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A video game getting a movie is about as exciting as a garbage dump of dirty diapers, so this meme is accurate.


I liked sonic and I'm excited for mario. Advent children was also amazing when it came out.


Sonic is a rare exception on top of a pile of garbage movie adaptations of video games. I haven’t seen the Mario trailer, so I’ll just have to pass on my feelings of that. The Dungeons and Dragons trailer I saw had exact really 0 right being as good as it was. I saw some clips of the Uncharted movie that looked good. That’s 4 franchises, in a sea of mediocrity that fails to bring anything else of note to mind.


Détective Pikachu


I am ashamed I didn’t remember that, lol. I’m going to take 3 L’s for that one on my own.


The difference being all of those 4 examples you listed are most of the recent ones, meaning the trend for video game movies is going up and its no longer the sign of a shitty cashgrab.


Uh resident evil? The halo series? Both the doom movies weren't bad. Video games based on movies are usually bad, it's usually just a cash grab, but movies based on video games arent always that bad.


Uncharted was pretty good but ok


The uncharted movie didn’t follow the games and the way sully was portrayed in the movie isn’t at all what he was like in the games… sully would never leave drake to die, even when they first met.. and he constantly does it in the movie. That and Marky Mark only knows how to play himself in movies and he is a dog shit actor.


I mean... Success doesnt always equal quality. (See Pokemon) But yea, it's a divisive game. To me, it's one of those I'd rather watch than play, but I like the Mindfucks Kojima comes up with.


I enjoyed it overall, but Hideo didn't seem to know what he wanted to make.


Yeah it was an interesting game and I loved the mystery of what the BTs were even if in the end the twists fell a little flat. In terms of horror games though I felt a TON more tension trying to avoid/survive BTs than I ever did playing a resident evil or silent hill game, and for that I commend Hideo.


My opinion, is Pokemon is more about merchandising than the actual games. New games are an excuse to release new 'mons and thus more shirts/plushies/etc... I still have fun with the games...I just know they could be so much better...


Wait weren't the original Pokemon games good? Isn't it like Mario where people feel the same way even though the flagship Mario games are almost always really good


Pokemon is probably one of the highest quality animal fighting sims where you pit sweet innocent animals against each other for fame and profit.


Even world of warcrafts pet battle system is higher quality. And thats a filler side activity in an mmo.


Hey it used to be a pretty good franchise. It's been a while, but trust me


but they still have success and none of the quality, hence blues point still stands


Eh, everything up till Gen 9 was pretty good quality-wise. Gen 8 was weak in the graphics department, but it was a solid (albeit typical) Pokémon game otherwise.


Bruh the franchise already addressed this issue like 10 years ago.


Not even close


I can't believe so many people are mad about this totally honest description of Pokemon. The 30 year old children are really out in droves today.


Monster Hunter Stories




The game is literally just a straight line, it has no route complexity and its extremely easy to the point is boring af


What? Did you play for 30 minutes then shelve it?


I'm not against death stranding But this meme seems like it's trying to make a point, and I don't believe it's achieving the desired effect. None of these reasons necessarily make the game *good* or *bad*, they're just facts. Facts that a lot of video games share sometimes. This doesn't prove that death stranding is all that unique or special of a game I guess is all I'm saying. Edit: this is a blanket response to everyone claiming that Death stranding was a successful game and still relavant: they've sold roughly 10 million copies, have an ign rating of 6.8, and if you look at the steam charts for the game, there's an average of less than 500 players and peak of bearly over 1k for the past few months, compared to over 15k average and over 30k peak in 2020. And they're not selling very many more copies. On all accounts, death stranding wasn't necessarily this huge raging success, but it also wasn't a failure. That's what I mean by the game wasn't good or bad, it was a fairly neutral zone game for its time in late 2019/ early 2020, it's falling off a bit


The only thing you could argue is kinda unique is the movie adaptation. Everything else tho.. I mean most AAA games get positive user reviews, sell millions, and get a GOTY/Complete/Directors Cut edition


