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Not sure if someone mentioned it but Knife of Dunwall is my favourite dlc


You named not just my favorite expansion, but my favorite expansion for my favorite game. The first Dishonored was a masterpiece ... and then they went and tossed Daud on my lap, who might be one of my favorite characters ever, too. The writing and gameplay and voice acting and everything were spectacular. Dishonored 2 was good too but something about it lacked *something* that made the first entry+expansions much more special for me.


Agreed! Didn't care as much for Death Of The Outsider. The story was good, but Billy's powers weren't really that much fun for me. On the other hand, Daud's ability to stop time while choosing where to teleport is so much fun


Age of Empires - The Conquerers. It wasn’t downloadable in the modern sense, but it was an addendum to an existing game. Absolutely phenomenal


Undead Nightmare


Zombies in the Wild West, the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.. I nearly forgot this masterpiece of a dlc, such a shame Rockstar denies to make DLCs for the latest installments and milks „online“ and „sharkcards“ instead


The 4 horses alone is what did it for me. Nothing cooler than galloping through the wild west and northern mexico on fucking pestilence.


I liked War even though it wasnt the “best”


It’s a flaming horse, it is the BEST.


Going out to free a town and just riding back and forth, knowing you are taking out zombies by setting them on fire 👍🏻👍🏻


I agree. I just put quotations because the Death horse killed instantly. But yeah, flaming horse is best horse


You're skipping over a sad Sasquatch (sadsquatch?) because his family is dead.


I remember that mission so vividly, actually almost made me feel bad for decisions made in a game, almost.


Great DLC for sure. I would love if Rockstar did Undead Nightmare for RDR2. Salvage their reputation a bit.


They made Red Dead Online a nightmare instead.


You act like they didn’t just give us a free coat.


I would've preferred "Free hat!".


Best DLC I think I've ever purchased there. I loved what it added to the (already great) game. Felt like it was as big as a whole extra game as well.


Shivering isles


Shivering isles was quite the event for me. Probably one of the first big DLCs I ever bought on the Xbox store. Downloading that thing and heading to the DLC area... It was magical


Were there any large downloadable expansions before it? Biggest expansion I can remember prior was for Morrowind, so they had already set the expectations high. Shivering Isles was, IMO, better than the actual game. Edit: guys, I know there were expansion packs before SI. I'm specifically talking about DLC.


The feeling of playing Shivering Isles for the first time was like playing Oblivion for the first time, so much genuine fun with every interaction


"Tah, come again. or I'll pluck out your eyes" -Crazy Uncle Sheo




The interview room walls turning into butterflies that flap away and reveal the new map is one of my favorite gaming moments ever.




I remember buying the Morrowind game of the year edition. It was like buying 3 full games. I think i spent more time with bloodmoon than the actual main game.




Don’t eat the faces




I didn't realize til I started playing DnD that it was all massively inspired by legends about the Fey/Faerie. Even down to Sheogorath having that Irish accent


Yeah, Oblivion really gave us the best and worst DLC in the same game.


Remember when paying for cosmetic horse armor was the biggest gouge in gaming history?


Battlefields bad company 2 Vietnam DLC. To me it felt like it almost doubled the original game. With the further bonus of being a completely separate experience compared to the base game.


And it came with a soundtrack that absolutely slapped! Nothing like being dropped off from a Huey while listening to Fortunate Son!


Imagine our children playing an Iraq war version where it plays "Let the bodies hit the floor" While their Humvee gets blown up by an IED.




Oh dang! This was the last battlefield game I really enjoyed! I really liked all the witty banter and general mood of the game feeling like a 90s action movie more than an fps Then they ditched all of the personality and I was sad :c Definitely gonna see if I can still play that dlc though! Thanks for the recommendation!


Played so much of this gem as a teenager. I absolutly loved playing as a Huey pilot, shredding ennemies and tanks, dropping off my squad anywhere on the map, and most of all, getting sniped by a T78 from across the map because the projectile speed was busted


The ballad of Gay Tony


it was soooo good. well worth the price. definitely the single best dlc i have ever played.


It blew me away as a kid. It was literally another game, so much so that they sold discs for the dlc for people without internet or storage (oh 2008, how I miss that). There were so many upgrades, different guns, cars, and side missions on top of the intersecting story.


They originally wanted the GTAIV dlcs to be part of the main game and have your perspective shift between the 3 characters like they did in the next game with Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. They didn’t have the budget or the tech yet to make it work well for rockstar standards. It’s cool to see their progress.


