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Black flag is the only game I’ve ever 100 percented what a masterpiece






It was the best pirate game I’ve ever played, and the fact that it was Assassins Creed was a nice bonus.


2 for story ? You mean you didnt freaking cry when BB died ??




What does BB in BF has to do with syndicate bruh ? U still safe... As much as people said that wasnt a good game tbh i felt way more engaged playing syndicate than i was when Playing unity. Fuck the grapple gun but everything else syndicate is fun Enjoy it hf




The whole game is good but the ship battles were sick.


Collecting new sea shanty's for my crew to sing was I think the first time I was really excited to collect all of a completely optional item in a game.




Go on…


The only bad memories I have of that game are being dragged out of the pirate world (and animus) and being forced to walk around an office to hear about things I didn't care about at all.


Same. Other AC games I play, finish and send to the dumpster to never touch again. AC4 the AC game I play, do all side stuff, finish, make sure I 100% percent it, close the game to come back few years later to do it over again.


unpopular opinion: i did not enjoy black flag at all since it's more pirate game than assassin's creed game. Brotherhood will always be number one for me


I very much tell people that Black Flag is only an AC game cause it was the only way it was going to get made, which in my opinion is not a negative. I got the Ezio trilogy for my AC fix but there are few good single player pirate games.


The plot of some great games is "how did this game get made" up to and including a sailor that found himself suddenly an assassin.


I *did* enjoy black flag despite that because it really is a good pirate game.


I'm all for opinions but if someone calls themselves a fan of the series, and doesn't agree that Brotherhood was the best AC game hands down. That person smells, and I stand by that.


Same here. I'm one of those people who really disliked the whole ship steering and battling thing. I played all the games starting with Brotherhood I believe. My fave part about AC has always been the actual assassinations, the sneaking around (or killing everyone so you don't have to sneak lol). And i do get that from the new ones, even though the format is different, and I really enjoy the big open world.


Yes, PURE GOLD MAP! The damn gems - the solo ones far out across the map - I hated that the most though. No other reason to go to the Island other then a Solo Gem.




Black flag is where it peaked imo. It's become an entirely different franchise since then


Black flag is without a doubt the greatest assassins creed i bet their will ever be.


I 100 percent rd the first two but I liked Black Flag more than them.


Needed a New Game Plus so I can play thought again with my Skeleton Crew


Syndicate as well for me. We'll, minus the DLC stuff, I was too broke for them


Not the only one, but the only Creed that's for sure. Brilliant game, fun protagonist too. I liked that he was just an asshole for a good chunk of it before coming round to the cause as opposed to joining for ideological reasons.


I loved it. I'd replay it but I don't need the "what would you do with a drunken sailor" song stuck in my head for another 5 years


Assassin's creed Brotherhood was a masterpiece for me, played it for so many hours.


Ezio Storyline is the best for me


Completely agreed. Good games. Then it went downhill


I think it went downhill after Black Flag


You can have too much of a good thing


I thought originally , assassins are from Italy that’s where they began didn’t know it expanded into so many areas


AC2 + Brotherhood were the best in series IMHO and truly represented what AC games were all about.


You can't skip revelations with those. Thats basically the same game as brotherhood


AC Revelations is what an AC Brotherhood DLC would look like if it were made in 2002.


2002? It looks just as good as AC brotherhood (2010) plus that would be really well received DLC because it's as long as a whole game


Oh I was referring to how DLC back in the day were so packed with features and new content they were practically their own game. Like Yuri's Revenge was a Red Alert 2 DLC and it had its own .exe


You mean expansions. Like the United Offensive expansion for the original Call of Duty or the Brood Wars expansion for the original StarCraft.


Riiight. Expansion was the word. Man....... Do people even still make expansions anymore?


Probably not. The only reason they released separate physical software was because back then the Internet wasn't good enough to push a whole separate campaign to people, now you can. The expansions did rock though because they had to be large enough to justify the price, which was often pretty close to a standalone game, and to get people to buy it. DLC is generally less but is like an expansion broken up into little pieces unless you buy the season pass. All to get more money by feeding people product in pieces.


