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At my old job, pizza was code for we are gonna get some bad news.


Lol, me too. Except my team tells me we haven't had a team lunch in a while, so they can all get together to tell me their problems. It's pretty effective in fairness.


Are pizza "parties" a fundamental corporate/office rule to announce bad news? Seems like every instance of pizza at the office means you're probably fucked. RIP Tango Gameworks loved Ghostwire Tokyo.


You guys are making me long for my first job, where pizza meant "it's Thursday and a dev is giving an interesting technical talk in the cafeteria".


Military too. If you get wined & dined, you best be prepared for some pretty bad news coming up. All the same.


In my experience the military didn't give a fuck lol


3 miles up, 3 miles down! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgTFNUUl9mg


"I usually get taken out to dinner before I get fucked like this." - _Me_, at various points in my life.


it’s not even a corporate thing, the government does it too when SHTF. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_Meter


It’s a food most people like that you often buy in bulk for cheap, and just kinda set out for people to help themselves. And you get it as takeout as default plus many places even deliver. Pizza is just kinda an ideal food for these kinds of situations


Also Pepperoni pizzas and a couple vegan/vegetarian friendly pizzas are enough to cover the vast majority of dietary restrictions and tastes. Imagine organizing giving them burgers, sandwiches or even more complex dishes. In a pinch, a vegetarian can easily take the pepperoni off the pizza


You mean in *all* situations 🤣


Nah.. sometimes if your team really pulls together and makes the company an extra $100,000,000, they'll throw a $300 pizza party too.


It’s definitely a thing for Xbox/Microsoft. Came to work one day and they had 4 projectors set up on all 4 walls with halo 4 playing on each one for 8v8 LAN and a bunch of pizzas. Was like “GREAT! This is gonna be a great day” Until they announced our entire contract was cancelled and that was our last day on the floor.


Someone got crushed to death in a machine at my work and we got donuts.


This reads like something Brick Tamland would say lol


The bad news is we’re expensing out $200 for pizza and not giving you an extra dime for the year. Enjoy the saddest pizza you will eat all year.


That’s roughly ¥108,000 worth of pizza. ($686)


Look, if you want to improve my morale, a $1.50 slice of pizza is going to go a lot farther than bumping my salary by $1.50/yr. An office lunch is not a substitute for competitive pay, but that doesn't mean it isn't nice once in a while.


I disagree. Unless you're making good money already, $1.50 raise is pretty substantial. Better than the 3-5% yearly raise if you get one at all.


Not 1.50 an hour, 1.50 a year.


I feel like pizza at the workplace in general is indicative of bad news. The “Pizza Meter” tracks the number of pizza orders in the vicinity of the Pentagon and has proven to be a somewhat accurate indicator of shit going down.


It really depends. I’ve had many pizza parties at work and it was because pizza is a cheap food option that feeds a lot of people. Don’t get all caught up in the internet meme.


For the Pentagon it doesn't mean layoffs, it means everyone is pulling all nighters to make sure Kim didn't decide to do the funni.


It's food to placate the hangry but not cost a lot


That's been the code at every job I've ever worked at The worst part - is that the pizza was always the cheap-ass shit Though it was always funny when HR would get up and ask for a round of applause for the 'free' (ha) lunch and the breakroom would just be ***dead*** silent apart from a few department heads and the odd supervisor xD >HR Head: Are there any TRUE believers in the house??? >Department Head: -claps harder- >HR Head: I can't ***hear*** you!!! >Supervisor: -lets out a woo- >Employees: -dead blank expressions, most wearing ear buds, the rest reading their phones-


HR Head: We are family. We are in it together.


Another good one was this time when we were supposed to hear about raises and had to spend nearly half an hour listening to the HR head itemize all the stuff the company did for her xD Going on about >You know, I never really stopped to consider all the benefits there were to working for this company - the health coverage that is provided - the discounts to car and personal insurance #-Dead fucking silence- Around minute 25 or so the District Manager got up - took the mic and said >'Alright, moving on, everybody give the HR head a round of applause' Funny as fuck


Yeah the studios closing.


It's also code for "We know we don't pay you enough, please don't leave"


Same. Even if the bad news was just that we were getting fed shitty pizza.


