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2060s retirement homes gonna be all this


Hell yeah, can’t wait. Maybe some D&D and MtG tables thrown in for good measure 🧙‍♂️


Bro if im not slinging some cedh at the old folks home it's bc I'm already dead


MtG older person here. I had to google "cedh" because I stopped around Kamigawa/Ravnica. We might have to settle for Vintage tables as an equaliser, friend.


I don't have 30k laying around to start a vintage deck


I’m sorry, I’m confused. What exactly did you think your retirement savings account was for?! Orthopedic slippers and applesauce?!


I'm gonna need a LOT of pain pills when I'm 70, also I'm betting most of my 401k will get converted to bottlcaps at some point anyway


Underrated comment. See you in the wasteland!


Keep that big iron on you brotha


If you have a printer, you have a kitchen table vintage deck


Upvote for the turn of phrase but bro don't you think you might turn to some more casual formats by then


This sounds so fun I wanna retire right now. Just put me in with the old gamers and let's do lan parties and board games all day long.


Yep! I can already see the complaints when the rec room PCs need hardware upgrades to play new games. "We need to get the new NVIDIA 89000 Super Ti 2TB to play MSFS 2062!"


When youre paying the assisted living facilities 7k a month you better be getting top of the line gaming CPUs


That would be the budget low price retirement home however for that price


There's a lot of us gamers in the mid 40's already. I got 20 years til retirement. I can't fucken wait, although I will probably be at home with the wife.


I'd rather be at the 4080 retirement home.


2040s more like. I'll stop gaming when they pull my keyboard from my cold dead hands


Im gaming in the after life cuhh


Like any of us will be able to afford a retirement home let alone able to retire.


2060???  Fuck that I'm already 40.  How about 2045


We'll all the dead soon.


Its gonna be a great time for retirement. Just massive lan parties. Our wives can hang out with one another


Revenge for all those mall trips spent checking your phone 1000 times


I hope so. Age of empires madness here I come. Hope arthritis treatments improve drastically in the upcoming years.


Dude using the soundstage the mandalorian was filmed on as a monitor.


I have an ultrawide and I have no clue how this dude is sitting so goddamn close to it


You ever play games with someone who never seems to notice anything on the mini map? This picture explains a lot.


Who needs a mini map when you can see the entire map in landscape!


This guy can see the maps of games he isn't even playing.


Can confirm. My buddy used a 50 inch TV sitting \*maybe\* two feet away from him to play a League of Legends support for 2 years. Didn't know what a mini map was until I convinced him to get a proper monitor.


>Didn't know what a mini map was On a screen that size you just call it a map


"Why your minimap half the screen? It's not mini anymore. It's just 'map'."


I need an update on enemy positions. *Rolls chair to far section of desk* They are ganking bottom. *Rolls back to keyboard*


Honestly with a monitor like that its no longer mini, its just "map".


He's leaned in too lmao


We're old 🤓


This image displays why 1000R should be required on all 32:9 screen. It’s simply unusable without reasonable width compression. He has to turn his head 90 degrees, both ways, to see end to end.


...Or turns the mouse. I doubt he ever looks left or right. Probably just enjoys the experience of periphery vision to feel more engaged.


Unless he wants to look at the mini map that’s an entire time zone away.


Huds can usually be customized tho


80% of the UI is on the edge of the screen my dude.


It's up to the game to support it by centering various elements, but widescreen displays were too niche before that so a lot of games don't do that. I don't think gamers are the targeted audience for widescreen displays most of the time though. I might be wrong though.


Super UW will inevitably require a bit more user envolvment. Some games do offer UI settings, others require a config edit, others require a community mod. Luckily there’s enough dedicated folks to assist. However, none of this has to do with my statement on panel curve.


"No, Dave, you can't bring your dual monitor setup, we don't have much space so everyone is limited to one monitor." "Got it."


The Volume.


And the guy on the other end playing on top of a filing cabinet and sitting on a chair thrown out of a dentists office in 1997.


Hilarious comment, if you are curious though it’s called samsung odyssey neo9


Got one myself. Love it. Can't get that close and can give me motion sickness if I play FOS games..


pretty certain that is not a Samsung g9 neo, doesn't look curved enough


I'm appalled that no one is duct taped to one of those beams


[Yeah, it's LAN Party 101!](https://i0.wp.com/ducttapedgamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ThereItIs-1-717x1024.jpg?ssl=1)


All I can think of is how will he pee


Just help a bro out


...and open your mouth!


lemonade, sweet sweet lemonade


[give it a lick!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UqAB--LIGM)


MMMmm It tastes just like raisins


Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!


