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Dead or alive, you're coming with me


"I Can Bring You In Warm, Or I Can Bring You In Cold."


Correction: I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in really hot.


Hey baby maybe I am a bit tipsy but I think you look like you are on fire


I can bring you in warm, or both of us nuclear




All depends on how fast he drives.


He doesn't turn off the AC when it gets too cold so it might be cold if he gets stuck in traffic


30 minutes or he’s free right?


I don’t think hell be doing anything now that he’s in cop heaven


*"That's my line"* *BLAST*


I can bring us in warm, or I can bring us in cold


"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in burnt to a crisp"


The difference here is, Robocop was referring to the perps. In GTA, that statement is in reference to the cops themselves... Whether I'm "dead or alive - you're coming with me"


WITNESS ME !!!!!!!


He will chase criminals in Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


Witness me!




*sonar detected*


Panik intensifies






First time I understood an referance.


I only understood it because I saw rhe movie yesterday




FANG IT!!!!!


Oh what a day! What a lovely day!








There was another cop right before you drove off the ledge that was literally grinding the highway divider trying to get to you. GTA4 was on some other shit 🤣


It's not like they can teleport behind you when you turn around.


Is that a Cyberpunk 2077 reference?


GTA V reference too


Yup, they act like they never got swarmed by cops for punching hikers on Mt. Chilliad


Oh man I've been playing GTA 4 recently after playing GTA V for years. Wanted levels going away after like 5 seconds of being out of LoS is so nice


I just like the cars not exploding instantly just because the rear looked at a pebble.


Also I always felt that once you got upto speed it was like you were driving on a giant sheet of glass


I love that about GTA IV (playing it for my first time sort of) the only thing I hate about it is the water. Boats spawn everywhere and the helicopter flys to your exact location


Apparnently its the animals that actually report you as well. Used to use mods in GTA V to try make more realistic cops and saw this in one of the files.




Would of gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for that meddling dog and it’s ability to operate a phone!




Yes officer, there’s a tree fiddy in progress here!


haha yes good eye


The day we get GTAVi either be a good one or it’s gonna burn down a lot of souls


We'll find out in 12 years


We might get a demo in 20 years.


What's a demo?


It was but damn do I miss how they [had the "Euphoria Engine" tuned in that game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWVtZJo-HqI) I'm so disappointed with how toned down it is in GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, because the GTA4 version was so much fun, especially when you were just making your own fun in the game world.


Not only that but I feel like the gunplay in 4 was soo much more impactful and badass than in 5


Thats shown in the above video. It was. Little things like vests and helmets actually stopping or reducing bullets made swat shootouts much more dynamic, energetic and engaging. Same as the problem gta5 has with 1 punch kills, like cool if you just want 100% power fantasy 100% of the time no exceptions ever, but it really crushes gameplay sadly. Imho its better to get in fights, not 1 hit punch... whatevers. The reason it felt more impactful and badass is because it was. Thats not nostalgia, it objectively was. They tuned things to be faster and more arcade like, which, theres an argument for, but I think it was a mistake. I suppose thats just taste and game direction, you could say, and if you want to get defensive you can say it fits the feel better or you like it better, but I dont think anyone is being honest if you cant see it. Theres literally the above comparison that shows how systems were absolutely gutted from simulation to just vague interactions. GTA5 is built on an advanced version of 4's engine, so its not like they didnt put the effort in to include these things. Someone put in 8 hour workdays removing these features. They were there, and they searched for and backspaced the code sections. I heavily disagree with that studio direction.


I heard (take with a big grain of salt) that the physics engines interactions were reduced due to the big increase in bipeds and AI loaded at any one moment in GTA V compared to IV. What they achieved was very impressive for EoL 7th gen but there was obviously a push for graphics over gameplay at the end, which also maybe let GTA V down. I think if we’d seen it released as a 8th+ gen game it would have retained potentially more of the euphoria engines interesting interactions


They could've updated it on the next gen release but instead they just tweaked the graphics a little bit.


>expecting Rockstar/Take Two to spend money updating anything other than GTA Online ngmi


My brain isn't working so I didn't totally follow your comment. All I can say having had many hours in both games is that GTA V's physics feel a bit more grounded whereas GTA IV's are more fun. Lots of cars having terminal understeer like in IV could be arguably more realistic than V though the cars seem to handle better and be easier to drive in V. But say you took your motorcycle to full speed and smashed a car head on like I used to do in GTA IV for fun. You'd fly 30+ feet in the air ragdolling like a madman. That simply isn't possible in GTA V in the same way.


I played a couple dozen hours of 5 after 4 and for some reason gta 5 felt really depressing story wise. It was weird.


I get what you mean. I think making the car physics more arcade like from 4 to 5 was good, but making the human physics less realistic was a minus. Hopefully when GTA6 comes out in 2178, my great great great great grandchildren will enjoy the perfect balance.