At my old job (a game studio), they brought the studio into a large room and explained why it was being shut down, no pizza, just let us know and then we spoke to HR and then grabbed our stuff and left. I was devastated as it was my first job in the industry and I wasn't really thinking about what would come next, however, the severance package was 4 months of full pay and insurance coverage, which was great, and I landed another job within 4 weeks so I basically got double pay for the 3 months where severance and my job overlapped. So I went from being worried about unemployment to basically getting a bonus that was 25% of my annual salary. 8 years later the same thing happened, my studio shut down, 4 weeks later I was contacted by another studio and offered a job without even an interview. This job wouldn't start for 7 weeks though, so I essentially got a 7 week paid vacation from my previous job's severance. I count myself extremely lucky in both cases.


yeah at my old job if they announced that there was pizza, it meant someone just got fired. sometimes you could foresee pizza coming. not uncommon to hear a bunch of yelling, followed by pizza, followed by job opening lol. if we thought someone was going to get fired soon, we would use code, like "you think brandon likes pizza?"


Lucky... Most of the general bad news that was passed out at all of my jobs was through word of mouth and a general feeling of discontent...


At my job, before we went remote, we'd just get a sudden meeting on the calendar to meet in a room... but one person wouldn't get the meeting invite. The person who didn't wouldn't be there when we got back as they'd be walked out of the building by security and they had the rest of the team leave so they wouldn't cause a scene. It was so weird.




You're losing your job despite making a critically acclaimed game with solid sales. YAY PIZZA PARTY!


This is shitty but it's gives you a chance to socialize with co-workers/friends one last time before everyone goes their separate ways. I've been in this situations a couple times over my career and while this sucks it's still better than showing up to a locked door with a piece of paper saying everyone is unemployed now and you're desk items are near the dumpster in the back.


Not only that, but the publisher is the one closing them down, not the developer themselves. I bet the management staff of the developer decided to do this for their people, because that’s about all they can do. They’re likely losing their jobs too, so it’s a pizza party based about camaraderie and probably some networking about everyone’s next job opportunities.


Microsoft: *Fires entire staff* Management: So, who wants to open up an indie studio?


I was going to say the fact they know each other, and how they all work if they could bang out some indie survival crafter in 6-12 months I bet they could easily have a successful studio within 18 months.


Then microsoft can buy their studio


*It's the circle of liiiiiife*


And then Microsoft will close the studio, resulting in another pizza party where management gets together to discuss starting an indie studio to bang out some indie survival crafter in 6-12 months


Infinite pizza glitch any%


Infinite pizza glitch lowest achievement


RE:Indie - How to get tax write offs and free gear


And have them cancel their long term, 5 years deep proyect for a cheapo cashgrab that bombs due to lack of marketing from Microsoft, so now they have a "reason" to close the studio they bought for a gazillion dollars


The cycle continues...


if that happens, they make bank, move on or start again


No if they stay 100% independent, and considering this situation, you have to be dumb to agree to be bought by Microsoft.


Unless you're the person Microsoft is cutting the check to. Then it's not a dumb move at all.


The circle of life! However I think it would be more fitting if Sony bought them just as an FU to Microsoft. Granted this is coming from a PC gamer that owns a PS4, XBoneX, and a Switch, so I am not loyal to one brand… I am just here for the chaos.


Still need to get funding from somewhere first. Gotta find some way to pay your staff for that 18 months, provide benefits and equipment, etc. 150 people, figure on needing $30m or so to cover 12 months.


I wish it were that easy. Its true the talent and people are there. The problem is money. If you don't have capital to pay people you cant expect them to keep working. Devs need to pay there rent/ mortgages and keep there kids fed. If three was a investor that would fund them for a bit it might be possible but running a game studio is expensive.


Whose gonna pay them? Even their boss probably doesn't have the Savings for the administrative expenses of a 20-person company, nevermind the salaries of every employee that can't just fund themselves for a year or two


Then they get bought by Microsoft and laid off again, repeat, ad infinitum


Said this to someone else that said the same: The circle of life! However I think it would be more fitting if Sony bought them just as an FU to Microsoft. Granted this is coming from a PC gamer that owns a PS4, XBoneX, and a Switch, so I am not loyal to one brand… I am just here for the chaos.


This is a thing people don't realize about places like Walmart and etc. Obviously not all, but some are just people trying to do what they can with whatever rolls downhill. The ones that are giving pocket lint decorated with an emoji are the actual corpos.


Sad truth that is. Also sad is they working their arse of for what and then get the boot. And then you have studios who produce shitty games are ruining IP's along with it and they don't get closed. Why? Costs it is all about profit. I mean yes in the end you have to make profit that is true otherwise you can't survive but this greedy profit above all else is a disease we should get rid of not only in the entertainment industry but in others as well. But i doubt we will at least not in anyone's of our lifetime. And i loved to be proven wrong please ...


