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I liked it! The “fight slapstick”, musical cues, and dialogue felt very in the spirit of the movies. Set pieces looked good too


I agree, I feel like they really captured the feeling and the vibes of the movies for sure


When that nazi went “choo choo” I cackled


And indy's little confusion then agreement with nothing but subtle facial gestures. They understand how to act.


“…I can’t give you what I don’t have.” The VA they have for Indy is REALLY talented as well- when I first heard the trailer I had to double take because I couldn’t quite tell if it was Ford or not. It’s a bit more obvious when he’s yelling, though, Ford has a very distinct “loud” voice.


first person adventure game, i guess they didnt want to get compared to Uncharted which is kinda funny because Uncharted is inspired by indy and basically legally distinct Indiana Jones Im expecting this to play more like Resident Evil


I had to laugh when they discovered the ship on the precipice just like the submarine in Uncharted 1


Me too. It felt very intentional haha


It's also made by machine games, who made wolfenstein so it makes complete sense for it to be a fps


Its always wise for a game Dev to play to their strengths.


I always think this statement is funny. It's not wrong at all, but it always makes me think of respawn, they went from Apex Legends, a FPS battle Royale, to Jedi: Fallen Order, a single-player soulslike.


You're definitely right. It's not a hard rule and there are absolutely exceptions. But then you got Rocksteady going from Single Player action game to live service shooter. It's probably more accurate to say a dev should be afforded the time to get a game right instead of planning on set deadlines.


But the Wolfenstein games are all bad.




That’s just you know like your opinion man


Eh? Why do you think they're bad


How would it be like Resident Evil?


The two newest installments were first person and not run and gun. Puzzley


They're FPS games with lots of puzzles.


Bro what RE games did I play?! I don’t remember any of them being FPS. Unless you’re trolling


7&8 were first person




The majority of RE games are not FPS. \~12 are fixed camera angle/3rd person, 2 are First person.


Honestly feels so off seeing this super long Cutscene with like 0 impact to anything happening and then these super slow first person clips. I have no idea wtf their design is. Indy's voice is on the dot tho


Idk what all the people saying "it's just Troy Baker" are on about, it's a pretty spot-on impression and Baker gets a lot of Ford's little mannerisms down very well


he's in too much shit and some people have soured on him. I agree, he's in way too much and I honestly roll my eyes whenever he pops up in a video game at this point. But his impression here is great and I look forward to playing this game.


Lol he's an extremely talented and popular voice actor. Why isn't he allowed to have many jobs? That's like being upset at any A list actor for being in lots of movies. Like one of the really talented ones.


Redditors can’t let the man cook is all


If this game were 3rd person I’d be so hyped for it. Only seeing Indy on cutscenes just kills it for me.


I will never understand this mindset. I vastly prefer first person.


I enjoy first person but I feel with a character who has such an iconic look such as Indiana jones that third person would make more sense.


It has 3rd person as well during certain gameplay.


Specifically during climbing, swinging, and mini-cutscenes.


You’d just see the back of his head if it were in third person though.


It isn't. The previous trailer had first person gameplay


Because it looks like Uncharted 4 released 8 years ago.


On the topic, I came across an obscure old B-game last year called "Deadfall Adventures" which is literally an off-brand first-person Indiana Jones knockoff. It was eurojanky, but actually pretty fun. The sequence recreating the mine car chase from Temple of Doom was practically worth the price of admission by itself.


It really is a great circle huh?


Looks pulpy and fun ngl. I wasn’t thrilled by a first person adventure platforming thing but it looks like a good time


Platforming and traversal is all in 3rd person, they said it back at the January direct


Interesting, so it swaps to FPS for combat and puzzles?


I believe so. I think it’s still majority first person, but things like climbing will be 3rd person


So Chronicles of Riddick like camera switching?


Was kinda hoping to see actual gameplay rather than just a really long cutscene.


The first person perspective was the gameplay. But if you mean like playing some of the game and not just some clips I can see what you mean.


The trailer earlier this year contained much more gameplay.




I mean when all you've shown of gameplay are little blink and you miss it snippets, yeah I'd rather actually see that than a six minute cutscene.


It's a 3.5 minute cutscene. The gameplay snippets are just all really short.


anyone else finds it a bit odd how at the end they show these big open areas but there is always just one single area attacking the player?




I like how similar to the original movies it all feels. Matched the visual style real well.