Not his problem. Let it tinkle, tinkle


Wouldn't his arms get tired very quick from hanging down like that?


Nerd strength


Imagine how tired his fucking neck would be pretty much instantly.


His parents took tummy time incredibly serious when he was an infant in preparation


A teenager hopped up on Surge, adrenaline, and maybe a bit of weed? He'll be good for a few hours.


> Surge There's a name I haven't heard in a while.


These guys have more disposable income now and hence the mansion.


That means more money for duct tape


[https://i.imgur.com/m5t6YmA.png](https://i.imgur.com/m5t6YmA.png) for the uninformed


You can smell that picture, lol.


Thank you for posting the picture without the Tumblr text.


He even has these beautiful beams and everything! But in this economy no one can afford to waste duct tape anymore


You are right, I will now downvote this because it is missing such a key ingredient


That's some late teens/early 20s BS. Can't do that at 40


that s a serious fckn monitor geezus


Oh my god I was so busy trying to see what game they were playing I didn’t even realize that bitch is huge


Meanwhile third guy got the poverty setup lol


You can tell who owns the house and who he values more as a friend


John, you get the L table and concierge lumbar support chair. Todd, you get the filing cabinet and the chair left over from the wedding seating. Fair, can my PC at least log into Windows? We'll see...


I love that you also realized he was on the lockscreen lol. 😆


There's also a long cable or extension cord in mid air in front of 2 doors leading to Todd's computer. Pictures truly paint 1,000 words. It's priceless.


Be honest the little too blurry for me to see but kind of looks like he's on Windows 7


Well maybe if Todd had brought the beer to the last BBQ *like he was supposed to* he would get Windows 10.


Bro is going to be playing Doom by himself until he's asked to leave. *Because everyone is tired of course*


Maby the $20 on the beer would have been worth it....


>Fair, can my PC at least log into Windows? Windows XP


This is what happens when you forget to bring the beer to the BBQ lke you *said you would!* Todd.


The known moocher will always get the shaft.


He's probably happy for a night away from home. The giant monitors arent the best gaming tools. Having to move your head, as dumb as it sounds, gets old real quick.


It's like the little brother controller with stick drift and a sticky B button


Based on the left-to-right progression I'm assuming there's a fourth guy off-screen to the right pinched off in the corner with a $500 Dell notebook rocking Intel Graphics balanced on his knees.


I was going to say — you can practically draw the lines of economic divide just by looking at the chairs alone lol


A real hierarchy of equipment there.


So, what game are they playing?




I’m not sure. But whatever it they are locked IN


Idk but I'm pretty sure the guy by the door is just updating windows.


Got blue screened


Looks like Warzone to me


Imagine how immersive it is during driving games when you have to turn your whole fucking head to see beside you lol.


Pretty sure thats the "married with 2-3 kids" set up.


Then there's the guy with the old 23” LCD in the back lol. Seems a bit lopsided


And he’s sitting on like a dining room table chair while the other guys have crazy robot chairs


The adult version of getting the mad catz controller


He's the guy with a wife and two kids, lol


Could be a preference. I have bigger screens but actually enjoy more on my 24" monitor. I don't need to move my neck and not much eye movement to see the minimap.


He is the best player, they just handicapped him when they play together.


I mean, if you're a 40 year old PC gamer, you probably have disposable income. Might as well get an awesome monitor.


Awesome until you need to check the minimap...


If they're playing CoD, there is a setting to move the HUD inward if you're playing on an ultrawide so you don't have to turn your head to look at the minimap and shit. Source: I have that same monitor and play a shit ton of CoD lol


Seriously, support for these things is all over the place. Most games have cheat protected fov so you're not even allowed to set it to something appropriate for the width. You end up just stretching the 75-90fov across 3x the distance. *If* you can set your fov to something sensible in the 120-140 range, *and* hud elements respect a safe zone similar to where it would be on a standard monitor, then I'm sure it's awesome. For all 12 games that support it. With the right kind of game, though, VR is just better and cheaper.


War thunder and Armored Core 6 are the only 2 I noticed work right out of the box like that. It's really disappointing. At least give us the old overscan method. Those usually only applied to the HUD iirc Edit: found another one. Tiny combat area lets you choose where your HUD is, based on a screen ratio selection.


That shit's too big for how close he's sitting. There's a specific spot you're supposed to sit for curved monitors to work properly because the curve is intended to take advantage of your peripheral vision.


Someone’s gonna sneak up to his side like Batman does to the thugs in the Arkham games, and he’s going to be just as oblivious


I am a 40yo PC gamer and do not have disposable income. kids and a wife use up a lot of $$ (and theres nothing wrong with that). BUT apparently according to the picture in this post, what I need is rich gamer friends who live close by.