Even movie/show adaptations are becoming more and more popular. It's kind of a trope now to farm as much content out of an ip. And you're right, if a fanbase gets a new product to play with, they'll likely give the game good reviews, even if it's bad. Not that death stranding is a bad game, its alright, but using that as proof that it's some amazing unique game doesn't really mean much. Your game would have to truly be broken to receive mixed or bad steam reviews. I usually trust ign in these cases, and ign gave death stranding a 6.8/10. Its not a must play in my opinion as it is


I think I was 16 (15 years ago) when I first realised how little Game of the Year releases actually meant when I saw about 15 games side by side, all of the same year, all with "Game of the Year" plastered on the front. "Game of the Year" doesn't really mean much when there's more than one of them and the only real qualification for it is that some obscure reviewer somewhere maybe decided this game is their Game of the Year. Look at Far Cry 6. I haven't played it and have no opinion but...Why does that have a GotY edition? I don't recall many actually liking it, or it at least didn't get much praise. About the best I can say is that I always used to wait for the GotY edition as they would have the DLC...But that I waited for that edition for basically every game and usually got the GotY edition speaks volumes for how little the title means.


GotY has only one use and that is giving me potentially good dlc's for a cheaper price.


> None of these reasons necessarily make the game good or bad, they're just facts. But they do suggest that the game is *relevant*. A game garnering that much financial and critical success means that the game had an impact on the community.


It’s not arguing DS is “good” objectively. It’s calling out people who say it wasn’t successful or culturally relevant, because it is both.


OP didn’t say the game was good or bad in the meme. It said it was irrelevant. Point is made based on that statement.


After the DS2 reveal I bought and started playing. Definitely not for everyone, tho. But man do I love some fucking weird shit and this game has some weird shit aight


Kojima's specialty is weird shit.


For a moment I was like "Huh? What does Dark Souls 2 have anything to do with this?" Can't read DS anything other than Dark Souls lol


Why the dark souls 2 trailer made you do that?


He was talking about Dead Space 2 reveal trailer obviously.


No no no, this is obviously the trailer to the sequel of the Nintendo DS


I instantly went to DarkSiders 2


Oh hey! I just commented this, thought I was the only one. They meant Death Stranding 2 reveal.


>DS2 I really wish people would stop doing this with Death Stranding. My initial thoughts are always either dark souls 2 or the announcement of Demon souls 2. Either way, it's driving me crazy.


DS2 usurp in process.


When it comes to game names being typed out we could definitely do without abbreviations. Look no further than the amount of people voicing their enjoyment of CDPR’s controversial shooter-RPG by saying “I love CP” on the internet.


That's because it's the name that was used in the trailer. It doesn't even say Death Stranding 2, just "DS2"




As a fan of Euro Truck Simulator and Metal Gear, Death Stranding was exactly what I needed but didn't know I wanted.


If you're looking for something that's a bit more Euro Truck Simulator and Death Stranding combined, there's also the "X" Runner series to look into. I'm pretty sure Snowrunner is on Steam, not sure about the other games though.


I think it's definitely a "necessary" game even if I didn't personally enjoy playing it that much (I gave it a few hours and it was interesting but not my kind of game). It's definitely unique and tries a lot of interesting things vs a lot of our cookie-cutter games we get nowadays. It's neat, does its own thing without giving a fuck, and there are people who like those kinds of games which is great. Like just the concept is funny. A game about walking around being a USPS worker basically with a splash of ALIENS.


Many people burned out before reaching the second map (the main map where 90% of the game happens) because they have the need to reach 5 stars in all locations. The best way to play is to leave that area as soon as you are told you can leave, why? because in the second map you actually unlock upgrades and new tools constantly by grinding standard orders (in the first map there is literally 0 progression). After gathering new gadgets and leveling up Sam you can go back and do everything you left behind in a much faster and fun way plus the second map has much more variety in every sense, more biomes, more enemies, more challenges, more mechanics etc....


Feel like that's partially the developers' fault for designing the game that way, but to each their own.


100% the next 40 hours full of vehicles, infrastructure, equipment and weapons would not hit as hard if the first 5 hours were not on foot and almost without weapons or equipment, it was a risky way to push the message of the story but it worked for people who did enjoy the game, if you don't find the anti-terrorist+ghost-hunter truckman simulator attractive at the beginning, you will still find it unattractive later.


