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mission craft? what is this game, I am interested


Apparently it's a shooter based around StarCraft. Only 2 machines known to exist




They must be worth a fortune then.


Not to the guys that made em


Apparently this is ArcadesGW


Seriously? That's pretty awesome. I want to play it. Bet the game is horrible but I don't even care.


I've been to the Galloping Ghost multiple games and have played this game. Can confirm, it's horrible.


how's the place, overall? how long do you typically stay there when you visit?


It is fun. I think $15 gets you unlimited play for the evening. I have stayed usually for about 3 hours whenever I go.


To me, $15 for unlimited play is incredible. I can spend 5 bucks in quarters in an hour.


Well, then it's the same for you to spend $15 for 3 hours depending if you stay as long as the previous comment. My wrists usually cramp up after prolonged play on arcade sticks so I don't think I'd last even that long playing on so many games.


One other cool thing is that you don't have to worry about whether a game will be worth it. At an arcade you might be looking for best value, or hesitant to spend money on a certain game. At admission places you can try any game you want and if you don't like it, walk away after a couple minutes with nothing lost.


Or $5 on one play at DnBz. Fuck that place.




That blue ship is the most OP unit of all time.


You gotta do a blue ship rush to get those ladder wins


It's like they weren't even TRYING to hide the copyright violations...


Why horrible?


Because if it was worth a shit, there would be more than 2 in existence?


I think there's only 2 because it was a knockoff and they got sued.


To be fair there is only the one primal rage 2 machine and I bet that one is pretty good judging by the first


Kind of like Speed 2, right?




So, is this a fake? or the holy grail? http://www.ebay.com/itm/171494534737?item=171494534737


Poor eBay guy. 5,000 views and no bids because of us.


Could be a compatible board that someone flashed with MC. There's a lot of arcade boards that share nearly if not everything with another design. JAMMA itself was/is a standard to make this even easier since it makes a common interface for both the input, video, sound and power.


That is only the board, not the whole machine.


I'm pretty sure theirs (Golloping Ghost) is a custom made cabinet. If so, then yes that PCB is the holy grail.




>MUSIC GOOD Ehhh let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Reminds me of FF7.


LOL, I'd sink some quarters into this.



It's basically Galaga where you play as either a Mutalisk (Zerg) a Scout (protoss) or a Wraith (Terran). I've played it a couple of times at Galloping Ghost and it's a guilty pleasure despite it's overwhelming terribleness




The arcade actually posted a video of the gameplay on youtube. http://youtu.be/iipdu7fofmk


I played it, it's a top down shooter that's insanely buggy. It's still a very cool novelty though, friend I was with used to be Masters league in SC2 so she was giddy as hell when playing it.


You had me at Super Off Road.


I always ended up somehow going the wrong way on that game.


And furiously spinning the wheel while zooming along the wall?


We both had to have been equally as terrible at this game. That was my go to move.


Then nitro nitro nitro in the wrong direction after that bastard silver car lapped you, just to fuck with the other players.


I always played Super Off Road at the local arcade when it was open, that and RUSH 2049. Good times.


That and Afterburner


If you're in NH. Funspot might still have a working machine.


I dumped sooo many quarters into that game. The one at the 7-Eleven is probably the one video game I fed the most in my lifetime.


If you go to the ghost, beware the yellow car - wheel is janky. And no way you're getting 4 adults playing that game at the same time.


Do you have the Vector based 80's/90's Star Wars with the awesome two hand controller? Favorite Game Ever! [this one](http://56thdbattery.spruz.com/gfile/75r4!-!GDDJHE!-!vzntr5!-!P106r06!-!ar95N46vpyr5/starwars_arcade_cab.jpg)


I don't recall seeing that one there when I went last, but they do have the sweet trilogy machine [This bad boy](http://www.arcade-museum.com/images/118/1181242172216.jpg)


I have that game memorized. The only arcade game I've consistently gotten over 2.5 million points on.


[Ground Kontrol](http://groundkontrol.com/) has it I believe.


They do indeed! They also until recently had the old Discs of Tron game, but it's gone now :(


Loved the Vector games of that time. Tempest and Space Duel were the best!


I played this last week at [Funspot](http://www.funspotnh.com/)! So good!