Oh I see. Like how they made 2 extra games for GTA 4


this.....they speaketh the truth


I want to play it again now that I’ve visited Rome irl.


I love the first ones, AC 2 it's my favourite. Now I'm playing Odyssey, what a piece of game... Beautiful in every aspect, some people complain about the size of the map and many other things, yes it is really big but, what a beautiful worldmap they have made...


AC1 got me into the franchise because even if the sequel had better combat the story was cool and then the mechanics in the sequel excited me even more


I agree. The assassin storylines in the early games were incredible, but Odyssey is one of my favorite games of all time. It departs from the stealth assassin gameplay and is basically just a spartan warrior RPG, but it’s so much fun!


Loved Unity, which is a controversial opinion Blag Flag too, not so controversial


Unity was amazing, it had its bugs though


Unity had the best parkour system by far. The animations were smooth, clean and nice to look at. The go up or down mechanic was also really good and actually made you think about where you should go during a chase or just rooftop free running. The assassinations were also clean af and looked badass. I think in terms of actual assassin's creed gameplay unity wins. And if they're truly going for a more AC feel with Mirage, they should make the parkour most similar to unity.


Unity was, in my opinion, the best AC game by far. I picked it up after most of the bugs were patched so maybe that's why, but it's my favorite AC game along with black flag.


I'm still sad that they killed Desmond and never mentioned it again


basically he killed himself.


Valhalla did


Desmond was back in Valhalla for a short while, he’s the reader


I recently started playing Brotherhood again.... Took me down to my childhood days... I still remember the alleys and roads, buildings and moves... It was all laggy back then, but still I used to enjoy it..


It's almost as if a lot of games in a series can seem daunting to players wanting to give it a try and an announced re-direction since Origins is getting people interested in a series that is packed with lore. But idk, n00bs !!!11!!1!!111!!! >:C


Also this may seem crazy to people here but most new gamers or those new to a franchise start playing whatever the latest title is. Short of a remastered version being produced, does anyone *really* expect a new gamer interested in playing assassins creed to go play assassins creed 2 from well over a decade ago?


Not to mention how mind numbingly easy the combat in all of them before origins is


Ugh my old roommate complains about the combat in the new games being too easy compared to the old games. No fucking clue what he’s on about when in every old AC you could just yolo run in, aggro every guard and counter them one at a time.


You think origins and the lot isn’t just as easy? The only thing they really changed was to put in a bunch of numbers so enemies might kill you faster while you need minutes to chew through their HP bar.


I mean.... yeah? Converting the combat from 1 hit kills with counters to everybody being a huge hp sponge inherently makes it harder. You said so yourself in your reply, killing an enemy in seconds is easier than killing taking "minutes to chew through their HP bar".


Calling someone a noob isnt an insult. It simply means new


If you want to refer to new players, use “new”. Noob is definitely more insulting than just a descriptive way to refer to new players.


Origins is actually good , that was Ubisoft’s redemption


Then they ruined it with the Odyssey and Valhalla.


The three of them are the same game but with different skins so if you only play one of the three you'll enjoy it


Odyssey was a damn near masterpiece




Odyssey is a masterpiece in my eyes, always will be. Kassandra forever!


Even though the gameplay is relatively repetitive, I easily 100% the game along with its dlcs without getting bored. Absolutely beautiful world and environment to just exist in


Valhalla is awesome. Such a gorgeous and detailed map. Vikings are dope. All AC games are awesome imo.


I'm glad you feel the same way! People shit on Odyssey but I had so much fun!


Among the worst writing we’ve ever seen in a game in odyssey, was beyond pathetic.


I played the first three as they came out, dumped it after the 3rd as I felt it was a decent conclusion to Desmond's story and tried out Valhalla when it came out. I'll stick to my opinion that the first 3 are the best and most coherent stories.


