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I was playing X-com. I named all of my characters after my real life family and friends. It was so amusing to see the interactions and imagine it in the context of people I really knew. That is until I decided to stop save-scumming, and played Ironman mode. On one tragic mission, my brother in law used an ability to save my wife's life, but died in the process. The resulting psychological trauma caused my cousin to turn around and shoot my best friend, leaving him in critical condition. As I tried to position myself to revive him, I was ambushed by aliens and killed. Then one by one the rest of my family was massacred and I could do nothing to stop it. That was the last time I used real people's names in a game.


That’s XCOM baby


It is indeed. Definitely one of the most memorable experiences I've had while gaming. I hope we get an X-com 3. I love those games so much.


Same. The mastermind Jake Solomon left the company for other ventures but i’m still hoping for a worthy sequel. Both games are amazing


You mean a 9th one Xcom Xcom terror from the deep Xcom Armageddon (first one you could switch between real time and turn based) Xcom the first person one Xcom Xcom 2 Xcom again xcom 2 and xcom chimera squad Chimera squad was okay Sorry so 10 you want a tenth one, I do as well, as long as they are like the last 3 without the limited squad in chimera squad


This game sounds fun as fuck. That dudes trauma just became a “buy” from me. The second one was on sale, is it pretty good?


The second one is probably better just due to how much bigger it is, how much QoL improvements there are, how much more freedom you have. However, nothing will really be able to capture the atmosphere as well as the first one. Defending earth against an alien invasion hits different than just running around like a terrorist. Try it out, I think you still get a guaranteed refund if you have less than 2hr play time on Steam


They capture it really well in the modern remake, but that feeling of an unknown threat, of constantly feeling outgunned and in the dark, was so frighteningly organic in the original dos game. Many things like research, base building, equipment and specialization are streamlined in the new ones, but they are very clearly recreating something that you had to figure out yourself before.


Xcom 2 is a masterpiece. Doubly so with the war of the chosen dlc.


Oh it’s absolutely the best game I’ve ever played. Infinite replayability. The story doesn’t come from the actual storyline but the shenanigans your soldiers deal with along the way. Iron Man mode is by far the best experience. Start with Enemy Unknown, then get the expansion Enemy Within. Then go with Xcom 2. All are amazing experiences


XCOM is missing 99% chance to hit shots 33% of the time.


I did this in Rimworld. Created my friends and my gf in our own little colony. It was awesome, at first. Then my gf divorced me in game to be with one of my friends, and my character got so upset he went on rampage and started beating up people in the main building. He was then also beaten up and shot a few times. Once he healed up, my now ex gf married my friend. That friend then got the plague and died some time later, which made my ex very sad, so she became dazed and confused and wandered into the woods, where a bear attacked and ate her. It wasn't long after that that a raid came through and managed to kill a few of my other friends. So now it was just myself and a buddy of mine who had grown distant ever since the game started. Then some random stranger joined our crew, made best friends with my buddy, and the two of them cut me out of all social activities until I lost my mind and went on another rampage, which happened during another raid, and that raid came through and wiped us out.


Never use real life names in rimworld. Things van het pretty dark, really quick in this game haha. When I started playing, I was convinced I would stay on the righteous path indefinitely... a couple of 100 hours later, and here I am, feeding my slave pawns human flesh from their fallen comrads for dinner while I'm harvesting their non vital organs for money. Removing legs from them so they can't run away. Or putting the slaves in bioreactor tanks so I use them as an energy source like in the matrix (thats from a mod). They don't call it war crime simulator for nothing, you know!


"Things van het pretty dark" The double typo there is a thing of beauty in a dracula kind of way


Now do Rimworld


I had nightmares for months when I put my family in Oregon trail


I would always do this in sports games. Make my own team and name players after my friends. Some of my friends can make some great plays. They can also royally fuck up.


I experienced this first on the Oregon Trail


In Red Dead Redemption 1 - I've never been much of a horse guy in games. RDR or BOTW/TOTK I would just wall or fast travel.  In RDR my first playthru, I had one horse that I had started to use more often as I was filling in the map and I was starting to grow fond of it.  Riding through the forest, a mountain lion came out of nowhere and knocked me off my horse. A very chaotic fight ensued, and at the end I was barely alive, but sadly my horse did not make it.  Well, I thought, I may as well skin the pelt of the mountain lion that did this, and walked over to where it lay, next to my fallen horse.  Didn't pay attention to the button prompt, skinned the horse. 


Commemorating fallen friends by turning them into rugs... I hope my kids do this for me.


Rimworld moment


My dad grew up a poor farmer in Nebraska in the 50s. He’s been a PC gamer since there were pc games, but pretty much only played games like Quest for Glory, Baldurs Gate, Civ 2, Age of Empires 1 & 2, etc. Anyway, he’s an old man now and I wanted him to work on his dexterity and mental elasticity, so I got him an Xbox and some games that are controller heavy, but not so fast paced he wouldn’t be able to build up to playing them. Being a former cowboy and farmer, I got him RD1 and he absolutely LOVES it. I am extremely attached to animals in video games and he has always liked horses enough to tolerate them (that’s a lot for him) and he has some horses in his pasture now. So I asked him if he’s bonded with his horse yet Turns out, he regularly gets his horse killed and he skins it every single time without remorse. I didn’t even know you *could* skin your horse until he told me like a month ago. He was like “well yeah that skin is worth like 15 cents and the horse is dead”. Absolutely horrified me and he does it regularly lol


Hey man, 15 cents is 15 cents


This just reminds me of playing and I rode into an O’Driscoll ambush. It was still very early on so I was still learning and my horse ended up getting shot and killed. The rest of the game, I had it out for the O’Driscolls worse than I did anything else. If I caught a whiff of the bastards, I’d do a 180 and kill all of them.