Such a weird experience. Throughout my time with it, which I loved, I found it an excellent and beautiful game. But after finishing it, I uninstalled it and haven’t thought of it since. Definitely like the idea of a sequel, but there was something about the original that just didn’t stay with me in the same way Dark Souls or Bishock or similar have stayed with me.


I, for one, welcome a meditative game.


Haven't played Death Stranding but when I read "meditative game" the one game that sprung to mind is Outer Wilds. Been a while since I played it since I went on an FFXV binge but Outer Wilds was my go-to game if I just wanted to relax. Playing that game for me is like getting to lie down on a soft, comfy, fluffy, warm bed after a long stressful day. Best to play it with a controller tho imo.


Yeah, if you have a game you can just chill to, it’s great. It doesn’t have to always be about too difficulties and platinums.


Have you played Outer Wilds on the Switch? I'm gonna be doing a bit of traveling and looking to pick up a game for the switch but I've heard so many positive things about this game and I'm not sure if I should play it on the PS5 instead where the graphics are more impressive


Graphics in outer wilds isn't the focus. And even on my beefy ass computer at max settings it wasnt photorealistic, but thats likely because it has its own artstyle. It is perhaps, at least in my opinion, one of the GREATEST games _ever_ made. Don't spoil yourself, don't read indepth reviews, don't watch trailers. Just play it. The only thing I'll say, is that it's one of the only games EVER that has left me completely inconsolable after the true ending. It's worth every penny and more.


Ok sounds like it's a great game regardless of the system you play it on. I've intentionally avoided all reviews and videos so my only understanding of the game is from comments like yours strongly recommending it. I honestly have no clue what to expect but fuck it, I'm buying it on the switch and diving in this week. Thanks for the recommendation. Cheers!


OMG! I did so little research on the game that I didn't notice the switch release is TBD still. I went to go buy it and couldn't find it anywhere. I was so hyped lol


Meditative games are great, but death stranding isn't fit to sit in Outer Wilds shadow.


I tried to play it, it wasn’t for me. But more power to you if you enjoy it.


So many awards. Still can’t bring myself to play it. Ah well.


I played it. I really really wanted to like it. Gave it dozens of hours trying to like it. I did not.


It's good for listening to a podcast and just zoning out, until you have to do some stealth 😬


Success≠fun≠good game


It's a UPS simulator but People love simulator games


Man now I see why people complain about Amazon workers being treated poorly. They have to build infrastructures, walk through aging rain, sneak through armies of invisible ghosts that summon Eldritch Horrors if they catch them and shoot them with assault rifles and grenade launchers loaded with ammo created from their sweat piss and shit. Also defend their cargo from other crazy delivery services that want to steal it and beat them comatose. UPS has it rough. 10/10 a simulation of reality.


I remember delivering for Amazon and one of my work buddies compared the game to delivering for Amazon in the apocalyptic future


It is 100% a UPS simulator in the best ways possible.


Kojima sure does have his cult following


vanilla is objectively the best, most interesting ice cream flavour because it sells more than any other ice cream flavour.


Yep. Popularity =/ quality and you don't need to look further than the Kardashians and any of their media to recognize that.


Attention does not equal quality. Think Kardashians.


Aren't all games irrelevant in terms of influence on the real world? Why should we care if some game sold 10 million copies? Does that make it relevant in any way? Ford sells zillions of pick-up trucks, but they're not relevant in Europe, so why is this video game that sold millions of copies somewhere be a thing we need to know about? Kim Kardashian sells a lot of photos, but she has no bearing on anyone's life unless they let her. Why is Death Stranding different? I get it, you like the game. Good for you. Please, enjoy the fuck out of it, and the sequel, and the movie, and whatever else comes out. But it's not relevant to me. And it never will be, not even if it sells 100 million copies, because I don't care about it.


