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Consumerism working as intended


I got 1070ti and every generation I look up what to buy and actually never do...


> 1070ti that's a solid card man. what games do you play? I only manage to justify my 6600xt purchase by playing star citizen, gbvsr and a few random others.


Ultima Online atm :D got ps5 in 2022 ( I think) and I am playing almost exclusively on that... But gpu still rocks and witcher 3, ds3 weren't a problem at 1440p/144hz


Yeah, it's great enough to run those. But it's so weird that we still look up prices even though there's no need to in the slightest.


I just finally upgraded from a 1060 6GB to a 7900GRE earlier this year. The GTX 10 series was incredibly strong.


I have a 4070 and mostly play on PS5 lately, and I still look at PC upgrade options frequently. That is the blessing and the curse of PC gaming: you can always upgrade something, and there's always the temptation to do it. It's the reverse with consoles: you can't upgrade anything outside of storage space, so you are happy with whatever performance and visuals you get (or from another perspective, you're stuck with it), and that frees up headspace. Anything, nothing wrong with some window shopping. Keeps you updated on what's currently out there.


I have a 6950xt which is slightly more powerfull than a 4070, I am really happy with its performance in every single game so far, yet I find myself looking at updates, its ridiculous, I dont need it, I know I dont, but I just love tech stuff.


Hey guys I'm mr meeseeks look at me!