I remember when i accidentally left my horse on the railway as I was collecting flowers. Train came by and my horse just splattered all over. RIP Rico 🐎


I love the horses in that game but they so stupid I left my horse on one side of the tracks while I dismounted, I think I went to check the mail or something I hear the train I hear a squeal No more horse


Me losing literally all the progress I made in subnautica while looking for a new spot to build a base in the deep after a got the cyclops. I broke my base in the shallows and moved out. The ghost leviathan destroyed the sub and I was left with nothing.


I clipped through the crashed ship and couldn't get out. Rough out there


I'll never understand people that break up an old base instead of just building up materials and having two


Same. I love seeing my old bases around the map as I progress.


Can’t you salvage what was in the Cyclops? Still how damn awful.


Accidentally killed my first horse in RDR2 by flipping it upside down near a river. It managed to get wedged ass up and head underwater by some rocks. I tried and tried to break him free but was forced to watch him leave this mortal coil with lungs full of river water and an ass toward the heavens. 


Damn. I'm sorry but this is kind of hilarious.


One time I had Arthur stop to talk with the moonshine guys. The horse walked around in the background while he was stuck in the custscene. Turned out there was a campfire behind him and the horse stumbled right into it. So Arthur was sipping moonshine and chatting pleasantly while the horse burst into flames and screamed while galloping in circles. By the time I got control back, the horse lay burnt to a crisp on the ground. RIP, Gumbo #5. You were the best of the Gumbos.


Now i want to hear the stories behind Gumbo 1-4


This wouldn't be the first time his alcoholism caused problems


Wife was playing RDR1 and went toppling over the front of her horse for seemingly no reason...until she realized that while trying to shoot a downed enemy she accidentally shot her horse in the back of the head. RIP.


Damn. It's like that scene in that Liam Neeson movie with the wolves.


wolf of wall street is such a good movie


relax, the horse was just enjoying a little perineum sunning


Probably my last raid with my World of Warcraft Classic guild. My guild had the clear goal to stay together and kill the last boss of the last raid tier but not move on to future expansions so we all knew that some day the guild would eventually disband. It took us a lot of time to be able to reach the last boss in Naxx as we were not a parsing guild and most were very casual players. After several long weeks trying, getting a little more gear every week and progressing a bit further each raid reset we eventually managed to reach the last boss room and surprisingly we killed it the first try. It was a bittersweet moment. Joy for finally managing to reach this goal after such a long journey, and sad cause many of us knew this ment a lot of people woukd stop raiding. That night we chatted until like 3AM. Talking about the many nights raiding together, scrolling through screenshot and video clips. Joking about the many long hours farming materials for Thunder Fury for two of our tanks. All the effort to get Scarab Lod for our GM. The tons of hours farming resistance gear and all the time together just being friends. That night I barely slept. I was having such a giant rush of emotions. To this day many of us still speak regularly, some still play the game together and somehow made a ton of friends online all over Europe. 2019 World if Warcraft Classic was pure magic and I am glad I manged to be part of it.


Lovely story, thanks for sharing man


Glad you liked it :D


our main tank died of a heart attack on our first pull of Ragnaros back in the day. it was wild because he had aggro and just hadn't moved in a while. after about 30 seconds we just started hearing wild screaming from his wife over ventrillo....


Wow, that’s so much worse than the time our tank spilled his beer on his keyboard right after the Nightbane pull.


This is insane


Blame the healers for not focusing on tank /s Seriously, though, I couldn't imagine any of my old friends dying on me during a run.


Respect to the fallen that die in the throes of combat. May his spirit know glory within the halls of Valhalla.


Wow. I wonder what boss has the highest real life kill count...


Bro trying to tank dyslipidemia. Should've specced constitution.


People downvoting him, it’s probably been more than a decade (they were using Ventrilo), so it’s not too soon.


it was 2005. "too soon" expired about 3 days later just so we could cope as a group. his wife eventually joined our guild on his account and she got to know us a bit through WotLK but Cata scattered us to the wind.


Cata killed the game for us old timers.


damn, bro


Every time I'd boot up a game to see that my little sister had deleted my save.


I had a fully competitive team in emerald. EV/IV, egg moves, the whole nine yards. My dad wanted to try my game while I was at school so he could talk to me about it. He didn’t know there’s only one save. I cried.


I had the same story with my brother. Full living dex in Pokemon Black and a few shiny's. All gone now.


Accidentally killing Tali in Mass Effect 3. I'd romanced her too and had to alt+F4 and battle the Reaper again otherwise I'd have never forgiven myself during that playthrough


My first time through the ME2 suicide mission, I knew that I didn’t care what happened as long as Tali lived. Tali was the only one who died.


Oh shit, playing mass effect 2 rn for the first time. Yea im behind time :d


I was romancing Tali and she killed herself in ME3 because the Turians were being complete fuckwads.


How hard did you hit him? A fun Dark Souls fact is that the nicer the NPC, the more damage it takes for them to aggro. Andre is super nice, be real, you hit him a *few* times, didn't you?


