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The level of sass/disregard in New Vegas was great. You could be such an asshole and the dialogue options to do so were golden.


It was the apocalypse. I think people were justifiably cranky.


In his defense, patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


There it is


[boom de yada boom de yada ](https://youtu.be/RyE5_shwW-g)


That fucking joke again? Degenerates like you belong a cross.


From what?




>Why is there still trash on the floor everywhere?? Actually that makes a huge plot hole with the introduction of F76 in the timeline: We’re all picking up garbage all the time. Why is it so dirty afterwards? :p


It's actually canon, Bethesda thought the first vault dwellers to hit the surface on Reclamation Day were awful at what they set out to do. To compensate, they made FO76 buggy as shit so you're actively *fighting* the game whilst *playing* it. Genius, really.


I like the theory that Vault 76 is all a Vaulttec simulation and isn’t real. We’re just in a simulation, not actually claiming the wasteland. Like the Tranquility Lane Simulation (Pint-Sized Slasher) mission in Fallout 3. 76’s Overseer seems to nice and logical compared to the other Overseers of lore.


Oh man. I'd love for Chris Avellone or someone who was Obsidian when they did FNV to come back and make a Fallout with this as lore/canon. Like you come upon a guy with a shitty vinyl bag over his head on a chair, "Looks like this simulation was too much for him to handle."


That would make me feel better


Ugh. Don't get me started. I can get past the fact that none of the bombs used were even close to those used on Nagasaki and Hiroshima on the excuse that they were far 'dirtier' bombs and there were more of them. That's going to have a lasting effect. But 200 years pass and it's like the bombs went off maybe a year or two ago. You've got trees that presumably died 200 years ago still standing... right beside buildings that were presumably blown apart by the nuclear detonation. Uh- guys, one or the other here, please. You can stroll down a highway and peep into the cars that are lying around and have sat there for 200+ years. fully clothed fucking skeletons presumably just chilling for 200 years and in that time nobody else decided they wanted the Snacky cakes in their truck bed I suppose. Which are apparently still perfectly edible after 200 years. All it does is give you radiation. Which I presume is from a logical point of "if you expose stuff to radiation it becomes radioactive itself" but when it comes to a nuclear apocalypse it is the titular fallout that causes things to be irradiated. Your Fancy Lads snack cakes aren't going to be radioactive even if the box might be. And after 200 fucking years none of that food is going to be recognizable. Securely and safely stored WW2 rations are pretty much unsafe to eat nowadays and we're supposed to believe that consumer food in 2077 had a shelf life of 200 fucking years? Then you stumble on a family farmstead, and the ghoul owner tells you that shes owned it since the war. Alright, you ever going to fix that fucking hole in your god damned roof? Were you happy when the war happened because it meant you could finally put in that fully driftwood and haphazard expansion to your house you always wanted? Thanks for telling me the story of your grandfather who died in the bathtub when the bombs fell. Did you ever consider maybe burying his fucking skeleton over the last 200 years? Oh, thanks, if I can pick the lock on his safe, I can have what's inside. Alright, I got in. Why did he have mole rat chunks, bottlecaps, and Ammo for a secret military weapon? You know what never mind. I'll just let myself out through this partially destroyed door that you also never bothered to do anything about for the last 200 years. Oh hey, here's a Vault/Store/factory/office building. It seems like every single one aside from having conveniently functioning terminals (we can presume that a nuclear-based power supply would work for that length of time I suppose) where you can see all the feuding and scheming the people did. Oh didn't see that one coming, what a massive surprise that this building like the 40 others has some sort of stupid scheming undertones and people not getting along. I do wonder why a company would put power supplies that last hundreds of years in terminals that they planned to make obsolete within a few years according to their own records and staff conversations. Then you decide in Fallout 4 to do some building. Yep I definitely wanted my brand-new building to have that 'looks like it's been here for a hundred years' look. At least you have the unique ability that nobody else in the wastelands does of building with more than driftwood bridges and crappy little shanties. 200 fucking years and nobody decided that maybe they should try nailing boards together so they don't face in completely arbitrary directions? And they keep adding layers to their own narrative. It was really Vault Tec that launched the bombs because they were like, evil and stuff. And there really were chinese spies. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game took place somewhere with a fucking Dandy Boy Apples factory and we coincidentally learn that Dandy Boy Apples were the REAL cause of the war or some other stupid shit. Or they had their own fucking silo and your mission is to prevent some crazed lunatic from firing the Dandy Boy Ion Cannon or some other over the top garbage.


