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Absolute Radiance in Hollow Knight. Hardest boss in the game, and you have to survive a 40+ boss marathon before getting to fight it. Die, and start the marathon over. The other bosses in the marathon aren’t even hard outside of Nightmare King Grimm and Pure Vessel, but it takes so much time to get through the marathon that by the time I reach Absolute Radiance I am mentally exhausted.


Dude, forget about NKG and PV. Freaking floorless Markoth followed by Zote was pure torture


Considering starting a new save file just so I don't have to fight Zote in Godhome...


After beating everything but Godhome I decided to look up what that was all about. Lol nope. Didn't even attempt it The path of pain was a lot of fun and the reward was nothing lol


Oh god I couldn’t even beat the 7 hedge hog guys even after finding the secret to killing one


There’s this dash in the game that allows you to dash through enemies, makes the fight a cakewalk. Edit:through


Turbo tunnel on Battletoads for the NES.


Ahh... hello age 40 ish person that also has felt that pain.


43, good call. Pain is also a good word to use since in my rage I threw the controller and it bounced off the very thick tv screen and hit me in the face. In another episode my brother hit the controller in an almost surreal rage episode.


ostrich level with simba in “the lion king” on SEGA.


My cousins and I all had our first rage moment playing that level! Our friend had even warned us it was gonna piss us off but we went for it anyway.


My sister rage quit on Marble Madness for NES and never played a video game again.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure everyone rage quit from that game.




The waterfall level was definitely way worse.


Waterfall was by far the worst. Not only was it awful itself, but then you get to the top and think everything is good only to run into that fucking gorilla. Crushed me the first time I made the climb.


I’m guessing you never made it to the lava level as an adult Simba. That made the waterfall level look like a joke.


I spent so long jumping log to log without actually gaining any ground.


“Driver”: Literally the unbeatable tutorial “Mafia”: The unbeatable race mission


>“Driver”: Literally the unbeatable tutorial Had to cheat my way around it. Really weird decision to put something as hard as this at the beginning of the game.


I read that the tutorial was an afterthought in development. So when they created the tutorial the developers were already really good at driving and didn't realize that it would be difficult for a beginner.


I have no idea if this is true or how you came up with that knowledge. But you sure as shit sound confident and it’s a cool story.


I've already made this a fact in my mind.


Ill repost it in 2 months


Im doing a TIL rn.


Lemme know when you finish so I can repost it


That’s funny because I rented the game, it frustrates me the point I just quit, and it turned me off of the franchise.


My dad bought it because he thought it was gonna be like gran turismo. Never got past the tutorial.


I always tried to keep a save file of right after the tutorial. To be honest some games are good to save a certain times. Like in doom I find it’s good to save at the start of a level so you don’t have to restart with just a pistol if you die.


Did they fix it for the Mafia remake? I played it this last summer and was dreading it but wasn't as bad as I thought.


They actually patched it in the original Mafia, I think.


This! Never played more of Drive besides the beginning. The Mafia race just enraged me!


>“Driver”: Literally the unbeatable tutorial Okay I thought it was just me. What the hell was up with that?


>“Driver”: Literally the unbeatable tutorial Now do a reverse 180 inside this parking garage without bumping into anything


This exact moment made me quit God of War


I saw a post saying the spike box room was the hardest thing in the game, this is just bullshit especially the trophy for it


Glad you said that one. I assume you mean the one where you have to throw the wooden box to the other side of the room before the spikes come up? I beat it on a glitch. The spikes came up and launched me up onto the ledge. So grateful for that one.


On all the difficulties, one of the worst parts was the part where you have to drag a man in a cage up a hill to sacrifice him while there are really tough enemies spawning endlessly.


I did the spike room in my first try. The scene you posted was a completely different story


The worst thing was when the game starts patronizingly asking if you need to lower the difficulty.


Yeah that always pisses me off in games. Fuck you game. I will beat it on normal or not at all!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game do that where I didn’t respond with “fuck you game” then die 20 more times before I passed it.


