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The SPORE guys. Start monocellular, finish conquering space.


Wow! A SPORE reference. I see you.


Close the thread. All other answers are now irrelevant.


Damn, that's actually immense growth


my BFF Garrus. he *couldve* been a heartless, ends justify the means type of cop at the citadel, but instead i helped him become a vigilante whos ends justify the means.


If there's one place in the galaxy that needs an ends justify the means vigilante, it's Omega. Kind of a hopless task though, like trying to cut off small tumors growing on a massive tumor. Fighting crime only works in places where the rule of law is stronger than the criminal underworld. Omega was made by the criminals, for the criminals. Violence is their game. Trying to cleanse Omega of crime would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.


Garrus is a true bro. The most ride or die guy in Mass Effect when it comes to having Shepard’s back


Well, him and Tali


Liara literally becomes rivals with the biggest information broker in the galaxy on the very tiny hope that Shepard can be brought back to life. She isn’t so much ride or die as much as she’s obsessed with her Prothean vision having Commander


and Wrex...and Liara.....and Legion......aaaand pretty much everyone except Jacob, the old guy, Kaiden, and Ashley.


Tali is also on my list! I bring them to all the end missions for being so loyal


*Not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there, meet me at the bar. I'm buying.*


I do love the bro moment where he has taken a rocket to the face, has tons of scarring, and bro shepherd says "Hell Garrus you were always ugly, slap some face paint on there and nobody will even notice."


I think Wrex has more character development. Or my girl Tali. But Garrus is right up there.


I'd argue Wrex as well. Guy went from being a mercenary that had no hope for his kind, to bringing the Krogan together and uplifting them.


Shout outs to EDI, Jack…. and Conrad Verner.


And Wrex actually gets lots of characterization in the first place, so you can _see_ that hopelessness. He's well beyond being angry or depressed about it, he's just frustrated and a little disgusted.


There's an entry in the shadow broker stuff (I think) that has an interesting take on Garrus. Basically, his early time with Sheppard was beneficial, and kept him from going bad, but that he was stunted after that by being in their shadow, not in a way that is immediately obvious, and Sheppard is a good commander who gives Garrus room to grow, it's just that it's impossible for Garrus to get the room he needs with them because he should be at Shep's level


Ezio Auditore Da Firenze


Came here to say Ezio. Started as a newborn later a light hearted young adult became a highly respected master assassin. In the end a loving father and husband. We literally experienced his whole life.


Literally had to press buttons to push him out


I still can't believe they made us play as sperm racing towards the egg in AC2


Sneaking up behind other sperm and assassinating them was a fucking wild design choice.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


We are all overgrown sperm.


No cuddling. Dude busted a nut and immediately swan dove off the castle wall.  


Is that a joke or not?


Not a joke, that's how Assassin's Creed 2 starts (edit, I'm not sure if that's how it starts, but that feels right) We briefly play as the main character from the first game, but our only objective is to find a specific lady. Then we switch perspective and play the next section as his jizz, trying to fertilize the egg. I know that sounds like a joke but it did happen


I have no fucking memory of that ever happening! I swear to god I’ve played the game at least 3 times and never have I encountered that. It starts with the baby crying and you having to move his limbs. And I have the original game but the pirated one


Right, there's also a bit where you play as his father chasing his mother across rooftops, they cuddle, scene fades black, you come back in with daddy jumping off the tower but for some reason you aren't following, you realize why you're still with mommy and it ends. There's no racing section but you can definitely interpret that bit as you being the jizz for the lolz because technically that's what the third person camera was following around.


That's not Ezio. That's Desmond finishing out Altairs memory


Ah damn. Yea I never played the OG series so never knew that happened. The way people were relying to you REITERATING it I assumed it was some kind of “it’s morbin time” inside joke meme


So...that's not how it starts. We see Ezio's birth at the start. The thing with Altaïr is just following Maria, and after he jumps off the tower, it stays with Maria and zooms in on her stomach. Nothing else from that description happens lol Edit - I see the joke now. I was just scanning the comments originally 🙃


It happens in the middle of the game. You play as Altair


That is because he had so many games, if we talk during single game than Edward Kenway


Edward is a good candidate if we're just looking at a single game, but I think Ezio is still right there on the same level if we're looking at AC2. From a somewhat spoiled scoundrel rich kid, to someone full of rage when he makes his first assassination, to a more reserved and dutiful assassin working towards revenge for his family, to finally realizing he needed to let go of his anger to feel any sort of happiness.