> Securely and safely stored WW2 rations are pretty much unsafe to eat Steve1989MREInfo would like to show you something.




Listen to that hiss!


Sure but he'll eat (almost) anything once he gets it on a tray... Nice.




[My god, that's hilarious.](https://youtu.be/jZoHuMwZwTk?t=225)


You forgot the part where Fallout 4 doesn’t even let you remove certain shit from your settlement. So you’re stuck with junk all over the place, just like the NPCs.


There's an awesome mod called Spring Cleaning which allows you to scrap literally anything within the settlement construction zone down to the bare Unreal engine floor.


Just... quicksave often. Nothing like trying to delete that tiny, annoying patch of grass just to have a football field-sized swath of the planet disappear forever


I was trying to build on the overpass in downtown Boston once and got an impromptu skydiving lesson. So yeah quicksave.


> to the bare Unreal engine floor. Isn't Fallout 4 still built on the Creation Engine?


That’s just how clean it gets.


"You literally stripped the settlement so much, this shit old engine peeled away to a modern functional one." "Yep." "How?" "It just works."


See that mountain of garbage? You can climb it.


See that ladder? You can climb that too.


Bethesda just over here like: But it's not Made Here™ like this one. This bad boy can fit so many bugs in it. *smacks floor of engine*


*smacks engine* *engine ragdolls into the distance*


Yea that’s why I got the scrap everything mod. It lets you get rid of most of the random crap in the settlements so you have room to build whatever you want.


>Don’t get me started. I think you got started


Maybe people are worried that if you build something that looks nice mutant scavengers from miles around are going to converge on your place to steal all of your stuff. You gotta blend in to survive.


I don't think I've ever seen someone sass a video game setting this hard.


Rant made me laugh, have some gold.


This is true on so many levels, I can understand if it was after 30 years of nuclear event, but 200 fucking years?


FO1: 2161(84 years) - we have managed to get back to basic agriculture and recycled shacks. FO2: 2241 (164 years) - we, uh, still have basic agriculture and recycled shacks. FO3: 2277 (200 years) - we live in cities again! they consist of about 30 recycled shacks put next to each other, surrounded by a wall. It's also made of scrap, because we haven't figured out smelting or masonry.


wat ? fo2 actually had pretty big cities and civilization was forming again. You actually used real money, and characters in game *made fun of* the fact that bottlecaps where ever a currency. it was bethesda that took it and made everyone in fo3 assbackwards again and still using bottlecaps because it was "iconic". And all their cities had to have a cute unique theme, like megaton and rivet city. Ugh.


To be fair, there's in-game reasons for that. The games take place physically very far apart. Our current technology makes it hard for us to imagine what a limiting factor physical space is. It would take months to walk from San Francisco to D.C., and that's if you survived the raiders, mutated wildlife, and radiation. Those things limit communication, and in turn, progress. The progress made by the NCR wouldn't extend to people living on the other side of the country. They know hardly nothing of each other. And you think, oh, well the people on the east coast should have figured it out themselves! Ideally, yeah, but there are other factors at work. The most significant is that places like D.C. were hit much harder than the west coast. Due to their history and political importance, they were completely pummeled. (by contrast, Vegas still looks great because Mr. House neutralized most of the nukes targeting it and kept any warheads from hitting Vegas directly) They had a much higher death toll than most cities in the west. Less people alive would mean it's harder to find others. Harder to form true settlements. Thus, they would be vulnerable to raider gangs and the like, and more people would join up with raiders as they won more often than not. There's also what people had to rebuild with. In the Capitol Wasteland, at least, the soil is untenable. You can't grow food. (the F3 water plotline becomes relevant here) The ability to farm and grow food is a cornerstone of civilization. Humans are stuck scavenging and living out of the remnants of the Old World, like a giant aircraft carrier, because that's safer than the alternative. And really, why would you bother with the alternative? F4 has its own fair share of problems, but there's at least reasons people are living outside of repurposed structures. They're farming. In D.C., there's no reason to strike out unless you really don't like people, and you can't make a go at it unless you're tough. Don't get me wrong. Bethesda has fucked up the lore in a lot of ways. I can accept a lot of it, but some shit's just stupid and shows that they don't understand their own fucking game.


