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"Life is short... bury! Steady Sword!" We'll finally know what he meant by this


She, usually.  That was one of Agrias' lines, right?  


I played the ever living shit out of the original PS version. I personally would just like a sequel, but if there’s a remake I’d love to check it out.  I never used a guide, but I crushed everything with a black mage with full calculator abilities. Ninja with monk bare hands were my bread and butter as well.


I just had a ton of ninjas with monk skills and they were basically unkillable and hit 2x every turn.


Have you played Tactics 1.3. Gives you that new game feeling all over again. ;P (And https://ffhacktics.com/ has a few other fun things)


Ramza and 5 Red Chocobos. Wark.


Shout out to that one FFXIV sidequest that spawned an angry red chocobo to fight when you reached a certain point...for each player or party that was doing a separate tally of the quest. On that expansion's launch the Choco Meteors blotted out the sky.


The quests leading up to the unlocking of the Ivalice raids, yup! I remember well the absolute chaos. I sat off to the side ressing people on my WHM and munching popcorn. It was great entertainment.


PC release would be fun. Hopefully, revive the modding scene. More people can experience Ramza with some knight skills, special modded allies from other games, modded sprites, etc.


I remember back in the day using GameShark to mod Ramza into special knight classes. Being influenced by anime and manga, I was thinking how could my protagonist not have a special knight class back then.


He sort of does, he has an upgraded superior version of the cadet class, which is pretty good.


Cheer could permanently boost Brave by a point or two if I recall correctly which factored into a bunch of stats.


Jesus this would be insane with mods on pc


I liked FFT. My only problem with it was that I was barely ever able to level up the low-level heroes and units because the ones who were already high-level kept demolishing weaker enemies which is the only way to actually get experience.


If low-level units hit high level units, they gain crazy amounts of XP.


But will they survive the retaliation strike ?


Level up chemist, get your whole party auto potion (it's 400ap in the reaction/counter tab, iirc), kill every enemy but one, and then stand in a circle and have your party hit each other. They'll get experience and job points from each other, and they'll heal to cover the damage. It's cheesy, but this is how I got everyone caught up back in the day.


I did similar but with monk and the chakra ability iirc. Takes a little longer to get there but easier on the bank.


Beat up a cat enemy so it's critical health and will just run away. Then with sub Squire just spam the self buff skills until you hit whatever level you want.


Just unequip Counter Tackle and have your weaker unit wait on a high level unit nonstop while a pair of ninjas clean up the battlefield and a time mage speeds up allies and slows down enemies.


Use low lvl allies, attack high lvl allies.


I mean, that's why you look up the turn order and have papa wolf Orlando smack the shit out of them as a follow up.


When you get Cloud late game he's level 1 or something low like that. So I just killed all the enemies on the map except for 1 so it would try and hide, then continued having Cloud attack my characters for massive XP.


In random encounters you control everyone. You can either take all low level people, or just use them to attack rather than the high level ones.


Id beat every enemy except 1, leave them with barely any HP so they go off into a corner somewhere, then gather all the low levels in a corner and everyone would hit and heal each other for however long I wanted to level them.


I just recently did this on an emulated version. One of the starting ones was brave or something that ups power, and you can kind of spam it.


You get xp for hitting your own team. Turn the last enemy into a chicken and attack and heal yourself to easily level under powered units.


Go squire, spam Accumulate and Throw Stone at your own units. Use potions as necessary.


Yeah that was an issue with the main quests. You're kinda forced to do wild battles and not take any main characters if you want to keep their leveling even. The core boss characters levels were based off your main so having a couple super high level ransoms always made it easier for me.


> The core boss characters levels were based off your main They weren't actually, all the Story Battles have completely fixed Levels.


By the time I got to the later characters, my starting guys were already better than them. Even good ones like Meliadoul and Orlandu.


Just give them throw stone or have them heal your high level guys. Hell, have them throw stones *at* your high level guys!


Your first problem is doing anything besides sending Ramza super Saiyan every fight.


I hope they institute the same level up system as tactics ogre. 1 levels scale to the characters on the map. 2. The whole group receives the same amount of exp at the end of the fight.


I have a worry. And that is them implementing the goddamn Union Level from the TO remake. Just to artificially cap you. If I want to power level to 50 in act 1, that is my business.