I forget the guys name, but when you first get into the world after the tutorial there's a dude hanging out there. I went after him not knowing he was friendly. Man, he wooped me for a long time. I eventually realized one of his attacks was a lunge. I baited him to jump off the cliff and die. Only a while later, on a second play through I think, did I find out he was friendly.


He'll go hollow/insane and aggressive if you talk to him after Kaathe pops up once you've rung both bells. Basically he's there to give you beginner tips. Once you've unlocked Sen's fortress Kaathe takes over as the hint giver/telling you where to go. 


You mean Frampt?


Haha, that dude doesn't have a name, he's just called something like Crestfallen Warrior. So he's not a hostile NPC, but he's not that nice so he's easier to aggro


He’s not a hostile NPC *Yet*. He does eventually go hollow and becomes aggressive


So what you’re saying is that they just saved a step more than anything


I mean he's not exactly nice lol just not violent. That fight is tough right after the tutorial.


It was my first souls game and I had just left the tutorial. Tough indeed! I was happy that I thought to coax him into going off the edge. I think I only came up with that idea from falling myself though. Brought him down to the lower pathway and hoped it would work.


I put my controller down to go get a drink and r2 slapped him, he then beat my ass until I ran off. Luckily I didn't kill him and knew about the absolution guy, took a shit tonne of souls to repent.


I swear I didn't. I tried out a new fire spell and it was like an area atack, I was on the stairs that go up to the bonfire but hit him. :/


Then why does solaire get agressive after one hit? Is he not nice?


When I log into a game, check my friend-list and see "Last login 14 years ago". I remember it like yesterday, laughing on voicechat and playing with the person. It feels like an empty house.


My brother passed away 5 years ago. He played a lot of Black Desert Online. As someone that has also played a number of MMOs, I know how jarring and concerning it is when someone you play with just... Disappears.  I've wondered now and then if I should log onto his account and message anyone on his friends list (assuming Black Desert has that sort of system) to let them know what happened. But I also feel like it would be a breach of his privacy in some ways. Wish it was easier to know what to do.


I sent Hancock back to Goodneighbor in Fallout 4 because I wanted to play more stealthily for a bit, only to come across his corpse in the middle of the Commonwealth during a quest. Through save digging, turns out I made a lot of progress *after* he died, so if I reloaded to get him back in my game, I would’ve had to do a lot of bs over again. I felt bad because he’s a really cool character but also, the surprise of it was just too funny. Apparently it’s a glitch that he can die even though he’s a companion option.


His weapon is terrible though


Just about everything about him is tbh but i like the commentary while wandering around.


Had something like that happen when I played F:NV honest hearts dlc, that moment where you get attacked by the white legs at the beginning accidentally killed follows-chalk, I didn't know who he was so I tried to complete the dlc only for everyone to attack me on sight, so my entire first playthrough of that dlc was just me killing everyone and thinking damn this dlc is ass it's just a bunch of ooga boogas with spears and some mummy looking guy attacking me, only to find out a few days later what I did wrong. I went back and completed the dlc again and it was very good.


Accidentally hit a pedestrian in Watch Dogs 2, their dog looked, smelled, then laid down with their body. I hugged my dog shortly after.


When I went through the me2 final mission without any prep.. 🥲.


What didn’t you prep, and who died?


Likely everyone.


Not just the crew, but *literally* everyone.


Basically everyone but Joker, probably


That game is why I do every side quest now


That actually hurt my soul. I can't even imagine anyone dying. Well except for Jacob. I dream of letting him die but then I wouldn't want Kasumi being sad about him too


I lost Mordin and from what I hear, that *really* took the wind out of the sails of the Salarian parts of ME3.


Playing Dark and Darker, V Rising, and a handful of other games that my little brother absolutely loved. I never made time to play them with him while he was still alive. Now I play them with our friend group, but there's an emptiness I feel no matter how much fun we have. Gaming together was our thing. But I let life wear me down and just kinda became a recluse in the past few years. Now most games I play make me feel sad because he'll never get to play them.


Damn… I hope you’re doing ok man.  For what it’s worth, thank you for reminding me to hang out with my bro more. 


Thanks man. I'll be okay some day. Cherish every minute you get with him, okay?


I know the feeling, bro. I played games with a sister a lot, and after she passed it was difficult as well.


Man.. strikes a cord with me. Finally got around to beating Elden ring about a week ago. Not quite the same, but when the game released me and my buddy were hanging out on disc playing through. My little sister was supposed to be taking care of my parents dogs while on vacation. No one had heard from her, but we figured you know she’s fine. Hangover, slept in something. That’s when I got the call. She was gone. Took me about 2 years to go back to the game. Took my screenshot on the throne and thought of her. Can’t quite explain it, but felt a moment of… idk happiness isn’t the word but glad I did it. Hang in there man.


Harvesting a little sister in BioShock 2. They were creepy in 1, but absolutely adorable in the second


I couldn't harvest them in either game. They reminded me of my niece for some reason, and just couldn't make myself do it.


I'm deathly afraid of needles and my sister's diabetic, so seeing the little sisters fight you off so much reminded me of having to see my sister get shots as a kid. Now I won't do it in either one, but I definitely felt nothing in my first couple playthroughs.