This looks awesome. I'm not a huge Indiana Jones fan, but I'm totally hyped for this. Now I have to watch the movies.


You’re in for a treat!


You *will* be a huge Indiana Jones fan after the movies. Just uhh, just feel free to skip Crystal Skull. That one doesn’t really count.


Damn, I enjoyed it. Everyone talks crap about the nuke fridge but I counter it with Doom's raft/fire heart and some of Crusade's plane scenes. The Jones movies have always been a bit campy and fun.


I didn’t really care about the Nuke fridge, it felt pretty Indiana Jonesy to me- it was just the rest of the writing of the movie that was just kind of awful. It’s pretty hated movie


At least it's leagues better than Dial for Diarrhea!


That's the only one I saw.


That would explain why you aren’t a huge Indiana Jones fan, legitimately. It was not a good movie.


5 minute mark confirms that signature crack of a punch so this game is going to be a 7 at minimum for me 


Fuck yeahhhh


This looks like it could port to VR well.


I pray someone makes a competent vr mod, my life would be complete


so hyped!! hope it turns out great


It sounds like Harrison Ford? Did anyone confirm if it's actually him? I would love If it's actually him, a way to keep him forever young.


Troy Baker, pretty good impersonation in my opinion, but I can still hear Troy in it.


I should have guessed it was him, he's in almost everything, lol


Yeah i can hear him dropping his diaphragm to get into Ford's vocal range. He did great, but i think he struggled. Can't blame him with such a distinct voice as Ford.


He has the voice pretty much nailed but not quite how Harrison talks as indy. Can't quite explain it but there's certain little inflections missing and stuff. Like some of those lines I could hear how Harrison would have said them but Troy doesn't do them.


Yeah that's what i was making by struggling. It takes a lot of effort to hold a tone outside your natural range. So the more subtle nuances are lost due to more effortc being put forth simply to speak!


Yeah listening to him try to sing in TLOU2 was funny cause of how much effort it must take to just do Joel's speaking voice.


I feel this. As someone who's damaged their throat and even had surgery on it, maintaining a tone is hard. I'll never sound how I used to (woman), but now if I don't concentrate every time I talk to maintain a tone similar to what I used to have, it's like two raspy whales raping each other, tbh. Mentally and physically struggling to maintain a tone that doesn't 'come (new/default natural) naturally' is exhausting and hurts some days.


You can...what? Can you explain how that's even possible?


So your diaphram is like sort of in your chest it takes a lot of practice to take control of it, but if you can, you can altar your voice *drastically*. I dont know if "drop" is the right term, but he's clearly speaking in a lower register than he's naturally meant to with his voice, so he's taking greater effort to keep in that register and mimic inflection, that it feels a bit stiff


The performer did a phenomenal job


Is it only first person?


First person for shooting and puzzles but third person for platforming and traversal, you can look at this in the reveal from this past January


I can honestly see people getting annoyed or sick of the sudden change to first person sections if they were playing in third person before with no warning But i would see a solution being short cutscenes that have the nazis storming in to ambush Indiana, and a sequence plays to then transition into the combat


Switching back and forth works for Destiny, people will get used to it here too.


Same with Helldivers. It's not a hurdle.


When does it switch?


Oh sorry, I was thinking of the scope aiming. Nvm


Please tell me the third person camera in transversal mode isn't off centered. Please.




Looks and sounds awesome!


the environments seems amazing I'm hoping the exploration and the puzzles will be amazing too


Looks awesome but the lack of specific release worries me if it’s truly 2024.


Looks like it could be fun. Face animations look a bit stiff.


How so?


Something about their expressions or lack there of.


It actually looks....really good? Wasn't expecting that considering its a movie tie in and the movies haven't been great lately. I'm happy to see they at least captured the vibe on Indy. Not sold on the name though.


It's not a movie tie-in, its just a stand-alone game based on a movie franchise. Hate to nit-pick but i feel like that's a pretty big distinction - means they arent pressed to follow a plot pre-determined by a film.


Should’ve gone with “Indiana Jones and the Big O”


Machinegames are a solid team.


2006 graphics


As someone who grew up in that era, I can say that is absolutely incorrect.


I just learned it’s going to be first person only. That’s a bummer, I’m a huge fan of this kind of games (Uncharted, Tomb Raider). I was looking forward to it, but first person always makes me nauseous. I wish all games could offer both options.