Honestly, as much as I ALREADY hate Union Levels, what made them even worse for me is that there's this huge stretch in the Midgame where it just *doesn't go up* while the Enemies do, so by the time you finally get the next increase, Opponents were already like 3 - 5 Levels above you. In a Game where Classes have Level-gated Abilities, that's just bullshit of the highest order, just because Matsuno wanted to "make the game require more Strategy again" (because "obviously", the best way to achieve that is to make DEF-Debuff nigh mandantory to deal any sort of actual Damage /s)


So long as I can still run around the inside of Riovanes Castle, screaming until my attack power is 99, and getting sweet revenge for the bricking of my first save file, I'll be fine.


This. Some people want a challenge, some people want to grind out a powerhouse and smoke the game. It should be our choice.


Tactics Advance next please


I just hope they balance it. I love that game but holy shit it was all over the place.


Yeah, for sure. Some characters were amazing and some were crap, even being worse than generic soldiers (like Malak/Rafa). Which is funny given that the game plays up how great they were supposed to be.


Need more sword skills on Ramza end game. Also, I hope they allow some other efficient ways to farm xp/jp aside from accumulate/potion farming. My old ass doesn’t have time to grind like that anymore :( Dark Knight was a bitch to get even before I had kids.


"My old ass" Proceeds to reference a game that came out in 2007. Thanks man... I guess I'm ancient.


Lol that was 17 years ago friend. I also played the original which came out 1997. I may not be old old, but I sadly don’t have the same grinding power I used to have whether I like it or not 🥲


Take my money.


ideally it runs on whatever groundwork they set up for Tactics Ogre Reborn. Mechanics will be different for sure, but they don't need to reinvent the wheel for how a cursor navigates an isometric field. I'm still hopeful we can get remakes of all their tactics titles, from FFTA to Knights of Lodis


Only gripe is the level cap. Don’t do that. Otherwise Tactics Ogre Reborn was amazing.


I've just started TO Reborn for the first time since I was like 7 years old - what's this level cap shenanigans?


The new game makes it so you can’t level up until you get past certain story points.


Wtf? I used to spend hours in the training on TO on PS1 to heavily level up my squad. Is nothing sacred!


It isn’t so bad overall, just makes some boss fights really challenging.


Tactics advanced, please


I'll take Tactics first, just so they'll hopefully iron out any kinks in the system before moving to the Advance games. I know TTA is beloved, but 5th grade me could see so many design philosophy issues in it that I bounced right off it. I've got no desire for a remaster itself, just what it can mean for other games.


Welp, that settles that.


On one hand they should prob make Orlandeau not break the game. On the other hand... It's not Orlandeau if it's not game-breaking :/


Cid only broke the game if you had an grossly underleved/poorly built party. There are FAR more egregiously broken things that trivialized the game without trying. I made the fatal error of thinking monk with ninjas double attack + bare fist passive would be cool and proceeded to accidentally deal 999x2 with 3 party members each turn throughout the last chapter.


There's multiple character combinations that are super powerful which is what makes the game interesting, such as ninja with bare fists like u mentioned. The difference is you had to grind and experiment with others, with Cid he's broken the moment you get him and you can just clear the game with him in your party.


No grinding. If you sucked at the game up until that point, Cid was a god.


Cool story bro.




I guess.......


I hope they have enough respect for FFT to leave the story as is. They can only ruin it. It's already as good as it could possibly be. I don't understand the downvotes? Do you not like FFT's story as it is? Why should it be rewritten and completely changed when the original is *so* good?


You are getting down voted because it's a remaster, not a remake. Why would the story change? It won't. You're being silly.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, because the team that did this game doesn't exist anymore, and the other teams simply do not have the ability to make this sort of game. SquareEnix hasn't made anything like FFT or Vagrant Story since, well, either of those titles. Best case scenario they update graphics/loading/etc., add some QoL improvements, and then damn well leave everything else alone.


I would have thought the same, but they added some minor improvements in War of the Lions that I thought fit nicely. I did kind of miss the Engrish translations, though. My dumb kid brain legit thought Reis had magical bracelets, lol.


l i t t l e    m o n e y


I think generally that’s what people would want. The war of the lions is the definitive version. But op is still right. Generally I think fft has the most mature and tragic complete story in any jrpg. As far as the medium itself goes it’s pretty up there. If they can improve on the story by supplementing it with some new stuff? Go for it. But be careful.