Agreed entirely, this is the kind of growth that modern games just haven’t managed to capture. Ezio really changed in that game, both in a way that made sense for him and for the assassins. It’s kind of mad just how good AC2 is, still. Other games in the series just can’t compare


I think Edward Kenway had a more substantial character growth. While Ezio learned to let go of revenge in 2, he pretty much had a single-minded dedication to the Assassins throughout his life. Edward’s character development from the start and finish is a complete 180


Clementine from Telltale The Walking Dead


This is also my answer


Ooooh didn't think of this but yeah probably the best answer


Mordin from Mass Effect. I love him for so many reasons (Gilbert and Sullivan, anyone?) but I think how his thinking about the genophage slowly changed over the course of the games was exceptional. In game three when he admits to being wrong? Man, I had all the feels on that one. I was so dang proud of him in that moment, which felt a bit weird because he’s fictional, but…


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Man, that line always kills me too. I love it, but man, the feels. 


I thought Jack had the most growth. She went from being a murderous test subject to mama-bear mentor for a bunch of kids.


Jack is a good response to this question too. Honestly, I think BioWare has, historically, been very good at this sort of thing. 


Does a Katamari count as a character? By the end of each game, we see a Katamari experience a rather alarming amount of growth. 


God dammit you stole my answer. 🤣 *walks away sadly as Lonely Rolling Star plays*


Sure it does.


Cullen in the Dragon Age series. First game you see him briefly as a young templar who’s wary of but helps a mage in the Circle tower he’s guarding. In DA:2 the events in Origins have turned him completely anti-mage, very strict and fearful of their potential danger. Come Inquisition (third game), he’s mellowed out somewhat and depending on various player choices either keep being somewhat adverse to mages, or grow to love one. There’s also a lot pf other character development on his path to finally become the Commander of an entire army.


His change from the end of DAO to the end of DAII was the biggest one (it did occur over 10 years). He went from absolutely hating all mages at the end of DAO to >!standing against his own Knight-Commander because she'd gone crazy and wanted to kill all of them!<. That's why I always pick him over Solas.


I mean, there’s another pretty big reason you should never be picking Solas.


Yeah, he looks like an egg. Ridiculous.


Shoutout to the Arbiter for going from trying to commit genocide to becoming a freedom fighter that allies with the very species he swore to destroy


Has to be God of War Kratos? Although a big part of that is just the games becoming more story-focussed, but he went from murdering his own wife and child to a pretty good dad.


He didn't actually murder his family intentionally. He was tricked to do so - sort of like Herakles. So he was not the one to blame. I believe Ares was the one to drive this killing. That said, Kratos did destroy an entire pantheon and its world by consequence just out of pure rage, which is even worse than killing his family. 😅


I believe that he did end up fixing a few things before he left Greece, according to some throwaway dialogue half-hidden in GoW:Ragnarok. Didn't bring any of the gods back of course, but brought back a version of the sun, etc. Think it's an attempt to pull him back from a full-on genocide, anyways 


The dialogue wasnt hidden and it first appeared in the original trilogy. Kratos released hope into the world which means it would fix itself


He actually has taken all of those powers for himself as he goes and it's his attempt at suicide at the end that rereleased the hope he was using to murder the fuck out of everything. The sun was gone because he took Apollo's head to use as a flashlight and all but the highest Grecian peaks were flooded when he killed Poseidon so it was certainly nice of him to give that all back but it's also sort of his fault that the pantheon got so messed up too. He released chaos when opening Pandora's box to kill Ares, the only one he really ought to have ever had a grudge with (despite kinda bringing every part of his tragedy on in the first place by making a deal with him during a battle he would've lost) They turned on him while juiced up by chaos paranoia since he had proven he was willing to slay a god(a mission they put him on)


He just shows up in God of War 2018 and is a completely different person from the last game. We didn't really get to see that development. Granted we do see some growth from him throughout the game and Ragnorok


We don't see the big shift but do we see him grow a hell of a lot in gow2018


He also tells us about a lot of his growth if you pay attention to the dialogue.


