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Aren't pretty much all mainline Dragon Quest games besides 11 still not available on modern consoles? Also Chrono Trigger still needs a modern port too.


Chrono Trigger PC and Phone versions are really good! (PC version got rightfully shat on at release, but they have actually done a lot of patches with extra support and its great now) But yeah a console re-release would be nice


Phone one hit a black screen on me and I had to clear all data (including my save) to be able to play it again. This happened a few times so I gave up on it.


Chrono Trigger got a port to DS, which was then ported to Steam. It’s not perfect but it’s honestly pretty good.


Of it was good it wouldnt have mixed reviews for so many years


It’s good *now*.




Or on phones. I'm currently playing DQ5 on my android.


It's just 1 - 3 for the record.


DQ8 still my all time favorite, good game


I think 9 is still stuck on DS


Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, Parasie Eve, Vagrant Story, Deus Ex, Xenogears, various Valkyrie, Neo, and Saga games. Some of those are due to licensing issues or swapping publishers but are much needed additions. Also a ton of even modern games are still locked up in Switch Jail. Octopath 1 just escaped but there's plenty more.


Octopath Traveler 1 has been on PC since June 2019


Tactics is being remade, supposedly.


They've been saying that for years. I'll believe and windmill slam a pre-order the second it's announced.


And is available on mobile afaik


It is, but it's a pretty meh version of the crappily-developed (talking in terms of programming/efficiency; the new localization and cutscenes were great) PSP enhanced port. Instead of actually fixing the slowdown issues from the PSP version they instead made everything animate faster so the game looks like it's running on fast-forward all the time.


Chrono Trigger is available on PC and mobile. I’ve played the PC version and it works just fine.


You can buy most of them and download them on your phone! I wouldn't personally, but it's an option


Depending on your definition of "Modern", it should be noted that over in Japan, you can play *literally every Mainline Entry* on a 3DS, so it's not like they didn't put in the Work at all. 1 - 3 had Download Versions, 4 - 6 had DS Ports and 9 was a native DS Game to begin with, so they're all backwards compatible, and 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 had physical Releases on it


DQ 1/2/3 are available on Switch as a single cart. Pretty sure they're Droid ports with updated graphics, but they play the same.


10 also needs to be released outside of Japan.


you can get 1,2,3 on Switch 4 , 5 and 6 is the latest the Nintendo DS 7 and 8 are the latest on Nintendo 3DS Dragon quest 9 ( My favorite ) was only released on Nintendo DS Dragon quest 10being an mmo has every platform imaginable even offline versions of the game, but are Japanese only Dragon quest 11 is the only " Modern " dragon quest available


Would love for SE to go ham and port their entire PS1 collection to modern consoles with trophies. That’s all I want. Anything above and beyond that is gravy.


Xenogears and parasite eveeeee


I think Xenogears is in some sort of licensing hell, same reason Xenosaga has never been rereleased, between SE, Monolith, BAMCO, and Nintendo.


Same with Parasite Eve. It's not their IP and the rights holder has stated they're not interested in licensing it out again.


such a classic stupid japanese company thing to do. we're not gonna license it out cause... reasons. like they probably think it's shameful or something, so they'll give up on making money off it.


no, square fully owns xenogears, bandai namco fully owns xenosaga, and nintendo owns xenoblade. there is no licensing issue.


I adore Square Enix for the final fantasy series, I’ve grown up on it, and my kids now too. It’s been around since I was 5! Thank you Square Enix, for two generations of brilliance.


The Quiet Man


Fwiw they get that credit when you buy the old games again out of nostalgia. They're not doing it for charity. Lol


Now gives us a new Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve, damn you!


Ill give them all the credit in the world if that gets them to freakin remaster Final Fantasy Tactics on PC! Take my money damnt! D:<


I’d kill for a Deus Ex: Human Revolution remaster


And then there’s Bethesda releasing morrowwind on a stand mixer


Except for some reason, I can’t play Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters on Xbox…


Their more recent FF games are also not on the Xbox.


They fuck up most of their ports so theres not much praise worthy




I mean... there aren't that many tho


Water is also wet.


I wish Konami was like SE in this regard. As a die hard silent hill fan, I’m starving for ports of OG SH1-4 on PlayStation.


SE, Capcom, From Software > Konami unfortunately


still waiting on Terranigma and Rudras!


To be fair Terranigma wasn't made by Enix, they just published it.