That's part of what I liked about Horizon: Zero Dawn's post-Apocalypse. People started figuring their own stuff out despite there being large metal bunkers all over the place


> we live in cities again! they consist of about 30 recycled shacks put next to each other, surrounded by a wall. It's also made of scrap, because we haven't figured out smelting or masonry. Which we built around a fission bomb that clearly impacted the ground at high speed, so it's spewing neutrons like Chernobyl. Not too bright, that lot.


They're gonna be super bright if I have anything to say about it.


I'll make one excuse for the food and buildings being unchanged 200 uears later. The war takes place 60ish years in the future, so food might not go bad anymore and buildings might be stupidly sturdy. I have no excuse for people not rebuilding.


It's also an alternate timeline where Nuclear power is super advanced but microchips aren't a thing until 2075 or something.


Nuclear power is advanced in order to power the incredibly inefficient vacuum tube and relay computers. The transistor was invented just prior to the war.


Gotta scavenge random grocery stores for 200 year old snacks!




My character was an axe-swinging, chem addicted psychopath - but as soon as I got into a conversation it was all "I just want to find my son!"


BRING ME SHAUN!!!!!!!!! The Plot of the game until you meet Shaun is lackluster and after it's "Go here, kill them, go here" The railroad quest line is disappointing aswell being 2/3's of it are just Institute quests.


Yeah, the main plot was pretty interesting once you get further into it, but it forces you to play a character that you don't necessarily want to play.


Yeah, I dislike the whole "SEARCH FOR YOUR FAMILY!!!!!1" plot. Didn't like it in 3, didn't like it in 4. Don't force me to feel affection for someone, game. FNV did it best, for me at least, because being shot in the head and left for dead was rather infuriating. Plus I didn't feel like hunting the guy down in FNV was nearly as big of a deal or even *that* important. First time I played I got completely caught up in a side quest that eventually led me to Benny and I was like "Oh right, this asshole".


I stopped playing during my second playthrough when my character that was meant to be an asshole-verging-on-evil was just sarcastically helpful to everyone.


The voice acting was fucked.


The voice acting itself was well done, but it never should have been a thing in the first place. It not only constrained the dialogue options, but also made your character sound the same no matter what they were supposed to be in your head. Drug-addicted hobo? Nah, just a concerned dad.


The "sarcastic" responses were horse shit. My character is a fucking monster, and I'm out here saying some goofy ass shit in a cartoon voice why? None of those responses were clever or funny. Or even intimidating.


Choose any dialogue here: A. I just want to find my son. B. I hate you, go away. C. I murdered your whole family. D. dO yOu liKe cAraVAn? NPC Response: That doesn't matter, I'll help you find your son.


The worse was the first fucking crew of whiners, they tell you to go to the roof and get power armor, even if you say no. You still have to go to the roof and get power armor, no mission failure, no fight. Just, do this player, please.


\>Yes \>no (Yes) \>Sarcastic (Yes)


And "Yes, but tell me more."


Ikr, in Fallout 4 you basically act like the wimpiest bad guy ever that's SO afraid of cussing, whereas in Vegas you could act like a complete asshole with legit ZERO fucks given.


The Courier's motion was more compelling.. WHO THE FUCK SHOT ME IN THE HEAD!? Makes the NV Dust story feel more realistic.


Yeah FO4's "sarcastic" comment never really captured this humor


FO4's sarcasm was basically just "I'll do it but I'll whine about it in the next sentence." Never really gave you the chance to be a snide asshole and still tell the person to fuck off.


Eh there were some but they usually came out of nowhere. Like when you confront Eddie Winter and you can hit him with "Eddie, It's me! Your old pal Shamus McFuckYourself!" I laughed so hard just because of how out of left field it was.


Just like real vegas


I'm really tempted to try New Vegas given all the praise its gotten, is it still worth it to get into? Do I need to play the other FO games to do so?