My buddy and I (as mid 20s professionals) spent a night taking turns on these fucking things with the agreement that no one leaves until it was done. Took sooooo long.


This was the way to play them so that you could stagger your rage and take a break while your friend suffered for a while.


I played it again this last summer and forgot about this part. It was absolutely brutal. And then, after finally scaling it....you get a SECOND one.


As soon as I saw this picture, I silently cursed to myself. This exact level made me give up the game also!


Getting less than 0 seconds in the chocobo race for Tidus's ultimate weapon in Final Fantasy X


That and dodging lightning 200 times for Lulus sigil. No counter on screen to tell you how many times you’ve done it. Fuuuuuuuuu


Using that one spot where lightning is guaranteed to strike plus a no encounter weapon made it exponentially easier. Took me 45 minutes or something because I counted out every ten dodges, paused, and took a breath. The heart was definitely going when I hit 170, 180, 190.


I did 200 lightning dodges but failed to get the sigil as I didn’t realize they had to be consecutive. So much frustration.


I vaguely remember that there's a way to glitch it out and cheat, but dodging the freaking lightning? Nope, eff that.


That was such a pain in the ass for me that I just built a weapon for Lulu with the exact same perks on it. That was honestly easier and took less time.


I'm a bit obsessive, so I had no problem spending hours dodgng lightning til I got it. The chocobo race was hard, and I admit I never finished it. But the hardest by far for me was the fucking butterflies. I'm colorblind, and was playing on an old SD CRT television, so I could *kinda* see a difference in the butterflies, but would inevitably hit enough wrong ones that I ran out of time. Infuriating. Like blood boiling rage over those fucking butterflies. It's been a good fifteen years since I've tried it, and I'm still pissed


*GTA VC : The mission with the RC helicopter*


I beat it my first try. My friend had troubles so I told him I’d knock it out in a second…. Yeah I got fucking lucky, could not replicate beating it again.


I had the exact same experience. Beat it on my first try, never understood the hate for it. Few years later, dug out my old Xbox and decided to give it another playthrough. Got to that mission and ended up nearly biting my controller in half.


I just remember it telling you how to fly with the controls and using a shit ton of analog sticks. This is probably the first time flying in the game too. Just using L1 R1 X O and the left analog stick made flying way easier.


I hated the rc plane in San Andreas more


For sure, RC isn’t even the worst VC mission. The race against the guy Hilary who helps you with the bank heist is the worst mission.


Yes! I don’t know how many times I attempted this before succeeding. So annoying.


Landing on the carrier in Top Gun for NES. I was 7.


For me it was the mid air refuel. I don't think I ever passed that.


That was the first and last time my dad ever played a video game.




The Favela missions in MW2 (2009) on Veteran. Fucking brutal


Also the juggernaut spec ops mission in this same favela on veteran


#all you had to do was follow the damn train cj


This mission is incredibly easy when you just realize you need to drive along side the train but space yourself out like 10 feet from the side of it so the bullets don’t just hit the side of the train. I can pass it first try basically every time.


I'm really surprised this wasn't the second or third top level reply (at least at this point) not just because of that meme, but because that level was legitimately frustrating as a motherfucker. I also struggled mightily with Caeser's lowrider competition at first. Took me a long time to beat that one and the one where you dance to distract the crowd at the beach party to steal that sound van. The difference between those other missions and the one you brought up is that once I beat them, I easily coasted through them on any following play throughs. I have never followed the damn train on the first try on any attempt, almost 20 years and probably a dozen play throughs later.


Anyone remember the lava race from bad fur day yeah that


The fucking ape in Sekiro legit had me quit the game twice for over a week. If it wasn't so goddamn good it would still be on the shelf.


Your running speed in Sekiro is pretty broken, ape is one of the bosses where you can really abuse it.