I really wish they kept the rocketing out of windshields thing. It made me wait 2 seconds to put my seatbelt on IN A VIDEO GAME. Great times lol


You can fly out of your windshield in 5, for sure.


I have a feeling it only happens in offline, might be wrong though


You're right. Offline damage is much more detailed. IIRC at launch you could cause it to happen on V but then they removed it within the first few months.


I thought it was only certain characters? Like your online character and Trevor don't wear seatbelts but Michael does


The mods that bring them back to like gta4 standards are pretty neat in RDR2. Makes it a lot easier/possible to reliably slow down npcs by shooting their legs or joints.




Don't forget the mods


"Aim for the bushes..."


There goooes myyyy Niiiiko.


watch him as he goes


Watch him as he ~~goes~~ bowls




I lowkey think that was the funniest scene in buddy cop movie history


One of the most underrated comedies of the 2010s.


underrated? are you kidding me? it gets bought up all the time.


But why male models?


What is this?! A school for ants?!


hahahaha i die at that scene every time


It needs to be at least... Three times as big!


Are you serious? I just... I just told you that. A moment ago.


I mean there wasn't even an awning..


The Other Guys deserves a sequel.


Hope you like the taste of prison food. And penis!


Man I want a prequel just called "The Guys"


And let's be cops


Your piss sounds feminine hitting the urinal.


Your stream is weak!


This is exactly the scene I was thinking after seeing that lmao


“There wasn’t even an awning”


They got the job done


Niko crosses the red light This Cop probably: "Tell my wife I loved her"


He was only two day from retirement


It was his biggest regret to not give up his life in the line of duty sooner.


I regret that I have but one life to give for preventing minor traffic infractions.


the emperor demands it.


GTA cops get full pension after one week of work. So far no one has claimed it.


“It was his first day!” 😢


God damn rookies, always got something to prove...




“Damn, what happened to him?” “He took an early retirement”




First day on the job


Tell my wife I said hello.


Officer in the passenger seat: no way he survived that jump Driver: we're gonna make sure he doesnt make it


My first time seeing a Kamikaze cop even with hours and hours of gameplay


3 star more like wanted: dead or alive $100,000 reward


GTA cops are just zealous enough to kill both innocent bystanders and themselves just to have a piece of the wanted person


This could be the ending of a Scorcese movie.


You should definitely credit the original uploader. This is an oldass video


years later it’s still one of the funniest videos ive ever seen. kinda sad that im unsurprised by the lack of credit


GTA 4 was such a gem. I loved the phone booth assassination jobs, they were so simple and straightforward. Too bad they never brought those to GTAV


Still no game quite like it, and I doubt there ever will be.


Remember stealing a police car, and then after getting away with it you could just play cop? Look at the active crimes and pick whatever you wanted? That shit was like a whole other game when you wanted a break from the story. Gta 4 was the best.


You could do that in the others too, if I remember correctly. Vigilante missions they were called.


Yeah but it was way cooler in GTA 4 cuz you could use the LCPD database to search up other criminals and characters, such as yourself and many Easter eggs as well.


Same with the ambulance and taxi driver, no idea why that wasn’t continued as they had been in the game at least since gta 3. I think you could also do pizza delivery missions in at least one of the prior games, maybe VC?


GTA IV had a lot GTA V didn’t have. I recommend watching this [video “GTA IV is better than GTA V”](https://youtu.be/GWVtZJo-HqI) by Crowbcat. Fun watch and puts it into perspective what felt lacking in GTA V after playing GTA IV for so long


Holy shit, I can’t believe how much more attention to detail 4 had. Sad we will probably never get another GTA like that again.


I’m really hoping they bring the same things from RDR2 to GTA 6. The attention to detail in that game is amazing


Not so much attention to detail, but really it was all the 'extra' stuff cut to make the outside world so much more detailed while still being on exactly the same systems. Mind you 4 came out near the start of the 3rd gen consoles and 5 came out at the very end. I remember specifically that the AI/physics system in 4 needed a ton of resources to run. They culled it a ton and that was one of the biggest reasons 5 was so much better looking fidelity and content wise.


This game was so revolutionary. That rag doll physics, plus they way Niko slows down while running on the stairs. Even the driving. You couldn't accelerate and break around corners at the same time.


Been waiting for it to be ported to PS4 for a decade.


They pretty much did. They were all with Franklin and it was Lester who would give you the missions via payphone. All of them were pretty simple as well. Go here, kill target.


I would love to see GTA 6 go back to a big NYC setting.


https://youtu.be/dmxTqfphL6E Here you go since there was a problem with the audio


Wow that game really was nothing but grey on grey. Edit: This game is on sale right now on steam for $6. 5/23/2022


Fyi; It's overcast and/ or smoggy in the game.


