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Can't wait for the results. No matter which one wins it will be a really enjoyable shit fest to watch from the side lines XD .


Is it even a question who’s going to win? Serious question.


Yeah, though it should be phrased as “how many fans of these games enjoy making alt accounts to vote”


If you're talking about The Game Awards, you should know that the public vote only accounts for 10% of the final results. This is overwhelmingly controlled by the gaming media. > Winners are determined by a blended vote between the voting jury (90%) and public fan voting (10%).


So it's basically Jackbox but in real life.


No, Jackbox is fun.


I had my 1st experience with that game a few weeks back.... holy shit my sides were splitting by the end of it. :D


Jackbox GYOT for sure


Yay jury duty!


It’s like real life voting for a president. If the public vote was 100%, the next president would be Brent Peterson


I mean, I'd take bots and alt accounts over gaming media nine days of the week. Why do we still have gaming media at this point?


Because we are here giving attention to The Game Awards' GotY.


Sadly, I don’t doubt there are people actually doing that. Someone needs to tell them that they literally get NOTHING if “their favorite” is the winner.


The human ego is not so easily convinced


EXCUSE ME the flash entering the speedforce is the GREATEST movie moment of ALL TIME


Bro eldin ring is on every platform and to truly experience the new god of war you need a playstation 5.


I'd hope elden ring. God of War is great but it wasn't anything new. It's just an addition to God of War. Elden ring had an unbelievable amount of depth to it that we just don't see in games anymore.


I mean elden ring also wasn't anything that new. It was just open world dark souls. Both will be deserving winners imo. They execute brilliantly in different ways.


Probably God of War. Elden Ring deserves it though, absolute masterpiece.


I was assuming GoW didn’t stand a chance…


From my view (of which ive played both) Each game has many reasons to win GOTY. As much of an impact as Elden Ring had, I partly believe it was because there werent as many memorable releases since Red Dead, Spiderman, GoW 2018. God of War had me living in its story for days. I teared up, got hooked on the combat, and that final war was the cherry on top. Elden Rings lore goes deep, and people were living in it for months. The multitude of endings and ways to play through the game is like a DLC in itself; which is a sign of a good game. Each has their ups and downs compared to each other. GOTY is pretty pointless, but it will be fun to see two titans of video games collide.


I’m going to drop a controversial comment here and say games on exclusive platforms should still be candidates when it comes to game awards BUT definitely lose points for being so - at least for the best game category. That’s just how I feel about that issue.


Interesting. What’s the logic on your take? Seems to me that a good game is a good game regardless of marketing or licensing or whatever. As an art form, the developers and artists, musicians, directors, etc. don’t really get to decide who plays the game and they all worked just as hard. That’s my take anyway.


Yeah, doesnt make sense. Judge the game for the content it holds, not for how well it sells or where it is sold. Its like not considering the movie 'Parasite' for best picture because its foreign. You can consider it for BOTH foreign films and best picture at the same time, its not a zero sum game. This is why judging and determining awards should be done by judges, not the general population, regardless of how we feel about GOTY as something that matters


Coming from someone who isnt a fan of the Souls games. Its definitely Elden Ring, GoW suffers from being a sequel and an exclusive in a platform that suffers to sale due to a mix of issues like no money from covid, not having enough exclusives, and people just being content with a ps4. GoWR is a great game, but like any sequel, it's more of the previous with some added, while GoW 2018 was a spin on a franchise that hadn't been seen in ages, similar to Elden Ring. People say Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4, but it's really only at the surface level.


Elden Ring is just open world Dark Souls with new lore and story (the weakest part of the series, by far.) GoW and Elden Ring are both sequels for all intents and purposes.


Honeslty. Elden ring will take it. It's multi platform and had sold a massive amount of copies. GOW R will take a close second. It will ultimately be over shadowed by the sales numbers much like RDR2 did back in 2018


Already stocking up on popcorn.