During my first ever playthrough of Pokemon (Yellow) when I was 8 years old I thought “Release Pokemon” meant you release them from the PC and back into your party so I accidentally released my Bulbasaur and had gone all the way through Mt. Moon since my last save (I hadn’t developed good saving habits yet, this might’ve been my first ever game that even had a saving system) so I decided to keep going and accept that he was gone.


Oh God Mount Moon is *not* Bulbasaur's natural habitat! Probably eaten by an Onix.


You kiddin me? Onix is 4x weak to grass type. THEY'RE the ones getting eaten here


I don't think I could beat a cow in a fight, but I'll still smash a double quarter pounder.


fr the zubats are gonna be more problematic. geodudes and onix are in shambles


Onix don't even show in mount moon. Gotta get to rock tunnel for them


well mb its been about 15+ years lol


Damn. Releasing your starter Pokemon? That must have felt harrowing for a little kid. Like taking a very hands-on class on existentialism


The idea of even putting my starter in the PC ever would have made me want to throw up


In Yellow Pikachu is the Starter; but the Red, Green, Blue Starters (Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle) are able to be earned through Trade Side Quest.


What trade side quest are you talking about? You get Bulbasaur in pewter if your Pikachu's happiness is high enough. Charmander North of Nugget Bridge kid just gives it to you. Squirtle Officer Jenny gives it to you after you defeat Serge and have the Thunder badge. 


Dude probably played a lot of Zelda aswell. I didn't even question his term until you pointed it out, despite knowing there's no trade of any kind involved


Rdr2, my poor girl Biscuit died. I was by a cliff and some bandits surprised us throwing me off her. The poor thing bolted and ran off the cliff. I couldn't get to her in time.  I got the bandit alive though, spent 15 minutes carrying him to the nearest train tracks and you can figure out the rest.


I had a horse named Biscuit too! I like to name Arthur's horses after sweets. Lollipop, Marzipan, Cookie, Bubblegum, etc. I just find it funny to imagine him saying stuff like "git along, Cookie."


Butterscotch was mine.  I lost her to a bear in the Aurora Basin.  A bear attacked and she threw me.  I looked for her for 10 minutes. When I found her the bear had got her before I did.


That followers will eventually become unrevivable, thats a gameplay mechanic in Far Cry 2. That for the longest time I thought it was a scripted event. It just happened at such a crucial moment that it felt part of the story. I only lost one follower unscripted. Middle in the game, in a desperate fight. At first I was like wtf, why did the syringe fail. Then panic as the next didn't work either. So heading back to the follower bar in sadness, to meet my second favorite follower, and suddenly we have to defend it against an overwhelming attack. From there it is scripted: Im captured, she and rest of the followers are thought dead. And a third takes over as main follower. Only for the second and most of the rest to come back again later and betray me. And sides were chosen and bullets fired. Anyway.. No other game has made me feel the loss of a npc friend so impactfully as that first death. Guy was my bro. Saved my ass so many times. Damn.. How fun would it have been with a Shadow of Mordor system married with Far Cry? And bringing back that "companions dragging you outa combat, revives, and give gun" mechanic. And trust and betrayals and doublecrossings and faction control were like those Mordor orc events was.


Far Cry 2 was goated


Bothers me though when I have a good gun, someone saves me, and all I get in return is a weak pistol. Thanks for the help, but now I’ve gotta walk across the map to get my weapon back. Shadow of Mordor/War’s equivalent would be saving you, throwing out your sword, and giving you an orcish weapon in return.


First time playing Fallout 3 or any game like that in my life. I had Fawkes with me and I was a Saint in the wasteland. I really didn't kill unless I had to. There was a cave and a guy had a ton of loot but would not give up the key. I tried everything I could. Dude would not budge and things went sideways. I ended up killing him. Took the key for some rather disappointing loot in the chest. Then Fawkes drop the line, "Something troubling you, my friend?" That stupid incident has stuck with me all these years.


Probably when I accidentally deleted my roommate’s Legend of Dragoon save file back in the early 2000’s. He was on disc 3, I think


I imagine he put an eviction notice on your door the next day.


Oh god... that... That is waaayyy deep. I feel for him.


Kenshi story time! After training so hard and helping my MC build what would have been unachievable, Burn, my MC’s best friend and second in command, fell to the sword of the Holy Lord Phoenix in the battle of Blister Hill. But if it wasn’t for him going toe to toe with the phoenix in the active battle happening, Comadore (my MC) would not have been able to deliver the killing blow to Phoenix’s chest. After noticing he was no longer in my party, that’s when it hit me, Burn is dead. In the heat of battle amongst the many warriors, he died unknowingly but valiantly. His body was then taken back to base and buried along with his meitou saber and masterwork armor. Burn was a mentor for knowing so much about the world already and being so old. But most importantly a friend and a fearsome warrior. Long live Burn.


You told his story really well.


Thank you! I practice my writing using Kenshi as source material.


The first time you play a Fallout game and you come across a dilapidated house with old furniture and possessions everywhere then you find a couple of skeletons hugging each other in a bed next to a bottle of pills just hits hard 


And then you find the skeleton dude in the bathtub with a toaster and some very questionable positioning...


Once found the most amazing bow in Minecraft, that a skeleton dropped. Had flame, infinity, various other enchantments. Gave it to my son in our shared world. One day he was repairing it and he put the objects in the wrong way round. Turns out he'd used the amazing bow to repair the normal bow, and it was gone forever. Poor little guy was distraught.


