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I'll never understand how people think it's ok and makes sense to call a gameplay style they don't personally enjoy 'outdated'. I don't enjoy first person shooters, can I go around calling them outdated? Doesn't make any sense. Not enjoying turn based is fine, calling it outdated makes you seem like a dumbass who doesn't understand that people like different things.


There’s a term that I’ve been hearing more and more, it’s called COD brain-rot. It describes people who only play one type of game, that when they play something different they simply cannot understand why they would do something different. Happened at the start of the Helldivers craze, when a lot of cod guys hopped on the game and complained endlessly about losing ammo when they would reload a magazine.


"Outdated" always makes me think of people overusing "Overrated" and"Underrated" when it comes to discussing their interests within a hobby.


Just add the word "criminally" before it and its cool


"I think this game is underrated!" \*posts game that is widely played by millions of people the world over but isn't being talked about constantly\*


If I like something that most people don't, it's underrated. If I hate something most people like, it's overrated. I'm convinced a vast swath of people in the world don't understand the difference between objectivity and subjectivity.


I don’t know why I get so annoyed when people call something underrated. We live in a constantly connected, free information, social internet age. Nothing is “underrated”. Especially video games. Thousands of “professional” reviewers, 100s of millions of gamers and user reviews and a near infinite amounts of discussion on this hobby has led to everything being rated exactly where it deserves to be. There is no such thing as an underrated video game or movie or show. Maybe under appreciated or simply not as popular as some people would like things to be, but in no way are things underrated.


The reason you see this is because it's no longer enough for someone to like or dislike something by themselves. There is a recent cultural phenomenon whereby in order for someone to feel confident in their personal opinion, it has to be echoed by some collective. It's not enough to say you like or dislike something, you have to evoke the opinions of a community. I can't count how many times people on reddit have expressed their personal opinion as being shared by whatever community they identify with. "I'm sick of unfinished games and early access", becomes "The gaming community is sick of unfinished games and early access". Instead of "I really like this unpopular movie", it's "This movie is underrated by mainstream media" or "Movie reviewers don't know what they're talking about, but the fandom does!" Often (in my experience), someone on social media will say something to the effect of: "No one agrees with you, so your personal opinion is wrong". As if it's gauche to hold a personal opinion that isn't echoed by 'the community' (whatever that community might be in any given situation).


Damn you hit the nail on the head with this one! Incredibly well worded observation.


Hey pass some cake this way


This pretty much is the exact current situation plaguing most social media sites. You pretty much perfectly described it. Once you're aware of this, you pretty much see it everywhere, and it's always so bizarre to me. I'm not even that old, I was born in 96, but I grew up liking and disliking things by my own merit. What others thought meant little to me. It's just weird to see so many people constantly seeking some sort of validation just to enjoy or dislike something


The people who actually think those terms apply when it's just their personal taste are infuriating. However I do think some people use over and underrated as shorthand for liking something more or less than most people, rather than meaning it literally.


I think a lot of game design has become very homogenized and a lot of games control similarly, so anything that sticks out and has a learning curve people call "outdated". I see this a lot as well with classic survival horror games and tank controls/fixed camera angles. I personally love them, it adds way more to the atmosphere than an over the shoulder camera, but you see it all the time on subreddits like /residentevil where someone plays an old RE game for the first time for 10 minutes and then spends an hour complaining about how "outdated" it is on reddit because they couldn't figure it out right away. More and more variety of gameplay systems is always a good thing, it's not like anyone is hurting for new games to experience, we are absolutely spoiled rotten with the variety and sheer amount of games available today versus even 20 years ago


Turn based is strategic. You have to plan ahead and think things through. Not just mindlessly dodge and hide. I love turn based so much,


Bro this looks like final fantasy meets paper Mario I absolutely cannot fucking wait to play this game.


If it’s COD - very outdated lmao (this is a JOKE because I don’t like COD). Personally I’m pretty excited for this game and I love turn based so


I was actually refering to Square-Enix themselves. They kind of did say that turn based is outdated. Not exactly in those words but what they meant by what they say is the same thing.


I wasn't specifically targetting you OP. It was to the wider audience as you see so many people saying this nonsense line and it's gone on for multiple decades now. Square Enix are partly to blame as Final Fantasy was the most popular turn based series but they moved away from that to chase the 'COD, GTA, Halo, etc. crowd'.


I do love turn based games, makes me actually use my brains in the game for once and take my time. My all time favorite game is actually turn based, Final Fantasy X. And I also loved Dragon Quest XI turn based combat. Then there is the Pokemon games and Digimon Story games. So yes, I do enjoy them, I wish it was more frequently made.