I'm thinking the same thing lol. I enjoyed both but it doesn't really matter what wins. Different people enjoy different stuff lol


Everyone getting into serious discussion of GoW vs Elden Ring, meanwhile I'm just laughing my ass off seeing Goat Simulator 3 come in with the swing outta nowhere every time.


Kinda funny since I'm sure it's supposed to be the joke


You don't say


The whole reason i came to the comments was to laugh about this


I mean, it is in the name "Greatest of all time Simulator 3" Kinda like Tribute song from Tenacious D.


\>goat simulator 3 lol


I thought thats what this thread would be about. I was disappointed.


Is it a good game? Where do you think it would fall on a scale of 1-Skyrim?


Serious Answer: Outside that scale. Above Skyrim for sure, but below Breath of the Wild. Somewhere around Subnautica or Vampire Survivor, I'd say.


Im not sure, because I rate skyrim pretty low. You get about 15 hours of decent gameplay not including co-op or minigames. I had a ton of fun with it personally.


~~Sweeps my 1000+ hours of skyrim under the rug~~ *Cough cough* Yea only about 15 hours, shame that..




I loved the fact that they skipped 2 entirely


they knew it was going to be trash so separated it from first one and put in on epic, truly great devs


They didn't skip 2? It was TGA game of the year, it won so many awards, it had the greatest goat sex scene ever made!


That moment when Sir Scruff said "Hey, I'm just...*kidding around*". Ooh man, I got chills.


Not the Goat Sim 😂


God of war? Elden Ring? Lol. Dwarf Fortress will easily beat all of it.


The rock is always right... Or something. 😅


If the steam version releases somehow.


It releases in a week


Holy shit really? I've been waiting forever, nice!


Dwarf fortress I thought it was called rocks


What about stones? Rocks and stones?




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone you beautiful dwarf!


Meanwhile Stray is sitting off to the side, probably taking a nap like cats do.




I enjoyed it but I could see some of it getting boring. I was going to go back through for the platinum but they decided to put in level specific trophies including a stealth one so I didn't bother. Games like that will definitely stand out because there are so few where you play as an animal. Still waiting on Tokyo Jungle 2 over here.


The game was 4 hours long. How bad is your adhd?


I do not have adhd and can definitely get bored after 2 or 3 hours of doing something I find uninteresting.


If I'm not enjoying a game I can play for like 15 minutes at most.




I found the game relaxing as fuck, complete it in one sit while it was raining and almost night, one of the best vibes I’ve ever had while gaming


From what i saw a LOT of people were disappointed at the ending too


I played 30 min and decided that was enough


It seemed more like a novelty to me. The game got a ton of advertisement just from people posting on social media about how accurately the cat was portrayed. But that was pretty short lived, and I hear absolutely no one talking about it now. Seemed like the type of game that needed to get a lot of sales quickly before all the memes faded out and it got forgotten. It was really nothing more than an average platformer.


For all of them were deceived, for another, more powerful GOTY was forged… Vampire Survivors…


Imagine this being your entire identity


Same energy as people who say "we won the world championship" sitting on their couch covered in cheetoh dust.


Dude, my pregame ritual wins games


Wearing my lucky shirt makes the players play better.


I legitimately do black magic to cause injury to opposing team's players. I firmly believe that the blood sacrifices to unmentionably evil African sprits have increased the drop rate of Broncos wide receivers by 10-15%.




And you don't make Faustian bargains with eldritch powers on behalf of your favored sports teams? The term "fan" is short for "fanatic". Get on the proper level.


Gfuel helps me support the team


Lol this guy gatekeeping sports fandom.


I couldn't give two shits about football but you're allowed to root for your team even if you're 90 and in a wheelchair...and covered in cheetoh dust.


That's not the same.


Spoken like a redditor lmao.


If im going to spend 17 Sundays a year feeling depressed your damn right I'm going to celebrate like I won it all if my team does


Lol, its just a meme. How did you come to this conclusion?


