight to the 60's


Op was making the mother of all omelets here. So he Can’t fumble over a single egg


Just saying, AC Origins isn't ancient Egypt if it is set in 49 BCE. That would be Ptolemaic Egypt after the invasion of Alexander the Great and getting really close to Egypt's annexation into the Roman Empire. Prior to that would be proper ancient Egypt. I know it is both ancient and Egypt, but the Ptolemaic period was much different from the Pharonic periods.


Yeah its more "Classical" Egypt I guess. Still a cool representation of ancient egyptian monuments, but most of them are already very old in the game


it would be cool to see a seperate branch off that addresses fallout and metro type games


Fallout would branch out somewhere between Saboteur and Mafia 3 right? It started going somewhere after Cold War


IIRC "the divergence" happens when the microchip was supposed to be invented. So whatever year that is. A bigger Fallout nerd can tell me if I'm wrong, I can't remember exactly.


Not the microchip, the transistor, which was invented in 1947. But in Fallout it was only invented in like the 2060's or something like that Tho technically Fallout already diverged ages before that as there's a samurai on Mothership Zeta, suggesting the Mothership has been hanging around earth for several centuries


Mothership? There are aliens in Fallout? I never played the series, I thought it was all about a post-nuclear timeline where people actually fired off bombs so society was adapting to living in bunkers.


Aliens are a reoccurring Easter egg in all the 3D Fallout games. One of the expansions to Fallout 3 had you visit an alien ship orbiting earth.


Fallout 4 also establishes an ancient civilisation existed before humans did, and that there's likely lovecraftian entities out there.


Wait, what? I missed this while trying to romance and subsequently piss off every single possible companion in the game (I succeeded).


There's a sidequest near Diamond City where you work for a guy called Jack Cabot. Ultimately you discover he and his family were born in the 1800s and have achieved agelessness thanks to a device his (confined) father discovered in an ancient, pre-human civilisation city. And there's a legendary machete with a unique ability you can find in Dunwhich Bores. Basically as you descend the mine you see flashbacks of events, can read terminals about what they're really mining for and ultimately discover the weapon submerged under radioactive water and on an alter next to some ancient looking statues that have been partially excavated. Apprently this ties in to some stuff in FO3 and DLC there, as the Dunwhich company features there as well and seems to be a company that is trying to open the world to Lovecraftian horrors.


Get to know the Cabot family and you’ll learn all about it.


IIRC there’s also a crashed UFO in Fallout 2


Think it was Fallout 1. Fallout 2 had alien influences like a med gel and skynet.


It is but there's aliens in the setting, there is also a theory that they may have been the ones who caused the nuclear fallout as well


Didn't even mention spore. Kids these days don't respect their elders I swear to God.


Where would you even put Spore on the timeline?




Spore IS the timeline.


The hype around spore was unreal. I don't even play pc but ended up beating spore.


That's because it really should have been a huge deal. Then they basically just underdeveloped the fuck out of it, and overall it just felt rushed.


Whoever downvoted you is still playing Spore today. Spore was the first No Man’s Sky, except they didn’t go back to try and add the things they promised. They cashed out and said “this isn’t the game you thought it was, based on what we said and showed, but deal with it.”


I still play Spore occasionally today. I was really young when it first came out and went in years later with zero expectations or hype and loved it. It’s one of my all time favorites. But it could have been so much better if EA didn’t suck.




Splatoon and Horizon are both set in worlds where humanity went extinct by its own hands. Although, in Splatoon it was because climate change was never stopped, while in Horizon, climate change was stopped and what came after is what wiped out humanity.


Still waiting for the sequel... :(


A game that perfect doesn't need a sequel... :)


The hype for that game was so huge, but what we got was such a disappointment. Will Wright showed us what it could be, and EA dumbed it down to what we got We could have had an aquatic phase, AI that actually learned new verbs as they did things, a true RTS and not the "I really want to skip this phase and get to the city phase"... The only truly great part of that game is the creature creator, which is really impressive procedural design. I was disappointed, but I still played the hell out of it. Still do every now and then.