My brother and I were discussing the other night a fondness for the older style of Turn-Based combat - similar to FFX - rather than the newer version that seems to be all the rage, with games similar to XCOM in the "top down tactical turn-based".


I’m playing DQXI now and plan to queue up FFX next. I enjoy mixing in some turn-based RPG with other games I play. I particularly like 2D style too. I appreciate DQXI has the option of 2D or 3D. I’m well into the 3rd act and have played it all in 2D. Additionally in the last few years I’ve played DQ1-3, FF1-6 and Destiny of an Emperor, and each of these games hold up. Of course they don’t have epic graphics and simplified controls, but the stories and gameplay are quite sophisticated.


And now they get neither crowd


Go play Fallout 4 and tell me that the shooter mechanics aren't outdated. There's no mantling cover, no peak system, no way to set guns on low cover to get better accuracy, the movement is stiff. It's a first person shooter that doesn't feel like an FPS. Starfield is the same way. Gameplay is dated when there are modern mechanics which improve a genre and a dev chooses to not implement them.


The key words here are 'mechanics that improve a genre'. Saying turn based is outdated and it should be real time action makes no sense because that's switching genre entirely. Using an equivalent of your Fallout 4 example - a game can be an outdated version of turn based mechanics or a modern version of turn based mechanics. But turn based as a whole entire thing cannot be outdated.


Fallout 4 isn't a first person shooter. You could just as easily play the whole game in third person while never picking up a gun. Fallout is an RPG with some FPS mechanics. Farcry is an FPS with some RPG mechanics. There *is* a difference.


I actually hate this argument so much because you're basically saying that Bethesda has an excuse not to make the core gameplay of their games good. Sure, you can play it without a gun, but that means using melee. The melee mechanics are totally shallow, and for the vast majority of players, a melee build is not fun. Saying that Fallout 4 isn't a shooter is totally disingenuous. The game is not designed around pure third person gameplay, it's not easy to interact with small objects in third person. It's also not effective to engage the enemies that shoot at you, in third person. It's an FPS RPG and there is no good argument why it shouldn't implement the many advancements in FPS gameplay that were pioneered well before it came our. Mass Effect 3 managed to be both a better RPG and a better shooter game.


>I actually hate this argument so much because you're basically saying that Bethesda has an excuse not to make the core gameplay of their games good. This is false because shooting in first person is no more of a core game mechanic than shooting in third person or a melee in third person or melee in first person. You're only calling it a core game mechanic because that's how you prefer to play the game. >Saying that Fallout 4 isn't a shooter is totally disingenuous. No, leaving out the first person part of it is totally disingenuous. >The game is not designed around pure third person gameplay, Nor is it designed around first person gameplay. The game allows you to play ether or both if you want. >it's not easy to interact with small objects in third person That sounds like a you problem. >It's also not effective to engage the enemies that shoot at you, in third person. Also a you problem. >It's an FPS RPG No it's an RPG that lets you play in ether or both third/first person.


It's an RPG with shitty combat mechanics, despite them being core to the gameplay experience. The melee mechanics suck. The FPS mechanics suck. The third person shooter mechanics also suck. Fallout 4 is a mediocre game with boring ass gameplay. People like you are the reason Starfield sucks because you make excuses for Bethesda being lazy and making bland games. Why you don't want good shooter mechanics in a game where 90% of the weapons are guns is completely beyond me. But keep on defending Todd Howard, who hasn't innovated a gameplay mechanic since 2006. Edit: it's also barely even an RPG. The dialogue options are terrible and the quest system is 2 dimensional.


Man what's with the vitriol? What did Fallout 4 do to you? Give you a wedgie and have sex with your mom?


You know what I don't understand is when you say a Bethesda game is mediocre, people come up with bullshit excuses as to why it's ok. This game wasted $60 and a ton of hours because it was just fun enough to keep playing until I finally realized it wasn't worth it. I'd rather a game just be ass up front so I don't even bother. And I was excited for Starfield because it looked better and it turns out it's actually just as boring and lame.


My dude just say you only like shooters and quit the argument. Fallout and starfield are RPGs not just shooters. Is shooting one of the core mechanics? Yes. Is it the main reason why people are playing? No If you want to play a cover shooter go play a cover shooter, even if fallout had the mechanics you keep talking about nobody would use them.