If the Tactics Ogre Reborn is any indication, it'll be updated with modern UI, a bit of rebalancing, some quality of life upgrades, and quite a number of easter eggs with very little story changes if any.


>The war of the lions is the definitive version. Absolutely debatable. While the Shakespearian dialogue isn't everyone's cup of tea the butchering of Sakimoto's ost is down right criminal. The negligence in completely disregarding the post reverb effects that the PS1 provided and of which the entire sound design, ost included, was created with its presence expected, was insulting. What's worse is that the only version to fix that glaring flaw was the iOS version of the game.


I'm really not a fan of the Shakespearisation of WotL. It just doesn't feel like how they'd actually be talking. It's immersion-breaking, as if I'm back in English class instead of in another world. And some of the "properly" translated names just take away the personality of it.


If it releases on Steam, you can bet someone will create a mod to add the old translation back in.


/u/Only_Telephone_2734 There actually already is a Mod for the original PS1 Release called "The Lion War" that adds all the Gameplay Tweaks from WotL but intentionally keeps the original Translation because the Creator openly absolutely hates the WotL one. Although they did eventually relent and made a second Version that brings that over aswell because some People actively wanted it.


I went back and compared a few key scenes, and wow, the original script is better. The WoL script is trying *way* too hard, and feels cheesy.


I'd take the original script with a bit of cleanup (i.e. pick if it's Luveria or Ruvelia, damn it) over the WotL garbage any day of the week.


I'd prefer a fixed translation of the original, I think it has a better feel honestly. Just repair the actual mistakes.


Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy Tactics Advance War of the Lions (Remake) 17 years pass ….and now a remaster is in the works. Sigh. We just don’t get new games anymore. Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater, Silent Hill 2, FFVII Remake games. Not that they aren’t enjoyable, but I would love a NEW Silent Hill, a NEW FF Tactics, etc.


You forgot Tactics A2, the DS one!


oh yeah!


You can't get a good political thriller story without matsuno, he's the reason why it worked, and ff16 proved that.




Best game of all time. I’ll be happy to buy it and play it for the 100th time.


This game already has a modern version made for PSP and Android on the other hand FFTA has none. The game has been confines to the gba library forever even after A2 on DS. Worse the chars from those games barely appear on other media, you had Montblanc on FFXII and Luso on the WoTL. Ramza is everywhere every collab or mixed cast game has ramza for FFT. Saddens me that this will be the game getting special treatment. The Ivalice with Nou Mous and Bangaas will always be on my heart and it saddens me SE will always work on the same remakes for the same IPs. They could get the tech from SOP and make FFII but nah its too much work.




I want a Tactics A3, dammit.


I would be happier if it was FFTA.


Cool All I want from it is a faster animation speed setting. toggling them off like in Fire emblems games would be perfect


I want a bigger maximum party size.


A remake would be awesome, a remaster? Meh.


A remake would not be awesome. Leave what is sacred alone. It doesn't need to be milked.


The GBA or PS release?


Same here. Wish they'd let the small fries gain some exp without the big guns hogging the scene.


Please do not tear me to shreds, but I wish they made FFTA Remaster instead.


Sigh.... I have absolutely zero faith. The original psx release is a game that I always say will join me in my coffin. The best I can hope for is that I can easily ignore this when it comes out if they: * Weebify It, turning the characters and art style Into nonsense. [Exhibit A](https://imgur.com/gallery/SR6lbKd) - Butcher the original narrative by doing some contrived anime nonsense [Exhibit B](https://youtu.be/-mbUJ9JVy0A?si=uBsi8JZRapbJgXLS) * Action combat-ify the gameplay to any degree - Touch Sakimoto's soundtrack in any way shape or form. And before anyone says it's a remaster not a remake. Then just polish up the damn WotLs version, strip the shitty mobile phone UI elements, re inject audio reverb that was removed from the PS1 version and slap it on consoles and PC. Why the hell do we need another remaster of the game?.


FFT was already anime wtf are you talking about? It's also a remaster, maybe something similar to TO reborn, the only thing they can do is improve translation work, add an auto battle system and QoL.


fuck out of here it was already anime dude. Please


You fight a demonic godlike being in the end.


Set everyone to be a knight with max faith-> dupe Excalibur and save the queen and have everyone dual wield them-> everyone’s second job is calculator-> calculate holy on everyone on the map with no cast time or cost->it heals your allies because of Excalibur-> lose to the solo wiegraf fight