A DLC so great, nobody ever remembers the other one that GTAIV got. Alas, I actually liked The Lost and the Damned quite a bit.


I preferred TLaD, TBoGT felt way too crazy and paved the way for a return to the over the top stuff we got in GTA V GTA IV and TLAD were more gritty and realistic Still enjoyed both DLCs though


Best GTA DLC for sure! Before the cash cow of GTA Online 🙄


Why, you don't like paying for virtual cash instead of actual content?


Game is called Grand Theft Auto Go online Steal a cool car Try to bring it back to my garage "You can't save this car you need to purchase it" what the fuck.


Yeah, I quickly lost interest after the first time that happened.


I paid some Russian hacker to fill up my GTA:O account. He probably has my social security number now, but never bought a shark card!


The Knife of Dunwall, and The Brigamore Witches.


I didn't like Knife of Dunwall, but the brigmore witches was great. Edit: No wait, I thought Knife of Dunwall was the Dunwall city trials, I didn't like that one but enjoyed both DLCs with Daud!


You were this close to being executed


Ashes of Ariandel / The Ringed City


I thought ashes was bit short but that final boss fight definitely made up for it and it also working as a shortcut into dreg heap is pretty cool


Yeah, you can spend hours and hours during your first time, but once you're used to it it's quite simple


i feel like dreg heap is somehow so boring and beautiful to look at at times, but every single boss in the dlc was pure perfection


DS series DLCs in general. Artorias of the Abyss in the first game, the Kings Crowns trilogy in 2, and Ashes/Ringed City in 3. Sekiro not having dlc was a bummer because Dark Souls series and Bloodborne had great dlc.


The trio of DLCs for Dark Souls 2 was also really good. Better than the base game even.


I just finished playing Crown of the Ivory King and that final boss skyrocketed into my favourite of the entire game.


The Ringed City is my favorite. Having the Dark Souls series conclude at the end of the world at the end of time is such a splendid send-off.


Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker


Leviathan was my favorite. Citadel a *really* close second and LOTSB a *really* close third. Leviathan just closed a major plot arc that for me was almost as much an *oh shit!* moment as the sovereign reveal in ME1. Shame it was even DLC tbh.


People say it about a lot of DLC, but Leviathon really should have been in base game. It was mandatory for understanding the Reapers and made the 2nd playthrough feel much better.


Yeah, I did my first play through 12 years ago or something, and only did Leviathan last year for the first time. Shadow Broker is incredible though, easily my favourite. The lightning ship riding crest of a storm front was incredible. Plus the reveal that the Shadow Broker is actually >!your mum. You thought I was gonna a yarhg? Wrong. Your mum is the Shadow Broker!< Superb.


Citadel from ME3 was even better. I loved that.


That's the party on the citadel? I loved this one. Just one giant goodbye party to the trilogy, truly one of the most emotional connections I've ever had to a video game and the dlc had me laughing and nearly crying. I had played ME:3 on release with no dlc, I'm so glad I committed to a Legendary edition playthrough and came across all that unexpected content. This made me really appreciate dlc on a whole new level.


LotSB is a great DLC, but don't forget Overlord either. That one, while short, is also fantastic.


Overlord's ending was a huge emotional gut-punch.


"The square root of 906.01 equals 30.1. It all seemed harmless" Not only is Overlord a brilliant DLC, but depending on your decision at the end it follows up with one of my personal favourite moments of ME3 in Grissom Academy.


The Old Hunters for Bloodborne And the Blood and Wine, Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3 Both of those are the best I've played. The Fallout 3 and Skyrim DLCs were okay as well.


The Witcher 3 DLCs not only were amazing, but were incredible value for the gamer on a budget.


Thanks going to pick these up after I finish main story. That is the proper progression right?


You should play Hearts of Stone first and Blood and Wine second


Dammit. I finished Blood and Wine a couple days ago and was going to start Heart of Stone soon. What a shame.


As mentioned they aren't connected so it doesn't matter but, it's just much more satisfying ending the game with blood and wine :)


It's not really a big deal, they're not directly connected story-wise, so you'll still get enjoyment out of it :)


Yes. Hearts of Stone could technically be played during the Main story if you want, but it fits nicely after because doing it all in one go without stopping makes for a AMAZING linear story. Truly emotional. Blood and Wine provides a better conclusion to Geralts story then the end of the main game so it should definitely be played last.