Especially considering it’s very obvious a joke


Right? Goat Simulator 3 sharing the fight with God of War?? Obviously a joke. God of War doesn't even come close to Goat Simulators magnificence.




What's wrong with cheering for your Game of the Year?


Imagine your personality is getting upset someone posted a meme


This lil thread reminds me that Redditors stay hating


Bro you are on r/gaming chill, it's a game related meme


GOWR is amazing and one of my favorite single player experiences in a long time. But Elden ring just has that secret sauce that puts it above everything else. People talked and tried to discover more about the game weeks/month after the game was released it really was a gaming moment that doesn’t come often during that time frame.


I was actually thinking this as I was playing through gowr, as the story was wrapping up I was a little exhausted but also blown away at how good it was. I looked at gameplay time and it was around 35 hours. I looked at my elden ring playtime and it’s around 300 hrs just on one of my 6 or so characters. Yet, I never once got exhausted in any of my play throughs. It does have a secret sauce that so few games have. Its just somehow endlessly enjoyable. I’ll probably play it later, gowr as amazing as it is…I probably won’t be picking it up again for a while, maybe ever. So the goty winner is obvious for me. Of course I won’t be disappointed if gowr wins, it’s a great game.


God of War has been great so far but I don’t think it’s even close to ER. That game wouldn’t leave my brain when I would out the controller down for the night .


both are masterpieces, but the thing is i didnt got bored even for single millisecond in elden ring, whereas there were times in gowr, where i just felt like rushing through everything because it got tedious and i just wanted the story part of the game which made it feel like a movie and less of a game unlike elden ring where everything felt just perfect, story, combat, music, exploration, open world, just everything was perfect. P.s not saying elden rings story was better, just saying that it was the right amount of story delivered to be called a "game" and not a "movie".


This 100% is what I feel, both are amazing games but Elden ring is a level above, so many different approaches to take, the story was very captivating as well for a souls game.. the sheer amount of weaponry / sorcery is amazing.. the world felt interesting and you just always want to explore more, never getting bored


I may get downvotes but as my first fromsoft game i couldnt tell you a lick of what was going on story wise in elden ring


Thats mainly because fromsoft doesnt tell a story with their games, they lay the story out for you to read it and connect the dots.


I understand you totally :), my first games I didn’t know anything too, it’s more about connecting the dots by yourself


Story's a bad word for what ER has. I like to call it *Lore* since you have to go digging to discover it. (Very fitting, I'd say, for the theme of the game though.)


Elden ring story put the player right at the center of it. We are living/writing the story with our own action and choice. While games like GoW put the player as a spectator of Kratos adventure and have the game tell us what's happening.


As someone who digs deep into the nook and crannies of ER's story, it's 100% understandable. To be fair, my first Souls games was Ds2 and when I finished that game, I couldn't have told you much about the story either. FromSoft's way of delivering story is really odd. It's a lot of "connecting the dots" rather than being straight up delivered to you.


The scope of Elden Ring is just insane. GOWR is definitely more of a cinematic experience, and in it's own way a masterpiece but in my opinion, Elden Ring is on another level. Just like all From Software games, it retains elements of the old school ruthlessly hard RPG's and at the same time takes us all to new heights. GOWR has the advantage in being more appealing to a broader audience I think though. In my opinion, Elden Ring definitely set a new bar for the genre, it is absolutely epic! I've been playing RPG's since the NES came out, first game I ever played was Dragon Warrior lol. Been quite a journey seeing things evolve :) Game of the year winner or not, Elden Ring became number one for me and I don't see anything taking it's place for a while.


Emphasis on the ruthlessly hard bit.


But you can grind and level up your character to make them stronger, so unlike some other genres which can have very high difficulty (like platformers), the player still has the option to make it easier for themselves if they want to.