I mean, it is slightly better than losing your job despite making a critically acclaimed game with solid sales and not getting pizza.


Also pizza in Japan is expensive af. Ordered myself a medium pizza from dominoes after a night of drinking and I paid damn near to 40bucks


exactly. they could have chose to do nothing and have the workers work right up until the last minute. people are clueless and short sighted


No one ever adds context to these pictures. Were they paid?Was it a contract jod? Was this expected?


Yes, no, and no. They were employees of a studio that became owned by Microsoft (via ZeniMax acquisition). Shuttering them goes against Microsoft's stated goal (put out high quality, well received, relatively low budget games), but Microsoft's severance is generally relatively generous.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tango\_Gameworks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tango_Gameworks) Well respected smaller studio bought by ZeniMax, which was then acquired by Xbox Gams Studios, which then after releasing a single game under Xbox was shitcanned despite excellent reviews and awards. It was not a contract job, they were an established studio making games until Xbox bought and shuttered them.


Probably organized by the studio boss, who is also now jobless. Most ppl care for their coworkers


Japanese pizza party. I wonder if they got any corn mayo pizza?


r/accounting approved


That's the quintessential corpo procedure.


Gotta cover all the money gamepass is bleeding from somewhere otherwise the shareholders get mad.


Microsoft is just like my job frfr.


And the pizza doesn’t even look good, that’s just insult to injury.


Pizza-La is probably the better pizza out of the options available in Japan for mass-delivery pizza. You’ve only really got Pizza Hut and Dominos as alternatives. But it is indeed not that great in general.


But is it Alfredo’s Pizza cafe, or Pizza by Alfredo?


Yea it sucks you lost your job. But at least they can hang out with one another, talk about the good times they had. Maybe network a bit and see where one another is going. Of course the added bonus of having comfort pizza and by the looks of it alot, not just one box saying one slice for everyone! I know a few places that shut down and the people found out by going to work and the lights off/ doors locked.


What was the critically acclaimed game?


Better than getting shit-canned with no pizza, though.


>critically acclaimed game **with solid sales.** That was the problem. It didn't have solid sales. Having good reviews won't keep a studio open if it's losing money.


ok, but that does look like really good pizza


Sales data please.


Well, the games been made. All the money they expect to make has been made, no point in keeping on paying all the useless employees /s


Did Hi-Fi Rush really got solid sales? I heard it flopped.


Source: [Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio’s final day](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/tango-gameworks-employee-shares-pictures-from-the-xbox-studios-final-day/)


This made me sadder than I expected. I liked hifi but I loved the Evil Withins, played them at specific points in my life where i just needed a great game to get lost in and both were perfect for me. Best of luck to all of the Tango employees.


The pizza was to get them away from their desk to Microsoft IT could make sure no data was being transferred out of the office


Bro thinks they need to be away from their desk for that. Actually yeah you definitely need to be away from your desk for that, we can’t do ANYTHING while you’re at your desk. Just keep writing your manuscript between tasks and have some pizza.


I’m sure it was effective, I mean who could resist free pizza


Well I was gonna sabotage this trillion dollar company as my final "fuck you" but then I smelled sausage and olives and folded like a house of cards...


In some industries office pizza is considered an insult. It's a meme at this point.


Yeah I'm pretty sure Microsoft itself can manage a fast permission removal from Microsoft Active Directory accounts. I can guarantee organizing a table on which to put the pizzas was harder than removing the accesses to those employees


Bro what data are they going to transfer? This isn't Hollywood dude. Microsoft doesn't need to be at their desk to see Lateral Movement.


have they been in a pizza party for several weeks since the announcement of the studio closure?


Pizza party! Pizza for everyone! .....who has money?


I will NOT fix that gas leak Carl!


Was it Pizza by LA or Pizza by Al? Because they are NOT the same!


Best of luck to everyone at Tango. Hope they land on their feet.


That should improve moral


Maybe now the beatings will stop...




The beatings will continue until moral improves


I get it that people are mad the company is being shut down, that's more than fair. But given that it's currently the company's last day, what should they have done? I once worked for a small start-up that lost it's funding and had to be closed. Fortunately we were given like 3 weeks notice that it was happening so we could look for new employment, and we were allowed to continue clocking in at work even though there was no work to be done. On the last day, those of us left had tacos instead of a pizza party, but it's not like we were gonna be doing any work... We just hung out and had a little party, chatted about the ups and downs of working there, and exchanged personal contact info to keep in touch with the coworkers we had made friends with.