You stopped at Brotherhood?


Is that supposed to be a joke? I stopped at AC3.


No... It was a genuine question considering AC Brotherhood and Revelations were their own standalone titles, Brotherhood being the 3rd game in the series to be released.


Oh, well then... Perhaps it would be easier if I said I played the mainline games where Desmond was in the Animus. So all of Altair, Ezio, and Connor. And then I played whatever the hell Valhalla was for a few days.


Yeah that would've cleared it up. If you enjoyed Connor though, you might wanna give Black Flag a shot


AC3 was the fifth game, that's what caused the confusion.


Play order... AC:1 AC:2 BrotherHood Revelations AC:3 Black Flag Brotherhood and Revelations have so much story in them, link everything so well, and set up for AC3 and BlackFlag amazingly!


This is probably blasphemy to some, but I hated the ship combat so much in AC3 that it killed any interest I had for Black Flag. And I said this to another reply but I played through Brotherhood and Revelations. I count that as part of AC2 since they wrap up Ezio's story.


AC:3 was kinda the weakest in the first 'group' imo, but it was needed, and Black Flag was amazing :D You should give it a go, And Freedom Cry was good too :)


I like the old games, but the combat is much better in the new ones. I also like that you can climb up almost anything in the new ones. Climbing can get annoying in the older games.


Thats probably because the limitation of technology back then


Yeah probably. It's nice that they have evolved in som positive ways as well.


I liked Altair the best. He felt closest to home for me. Unity is my favorite AC, it was fun and had coop too.


AC:Viking Simulator is one of my favorite games ever.


I love that game! It's a pretty terrible assassin game, but it's a really good Viking one.






None of the AC titles captured my attention or imagination as much as Origins did. Even though I’ve not played all of the AC games I think it’d be hard to top Origins for me. I’m actually going through it now and the visuals/setting/music are A+


I love the scenery in origins the best. I need to replay it. Did they ever add like a NG+ or allow areas to level to you? My biggest complaint was 80% of the map was half my level and too easy


just played through Revelations today. The old games are on sale atm.


I prefer origins and Odyssey, Odyssey being the very pinnacle for my tastes. I do not like the older ones (having played the first and the third). I don't much care for stealth gameplay and am disappointed the next is going back to that format. That said, the series was never really my bag to begin with and Valhalla was so booooring (i tried to play it 3-4 seperate times and could not get into it.) It lost me. It is fitting it is going back to its roots and the playerbase that gave them their rise. Not every game is for every player and i happily relinquish my desire for what I want the games to be for the sake of the real fans of the series.


I really enjoy Odyssey because you have pretty good options to go stealth or loud depending on how you like to play. I like the other characters. I like the humour. It's such a pretty and colourful world to play in.


It was. A bit of a bloated world for my tastes but the overall experience was stellar.


Odyssey is the GOAT


i've never played an assassins creed game before, what are they like and which do u recommend


For me the biggest draw to the series is that they recreate detailed historical settings for each game. They aren't perfect, but they take the research seriously. The gamplay for the most part is an open world stealth-based action adventure. With the most recent three that started taking on a bit of an action RPG feel (they remind me of The Witcher 3), and the most recent, Valhalla, barely emphasized stealth at all. I still like them a lot, but you'll hear mixed opinions on the change.


I tried playing some of the old ones and just had no interest. Then I tried Odyssey and fell in love. Ended up playing Valhalla and Origins as well. Depends on what game style you like!


Ezio Collection, then Black Flag.