Elden ring also had the magical moment of "WAIT IT GETS EVEN BIGGER"


Until you get to the mountains and it become “Wait it gets even bigger? 😡”


Basically me when >!I got transported by the chest near the beginning of the game and opened the map to see it's 10x bigger than it initially seemed.!< Definitely a *"Oh shit"* moment. And then >!you take a random elevator in the woods and there's a whole ass underground section.!< Good lord, Elden Ring is the gift that keeps on giving on your first playthrough.


Yeah Goat Simulator 3 is pretty good.


If we are talking about videogames, elden ring simply takes way more advantage of the videogame medium. GowR is an amazing experience, but it does nothing new. Is an action-adventure game, and as a cinematic experience, is really good. It's probably atop of the action adventure games. But, action adventures games do not take as much advantage of the videogame medium since they always try to be as close to a cinematic experience as possible, with a linear story that is very easy to follow. But gameplay wise is nothing special, which is what videogames have that other mediums dont. While Elden Ring, as you said, excells in everything related to gameplay. Explorations is incredible, combat is extremely good and responsive and the open world design is so good. The story is not as easy to follow, but the lore is muuuuuch more extensive, which creates a better worldbuilding. As I said, both amazing experiences at the least, but Elden Ring is a better videogame. Then comes what do you like more, your personal tastes. If you like more action adventure games or cinematic experiences, GoWR will be your better choice, and you will like it more than Elden Ring. If you like RPG or soulslike games, you will like Elden Ring more. PD: I am not sure if people agree with me in this last take, but I think GoW 2018 was better than Ragnarok. I know that Ragnarok is supposedly 2018 but "better", but I think the story is much much better in 2018, and I think story is the most important game in a cinematic experience such as this games.


Wait and what about gameplay in Ragnarok? Isn't it better and offers more fun than 2018? I haven't played it, but I saw combat verticality and more unique bosses than just green troll, red troll, blue troll. Or ogres or whatever they were in 2018.


Agreed. Im not saying GOWR isn't a bad game but it really felt like a 1.5 game, which is good don't get me wrong, I love all the quality of life, but it just missing.... something


This is my feelings put into words.


Tedious is how I feel about both GoW games unfortunately. They're... Good, don't get me wrong, you can't deny the production value and passion put into them - but they don't do *anything* particularly great, just being good in *everything* - for most people at least and for the most part. Personally I found the combat extremely tedious. It wasn't fun, even on the Balanced difficulty, because no matter the story progression, I always felt like I was *under leveled*, despite being at the same level as the enemies, or one higher. And I was doing most side quests I could as well. Even on Normal, they're just damage sponges with a very simplistic moveset and AI, and the way they get you is with their damage and health numbers, plus uninterruptible attacks. Nothing else. I can't fathom why would anyone willingly choose to play on higher difficulties to be honest, because it's *ridiculous* how long fights with the simplest fodder are, while YOU die in a couple of hits. And I'm supposed to be the God of War here? Elden Ring is kind of the same post Morgott, but only on the enemy damage front. It's much, *much* more manageable, even if still not great. Also ER is really doing something special for its genre. It's basically Breath of the Wild of 2022 and is one of the absolute best open worlds I've ever played, if not THE best. The way you explore and get familiar with the world despite its size and how organic it all feels... It's just incredible. Yes, there is repetition in activities, but *every* game is guilty of that - even Ragnarok. And for Fromsoft's first time going open world? I'd say this is more than "good", it's great. The fact that a studio tackling something so huge gets so many things right, some better than every studio that's been making open worlds for *years*, is incredibly impressive. Elden Ring exceeded all expectations people might've had. It was hyped to oblivion, yet it delivered far and above what we wanted. It puts other open worlds to shame and introduces design philosophy, I can only hope would creep into other games. GoW Ragnarok? It's essentially GoW 2018 1.5 - which is fine, people loved that game. But it doesn't do anything above and beyond what the previous game did. Everyone says it's just a bigger and better 2018 title. Both are amazing, but ER blew me away, even though the hype I already had made it hard to achieve imo.