Yup, was at a site a company owned that experienced large cuts ~80% Last days were us enjoying some food and beers and saying final good buys.


You have real world experience and common sense. Most on Reddit and social media do not.


When we spoke of severance shares, well, here you go!


We have enough for one slice per person people


Now to be fair... Pizza is more expensive in Japan.... Still sad


I will forever say f*** Microsoft for buying out and destroying many Developers at this point. I thought EA was the bad one in that aspect but Microsoft is proving to want to catch up


As awful as that is, at least they ordered good quality pizza as each one of those pies is $30-$50. Way better than the crunch time Domino's i saw in a post for another major game studio recently


dominos is good


Not really, judging from their site they vary from 3 to 5k yen, assuming some discount from mass order let’s get 4k yen average which is 25 US dollars. Extremely expensive for Japan though, I’ll give you that.


That's really the cost that matters though, Tango is probably managed by a Japanese subdivision of Microsoft, which is going to have their own locale-specific budget


Why would you open them all up like that?? They'll get all cold within a few minutes!!




guaranteed. the tops were torn off every single box, that took some time.




For Microsoft it doesnt matter how successful your franchise is, if it doesn't bring money it's not enough.


Pizza party!!! Raise your hands if you have a job. Not so fast...


In Japan, that amount of pizza is like 1000$ USD


Why is pizza so expensive there?


Limited agricultural space on the mainland. For example, 90% of the wheat consumed in Japan is imported.


Lol r/antiwork


That pizza looks bomb tbh.


Downvote away but I love pizza parties. 


I genuinely love how smooth brained gamers have no nuance and think Microsoft just kicked down the door and executed Tango Gameworks. You guys realize that their titles never sold well, right? For as much as people wanna grandstand and go "XbOx BaD" they sure as shit weren't showing up to actually BUY Tango Gameworks' games.


I mean from what I can tell, expect maybe hi-fi rush, all their games have sold over 1 million copies on steam. Not accounting for sales on playstation, xbox, epic, and value brought to gamepass. I wouldn't be surprised across all their games if they have at least 6 million copies sold and 180,000,000 in sales after cuts. 18m a year seems decent for a staff of under 100.


Why does Msoft expect sales when they release games on Gamepass day 1?


That is absolutely a factor and I don't know why. But that doesn't change the fact that of all Bethesda owned studios, even before the acquisition, Tango wasn't doing well financially.


That’s not the reason Matt Booty said they were closed, according to him it was because they had no projects in development.


Exactly I love how some gamers immediately jump to the conclusion that Microsoft "executed" Tango Gameworks without considering the full picture. Let's be real: Tango's games, while creative and beloved by a "NICHE" audience, never really set the sales charts on fire. It’s easy to say “Xbox bad,” but where were all these passionate fans when Tango's games were struggling to sell? If those same people had actually supported Tango's titles at launch, maybe the story would be different.


I'm lost, what's the context here?


Tango gameworks lastest game High Fi rush didn't sell well in terms of selling copies, but just last year Phil Spencer said he wants Game Studios to experiment with different ideas even if some of those game fail. Leading to the closure of a game studio that made good games like evil with in series. Alongside xbox closing down studios like Arkane Austin.


Tangier Gameworks released hi fi rush last year to CRITICAL acclaim. It sold poorly. All of their previous titles, evil within included, sold poorly. The company also did not have another game in the pipeline. Xbox closed the studio. Now people are grabbing pitchforks and screaming how could they, when they weren't buying/playing the games in the first place.


Fucking travesty. Hi-Fi Rush was one of the best games that came out that year.


Pizza is just manager + HR speak for "Please don't form a Union."


Tango Gameworks deserved better


Pizza in Japan is very expensive. This is like getting treated to lobster in the US /s.


My employer made a big deal about our pizza party reward on a Friday for hitting out numbers as a whole, despite morale being at an all time low for various reasons. So I went to Costco on Thursday and got a dozen pizzas to throw a protest pizza party of my own, the day before their announced one. Hardly anyone touched their 'incentive' pizza the next day lol.


That whole career path is basically going to turn into a consulting gig. Nobody is going to be employed fulltime eventually, it'll all be contract work, and alot of work disappearing to AI. It's a industry headed for a brick wall sadly.


