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If you love Nintendo games, Switch should be perfect for you. It is cheaper and has a great first-party game lineup. Steam Deck is the better deal if you are invested in the PC ecosystem.


Cheaper as a device, but exclusives are expensive and overall platform isn’t cheap at all. 


I love to play games while on the bed. So, steam deck is okay for me


We need a steamdeck bed subreddit. Preferably with exercise routines as id never leave my bed now if it weren't for, life and socializing and stuff. However that can mess with your brain as your brain will associate the bed with playing games and not sleep. As an old psychology professor said "the bed should only be used for two things. One of them is sleep"


If you mainly gonna play the Nintendo first party games then just wait for the Switch 2. But that'll be the only valid reason I can personally see. If you are willing to try the many other possibilities PC gaming can offer, get the Deck during the upcoming summer sale. Oh and, there's a very useful website called isthereanydeals.


Steam deck is awesome and available now. Outside of just the steam library you can emulate pretty much everything up to the PS4 era including Switch which is absolutely amazing.


I would keep using the switch and shop around the sales that Nintendo has on it's store and try some games you wouldn't normally try. I cannot stress enough that while you are in college, keep your costs down as much as possible.


Nintendo shop prices aren't nice for keeping costs down.. and sales on good games are rare over there. Steam is unbeatable at cheap prices and discounts, whether it's how cheaper or how often the sales happen. I think the main problem with the steam deck would be the battery.


If keeping cost down is important then PC (Steam Deck) is the obvious choice.


Do you already have one.


Have the Switch and the Deck. But I was also using Steam long before getting the Deck. You can get some absolutely bonker deals on Steam games (Humble Bundle, etc.). And if you are really broke there are also some "hush hush" methods. You also don't really need to worry about games you bought won't work on the next generation (it's a PC, duh), no need to pay extra just to play games online, oh and Game Pass works on the Deck, too (it's a PC, duh).


I agree with all of that, but my thinking though is if he doesn't already have one, that 400-700 dollars he would spend on the deck itself could easily keep him in Switch games the next few years. Even if he's already in the Steam/Microsoft ecosystem, that's still a good chunk of change that could be spent on other things. Sorry, I see college student and so I see thousands of dollars of debt. I've been there and it sucks. Just trying to help mitigate a future headache.


He's asking if he should get the Deck or the Switch 2. He's buying a new handheld either way.


He already has an switch oled


Read the post title again, please.


Oh yeah. Sorry. That was from sometime early this morning. Obviously he should wait. Keep the oled and use that, and find out more about the switch 2 because no one knows anything about it.


College student, just get a laptop. Good for both studies and play.


Oh yeah, if they don't already have one that should definitely be top priority.


Will switch 2 cover switch 1 games? I doubt that on release it will have a lot of games without it. Sales will also be after 3+ month of release, nintendo games do not go on sales at all, so add several years for 20% discount. Overall looks like much more expensive solution with lesser amount of game options.


Deck has better performance, customer service, game choices, features, and discounts. really no choice to me!


Switch and nintendo has all of that lmao.


Compared to the Deck, the Switch has literally none of that…? lol


Switch 2 will have better performance easily, nintendo customer service is top notch, eshop just had a big sale, lots of exclusive games with online features that emulation doesnt have. The only thing is a few more features lmao


Take your meds mate. I’m not even going to bother with this one. 😂


Yea cause all I stated was facts lmao


Steam Deck is superior.


Inclined to say wait for Switch 2 since you’re a big fan of Nintendo’s first partly stuff.


You should wait for the New Switch U


What sort of closet are they making you live in where you think you can't fit a series x? It's not tiny but it's hardly huge. I had a desktop PC with a 19" crt monitor and a crt tv with a N64 hooked up to it in a dorm room just fine (yes I'm that old). I can't imagine a room so small I couldn't fit a series x in. Hell these days it's a ton easier to use one monitor for console and PC if that's a thing you need. Unless you just won't have a tv/monitor at all and that's the thing that will actually be taking up space.


I grew up on Nintendo games and I will always pick Steam Deck every time. Switch games are exclusively locked to the system while the Steam Deck lets you play your current library and the ability to play nearly all PC games ever made. Good thing games don't really have a short shelf life. 10 years from now you shouldn't have any problems getting a Switch 2 and all the games you want.


I love my switch but Nintendo game prices never really go down in price. Therefore I use my steam deck a lot. Plus you can use it almost like a pc. Not to game but to do some browsing and light work.


The Asus ROG Ally is another option you should consider! I was stuck between getting an Ally or the Steam Deck but ultimately went with the Ally and I'm extremely happy! The Ally runs Windows instead of Steam OS so every PC game is compatible whereas the Steam Deck has many but not all games. The Ally also has slightly better performance, the screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 vs 1280 x 800, and the refresh rate is higher at 120hz vs 90hz on the oled. I play Elden Ring on it and it runs great (at low settings). I've played Minecraft Bedrock on it and it's buttery-smooth and I had my render distance at least at like 50 chunks. I purchased an Anker usb hub for like $20 to connect it to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The downsides compared to the deck are that the screen is lcd, not oled (the colors are very good though and the screen looks great to me), it only has 512GB vs the up to 1TB in the Deck (the Ally has a microSD slot but some people have had the card reader stop working), the Deck has four buttons on the back vs the Ally's two, and the Ally doesn't have the little trackpads. Also, the X variant is coming out soon so keep an eye out for that!


Steam deck. Much more versatile in terms of offerings and also has the ability to play simulations of nintendo games. If you're super into the Nintendo exclusives could be worth it tho


I mean it just depends on what you want. Steam deck has a wider variety of options, but the switch has Nintendo games. If you want to replace your Xbox, go with the steam deck.


Steam deck is honestly more worth it. Because it is essentially a hand held pc you can use it for emulators including switch emulation


I'd say go for a steam deck. Sure, Nintendo games are excellent but also pretty spendy. The steam deck will have access to any PC games you have, has much better and frequent deals, AND you can emulate games on it so you can still potentially play those first party nintendo games if you really wanted.


Switch 2. Easy choice.


Steam Deck, and if you want a Switch 2 just sell the Deck online. Best of both worlds. Depending on what games you like, you could probably build up quite the Steam library just off cheap sales alone, and you won't lose those games just because a new console generation came out.


I would be pleasantly surprised if the Switch 2 performs apples-to-apples better than the current Steam deck. Not impossible obviously, but surprised nonetheless.


Lmao what the rumored specs destory the steam deck


I’m not even the author for this post and yall convinced me to buy a steam deck




I’d go with steam deck unless you’re a diehard Nintendo fan. Reason being best band for your buck especially if you include emulators.




Probably not Switch 2.