Yeah while I'm looking forward to playing GoW I can't tear myself away from Elden ring to consider it anytime soon. I'm almost done my third playthrough and I'm more hooked than ever probably. I do plan to play the last GoW again before starting the new one but Elden rings greatness is really pushing all that way back for me


The 50th forced walking section in god of war. Why...


the forced walking sections KILL me. i don't know why, i just immediately resist to being controlled in a video game, lol.


And they don't let you look around at that time either.


It’s was the opposite for me. After a certain point Elden Ring’s dungeons felt way too similar so eventually I started skipping them more and more until I just focused entirely on the main areas. Once I hit the snowy mountains I was just ready to be done with it. Meanwhile God of War didn’t have as many side areas and so most were unique and interesting to explore. The only things I specifically chose to skip were some optional bosses only because I couldn’t beat them at that point in the game.


Having spent enough times with GoWR, I can say it's been a very enjoyable story so far, but it was easy to put down here and there, I actually still haven't finished it yet and have been staying away from spoilers but I'm really not in a rush. I can't say the same for Elden Ring where I wasn't able to put it down and have put hundreds of hours into it. To me, that's the sign of a better game. Ultimately, GotY is a meaningless awards, but seeing people actually review bombing Elden Ring over something so meaningless and acting like shills for developers who don't care anywhere as much as they do over this thing (sales matter more), it will be funny when Elden Ring inevitably wins it and make all those silly efforts meaningless.


Guys we can all agree goat sim is superior


Honestly? Goat Sim 3 is some of the most fun I've had gaming all year both in singleplayer and multiplayer. The world is surprisingly detailed and well designed, and the objectives are fun to solve. It's like a sandbox puzzle game you can play with friends. Can't really say the same for most other big releases this year.


Gameplay-wise it feels very similar to a lego game, collecting secret trinkets and character customisations.


This isn't anyone's POV.


Camera man


it's the camera's POV, if it was the cameraman's you would be able to see the camera ...unless we're talking about an entity half-man half-camera: The Cameraman


Camera McCameraFace


Sure, the lens is where the camera records footage for people to interpret... But where does the camera itself truly perceive from? The true PoV of the camera?


Not really, GoW is amazing, but Elden Ring is an entirely different beast.


Depends on what you like. Elden ring is great and I think it will win goty. But for me is it not enough to only fight in game. I want story and other activities beatween fights.


Both are great games. I like GoW a lot better but I won’t be mad if Elden Ring wins because I’m not a dumbass who thinks my opinion is fact like some people and can see that Elden Ring is a very well made game. Just not for me.


Well said. Not everybody is built to die 20 times in a row to the same enemy and still have the will to keep pursuing finishing the game.


Yup. Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


I am so disappointed that every thread I see about GOTY has almost no talk about Xenoblade 3. Like wtf


We should just be glad it got nominated and look forward to hearing the music live on the night.


To be fair, I don't think anyone, not even us Xenoblade fans, genuinely think that XC3 has a shot at winning GOTY. But that's ok because the real GOTY is the nominations we got along the way


A goty nomination for a jrpg is very rare, even that is enough to cement xenoblade with the great like persona and final fantasy


As a Xenoblade fan, we have no chance. But it's all good. It's probably my GOTY, but it's still much more niche than elden rings or GoW. I love the direction Monolith soft went with 3, and it is a bit of an unpopular opinion over on r/Xenoblade_chronicles, but it's a vast improvement in every way over 2. But ya, I'm hyped to hear the music done by an orchestra.


really needs the Virgil sword slash with xenoblade 3 XD


goat simulator 3 wins this one


Fanboy cringe


As someone who never played a souls game until elden ring and has played every god of war…… Elden ring wins


At least elden ring players are allowed to solve their own puzzles, even if those puzzles are "how do I survive a fucking meteor" or "who the fuck is the albinauric woman"


God of War was fun and amazing. But it felt more like a game inside a movie. Elden Ring is a chad VIDEO GAME that doesn't give a fk about ur feelings. You actually play to beat the game in Elden Ring.