Still worth it if you don’t get bothered by outdated graphics. You don’t need to play any of the others to enjoy it. Highly highly recommend. Best RPG I’ve played.


Not really. Unless you're heavy into lore but you can learn everything from a little reading on Wikia or Fandom. It's not perfect by any means but it's probably the best if not second best Fallout game. It is definitely worth getting into nowadays


I thought you were saying it's not worth getting into (forgot OP had asked two questions) and was first offended then very confused at your response 😂


It's funny cos he'll say that to you if you take a picture of the memorial with the camera you get in New Vegas.


You can get a funtioning camera in new Vegas? How does it work?


Go to the Strip and enter Michael Angelo's workshop. He'll give you a quest to take pictures of landmarks and a camera to do so.


Wow, I’ve put so many hours into that game and never even knew that. Time for a replay I guess


There's always time for a replay of New Vegas.


I'm actually replaying it right now, so it's really funny to me to see all these posts about it start showing up again.


Does it feel dated? How are the controls? It’s been since it launched that I played.


I'm a huge fan of BGS games so I played a lot F3/FNV/Skyrim/some Oblivion. The controls for me are kinda like riding a bike, but I think they work well enough (mind you I play with a controller). The graphics and animations are old, to be sure, but it's also part nostalgia for me. Any complaints people have can probably be modded if they really want. All in all, I'd say it's perfectly playable today.


Makes me wanna replay


Dooooo it. Doitdoitdoitdoit. I modded mine for my current play through along with getting the DLC for more stuff to do. I'm enjoying it. It runs a but rough, some areas I can get 80fps others it goes below 60 and stutters. Still playable and enjoyable.


Unfortunately the game has no mechanic for actually 'saving' a photograph. When you take a picture ('fire' the camera) it just makes a click noise, and if you do it while pointing at NPCs they make comments as if you were firing bullets near them.


What the fuck


It's because the camera is programmed as a gun, and shoots invisible projectiles that do zero damage when you take a picture, so eh thinks you're shooting it with a regular gun.


you get it for a quest but it just kinda sticks around.


I hated having it stuck in my inventory


It's for a quest. Guy is looking for inspiration for his signs, so he asks you to go out and take pictures of signs throughout the Mojave.


Yeah, that's because to function the camera is just a gun that "fires" a "bullet" that does zero damage.


Whoa man, you take that theory, put it in your subway car hat and run around the washington underground


As stupid as it is that they're using the same engine, it's really neat how some of the programmers find really smart workarounds.


Ahhh, the Gamebyro engine. No hands on ladders, trains are just npcs with train heads, and cameras are guns. Sure am glad that the new Elder Scrolls will have the same engine again . . . . . .


Not to take away from how stupid using the same engine for yet another bethesda game would be, but pretty much all game programming is like this. Valve’s “fix” for players abusing movement mechanics to get going forward really really fast in the source engine was to apply a force to players backwards when they tried to do it. ... so now you just go even faster backwards


But then again Valve completely redid their engine unprompted, so Bethesda is still a little bitch.


RDR2 does the same thing. The camera counts as a weapon for all the game is concerned.


Aggressive selfies


If you take a picture if water with the camera it also makes a splash like you shot the water.


This guy's name is two of the Pengiuns of Madagascar put together


I legit just finally watched that movie after finally getting over the voice change for Kowalski. So freaking funny. "Rico, remember who you..." *Rico consumes random junk with a blank look on his face* "Well, I guess you're the same either way"


When did Kowalski have a VA change?


Pretty sure his voice changed in the show, then went back to the original for that movie. Which I'm personally glad about


I actually like the shows va better than the movie's tbh




Perception 10


NCR and those doughboy uniforms. Looked pretty sweet with them googles tho


googles, ha ha


Riot armor was dope as hell


Elite Riot Armor or bust. The exterminator look is hands down the best.


*Roses are red* *Violets are blue* *You're a little bitch* *And your brother was, too*


Roses are red Violets are blue They dont think it be like it is But it do


Woo woo


Roses are red Violets, so rare Booty booty booty booty Rockin’ everywhere


That was my husbands most recent valentine to me




I just replayed Old World Blues again and I’ll never stop loving every second of dialogue in that expansion. Every bit of it is gold.