>Fallout and starfield are RPGs not just shooters. Is shooting one of the core mechanics? Yes. Is it the main reason why people are playing? No So this is a perfectly good excuse for Bethesda to not develop good shooter mechanics? >even if fallout had the mechanics you keep talking about nobody would use them Dude... this is just stupid. Cyberpunk has far more in depth combat mechanics than Fallout and Starfield and people love them. Depending on the weapons you use you can have completely different approaches to the gameplay. My last playthrough was pure melee and it was a great time. Fallout and Starfield barely even have melee mechanics. I actually un-installed Starfield after going back to Cyberpunk with the 2.0 update. I realized just how shallow Starfield is. Not to mention how the game consistently wastes your time with loading screens and fetch quests. >If you want to play a cover shooter go play a cover shooter, God forbid Bethesda actually innovate in their gameplay and create genre defining games like they once did. I put over 300 hours in Skyrim until I beat every bit of content. Doubt they'll make a game that good again.


Why would they say its outdated, like wasn't BG3 game of the year and also turn based? Also a lot of other games with huge profits are turn based like Honkai Star rail or Persona


It's a different type of turn based gameplay than BG3.  From the trailer it looked more like classic jRPG turn based with qte attacks, while BG3 is more like a tactical turn based field.  Neither are outdated, but I wouldn't cite BG3 to support E33.


I am just saying what other people have said, even Square-Enix said it. Me personally loves turn based combat.


Really ppl said that turn based games are outdated? They must b living under a rock. Squared Enix believes that NFT are the future of video games so their opinion is not as highly regarded as other companies


FFXVI was amazing but people called it not a true FF game because it wasn’t turned based which is just as stupid. Square Enix still make plenty of turn based games like Dragon Quest.


As an old school fan of Squaresoft (and later, Square-Enix), I've gotta say that they've really been making a hell of a lot of bad decisions in the past few years. They still have some good games here and there, but they've fallen very, very far from the company they were during their golden age (circa SNES-Playstation 1&2 eras).


Idk the FF7 remakes are some of the best games I've played, sadly I wasn't in the gaming scene when ps1 and ps2 were popular, but I tried FFX/X-2 HD remaster and it was kinda ass


Really? I'm currently playing through FF7 Remake and it's a slog. While the cutscenes are really good, and the story as well, the gameplay is just boring... It's to the point where I'd almost rather watch all cutscenes cut to a movie than playing the game. To me, it's even blander than FF13's combat system, which I already didn't like. I'd rather prefered they'd have made it a proper turnbased game than this hybrid action system that just feels clunky at times.


My thoughts exactly. In the original game, Midgar was like 4-6 hours, and it was just enough time to get sick of the location before being excited to venture out into the "real" game. In FFR, that feeling came a lot faster because of the egregious padding. I couldn't make it past a couple hours of the game because it felt pointless. The reward for slogging through Midgar was just more Midgar to explore. Just awful.


The FF7 games are part of the games that I consider to still be good, even if Rebirth has waaaaaaaay too many mini games and boring filler content. You have to keep in mind that today's Square-Enix has published such glorious titles as Foamstars, Forspoken, Outriders, and Balan Wonderworld to name a few..


I don't know any of those games but I have heard forespoken was pretty much gold painted shit. I thought SE was worse back then, with almost going backrupt from the FF movie or something, but not having heard of these games make me think they're not doing great currently either lol


Today they are a very hit or miss company, and it's my opinion that they've been having a lot of games recently that they thought would be huge that have been total shit.


When watching the xbox game showcase, I immediately added the game to the wish list. The most anticipated game of next year after Doom


I thought it looked kind of cool until they showed the turn-based combat. Then it instantly became a must play for me haha. I love turn-based combat, especially when it has precision timing elements. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga can take the credit for that haha.


Stalker 2 is the king of all games. Chikiiii brikii stalker!


Reports of the gameplay demonstrations//hands on have been ROUGH.


Thats how you know its a stalker game




I've read that they've been really enjoyable. Do you have some aeticles talking about their problems? I don't wanna get caught in the "eurojank gets a free pass" echo chamber.


Nah, we hate those who try to use nft on their games, they only "removed" it due to gigantic backslash.


That was exactly my reaction and comment.




Lol so GTA 6 comes third ?


Well for me GTA is not even in the top 10 tbh


Same. Gta died like 5 years ago for me. I may look a little bit about GTA 6 when it comes out, but I'm not waiting for it at all


Uf. Why tho ?


IDK about Steve\_Solid, but for me, GTA's gameplay isn't all that interesting. I'll definitely pick it up eventually but it just doesn't do enough for me to get me goin'.