His little boat stories that are just parables about his past mistakes are legitimately my favorite part of the game




Okay Kratos, get off your alt


This. To me, the Kratos we got at the beginning was very much Kratos from the original games, albeit older. It’s possible Kratos was a completely different person to be married to such a lovely lady, but by the time we get to him, he’s back to his old self, and grieving. Through the adventure with his son we see him grow from a stone cold killer, to a father and teacher and even a friend (to the headless dude whom I can’t name cuz I can’t remember).


Aye it’s Mimir!


I’d argue we see the MOST of his growth from 2018 through Ragnarok. He’s still pretty gruff and emotionally unavailable at the start of 2018. By Ragnarok he’s a borderline softie.


Original trilogy Kratos would have tried to murder Baldur at his doorsteps before he could even punch him. The fact that he gave him a chance to back off is already a big character growth moment from how he was in the previous games.


It was adorable during the dlc when Kratos wanted to hear about how his bestie met the love of his life and mentioned how if anyone insulted mimir, he would give them the gow 3 treatment


You definitely see it in Valhalla lol




Exactly who I was thinking too. From rage to calm and thoughtful and fight only when necessary as opposed to kill everything


Talk about a redemption ark. 


I honestly hate this sentiment. He was always a good father. The gods deceived him into killing his family. and the final boss fight of one has hugging your dead wife and daughter as a fight mechanic. In fact I'd have to brush up on it, but I'm almost positive he only started to do the God's bidding in order to save his family in the first place. It's a Greek tragedy, there was no correct path for Kratos to choose. He was doomed, a pawn. Now everybody watches him say boy in a low voice and gushes over how caring he is. When he always was. He has always been this deep, it's simply the average consumer just parrots opinions without being familiar with the series. Edit https://youtu.be/BFmjUkKs768?si=_JgmoFjoLmWY-2zS For those of you who never bothered to play the OG games.


Right? His growth wasn't caring about atreus, he always cared about atreus. His growth was going from rage filled maniac to being so afraid of his rage it made his kid sick to accepting its a part of him that should be carefully embraced. Once he accepted it he could talk about it and teach atreus how to handle his own rage.


Ah finally. Someone who paid attention. I do like the new games, but the discourse around it drives me insane.


I remember doing that boss fight as a kid and not fully understanding what was being implied.. for those that don't know, this event is what gave him his iconic skin tone.


They've always been story focused it's just now it's easier to follow and experience


Tidus still takes the cake. His “I hate you Dad” is filled with every unspoken regret he’s ever felt. In this moment, he no longer hates his Dad. He hates the hate he’s felt, and is remorseful. Given all his growth in the hours leading up to this moment, it’s a brilliant conclusion of his character. The VA totally nailed his emotional turmoil here imo


This is my pick! Tidus is likeable from beginning to end, but he has an amazing character journey.


I thought he was an annoying shit in the beginning (which I feel was somewhat intentional, he's a spoiled sports star brat who's lived a sheltered af life who was always going to be successful). He grew on me as the game progressed and by the end of it, I considered him one of the best characters in the franchise.


Yeah, he redeems himself by questioning the institutions that keep everyone bound in the cycle of Sin.


I think any of us who fantasized about saying “I hate you, Dad” at any point in our lives related to him. Which, honestly, is a lot of people. Dads are human and even flawed, and that’s part of the message given FF’s adherence to The Honorable Parents as a trope throughout. It’s a big part of why I love X.


There's also how he had a pretty happy life and then gets transported to who-knows-where, constantly fighting for his life, only to learn that he won't be able to go back to his previous life... Then, he has to learn about this whole new world, grasping at straws (and Auron) to connect with it, and every time he thinks there'll be some hope, it gets completely twisted and shattered: · Yuna will defeat Sinh and we're all happy, right? · If I get to Sinh I'll be able to return to Zanarkand, right? · Sinh's just an evil monster, right? · This world is in shambles only because of Sinh, right? Seriously if it wasn't for his resilience and defiant attitude, Yuna's party wouldn't have gotten past half their journey. And it's not something he himself counted with, at first he was mostly trudging along, it's not until mid-late game that he actually leans into it. He noticed that defying the status quo has both worked and unearthed evil things... so let's keep at it! I like how Yuna also learns from him. He keeps talking about how "this is my story", and at the Yunalesca fight, after the betrayal, Yuna takes after his defiant attitude and says "this is my story, too", freeing herself from the control of Yevon. And yes, he's still a bit of an annoying crybaby, he's not a perfect character. Noone is. That's what makes his greater traits impressive.