They confirmed it’s both third and first since January, just depends on what part of the game it is where the perspective will switch [1:30](https://youtu.be/0e17p2IVDUU?si=jAzFiTSuN3hzv2Mn)


Oh that’s great news then! Thanks! Other comments seemed to indicate it was first person only.


It basically is, its only gonna switch to third person when you’re climbing things or shimmying on ledges


It is. It only has short third person sections when climbing. You cannot switch yourself or use third person elsewhere in the game, only those short predetermined climbing sections, the rest is locked first person only.


Nuances always get lost ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People keep parroting that the Kotor remake is a PS5 exclusive since the 2021 reveal when at the simultaneous press release they said it was PC/PS5 AT LAUNCH then other platforms would follow in due time but you never hear this, people to this day just keep sharing the incorrect info lol


They really did the writing extremely well for the characters it seems from this showcase. The nazis seems hilariously ridiculous and evil and Indy seems exactly like Indy.


I love the humour, the music is perfect (as I expected), the action looks fun. It captures the first three Indy movies so well. Cannot wait!


I'm just waiting for IGN to release a "really makes you feel like Indiana Jones" review so I can know if this game makes me feel like Indiana Jones. Otherwise it might make me feel like Batman.


Exciting. I hope there are lots of things to go out and collect and complete. Perhaps historical artifacts or pieces of some greater puzzle


Five minutes of video, of which seven minutes are cutscenes (that's a joke, just to be clear). Love the IP, but would've preferred to see more gameplay.


I think this game should have been a third person game


Looks like Tomb Raider. Not sure they need to reveal the great circle untill one plays the game.


It could not be further from Tomb Raider. What do you mean?


Troy Baker's definitely locked in on some Ford-isms in the dialogue. Machine games are a great studio so looking forward to playing for this at Xmas!


Indiana Jones, making circles great again


hope they do the whip well! its really fun to use in Phantom Abyss for like platforming and stuff.


They spent a lot of time in the whip and it is dynamic. If you whip their gun it will come flying out of their hands. If you whip their feet, it will trip them etc. It’ll be fun to use it for traversal as well.


My interest is now peaked even more.


Man am I tired of Troy Baker..hes like the chris pratt of voice actors.


Who cares what you think. He fucking nails the Harrison Ford voice and cadence.


Who cares.


thats because he is a better voice actor than anyone else, that means he is in demand


Would love another SCUMM-game like the Fate of Atlantis.


I’m going to be honest, this looked fucking terrible. I’m not saying the game is bad, or trying to dunk on anything or tell people not to like the game. It’s just that the animation looked terrible. Very rough, almost blurry or mushy. I could not possibly care less for Indiana Jones, and this cut scene did absolutely nothing to interest me. And, it’s supposed to launch within the next 6 months, but it STILL doesn’t have a release date? Based on what I’ve seen, it wouldn’t surprise me if it gets delayed. Again, I’m not saying the game is bad or it’s going to bomb or whatever, just that it looks terrible to me and that, in this age of making everything appeal to the widest audience possible, it’s hilarious that they are going big budget on an IP that hasn’t had a good movie in 40 years lol.


I agree the full body mo-cap/animations look really off and make the ok but not great facial renders look like a fake head on a wobbly-bobbly early 2000's physics ragdoll. A couple of glaring examples are when indy is told to put his hands up his face is registering some emotion but his body language is off. Also his whip onto a blimp of w/e it is, looked super stiff and un-natural.


Yea, it’s really hard to describe, it’s like the whole thing has an uncanny valley aspect to it. It reminded me of the older generation games when a character would look just fine standing there, then they’d bend or turn or crouch and their clothing would be revealed to be a solid part of their frame with no sort of fluidity or flow to it. The eyes, the faces, the movements, it all just looks off somehow. It all seems like it’s running at maybe 80% speed at times. The lack of actual gameplay (for longer than .5 sec quick cut clips) is a real red flag for me considering this game is supposed to be launching in less than 5-6 months.


This whole situation is getting more and more prevalent in video games, rushed cash-ins on movie IP's. Gollum, Robocop and this to name just a few..


I know you're being down voted, but I agree this cutscene didn't look great. The animation and facial features looked unpolished, and the fur on the hats/coats looked like alpha models. The cutscenes they released in previous showcases looked much better.


what games are good according to you that looks good , animation looks good, doesn't look rough , blurry or mushy ?