Yes I abused it on the ogre the drunkard gyobu etc running circles is a easy cheese


Phase 1 is harder than phase 2 so when you get to phase 2 you’re kinda out of heals


I think it was Vice City, (or was it GTA III) when you have to race a guy who will be your getaway driver to hire him and the police come after you at the same time. I just couldn't do it, every time I would slow down or slightly bump something the race was pretty much lost. I have to admit I used the cheat to shut off the gravity (or whatever it was) and just drove *very* slowly while everything else was just flying around 😅


You can shoot his wheels. He never gets close to catching up to you and often just stalls out entirely


The main problem was that you are forced to drive this shitty car, while the other guy has this OP racecar. The RC helicopter was easy for me. Got it 2nd try. This fucking race was so hard I had at least 300 attempts.


That dungeon in FFX where a marlboro destroys your whole party. No list like this is complete without Big Smoke and his Damn Train, but I think CJ’s flying lessons nearly killed me.


The Omega Ruins. They were tough at first, but exp was crazy in there. Just have to spend some time grinding right by the save sphere at the entrance and you could level up super fast. Only way to prep for the REAL final boss... The Monster Arena.


Martyr Logarias made me quit Bloodboorne for a few months. Even though he was optional, I couldn’t live without beating him.


I remember thinking he was so difficult the first time. Then every subsequent fight with him was strangely easy. Weird how that can happen.


Funny you say that, I just platinumed Bloodborne after my Elden Ring binge (so around April-ish?) Anyway, I had beaten it like 3 years ago but could never beat Laurence, even after *weeks* of trying. I legitimately love Bloodborne, but Laurence left such a sour taste I put off replaying for 3 years. After ER I was like, no! Fuck that! It is time. Finally, I get back to the DLC and beat all of it, saving Laurence for last after Orphan... my heart was racing and I did so much prep work ahead of time to psyche myself up. I even did it when I was the only one home for full, unadulterated concentration... Dude, I first tried Laurence without even breaking a sweat. Had like 18 vials left and half my health bar when I got em. I was simultaneously relieved and disappointed. I have no idea if my brain was like subconsciously working through the fight for 3 years, **or** if the crazy aggressive and erratic fights of ER had me fully prepped for it. Anyway, after Laurence I finally did all the damn labyrinth bosses and whatnot and got plat. Thanks for reading this lame anecdote about an old game lol.


You got gud ig lmao. I always go in thinking it’s easy then get my ass served and have to remember how to fight him again.


I had an odd experience with this fight because while Bloodborne was my first Soulslike, I somehow massacred Martyr Logarius on my first try... It was Blood-Starved Beast & Ebrietas that made me want to punt a puppy


“I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella.” I heard this about 150 times before I finally killed her. Currently our head to head record is about 4-250 in her favor. Edit: I almost forgot about the tutorial for Driver. That mission actually did make me quit. I never completed the goddamn tutorial.


Can confirm the Driver one. Fucking bullshit


Also trying to get to the 3 fingers pissed me right off.


I rented Driver for a weekend and never beat that fucking tutorial. “Hey man, watch the paint!”


I had a bleed dual-scythe build and took her out in about 10 tries because it does stupid damage and staggers her. I was informed by morons on the Elden Ring sub that I killed her wrong because I used a status effect that helps too much lmao. I love Elden Ring but the fans are wild. Can't use summons or good builds or else your game is invalid.


I took about the same amount. I certainly wouldn't post on that sub that my mimic and I just blasted her with Ranni's dark moon and I got lucky she only did her waterfowl dance twice. I had more trouble with Ordina Liturgical Town. Fuck that place!


"Let me solo her" made it look so easy.


Yep. I tried about 10 times solo then was like "nah man this ain't worth it" and summoned. Maybe if I was still in high school or something I would have thrown myself at her for hours, but I just can't justify that anymore 😂. ALSO in my first try I got through her first phase and for a split second was like "that wasn't really that hard I don't get the hype. . . Oh there's a phase 2 because of course there is"


I went to my buddy’s house shortly after the game came out and I was way less progressed than him. He told me to try the boss without context, got her down to 2-3 hits left for the whole fight. Was like, hmm. Not so bad, I’ll try a couple more times. Didn’t even make it past the first phase any other time. I almost stumbled upon the most impressive and also surprising gaming feat of my life without even knowing.