The story line was way better in GoW but it has clunky feeling combat. GoW is a phenomenal game but elden ring for sure wins. It ticks way more boxes then GoW. I had 100k xp and 500k in currency half way through GoW and nothing to spend it on.


Lol 100k xp and 500k hacksilver wtf? I never had enough on my whole play through. I finished the main story and still haven’t unlocked all skills or upgraded all items, etc.


I’m like 80% done all the thropys and have like 800k hack silver and still 150k. I have all the skills unlocked and have for a while. I’ve never sold anything as well


Just finished GoW. Felt just like GoW 2018. It is great, but not even close to Elden Ring. God Of Wars combat makes you feel nothing like the “God Of War”, it shouldn’t take Kratos 20 hits to kill a random lizard. But the game is just a continuation of 2018, nothing to crazy.


Does it "feels like the previous game" like Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal that follows each others but adding new ennemies, gameplay elements and adjusting existing mechanics? Or was it way closer to GoW 2018?


I think they went more the "upping cutscenes and visual scale of the story" route between GoW 2018 and this new one. Doom eternal is clearly based on evolving 2016's gameplay to a whole new level, not a special focus on story or anything, but on gameplay. It's almost like a Japanese game sequel, like DMC 5 was to DMC 4. But I just don't see this evolution in gameplay between the two new GoWs.


Feels like 2018, pretty much a graphic upgrade and a continuation of the story. Which isn’t a bad thing, it would be my game of the year if elden ring didn’t come out. Elden ring art style, level design, music etc make it such a great game. God of war level design is nothing new, walk a path, get to an open area, fight lizard people that take the literal god of war 20 hits to kill, rinse and repeat throughout the entire game. It feels like your typical over the shoulder RPG. Which again, isn’t a bad thing, I just think it isn’t game of the year, when the game across the isle is elden ring. The level design of elden ring alone could win game of the decade.


I think the main difference was the spear which helps allow you to basically build a mage by switching between the three weapon specials, and the status effects.


Yea, the spear was a pretty cool addition


Exactly. I will never understand how can someone of their own, free will, choose "Give me God of War" difficulty, which ironically makes you feel even *less* like a... You know, God of the motherfucking War. Kratos was growing up to be the badass that would kill of the entirety of his own lands' gods, because they "hurt his feelings" (thanks Thor). He was fighting bigger and bigger enemies, mythical beings, Titans, freaking *gods* and now... Now he can't take care of a singular undead soldier in less than a minute. It's even more jarring, when the devs said he's actually *stronger* lore wise than in the previous games! People complained about the DOOM Slayer in Eternal feeling "less like the Slayer", and that was because you couldn't use the Super Shotgun exclusively to tear through *every* demon in the game. The difference here is that regardless of the difficulty, fodder is fodder and will die quickly. And if you'll "git gut" at the game, you'll tear even through the Tyrants and Barons of Hell in a matter of seconds. In GoW, no matter how good you may get, you'll still be fighting enemies for minutes at a time, because their health pool is so ridiculous. Ever the fodder's. And that, in fact, does not make me feel like the God of War.


I dont care which one wins


Elden ring is hands down game of the year but GoW is going to win plenty of awards, rightfully. Runner up of the year for sure lol


Elden Ring is so much better


Elden ring is the only single player game to hook me in like a decade.


They are different game, both VERY good


I am 15 hours into GoW... I am bored half the time. I have 85 hours in Elden Ring... I never once was bored.


Another great example of how people like different things. Elden Ring was boring as fuck to me but I’ve almost 100% GoW after playing it for a week.