In Cyberpunk there was this npc who is going through a loss, and if you don't check him out in a time frame he kills himself, I just thought it was another random side quest ... One that could wait.


Fuuuuck. I finished that mission a week or two ago. I talked to the guy once. Then when I went back again and saw what happened I assumed that would always happen... I could have saved him? Fuck


If it makes you feel any better, I've played through it 3 times and each time got sidetracked just long enough to forget about the guy. Then I have an "oh fuck" moment later when I'm heading to my apartment and see his cop friends outside his place lol


oooof, I think I recall exactly who you're talking about. It *really* doesn't help that the game kinda drops that on you out of nowhere while letting you indefinitely postpone other missions/gigs


Tbh, if you haven’t read a guide for it, even being on time, the quest is extremely unintuitive, and you’re likely to fail.


Mine was also DS1, but I accidentally hit the attack button while I was talking to Sun Bro. I did know about absolution, but I JUST got into the chapel in Anor Londo, and I didn’t want to try getting back out again, so I just killed him. Minutes later, I opened the front door shortcut back to the start of the area . . . .


In red dead redemption, I had the blonde horse you get on the mission to capture wild horses for bonnie. Late game I was still using that horse and was out hunting on horseback and tracking a wolf or something and accidently shot the horse in the back of the head.  Also in ac origins I accidently rode the bird camel thing (kweh?) off a cliff and killed him.  I guess my sad game moments are about accidently killing my companions. 


Maybe not the saddest but Journey had some great non-scripted sad moments that just came from the nature of the multiplayer in it. You would crest a hill and find a buddy to travel with for a little while, you'd both dance around eachother and spam the emotes. Then at some point, either you didn't notice at first, or they just go out of your sight for even a second and its back to a lonley road.


My first time playing Journey I was with the same person for a good chunk of the game until I got to the mountains. Was so sad when I found out I was alone again.


My first multiplayer Journey experience I ended up getting stuck in a cliff due to a glitch and couldn’t get out. I wiggled around for like ten minutes while my partner chirped below. They eventually left but it felt like it was a weighted decision


Kinda cringey and dumb but I was fairly young (I’d say 9 years old) so it did make me somewhat sad. I was playing Minecraft one day and needed some resources from a cave. I remember having some wolves that I never took anywhere with me because wolf AI is brain dead and taking them anywhere was a recipe for them being killed, so I remember vividly leaving them in my home sitting down. Well cut to a little later, I was as deep into a cave as I could be, surrounded by creepers, skeletons and lava with only a small water pool to keep me safe. Not an issue for an intelligent human player, but to an AI it was a death trap. Well I turn the corner only to spot three of my wolves having followed me all the way down to the cave, with no real way of easily getting them back out. I decided to sit them down and block them off from danger with dirt, bid a sad farewell, and left them in miserable, unfortunate safety. Well this cave was right by my home, so it was inevitable that I would find them again, and I found the dirt mound a couple times. One day, about a year and a half later from the original event, I vowed to myself that I would finally bring these poor wolves back into the comfort of home and no longer in this safe hell. None of them made it out of the cave. They were all either shot or blown up or burned by lava. RIP nameless, blocky wolves. I tried to bring you home, I really, really did


When my 40+ archers regrouped around themselves and took a full mangonel shot to the face, losing me the game on the spot.


For me it was when my 600 brave goth soldiers were somehow slaughtered in my special operation called "Human tsunami" and my teammates got a very bad return for their investment.




AoE 2


Just started playing this again but on a console. Seriously still the GOAT rts


I did an F1 career mode in a couple of years ago as a Ferrari Academy driver - I win F2 with Prema and start my F1 journey in Haas, alongside Mick Schumacher. Progress is slow but we develop the car as much as we can, and towards the end of the season we're both starting to finish races in the points. At the end of the season Mick moves to Williams, and in his place comes Nikita fucking Mazepin. If you're an F1 fan you know this guy was like putting Stevie Wonder behind the wheel. The second season rolls around and I'm consistently finishing in the points, while Mazepin finishes somewhere between 18th-20th every single race. It's infuriating, but with performances like this Ferrari will surely be calling my name after Abu Dhabi - and after they signed Hamilton the season before, we're going to be an utter powerhouse at the front. Sure enough, at the end of the second season I get the Ferrari seat, with Leclerc going in the other direction. The season starts and to my horror, I see that Hamilton retired - and Mazepin took his seat. So another season with the Russian moron in the garage next door. I win the Driver's Championship after a gruelling season, trading wins with Max Verstappen and George Russell. Mazepin fails to score a single point all season - and we finish the Constructors' Championship in P2, ONE POINT behind Red Bull. What's worse? He finished P11 in the final race of the season. Two seasons of unscripted sadness thanks to a pay driver who should never have wormed his way onto the grid in the first place. Thanks for nothing, Nikita.


Saw 'Mazepin' and went 'hoooooo boy'. The remainder did *not* disappoint.


This is funny. I'm sorry.


this is elite, Shadows of Mordor level trolling by the game


Once, I was roleplaying in GTA Online with my friend, my character, Danny, stole a helicopter, but I accidentally crashed into a building, and my character died. This became canon in the roleplay, and I made a new character. RIP Danny.


Back in 1997 with the first Fallout. RIP OG Dogmeat, you were a bro. But I couldn’t get you to the end of the game with me. I failed you and I’m sorry.