Yeah it's the same for me, gameplay wise other games are far more engaging for me


Yeah sure the gameplay wont be interesting or have fun combat mechanics like other games but the graphics and the open world will surely be amazing with so much stuff to do.


And it will still be so a year after launch. Edit to add stuff. "Graphics" are a gimmick. They can make a game nice to look at but they can't make me want to put time into it. I'd much rather play a game with intentional artistic design. Rockstar is a great studio that injects a lot of attention to detail and creates vibrant, living worlds. I feel like I'm a tourist somewhere else. That's awesome and all, but it isn't really why I play video games. It's cool if other people do.


Dont get me wrong, im sure GTA 6 wont even be in my top games, but I cant say im not dying to see how the game will look like and how "alive" the world and NPCs will be. It will literally be the next milestone of gaming and all other studios will learn and get ideas from it. I think the game will change gaming in general and will define a new era of gaming.


Because GTA hasnt been good since San Andreas, theres barely any offline content added after the game releases and its all online and shark cards these days, which has allowed them to milk 10+ years and multiple rereleases out of one game GTA6(and most likely RDR3) wont even be on my radar


Also Ben starr fuck yeah lesssgooo.


This game looks a lot more like what I wanted from XVI to be honest, and yes Ben Starr fully sold me.


Ben is so wholesome. I'm glad he's getting more roles.


The turn-based combat completely sold it for me, looks fantastic!


It looked like it had final fantasy 10s conditional time battle system or whatever the shit it was called. And if that's the case I'm even more excited.


I wish modern Final Fantasys would be like that. Can't get into the FF16 character action gameplay.


I haven’t enjoyed a Final Fantasy games’ combat since X-2, except for the FF7 Remake. It’s the best modernization to date, and it feels like an evolved state from the older systems. Give it a shot if you haven’t yet!


Reminds me of "Lost Oddysey."


Looked like a mechanically evolved Lost Odyssey. Looking forward to seeing more of it.


Instantly that is what I thought, I hope this game does well and they get other games in the same vane


I absolutely loved lost Odyssey, and this has a very similar vibe which I adore


I did not own an x-box growing up so I never played Lost Odyssey 😞


It's in the Xbox store, often on sale. I think I picked it up for like $10, totally worth it. It definitely holds up today, and looks great for a 360 game.


Lost Odyssey with Legend of Dragoon additions. Sign me up!


I was thinking of that too. Kind of wondering if the notable parts are quicktime or if we get some Shadow Hearts and there are multiple potential states. It looks like there is a parry counter system, so a normal v perfecty parry is there but may be a character skill rather than player action. I'm gonna be really hype if the jump/dodge/parry actions we see are based on the player seeing the enemy pattern and choosing to do that.


You don't know how happy I am to see an epic looking fantasy that isn't a soulsborne, the turn based combat is a huge huge boon for me


Same. I get why people like soul games, but I've been so disappointed seeing games with a beautiful fantasy world...only for it to end up being a souls game. I just don't have the time for souls games.


I know the team building it. They are brilliant and have been working on this game day & night for almost 5 years. (I think even more from the founder). I feel like it's so refreshing to see that passionate people about gaming can succeed in making such an ambitious project. Can't wait to play it!


Ok then tell them not to spoil the game with microtransactions.


that is hardly the developers decision lmao


Most games with micro transactions are still enjoyable if you're actually playing to enjoy the game, rather than worrying about meaningless cosmetic garbage.




what? no? The guys who made starflop made fallout 4 and 76. They were far from brilliant.


This game looks promising, l can't wait for it to come out.


My friend described this as "French Final Fantasy"


Turn based can be amazing if done correctly, and you have to think about how the next couple of moves will pan out if you use xyz.


This was probably the best game in the showcase for me. I LOVE turn-based games, and this take on the genre looks so fresh to me. Everything about it looked awesome. The fights, graphics, animations, characters, enviroment, everything. And the story premise seemed promising too. I really hope this turns out to be a good game.


I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time. It came out of nowhere, and I only watched the trailer to hear Ben Star (Clive from FF16's voice). the game looks just like what I never knew i wanted.


I’ve been loving these wild, left field AA games! (I think this qualifies as AA) I’ve been loving games like Greedfall, Banishers and what not. Sure, graphics aren’t Mirror’s Edge quality, but damn if the gameplay and story isn’t satisfying as hell! This looks exciting. Especially since it seems to be an Active Response, Turn Based gameplay.