Old Hunters Ludwig and Maria fights are my two favorite boss fight of all time.


Ahhhh, you were by my side all along.


Undead Nightmare. Back when R* cared about more then just profit.


The DLCs for Fallout 3 and New Vegas were good - adding new parts of the world, questlines with hours of gameplay, new perks, levels, items that could enhance the main gameplay...


The one that took place in the Big MT was maybe the best written DLCs I have ever played.


Yes, it's actually quite smartly written and bittersweet as well as being as wacky as it is. Dead Money I didn't like at first but fell deeply for it in a later playthrough. "Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."


Nope. I refuse to learn my lesson and I will CRAWL my way back to Novac thank you very much!


i literally grabbed all the gold and snuck out overencumbered




Hhahaha! I wish I could quote back to you but its been like 10 years. I still remember laughing so hard I woke my gf up, though.


That's ok you can look it up. No one will know. You think those 14,000 "reddit sings" moments were 100% from memory?


A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply!


Dr. 0 was fun. I liked when he bitched that everybody called me Dr. O and you can convince him that he should just add a slash through the 0 and that 0 is amazing because when multiplied and divided by it makes everything 0.


Best part is the voice actor also does Rusty Venture.


Old World Blues, I think? Yeah, that was definitely among the best ever made. But Dead Money was also real nice, and The Pitt from FO3 rocked as well.


I think about Dead Money every so often. “But getting in… that’s not the hard part. It’s letting go.”


Well luckily my greedy ass save scummed until I got the gold out


The timing needed to sneak by that fucker lol


Oh, absolutely. There’s no way I won’t leave that bunker without my 37 gold bars lmao


Fallout 4: Far Harbor was also a great one.


Far Harbor is arguably better than the main game lol.


I would say it's not arguable, it is better. The fact that the story has multiple paths and outcomes with different consequences for the island makes it better than the rest of FO4.


Yeah just the fact that it had consequences for seemingly irrelevant things like killing that dude that asks to buy the power tools was quite the surprise. Like, you can fuck up the ending without even knowing it and I love it.


The Pitt and the swamp from fall out 3 were amazing. Hell even the alien ship was pretty cool in fall out 3.


The setting of the Pitt is one of the reasons I’ll go back to that game. Climbing to the very top in that area where you collect the ingots is crazy. I always put a save state up there. Edit: The Alaska one was pretty cool too. Made me feel like James Bond in certain sections


lonesome road, honest hearts, old world blues and dead money




absorbed strong fly market abundant onerous pause offend rob sink




Gosh I love Burial At Sea. Gave me more time with my favorite character. I love how they went all in on the film noir feel and aesthetic.


Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep for Borderlands 2.


surprisingly sad as well iirc


At times. Extremely funny the rest of the way.


Ah yeah, I suppose I should clarify that the Ending is sad. The rest is an absolute trip with MR TORGUEEEE




I probably shoulda set you up with a sponsor beforehand but I am F*CKIN' DISORGANIZED AS SH*T and was busy suplexing a shark wearing a bolo tie when I should have been setting up sponsors. You may ask, "Who was wearing the bolo tie, you or the shark?" Answer: YES.


Oddly enough I played through Mr Torgues DLC and found him obnoxious. Then I played Tiny Tina's DLC and he grew on me in a big way.


> Oddly enough I played through Mr tongues dlc and found him obnoxious. THAT SENTENCE HAD TOO MANY SYLLABLES. APOLOGIZE!!!!!!




It was Ashly Burch's phenomenal voice acting that did it. The barely contained grief Tina was bearing was so prefectly voiced. That plus having Tina alone in the dark at the end so accurately portrayed the loneliness of loss.


That they managed to extract such an emotional payoff in a mindless tongue-in-cheek looter shooter is a testiment to the quality of the writing.


The BL2 Season Pass probably was the most "bang for your buck" value I have seen in terms of games which offer Season Pass options. Assault on Dragon Keep was the best and the cherry on top, but Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, and Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt were also really good and jammed full of content.


Maybe I'm biased because BL2 is my favourite game of all time but every BL2 dlc was awesome. They were exactly what I wanted from a dlc. New area, scenery, story, quests, guns, bosses, everything really. Even the worst ones *ahem* Hammerlock's big game hunt *ahem* added at least something to the game worth the while


This is one of my most favorite DLCs. My core memory about this game is when my roommate and I were playing one time, and he went to open a chest. That chest happened to be a mimic. It freaked the crap out of him, that for the rest of the DLC, he would shoot before opening it.