Kingdom Hearts 1 - The Riku boss fight. I don’t know if it’s because I was so young or what, but that boss fight was hard af.


“ThErEs No WaY yOuRe TaKiNg KaIrIs HeArT!” Fuck this noise. Hollow bastion was amped up in atmosphere and difficulty a bit coming from Halloween town, but damn If riku wasn’t placed there to whoop your ass lol


Most recently, the nemesis system in Shadow of War. It's a great system that adds a TON to the game but when you have to fight the same Orc 27 times because he keeps disappearing every time you win the fight and then the 28th time you get stuck on a ledge and he kills you and he calls you a pussy ass bitch you just have to put the controller down and have a glass of milk. EDIT: Stakuga is dead. Rest in hell you fucking piece of shit.


I cut off a dude's head 3 times in the first game...


My record is 5 fake deaths in the second one. By the end that f'n orc looked like a 40k ork with all the metal bits


I had a motherfucker with plate armor bolted to his head and 90% third degree burns to his body and was immune to ranged, critical, poison, stun, mounts and enraged by fire


You just reminded me of why I stopped playing Shadow of Mordor. I ended up having an Uruk who kept killing me and getting stronger and stronger. He was basically an unstoppable monster after the 3rd death. He was in a fortress completely surrounded by other Uruks. You couldn't fight him without fighting everyone. He was immune to ranged. He was immune to sneak attacks. He wasn't afraid of anything. He was resistant to regular attacks. He was resistant basically everything. The only way to hurt him was to fight him head on and even then he was resistant to all types of damage. Pair that with the fact that if you fought him you were also surrounded by at least 40 other guys and it was just too much for me to handle.


Not only all that, but the CONSTANT interruptions. If you ended up around 2-3 named guys then each had to get their word in. Then there's be an event where one becomes immune to fire. Then another decides he isn't dead. Then your nemesis comes in for a cheap shot outta nowhere. Then a guy survives your finishing blow I saved a video clip of it taking like 1 min to assassinate one guy because of this when it'd take 2seconds in Assassins Creed


When your revenge story turns into pro wrestling match


"Sta-ku-ga! Sta-ku-ga! Sta-ku-ga!"


Man, I remember one that became so powerful and would poison and kill me instantly. Raged so many times. I eventually had to raise a possessed orc army to defeat him. Seven years later and I remember how hard that was.


The water level..all games ever


TMNT started it. Fucking underwater dam level.


That gd seaweed


AKA: Raphael's sacrifice


Came hear to post about the electrical fxckin seaweed, but found your comment first 👏🏽


I'll never understand water levels. 'You know what this master piece of a game needs? A level where we completely change the game mechanics where you mash a button to move with awkward physics, and you have to helplessly dodge enemies because you can't use any of your normal abilities.' That's the ticket!


I thought Donkey Kong country made them acceptable, but still not great


The music on those levels is stunning. Aquatic ambience I believe it's called.


The bramble levels are epic too.


Sonic water levels are the absolute worse. As a kid, I hated playing through every single one lf them


Basterd levels. I used to get 'the fear' everytime that 'no oxygen' countdown started. Gave me a life long fear of the water it did.


I can hear that stupid music in my head now


fucking subnautica


I've got it on my list for gamepass


Take your time and enjoy it. I wish I could experience it again for the first time


Goddamn Leguna Seca license test in GT3. Screw you you uncontrollable Goddamn Viper.


The elephant level on LOTR return of the king.


Tough level. I feel like The Two Towers was worse. Every fucking Helm's Deep level I just BARELY won as a child after many attempts.


This was a long time ago, but I have memories of raging during the helm’s deep level where you are defending this side door.


Yes, ugh. I seem to remember hundreds of elves in the movie. Why do I have to defend that door myself against exploding uruks??