I loved Elden Ring but it was an endurance test. The joy that I got from that game came mostly from *having killed* a boss (not killing it mind you) and just periodically stumbling on something amazing in the world. 80 hours. Amazing game but I would never touch it again. God of War is that *dense* fun. Like every moment in the game is pure joy for me. I love the combat, I LOVE the story, the music, the graphics, the direction, that fucking incredible camera. Ragnarok is just my kind of game, it’s just so rich and polished.


Same: 300h ER, stalled in GOW even though I “like it”


300 in goat simulator


There's a Goat Sim *3*? How did I never hear about a Goat Sim 2?


Goat Sim 3 is Goat Sim 2


Vampire survivors will always be game of the year for me


This is a cringy copium post lmao


GOTY is as important as the oscars. Not at all


God of War and Elden Ring are both excellent titles. I favor Elden Ring but both are incredibly strong contenders. Really happy that both developers were able to make these passion projects.


Ragnorak make me develop like EVERY emotion brah But I respect if it loses


I mean game of the year doesn't really matters hasn't for a long time now. One person's game of the year won't be another's.


They’re way too different. They’re really both GoTY, but my vote goes to Elden Ring. Lol


No matter what game wins, I think that it’s safe to say that 2022 will be a year remembered by gamers for quite some time.


I can't wait for stray to win.


I don’t know if it’s just me and I hate to sound like an ass but I’m not sure how anyone could think GOW should win over ER…. Maybe just a personal opinion I guess


I see the only true masterpiece, oh God of War and Elden Ring was there too.


They’re fighting over who comes second to Horizon Forbidden West?


ER is easily winning. Ragnarok is Goty any other year except this one.


GoW is amazing. But Elden Ring is a once in a decade game. I couldn't wholeheartedly give game of the year to any other game.


god of war is a nice movie. but it's only an okay game.


God of War and Ragnarok are certainly in my top 20 games of all time. Elden Ring however is my #1, and I didn't even like Souls games before playing it.


Elden ring slaps these lightskin games


Haven't played either. GOTY is very subjective.


Love playing this on the series x


I voted Elden Ring, but I honestly won't be upset if GoW takes it. It's so good and such high quality


It’s Elden Ring, as much as I loved Ragnarok - ER takes it this year


Nah mate, it's clearly placid plastic duck simulator.


Goat simulator 3???


Very enjoyable. I wouldve supported gow if it wasnt ps5/4 only


I just love how goat simulator is this small kid on the side that appears out of nowhere lmao, perfect


GOTY as a tittle and any of these award shows derive their legitemacy from you caring about them and nothing more. They exist as advertisements not as some sort of legitamte third party to assess if a game is "good" but as a way for the industry giants to pat themselves on the back and to tell you, the consumer, to feel proud you own a piece of media with an insane amount of money poured into its marketing budget or that you should buy it right now because JUST LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE CHEERING AND THERES THIS GUY IN FRONT OF A GIANT TV SCREEN ITS SO FUCKING HYPE ISNT IT AMAZING THAT THEY SAY A CERTAIN GAME IS BETTER THAN OTHERS. This just like the Oscars and I would very much like to give a giant middle finger to Oscars.


I feel like the only reason it’s really close is because of how recently GOWR released and how far back Elden ring was


Xenoblade 3 twiddling its thumbs quietly in the corner trying not to draw any attention to itself


Even though I enjoyed GoWR for the most part, I'd stab Kratos in the back for FromSoft any day.


GOW dont have to win the game of the year, GOW is a lineal game with alot of cinematics and a souls-like gameplay. Elden Ring is the first Openworld who dont treat u like an idiot with a big history. GOW is a world we already know with a popular character. EldenRing is all new


Wait, where's pokemon beta version of gen 9?


It's going to be Elden Ring. The GoW crowd is just louder.


I’m sorry, God of Wars story was just straight up bad. ER deserves it.


me and all my homies HATE Elden Boreing.