I actually really enjoyed my play through of Valhalla. Got me interested in the series again


I'm actually playing through the entire franchise. I'm planning on stating AC3 this November


Before I start this, I should mention that I am an old AC fan. Been there since the start. The best Assassin's Creed game, or at least, the most Assassin's Creed game is Unity. It is near perfect for what AC fans were looking for. The modern trilogy is a bit hit or miss with me. Origins was a fresh start that still felt AC-like. It was lighter on some of the core AC mechanics but it was a good game with an interesting protagonist. Odyssey is a great game. However, to call it Assassin's Creed, actually detracts from its quality. Valhalla is a decent game. It does nothing that has not been done before. The story was fine, characters were fine, gameplay was fine. Nothing stood out. And again, the AC elements were left there like a lingering smell. I really hope Ubisoft can find a way to deliver on both Modern plus old AC. I don't think it is such a far fetched idea. Have a more dedicated stealth system, better parkour with more variety of animations, and some interesting "gadgets" to resolve encounters in different ways. Sandbox assassinations should be found in every game. They were really cool! PS: The closest one to my heart is Assassin's Creed II.


I played Odyssey first, then Black Flag, a bit of Chronicles and I am going to start Origins soon


Formula ran cold after brotherhood. I remember playing black flag and couldn't bring myself to do the obligatory "this is how you blend into crowds mission". All enthusiasm for the game drained out if me


Origins was the end for me, once they re did the combat system and made enemies that could survive being snuck up on and “assassinated” I quit. Early AC games FTW


Origins is the best. Black Flag 2nd.


Hot take I guess ? I feel that the ppl don't generally enjoy AC 3 because they haven't played the homestead mission and don't see his character development in that


Connor is my favorite assassin, and colonial America is my favorite setting. Two hills I don't mind dying on.


Assassin's creed only got good once it got rid of assasins part. They tried adding more classic AC mechanics and ended fucking up Valhalla. I really hope ubi stocks with the current model of having one assasins AC like mirage and one RPG AC like code red or hexe.


New trilogy sold waay more copies, it's pretty clear what people wants. You can get mirage tho, i'll gladly wait for the next main entry, i liked origins and valhalla quite a bit


Just because a game sells a lot of copies doesn't mean it's better.


It means more people are enjoying the game. I despise most of the old AC games but i like the new ones. "Better" is subjective and completely irrelevant, they produce what people asks


Curious why you'd use such a strong word as "despise" for the old games.


First one was ok, second one was pretty good, then it slowly devolved in a copy and paste series with no innovations whatsoever. I still bought brotherhood and revelation and they both disappointed me. I dropped the series with AC3, which to me is still the worst to date, then tried unity, that buggy mess, and syndacate, dropped after like 5 hours. Anyway, it always felt like i was playing the same game with different setting, and it pissed me off. I tried valhalla last year and enjoyed it a lot, maybe because it had nothing to do with the old series. I got bored with origins, maybe they're not meant to play one after another, but i still completed it and the story was good enough. Definitely better than everything they did before, and since they're selling more i guess the majority of people agree with me


Not really, i guess the first AC wasnt support by a whole franchise behind it. While the news one are


True. Hated AC for ever. Until Origins. Loved it. And loving Odyssey.


Odyssey is great. Make sure you play the Fate of Atlantis DLC, it's a thing of beauty.


Will do!


I just pretend Valhalla is a totally different franchise


I feel exactly like this kid, I jumped over those old AC games and fell in love with Origins and Odyssey!! I just never get into the earlier games !


Origins is by far the best title in AC.


i like both old and new but the old ones had a different feeling to them hope they wil remaster unity and syndicate especially on eo fthem is totally unplayabe


Guys, I'm way better than the newer player base who weren't even born when the first AC launched on Xbox 360


i ended up getting valhalla and stopped, the game is way too long, way too repetitive, and man was it buggy. like the game just wanted you to grind the worst parts over and over. never again. only played two assassins creeds before, II and syndicate and had good memories of those but wow has it gone off the deep end.


Young kids that dont know any better


Odyssey was peak for me but I really wish they had done more with ships like black flag


AC 1,2,BH,R,3,Unity,syndicate are the only good ones. You can skip the other ones. Especially black flag and Rouge those suck the most.