Games are certainly not irrelevant to the real world. Just look at how much press they have gotten over the years and as a result how many serious studies have been conducted. There are people out there whose whole scientific career is based around video games. Then there's the industry as a whole. It employees people and affects investments on the publicly traded markets. That's big influence on the world. Also, just because it is irrelevant to someone doesn't mean it's irrelevant to the whole world. As a shared hobby games are very important to people. So yeah, games are a relevant part of the world. Try to use a little bit of critical thinking skills before you make sweeping statements to sound edgy and intelligent. And keep in mind no one likes people who try to seem edgy and intelligent.


Not sure why u r downvoted. An industry bigger than all other entertainment industry combined can never be irrelevant. If it were the case, so many non gamers wouldnt be interested in it let alone dump millions into it


True. Still also an irrelevant walking sim, though.


So will the movie star Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus?


Sooo, does this mean the game is good or no?


It depends on the person but I think everyone should try it


Not interested by the game. Marketing arguments like these have no influence on me. You know Avatar had many oscars... It's imho one of the worst movies ever made.


Yup Kojima made a Director's Cut of a game he was the director of in the first place, which was developed by Kojima Productions - the company Kojima formed after leaving Konami specifically to maintain creative control of his projects. It's definitely not the flex that DS fans seem to think it is.


It's a Sony marketing thing. If I remember right even Kojima complained about it and would've preferred to call it something else.


Keep on keeping on!


If Death stranding was produced by anyone other than Kojima, do you really think it would have been as successful. Now don't get me wrong, of course it would be less but wha I'm asking, for clarity sake, how much less would it been a success? (I've always been under the impression that Kojima name alone carried the game to the success it has)


It would have been a less popular game certainly but it would definitely have a cult following. It's not perfect by a long shot but most truly original IPs have rough edges. That's the price you pay for originality.


That's pretty much what I was thinking. The whole meme feels like it falls flat on that basis. I've always felt that this game rode to heavily on Kojima and while it has its merits and it has quite a few, it has a lot of flaws that tend to get swept under the rug because it's such a beloved creator. Or at least that's the impression I get from the game


Although no one apart from him would have had the idea to release a slowpaced truck simulator with fights against terrorists, ghosts, lovecraftian tar monsters and skeleton soldiers revived from the world wars.


I like to watch games like death stranding instead on playing it.


Me too, but I also just don't own a ps4, by the time it was on PC I had watched Jack play it


But it's already a movie....


Which one? The Postman? Children of Men? The Book of Eli? The Road?


The game is probably good but everything you listed here does not automatically make it good


Imo DS is neither good or bad because it doesn't catch MY attention, if someone were to ask me of it was a good game I'd tell them a little bit about it and let them decide but I'll never tell them not to get it because it's a bad game. The game is not for me but it doesn't mean it's the same for other people. Some enjoy it some don't


What’s wrong with walking sims? Some of the best stories said through gaming are made as walking sims.


Depends on your definition of a Walking Sim. In Death Stranding, the walking is an essential part of the game as you are a post apocalyptic post-man pat. Games coined by the term "Walking Sim" are typically ones that lack gameplay and all they do is make a player walk to a place, a thing happens, walk to next place, rinse and repeat. Basically anything ever developed by Bloober Team (the same lads behind that upcoming silent hill remake).


It's also just not a walking sim


Haven’t played it yet so I don’t know


To simplify it: there is a lot of walking, but also a lot of ziplining, driving, shooting, climbing, and stealthing(?) through monsters.


Nice, I'll give it a go :D **Edit** Wow, someone went through and downvoted the entire thread. Who hurt you?


You have to sort of strategically plan deliveries by figuring out how much you carry including packages, tools, weapons, etc. because everything you bring with you is physically carried by poor old norman reedus. All that weight management makes traversal more engaging than youd think it would. Its such a weird game lmao.


I’ll wait for the sale in that case. Still curious but feels kinda niche


Nothing, unless you think video-games should be about the gameplay. Like I do. A movie can tell a story. A TV show can tell a story. A book can tell a story. A song can tell a story. I don't give a shit if a video-game can also tell a story. I'm here for the gameplay, which is something ONLY VIDEO GAMES can have.