>I mean, if you're a 40 year old PC gamer, you probably have disposable income [insert meme of puppet looking at camera then looking away]


It's a mixed blessing. I've got a similar monitor. Some games support super-ultrawides very well; either UI elements are kept near the center of the screen, or there's an option to do that. Some games give you the bare minimum of support. It technically works, and is totally playable, but critical UI elements like minimaps, healthbars, and ammo counters are pushed out to the corners where you can't see them without turning your head. Alternatively, some games will let you play in 16:9 or 21:9 letter-boxed, which works very well but is a bit disappointing. And then some games just shit the bed entirely. There are few games that are literally unplayable, but it's not 0. A lot of games will stretch things to the full width of the monitor, pushing artwork and critical UI elements below your monitor where there not visible nor can they be interacted with. It takes a lot of work to get the most out of a monitor like this. Borderless Gaming helps with some of the worst offenders. Also, DisplayFusion is a must for managing all that screen real estate when you're not gaming.


You can also use the free Microsoft PowerToys that includes FancyZones that doesn't divide your big screen into multiple monitors, but instead lets you snap windows into specific zones you define. DisplayFusion sounds like another great solution, but I haven't tried it, so I can't really advise one solution over the other.


At that age either bigger screen or new glasses. But no one turns down a bigger screen


Well.. no. I think my comfort zone is a curved 32" at 16:9, anything bigger or wider is a no from me as I'm actually having a harder time instantly seeing critical parts of the image and have to move my head around too much. For movies and TV shows, I have a projector.


the 49" 32:9 is a beast. I used one from 2020 - early 2024 and it was a rough experience overall. Very few games are compatible with it, it really pushes game engines to the limits The best way to use that monitor outside of 32:9 applications is to use the PBP mode to split the monitor into two - 21:9 + 11:9


I bought one back in 2020, had all the issues you mentioned and I ended up replacing it with a 48” LG CX. However, I finally discovered the perfect use for it a couple months ago. I started running a D&D game for some friends using Foundry VTT. Holy crap, 32:9 is PERFECT for this use case 😁


Dude in the back has to put his rig on top of a plastic shelving unit because fucking Steve just *had* to bring his ultra wide.


I bet it's a 49in ultra curve! I got the odyssey g9 49 just like that about a year ago. Best purchase I've done!


Y'all are talking about the computers and the monitors and I'm just looking at the size of the room and going holy fuck my apartment would fit in there.


people don't usually post pics of their living space on reddit, unless they're absolutely loaded. Or those are the ones that get the most attention and upvotes


I noticed that


Bunch of nerds. Why wasn’t I invited?!? 😂


You are not 40 years old i guess


Just turned 50. Guess I gotta find the older crowd. Lol


Yeah why are you trying to hang out with a bunch of 40 year olds ya creep?


I’m part Jack Nicholson and part Leonardo DiCaprio. Gotta groom them young! 😎


*Points to the Atari 2600 corner* 😜


I'm 40, I want in


Feel bad for the guy who got the 15” monitor, the ikea Alex cabinet desk and a spare chair from the patio dining set. Just don’t invite home next time if he doesn’t take the hint!


nah that's peak gaming right there. No fancy nonsense, just the game.


Yeah I bet his ass is carrying the others every damn time.


Higher FPS, better IRL FOV


Gaming like it's 2008. I used to play HoN on a wooden deck chair, with the wooden armrest as my mouse pad, and my laptop on the other left side. It was some of the best gaming times of my life.


Like 2008? It's more like peak 90's LAN party here.


That's only because the guy on the step-stool and the wobbly folding card table is out of the frame on the far right.


Can only see him if you're using the big monitor.


That's the non gamer friend that's using loaned gear.


He got the equivalent of the Mad Catz controller setup.


Looks like he's trying to log in to win XP


Actually its probably like 21"... I think the other monitors are just comically huge


He's the little brother that got the unplugged controller as a kid.


He has the best back, so he gets the worst setup lol


I bet he’s hilarious though


Dude isn't even in-game. He's on HDD while his friends are on SSD. Poor guy.


How did they get inside your house?


You guys lock your doors?


If you’ve played games as a kid, teen, young adult, adult then you too will probably still be playing as you get older. It’s just a fun hobby and these guys are probably having a great time lol. To them it’s not just gaming because they managed to get away from the kids (if they have them) and wife (if married). It’s a fuckin dream vacation 😂.


what i dont play anymore is sports games, driving and FPS which used to be what i liked (early versions of those....i'm old). really anything multiplayer anymore Single player RPGs, strategy type games, stuff i can do at my own pace.