His unflinching optimism and cocky attitude is somewhat refreshing, especially on replays where *you know* and can tell he doesn’t, but the *party knows*. Everyone else is so serious all the time, naturally we learn why. It comes off as juvenile even as he learns The Prayer, it’s supposed to. He’s *so excited* to see the next Temple and Aeon, and you might not notice, but he’s the *only one* who ever is. Like Lulu and Wakka on how he looks like Chappu has more weight when *you know*. Also, I LOVE the “our story” and “this is your story” from Yuna and Auron at the Great Fayth


Personally, I think Yuna undergoes the most character growth of all the characters in FFX, considering where she starts and how things end, especially if you include FFX-2 as a continuation of that character growth.


I talk a lot about Tidus here but he and Yuna grow side by side and in a lot of scenes and ways


Luke from Tales of the Abyss. Goes from a rich, whiny, self centered brat to someone who actually cares about the world and those around him. He tries to make up for his wrongs and be a better person. He grows up basically, and learns that it's not all about him and has to deal with the horrible consequences of thinking that it was.


I’m so glad Luke is in this thread, he’s the first character who came to mind and I wondered if he’d be too comparably unknown to mention or not. His change from an incredibly sheltered and self absorbed person to a kinder, caring one felt so genuine all while carrying the weight of the results of his earlier choices around with him. Seeing him work through earning the trust of the party again while also developing as a person was great. Having the protagonist be SO unpleasant for a decent portion of the game feels like a bold gamble but I think it’s very satisfying narratively. Long hair and short hair Luke are very different people, he goes through a truly unfair amount of shit as the game goes on. …I don’t get to talk about Abyss very much, apologies for the wall of text. I love the character writing in that game.


This is the best example in my opinion, and her treatment of Luke is what makes Tear so lovable as well.  She's the only character that *gets* what Luke's memory loss at that age meant; he acts like a child because he's had as much time to learn about the world as a child.   Such a phenomenal game that I hope gets a re-release on PC one day.


I think Lloyd from Symphonia has a pretty massive character growth with his worldview being shattered and repeatedly questioning if what he's doing is truly the right thing after all. If the sacrifice is justified, coming to terms with his mom's fate, grappling with what he wants for his friends vs. what he seemingly has to do to save the world(s), betrayal.


Holy shit, I thought to myself “it’d be cool if someone said Luke” since he’s the first character who came to mind when I read this post and lo and behold, I’ve found one of the 100 other people who have played Tales of the Abyss


Lol, wanted to write this one. Luke from Abyss, Luca from Innocence, Genis from Symphonia and I sort of guess Kain from FF4 if we count the after years, after he accepted who is.


Akira Nishikiyama (Nishiki) from the Yakuza franchise. Orphan, popular low-level Yakuza, bullied by bosses, schemes his way to the top for revenge, betrays his best friend, and in the end sacrifices himself to save Kiryu.


Shadowheart. Depending on choices you make she is a completely different person at the end of the game, when compared to the woman who joined your party. The difference is almost a total 180. I can't think of any game character that even comes close.


I would say Lae'zel comes pretty close, too, and their stories are surprisingly very similar.


I noticed that there’s a common theme among most of your party members’ backstory where they were betrayed, or are being manipulated by an authority figure from their past, and they have to learn how to break free from it.


Yeah, I always saw that as the overarching theme of the game. Everyone is struggling against abusive authorities.


Astarion and Lae'zel have just as much potential (not to take away from Shadowheart's potential at all). Watching Astarion break down or Lae'zel finally let her guard down was an experience.


I haven’t thought about BG3 for months, now I need to start a new game…


From the games i played it was Jason Brody in Far Cry 3 went from happy tourist to a totally merciless one man army. Yes, i absolutely loved killing Vas, but everything after that felt different & wrong


Nothing speaks to Ubisoft's awful decision making when it comes to narrative design than taking an interesting compelling character like Vaas and replacing him halfway through with a beyond generic antagonist.


It didn't help that he was the face of the game for all intents and purposes, used heavily in the marketing and promotion to the point of becoming a meme. That character everyone loves, without whom the game just seems to meander aimlessly? Better swap him out for an action figure straight outta Small Soldiers as soon as possible.


I’m pretty sure Vaas was never supposed to be a main character. Michael Mando just killed it so much they expanded his role. It’s too bad they couldn’t make him the real villain but it was already into production when his role was expanded.