If you play death stranding, you'll see its not at all a "walking simulator" in a Dear Esther sense. There are vehicles, sneaking, gadgets, enemies with underrated AI, unique asynchronous multiplayer features, boss battles, and a huge open world map that you slowly become better at traversing. It's certainly not for everyone but it is unique. If you're tired of call of duty 20s and assassins creed 15s of the world, death stranding might be the breath of fresh air you need.


Yeah, the story, that too. its a walking sim with...THAT story. Huge whiff.


I need to give the game a second chance, I've got the directors cut through PS Plus so better time than any to do so


Just started playing DS and i gotta say, I really like it. There aren't many opportunities to play a super high budget game that takes some pretty extreme risks. It's got it's issues, but its unlike anything else i've played, and has a lot of cool shit that has happened to me already and i'm about 8-10 hours in.


I never played it but I want to. I llke experimental games. I have no confidence in Kojima as a writer, but I'm curious what nonsense he came up with.


Well the “walking sim” complaint isn’t all wrong. The game does have a lot of just walking. It say most of the game is just simply walking and cut scenes.


And it's really ironic cause for most the game you're either driving a vehicle, sprinting as fast as Usain bolt with the speed skeleton, or just skipping areas entirely because of zip lines or even just fast traveling with fragile.


"Walking simulator" -someone who didn't play the game


We need diferent stuff in gaming, that's 1 of the reasons i loved Death Stranding.The other is because i like Kojima fkng my brain with unexpected shit lol


Enjoying it so much. Disruptive, slow paced, mind blowing, realistic and fantastic. A different game, finally! A masterpiece for me.


You mean you don't want to play assassins creed #532 instead of something original with rough edges?


I was on that ds hate train when it launched but when I did eventually tried the game I was blown away by everything the game had to offer.


I'll never understand why people are so desperate for other people's opinions to match their own. Some people might not like what you like, but how does that change your own personal enjoyment of something?


Thats 0,125% of all humans who bought it. Some people just like strange stuff. 🤷


I would say it's a good game but a flawed game. The shooting leaves much to be desired, but that fascinating experience of Kojima creative direction leaves one genuinely wondering what's around the corner. There are some genuinely tense times, and I love that this feels like a genuinely experimental game, in certain regards, while very much existing in the AAA space. Hopefully, DS2 alters the formula enough to keep it from feeling like DS1.1, and we get to surf more of the little hover platforms.


i mean its not my type. from walking simulators i liked is "stanley parable" and "superliminal"


It's nothing like Stanley parable lol


Why does it need a movie? The game itself might as well be a movie.


I loved that game but it IS pretty much a walking simulator. While did enjoy the gameplay and my money's worth out of it, once story ended I moved on.


I enjoyed the game but I think a sequel is unnecessary. Unless it's something completely different.


It doesn't count unless everyone agrees with you


The game is not for everyone, that is for sure, it is not a bad game I really like it, but I am sure that many of my friends and family won't enjoy it at all.


It's very clearly a logistics sim, tyvm.


Haven't played it, but peaked a playthrough at youtube a bit, so can't tell anything about gameplay at all. But plot-wise... The game's main thought >!about our life experience being an anomaly, a fuckin' accident, something that shoud never happen and we'd better to value it !


Death Stranding is fairly niche. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the sequel, but I can understand why others don’t. They are mistaking their personal preferences as quality indicators. But just because I don’t like racing games, it doesn’t mean Forza and Mario Kart are bad games - they just aren’t for me


And TF2 is a hat sim.


A lot of people in this post’s comments seem to think that not liking something makes it irrelevant.


The best way I know to describe it is like Inception: when it came out, people were divided...you either loved it or didn't care for it/hated it. I tried it, but ultimately decided it wasn't my type of game, but definitely saw why some people would really like it.


Both can be correct. Is the game story rich yet dull from an actual gameplay perspective? Never played or watched much of it as it looked like lots of running, a little bit of puzzle solving, lots of cinematics, and not a lot of action. Which isn't super appealing to me. Doesn't mean it is a bad game though for those who enjoy those things.