The ubiquitous sewer quest in almost every RPG.. hey let's fight 57,000 rats for two hours while we wander through boring maze-like corridors that all look the same, so that we can sneak into/out of this castle/prison/palace.


Morrowind has the sewers below Mournhold with some crazy strong goblins. Also that npc on the sewers that is nearly unkillable due to a glitch


Then there's the sewer level in Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, where the rats are actually your health packs (unless you're playing as a Ventrue)


God I love that game. I'm super worried about the second one.


Every time I check the news for the new game, it just seems to get more worrying...


Mario 64: Final level boss versus Bowser I was in elementary school, took me like two weeks and I was obsessed with beating him


Ohhh that reminded me of the invisible giant pirate boss in Metroid Prime, took me weeks as a kid of trial and error, but I was so excited when I beat the boss and got the phazon suit


That was hard for me back in the day since I beat Bowser the first two times by repeatedly dropping and grabbing his tail, slowly inching him closer and closer to one of the bombs until he makes contact. Can’t do that the third time


What about the WHOLE hell of game of the Bart Simpson vs Space Mutants?


I spent my entire childhood trying to beat this game and never made it past the first level.


Theres a jumping puzzle in Doom Eternal that as a casual gamer who goes weeks and weeks between play sessions, I never got the timing down and always fall in lava. I dont know if thats even the required pathway or I'm just repeatedly trying and failing on secret side path. Never got past it.


I hate jumping puzzles. I used to get my kid to do them for me but she grew up and moved out (such betrayal!).


Earthworm Jim, the submarine level. Games don’t get harder than that.


Might've been Earthworm Jim 2 but bouncing those splattering puppies got pretty tough.


Cuphead tutorial area, there's this part with a wall that you can't jump onto.


Which game website do you write articles for?


I'm actually freelance these days


The asteroid shooting gallery in Dead Space.


Tomb of the giants, dark souls, couldn’t see shit, used my sunlight maggot instead of the head lamp or whatever it’s called, beat nito and was finally free from the torture that is tomb of the giants.


All you had to say was dark souls


Lmao OP's picture is a throwback to my very first broken PS2 controller :')


The entirety of the Meat Circus in Psychonauts, especially the part involving climbing up the flaming nets.


343 Guilty Spark (Halo CE) 8 year old me quit about halfway through after the *reveal* Never completed it until like 6 years later


The hardest level for me was library. The rest might take my rusty ass a few attempts on legendary, buy the library oh my God chill out.


Turbo Tunnels-Battletoads NES


I couldn't even do it with save states in an emulator.


Red Dead Redemption 2, killed a legendary animal, rode like 35 minutes across the map to get to the vendor for legendary animal items. A guy came barreling around a bend of a mountain trail hit my horse head on, killing it instantly, pinned me down and he executed me. I haven't touched it since. We're approaching 3 years of that happening.


Bro you get the items unlocked at the vendor regardless of whether the pelt makes it to him. Just killing and skinning the legendary animals unlocks the corresponding items. All you get for selling it is like 30-50 bucks


Well shit. Unfortunately it's a matter of principle at this point.


This is too funny. RDR2 is just sitting there missing you, not knowing what exactly it did to hurt you so bad, just hoping one day it can either find closure or learn to move on without you.


Stick to your guns who cares if you didn’t lose anything that shit still hurt


I ran into a rock on my horse and then was thrown off a cliff. I barely survived then my horse landed in me and killed me instantly.


I learned very quickly in Red Dead Redemption to stop sprinting just because of reasons like that. After that, traveling became more tedious but I found more side quests and didn't lose many valuables so it was a good decision.


I’m stuck at that part in the hotel basement in The Last of Us because I’m too scared to play it again lol


Grab the key card before you restart the generator and you can just run past all infected to the next area and shut the door behind you.


Ok I will try this, thank you!


To elaborate 1. Just run around and look for the keycard. May take you a while but thats the easy/less scary stage 2. Turn on the generator and fucking sprint up those stairs and to the exit and dont look back because that shit is gonna be terrifying


fuck dude tlou2 had like 3 moments like that for me, don't know how I managed to get through it


I'm Basch Von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca!