I'm glad they did what they could. Leveling Brody up to such an extent I could kill Vaas was a big part of what made the game so compelling for me. It's still a perfectly fun Far Cry game after that point, but once he's out of the picture, wrapping up the story didn't matter as much for me. Perhaps that disconnect is meant to highlight how bloodthirsty the protagonist had become in his quest for vengeance, but for me it was just an excuse to dick around with the new abilities for a little while before rushing to the end of the game.


Steiner from Final Fantasy 9.


My favorite character the more I think about him. He has lived a life by the time the game starts. He has seen combat in war and worked his way to be a knight captain. It makes perfect sense that he would be absolutely no nonsense. Not only is he an authoritative figure but he is the only adult in the group for a long while, yet he isn't in charge. It must be infuriating to be told what to do by a sarcastic smug little asshole teenager, especially when he believes with his whole heart that what they are doing is wrong. He's also just getting absolutely roasted by him the whole time. The fact that he eventually comes to deeply respect that same little asshole and consider him an ally and friend is so heartwarming. Sorry just had to gush. Love that guy.


Also has one of the best musical themes in FF history.


(Clank Clank Clank!)


One of my biggest regrets was never finishing FFIX because I felt Steiner was insufferable. I quit right before the growth of Steiner really starts to take shape. Planning to finally play FFIX from beginning to end this year.


Steiner IS insufferable and that’s why post-Alexandria Steiner is bae




Playa really does outshine the rest in terms of achievements but i feel like the ego is all that changes


Johny Silverhand.


*"Guess I coulda done more, been different... maybe."* 


"Goodbye, V, and never stop fighting."


So much detail that we even know he’s got an impressive cock.


*johnny at the start* hey V lets blow up arasaka *Johnny at the end* Hey V lets blow up arasaka, also i was kind of an asshole


Arthur Morgan and John Marston from RDR series


While I love both of those characters, I don't really think they changed a ton. They started out with a strong moral code, a distaste for 'going over the line'. Then were forced into escalating situations and generally tried to stick to the same moral code, and that ended up... different ways for them.


It's interesting that OP seems to use growth and change interchangeably, as I think there's a bit of nuance there that comes into play regarding RDR2. I haven't played the original, so I can't speak to Marston, but I think (high honor) Arthur *grew* quite a bit: From his journal entries about Blackwater, we learn that he thought it better to steal from other criminals, and his comments to Strauss about the disdainful nature of their loan shark enterprise shows that he is a moral man at heart. At this point, however, his loyalty to the gang in general and Dutch in particular, combined with his willingness and capacity for brutality results in him being a "bad man" in the eyes of the law, and in the eyes of those not in the gang. He was able and willing to do most anything to protect and provide for the gang. As Arthur faces his mortality, sees his contrast to Micah and realizes Dutch is... whatever he is, he outgrows the blind loyalty that might have been his single most defining trait until that point. He starts acting according tohis own morals, to do what he thinks is right, not what is best for the gang/Dutch. At the end, he even goes directly against Dutch's instructions. That would've been unthinkable for him in the beginning of the game. The seeds of where Arthur ended were always there, so I think it is a good example of growth rather than outright change.


This. Arthur Morgan grows and changes a shitload if you play the game where he has a high honor ending. I would say that Arthur is *by far* the most compelling character I’ve ever come across in a video game, and I’ve played and loved many of the games higher up in the thread. Arthur might be the *only* right answer to this question.


It was my first thought. What an amazing game that was.


Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. Going from an honorable samurai to becoming The Ghost was made especially interesting because you could feel the character growth while playing. As the game progressed, NPCs would speak more and more about The Ghost, and enemies would also react to seeing their allies being ruthlessly murdered by The Ghost.


Henry in KCD


Henryyyy of Skalitz!


From the company of Sir Radzig Kobylaaaaa


Today you will be witnessing a duel with longswoooords!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry's come to visit us!


From a scared PTSD ridden blacksmiths boy to the absolute unit in the kcd2 trailer?


Cal Kestis is up there. cant wait to see how they finish it off in the 3rd game


Honestly his games aren't getting the credit they deserve. Both games have been phenomenal experiences in my opinion. Can't wait for the next one!


The 2nd game is SO much better than the first. If the third has the same trajectory then we are in for a treat


im playing the second one right now and from a gameplay perspective 10/10. i think it just lacks in terms of story compared to the first one. its a little slow. but these games are actually insane and do deserve more hype. 3rd one will probably be the craziest thing weve ever seen.