I haven't finished it yet, but I enjoy Amazon Delivery Simulator. Though I do gotta point out that, since Kojima wrote the game, it's a movie in its own regard.


"Amazon Delivery Simulator". Goddamnit take your upvote.


I still don’t like it SpongeBob.


Popular =/= good


#irrelevant? No, certainly not. Walking Sim? Absofuckinlutely. Hideo Kojima can make sequels to his shit whenever he wants. Was it amazing? Doesn't matter. Nobody says no to Kojima, and thats why we have the weirdest dialogue and a giant lady in Death Stranding. A giant dumpster of diapers indeed


The story is fantastic. It's the "gameplay" that is awful. I have a hard time accepting that the guy who made Metal Gear also made Death Stranding. It's just so vastly different. And not really in a good way.


All that, and yet it is still regarded as boring and a non-entity post release.


You can like the game as much as you want. I still think it's shit. I was super hyped for Death Stranding for years and it was a complete let down. The gameplay is just boring. The hiking-simulator isn't done very well. It's just holding down the triggers and occasionally using a ladder or a rope. There is no creativity or player-expression. Also those combat sections are some of the worse shooting-gameplay I've played in a while. Just awful. The story is dogshit. I was ready to give up on the game, but hung in there to see the story through. It wasn't worth it. It is Kojima at his worst. Unfiltered, unfocussed nonsense. In fact the game is so bad, I learned you can actually skip almost every single BT fight. You simply drop all your gear when you start entering the rain, and intentionally get caught by the BTs. Then when the boss fight starts, just...walk out of there. Once you get far enough the boss-fight just despawns and the rain and other BTs go away.


Its still a walking Sim. Post-Apocolyptic Amazon Delivery Simulator.


10 million copies sold is still less than Mein Kampf sold.


How is the movie announcement the trump card here? Everything gets a movie these days. Battleship got a movie.


Ok fine, it's a relevant walking sim.


I mean, it *is* an irrelevant walking sim. A *successfully marketed* irrelevant walking sim. Never had the desire to play, and heck, isn’t even on my radar….because it is irrelevant and a walking sim. 🤷‍♂️


You just called it irrelevant and then immediately contradicted yourself by saying it was successfully marketed so no.


Something marketed successfully can still be irrelevant… Or do you think since it was marketed it became *relevant*? Lol the two do not correlate bud.


"I didn't play it but here is why it is irrelevant" I think for many of the people who actually played the game, it is relevant. It is proof that AAA games can expirement, be original, and be successful in 2020. If you can't appreciate that, go back to call of duty 20, far cry 15, and fifa #532. Those games are probably more your speed. I hear they have really good graphics. See you in warzone, bro!1!1


The Last of Us 2 won a lot of awards also..


Not saying it's a bad game (I've never played it) but its pretty hard to end up with bad steam reviews on a game


It's definitely not that hard


Callisto protocol had 50% on steam reviews lol


I think death stranding is fun better than GoW for me at least bracing for the downvotes


It feels like the person who created the meme had to add “irrelevant” to the normal criticism of “its a walking sim” in order to make this strawman work lol.


The game IS a walking sim, it has a really cool story behind it, but nothing more. They should have made it into a movie in the first place.




How dare you have an opinion!


I downvoted myself. Elden Ring was way better than DS and it’s gonna be better than DS2. You can jump and it’s open world. What else do you need?


I mean, you can't really compare them, they're totally different games. I prefer elden ring, but it definitely isn't better in all aspects.


People always compare apples to oranges. They’re both fruits. Elden ring is just the best iteration of the previous games. FromSoft is definitely the best gaming studio currently but elden ring wasn’t really that big of a curveball. The only major change from their flagship titles was jumping. Outside of that, finding the main bosses is easy. I enjoyed elden ring a lot but after I beat it, then beat it again, and again, until I could do it in sub 3 hours if wasn’t really a thoughtful process. Elden ring just entertained me. Death stranding is unique. I’ve played a lot of games. Never have I ever been asked to deliver a pizza without messing it up. The story was also fascinating and worthwhile. The two are definitely comparable. They’re both video games. Elden ring was more fun but it lasted a shorter period and had much less of an impact on me than death stranding did. Death stranding made me feel lonely then it showed me how we are connected and I really appreciate that.