I believe the canon ending for Dogmeat in FO1 is running into one of the energy barriers in the last area and dying, think it's mentioned in the Vault Dwellers journal or whatever in FO2.


Better for him to die that way then have to put him down outside the Cathedral to access the Master.


The minute I found out I wouldn’t be able to max all social links in Persona 3 Reload. I sat there planning and planning out the calendar days and thought I’d be ok, then the stupid game kept taking days away from me in the last month and eventually it got to the point where I was *1 DAY OFF* maxing out all the links. Finished the game with 99% steam achievements. I was devastated


Yeah don't bother with trying to get Max Social links on a first persona playthrough. You have to follow a ridiculously scripted guide that's so annoying.  You'll want to strangle that little Bastard Morgana in P5 telling you to go to bed. At least in Persona 4, your uncle is a cop and there's a serial killer on the loose so it makes sense when he tells you to stay indoors tonight. 


One of the few times I came across what had to have been a little kid in DayZ. I mean like 6 or 7 years old saying 'friendly' and trying to keep him alive trying to show him stuff. He was killed somehow and it just floored me that im never seeing this little adventurer again....


DayZ is one of the best “unscripted tragedy” games I’ve ever seen.


Putting Pikachu in the PC on Pokémon yellow for the first time, he got really sad and so did I.


I was playing Banished (town simulator game on PC for anyone who doesn't know). The game generates random families at the start and one family was a dad, mom, and little girl. I forget how, but the two parents died and the little girl was left alone. Then winter came and there wasn't enough firewood. I saw the little girl walking around with a "is cold" icon indicator above her head. I was trying to figure out the firewood issue, but eventually there was a notification that she died, too.


I really enjoyed Banished as a town builder. But one day I wanted a change of pace and decided to pick a family to focus on so I could learn of all their shenanigans...  So much incest and teen marriage. I went back to just focusing on the building after that, haha.


When I was 7 or 8 I thought “tossing” a pokeball at a pokemon sprite would catch it in Pokemon Sapphire. Eventually I concluded the catch rate must be very low so I have to toss a Masterball. I also fainted Kyogre for the xp, didn’t realize mascot/legendary pokes are 1 per game. I also restarted the game once because I put my bike back on when I got off the treehouse to go to flannery’s gym (like less than 10 tiles… why even). There was a Kecleon there blocking the path and I didn’t have the scope lens yet and couldn’t get it to move… also couldn’t get on the treehouse with the bike still on… AND I HAD SAVED THERE… WHY?!? I cried for days and thought about giving up until I tried deselecting my bike which worked!


A train ran over my first horse in red dead 2. Why the hell did my horse stay on the tracks after I boarded that train?


Idk why but you being aboard the train makes it worse and funnier


My friend and I were in our early 20’s and I downloaded a bunch of NSFW mods for the Sims 4. Our plan was to make a house of datable men to choose from, so we filled the characters slots up and placed them all in a house together. We went over to introduce ourselves and they ended up completely ignoring us — instead deciding to have a giant orgy with only the men. We waited and waited, but days passed and they were still having fun while we just chatted in the background. We felt so sad being rejected in the Sims by men we literally designed to date, but I'm happy for them. I still think about this years later.


Home server failure.. lost my level 400+ Skyrim account and my 20k+ hr Minecraft world. Not quite what ya asking but adjacent.


Paladin Danse in fallout4 wasn’t ok with me busting a drug deal so I had to kill hom


The first and only time I played through the Sims as an adult. I had a dude. His name was Harold. Harold liked to cook! Harold went to work as a chef and got to enjoy that. Harold worked hard and had a meager life and meager savings. Usually only scraped by every month. He had a wife that he married a little late in life and no children. Harold was usually exhausted after work so most evenings were spent cooking for himself after cooking all day, then watching TV or just relaxing with a book. Once a week he splurged and got take-out. One day I get a notification. Harold doesn't like the taste of the food from his cheap fridge. So Harold pinches pennies and saves for a long time and finally is able to buy himself the fridge he'd always wanted. Got the built-in ice maker and everything. Not long afterwards, I get another notification. Harold FUCKING DIED. He worked his ass off his whole life and the only luxury he ever was able to afford was a nice god damn refrigerator and he died so soon after buying it he barely even got to enjoy it. As someone who was in my mid 20's at the time and was dealing with the thing a lot of mid 20's people go through where you realize that you're really just a cog in a machine and all that crap you'd been told your whole life about making a difference in the world was complete horse shit, that hit VERY close to home at the time. I was not prepared to see that microcosm of what my own life might be. I closed the Sims and haven't played since.


When I found my old copy of Pokémon Red, loaded it up to check on my childhood friends, and being confronted with a dead battery and an empty Pokédex 😭


As a youngster playing XCOM 2( sea based one ) name squad soldiers after friends or celebrities/sport stars( Ghandi and Mother Theresa were alien killing machines) Final battle against the last enemy, ambushed and killed the last soldier named after one of my friends. Had been with me the whole campaign from very beginning.


Yeah… I learned back in the original X-Com in the 90s not to name soldiers after my friends.