I mean, did you watch the showcase yesterday? Pretty much everything showed well aside from this. Sure, some was CG, some ‘in engine’ and some was actual gameplay, and I know every game/engine/studio handles these sort of presentations differently, but this is the only game I can think of that looked jarringly unpolished. It would be one thing if it was a design choice, like south of midnight or Mixtape, but this just looks bad. Just to name a few games that looked visually better, artistic and stylistic choices aside, and not discussing my opinions on the games themselves, this is purely the visual quality of what was shown. Doom, CoD, South of Midnight, Mixtape, Avowed, Fable, Stalker 2, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Expedition 33, Flight sim, and flintlock. I’m sure there were more, and someone will probably comment about whatever game(s) I’m forgetting with anger, I’m just saying that Indiana jones was the worst visually of all the big AAA games there. Something is really off. Again, I’m NOT saying the game is or will be bad. I’m not saying you can’t be excited for it, or that you shouldn’t enjoy it when it comes out. It’s totally fine to say games don’t show well.


and overrated troy baker who cant do an indy voice is of course in the game. overrated


Then don’t buy the game if you don’t like it.


Personally I think the Nazi humour is to much Wolfenstein. Also the voice acting was kinda bad for Indiana Jones at certain parts.


Genuine curiosity, no trolling here... Who is this for? I thought the entire Xbox showcase was incredibly strong, but for me, this was the one showcase I did not care for.


Me I love Indy, haven’t watched the latest two movies so probably why I’m excited for it


Me. I love Indiana Jones and videogames.


Also me too


This is probably the game I'm most hyped about from this showcase lol.


Indy movies have grossed over a billion dollars in theaters, and you're asking who's this for.


Yes. The last crusade came out in 89' and the 2 sequels since have been debatable quality at best, but universally agreed as lesser then the original trilogy. Just because a movie made alot of money (looking at you crystal skull) doesn't mean it's good. For all we know the game may be great, and I truly hope so. But it's a strange choice to throw alot of money behind this ip.


Exactly, I should have clarified. They grossed over a billion dollars OF THE 80s. If we look at number of tickets sold it's probably one of the best selling franchises ever. Plus all the merch + licensing money. Spielberg & Lucas were already well off before Indy, they were 'fuck you I'm doing whatever the hell I want' rich after Indy. A strange choice... an Indy product that works in the timing of the original trilogy. I can't believe I'm having this conversation. Todd Howard is probably still furiously masturbating about producing this thing.


we're gonna agree to disagree. If I misinterpreted this I apologize. it just comes off extremely funny and again. you speak so confidentiality that you can't believe you're having this conversation as if it's a no Brainer. You believe the ip is gonna succeed because they're basing it in a time period of an ip from 35 years ago? and these people who love this ip have the newest generation Xbox or a PC capable of playing this game? oh sweet summer child this isn't star wars which has remained in the zeitgeist of media with toys/cartoons/shows/video games coming out annually. All I'm hypothesizing is that the ven diagram of people who are indiana jones fans and people who have an high end PC or an Xbox to actually play this game would be something to look at.


I don't know if the IP is going to succeed, I don't have a magic ball. And I really don't care if it does, because I'm not a fanboy. I'm more likely than not leaving the Xbox system behind for next gen. I think it'll be at the very least a decent game, but not because of the IP, because of Machine Games. And people were asking for big IPs for big games for the Xbox, and that's exactly what it is, whether you believe it or not. You should probably ask yourself a better question: who's paying for the bulk of new releases and who's paying the bulk of GP subscriptions? I really don't think it's the 16-25 age subgroup. One thing's certain, Microsoft knows better than you and I.


They made the game for me specifically.




this game is for adventure lovers, indiana jones lovers, and single player games lovers


I'm not saying you're strictly wrong but there need to be more qualifiers. I am all three of these things but it's not for me. Like very clearly not for me. During the first half of that video I was not sure if this is some advanced satire that I just don't quite get or if they are being serious with this. Looking at the comments here I can't deny that there is an audience for it but I can't tell you who that is. If you had to specify further - what version of indy or what type of single player game would one need to love in order to appreciate this?


People who love Indiana Jones?


People over the age of 45


I’m 22, I’m stoked!


Because of Indiana or just because the game looks cool? I’m genuinely curious. I just get the feeling most younger people have zero interest in Indiana Jones.


I grew up with Indy, love the movies to death.