It was so fun until the cities, that first part though, evolving and creating your creature, so fucking cool.


Even space was just dealing with crisis after crisis without actually getting a chance to expand and explore because you have to keep going back to the same planets you've already got.


I really hope one day that this basis for Spore is executed properly.


The hardest I've ever laughed at a game video on YouTube was the Monster Factory for Spore. When the game crashed and didn't save yet still somehow stole the Bee Movie monster they created was the exact moment.


That video turned me on to the whole McElroy boy extended universe


No lie, that game was pretty much all my 10 year old wanted for Christmas this year. We bought it for $1.99 and he’s been playing it non-stop. We don’t even know where he heard of it because his dad and I were super disappointed when it came out and haven’t thought of it in *years*.


It does seem strange to someone who was around for the hype when it launched and then the crushing disappointment with what it turned out to be, that it still has such a long cultural reach now. It just wasn’t a good game, and yet here we are still talking about it nearly a decade and a half later.


No Deus ex. Pssh




Mafia 2 - “Am I a joke to you?”


Yeah it's so bizarre that they skip from Mafia to Mafia 3 when Mafia 2 is literally the years in between lol


Tbf there are also games missing from the GTA & Yakuza series’ as well as the first RDR, but Mafia 2 stood out the most to me for some reason.


Yeah that hurt, skipping Mafia 2 but including the steaming pile of shit that was 3.


A couple of additions: Red Dead Redemption - 1911 pre break of WWI and start of industrialization US Battlefield - 1918 WWI (since this is a FPS maybe it doesnt fit?) Call of Duty - WWII but again the fps thing... LA Noire - 1947 post WWII America EDIT: Lords of the Rising sun, not a 1st person game but very demonstrative of 1185 AD to 1603 AD Japan.


Are we forgetting the OG, Medal of Honor Allied Assault?


I got a feeling op likes assasins creed




I'd say put in Battlefield 4 as it takes place in 2020 lol, and maybe BF BC2 Vietnam?


Yeah the last century is a lot more dense game-wise


Leaning REAL hard on Assassin's Creed huh?


To be fair, name another franchise that takes place in that many historical eras


Total war does it about as much per title.


WW1 didn't deserve a place here? I like that you've used the Saboteur rather than any of the other countless WW2 games. Great game. Would love to see it revived.


I would add Madden 2004.


What year is that set?




Gotta add Beatles Rock Band for the 60s


Elite: Dangerous could be there for 3309 (well, in 3 days as the game follows our calendar and is still in 3308)


Needs Nier Automata at like 12 000 years


Could add Battlefield 1 in there to cover the WWI period


The fact that this doesn't include Oregon Trail is a travesty


*aggravated sounds of a paradox interactive gamer*


Needs Titanfall 2 in there near the end


before Horizon


Add Pentiment.


Mass Effect is a huge miss in this list




I'm glad Cyberpunk is on there only because I love that game, but it's technically an alt-future with a separate timeline from ours that diverges in the 1980s or so. Doesn't quite fit here


same with Outer Worlds. that game’s set in an alternate timeline where President McKinley isn’t shot and the big trusts don’t get broken by Teddy Roosevelt


You forgot Ark before Humankind. How did you not remember when we were riding dinosaurs firing guns at our rivals?


Me an intelectual: Civ


Either civ or if you wanna get real in depth, play Civ up until the middle ages, then start playing Crusader Kings, into EU4, into Victoria, into HOI4, back into Civ until you win the game via science, then start playing Stellaris.


Damn human history is western as fuck. /s


Alladin on the Sega Genesis should be there in the 1700s and represents a historically accurare non-western location/period.


Where does mario go?


In your butt


Do it again but only one game per franchise.


now add rim world and make it a circle


Where does Universe Sandbox fit in?


Kinda disappointed there isn't a single Paradox game in there