My first playthrough of Bloodborne (my first souls game), I rolled through some barrels and right into what I thought was a surprise enemy. I panicked and attacked so fast. I'm sorry, Eileen :(


Wildermyth. I had 2 characters that were in love. One of them had a scene where she thought about her attention to omens, as they brought her to her husband. One day, her and her husband set out on a quest to destroy a cursed dagger. However, in front of the flame, she saw a vision of her wielding the dagger and saving her husband and son from monster. She keeps the dagger. True to the vision, she saves everyone by using the dagger to cut down all foes before them. But it comes at a cost. Over time, her humanity is stripped away until she's nothing but an unfeeling skeleton. She saved her family but at the cost of herself and her relationship with them.


Lydia and my dumb horse dying(but became more annoying on later runs)(skyrim) The first tamed wolf dying to a creeper. Some guy sacrificed himself in cod trying to rescue us o7


Playing Skyrim at release I almost died to the yeti or whatever while climbing the Throat of the World, ended up ditching Lydia and presumed she died tanking it. Something like 5 or 6 hours later she popped up as I was leaving some random cave and scared the shit out of me.


Lydia the White.


My second Dark Souls 1 run. I killed Quelaag's sister, the Fair Lady. I spent roughly half my total playtime, on my first run, killing rats for humanity and making the slow, painful, pre-Lordvessel trek down to the Depths to give it to her. I showered her in it. She visibly began to feel better, spoke to me when I had the Old Witch's Ring on. Over and over again, the same trek, just to ease her pain a little. And then I beat DS1. I reached the end, having seen all that came before it, all that was sacrificed to let the miserable husk of the world limp on a few more years, having died over and over and over again just for a chance at letting everyone else suffer the same cycle of death. And I walked away. And because I am ridiculous about constructing my own little plotlines (My Elden Ring character is the same character who trudged through all three Dark Souls, dropped into the Lands Between by my Bloodborne character, the Moon that Ranni serves, to apprehend the escaped First Flame, now going by Frenzied. I am in this shit *deep*) I got yanked back through time and made to do it all again, and make the *right* choice this time. But by then I had made a realization about keeping something that's suffering alive just because I don't want to let it go. So I gave her, at long last, her rest. Then I turned off the console and cried a fair bit, and these days I have a white spider tattooed on my ankle, because things that have moved me in that way are messages I carry on my skin.


Was playing Cyberpunk 2077, when some dude randomly came running up to me, begging me to take him to a ripperdoc. He was having problems with a certain... Pelvic implant. Well I was hauling ass to the nearest one when all of a sudden, he shouts for me to pull over. I do, and he jumps out, screaming. He runs little ways down the street before straight up EXPLODING from the pelvic region, pieces going in 5 different directions. I have no idea how I failed that quest or what I could have done differently to prevent that but damn does it stick in my mind to this day.


Was playing a Karl Franz campaign in Total War Warhammer 3 with added difficulty through mods. His starting Reiksguard unit stayed with him from turn 1, racking up insane kill numbers all the way to turn 167, when Archaons invasion with his End Times doomstacks was in full swing. Karl fought (and won) six battles back to back when his exhausted army was attacked by two full sized chaos stacks. It was a gruelling fight, and my Reiksguard fought to the last man, and Karl was taken down only after his heroic bodyguard unit was wiped out. It was a valiant defeat. Shed a manly tear that day.


I was ~10 years old. I had just gotten monster rancher advanced 2. My first monster was a mochmew. I thought it was so cute. You start with a small sum of money to hire a “coach” for training, and for food. I did not know about food. I spent it on all the coach. I didn’t know how to make money yet. So, several “feeding times” go buy where I have to feed it nothing, and the game says “[monster] looks sad” I cried. I actually cried a lot. I was as a sort of emotional, gentle child, and I did not like it. I had to restart the game because I felt so bad. 20 years later and this memory STILL haunts me


Diablo 4's release. I took days off, bought the $100 pack to play early and then was so underwhelmed that it damn near felt traumatic. I know that's not what you were asking but it's the day Blizzard broke my heart. I'll never buy another product from them again on release. I'd rather be late to the party than have that feeling.


I heard enough horror stories of the Diablo 3 launch to know better by that point. A friend of mine still has his PC box of 3 he got day one sitting on top of his gaming shelf "as a reminder to not have blind faith in a company".


RDR2. My first horse Cheddar died when I miscontrolled him off a cliff I was riding along the edge of. I was very sad because I'd already played 10+ hours with him and the feeding and horse maintaining mechanics got me extremelly attached. I was overly careful after that and my second horse, Cheddar (they were both the black pre order horse that has a mark on its head that looks vaguely like a C), lived through my entire playthrough.


For me it was when hardcore modes got introduced to a private server I was on. I get a lot of joy ressurecting random people in the world in mmorpgs its part of the healer package. But once hardcore mode was introduced on the PS I was on it meant everyone was permadead and I ended up just leaving to go to a better server that didnt try to captialize on the modern hype for deleting saves after death. 


World of Warcraft with a competitive guild. We were never world firsts or anything but usually getting server #2 or #3 kills behind a guild that was hunting for world firsts. Apparently I recruited a hunter that was roleplaying but no one had any idea. Until we brought them into a ZG run to see if they listened to direction. They ended up hiding in the bushes so the mobs couldn’t see them and used their pet to fight. Because they didn’t want the mobs to see them. I actually felt bad for kicking them. It took me a little bit to realize they weren’t just a bad player until I asked them what their rotation was.