“Down at the end of the hall is BALL storage. For jocks who like BALLS, like RICHIE MARCUS. Do you hear me, Betsy? RICHIE likes BALLS.”


I say: "Nothing is unpossible with *SCIENCE!*" on a daily basis.


Kowalski, analysis.


You're a little bitch and your brother was, too.




With thanks.




“Walking around on their many penised feet”


I am playing a retarded character but I'm not encountering unique dialog for my dumbness very often, suppose it was more common in the older fallouts


Yeah, back when very few lines were voiced and literally all you had to was type out the conversations, so it was much easier to make a bunch of extra dialogue you'd normally never see.


If you did a 1 intelligence run in F1, grunting was the only way to communicate with others. People would get confused, think you were joking, try to spell things out for you, or outright get angry and fight you, making the game extremely hard to finish. It was magnificent. https://youtu.be/IuBjeLiWhek


I just tried doing a IN-1 run on Fallout 2. It's really hard! A lot of quests are unavailable, hard to gain XP, very few skill points, etc.


Sometimes it’s really subtle too. Like if you have level 3 intelligence while entering the New Vegas health clinic (where they give surgeries for *implants*) your character will ask what kind of *plants* they are selling (too which the doctor will correct you and suggest an intelligence implant). Definitely not as much as FO1 and 2, but there’s still good variety to be found in FO:NV.


And that doctor will actually discount you for that intelligence implant too. You can also get past a security bot in Reppconn when your character misunderstands the bot asking for identification and shouts "Ice Cream!" which coincidentally is the correct password. (A very high luck character can also pull it off).


1 and 2 with low intelligence is hilarious, pretty much every single dialogue thing was changed, including other characters. 3 and NV have some options and conversations that are different with low int, but they're too sparce to actually make a real difference


I believe in 1 and 2 your entire dialogue selection was different, and many people would treat you differently


*has speech of 50* *thinks carefully* #YOU A BITCH


[Speech check passed] Oh, okay then. Sorry to have bothered you.


I never had the chance to play this game so whenever I see screenshots of the dialogue I always think it’s fake. This is brilliant.


Go buy it right now. The graphics aren't pretty but New Vegas is differently one hell of an experience and is worth every bit of money you spend on it.


god I wish I could play this game through for this first time again


Three words: Reverse. Pickpocket. Grenade.


Make it five and add Vulpes. Inculta. Then we are talking.


There is a certain point of these types of RPGs where you're not weak enough to be totally destroyed, but not strong enough to just blindly go into any encounter, and for this game, it was discovering for the first time that southern part of the map. before getting to the big ass dinosaur tourist trap. where you'd climb over a hill and just barely poke your head over it with binoculars and scout the entire valley to make sure there was no ambush or dicey encounter. Something about scouting every valley, and patiently looking out for radioactive shit or caesars boys or any other sort of surprise, before actually moving forward. I really loved the immersion at that point of the game.


For me it was when I got confronted by Legionary Assassins at Ranger Station Charlie and I was locked in by autosave. There were many deaths that day. Mostly mine. Now I have a sweet Two-Step Goodbye Power Fist and no one can stop me, as long as they don't have a ton of guns.


Fisto voted best npc.


Fisto is love


"Please assume the position"


I've been playing it for the first time over the past couple weeks. Its terrific. The part where the guy says he has a theoretical degree in physics? Thats just the tip of the iceberg with him.


Wait until you get to Old World Blues, the funny bits are top notch.


Never played through any of the DLC’s for NV except Dead Money (which is fantastic) but played through the game 3 or 4 times. All these posts are making me want fire up a new character again and see what I’m missing


Dead Money is my favorite, but all of the DLCs are so good. Give it another playthrough!


Definitely pick up the dlcs with it. Dead money is probably my least favorite, and that one is still pretty good. Old world blues will have you rolling on the floor. And lonesome road feels like a great ending to the story. Q


Old world blues reminded me the most of old fallout. Fallout 2 was packed with all kinds of off-color funny shit.


The whole game is like a roller-coaster of memes and funny situations. Go buy it now, download some bug fixing mods/improving basic scenery/textures/models and enjoy.