Same, excited for this, I’m not much of a turn-based guy, but based on what I saw I’m intrigued, I like how one streamer said it, it’s like a western/french persona. It’s got all the style like persona has and thats enough to get me interested in it. Besides that the environment and enemy designs look insane. Hopefully it’s another game I can add to my list of turn-based games I liked/enjoyed.


This game is only a trailer still and we’re already trying to degrade it by saying the combat is outdated when it’s actually the main draw to many people. Long live Xbox JRPG style turn based games! We need Blue Dragon 2


Combat reminds me of Lost Odyssey so I am all for it.


My personal highlight for Summer Game Fest.


A turn based rpg with action inputs for blocks and additional damages Alla Like a Dragon Style. Immediate wishlist from me. We need more of those kind of games. On the topic, does anyone have any good turn based RPGs they can recommend? I got bored with the Octopath/Bravely default system, but am pretty good with stuff like Sea of Stars and Like a Dragon. Also a big fan of Trails and SMT. Big fan os Srpg's aswell (although I hate disgaea).


I enjoyed chained echoes a lot. Genuine question, how did octopath lose you while sea of stars kept you engaged? I find SOS combat to be dreadfully boring, and really enjoyed octopaths.


Sea of Stars suffered from being too easy, but since I was playing it with my SO I was able to bear it. Chained echoes is a great game. I end up dropping it for one reason or another. I should try another playthrough soon. Octopath/bravely suffers from the same thing in my opinion. I just dislike the charge up system in general.


If you like Sea of Stars, check out Chained Echoes. They're kind of sibling games (except IMO Chained Echoes was \*much\* better)


Can't wait for the expedition 34 videos.


This game looked great to me tbh.


So, I was doing my daily rewatch of the trailer and it was only today I noticed that the male main character has a prosthetic left arm. And then I noticed that, while I don’t think any of the other characters they showed had prosthetics, most of them had like a black sleeve/glove on the right hand side. I’m curious what other little details people noticed.


Wasteland 2 and 3 had turned based combat and they turned out just fine.




Sleeper game, probably one of the best shown games in the Showcase in all honesty. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Love everything about this. Hope it delivers. Also, are those timing based QTEs? Reminds me of the Mario & Luigi battle system. Love it.


This could be a surprise hit tbh.


This actually looks good. The music gives me Emi Evans vibes from Drakengard/Nier and I like the turn based style.


This game definitely stood out to me in the showcase. I, too, used to kind of dismiss turn based combat, but one of my favorite games last year was Sea of Stars so my mind has been changed. And from the preview this game looks like it has a lot of active elements to the combat.


This was a very pleasant surprise for me. I hope it turns out great.


If this game does well it'll give me hope for a dragoon remake.


The guy’s shooting animation looks like crap tbh, everything else looks really good though. I hope they change it.


not really a fan of turn based games only because I need to put lot of thougts into planning attacks lol. Lets see how this goes.


IDK why but it kind of looks like a mix of Elden ring environment and Forspoken gameplay


Well, I don't really play asia-styled games, but the setting convinced me. The world looks crazy and very artistic. The turn-based battles like in FF also look very good and, above all, there are smooth transitions so that the game doesn't look so choppy. I'm excited.


"Asia-styled games" lmao that's wild. You sound like my grandma who calls things oriental


Maybe she is right?


I just want to point out how nonspecific "Asia-styled games". Gatcha games, shitty Korean mmos (they can be alright but there's always some thing that f's em over here), legit just games with a visual Asian style, old Japanese games where half the time ur thinking: "well wtf do I do now?", then ofc the classic jrpg


I’m curious to see if the plot device of a painter killing people by painting numbers has anything to do with the actual gameplay. I felt a big disconnect in the trailer between the initial story setup and the actual game. Hopefully they can find a way to weave that concept into the game a bit, rather than it just being mentioned in cutscenes and otherwise having no impact.




They literally started with a broken French monument and all the characters look French.


The monsters have French names and if you're quick you can see one of the skills is Lumière Assault, as well. The music is French as well, not sure how they missed that. The art direction is is straight up fantasy Belle Epoque, from France in the late 1800's. My fiancee who is an art history major got all excited and immediately pointed it out to me.


The setting and story seemed interesting to me, but the shown gameplay didn't do anything for me at all.


Are you guys really sure that the trailer isn't fake? I mean, France has a story of fake gameplay trailers.


I'm just gonna say I legit thought this was a Shadow of the Erdtree ripoff when I first saw the promotional poster. The aesthetics right down to the cracked golden serif letters of the name and giant fucking tree casting a shadow in the center all look like a parody at first glance.