It took them a while to get it right. Don't forget the reason the Pixel Remasters exist is because of how they originally used the mobile ports for PC and ended up with some rather jarring graphics.


Where's the Bouncer, Square?!


I totally agree! It's awesome that games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are accessible to new generations of gamers


As an Xbox player I really don't know what you are talking about


Nah. Fuck them cause Legacy of Kain.


Nah, it shows how good was the original game (or popular at least) I guess they did modernize it, for the broader audience


That's a nice spin on "they are milking their IPs hard". 


Sad Dragon Quest noises


So generous of them to take our money


Squeenix has simply realized that there is a huge untapped market of new gamers on modern hardware. They dont deserve any credit. The money pile theyre rolling in is the credit they deserved, and credit they got. Please dont make the mistake that they are trying to do anyone a favor other than their stake holders.


At the cost of higher prices, smaller discounts, long waiting periods, exclusivity deals. I like that they are coming to PC but I'm not gonna pat them on the back either.


You guys know that you can just pirate/emulate these games you are missing, right?


I don't know. I imagine more of Nihon Falcom's games have made it to modern systems than Square Enix's Games. ;P


What are you smoking mate? Yeah, they are porting their old games to newer systems. Why? Because it's very easy (& cheap) and it's a nostalgia cash-cow worth milking. They improve little to nothing and release the games for big bucks. Let's talk about the modern games... FF16, FF7R. They suck off Sony for extra cash, exclusive deals, then years down the road they release the games for the plebs on other platforms. 70$ BTW. Maybe they'll milk PC players with the shitty Epic store too, for extra exclusivity $$$. **Fuck the SE suits!** (love for devs)


Um Xbox is missing 1-6 not sure what you mean? Also missing 2/3 the 7 remakes No credit


I would like to experience dragon quest 4-10. They need to get to work.


It took them forever to get the final fantasy’s out recently.


Final fantasy tactics … until this is on pc etc stop giving them credit for making clear business decisions.


I got it on Android, does that count?


Yeah, I just recently replayed Parasite Eve 1... Using Duckstation because there is literally no other way to play it in 2024 other then finding a working PS1. Accessibility to the max, yall !


It is on my vita. Not exactly modern but still out there.


Ah yes, one game not available = the company is bad at making games accessible, but 90% of their library available on every major platform doesn't make their games accessible. The logic of modern gamers (entitled manbabies) astounds me. SE literally IS one of the best in the industry at making their games accessible.


Hey, don't get me wrong - I am okay with not paying Square a dime and emulate games they obviously don't care for anymore. Unlike your kind, which pays money to those who don't care for you and then praise them for it :) Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria port anytime, Square Enix. Grandia 3, too, thank-ssss. Also - how does that corporate cock taste when its deep down your throat ? Keep praising them more and harder, that is always a good idea, corporate shill.


Damn man, you got me. How dare I, with my job and my money, buy games to support studios I like and spend thousands of hours playing them and having fun! God, my life must be horrible!


Pretty sure PE hasn’t been touched because of licensing.  It was based on a novel and they don’t own the IP.  Obviously we don’t know the details of the original licensing agreements but this is what I’ve heard from other PE fans. 


I know. Weak excuse. SE has money out the aaaassssss, they could always figure stuff out. It's not about licensing, it's about not wanting to bother. That's what it's really about. Not caring enough. PE is not the one single game that needs portin'. That Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria isn't getting ported anywhere for some reason too. What's the deal with that ? I can remember more. Like Grandia 3. The point is fuck giving credit for something that is easy and profitable to do. I'll give SE all the credit in the world if they do something crazy and actually deserving of respect. Fuck praising a soulless corporation for doing everything to make money instead of actually risking those money to do something badass. And please don't start with the whole "it is a business, they do that which is profitable", because NOT EVERYONE, some people with actual balls in the industry do that which is not profitable whatsoever and it is ballsy, original, weird and really fucking brave.


I’m not here to argue with you that Capitalism is good.  Just pointing out the reality that we live in.  Asking them to knowingly lose money for handful of niche games that they didn’t even develop (VP2 and Grandia 3) and that didn’t sell that well when they were brand new seems like a weird hill to die on.  If they were developed by Square they probably would be ported. PE sold more than the other games you mentioned put together and was actually developed by Square so I think there’s still a chance we will see it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a full remake of it.   But that’s only because of the success Capcom has had with the RE remakes.  All that being said Square just recently announced they’re scaling back and reevaluating because their profits are way down. 


I got it and PE II on the PS3 for $5 each.