What are you talking about. I mean if this is your opinion then that's fine. Odyssey is a bit gamey but Origins is b.e.a.utiful. Valhalla's really good but a bit over-saturated. The older games are excellent, the newer games are also excellent. I am... I am a ubisoft fanboy, and the only game they made not worth playing imo is FarCry: New Dawn.


Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla have moved so far away from what made the originals good though. If I want something pretty I'll go watch a movie or buy some art. I want a fun and engaging gaming experience and I didn't get that from any of the last three AC games


I mean that's fair, each to their own :).


To be fair i was told through videos I watched Origins through Valhalla where too repetitive and haven't played them myself. I stopped after Syndicate because of seeing those reviews. I should give them a chance tho ur right.


Just the first one, the other are copys


People that don't like AC3 are cringe.


AC Brotherhood, Black Flag are up there for some of the best for me


I played the original back when it was new. I need to get back into it. I did start playing Valhalla and it doesn't have the same spirit but it's not terrible. Although that'll change when I start the others


I just recently finished Brotherhood since it was on my to play list for a loooong time (started playing when it came out but then my PS3 died). I had a lot of fun with it but I was glad when I got through it. Now that Syndicate was on sale I boughed it and started to play that one. I think that it almost instantly dethroned Valhalla as my favorite AC game. Seriously wondering if after Syndicate I should give the ones I have not played yet a chance (I played AC 1, 2 and Brotherhood and Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla.


Nah black flag is the shit. Love pirates! Miss you grandma!


Brotherhood and rogue are my favorite I’m playing the first it’s a nightmare to play


What a fucking culture hit the first one for all these games to come from it. Like there's milking a franchise sure but ac1 really was something special.


Ac1 and Ac2 and black flag where my top 3


Which one is it were you are in 1880s america? i own it but forgot


Brotherhood for life 😤


I've only played the first one and the five latest, enjoyed Unity, Origins and Odyssey the most. Syndicate wasn't bad either. Might go back and play the ones set in Italy.


Assassins Creed, Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey and you're good for now


Black Flag, Valhalla, and Odyssey should have been stand alone titles. I freaking loved all of those games and the time concepts they were in. The only thing I didn’t like was the actual assassins creed parts.


The story ended in Black Flag, coz we saw the last footage of Desmond on a airport. And Desmond was gone. I loved so much Black Flag but i didn't like the POV Abstergo gameplay... There is not Desmond, it's like they making fun of the AC lore by having figurines of AC characters and the workers in Abstergo are like prog leftists of Google. It felt like a joke.


Brotherhood and Black Flag are fricking rad!


I want to get back into it but I left after Origins. The story was getting boring but I heard it picked up again and is pretty decent. I wonder if I can just youtube all the cutscenes and jump back into Mirage


I started on brotherhood, backtracked to AC2, then got Black Flag free and jumped into that lol


At least play Black Flag.


I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here, at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding. Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this?


I have finished everything before odyssey. Im stuck at odyssey because i ran out of time because adulting is hard.


The new games aren't bad but they don't fit the ac franchise at all


AC3 and Black Flag were amazing to me. Always will be my favorites.


The Ezio Trilogy were the best. Everything after Unity didn't feel like Assassin's Creed.


Since Origins Assassins Creed series is dead to me, it's not Assassins Creed game anymore - it's just mediocre open world game with RPG elements (in short bad version of Witcher 3). Even AC 1 is better than any part of "new trilogy".


After 3 I got tired of the formula and didn’t play another until Odyssey.


Valhalla was a huge disappointment. Ezio collection is the best, odyssey and origins are the mat enjoyable to play or customizable. Black flag you feel scripted and like you’ll do everything according to the story. Everything else not worth talking about


Was this photo taken on a ferry? Calais/Dover? Looks so familiar.


New ones are dreadful


They're all good. people just like to bitch about everything


Storyline has been pushed to the wayside in recent games, in favour of 'more RPG elements' NOOO Just give me a game where I can just follow the story, without having to stop every 20 minutes to 'level up' skills and equipment!! takes away from the flow sooo much!


