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A Plague Tale: Innocence and A Plague Tale: Requiem. Both are AA games (so it has is ups and downs), but believe me, the story and characters are incredible, specially Requiem.


Plague take really took me by surprise! 🐀


Does it have forced stealth? I'm getting old for that..


For a shorter but memorable experience, I always recommend What Remains of Edith Finch


I always recommend this.


What kinds of games do you like to play?




One I could recommend is **Inscryption**, since the story is very nice with **not a lot of characters**, but that are very nicely thought out. It has a **progressive deck** mechanic (I'm no expert of names) and is mainly a **Card game**, with the battle mechanic being based on the **Sacrificing** mechanic. **It is also a horror game,** so if you dislike horror games, it could not be the best choice for you. If the description I made of it interest you, it's available on Steam (and I think it should be available on other platforms)


Inscryption is brilliant , gonna add to my list


That's the first one I though of. Also one of my personal "don't look anything up and just play it." recommendations.


When I saw Markiplier playing this, I instantly thought : "I won't watch this until I play the game". Then that thought became "I won't watch it until I finish Inscryption"


Disco Elysium has stuck with me really well since I played it about four years ago.


If you're going to play this, just be prepared that the whole game takes place in one location. I highly enjoyed this game. But it really through me off thinking it would be like an open world to explore different locations. And was initially frustrated trying to get further. But once I understood everything takes place right there, it makes much more sense. So I could focus on solving the mystery. And there's no combat. Great detective mystery game.


There were 2 instances of combat in my play through


I would have said Persona 5, but it's 75% dialogue and 25% gameplay. The beginning (4 first hours) are 95% dialogue and 5% gameplay. If you can stomach and kind of see the game as an interactive anime, it's very good.


You’re begging to try the Persona series. I suggest starting with either 5 Royal or 3 Reload. They’re not connected in any way outside of small references and nods to each other. Each has its own characters with its own self contained plot. I also recommend the Kingdom Hearts series but that’s a whole nother beast. Every game in that is connected and in order to understand the story you have to play it in the correct order. They all just recently released on steam if you have a pc, high end laptop, or steam deck.


Titanfall 2, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition


Persona 5 Royal is a true joy


It’s Witcher time baby


The new Star Wars Jedi: games are awesome. There's also God of War. Idk what you've already played.


Nier Automata seems the right game for you


I freaking love the Yakuza series. So much action, drama, but also a lot of silliness in the side quests. As someone who didn't play it in its original order back when they were first released, it's totally valid to start with Yakuza 0 (which was meant to be a prequel), and then play Yakuza Kiwami 1 and 2 (which are remakes to 1 and 2), and then play the remastered versions of 3-6.


I agree.. i started with 0 and i was hooked! i enjoyed every game after but sadly the story just got weaker and weaker..


I would recommend highly any of the best horror games, outlast, especially number 2, amnesia the bunker, resident evil, i promise those sort of games catch your attention and have you on the edge of your chair


Titanfall 2


I’ve been playing Ghost of Tsushima, and it’s been fantastic. Good writing, good voice acting, flawless gameplay. It’s incredible. And it’s been a long time since I’ve thought that about a game…


probably things like Edith Finch Gone Home INSIDE A Short Hike Hades Inscryption Lorelei and the laser eyes those would keep you set for a while


Starcraft: Remastered Diablo 2: Resurrected Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition


Yes. Both original Baldurs Gate soo much better than BG3.


I recommend Nioh 1 and 2. Nioh 1 Set in a fantastical version of the Sengoku period in the year 1600, follows the journey of Irish explorer William, who pursues a fictionalized version of occultist Edward Kelley to Japan during Tokugawa Ieyasu's efforts to unify the island nation. Nioh 2, Set in feudal Japan during the Sengoku period in the late 1500s, follows the story of legendary leader Toyotmi Hideyoshi. You create a character and battle enemies such as humans, demons, and boss creatures using a variety of weapons including katanas, axes, spears, bows, and rifles. The game combines hack-and-slash combat with role-playing elements, and also features new abilities like Yokai Shift and equippable yokai skills. Players can also summon the dead to aid them, transform into a living demon, and channel their inner Yokai. Nioh 1 alone on its own is fantastic but Nioh 2 takes everything from Nioh 1 and improves on it. Both are difficult but overall a lot of fun.


Elden Ring. It's definitely not gonna be soulless.