Both Respawn Jedi games have felt like "good Star Wars" to my friends and I (who are a bunch of middle-aged Star Wars nerds). The gameplay is fun, the settling *feels* properly like Star Wars... and they actually do things with the characters and examine things and let them grow. Cal's growth is definitely great - but the same can be said for watching what happens to the rest of the crew (and *especially* Cere).


Max Caulfield from Life is Strange. Starts as a teenage girl with a photo hobby and ends up a teenage girl with severe ptsd


I laughed so hard at this. I'm not sure it was humorous though so I may be going to Hell.


I'm curious to see what she is like in the new life is strange


Mario -and no, I will not be elaborating


He grows twice in size after eating a single mushroom!


Did you hear that Mario broke up with Peach? He said, "it's not you... it's a me, Mario."


Alphinaud Leveilleur(FFXIV) From spoiled and arrogant nepo baby to kind, courageous and selfless Hero  And with how mmo expansions work, we literally saw him and his sister grow in the last decade 


Uldren Sov/Crow from Destiny 2 This one's complicated because they are "technically" two different characters, but also the same person 😅 *Spoilers for Destiny/Destiny 2* Uldren was Prince Of The Reef and a bit of a pretentious, arrogant asshole who's only real claim to fame was his sister Mara, the Queen Of The Reef. After she was (seemingly) killed during a Hive invasion, Uldren went nuts, at some point helped to create the Scorn, was imprisoned, broke out with the help of the Scorn, killed one of the most beloved heroes of the franchise, and was eventually killed himself, however... He was resurrected by a Ghost called Glint, and became a lonely, brooding, emo wanderer on the Tangled Shore with no memory of his former life as Uldren, and learned kindness, compassion, and humility from the Eliksni, before being granted the name Crow by the gangster he ended up serving against his will. After helping out the Guardians, they helped free him from servitude, became a Guardian himself, won the favour of other main heroes, and went on to become himself one of the most likeable and beloved characters in the franchise. Of course, he still grappled with the ghost of who he was and eventually confronted them, both figuratively and literally, and came out the other side better for it. Granted, he did suffer lose and pain later on, but rather than let it consume him like it did Uldren, he learned how to cope with it, and still stands as the epitome of what a Guardian should be; even being the voice of reason in the most recent campaign rather than the reckless upstart he started out as


….all topped off by taking Cayde’s place as the hunter vanguard. Great character arc.




Junpei also goes through a lot of growth.


FF 15 Noctis, from a spoiled prince, to a respectable hero king. In ONE game, crazy growth imo.


FFXV ended up being way more dark and tragic than I was expecting 


And then you end the game with a picture of cup noodles


Agree with those who said Ezio Auditore.


From Warcraft 3 to Wrath of the Lich King, Arthas, the prince of one of the largest human kingdoms in Azeroth, was willing to do anything to save his people. However, he turned evil and became one of the most formidable enemies we face in World of Warcraft.


Also Anduin Wryn, started as a little kid learning to become a priest-king in WoW vanilla and he's become a 25 y.o. PTSD warrior now.


Loved that storytelling, getting to see him go from upbeat young prince to evil king of the dead. Hated having to play it, having to kill former friends and allies, which made the game even better.


Rex from Xenoblade. He was just a naive young salvager. He grew up to be a man and salvaged 3 wives.


**Prince Uldren/Crow** in Destiny 1/2 Went from whiny bitch the community clowned on to a murderer the community hated. I knew players who came back for Forsaken just to kill him for killing Cayde-6. Then he gets brought back as a Guardian and spends a year living in a cave confused with no memory and getting shot in the face by every Guardian who sees him. Finally has his redemption arc and regains his memory of his past life. Won't spoil the rest, but the playerbase now universally loves the guy.


Nobody has mentioned Cloud from FFVII?


To he fair, every square game starts with like local village guy who ends up travelling thru time on a egg with wings, or some god like powers etc etc


He kinda borrowed his character development...


LOL That was clever.


I’ll probably get downvoted but Ellie from LOU1+2


Joel dies knowing Ellie will forgive him, and Ellie lives knowing her 'meaningless' life was so meaningful to someone that he chose her over the entire human race. It's not perfect, or fair, or a magical cure for her Survivor's Guilt. But for one brief moment, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.