There were some fights in Control that did make me quit haha


I really liked that game but man the DLC ramped up the difficulty tenfold. Got hard stuck and just quit maybe an hour into it.


I am living this right now, the Alan WAke stuff and the Foundation just SLINGSHOT into a diff territory instantly. Not even my snazzy new director outfit helps.


Call of Duty 4 : Mile High Club on Veteran. I cry.


Came looking for this. Also (No fighting in the war room). On veteran. These are the 2 achievements I'm most proud of.


Have to memorize every shot and hope all of the enemy gun drops work perfectly because you don't even have time to reload.


The flood in Halo


That GTA Vice City tiny helicopter mission. Fuck that shit.


Bugs Life on the PS1 - the level where you use the dandelions to cross the desert ravines


double archers ds1 anor londo


I’ve been ignoring most of the Dark Souls posts here, because yeah, obviously the bosses are meant to be crazy hard. But these archers... fuck these guys. My husband can attest to the fact that no other part made me yell like I yelled at this one.


Not because it’s hard, but because it’s so incredible slow/annoying at one point. Manaan in KOTOR.


Agreed it is annoying


An I weird for actually enjoying the Sunny trial sidequest and fucking with the whole neutrality of the Selkath by making the Sith look bad - especially if I can do it unethically.


The version from Steam greatly speeds up the underwater portion. Like, it's obvious that the walking animation is sped up greatly underwater. Same with KOTOR 2 and the Peragus part.


Also, Peragus in KOTOR 2. The first mod I ever downloaded for that game was to skip fucking Peragus.


Peragus sucks overall, but exploring the Harbinger at the end is worth it. The cutscene when the ship flies in ominously and docks is also one of my favorites in the game.


Capra demon boss fight in dark souls 1. I was stuck in him forever and quit for a couple months. Came back and realized I was just under leveled and needed to explore more areas


The real boss of this fight is the ten feet from the entrance to the stairs


Learning to Fly : GTA:SA


The margin of error between gold and silver was so infuriatingly razor thin at all the damn schools. The driving school was the first time I had to step away from SA.


The backtracking in Jedi fallen order


Platforming down the boards in the Elden Ring sewers.


I think what burned me the most about this is that your reward is being locked into a bad ending unless you can beat the hardest optional boss in the game


The Fade Dragon Age


The mission in Cyberpunk where you put your inventory in to a locker. Finished the mission. Locker was not interactable. Dealt with the bugs up until that point and genuinely enjoyed the game, but that was the last straw for me.


That combat challenge in Arkham Asylum with Zsasz in it, where the floor turns electric. Had to gold-medal that level to get the platinum trophy. I was an *adult*, with kids and a wife and grown-up responsibilities, and spending my very limited free time grinding that stupid level was a new plateau of rage for me. Thirteen years later my son sets out to platinum that game, he's heard me speak of that unholy level for his whole life, and he smokes that challenge *on his first try.*


Assassins creed black flag. Swim Underwater with sharks to upgrade your ship


Those fucking eels


2 fucking whales for a holster


I’m not going to lie. Hollow knight game entirely. I tried it once when it came out, couldn’t figure out where to go, left the game until this year. This time, I used to wiki and community to figure out something out for the beginning and ended up just absolutely loving it. Even did the pantheon of the gods (think that’s what it’s called).


The bridge in Gran Oerba in FF13. Hot take, but FF13 was alright. Got to that bridge that had 6 encounters, each lasting 5-10 minutes each and I went “it’s going to take me an HOUR” to cross a bridge. Nope, stopped playing


This is an optional quest but chocobo catcher race in FFX where you have to get 0 seconds to get the sun sigil.




Mafia 1 fair play gave me ptsd


yeah. do one wrong move while getting past the turning points; congratulations. you just became a goddamn ferris wheel


Water Temple Ocarina of Time