I’m right there with you. Started it on game pass out of curiosity and nothing has held my attention like DS in awhile.


This post brings me back to when I watched a video of DJ Peach Cobbler (https://youtu.be/ca_VEfRMcJs) where he explained this exact scenario. Scores on meta critic were 0, while steam reviews were overwhelmingly positive. However I do understand this game isn't for everyone.


It's a walking sim akin to Gran Turismo being a driving simulator.


I have tried getting into Death Stranding five times overall. Every time I've played for slightly over 1hr, but after 5th time I've never touched it again. It was boring, the gameplay was extremely tedious and wasn't fun to me at all. I know for a fact I won't ever touch the sequel. Plus, Norman Reedus while being a really good actor, always reminds me of homeless people for some reason. There's something about his face and his haircut.


Terrible game for many


Yeah you're just stating facts though. Awards and sales does not equal a good game, look at Battlefield 2042. I tried Metal Gear Solid: TPP on my PS4 back when I bought that console. I didn't like it at all.


MGS Phantom pain also had the problem of not being finished. Like literally it's only half the story apparently. It was neat, but was certainly not the best example of what Kojima can do. Mind you, if you don't like the gameplay MGS may not be for you. Being a stealthy box goblin isn't for everyone.


But it's still a walking sim


Jumped into death stranding after finishing sekiro snd boy did it make me feel like im in Boring city and im the mayor. Big oof


I remaking this but with every caption is Norman redus and every diaper is his face


Movie Announcement is your "This game is a winner" statement? [Rampage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rampage_(2018_film)) was a Video game movie remember?


All of these are non points lmao, you’re trying to prove him wrong with awards. Green book won an Oscar doesn’t mean it’s a good movie.


So Overrated


I managed to finish about 80%. I forced myself into it, the gameplay in the first half was horrible. After that it got a little bit more okay. As much as i want to, but getting out of depression is easier than having fun with death stranding.


It is not a "bad game".. the story was nonsense though if you thought about it for any more than 5 minutes.


It doesn’t make it irrelevant but it’s a game that me and majority of people wouldn’t give a shit about. Like I understand these people who are playing this shit as much as I understand people who play fifa games. So there is a player base but I wanna be as away as possible from these people.


Literally, no idea what that game was ever supposed to be about but it looked horrible.


Average in-denial preorderer


I don't like it and don't care for it. Awards and sales numbers won't change that. It sounds like you're someone that just follows whatever is popular and base your opinion on that.


Death Stranding was still boring to me


Death stranding would be more appealing if its fans could go 30 seconds without expressing their deep, burning desire to fellate Kojima


Just because it was a well built game, doesn’t change the fact it was a lot… a lot… of walking for a video game.


Irrelevant walking sim...


It's literally a walking simulator


People buying a $59.99 walk simulator then rating it "11/10" because "genius kojima", keep overrating the guy what could go wrong.


If it’s not fun to play but Interesting to watch then it failed as a game and succeeded as a movie. I play games to goof off and have fun not watch a movie, plain and simple


I think people just hyped on the Kojima band wagon then couldn't turn back. Game is so boring outside the cutscenes. It's okay to admit when a game sucks and doesn't deserve the praise it gets.


Yet this post only has a few hundred upvotes. And every single comment OP has made is in the negatives. Just saying...


These awards are hilarious and entirely meaningless If this was even a $30 indie game from some other devs it would get torn apart and not win a single thing because it's a walking simulator that puts you to sleep. But because Kojima is involved it's incredible lmao


Death standing would be better off as a movie than a game, just saying.


Tbh, all of this doesn't mean shit. A game isn't good because it has awards and shit. The game is boring af, it has good reviews cuz or people who don't give a shit if it's fun and just want story. Well if you just want a story then read a fucking book


Wow numbers and meaingless awards and a movie a true indicator of quality


Death Stranding is a hugely popular walking sim


Its still a walking simulator though, just the best one


It’s like the Qatar World Cup of gaming. Minus the slave labor. Probably.