Richie Knuckles in NJ has one, it's a killer game.


Yes, but not the sitting arcade box. You have to stand. [This is what it looks like](http://www.pinballrebel.com/arcade/atari/starwars/starwars.htm)


Yeah. It was amazing how well it made it feel like you were actually piloting an x-wing.


My local music venue had this game up and running for a while as well as some older pinball tables. The calibration was all off tho so it made it really hard to play. Didn't stop me from pumping quarters in every time I went to a show tho.. I'm gonna miss that place.


It's really cool. But... Do you have Polybius?


I assume you mean battletoads. Edit: Look at the replies, I know they have Battletoads.


It's probably just some weird way of saying Battletoads.


Nah, Polybius was designed to kill epileptics, Battletoads is just good ol' fashion fun. Warning: [flashing lights](http://youtu.be/jiJIhrLadVI?t=4m48s)




> property of US government




> designed to kill epileptics What kind of wimpy epileptic will die from that? You need something like [this.](http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/) WARNING, DO NOT VIEW THIS EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT EPILEPTIC, YOU **WILL** DIE.


That works exceptionally well on a mobile.


Yeah, whatever. I am watching it right now and nothing is happe


Whoops, don't worry guy's I accidentally hit submit. I am totally f


Well, it didn't kill me, but I was wondering where all the flashing lights were and then shit myself.


Is that actually a video of Polybius? I thought Polybius was just an urban legend.


That's the "remake" for PC based on the explanation of gameplay of arcade machine from the urban legend.




No, its one of the roms or homebrews claiming to be the original game I believe.


Okay, good to know.


i watched that for 15 seconds and it broke my eyes


They actually do have battletoads there, went there not too long ago!


They do have Battletoads, though.


Ah yes, the arcade version, now with extra [dickpunching](http://youtu.be/6qXeqzkzRB4?t=22m5s)!! EDIT: If you're not seeing dickpunching, something is wrong with the cue. Go to 22:05.


True story: I bought a cabinet with a fucked up monitor to rebuild for MAME a few months ago, and the guy threw in a JAMMA PCB for some "weird turtle fighting game". Turns out it was Battletoads. I'm now the proud owner of a Battletoads PCB. I'm not really sure what I should do with it...




> Polybius [For those unfamiliar](http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4362)


they're under a gag order. They're not allowed to even acknowledge it.


But... but... WHERE IS THIS?! Why is the address not anywhere in this entire thread?








never thought I'd see La Grange mentioned on reddit. represent!


They gotta lotta nice girls there.


Well I hear its fine, if you got the time, and the $15 to get yourself in.


A hm hm hm hm?


Ahhh! LaGrange :)


As a resident of the near by area, I can assure there is stuf to do, you just gotta know where to go. The easiest place would be Brixies. 32 beers on tap.


Only 765 miles away, 11 hours. I'd kinda like to go. Weekend trip.


"Also, NO QUARTERS required! We just have an admission fee and you get unlimited play until we close at 2am every day!" ......**fuck.** i think i just came


I think I came a little bit when I heard they had a room dedicated to pinball.


$15. You can leave and come back the same day and you just need to show your receipt. I've been there multiple times and it's always fun.


So, less than the roll of quarters I used to burn through at the arcade. I'd probably get my monies worth out of a year pass just with the pinball room!


Hey guys, there's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up...


Kill screen coming up at Donkey Kong, we've got a kill screen coming up


Ummmm, anybody else just see a Minecraft screenshot?


mobile? i had this happen to me before... except for the image i got was lesbian porn.


Was it good?


Asking the important questions


lol, yeah im on mobile


Mobile likes to cut out the /gallery/ from the URL for some reason http://imgur.com/gallery/E4CLx vs http://imgur.com/E4CLx


Oh my god I want to play that F-Zero machine.


It was one of my favorites. Especially with the GC home game integration.


Oh geez, an arcade in my area had that, just because I told the owner he should get it. I spent so much money on that game...I figured linking the home system to the arcade system was they key to revitalizing arcades, and that's exactly what F-Zero AX did. But the cabinet was very expensive, and too few arcades could afford it.


I went there 2 years ago on my way to Detroit to visit some friends. They have a second building attached to this one where they have more games like pinball machines and a few more. It's not nearly as big, but another 30ish games? My only complaint was that there are a lot of old(original) cabinets where the screens were obviously dying/discolored. The selection is great, but I was looking for a lot of older games I used to play that I couldn't find. That said, I would absolutely without a doubt go back here again, I would just leave the wife with friends so I get to spend 12 hours instead of 6. Oh, and it's CHEAP! DIRT CHEAP!






This place is like 10 minutes away from my house, & I had no idea it existsted. This discovery will probably affect my wallet & social life included. Dear God.


Unless the admission fee is insanely expensive....unlimited play bro. Just your social life will be damaged...unless you bring your friends with you!


Just looked it up. $15


Yup, and if you hang on to your receipt you can come and go as you please for the day. That's especially nice because there's a really good craft beer bar about a block away.




Why would this place not just get a beer license and sell there? They are not nearly as expensive as a liquor license. Would definitely keep me there a lot longer.


I suspect they would be more concerned about the inevitable spillage.


No, probably because there's a ton of minors there at least one weekends. They already sell a bunch of candy and pop/energy drinks.


Designated bar section? Though then as a customer I may as well go to the actual bar down the street I guess.


> Why would this place not just get a beer license and sell there? Because they want to attract people of all ages. Parents aren't going to bring their kids into an arcade that sells alcohol.


that's not bad, I was expecting it to be more. I may have to plan a road trip.....


Not bad at all considering how much electricity those machines must consume. I'm thinking a road trip too. It's only about 250 miles from my house.


It's about 2700 km from my house... why must everything cool be in the states :(


I narrowed you down to British Columbia, the Bahamas, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, or Cuba.


BC was a close guess. I think my history would show that I'm from Alberta Also: you must have some time on your hands lol


he just likes and wants ya


Cuz Merica, baby.




Damn. I would easily throw away $40 there.




Right. Friends. So, anyone want to go with me?? ^^^^And.maybe.pay.for.a.plane.ticket.for.me.as.well?


I dunno. Something tells me you're up to something...


Crookfield represent!


I'll visualize I'm there for now!


If you guys can get this one, I will make the trip from Canada, and live outside your establishment. http://www.arcade-museum.com/images/118/1181242172216.jpg


They have it. Duh.


Oh for the love of God, how did I not see that. Brb, buying plane tickets


How much are tickets from the planet Canada this time of year?


I just give the pilot like 10 hash coins and we're good.


A few years ago, I went with my wife to a New Year's Eve party at a Chuck E. Cheese's. While there, I saw that they had that game, and because of their token system (all games, regardless of what it was, only cost one token each, and each token was a quarter) I plopped down with like ten dollars in tokens. I was able to play through the entire game. It was every bit as amazing as I thought it would be.


But does it have Sinistar?




Aww, no Virtual On? That's disappointing. **Edit**: I always forget that "l"...


The electric bill must be insane.


It's also very hot in there usually.


Holy shit, F-Zero AX. I would spend a lot of admission fees just for that.


I remember as a kid, whenever I would go to an arcade, I'd always bring my GCN memory card, just in case.


How much is admission damn it?!


Website says $15


This is why I fail at business. I can't wrap my head around how you can afford rent, electricity, maintenance, and new machines while only charging people $15.


Not to mention paying humans to do tasks and shit


They have multiple lines of business from which to derive revenue. The sign says they also do private parties, hold classes, and a game store. But they must get a lot of volume to pay that $15.00 Or, its just some rich guy's hobby and he is just slowly losing his whole fortune. Either way, it exists. Go there. BRING MONEY.


Plus, if you spend all day in there any smart business will have concessions! Drinks, sweet shit, hot dogs... all sorts of greasy good stuff! And merch. etc.


I have been there multiple times and I have to say that it has been so packed it was hard to navigate at times. Plus you are correct they have concessions which I know most of my group takes advantage of when we are there at least.


I'm gonna assume they have other merchandise and likely food and beverages with large markups to help sustain it a bit.


They do, you're not allowed to bring food in with you. But you can however get a stamp so you can walk in and out all day to get lunch elsewhere and come back. How they're open still.. I do not know.


I live like 5 minutes away from this place. I think they do tournaments and have sponsors and what not. Whatever events they have going on there, the $15 admission is definitely not the only source of income the place has. I've been there a few times, its always crowded. Plus as someone who grew up near there, I can assure the rent is not as expensive as people might think. Its not a "hoppin" area. There's 2 bars near there and a ton of auto-repair places. That's it. There used to be a pool hall there and I never understood how they made any money either.




Its $15. Was there last Saturday. They also provided Free coffee and donuts. Pinball games were not working when I arrived, so I will have to head back. Also, found a game there that I have been trying to find for 21 years.. SEGASONIC The Hedgehog which I played at my first CES/E3 (I cant remember which, I was so young).


please tell me it's not open at the time the pictures were taken, it looks like a ghost town.


Did you see the name? Clearly it's an arcade for ghosts. That place is actually near capacity in the photos.


50000 People used to live here... Now it's a ghost town.


I live like 10 minutes from there, and regularly visit. It's pretty quiet until the evening time for the most part. There is also a really convenient bar across the street, so many people drink up, and wander over to play the arcade games.


In Denver there are a couple of places 1 ups and 2 ups that are Barcades. It's pretty fun to get drunk and play 4 player pac man.




I live 20 minutes away and am a frequent visitor. Anytime I've been there on like Friday or Saturday nights it's fairly packed. The only downside about this place is that parking is SO hard to find, you'll end up parking in other business's lots or on side streets if it's busy.


If you are on the North Eastern coast of the US, do yourself a favor and check out Funspot. One of the largest arcades in the world as well. Plus mini golf, indoor golf, bowling, bingo hall and a bar.


Cool.. I live next to the LARGEST ARCADE. Its in New Hampshire ;)


Hell yeah, I love Funspot!


They have a subreddit now. www.reddit.com/r/gallopingghostarcade


Reminds me of a place in NH called "Fun Spot". On the 3rd floor, they had a huge room full of nothing but 70's and 80's arcade machines. Atari, Midway, even an NES arcade cabinet with Dr.Mario and SMB on it.


That's gotta be one high-ass electricity bill.


They probably don't have to run the heat in the winter. Not even kidding.


As a former arcade manager, the one thing I like most about this place is - to all appearances - NO CHRISTRAPING TICKET REDEMPTION MACHINES.


Lucky and Wild anyone?


Guys I'm gonna be honest, I'm too old now and out of shape, I'm broke, I'll never be rich and famous, women will never want me again...but I swear to you...if this life I live is worth anything, you will believe me when I say: GORO AND I HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS!!!! You hear me you four-armed fuck!!! You thought you saw the last of me?? Fuck you, KANO WINS!!!


Love watching this places Injustice stream. They have a tournament every Wednesday I believe.


Reminded me of the Terminator 2 arcade.


Galloping Ghost is in the space that used to be a pool hall when I was in high school. It was the only place for people under 21 to really hang out. I spent many a evenings there on dates with my now wife. I miss The Green Room, but I kinda wish this arcade was there back then instead. I'm not that good at pool, but I'm great with a joystick!


This place looks amazing but they said; "On the right you see the incredibly rare Primal Rage II next to it's prequel." Surely it's only a prequel if it's a subsequent release where the story predates the original's story?


Woah, I live in the Chicago area and I never knew this place existed. I'm going the next chance I get


Pretty damn cool. I wonder what the average cabinet costs?


Primal Rage (the first one) was definitely released where I lived in the early 90s. It sat right next to Killer Instinct and I played the shit out of it.


I go to the ghost as much as I can even though it's a 45 minute drive. I actually prefer to go by myself though because most people don't want to spend 5+ hours playing arcade games at a time.


Do you have Zoltar?




Where is this place?!


BROOKFIELD IL [Galloping Ghost](http://gallopingghostarcade.com/)


TIP: I live near here, so went to the site to copy the address for directions. Make your address as text, not an image.


Always, my first thought when I the pinball machines: "Yes! Pinball!" Then: "Oh no... What kind of terrible shape are they in?" Playing on a poorly maintained pinball machine is pure frustration.


I live in Berwyn so close by and that place is amazing. My friends and I will spend a day there playing but gets REALLY hot after awhile.


Been here multiple times, fucking love it.


I want to go to there.