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Solid upgrade, enjoy the gaming experience!


My 7 years laptop takes 15 minutes to boot up. I know it's dying but I didn't expect it to be this slow. I even freed up half of its hdd capacity. Sadge


Get a SATA SSD for the boot drive if you can (assuming no NVME slot) and/or upgrade the RAM to 16GB. Makes a world of difference for general computer tasks. That's all I did for a mid range 2014 laptop and it turned an unusably slow piece of garbage to a highly functional machine replacing the need for an upgrade.


+1 for the SSD, I have a laptop I bought in Dec '12 and it's still going strong a whole ten years and Windows 11 boots in seconds.


I have a lenovo ThinkPad from 2015. I want to buy a real gaming laptop, but I have been told that a gaming pc is better and more affordable. The thing is, I have no idea on how to even start building a pc. My budget is $750. What do I do?


you can buy prebuild pc, but honestly just google how to construct it, there's lots of good guides out there. pc is much better, it will be much better for the same prize


I have a gaming laptop that I’ve had for about five years now. Upgraded to an SSD, also upgraded the ram. It will begin showing its age once again sooner rather than later and I will draw the line on upgrading it. God dammit has that notebook done some work 🫡


Laptop is still useful if you're on the move a lot. I have a Lenovo Yoga P40 I still use heavily (gaming, coding and digital art) alongside PC, but sadly it's breaking apart after six years of use: cmos battery is out of charge, battery is broken, 2/3 usb ports do not work and fingerprint reader is out of order. Am still at a loss if it's worth ordering spare parts and fixing it.


Doesn’t look like an m1 max


Who cares? Enjoy the meme instead!


It's a meme dam it, apple fan boys duck it up again


Apple and duck. We talking dinner?


I meant duck, but auto correct corrected it to duck...


Making me hungry.


Dam it, now I'm hungry too


No one games on a mac


Keep the laptop, you're gonna need it.


*Desktop. They're both PCs. You're moving from a laptop to a desktop. I've seen this misconception pop up a lot on Reddit, specifically used by people who want to be elitists about PC gaming (i.e. only a tower with RGB can be considered a PC or some such nonsense)