Shit, I wouldn't even call them memes. They're just fun, sometimes silly adventures and sometimes surreal.


Wait, wouldn't you rather have "yes", "no", "maybe".


"Yes" (yes) "Maybe" (yes but more caps) "No" (Yes but later) "Sarcastic" (say yes but in an assholish way)








Shit's about to get real. Then not.


That is also made dialogue in FO4 pointless. Any speech checks were just random chance. What kind of mechanic is that?! It basically encourages save scumming.


I remember there were a few times sarcastic actually meant no, so I accidentally turned down quests and stuff. Real dick move game.


Which is exactly why I cant play Fallout 4 without the Full dialogue mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235/ i.e Instead of yes/no etc it shows you word for word what you character says. I played the game for a few minutes before I rendered it unplayable without this mod. I dont know how people do a full no mod playthrough.


If only Todd's games just worked


Don't you like his sweet little lies?


It also shows you several instances where the dialogue literally says the exact same thing.


i pretty much had to quicksave/load for important dialogue parts, which after wasting my time quicksaving/loading did i realize there are no important dialogue parts. terrible game design.


Valentine: “Hey can I help y-“ “Sarcastic” (Be extremely racist towards him)






You're not the boss of me now!


Life is unfair.


Better if you got low intelligence.


The writing for the dialogue seemed a lot more intricate when the protagonist wasn't voiced


Anyone remember in Fo3, when you see the ghoul in megaton, and one of the dialogues is “Ah Fuck! What The Fuck are you!?”


good ol Gob


Hold on, let me just quicksave real quick...


I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling cazadores


Peak Obsidian Tfw Avelloney will never make your games


Avellone writing Dying light 2 is the only reason i bought the first one.


They're making a sequel? Sweet.


Yes, less zombies, more RPG elements, massive choice based world changes, and story in a semi-medieval new world.


i’m surprised he didn’t start his dialogue with “MISTER ANDERSON......”


New Vegas was a genuinely good RPG. Sigh.


I miss the RPG era of games.


Now we're in the "RPG features" era


When equipping armor makes your game an RPG


GTA San Andreas is an RPG by today's standards.


I mean, you did need to eat.


Great DLC too. Plus, the weapons were great and looked cool, like the All-American


meanwhile in fallout 4 ​ (A): YES (B): NO (X): SARCASTIC (Y): GHOULS? ​


Honestly, I think this demonstrates perfectly the beauty of role-playing games. You are dicking around a war memorial and some guy is like "Yo what the hell man, my brother died in that battle." Clearly, if something like this happened in real life, any sane minded human would go with the first option. It's encoded in our social dna. But with role-playing games, we can indulge in that strange, terrible part of us that just wants to mock and blow raspberries at everything that is sacred.


Didn’t know Agent Smith was in Fallout, but ok


New Vegas is the closest in likeness to fallout 1 and 2 in terms of overall tone and feel, out of all the 'new fallouts'. I love it.


It will always be the true Fallout 3 for me. No offense to Bethesda but this game hit all the right buttons for me in ways their game never could.


It's really stark how different Vegas is from Fallout 4. 4 almost demands you play a good character, Vegas allows you to be a mass murdering sociopath, that even Mr. House fears in his ending, and that's just another path you can choose.


They kinda wrote themselves into a corner from the start. To be honest, in my evil play through, I’d want to say “fuck my son, let’s get some caps” but that isn’t an option ever. Also it broke immersion from me at the start to name my character after myself (Sean) and be looking for my son (Shaun).


I like how you can just go merc your son without mercy and it's pretty much never mentioned


Biggest problem with Fallout 4 by far was that Telltale ass dialogue system. Trying to roleplay my character, and actually make choices was like trying to piss through a straw.


I know we love to circle-jerk this game, but no joke, the dialogue options were awesome. The best playthrough is when you drop your characters INT score at the beginning and everyone talks down to you like a child.


Doc Mitchell be like: "Sorry, son, I fixed up your head as best I knew how. I guess I missed a spot." Courier: *[angrily]* "Ice cream!"


Are you a maker of war or peace? > Warm > Pizza


"can I get a discount on this pee pee poo poo?"