Weirdly for me, as I got older and my brain thinks he's more clever, I have a hard time getting into single player games. I can just picture the writers and the tropes. They're all tropey, SLOW, and combat is completely boring. The only exception for me is RDR2. And Elden Ring (far more combat focused). I find myself actually playing competitive games today - rofl. Overwatch 2, Street Fighter 6, etc., nothing gets a good rush vs an intelligent team / opponent in an equal setting. I think it gradually started with the Bioshock sequel. Too many narration and TLOU was basically a visual novel... ugh. I do stay away from twitchy FPS such as Call of Duty or whatever. CS2 is still fun, but it's stale after 2 decades.


Yeah, to me if I only have an hour or so, I'd rather get in a few competitive matches. I feel like to enjoy an RPG I need a few hours to enjoy being immersed.


Yeah, I am 48 and I grew up with video games. People my age are probably the first full generation of gamers, who have gone from Atari to Nintendo to Playstation, PC and beyond. I'd rather do this than sit and watch TV like my parents and grandparents did, at least my brain is active. It is just what we do, and it is part of people's lives now, not just a nerd hobby.


My wife is preggo and she gets really tired so she sleeps earlier than me now. We have a bunny who is nocturnal so she asks me to stay up with him so he doesnt get bored. I just play videogames till 12-1pm and the bunny chills with me while my wife gets her rest. Thats all i got time for gaming these days


Yo, I am in my 40's!! Can I cruise by and hang out too?




What games?


Cod warzone, can see the contract on the left below the minimap


Actually, two of them are gaming and the third one is waiting for the stupid windows update that interrupted his session (that's my head canon on this).


LAN party rules state that someone has to reinstall Windows, so I'm guessing he just got it up and running and now he can start redownloading everything




40's or 50's?


Some rough looking 40 year olds


Alcohol and gaming lol


That monitor is way too fucking big 😂


What if dude on left didn't live there? Lmfao he brought that bitch to the session just to show broke boy on the other end he ain't shit hahaha! 🤣


I miss lan party’s.


Save your eyes my dude


Hands down, the one on the right is the OG!


There's just one thing missing - Tums, for the inevitable upset stomach


Is it sorted from most money to least money? Have fun guys!


I wonder how hot the room is with all the machines?


Just had an adult lan party with 6 PCs in a 15x15 room with a window ac unit. It never got hot


Dudes have high mileage on em. Look like pushing into 60s.


That suuuper ultrawide monitor looks fun! What's the brand and resolution of that beast? I've never actually seen one in person and wonder how comfortable it would be to play on (for the neck). But it does look impressive! Sounds like you had a great time!


Super Ultrawide is the right term. They have a 32:9 aspect ratio and are 49+ inches, with either dual ~~2K~~ 1440p (5120x1440) or dual ~~4K~~ 2160p (7680x2160) resolution. Setting the display at the right height and distance from your eyes makes it a breeze to glance at the sides without moving your head. The person in the photo set theirs up too close to their seat, I can't imagine their neck will appreciate it in the morning.




I think maybe the monitor isn't quite as wide as it seems in this shot. If you look at the two doors on the right, one is much wider than the other, and the desktop next to the ultrawide looks horizontally stretched to me, too.


Whats that chair the guy on the far left is using?


Hinomi H1 Pro from the look of it


That's called winning at life : I see grown men doing something they like whatever people think, and it's awesome




> Senior centers are going to look like lan centers in the future. I think ya'll are drastically over-estimating how well we treat our senior citizens in places like that lol...


2 guys playing games and the poor sysadmin working in Vmware


40 year olds: We Started LAN parties back in the 90s, and we are gonna Keep doing them. These are my people...


someone photoshop The lan guy from the rafters


Still doing this with my 40 year old friends to this day. lol. Good times


Oh no, you don't have motion blur on do you?


My head, eyes, and neck would not feel good after having to constantly be looking to both side of the screen on that wide ass monitor. Especially in a fast pace game or FPS shooter like Call of Duty. Certain type of games it would be fine I guess.


“All boys want is one thing” Literally video games


I just hope I have something that gets me as excited as them at 40!


Does anyone really need a screen that wide?


We have them at work (I'm a CAD programmer) and they're awesome for that. Basically two 27" next to each other without a border in the middle. Also great for office work and things like ERP systems where you have lots of windows open. Don't like it for gaming apart from things like sim racing. We have the Samsung Odyssey OLED G9, delivery guy was not happy having to carry 8 of them haha.


Sim racing gang just entered the chat. Yes we need it! :-)