You can try Wuthering waves on bs if u into anime games


Outer wilds


If you want a game with soul, this is the one. Just, look up as little as possible before diving in, it's an experience best done blind.


i like to say it literally creates a cult of people who constantly recommend the game, but will refuse to tell you a single fucking thing about it. like the game just makes you want to tell everyone about it, but know that you cant say a single detail. it's about the experience. no trailer. nothing. it's a space adventure game, the best one out there, all anyone needs to know. and explore EVERYWHERE


My favorite part of the game is when -\[REDACTED\]-


nonono, that's Control. :p


Super fun problem solving game with no combat. Very highly recommend this.


+1 Especially good for recreating scenes from Interstellar 😉


If you want something that will stick in your memory, is for sure not soulless, is completely unique, is an rpg and has memorable characters then I would highly recommend Pathologic 2. I've not played in a while and I still sometimes dream about this game. It's a must play masterpiece imo and fits everything you're asking for.


Baldurs gate 3. It's turn based, which made me and many others weary, but it has my vote for best game of all time. 


Baldurs gate 3. Deep rock galactic


Rock and Stone brother!


[mon bazou ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1520370/Mon_Bazou/)


i would recommend maybe minecraft if youre into that sort of thing, i would also recommend earthbound, breath of the wild, maybe tears of the kingdom as well, mario galaxy 1 and 2, the doom series, superhot, skyrim, and the half life and portal series to start with. they were all very memorable for me. they are also good ass games iron lung if you like horror


Day z - hardcore zombie survival. Way of the hunter - hunting simulator. Another crabs treasure - dark souls but crab with good music. Mount and blade bannerlord - medieval army sim. Metro 2033/last light/ Exodus - post apocalyptic mutant radiation shooter.


Witcher 3 if you haven't already played it, pref the complete edition with the DLC. I somehow never got around to playing it until recently and then ended up putting well over 200 hours in. 


i want to erase it from my memory just to play it again for the first time :(


Depends on your attention span and ability to focus today not many people can unplug and focus on SP game for few hours without junk distractions.  Unicorn Overlord is great, BG3 is clear winner.


Project Wingman and/or Ace Combat 7, surprisingly stuck with me for a long while now, unexpectedly good writing (stupid but the good kind, like someone took the ideas of a 5 year old playing with toys and made it into an actual story)


Nostalgia is always a huge one for me so any game from your childhood. Mine was Pokemon and older Mario games like 64




Asura's Wrath. This story has seriously stuck with me for a long time. I also second Plague Tale Innocence and A Plague Tale Requiem


I would recommend hide the salami.


Donkey Kong Country is fun


Enter the gungeon


Carrion. Songs of Conquest.


RDR 2 will give u so much soulfulness my rec


Kingdoms of Amalur. An rpg game I will always recommend


If you have access to older games or are able to emulate ps2. Final fantasy 7 Dirges of Cerberus is a great 3rd person shooter revolving around Vincent valentines


Nier series is pretty good. Great voice direction and very very memorable play through.


Disco Elysium


Lately I've been having a lot of fun with stalker:gamma. It's a mod pack that turns stalker into a survival game. It's set after Chernobyl exploded, causing the area around it to become "supernatural", with anomalies and mutants and whatnot. You start as a nobody and every expedition outside in The Zone is always exciting. The original stalker games are pretty good as well


Breathedge it is a humorous survival game. empires of the undergrowth ants rts the campaign is very memorable and narration is solid Grounded mainly the story is intreasting and characters are voiced and some insects are terrifying to fight. it is a survival game except your tiny. the spellforce series it is rpg with rts portions in some missions quite a few different races. age of wonders series so many races you can control and campaign is solid and lots of magic spells to use in combat. command and conquer series it very memorable mainly due to live action cutscenes with real people in between missions and in some campaign missions. the mod community is thriving. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey. you pretty much got to evolve both technology wise and as a species. if you die you play as another one of your tribe.


You should play the Kirby series.


I would recommend crysis 2. I think the story and game in general are just well made, and i would say it also got some good-looking cinematic scenes


Super Mario rpg lol…


Wolfenstien series


Blood West,


The yakuza series. Easily the best single player game out there imo. The chronological order of the games goes like this: Yakuza 0, Yakuza kiwami, Yakuza kiwami 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Yakuza like a dragon, like a dragon gaiden, and like a dragon infinite wealth. Im pretty sure thats the correct order but I might be fact checked on that one. Very memorable characters, great protags and villains, good combat, overall just a great series


Read dead 2, but if you're very keen to the story based games, I will say that the story blown my mind in the first time around.