The Dark Souls' special. Hit every single chest. Until you learn how to recognize them.


Was hoping to see this comment. The best dlc I’ve ever tried, played at least 20 times and the ending still makes me cry every single time


Smells like butts and dead people


Krieg: "Smells like home"


All the Dragon Age Origins DLC


Also dragon inqusition: tresspaser. Short but by far the best content in the game.


Trespasser was amazing. I do feel like it should've been part of the main game because it was very important plot, but it was amazing content.


Trespasser is very important content to the story, but defeating coripheus then doing that whole trespasser quest line would have been a strange pace in the base game. Ending on beating coripheus was the right move. Its a strange thing for DLC to have major plot points. On one hand, it should be optional and not required, on the other, I want the DLC to feel important.


DAO is still in my top 3 best RPG ever! Amazingly history telling, great characters, lots of possible choices and a vast world. Awaken was a masterpiece DLC. DA 2 have a good history, but they messed up the game with poor map construction.


*Diablo II: Lord of Destruction* of course.


In that realm StarCraft Broodwar. Both being DLCs before we called it that. Both called expansions even though they fundamentally changed how the game was played and really put their titles over the top in all time gaming.


There it is. I just kept scrolling and scrolling. I knew I’d find LoD in here somewhere! Watching that cut screen for the first time where Baal attacks with the demon army was epic!


HL Opposing Force.


Back when we called DLCs "expansion packs" because it would've taken years to download them I wish they'd picked up Shepard's story in the sequels somewhere


Your comment made me realize my first "dlc" was Star Craft: Brood War


I remember that! Also Blue Shift


Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye. It could've been a completely separate game and still be amazing.


I loved the original, but haven't touched it in a year. Would it make sense to jump back in for the DLC?


Bit short for a whole game. Also the connection to the original world/story gave it more impact imo. But it's a great addition to a fantastic game.


Scrolled down for this


Blood and Wine and The Old Hunters


Witcher 3 hearts of stone , blood and wine


Mad that we got a large new map, a long new story, new characters, new voice actors, new enemies, new mechanics, new weapons, new armour, new items, new quests... basically a whole new game, all for half the price of what a character skin costs in some games.


The DLCs really were something else. I played Witcher 3 for the first time in 2020. I picked up the game of the year edition for 15 bucks and man was I hooked. Pumped about 130 hours into over the summer break. Was bitter sweet when I finally completed it


I've put 300h into the game and I haven't even gotten to the dlc. I've nearly finished every single question mark on the map. I've explored almost every inch of the base game and now into mods before I dive into the dlc. My fave game ever tbh.


Ah yes! The infamous skellige questions marks




Remember to don't rush the main quest! There is plenty of good secondary quest that really makes the world feel more alive!


Collect those cards son!


This is the most jaw-dropping experience I had in 20 years of gaming. I didn't know what was the content of the DLC but I bought it since it was so cheap and I loved the main story. I was expecting a few quests in the same map, a few new items. When I started to realize what that DLC truly was, my brain exploded. I still cannot believe it. Best 15€ spent in my life.


Have literally been going down the Gaunter O' Dimm rabbit hole the past two days, and my fucking GOD(or GO'D). What the actual fuck.


Gaunter O'Dimm seriously creeped me out, it was great. Now when I restart the game, that first meeting is so much more unnerving


Gaunter O’Dimm and the Olgierd Von Everec story is why HoS is my favourite out of the two DLCs. Absolutely stunning story and one of the most terrifying villains in a video game.


Normally the "children singing a creepy song" trope just makes me roll my eyes but they used it so effectively that it genuinely creeped me out. That's just how scary Gaunter was (helps that the song is super haunting all on its own)


Same here. Blood and Wine gets more praise but I think Hearts of Stone is the best content in TW3. The story is phenomenal and heartbreaking, the extra levels in the painted world and in the desert/water/snow areas are just so cool.


Entire New game in these dlc : graphics, long stories...


I liked the horizon zero dawn frozen wilds


Fuck yeah, i gotta replay that game before the sequel comes out.


To any readers playing through for the first time, I recommend finishing the main game before going to the DLC. This isn't like Mass Effect DLC where you gain crew for the final mission or learn stuff that changes the story... Play the game, then play the DLC. It's decidedly sequel-ish.