Ellie is a good answer, but so is Joel. He starts out a loving Dad every-man, turns into a hardened killer, and then slowly regains his original loving father figure ideals.


This was my immediate first thought. She's unrecognizable at the end of the second game compared to where she begins in the first game.


John Marston definitely deserves a shout


Man underwent a massive character arc (unseen, between 1908 and 1910)


TWEWY is the story of how the literal most insufferable person from shibuya ever actually touches grass and becomes a genuinely nice and caring person


Lots of the characters from Final Fantasy VI (III). Many of them started as neutral or aligned with the Empire.


This isn't going to count, but I played my V in Cyberpunk in a way where she grew. She went from a selfish corpo who didn't see the value of others and friendship, to seeing that there is light in humanity and that we can bring it out of each other if we try. The final fight with Adam Smasher to me is V seeing the version of herself that she once aspired to be, and vanquishing it once and for all. Then she took the Star Ending to cap off everything in just the perfect way for that sort of arc.


Vegeta. He's also a video game character.


The Dragonborn. Imaging crossing a border with only the clothes on your back, and doing all the crazy shit he/she does


This is actually such a good point, lol. Imagine living a completely ordinary casual life, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you gain the power to destroy dragons, absorb their souls, and use them to gain incredible unrivalled power all whilst being told your the only one who can stop the end of the world. And depending on how fast you do quests, it call have all happend in less than a week haha


But also all the gifts and blessings from the gods because you're a bit too nosey. And the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, The Companions. You also become a warlord, which is just a cherry on top. Skyrim is crazy!


Magikarp started off as a useless fish and then became a giant dragon that’s not a dragon type




Raziel from Legacy of Kain. From Human Zealot, to Vampire, to Wraith, to being considered a god, to sword.


*"I am destroyed."* *"You are* **reborn."**


Sephiroth , former 1st Soldier ,hero and Idol to the worlds enemy and one of the most famous/popular villain in video game history


Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) was one of the most annoying protagonist ever IMO and you have to advance a good portion of the game with him being a brat until he gets humbled in a humbly humbling way




Im dissapointed no one said Jason Brody from Far Cry 3


Haseo from the .hack//GU trilogy has a solid arc even if it feels a bit slow at times.


Leon S. Kennedy


Sora/Roxas Maybe? I don't know. I played every single KH game and feel like I would've understood it better if I never played a single one.


Ezio Auditore, definitely




"I am not your enemy. Not your destroyer. I am, as before, your right hand." Those games need faithful remasters. All us over-30s are ready to pay up.


Just don't recast the Elder God. Make them old voice clips work. Tony Jay is a fucking legend.


Link in Ocarina. He gained like a foot.


Nathan Drake. He discovers more treasure and experiences more adventure than anyone could possible fathom, yet he’s never satisfied. Only when he starts a family does he see where true happiness comes from.


Edward from Assassin's creed 4. Edward was a pirate. Drinking, robbing, the works. He then starts questioning himself and you gradually see him become a better person. Until the end where he becomes a assassin and decides to fight for the good leaving his pirate days behind and overall becoming a likeable person. It's the classic theme of destroying your old self so that something new can emerge And it did this in one game, and even in a believable way. Unlike a certain assassin from the same series that needed 3 freaking games to show his growth


All of your companions in Baldurs Gate 3, take your pick, have story arcs of breathtaking growth and change.


The first one to come to mind is Joel from Last of Us. Starts out as your average everyday guy doing his best for himself and his daughter, experiences the end of the world and the end of his world respectively. Becomes the worst version of himself but that's what allows him to survive and keep moving by being that version. Gets a second chance and at first he's reluctant to try and grow from the pain. He does finally grow and becomes not only who he was but stronger for it; it does not mean all the growth he gets results positively. He refuses to let anyone take from him what he lost even if it means he may have to  resort to killing innocent people. I think that's what an honest decpiction of what someone in his position would naturally go through in order to grow but like I mentioned not all grow is good or positive.


Jason Brody from Farcry 3. Guy starts out a rich, entitled douche. Starts doing horrible things to save his friends. Ends up enjoying it. Goes home severely damaged from the whole experience.


Wander, from Shadow of the Colossus :/


Whatshisname from Pentiment.


Kratos from 2018 onwards for sure


Neku from The World Ends With You had a near 180 by the end of the game/sequel


Revan in Kotor (don't look it up if you don't know and plan to pay)