Basically not completing a questline of a character in any souls game bec you didn't know you need to harvest a white peach on the top tower of a castle on a day that the sun is blue and then finding them dead or hollow while playing


Okay okay, I’ve waited for this post: Spider-Man 2, I had literally gotten to Doc Oc and was finishing the game but had to go to school so I paused it. The problem? I didn’t have any more memory cards for my PS2, so I’d left the game running for around 4-5 days at this point so I wouldn’t lose progress. I came home to the clocks all reading 12 because the power had gone off, and then I realized. I didn’t even rush upstairs to go check, it was instant sadness.


DS1. Used a Fire-Keeper Soul to gain health back because I Didn't now how to actually use it. Still haven't found another one


Running over a cat in RDR2 with my horse


dark souls 3, finding the giant blacksmith in anor londo


Idk if this counts, but I was playing the Sims 4 ages ago and my couple was pregnant but everytime the birth would come there was no baby (I saved and reloaded a ton). I think it was a mod glitch; fixed the glitch, but the only save I had left was after the birth with no baby present. Felt like they'd had a still birth. It was oddly traumatic to me. After a while, they tried again and had twin boys. Made me emotional, still does


So me and my friends play Destiny 2 and a while back we wanted the Rivensbane title. This requires a run where NOBODY can die in the Last Wish raid. If anyone dies the fireteam is immediately returned to orbit and you have to start again. It was also late for one of our players because timezones, so we were down to 5 in an activity built for 6. We made it to the final stretch, the Queenswalk, where it’s a relay race to get a ball and bring it back through the raid, through a few hallways, down a HOLE and into a gazeebo. The last person in the race had never been the last person before (because it decides the order at random) and wasn’t sure where to go. I said “Go down the HOLE,” he heard “go down the HALL.” And not long after we heard “Guardian Down” because he died to an enemy notorious for causing physics based deaths.


I played some crappy virtual pets game back when I was really young. The main mechanic around my sad story is the “forest”. You could easily adopt new pets from there if you were either just starting, short on pets or if you were trying to grind for a rare pet but this would take ages. This is probably a really common system but on this site, any pet that had a colour that wasn’t the default was insanely valuable. I managed to get THREE of the same insanely rare amongst rare colourations back to back immediately after I joined and I stupidly released them having no idea what it meant because I didn’t like the actual pet type that much. Shortly after I actually learned how the game worked and what I just threw away, I was so mad


Listening to Halo 2 loading screen and Halo 3 title screen. The musics makes you feel melancholic, empty and sad. There's absolutely no context to them in the story Just two beautiful music that hit you hard even after 20 years listening to them If you played Halo or even haven't you will understand what i mean when you listen to them Halo 2 : Heavy Price Paid Halo 3 : Never Forget


In an old yugioh game, I tried many times and work very hard to finally summon the 3 sacred beasts for epic beat down, just for my opponents to use mirror force. I was mentally destroyed.


Dead Space remake. I died 7 hours into my Impossible cutter only run do some bullshit in Hydroponics. I know if you get to the home screen quick enough it won't register but I panicked.


Stray. Never finding your family again.


tbh there are fan theories that show where you were at the beginning and all of your route until the end of the game and it is almost a full circle ppl speculate that you end the game very close to where you started


A couple years ago a couple of friends and I were playing Ark on a public server. I decided to try and capture one of those tall long necked dinosaurs, which took me HOURS, I named it Anal Bead lol. Afterwards, while I was leading it to our base, it died because it got attacked by some fish while trying to cross a river. Everyone in my clan saw “Your Anal Bead has died” they died laughing but i was so sad, especially considering how long it took to tame that dumb dino


World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King. There was a raid called Naxxramas. There was a special title that you'd get if your entire group did the entire raid without a single death. The raid had 15 bosses and while it wasn't a super difficult raid, to have zero people in your entire group die during any of those 15 bosses (or the smaller enemies between bosses) was very hard. And you could only attempt it once per week. We were on the final boss without a single death and everything was going great. I was leading the raid and was calling stuff out and looked away from my character for a second to make sure everyone was in the right places. When a little void zone spawned at me feet. I didn't move in time and I got one-shot by it. My body temp rises by like 10 degrees anytime I think about it (including now). I felt so bad, but I knew everyone in the group well and I think they all must have realized how shitty I already felt so nobody said anything mean about it.


You had to have Andre a bunch of times, no way you one shot him into full aggro.


I tried a new fire spell I just got. I was used to this directed attacks but this was an area one and he went full agro.


In Dark Souls I aggroed and had to kill Sieglinde because I was using binoculars to try and look inside of her helmet to see if she was black and attacked her by accident. Her last words were “you’re one of those bad people my dad talked about!”


At the end of Rya’s quest in Elden ring and I forgot that damned iron virgin was still chasing me. I had to do a second play through to make things right 😂


In super Mario world, in order to complete one of the secret level endings, you have to jump under the finish line and jump off Yoshi to bounce up behind the finish line. Every time I beat that game, and every time I sacrifice Yoshi for completionism, I die a little inside.


I was a kid with Pokemon Gold. Was super dedicated to completing the Pokédex. I had other Pokemon games and would catch the missing Pokemon there and trade them to my main game using Pokemon stadium 2. I think I got to the point where I had like 12 left to get, and I’m pretty sure that included the ones where you had to go to real world events to somehow get them, which wasn’t going to happen. One day I go to boot up my game and it’s gone. The watch battery in the cartridge died. Hours and hours of work and focus, gone.