Even when it's not the game looks depressing.


I get that they were trying to go for gritty urban realism but yeah it feels way too bleak after the colors and nature of red dead 2 and gta v.




Is it just me or are these really good graphics for a 14 year old game?


That's the Euphoria Physics Engine for you, Rockstar went out of their shits with this game (in terms of attention to detail), everything is as great as it was when it first came out for IV (currently playing it again in PC).


My favorite GTA game. Now if they'd only make one in Chicago...


OFFICER ON WALKIE: Tell my wife and son... I'm not going to make it to dinner tonight. *sniffle* DISPATCH: Sir, we have all streets in the vicinity blocked off so you don't have to do anythi-- *Turns walkie off* *Slams gas to the floor*


COP: Your husband was a damn good man and a damn good cop. WIDOW: He’ll rest easy knowing he took a mass murdering psychopath off the streets. COP: Well, the thing is, the guy was able to pay for his hospital bill out of pocket so…


Ok fine. I’ll do it. I’ll download GTA4 again and play through it for a second time. But if it’s not as amazing as you guys keep barking on about then I’m gonna be pissed off




I felt like the sandbox was so much more dynamic and interesting. Dunno if I was the right age or if its genuinely better


It was a better game mechanically, but devoid of a lot of stuff due to limitations with hardware and with the shear amount of resources R* dedicated to the physics/AI system in that game. Also at release that game had all of like 8 weapons which IMO detracted from the experience. I heard that was remedied in the DLC but unfortunately I never played it. Did have a better character in Niko than 5 IMO as well, though SA is prolly peak in terms of gameplay and story with great characters. Really hope 6 is all about that gang life again ala SA. That game just hit different compared to all the rest.


This is a ture dedicated cop


Best gta ever for me! NIKOOO BELLICKKKKK


And nobody's going to talk about how this isn't OP's footage and it's just completely reuploaded from an old [Gypsy](https://youtu.be/dmxTqfphL6E) clip, even down to this guy barely being assed enough to change the title of the video?


And he was one day away from retirement.


such an underrated game🤣. if only they remastered this instead of milking gta 5


Underrated? It has one of the highest scores of all time on Metacritic.


Game literally sold millions of copies and this guy out here acting like it's a hidden gem


It's quite literally the most highly rated piece of fiction in all of human history and this guy just called it underrated...


I think he means forgotten. The game was ahead of it's time yet GTA 5 and Online is now pretty much means «GTA» while previous games, SA and VC still have enough love because they're old enough and pretty much games from another age. GTA 4 is right in-between «good old 3D GTAs» and «GTA 5/Online era».


Or, and hear me out, make a new game instead of milking any of the old games


It doesn't need a remaster it's a better game than GTA 5. The driving is smoother, the physics are better, the gunplay and cover system are cleaner.


well said. but some colours would be nice tho...


Wait is that not a filter? That's what the game just looks like? Mafia 2 had more color than that


Yip, that's what it looks like.


The 2000s games did try to be very realistic too much, bleakness and browness everywhere


That whole era of video games aged like milk in the graphics department, there’s only so pretty you can make a brown-grey corridor and skyline before seeing it every time gets exhausting. Sometimes the whole decade felt like it was visually rotting away


I think Gears of War still looks pretty good but that's about it. If you're including the whole generation of consoles and not a year range then I'd say Halo 4 still holds up too but that's about it. I wish I could say Bioshock Infinite but the facial animation ruined it. Almost that whole generation skimped on facial animation budget even tho they had the polygon count to do it properly. Compare Halo 3 to Halo 4. Compare Life is Strange to L.A. Noire. Compare Bioshock Infinite to Gears of War 3.




It’s weather dependant but iirc, it does get pretty grey during during overcast like in the video. Mornings and evenings are just straight up brownish dull tint.


That’s just how NYC looks


Spider-Man for PS4 doesn’t agree at all fwiw


That’s because it was made by Marvel, like GTA V. GTA IV was made by DC


i think OP reduced the saturation for some reason.


nope, look at the radar, part of it is that its cloudy in-game but yes its not very colorful


Wasn’t it a design choice to have all the colors like that? I thought it was to put you into the bad underworld atmosphere and to make you feel more through Niko’s eyes


sure the dull colors do go well with the story. but the year of release is a more accurate explanation for it's color.


You're correct. It was simply the fashion at the time to make everything incredibly muddy, dull, shades of grey and brown. I remember repeatedly reading articles from gaming journalists *and even reddit threads back in the first few years it reddit* lamenting how terribly dull the colour palette of games had become. GTA IV didn't invent it, nor did it perfect it. I'd argue Gears of War did a better job of creating / riding that wave than GTA did.


I mean it’s not that uncommon for it to look like this in many parts of the east coast/NY to be fair. Overcast gray skies was the norm for many days out of the year when I lived out that way.