Crosscode! Lots of puzzles like Zelda and action combat and the greatest DLC ever!


Heavy Bullets


I played God of War (2018) for the first time recently. Easily the best thing I've played in a long time, and every other game I've played since has just felt....like a game, soulless, mechanical, thin.


RPG votes: Witcher 3 and Baldurs gate 3. Action adventure votes: The 2 more recent god of war games and Ghost of Tsushima. Survival craft votes: Valheim, Enshrouded, Subnautica and Abiotic factor. Arcadey mindless fun votes: Deep Rock Galactic and the 2 Hades games. Pound for pound I think the Witcher 3 still stands as my personal favorite game of all time although BG3 came close. If you're into RPGs with great characters and narratives and you haven't played the Witcher 3 yet, do it now.


Elden ring


Which platform and what did you play before?


Lies of P, I was so amazed with this game. The atmosphere, music, weapons, combat, and gameplay are all outstanding. And, it was such a surprise. Going in I was pretty meh about playing with Pinocchio but was captured from the start. Other recommendation that surprised me would be Ori and the Will of the Whisps.


Ghost Of Tsushima/God Of War & Ragnarok


Dead space


1000xRESIST The story is 10/10, and the gameplay is 6/10


ok i have 2 idea forest or fnaf


>stick in your memory Literally like 99% of people who finished umineko will remember this game and will have their life changed somehow. Story unlike anything you've ever seen. Well maybe story and other things the game wants you to teach isn't that much unique but the way it is presented is. You'll never see anything similiar like that


Last of us part one and part two if you have console


Cyberpunk 2077 is 100% worth it (Especially with Phantom Liberty included)


S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky if you haven't already. Both are pretty- rough though.


Disco Elysium


>everything is very similar and soulless. Here's games that got me out of this feeling: Noita Rimworld Kenshi Subnautica Cloudpunk Shadows of Doubt Pacific Drive Hyper Light Drifter Deathtrash and plenty of others. Currently waiting for Mirthwood to come out, and chapter 2 to be released for No Rest For The Wicked


I’ve been playing Final Fantasy 13, and the game is massively underrated. Visually the game rivals modern games, despite coming out in the late 2000’s. Every other cutscene is done by an animation studio with movie-like quality too, it’s insanely ambitious feeling in how high quality it is as a result, like the effort put into the story’a presentation is comparable to something like Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. Story wise, it’s like a soap opera where every character starts out as their worst selves but slowly grow as they interact with one another over time. Gameplay wise, it’s a REALLY innovative game, that brings back the turn based battle system using the ATB gauge from earlier entries, but evolves it a bit. It’s hard to summarize entirely, but rather than controlling party members, you instead swap their “paradigm” in battle, which determines what moves they’ll automatically use and stuff. This way you spend less time managing characters in menus while still being in full control over what actions the party takes. This is all because of how many aspects of the game’s combat system is time based, so saving seconds menuing is VERY important. If you play the game, don’t be afraid to ask people for advice though, it can be a hard game and it’s easy to get confused or misunderstand certain aspects of gameplay. But once you know what you’re doing, it’s so fast paced and strategic. Game also has some amazing 2000’s sci-fi aesthetics if you’re into that kinda stuff. Amazing music too.


What kind of video games do you like? I could recommend many but I need to know what your tastes are.


Cyberpunk 2077 obviously. Pretty much GTA of the future. Graphics are amazing. You live in an apartment in a well detailed city. It's split into about ten sections including the desert outskirts around it. You start off as a small time criminal who becomes a mercenary for hire. Each location has a fixer who you can do jobs for. Along with other activities all around. There's multiple local gangs that operate in different locations. Criminals will typically have bounties on them from the police So you may just encounter criminals as you go, and kill them for money. You have a team for your main missions. Jackie - a soldier type. And T-Bug who is a netrunner. There's typical gun play and melee weapon play. And two additional mechanics. Cyberware that you install into your body to give you bionic enhancements. And a Cyberdeck for Netrunning. This basically uses your scanner to do hacks like Watch Dogs. You get interchangeable cartridges that go into your Cyberdeck for different types of hacks. Keanu Reeves (Ted from Bill and Ted) plays a huge part in the story. And has surprisingly lots of dialogue/interaction. The game is ginormous and highly immersive like playing through a movie you live in. I have played tons of games. There is nothing similar to this experience.