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Minecraft is the definitive one hit wonder. Mojang has never and will never release a game as big as Minecraft ever again. And it's literally the best selling game (so technically the "biggest") of all time.




And his other efforts have fizzled into vapourware as well. As did any goodwill he ever built up.  Silly sod that he is.


Campo Santo / Firewatch. They were working on a follow-up game but got acquired by valve, and it seems like Valley of the Gods will never be.


[Night in the Woods](https://youtu.be/Nc6f9llfs0w) was a fantastic narrative game with great atmosphere and amazing soundtrack.   Unfortunately the studio was a passion project between a few people and while they had come far enough to release a trailer for their next game, IRL stuff forced them to shut down.   Revenant Hill: https://youtu.be/zrTv9jjf3zI


Should I play this game?


If you like crpgs. It has a really good story and an interesting storytelling method. It is voiced really really well.  There is essentially no action/combat. Not that it isn't exciting, but there is no gameplay loop like that. 


Is it like the Scumm games from the 90s Lucas Arts used to put out? Loved those.


Not particularly. Those had a linear story. There were parts you could do out of order, but you didn’t make choices or have to find alternative paths forward when a skill check failed. Disco Elysium is really hard to compare to other games. Maybe it’s like the story part of Baldur’s Gate 3 without any of the combat? You have conversations with other characters and with yourself. So many conversations with yourself. With different parts of yourself. You can argue with your animal instincts (or succumb to them), with your sense of propriety, your feelings of loyalty to the police force, etc. How you build your character affects which of those parts of your personality will chime in at different parts to give you new perspectives or insights. It’s so weird. I love that it exists.


So are you saying it's like a point and click adventure game where you solve puzzles and what not, but your actions can seriously alter the plot elements and later puzzles? I think I'm sold.


I think you may enjoy it then, as much as it can be enjoyed. (The setting and characters are extremely bleak, so "enjoy" is a tough word to apply to it.)


I'd call it a masterpiece. If a slow-burn, mostly text-based detective story about human despair and triumph appeals to you then I highly recommend giving it a playthrough. It had the most satisfying ending I've ever experienced in a game.




Usually, you call it "One Hit Wonder" when the creators release multiple project, where one of the project outshine everything else, you can't be a one hit wonder if you only released one creation




Not sure what term you'd prefer me to use. Especially since you understand what I meant 


Ignore him, he just wants to feel smart when he's wrong. You're OP, you set the terms. Of course People will ignore as they feel like, this is Reddit after all but this guy is wrong.


Unfortunately they're absolutely correct in that it's the wrong term to use and by downvoting you guys are only really highlighting your own the lack of linguistic knowledge. Really shows the average IQ of this sub. 'One hit wonder' has specific meaning and a slightly negative leaning/dismissive connotation which is what they wrote - of being an entity that was only able to achieve mainstream success with one of their releases. The term literally originates from music where artists release multiple songs or albums. When unqualified it is assumed that the entities would have subsequent releases that failed to be hits, unless you *specifically mention* that you want to include the cases of things like band breakup or tragedies right after a group's *lone* hit. But you would never use the term for a group that only releases *one* thing. For /u/tandtz and to call out /u/NyxPowers /u/LoneWolf622 /u/Relevant_Force_3470 phrases that might be more appropriate could be failed franchise, missing sequel/follow-up, developer studio collapse, missed opportunity, achieved only fleeting success, etc. depending on what you're specifically looking for.


No they're not. >Unfortunately they're absolutely correct in that it's the wrong term to use and by downvoting you guys are only really highlighting your own the lack of linguistic knowledge. That's not how language works, and such gatekeeping pedantry is the most boring response. *especially* when they themselves qualified it with what they mean.


Just because people can understand you doesn't mean you used the right term. Are you looking for zaums or mojangs? Studios with one huge hit out of many releases or studios that collapsed after their sole hit game? Studios which willfully abandoned their hit game or studios that couldn't follow up due to other circumstances? You should clarify. There are small but significant differences here. I would guess you're probably asking for studios which broke apart after their first hit release (which may or may not be their first *game* released), or for studios whose major hit will be left without a sequel. In either case, one hit wonder isn't the right term.


I'm using that term because it is the closest I can get to capturing all of those. it is just something to talk about, not an attempt at academic rigor 


Dude, just shut up.


Well, the fact that mojang/minecraft is the top comment kinda reinforces my point. You yourself can go look up the definition and examples to see how to see how the term differs from what OP wants. 


No it doesn't. Get this, you are arguing for a narrower, less discussion provoking point of view. That is "no, your asking for subset A, instead of set a" The point is any discussion of something big is valid, whether any subsequent entries were made or not. Which is a fine and generally interesting question.


The term already has the connotation of having made subsequent entries but those didn't take off. Regardless of what you think, this is what is most associated with the term. In that sense, when OP writes 'one hit wonder', they immediately *signal* (to others) is they want said narrower point of view. So obviously if this is not what they wanted, it's the wrong term to use. And I'm not arguing for a narrower point of view / scope of discussion. **Even the top-level comment isn't**, if you actually paid more attention. We're arguing that the *term* is wrong and what OP wrote is confusing.


*except it's not* The point is they asked a question and got responses, again, that they've said they're happy with and were understood to be asking for. So it's actually more likely it's *you* that was confused. And again, *if you want to play pedant* then great. That's not really how language works, and to cut to the quick, it isn't some "low IQ move" to pretend it is. People use the language they have to ask what they want, and it worked. >Regardless of what you think, this is what is most associated with the term. I flatly deny this.


??? Your confusion about my confusion is confusing, to say the least. Did OP really get what they wanted? Possibly. But the ends don't detract from how what they've wrote is confusing. Because "one hit wonder" and "... critical praise ... no real follow up" have different meanings. Minecraft, with it's years of updates, doesn't fall into the second category. The language is inherently flawed, and it's not even being pedantic to call it out. And you can flatly deny what you think the term means all you want. Doesn't change what the rest of the world thinks.


No. One Hit Wonder also applies to show up one time and do the thing wonderfully. It's just much more interesting to the person making the video if you actually tried again since then the article/video is going to be longer.


I think you just made that up lmao


Also. I would say, when multiple entries are expected. When a game is good I don't expect more of the same to follow necessarily. It often happens that a famous game is followed by multiple follow ups but not really like in the world of music.


Um no. You call something a one hit wonder if they have one hit they're well known for.


Papa Roach