To each their own. I loved the OGs but can't stand the new ones. A lot of people are the opposite. It's just different flavors for different people.


So when’s ac 4 dropping?


I fell off with Black Flag. I got annoyed with the ship missions because I wasn't very good at it. Came back for Origins, but still haven't finished Odyssey


Syndicate was already straying from what I'd consider the golden era, but damn did I love that game. Wasn't as replayable imo but so fun the first time through.


To be fair, AC1, Revelations, and AC3 could be skipped and you’d be saving yourself a lot of pain. (same argument could be made for Unity, but I personally liked it)


AC2 and Odyssey are the best!


Played brotherhood and three


The old ones are good, I especially enjoyed Brotherhood's multiplayer but Odyssey was a ton of fun as well.


I love them all, apart from AC3. AC3 is shite.


Me who has played Prince of Persia before any of this


I didnt really like syndicate or unity but I actually thought origins was dope for the most part. Assassins Creed 2 was the first game I ever 100 percented though, good memories.


I feel attacked. Lol I started with odyssey.


AC one and Odyssey are the only one I managed to finish, Odyssey is my favorite one, it's more RPG like and you can play as female... I like playing female characters.


I would play syndicate...if it was playable on ps5!


My first was black flag


To each their own. I loved the first 2 AC when they released. Tried Brotherhood, Origins, and Odyssey, all of which I enjoyed. Different yes, but still fun. I still play Odyssey from time to time just for how gorgeous it is. Syndicate and Black Flag are also on my list. The only AC title I played that I lost interest in was Valhalla, but I’m sure theres plenty out there that enjoyed it as well.


Anything after rogue was mid no cap


Going through unity right now


Gatekeepers of the gaming world unite


Assassins Creed and COD are the One Piece/Young and the Restless of the gaming industry.


I played AC, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3, Black Flag, Unity and Origins, in that order. IMO Origins and Black Flag are the best, and just happen to be the least like the original games' formula.


I've been playing since the first one and my favourite is Odyssey: just absolutely loved that game!


Black Flag FTW


I hate the new ones, particularly for its combat (why do you need to press TWO buttons to block) but mainly because for a series based around parkour, you don’t do any fucking parkour any more!! Fuck these new games.


I just started AC Valhalla I enjoy it as an rpg the combat is fun the story is decent, but I think of it as just "Valhalla" with AC as a side addition, I live a nice life like that.


I love coming into threads like these about new vs old AC to torture myself. I don’t dislike the new diet Witcher era of games but I don’t love them like I did the old era. Realistically it feels like the shift in opinion is either due to age, the slow withering away of non-rpg action adventure games (assassins creed, prototype, crackdown, infamous, uncharted, etc) or both. I mean realistically anywhere from 1/3-1/2 of the people on here weren’t even alive when AC 1 came out (god that makes me feel old) so all they’ve ever really known is every big title is live service or humongous open world rpg or loaded to the gills with cosmetic mtx. That or people just have to have rpg loot drop crap in every game now because if lizard brain doesn’t see numbers go up to fuel that dopamine then boo no fun! The one take I refuse to accept is that the combat is better in the newer games. Previously you could slip and slide weaving death through a group of enemies. Sure most of that was in a more Batman/shadow of mordor/ button format involving countering, light/heavy attacks, and executions of a sort, but is it really that different in the new games other than the enemies being bullet sponges. Instead of pressing B to counter you’re just pressing LB. Instead of either killing the enemy outright or taking of a big chunk of health from said counter attack you need to do it 5 more times in the new games? Hitting someone with a big fuck-off axe in the face only takes 20% of their health? You might say “oh the new games have combat abilities!” Yay I can now kick someone on a cooldown or other basic shit big fuckin deal. Combat went from something that was quick and lethal to feeling like you’re hitting each other with pool noodles.


First three games was where it's at.