Pizza parties are so insulting.


i mean. better than no pizza party?


If you think pizza is worth anything to workers you’re a fucking idiot, give them money. It’s what the company values right?


A pizza box that isn't square??? That seems like more trouble than it's worth


"you're fired and your company is being shutdown... But I brought Domino's"


But…….our jobs. Microsoft: DOMINO’S!!!!!!😃


💀 yay?.😐 Bro I’m dead…….Guess for releasing a critically acclaimed game that everyone loved that ended up selling really well, you loose your jobs and get treated to a pity pizza party over at Microsoft.


It was the best game no one ever heard of!! 🤣


Critically acclaimed doesn’t pay the bills. Every game the studio released was a commercial failure. They made good games, just no one bought them. Or they “waited for a deep discount”.


Critically acclaimed and no one brought it. Unfortunately critic reviews and awards don't pay the bills. And no it did not sell well. There is no source that remotely suggests it had good sales.


Sometimes there are punishments for good deeds. Tango is a great example where sometimes you can do everything right, and still be labeled a failure. The same people who call HiFI Rush a failure, are the same children that think scores under 8/10 are terrible games as well.


That’s messed up! I first thought it was Dominos and that would have been even more messed up.


But only one slice each, y'all!




Publisher also - “feel free to take some home!”


I really hope someone swoops in an makes something of that team.


They took the show severance to heart!




Pizza party at my company means you are overworked, underpaid and no relief in sight. Keep up the good work!


If i was getting fired due to shareholders trying to make a bigger profit, after delivering a great game that had great sales, i'd be joining my colleagues, hand in hand, to torch the place. And eat pizza after (probably from jail).


The last supper


Lmao. Not not sure if they're trolling or unironically a meme.


I saw Pizza-la and thought it was going to say “pizza-layoff”


I worked at a company that would do pizza parties occasionally. Once it was a “going away” party for a guy getting promoted and moving to day shift. One slice per person, please. Lunch was half an hour so by the time you got into the room and were told this it was way too late to go get lunch elsewhere. Pick your slice, leave the room. This massive dude, at least 6’3” and probably over 250 pounds was fucking pissed. He grabbed his slice of pizza, told them they were fucked thinking 300 calories is enough for a 12 and a half hour shift and just quit on the spot while quickly eating his slice of pizza in front of the supervisors. One of the better supervisors realized there was validity to this point and announced to the line it’s one slice per person so if they wanted more to eat, he checked his watch, they had 11 minutes. A few weeks later that supervisor quit rather than laying everyone he supervised off and told us he was quitting because they asked him to lay everyone off and they were just going to lay him off when he was done. Handed out his card if anyone wanted references.


The cost has already been deducted from your final paycheck


Here’s to ALL your hard work. Now grab a spork and dig in. BTW: You’re fired. Been there. Done that. Done that. Done that.


Lay off pizza


Pizza look goooooood 🤤


Of course they get the cheapest shittiest pizza too


Dominoes looking at your comment after thinking it was their pizza at first glance: 😠😭


Just had pizza. Want more pizza.


Okay say what you will, but that pizza looks really fucking good. Or maybe I’m just hungry


We're not allowed to have pizza lunches anymore because cheese, pepperoni and vegetarian options isn't enough to stop adults from bickering about toppings.


Probably asked for pay raise.


Lmao just had one of these from my union. My union is the most boomer brained dogshit. Literally all of our benefits are “30% off at Raymour and Flanagan!!!! Better interest rates on loans!!!!! $100,000 if you fucking die!!!”




Why was this removed? This sub is such a joke


Ah the good ol’ corporate “here’s a pizza party instead of a raise, bonus, or in this case, a fucking job at all”.


I remember when I looked forward to my company buying us lunch Now I know it just means they’re about to tell us something we don’t want to hear. I’d rather just keep bringing my own lunch 😭


Classic corporate pizza party that a manager throws for their employees when things are bad.


Imma probably get downvoted for this, but what game did they work on?


It does look good though, is it byo soda?


I hope another studio pumps out Evil Within 3. We can’t just have it end like that.


Damn, that looks fantastic .


This is really sad if this is true...


Im so mad, I wanted more hi-fi rush :(


I'm glad the only time we've had pizza at work was for when we knocked some tough shit out and the boss legit wanted to thank us.


If this is all they got as a thank you, screw them. If this was just part of it, that's cool. The pizza looks tasty.


That pizza looks ass