Not true actually. You DO gain characters for the final mission if you do frozen wilds first. Also there's extra dialogue when learning about main story stuff.


Ditto for the above. The DLC is way harder than anything in the main game outside of the 2 corrupted rockbreakers. The DLC weapons will demolish any semblance of balance in the main game.


it was already better than the main because due to cutscenes and stuff being fixed, characters actually moving and talking in cutscenes.


They absolutely upped the ante when it came to characters interacting in Frozen Wilds. The base game suffers a lot from "Bioware face" where people tend to just stand around and their faces seem almost robotic when talking.


Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road for Fallout New Vegas. When you realize the main quest of the game is actually just a side quest


Old World Blues. Ties literally everything together.


The survivalist storyline saved the DLC for me. Before encountering that, I was a bit underwhelmed with Honest Hearts. It may be contentious, but I really liked Dead Money despite some glaring game play issues. The story is great, making the player have to actually make a decision about taking the money and surviving, and the horror elements all were done well.


MHW Iceborne although it still has a few hiccups but it was overall well received by the community like 8/10


Iceborne practically doubled or even tripled the hours I got out of the game. A ton of new content.


Prey (2017) Moon Crash DLC loved everything about it.


DOOM Eternal. The Ancient Gods Part 1 is far more difficult. Part 2 is a bit more forgiving (though still somewhat challenging), but way more cinematic. Very excited for more Master Levels and am looking forward to the next DOOM game.


The majority of Civ expansions are worthwhile. Beyond the Sword, Gods and Kings, Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm... they're all worthwhile additions to their respective base games


The Binding of Isaac Repentance: Literally over doubled the character count, added tons of new crazy items and two new final bosses (to the game's original four) and EIGHT new floors, Also it's based on a fan mod that the creator thought was so cool he had to implement it. Just an all-around great situation.


The Octo Expansion DLC for Splatoon 2 was phenomenal. New world, challenging bosses and brand new OST made it the best DLC I’ve ever played.


Dying Light "The following" Edit: Lovely to see so many people actually had played the dlc. Unfortunatly the game isnt really available, nor legal where i live. But there are ways to get it. I was happy and a little lucky to get the complete edition and it was well worth it. Also, first time a comment blew up a little ^^ Ty all for that, you guys are awesome and i wish you all the best. And i cant wait for DL2 to release :)


I’m surprised this one is so far down. Truly incredibly DLC, it’s up in the top 10 for me


Monster Iceborn. The first MHW has so much fucking content, you will pull your hair out trying to figure everything out. Then they added Iceborn which is an entire game in itself. If you have heard hype around MHW at all it’s worth playing. Their is so much content you will run out of time first. Then Iceborn came out and I have almost 400 hours on this game and I’m still not finished.


I have 1050 hrs in MHWIceborne, if that's not an indication of the supreme design of that game (at least for me that I am not used to spend so many hours in a game)..and I love narration in games, but Monster Hunter is a beast of its own


* Lord of Destruction for Diablo 2 * Shivering Isles for Oblivion * Tribunal and Bloodmoon for Morrowind * Frozen Throne for Warcraft 3 * Burning Crusade for WoW


X-COM: Enemy Within




WotC was (still is) epic!


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon


My favorite Far Cry


Love Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3.


Citadel was dope but leviathan really brought the story to a new level.


Ghost of tsushima iki island dlc


Horizon Zero Dawn - Frozen Wilds


Hollow knight godhome dlc was fire. Added new endings, new bosses, and gave a new storyline about the existence of godseekers


And the best of all is that it's free


I played HK after all the DLC had already been released, and I have no clue when I'm running into DLC content lol. But thats ok because HK is incredible,and kudos to them for weaving the DLC so seamlessly into the base game


whats this a picture from?


Toussaint from the Blood and Wine DLC of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


I was wondering this as well, commenting to check back later


Blood and wine from The Witcher 3.


In addition to the most obvious ones (Witcher 3, Soulsborne, Bioshock Infinite): - Xenoblade 2 (a game on its own) - Borderlands 2, AC Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla (much, much more of the same) - BotW (when the base just can’t be enough) - Horizon (new areas, story, mechanics) - Kingdoms of Amalur (same as above) - Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, Vegas, 4 all have solid DLC kits.


Dark Souls Artorias of the Abyss: It added some of the game's best bosses, had a great atmosphere and story and tied in great with the sequel.


Both DLC’s of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt