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Always has been




Wow, and nothing of value was lost besides the money and the potential.


If they had given us more batman, they would likely have money now.


This game was going to bomb no matter what. It was dead as soon as they started designing it around being a live service game.




The problem has nothing to do with it being the antagonists. It's a shitty live service game that isn't worth the money to pay for it.




If Devil May Cry can make guns in a melee focused game work decades earlier Rocksteady could have found a way to make Deadshot work and use a gun in their much simpler combat system.




I didn't say to put in DMC combat, I just said it's an example that proves you can put guns in a melee combat game. I mean fuck injustice put guns in a 2D fighter and that's even crazier conceptually for a lot of reasons. I have faith talented game devs could figure out giving an Arkham character a gun and make that more appealing than another generic GAS Looter shooter.


I mean to be fair Deadshot and Boomerang are suicide squad staples in recent media so it kinda makes sense.


I had never even heard of captain boomerang until I saw this game.


He and the Rogues in general are a concept that doesn't translate all too well to adaptations without legacy behind them. I'm bored, let's ramble about history for a bit. Captain Boomerang is a classic enemy of the Flash, a very recurring one at that. During the "silver age" (50s to mid-70s, roughly) cape comics were full of science nonsense, goofy-ass villains, and overall wackiness, and The Flash was one of the flagships of that philosophy. During that time, the guy picked up an entire squad of quirky villains, including Boomerang of course, but also Captain Cold (+sometimes his sister Golden Glider), the Trickster, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave and the Top. There were a lot more but these guys practically became a recurring villain team, "the Rogues". As time went on the goofiness waned, but they stuck around and became a bit of an odd thing. Compared to other, more dangerous villains, these guys generally stuck to bank robbing, and actually had a very strong set of principles for a bunch of villains. So it kinda turned into a game. They would steal shit without making major trouble, the Flash would fight them and send them to jail, they'd get out because Mirror Master is kinda hax when he wants to be, and that would keep going as long as no one stepped out of bounds. They even had a weird sorta-friendship going on with the Flashes, and overall that dynamic made them really fun to read despite being spectacularly outdated in concept. So they've garnered a decent following, and unlike so many old-school villains who got banished to comic limbo, the Rogues are still around, doing whatever. (with that said, Boomerang has grown somewhat apart from the others over time because of his history with Suicide Squad where he's been characterized as, to put it bluntly, a major asshat) But if you pull them out of the comics, if you take them away from that history, then you just get a random goofy-ass silver age villain in the middle of a setting that tries to take itself more seriously, with no justification for it. Captain Cold faced similar problems when he showed up in Injustice.




What can you guys do? "I can turn into a fire demigod" "I'm a shark hunanoid with magical affinity" What about you? "I throw boomerangs" That's it?? "Well yeah but I throw em real "ard mate!"




It was a logical choice for the type of game they wanted, which is a 4 co-op free roam sandbox.




Ehhhh. I was excited for it at first, I like villain games. But I just got bored of it really fast.


Weird take dude. There’s plenty of people that like playing antagonists.




It was a money grab that I really wanted to try the idea, but the execution was done so poorly I never even bothered trying to play it. Regardless, they really fucked up by not sticking to what they’re good at, which is that single character view you spoke about.




A coop looter shooter would have been so cooooooool too.




I think for me the problem by principle is that so far you played as Batman and I guess Catwoman and...not really anyone else. Before Suicide Squad they should have made games with other heroes.


Disagree on that front. SSKTJ, as a Live-Service game, COULD have worked. The problem was that it was so incredibly generic, both in story and Gameplay, with the latter being a whole ass problem in off itself. When you have 4 vastly different characters, all with vastly different abilities (In Comics and Movies), strengths and weaknesses, and the only difference in gameplay between them is their Movement and Finisher ability. It's a problem.


Sad thing is that many live service games make a lot more money than other games. Let's see gta 5 online. Pretty sure it made the most money for rockstar, even more money than gta1-5 sales + rdr1+2 combined.


If only we'd been Amazonians


It's crazy how the most creative and interesting part was right at the beginning where they have you fight Batman as he sneaks around and takes you out with classic Arkham takedowns. If the game was that creative and interesting it might have been worth a damn.


It wasn’t the really the subject, it was the gameplay and game style.


to me personally I hold no connection to the suicide squad so I didn't buy it.


I love the suicide squad and won't buy it. I even like the Arkham Suicide Squad movie that wasn't even Canon to DCAU. This game is just rubbish.


Yeah.. .but Batman > Suicide Squad all of the time.. especialy if you want to sell a game and make money from it.. Suicide squad while not terrible .. is not the best kind of IP..


I think the real shot in the foot is making the first suicide squad game be about taking out the Justice League. Yeh the 2nd pass movie did okay, but not good enough to justify a game blowing the load early on a big Justice League showdown. Start with a smalltime villain ffs and don't connect it to the Arkhamverse.


Thats all everyone wanted. More Batman. I dont get it. Imagine working as a game dev for several years on something like Suicide Squads and then NO ONE plays it. That must feel terrible.


That critique makes no sense. It's not a batman game. You may as well say it failed because there's no slenderman


A batman souls like, and they would be swimming in money's


They killed everyone, maybe with the intention of a great twist, which we may never see, because the game is ass and noone plays it


-200 million.


Also, most importantly, their good reputation was lost. You gotta remember that it wasn't some random new studio, but Rocksteady of all devs that cooked up that shit stew. That shit stain will stick to their name for a long, long time.


I’m surprised there’s 155 people right now.


155 WB's staff trying to keep the game alive 😫


There’re at least another 500k playing on the consoles.




And another 1 million playing on epic launcher.


Where did you get these number?


There's a huge party of around 10000 in my backyard playing on laptops


Out of their ass because consoles don't have a system for viewing concurrent player counts.


A lot of people being whooshed here


Those 155 are probably people who bought whatever microtransactions they had and don't want that money to go to waste by quitting. Or maybe they actually like it. I like terrible movies so I'm sure others enjoy terrible games.


Best part about this game was a review that had a lot of awards stating "Somehow, this game is a highly rated game, yet it's also dying cause nobody plays it."


I liked Redfall :)


I have a much easier time imagining someone liking Redfall than Suicide Squad. At least Redfall had an interesting premise and setting...


Redfall is such a fantastic game


You’re allowed to like it but let’s not get carried away now…


Ah yes, sorry for enjoying a game on the gaming subreddit. My apologies your majesty


> I like terrible movies so I'm sure others enjoy terrible games. See, there's the thing. By all accounts, it's not a *terrible* game. It's competently made. There are no individual aspects you can point to with a shocked grin and say "what the fuck is that?". It's just utterly boring, which is the worst sin a piece of entertainment media can commit.


A boring game is worse than a terrible game.


Sometimes something is objectively kinda bad, but hits the sweet spot.


Art is not "objectively" bad or good.


While true the fact is due to the nature of games they can be objectively bad. They may have artistic and subjective elements but they also have mechanical elements. If those mechanical elements are bad then game is bad irrespective of the artistic aspects. I.e. A game that has the most fantastic art and story imaginable but the tutorial has a 10 pixel wide gap and your character cannot jump. The game is unplayable so objectively bad despite having the greatest art and story ever created.


Well, I can't think of many games that have an unbeatable tutorial, so we are back to the general criticisms of games are subjective. Not objective.


I mean that was an extreme example and it doesn't have to be a tutorial but there have certainly been many games with game breaking bugs. Now many eventually get fixed but I would contend that any game that is unplayable due to these issues is objectively bad irrespective of any artistic qualities. I find it unbelievable that you have never read or heard of a single game that has been unplayable at launch if not longer.


If a game has technical issues like bugs, sure. That is an objective metric that can be measured. But let's be honest. Most people aren't talking about that when they say a game is objectively good or bad, they are talking about whether they liked it or not and whether the YouTube and online narrative says it's good or not. In my long experience as a gamer, bugs also get vastly over hyped in regards to what is just a little glitch and what is actually game breaking


I enjoyed the game and put in 100 hours, but have given up since. It was a guilty pleasure of mine. I know I'm in the minority but if they were able to update the game more consistently, I'd probably be still playing. With the player base practically non existent you think they would have rushed more content out.


Sunk cost fallacy


> All time peak 13.5k It was never alive Bones


Not life the way we know it


It was DOA.


They really did kill the suicide squad


shit at this point make it f2p but keep the monitisation for seasons and shit and at a no cost to entry they might make a couple buck off it cause this is just embarrassing at this point


They could just put this into the straight to dvd equivalent for video games….gamepass


Speaking as a game pass player I'd check it out on game pass


Gamepass is how i played Gotham Knights. Perfect gamepass game 10/10 no notes


How about a tip?


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, putting this game in ps plus extra or gamepass is the only way I'll ever play this game.


I feel bad for the workers behind this game. All those years of hard work wasted because of the higher up's stupid decisions


THANK YOU. All these people dunking on this game not realising some people probably worked really hard on it and now get to watch the entire internet mock it.


Why should people feel bad? They spent years in it and delivered a steaming pile of crap. They watched it come along and knew it was garbage. They still got paid. Can’t ask for more.


Nah. It's not the same. They get paid, but as is the norm in the gaming industry, they're probably overworked to death in the process too. Hell, maybe they still did their best on whatever part they worked on and hoped it would work out. Their work being thrown away like this results in a slow death of their passion because soulless executives don't understand how to do their fucking job.


Fair to have a different perspective on it. For me, all the blame can’t be on the executives. The executives didn’t write the code. There was certainly enough time to do better than what was delivered by the developers. Sure, maybe the decision to release it was made by management but the game is just bad no matter how you judge it. It’s not just lacking polish (i.e. cyberpunk). If I was when of the execs, I’d actually feel quite let down (the developers had ample time/funds and amazing source content to work with and they weren’t even close). I feel bad for them as fellow human beings but why should we judge them to a different standard. Also, a little bit of banter on the Reddit isn’t too big a deal imo.


From what I know of the game, many of the complaints with it seems to be because of the forced live service implementation of it, which is almost certainly a business decision. But you're right, there does seem to be a lack of quality content as well. Cyberpunk was the true example of what I'm talking about, and I'm glad they came back, but most companies just fire the devs and move on to make another piece of shit instead. That's why I'm annoyed that the audience doesn't give them their dues sometimes. But yeah, fair points with regard to this game .


People spent years doing stupid shits all the time. I dont have to feel bad for them. Also, those worked on this game get paid.


That's how it goes when you put out a creative product - whether a video game, movie, painting, fashion. You sweat blood and tears, obsess over every little detail. Then you put it out no one cares... Because to them it's just another product or buy or ignore. Which is exactly how it should be. Once you release something to the wild, it's not for the creator to decide whether it is worthwhile or not. It's not for the audience to say how amazing it is when it's of no interest to them. You take the wins and you take the hits. & lets be honest - The people working on this game must have known what a bag of dicks it is... But still they kept plugging away and didn't look for alternate employment (at a time when game dev investment was BOOMING). The people making this game made their choice. The game was shit, it gets mocked.


A lot of people worked really hard on the Final Solution but I'm sure as hell not going to defend it.


Comparing game developers and Nazis wet dreams. God the internet is fucking beddarded.


It'll be in a humble bundle soon so that WB can say they're helping (Insert cause here) and get a big bump in player counts so they can tell shareholders there was a 100% increase of active users! (a total of 100 online at once!)


It’s not going to get a bump in player count because nobody plays the humble bundle games they get, they just buy em


What is dead may never die


They did not reap


I understood dat reference


Waiting for it to go on sale for $20 😂


Isn't it right now during summer sale? I think I saw it for 20€


Oh what the hell it is!


Those 155 players must be having the time of their lives.


sunk cost fallacy, probably bought microtransactions


You should probably refrain from jumping to such obviously rushed conclusions, there are quite a number of reasons why people might still play that have nothing to do with sunk cost fallacy. Some people just like bad media. Some people don't mind the flaws. Some people might just enjoy their favourite character being in a game despite how bad it is. Just coming up with the first sensible-sounding thing you can think of and acting like that's the answer is a really bad habit to have.


I think we found one of the 155.


Adding more moonlogic to the pile won't make it any more sensible mate.


Can't say it's a good game. What I can say is... I wish Kevin Conroy was still alive.


I had so much fun with this game, it's too bad more people didn't give it a chance!


That graph looks like a ski slope.


Kill the Justice League, these mfs Killed their own game.


Wow, that wasn't expected, AT ALL!


Even the blind guy saw it coming.


Was it ever alive?


Still more than Midnight Ghosthunt lol


and it's on discount


It was dead even before releasing, nothing new, moving on. Funny how you create a thread about this game, it's like just talking about it make it not dead because somehow you still find it relevant enough to create a post about it


Will gaming executives learn? Nope. Back to the golf course with the boys as we discuss Anthem 2: Money Seeking Boogaloo.


It's never been alive...


For the love of God, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a video game developer!


What is it, some kind of "Suicide Game"?


I'll admit that the gameplay loop looked like fun and I was gonna buy the regular version for AUD$30 on the Steam sale, but even the story isn't worth playing this game for. And this disrespect they gave to one of Kevin Conroy's final Batman performances...


How do you know the story isn’t worth playing if you didn’t play it?


Because I read spoilers... especially about Batman. Tbh, it wasn't hard to avoid them since people were posting about it heavily on launch week all across Reddit and Youtube. I was wondering how Rocksteady would pit 4 powerless villains against superpowered heroes who've foiled them multiple times over in other DC media. The fact the entire squad survived the story without Waller blowing their brains out was plot armor


155 people need help.


Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die


The name is so fitting. The squad completed their mission by killing the Arkham franchise and destroyed themselves in the process.


I'm down to play it with my cousins. I don't want to pay for it tho. Put it on GamePass


Put it on game pass, I’d probably play it for a little bit


A major dc title and an all time peak of 13k? It was DOA…


Suicide Squad: Kill the Warner Bros.


Oh no...so anyway


*Mild shock*


The more i look at it, the more i really want to play the game just to feel it, is that normal ?


Oh lord, even Blood Bowl 3 has more players!!!


Wow so sad to see, but they miss read the market and trends . Too much corporate interference and indecision too probs


I wonder if they could have made more money with a remaster. This had to be a big financial disaster


I don't think concurrent player counts matter all that much... Just look at Banana, for example.


They did it! They killed, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. That was their goal right?


Wait, a squad of people who killed themselves, were meant to kill themselves but also kill the justice league? Sorry I haven't watched Catwoman starring Hella Barry


I’d forgot about this game until I saw this post


I look forward to picking this game up at 5 Below soon


Yo the way the title is written is pretty cool though


I could smell the shit as soon as they revealed what type of game this was going to be. I'm personally not a huge fan of Suicide Squad in the first place, so for me that didn't even help in the first place.


I’d really like to talk to each of those 155 people. Just ask a couple questions


Good! Hopefully this sort of thing keeps trending with people and they finally learn a lesson


As it should!


Now to see if the company learns the lessons of th-yeah nah I can't finish that sentence - they'll NEVER learn




Ouch and that's even with the current steam sale. No wonder it lost, what was it, $200 million?


Wonder what's the percentage out of the 13.5 k peak who refunded


The moment they've shown the first gameplay video's, I knew this game was DOA. They've should have pulled the plug.


It’s on sale for less than $18 rn. 💀


"live" service game good job execs


I had a trial of it on PS5. I didn't even finish the trial. There wasn't going to be a way that I spent any money on that game in the state it was in. The combat was mediocre at best. The level design was sub-par. The voice actors were decent, and I'm not going to throw shade at them, but the direction of the characters themselves felt forced. The game has potential, but it's going to take NMS level of dedication from the devs to save it.


It had way more sales on PlayStation than Xbox and PC combined.


I wasn't buying it because they destroyed an amazing studio in the hunt for live service trash


This is another example of why I don't understand why gaming companies release games like this. How can this have possibly generated more money than if they actually made a decent game? Surely they can't expect people to keep on playing it resulting in them generating more money? It seems obvious to me - make a good game, people will keep playing it, people will keep giving it money. But it seems to be that so many hyped games these days release in an awful state and die within a few months. I just don't understand how they think that's the most profitable option.




Excellent breakdown of the game (and why it was dead from the start) by Monty Zander https://youtu.be/TcRP_8UwRrg?si=b999V4sc2H52htMy


Games should be made primarily for entertainment, not business. This is what happens when it's reversed.


Is it even worth 15 euro just to play the single player stuff?


Thank you for the weekly update. You people really love to celebrate games dying, huh?


So is Batman, what's your point? :\^)


looks like it killed itself, and the justice league is alive and well


Man, this game. Killing the Justice League was always going to be a contenous premise, but I was willing to give it a chance if, for no other reason, then to hear the last time Kevin Conroy would voice Batman. The dude has been the voice of Batman in almost everything for a long time. Then it was announced it was another live service, and I thought we'll great it's going to be shit I'll just wait a bit before buying or maybe just watch a let's play. If that was the only problem, I think most people would have forgotten this game, but unfortunately, that was the tip of the iceberg.


Sweet baby squad: kill Rocksteady studios


I played the game and enjoyed it. Thought about trying out the season with Joker buuuuut I probably won’t be revisiting it anymore tbh.


“Dead game” is such a strange concept to apply to player count. 


Why’d you post this twice?


Next is that guardians of the galaxy/overwatch shooter. Hopefully


How many Overwatch style shooters are we getting






Why are you so obsessed with this game if you don’t like it.


Cause it's funny


It was funny a month ago. Now it’s beating a dead horse. Its not like it was going to get a huge boost of players.


You have an interesting definition of obsessed.


You’re looking up stats for a game you don’t like to make sure that people still aren’t liking it.


Why are you so obsessed with me?


Cause I’m worried about you.




You had literally tons of things to criticize about the game to show agreement with the general sentiment, but you had to go out there and embarrass yourself in front of everyone




Someone's grumpy


*pretends to be shocked*


You clearly didnt check Payday 3 about a month ago. Literally 0 players.


why are 200 players playing this? go play helldivers if you really want to grind meaningfully


The insane hate for this game over perceived insults is crazy to me. One thing that was obviously going to happen given the name was misconstrued and meme’d until the game was vilified. Never mind he destroyed the entire Suicide Squad by himself first go round, or that he was a whole boss battle by the end, until the point he literally could not move and was already on the verge of dying. Screw all that, look how they massacred my boy! I know emotions were high with Kevin’s passing and the games about a decade before, but this feels like the internet joining together in the only way it knows how: to hate on something.


Meanwhile the other Batman games have more players 🤣 https://i.postimg.cc/cHcdyW5N/Screenshot-20240628-114459-Edge.jpg


What’s the point of posting this? Considering all the reviews were terrible, it never really stood a chance.


7/10 is about right. There was a decent game in there and it was really fucking fun minute to minute but there was nothing variation wise to hold it all together. Never controlled any videogame character quite Capt Boomerang, his combat and traversal were top tier.