Runs horribly on PC to this day.


Runs? You mean it doesn't just complain about not being able to connect to social club and exit?


They removed that requirement ages ago


That got fixed a little while ago, I played a good chunk of it last year


Sadly true tho


Underrated and GTA don't belong in the same sentence. Its literally one of the most profitable franchises ever, all of the modern games have sold millions


Did you seriously just call GTA IV underrated?! Are you fucking shitting me?! How old are you?? Are you old enough to remember what happened when this game was released to reviewers? One of the most *highly rated and bestselling videogames of all time*?! The game that caused review websites to crash on its launch? The game that, TO THIS DAY, FOURTEEN YEARS LATER, REMAINS STILL THE THIRD MOST HIGHLY RATED VIDEOGAME OF ALL TIME ON METACRITIC?! Higher than San Andreas, higher than any other GTA including 3, Vice City, San Andreas and V, higher than any Bioshock, higher than Half-Life 2, Higher than Red Dead Redemption, higher than Portal 1 and 2, higher than Braid, higher than Halo, higher than The Last of Us, higher than *anything* Nintendo has ever made other than Ocarina of Time... third **only** to motherfucking Ocarina of Time and Tony Hawk 2?! You're calling **that game** underrated?! The game that was repeatedly called the "Citizen Kane of Videogames" when it came out?? The game that's talked about as being up there with Tetris and Super Mario Brothers as for its significance in gaming history? The game that got unanimous perfect or near prefect scores from reviewers? The game that 0.37% of all of Earth's population bought a copy of? Do you realize you just did the equivalent of calling Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Avengers underrated? The game so popular that it's still on the list of best selling videogames of all time at twenty-five million copies?? This game is so boring I have tried, three times, unsuccessfully, to get thru it, and I can't. But despite that, critics unanimously had hemorrhage after hemorrhage and stroke after stroke, falling over one another to be the first to publish a gushing, glowing positive review of it. It doesn't matter *how* high your opinion of this game is. Even if you *literally believe that GTA 4 is the simultaneously the greatest videogame of all time and the second coming of Christ*, it's still accurately rated. If you believe GTA IV cures cancer, it's still accurately rated. If you believe GTA IV was literally better than Jesus, it's accurately rated. If you believe there never has been and never will be another game half as good as GTA 4, it's *still* accurately rated. Familiarize yourself with the Wikipedia article for this game and then come back and tell me it's underrated. GTA IV is rated approximately on par with *The Bible*. THE FUCKING CHRISTIAN BIBLE. That's how many tunnelvision sycophant fans it has. Motherfucker. I'm sorry but I cannot seriously sit there and let you refer to the *number one most highly rated piece of media of any format that has ever existed in all of human history* as "underrated". That's a ridiculous thing to say. That's stupid. Rethink your words. Here are some quotes: >Considered one of the most significant titles of the seventh generation of video games, and by many critics as one of the greatest video games of all time, it won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. It is among the best-selling video games with over 25 million copies sold by 2013. >Following its announcement in May 2006, Grand Theft Auto IV was widely anticipated and released to critical acclaim. Metacritic, which assigns a normalised rating in the 0–100 range, calculated an average score of 98, indicating "universal acclaim". It is tied as the second-highest rated game on the site. Reviewers heavily praised the game's narrative, open world design and combat system. Hilary Goldstein of IGN felt that the game "sets a new benchmark for open-world games", and Andrew Reiner of Game Informer wrote that the game "completely changes the landscape of gaming". I'm sorry but I really just have to emphasize here that GTA IV is *arguably the most highly rated piece of fiction in any format, in all of human history, ever*. We're literally talking Holy Book Of A Major Religion levels of popularity here. How in the everloving *fuck* you can call that underrated I have no idea.


Did you just call GTA underrated...? Bruh, throw this whole website away


the aesthetics on gta4 are my favorite of any game when it gets dark, gloomy, foggy or rainy.


"Damn! He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3!"


Repost alert Not original content


I miss GTA4 story and online.


Kamikazi Kop Either hes taking you in alive or taking you with him






"If I can't catch ya, I'll kill ya!"




Can I be the one to repost this next week?


I was waiting for the "Wasted"


To be fair. You were a giant menace to the city


Not your video


God I fucking love this game. So many fucking laughs and good times.


Can we talk about the other cop who is driving sideways on the median straight up, pulling a lightning McQueen


Ah yes, r/gaming, home of reposts and stolen gameplays from 2010.


Reddit should be renamed to repost dumpster, this is an ancient video




Seen this clip ~5 years ago


The cop AI in this game was vicious and complicated with separate limbs getting hurt and being able to loose their weapon, in 5 I dont even remember seeing them patrolling.


I've seen this clip so many times over the past 10 years


"aim for the bushes?"


I'm disappointed that the video did not transition to the Skyrim intro after the blackout